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1) 724.998+24.048+ 14.954=?

(1) 8
(2) 13
(3) 2
(4) 10
2) (848.999+274.052) 3.0054=?

(1) 940
(2) 836
(3) 184
3) 18.5% of 425 + 16.2% of 388 =?

(1) 141
(2) 224
(3) 116
(4) 183
4) Find out the wrong number.529 841 961 1296 1681 1849 2209

(1) 1296
(2) 841
(3) 961
(4) 1681
5) Find out the wrong number 13 14 27 45 68 109 177

(1) 27
(2) 109
(3) 45
(4) None of these
6) 12% of 840 x 0.25% of 148 =?

(1) 37.296
(2) 101.17
(3) 68.432
(4) 97.046.
7) The area of a circle is.1386 sq cm. What is the circumference of the circle?

(1) 142cm
(2) 160cm
(3) 130cm
(4) 132 cm
8) Sridhar invests Rs 3,750 in shares, which is 25% of his monthly income. What is his monthly income?

(1) Rs 12,000
(2) Rs 15,000
(3) Rs 10,000
(4) Rs 16,000
9) A shopkeeper sells 200 metres of cloth for Rs 9,000 at a profit of Rs 5 per metre. What is the cost price
of 1 metre of cloth?

(1) Rs45
(2) Rs40
(3) Rs35
(4) Rs30
10) A bus covers a distance of 172 kms in 4 hours. What is the speed of the bus?

(1) 52km1hr
(2) 47km1hr
(3) 43km1hr
(4) 38 kmIhr

Workind Days
4) A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many
days will A alone finish the work?

A. 31 days

B. 25 days

C. 27 days

D. 29 days

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : C.

If A takes x days to do a work then B takes 2x days to do the same work.
--> 1/x+1/2x = 1/18
--> 3/2x = 1/18
--> x = 27 days.
Hence, A alone can finish the work in 27 days.
5) Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do the same job. How long it take
both A & B, working together but independently, to do the same job?

A. 40/9 days

B. 40/7 days

C. 7.5 days

D. 8.5 days

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : A.

: A's one hour work = 1/8.
B's one hour work = 1/10.
(A+B)'s one hour work = 1/8+1/10 = 9/40.
Both A & B can finish the work in 40/9 days
6) X can do of a work in 10 days, Y can do 40% of work in 40 days and Z can do 1/3 of work in 13 days.
Who will complete the work first?

A. X

B. Y

C. Z

D. None of the above.

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : C.

Whole work will be done by X in 10*4 = 40 days.
Whole work will be done by Y in (40*100/40) = 100 days.
Whole work will be done by Z in (13*3) = 39 days
Therefore, Z will complete the work first.
7) A can do a piece of work n 7 days of 9 hours each and B alone can do it in 6 days of 7 hours each. How
long will they take to do it working together 8 2/5 hours a day?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : A.

A can complete the work in (7*9) = 63 days
B can complete the work in (6*7) = 42 days
--> As one hours work = 1/63 and Bs one hour work = 1/42.
(A+B)s one hour work = 1/63+1/42 = 5/126
Therefore, Both can finish the work in 126/5 hours.
Number of days of 8 2/5 hours each = (126*5/(5*42)) = 3 days
8) A can do a piece of work in 80 days. He works at it for 10 days & then B alone finishes the remaining
work in 42 days. In how much time will A and B, working together, finish the work?

A. 23 days

B. 25 days

C. 30 days

D. 33 days

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : C.

Work done by A in 10 days=10/80=1/8
Remaining work=(1-(1/8))=7/8
Now, work will be done by B in 42 days.
Whole work will be done by B in (42*8/7)=48 days
Therefore, A's one day's work=1/80
Bs one day's work=1/48
(A+B)'s one day's work=1/80+1/48=8/240=1/30
Hence, both will finish the work in 30 days.
9) A and B are working on an assignment. A takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while B takes
5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers
to type an assignment of 110 pages?

A. 5 hours

B. 6 hours

C. 7 hours

D. 8 hours

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : D.

Number of pages typed by A in one hour=32/6=16/3
Number of pages typed by B in one hour=40/5=8
Number of pages typed by both in one hour=((16/3)+8)=40/3
Time taken by both to type 110 pages=110*3/40=8 hours.
10) A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in half the time taken by A. Then, working
together, what part of the same work they can finish in a day?

A. 1/5

B. 1/6

C. 1/7

D. 1/8

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Answer / Explanation :

Answer : B.

Given that B alone can complete the same work in days = half the time taken by A
= 9days
As one day work = 1/18
Bs one day work = 1/9
(A+B)s one day work = 1/18+1/9 = 1/6

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