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Hong Kong Red Cross

Health & Care Service Department

Standard First Aid Certificate Course
Self-test questions

1. What should the first aider consider before entering the disaster scene?
A) Number of victims
B) Condition of victims
C) Number of first aiders
D) Check for scene safety

2. What do we call victim’s condition observed by the first aider?

A) History
B) Signs
C) Symptoms
D) All of the above

3. The order for treating multiple victims is:

A) suffocation, severe bleeding, shock, fracture
B) suffocation, shock, severe bleeding, fracture
C) severe bleeding, suffocation, shock, fracture
D) severe bleeding, shock, suffocation, fracture

4. The normal pulse rate of an adult is ______ per minute.

A) 40 – 60
B) 50 - 70
C) 60 – 100
D) 70 – 90

5. The normal respiration rate of a child is ______ per minute.

A) 10 – 15
B) 15 – 20
C) 20 – 30
D) 30 – 40
6. Which of the following sentence is not applied to the endocrine system?
A) the system consists of glands
B) the hormones are entered into blood through ducts
C) the system produces hormones
D) the system regulates the body functions, growth and nutrition

7. The primary survey includes:

1. checking for any fracture
2. checking the level of consciousness
3. checking for any severe external bleeding
4. checking breathing
5. doing body examination
A) 123
B) 234
C) 345
D) 1234

8. Blood color is deep and emerges from the wound is:

A) Venous Bleeding
B) Artery Bleeding
C) Capillary Bleeding
D) Internal Bleeding

9. Which of the following is not the signs and symptoms of severe bleeding?
A) pale or bluish skin
B) dry skin
C) rapid breathing
D) rapid and weak pulse

10. Which of the following is not the method used by first aider to stop bleeding?
A) Brachial artery pressure point
B) Direct pressure on bleeding site
C) Elevate injured limb
D) Use bandage to tie the upper position of injured site firmly
11. To apply pressure at a pressure point to control bleeding, you should not apply for
more than ______ minutes.
A) 12
B) 15
C) 18
D) 25

12. The signs and symptoms of shock in the early stage are:
A) fast and shallow breathing
B) altered level of consciousness
C) cool and clammy skin
D) rapid pulse

13. A person vomits coffee -like vomitus after drinking strong liquor and confused, he
probably with:
A) Stomach bleeding
B) Intestinal bleeding
C) Lung bleeding
D) Haematuria (urine with blood)

14. The sign of a penetrating chest wound is:

A) multiple rib fractures
B) with the flow of fluid from the wound
C) paradoxical breathing
D) an open chest wound

15. If a victim’s body is under compression for a long time, the victim may suffer from
A) Renal failure
B) Liver failure
C) Pancreas failure
D) Spleen failure

16. Treatment for foreign bodies in eye is:

A) Remove the foreign by rubbing the injured eye vigorously
B) Use plenty of water to irrigate the injured eye from inside out
C) First aider keeps blowing air to victim’s eye
D) Keep strongly blinking of eyes
Case study (Question 17 – 18)
John working in the berth for more than 30 minutes has not been back to the deck. When
you call him, he does not answer.
17. What should you do immediately?
A) call for help
B) go to the berth to look for him
C) give no help
D) think what to do for 3 minutes

18. After John was rescued and placed on the deck, he has no response and his left
lower leg is bleeding. You should:
A) stop bleeding
B) do the body examination
C) elevate the injured site
D) check the level of consciousness

19. A child fell from a slide. When you check for his level of consciousness, he can only
answer simple questions and obey simple commands. His level of consciousness is:
A) alert
B) verbal
C) disorder
D) painful

20. A child falls down from bus and head hits to the ground, you found the child looks
pale, cold and clammy skin upon inspection and cannot recall accident; you
diagnose him as:
A) Fainting
B) Brain Concussion
C) Cerebral compression
D) Shock

21. Which of the following can be resulted from Flail Chest?

A) Sucking Chest Wound
B) Deep and Swallow Breathing
C) Flushing
D) Paradoxical movement at the injuried site
22. Which of the following is the key principle for managing unconscious victim?
A) Maintain victim’s consciousness
B) Comfort the victim
C) Maintain victim’s airway patency
D) Keep the victim warm

23. The advantage of recovery position is:

A) To enhance victim to restore consciousness
B) To let the victim more comfortable
C) To facilitate monitoring victim’s breathing and circulation
D) To prevent vomitus flows backwards

24. Which of the following is not the sign and symptom of suffocation?
A) Cyanosis of lips, conjunctiva and face
B) Deep and noisy breathing
C) Profuse sweating
D) Loss of consciousness

25. Victim who suffered from cyanosis, the color of their lip, nails, lower eye lid and
face color will change to:
A) Greyish white
B) Blue
C) Pink
D) Black

26. Which of the following(s) are the sources of dry burn?

1. fire
2. hot oil
3. sunlight
4. steam
5. electricity
A) 1
B) 13
C) 134
D) 135
27. We can pour water onto the wound to reduce temperature when treating burns;
however should stop in the following situation?
A) Victim is conscious
B) Victim trembles
C) Victim expresses pain
D) Pour water more than 1 minute

28. A victim has more than 10% redness and swelling on the chest after scald by steam,
what is the victim’s degree of scald?
A) 1st degree ( superficial burn )
B) 2nd degree ( Intermediate burn )
C) 3rd degree ( Deep burn )
D) Unclassified

29. What is the estimated percentage burn area for victim suffering from burn on the
left upper arm, left lower leg and the chest?
A) 30%
B) 27%
C) 22.5%
D) 18%

30. Causes of fracture include:

1. Direct force
2. Indirect force
3. Muscle pull
A) 12
B) 123
C) 23
D) 13

31. A young man committed to suicide by drinking a half bottle of kerosene, what
should you do?
A) to use your finger to sweep his throat to stimulate him to vomit
B) to give him abundant water
C) to give him a half bottle of milk to dilute the kerosene
D) to give him nothing to drink, only maintain his breathing and signs of circulation
32. The most dangerous consequence of cardiac disease is
A) Bleeding from heart
B) Extreme pain
C) Restlessness
D) Cardiac arrest

33. Which of the following are not supposed to do in handling victim with Epilepsy?
A) Put soft material inside the victim’s mouth
B) Protects the victim to avoid injury
C) Let the victim lie on ground
D) Put dangerous goods aside

34. Which of the following is not a correct management for hypothermia victim?
A) Move the victim to indoor
B) Give victim alcoholic
C) Remove all wet or damp clothing
D) Do not use hot water bag to warm up a part of the body

35. Which of the following is not the sign and symptom of heat exhaustion?
A) Flushed face
B) Rapid and weak pulse
C) Normal body temperature
D) Cold and clammy skin

36. The treatment for snake bites is:

A) to use ropes to bandage above and below the injury
B) to cut the wound
C) to stop the victim’s movement, wash and bandage the wound
D) to assist the victim to walk to a safe area

37. A youth goes to hike, at that time temperature was 34. The youth suddenly faints
on the way with cold and wet skin, looks pale, the lower limb convulsions, the pulse
is quick and weak, and you suspected he is:
A) Heat Stroke
B) Heat Exhaustion
C) Fainting
D) Stroke

38. Treatment for insect bite includes

1. Sips the wound with mouth

2. Use name card to scrape away the sting

3. Apply cold compress to the wound

4. Wash the wound with water

A) 23
B) 34
C) 123
D) 234

39. The unarmed transporting method is not suitable for:

A) Urgent rescue sickness
B) Transporting victim in short distance
C) Victim is conscious and without bone fracture
D) Victim with suspected vertebra injury and the scene has no danger

40. The piggy back carry suits for carrying:

1. weak and old victims
2. children
3. unconscious victims
4. heavy victims
5. victims for a long distance
A) 123

B) 124

C) 125

D) 235

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A
9. B 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. B
17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. C
25. B 26. B 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. D
33. A 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. C

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