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Time for Change

I want to give the world a written message which will expand upon my talk from yesterday on
It was an unusual message for me( in that I included many philosophical and moral points which are the
!asis for what you might call our spiritual way of life It is the foundation for what )other/*ather +od
have called The True ,ay Since we !egan to give you these messages through many )asters( there
has !een no guide!ook( no -Bi!le. which you could refer to which captures the essence of our point of
view I have given written messages like -The Course in )iracles(. !ut we find it is overly complex
and detailed for most people
-The /ew Scriptures. I dictated through 0athryn were intended to !e the outline for further
understanding I wish to continue those writings with greater detail( and more real life examples for
people who struggle with day to day decisions It is a time of great change( powerful energy shifts( and
important choices for every living !eing on the planet 1es( animals( insects and even plants make
choices in their own way( whether individually or as a group( and all are now making important
decisions as to the future of their experience on 2lanet 3arth and their relationship with humankind
4et us !egin at the !eginning It will come as a surprise to many that the human species did not !egin
on 2lanet 3arth( !ut is a com!ination of several races of humanoid !eings from other planets who gave
their 5/6 to com!ine what was hoped to !e the !est of all possi!le 7ualities ' a !eing who is truly
made in the image of our Creator This is your potential( the destiny you were created for
1our 5/6 carries within it the a!ility to expand into a crystalline'!ased lifeform( to transmute
yourselves into multi'dimensional !eings who can move through space and time into higher
dimensions It is a process which is well underway 1ou are !eing helped !y the influx of high
vi!rational energy from the Central Sun as well as the skillful )asters on the ground who are directing
and managing this process of activating human capa!ilities and reactivating your planet8s higher
dimensional crystal energy sources
6ll is proceeding according to plan( gradually lifting all ' )other Terra and all her inha!itants ' into a
higher level of existence Since you are sentient !eings with free will( you will have many choices to
make concerning your participation in this greater process 1ou will !e helped !y the rising energies
which encourage 4ight'filled life choices( !ut you will not !e lifted against your will In fact( there is
much a !eing can do to resist the changes( to prevent their own ascension( and much you can do to
accelerate it
,e wish to help you with these choices( with the understanding that words alone cannot provide the
feeling information you need *or this reason( we im!ue all these messages with our higher
dimensional loving energy( which you will feel even more when you listen to the voice messages I have
left for you The archives carry the energy 9ust as hearing them in the present does( !ut words alone
cannot guide you to Truth 1ou must feel your way( referring always to the deepest part of your heart(
where your soul connection provides direct contact to us through the portal in your !rain near the
pineal gland 1our pineal gland is the engine for a!sor!ing 4ight and converting your 5/6 to its more
sophisticated crystalline -operating system. :ere lies a ma9or key to your future as higher dimensional
,e have descri!ed to you -The 4ucifer 2ro9ect. which was purposefully designed to offer humankind
the greatest possi!le challenges( within the duality of 4ight and 5ark The 5ark ;nes who came with
the intention of taking over 2lanet 3arth were allowed to remain for a time( creating the conditions you
have struggled against It was( as I have said( your wish to try to regain a foothold yourselves In the
process( you learned to hold on to your *aith( your attraction to 4ight( and your loving hearts This(
Beloved ;nes( is the success we now cele!rate
1ou were not a!le to defeat the Ca!al alone( !ecause they do not a!ide !y <niversal 4aw 1ou were not
willing to completely adopt their tactics and their destructive intentions in order to win at their game(
inside the )atrix( as you might call it This is to your credit 1ou have learned well that the end does
not 9ustify the means 1ou have had to maintain your integrity even at the cost of death( and you are
discovering through many lifetimes that death is to !e feared less than selling your soul for profit
1ou are( !y now( well aware of the interference !y the 5ark ;nes in every area of your lives: the
imposition of fossil fuel use !ecause it is more profita!le than more 3arth'friendly free energy= the use
of toxic chemicals and pesticides to grow large amounts of inferior food( at the cost of depleting your
soil and fouling your water and air= the mistreatment of animals( and the promotion of animal protein as
a food source= the development of medical practices which promote disease rather than curing it 6ll
these systems( and more( were deli!erately designed to interfere with the transition to crystalline form(
and therefore to interfere with your 6scension
It is now your responsi!ility( Beloved ;nes( to look to your way of life to understand the complex we!
of 5arkness which has tainted every facet of your social and political structures( the methods you use to
manufacture and !uild( and the ways you have adapted yourselves to a life of struggle and enslavement
1ou( Beloved 4ightworkers( are the ones who will help to guide your !rothers and sisters out of this
complex interconnected system of dependencies which the Ca!al has created to keep you( literally( in
the dark for thousands of years
;f course( the enslavement gained momentum with the invention of money and the a!ility to use it to
amass wealth and power and there!y control the resources on the planet which sustain life for all The
rest is familiar to those who are willing to acknowledge that the effect of these activities ' the
degradation of the planet and all upon it ' was in fact the purpose ;nly !y stepping !ack( seeing the
entire picture with your third eye( your intuitive understanding( and your a!ility to o!serve all without
pre'9udgment are you a!le to see the Truth
The higher dimensional view allows one to o!serve all the currents within the river of time which have
led to the present state of affairs 5o not hesitate to peer around the corners of the o!stacles which have
!een deli!erately placed to o!scure your vision Shine your light into the shadows and the su!terranean
hiding places where secret societies and secret governments have plotted against the 4ight in their
efforts to defeat +od( and humanity8s loving heart which is +od 5ig up the evidence and !ring it to the
4ight( for all to see In this way( you will literally -un'3arth. the leftover thought'forms which linger in
your midst
There is no place in the new +olden 6ge for the old ha!its and thought'forms which defined life on
3arth since -The >deli!erate? *all. thousands of years ago( which !egan during the 4emurian
civili@ation 4ucifer and I will provide further messages in the weeks to come to help you understand
your own part in the creation of the plan that was courageously initiated to provide humankind with the
ultimate test of *aith which would prepare you for your destiny as leaders of the cosmos To reach the
level of integrity and knowing in the deepest reaches of your !eings( you were literally forged in the
fire which is life in duality !ehind the Aeil( separated from your heavenly family
6ll must !e cleared away now( all must !e acknowledged( given recognition as the dark challenges
which caused us to strive so hard together to !ring !ack the 4ight In doing so( we cele!rate our
strength and our deep connections to one another and to +od
This long path through darkness into 4ight has created the great love we now share with our
courageous comrades ' the soul family which sustains and supports us every step of our way ,e are
and have always !een the +alactic *amily of 4ight( preparing ourselves here on our !eloved 2lanet
3arth for our destiny as leaders of the 4ight( the representatives of +od8s True ,ay
1ou are now at a cross'roads 1ou will !e put into the position of having to use your deepest
connections to your :igher Self and +od in order to see the intention !ehind actions( the motivation
that leads people to do destructive and distur!ing things 1ou are often told to follow your heart( !ut
what if your heart seems to !e confusedB 5ear ;nes( hearts are never confused 1ou can !ecome
confused when you listen to the words instead of allowing your heart to guide you through the
confusion( no matter how impro!a!le the ultimate explanation
In my channeled message through 0athryn this week( I presented you with a difficult dilemma 1ou are
!eing asked to open your minds to reconsider choices you may have felt strongly a!out( and to listen
carefully to discern which motives are pure and which are not Remem!er( 0athryn was chosen as the
one to channel my /ew Scriptures after years of rigorous training It is not o!vious to you( !ut I assure
you that our conversations are not only for the purpose of pu!lication She has !een on intimate terms
with us for years now( and knows well who is speaking to her !y our energies 6nother item of interest
is that her trainer and mentor through years of testing was *ather +od
The primary reason that 0athryn was chosen for these messages was that she vowed to us years ago
that she would pass on whatever we say to her as channeling regardless of the impact on herself or her
personal feelings a!out a message This has generally not !een an issue since she knows us( trusts us
and our methods well( and we rarely ask her to carry a message which will cause pro!lems for her This
week has !een an exception in that the message she carried for me put her in a very difficult situation(
in opposition to those she has loved I regret this( !ut know that all will !e revealed soon and will
!ecome clear for all of you
Remem!er that now is the time for your optimal growth( for profound change and complete shifts in
the !elief systems you have held all your lives Truth must !e revealed= Truth will !e spoken This is
not an easy path to follow( !ut it will lead to freedom for all humankind 6waken( Beloved ;nes 1our
time has come 4et us walk firmly( with steady steps( into a future which is !uilt from higher
consciousness( greater awareness( deeper heart connections( and the will to remove all from our path
that is not of the 4ight
This challenge( at this time( is not simply a!out feeling good It is a serious struggle for some( a wide'
awake effort to remain steady in the face of powerful opposition from unexpected 7uarters Cling to the
truth that love is ever compassionate( generous and kind( !ut it does not mean we !ow to those who
threaten or try to distract us 6gain I encourage you to turn away from revenge( em!race forgiveness(
and you will create a new arena in which to !uild your /ew Tomorrow
I love you !eyond words(
I am your Sananda( ever in your service
Transcri!ed !y 0athryn 3 )ay( Cune "'D( "#$%( E 2)
2ermission is given to copy and share this message( providing it is given in its entirety without
additions or deletions( and credit is given to the channel and to the we!site( wwwwhoneedslightorg

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