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Practical Exercise No. 2.

Preparation of Terrarium
A terrarium is a glass bowl of 2530 cm diameter having an air tight lid. Plants are
grown in this bowl and bowl is then termed as terrarium. If instead of a bowl as
mentioned above a glass jar or a bottle is used then it is termed as jar or bottle
gardening. However the rincile remains the same. !hus these are miniature
greenhouses in which small landscaes are lanned.
In a terrarium when lants are laced it becomes an enclosed environment as the
lids are alwa#s closed. Plants reare their foods through hotos#nthesis in
resence of water and carbon dio$ide and give out o$#gen. !his o$#gen is used in
resiration during which carbon dio$ide and water in the form of vaour is
released out. Although resiration ta%es lace at night& the carbon dio$ide released
from resiration is used u in hotos#nthesis at da# time. 'aours then again form
water b# condensation and this water is absorbed in b# the soil again and thus
rec#cling of carbon dio$ide& o$#gen and water ta%es lace in the bottle.
- Containers(" )lass bowl with an air tight lid or glass bottles of various shaes and
si*es ma# be used .
" Instruments(" If bottles are narrow mouthed then a few self made instruments are
needed but in wide mouthed bottles wor%ing is eas# with hands onl#. +oon
attached to a stic%& emt# cotton reel& wire ,thic%-& songe or cotton or funnel& stiff
aer gravel & forces& rubber tube sra# ,for watering-& umbrella stic%& small cor%
,of a bottle-& .lade& 500 ml lastic wash bottle& 5cm aluminium angle& wire to
reare instruments b# hands.
- Plants(" /rotons& Pilea& 0racaena& 1erns& Peromea& .egonia& Phetonia& 2realis&
/hloroh#tum ,sider lant-& +elaginella& etc. 1or big bottles 3aranta &
Aglonema & 0ieffenbae%ia& Aralia& etc. can be used4 but as the# grow ver# fast the#
re5uire regular runing.Plants should be semishade loving and avoid flowering
lants because the# need direct sunlight for flowering.
" Soil:- )arden soil& cowdung manure& leaf mould manure& sand& eat moss&
charcoal bric% owder& etc. 6ogen and .avistin ma# be used to sterili*e the soil to
be used to avoid infection b# insect est or fungus.

.efore using an# container it should be thoroughl# washed and then rinsed with
fungicide and esticide containing dilute solutions . !hese should then be dried in
sunlight before use. Plants to be used should also be died and rinsed in the same
wa# as above just before lanting.A comost is made of e5ual arts of good garden
loam& leaf mould or cowdung manure& Peat moss and sand. !his comost should
be sterili*ed to revent fungal growth. 1irst a 2.5 cm la#er of a mi$ture of crushed
charcoal ,which hels to %ee the soil sweet- and gravel in e5ual roortions is
laced for drainage. Add this la#er with the hel of the funnel made u of stiff
aer.7ow the comost soil mi$ture made earlier is made slightl# moist and oured
inside with hel of a long tube funnel. +i*e of this la#er deends on the height of the
container and the t#e of lants used. After soil is oured in& it is moulded into
desired landscae with the hel of the for%. A sloing comost offers increased
disla#. A 25 litre bowl needs 5"8 cm drainage material and 90"92 cm of comost
soil la#er .:ith hel of soon attached to the stic%& its are reared at desired
ositions. 7ow with hel of long handled tong forces the lants are laced into
.efore lanting& the lants are sra#ed or immersed in fungicide and esticide
solution .
Planting is referabl# done from outer eriher# and big lants are laced on
bac%side and small lants on front side. A soil is firml# ressed using bottle cor%
attached to steel rod. !hen ut little water with the hel of sra#er or oil bottle to
remove ever# bit of soil stic%ing to the side of the container .Avoid e$cess watering
and wie the dust on the container with hel of the songe. !he bottle is then
covered with a lid.
fter care ("
!he container should alwa#s remain covered& once lanting is done. However in the
interval of 2 months& bottle must be %et oen for 2"3 hours& for sul#ing fresh air.
:hile oening& bottle must be covered with cloth to revent infection. :atering
should be done onl# after wilting of the lants. 0uring watering add fungicide and
esticide and li5uid manure to water. ;ight is necessar# for bottle garden but direct
sunlight is harmful. +o %ee the bottle where more sunlight is available. 0ead leaf or
overgrowth from a lant can be removed with the hel of the stic% to which a bro%en
ra*or blade is attached. A stic% with some cotton at one end soa%ed in alcohol is
inserted in the bottle to brush against insects if an# .

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