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The employer is ultimately responsible for the safety of all persons on board
However immediate responsibility for the overall safety of the ship and of
those on board rests with the master.
Under him each individual member of the ships crew has a duty to ensure
safety in those matters within his own control, whether supervising or carrying
out a task, or in reporting or remedying defects, which might impair safety.
Safety official includes
safety officer
safety representative
members of the safety committee
The M. S. regulations Safety officials and reporting of accidents and dangerous
occurrences! are to be followed by all ships U"! having a crew of more than five
e#cept non$sea going vessels, fishing vessels, off shore installations and pleasure
The employer or the company must appoint the safety officer on board every
The person chosen should be interested in occupational safety and in
undertaking the appointment.
He should have the suitable training and the knowledge.
He should be an adviser on board ship and an assistant to management.
He should be able to recogni%e the importance of the safety officers &ob. He
should appreciate that the safety officers duties are to be performed in
addition to his &ob.
a! 'n ships carrying ($)* crew
) safety representative
b! 'n ships carrying )( + crew
) ratings safety representative
) officers safety representative
,! 'n ships carrying more than -. ratings
) officers safety representative
) deck crew safety representative
) engine crew safety representative
) catering crew safety representative
). 't shall be the duty of the safety officer to use his best endeavors to ensure
that the provision of the code of safe working practices and safety policies are
complied with/
0. 1ill strive to improve the standard of safety consciousness among the crew.
-. 'nvestigate2$
a! 3very accident resulting in death, or in ma&or or serious in&ury, as
as defined in the Merchant Shipping 4ccident 5eporting and 'nvestigations!
b! 3very dangerous occurrence/ and
c! 4ll potential ha%ards relating to occupational health and safety/ and make
recommendations to the master to prevent the recurrence of an accident or to
remove the ha%ard2 provided that the duty to investigate shall not e#tend to
accidents arising from a casualty to the ship/
6. 'nvestigate all complaints by crew members about occupational health and
safety unless he has reason to believe that a complaint is of a frivolous or
ve#atious nature/
*. ,arry out occupational health and safety inspections of each accessible part of
the ship at least once every three months or more fre7uently if there have
been substantial changes in the conditions of work/
(. Make representations and, where appropriate, recommendations to the master
and through him to the management about any deficiency in the ship in
respect of2$
a! 4ny legislative re7uirement relating to occupational health and safety/
b! 4ny relevant Merchant Shipping 8otice/ or
c! 4ny provision of the ,ode of Safe 1orking practices,
9. 3nsure so far as possible that safety instructions, rules and guidance are
complied 1ith/
:. Maintain a record book describing all the circumstances and detail of all
accidents and dangerous occurrences including the date, the persons
involved and the nature of the in&uries suffered! and containing all statements
made by witnesses thereof recommendations to prevent future similar accidents
or dangerous occurrences, details of other investigations, complaints and
inspections under paragraphs 0! and -! above and any representations and
recommendations made under paragraph 6! above together with the outcome
;.Make the records kept under paragraph :! above, available on re7uest to any
safety representative, to the safety committee, to the master and to the
)..Stop any work which he reasonable believes may cause a serious accident,
and immediately to inform the master or his deputy who shall be responsible for
deciding when work can safely be resumed/ this does not apply to an emergency
action to safeguard life or ship
)).,arry out an occupational health or safety investigation or inspection re7uired
by the safety committee2
Safety representative may<..
). =articipate, sub&ect to the concurrence of the safety officer, in any of the
investigations or inspections carried out by the safety officer under regulation
*, or, after notification to the master or his deputy, undertake similar
investigations or inspections himself, whether or not such investigations or
inspections have already been carried out by the safety officer/
0. >n behalf of the crew on matters affecting the occupational health and safety
of the crew health and safety of the crew he represents2$
a!,onsult with the master, his deputy and the safety officer and make
recommendations to them, including recommendations to the master that any work
which the safety representative believes may cause an accident should be
b!Make representations through the master to the management/
c! 5e7uest through the safety committee an investigation by the safety officer of any
such matter/
-.'nspect any of the records re7uired by regulation * to be kept by the safety
). 't shall be the duty of the safety committee to use their best endeavors to
ensure that the provisions of the ,ode of Safe 1orking =ractices are complied
with, to improve the standard of safety consciousness among the crew, and
a! Make representations and recommendations on behalf of the crew to the
employer on matters affecting the occupational health and safety of the crew/
b! 'nspect any of the records re7uired by regulation to be kept by the safety
c! 3nsure the observance of the companys occupational health and safety
policies and to make recommendations for their improvement/
d! ,onsider and take any appropriate action in respect of any occupational health
and safety matters affecting the ship and its crew, reports accidents on board
the ship, Merchant Shipping 8otices and other publications relating to
occupational health and safety issued by ?overnment or by safety
organi%ations and similar bodies, and any new legislation on occupational
health and safety.
e! "eep a record of their deliberations, conclusions and any representations
made to the master or his deputy, of the replies thereto, and of any action
resulting there$from.
0. 'n performing the duties set out above, a safety committee may re7uire the
safety officer to carry out any occupational safety inspection they consider
necessary and to report his findings to them.
't shall be the duty of the Master to facilitate the work of the safety
officer@representative@committee in carrying out their occupational health and safety
functions, and in particular to2
). =rovide access to necessary information, documents, MS 8otices etc.
0. =ermit occupational health and safety inspections of the whole or part of the
-. 4llow the safety officer and safety representatives such absence from ship
duties without loss of pay as may be necessary to enable them to fulfill their
functions, or
6. Aisplay the Safety ,ommittee Meeting 5eport on the ships notice board.
*. 5eceive representatives@recommendations from the safety officer, safety
representatives, and safety committees that certain work should be suspended
for reasons of safety. Aiscuss these representations, and implement any
agreed measures as soon, as may be reasonable and practical.
Safety committee meetings can be held as scheduled or unscheduled safety
committee meeting. But it should be held scheduled so that all departments
can plan their &obs and every body on board will be ready with their
suggestions and views as re7uired.
4ll crew and officers should be encouraged to discuss any safety problems
with safety representatives during the meeting.
4ny suggestions to enlighten others on board should be welcomed.
't should be well understood that the safety is not a waste of time but it is
prevention of accidents.
Meetings should be held at an interval of 6 to ( weeks or any time before
critical operations like dry$docking etc or subse7uent to any accident, in&ury or
dangerous occurrence unscheduled safety meeting!.
Holding of regular meeting is a good method for keeping staff informed and
providing liaison matters relating to/
a! the general operation of the ship
b! safety
c! maintenance
=referably the safety meeting should be held monthly and people should be allowed
to speak freely regarding safety, suggestions should always be welcomed and given
importance. 't remains the responsibility of the senior officers on board to create
such an environment.
4s far as possible the duration of the meeting should be restricted to one hour,
should be held at time when it is convenient to people.
C 4genda for the safety meeting should be produced and displayed on notice
board well before the meeting.
The minutes of the safety meeting should be recorded properly.
C Minutes of the meeting should be sent to those persons who attended the
meeting and to others as re7uired.
The safety meeting should be including/
Dast safety meting reports and the minutes.
Safety officers report.
Safety representative observations.
Aiscussion@instruction on any safety related topic.
4ny near misses or accidents from the time last meeting held.
,irculars from the company to be discussed.
Briefing on amendments to SMS, forms, checklists etc.
SMS review, proposals if any.
4ny non$conformity to be discussed and its closing date if any.
Schedule of ne#t meeting.
'f the agenda is short, the meeting may be supplemented by a safety training
video or a demonstration of an item of safety e7uipment like the breathing
apparatus, o#ygen resuscitator etc.

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