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Name: Katherin Braida

Date: 02-06-2014
Group: 1
School: #22 La Teja
Time: 80- 90 minutes
Number of Students: 23 students
Aim(s): To practice speaking and revise some vocabulary connected to the thematic unit My family.
Goal(s): To have an appropriate classroom management and to engage students with the activities.

Stage Timing Procedure
Warm up 5 The teacher writes on the board: Different types of .. and
asks students to say letters to form the missing word
(hangman), this is done in order to practice their pronunciation
of the alphabet and to present the topic of the lesson.
Activity 1 15 The teacher presents 6 pictures on the board but they are not
shown to the students (facing the board). In order to discover
what the pictures are like, students have to make predictions
about what the families in the pictures are like.
Do you think the persons in this picture are tall or short? Thin
or fat? How many are they? One? Two? Who could they be?
What do you think?
As students answer the questions, they get to see the different
families that those pictures show and they are asked about the
physical appearance of the people there, their possible role in
the family and whether their family is similar to some of the
ones in the pictures. In this way, students predictions are
confirmed or not.
Transition: Now we are going to work in twos, I will give you a
letter; if you are A you will be work with the B that is to your
right. All the A are interviewers and all the B are interviewees,
and when you finish you change roles. The interview will be
about your families, and you have to find out the information
that is missing in the chart that I will give you.
Activity 2 20 Now students have to work in pairs, they are given a letter that
assigns them their role in the interview they are going to do. A
chart with different items is provided to them so that they know
the information they have to get from their partner. When the
interview is finished, students change roles and do it again with
the information of the other partner.
Activity 3 Students are asked to create a text about their partners family,
they will need to practice her/his/she/he. I want to change this
but I do not know what to do, maybe something spoken but
Closure Students raise their hands to answer to teachers questions
like the following: Who lives with his/her father and mother?
Who lives only with her/his mother? Who lives only with her/his
father? Who has this kind of family? (Pointing to the pictures
on the board), Who lives with her/his grandparents? etc.

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