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Job Responsibilities:

1. Physical Stock Count

1.1 On Every Wednesday before 1.!"p#$ to check the %ranch Stock Sheet of
branches$ &o#e O'ce Warehouse and (ain Warehouse and ensure that counted
)ty for all ite#s*batches are co#pletely keyed in and rectify any error found +ith
branches*Warehouse Supervisor.
1. ,o send the Master Inventory Report to all branches$ &o#e O'ce Warehouse
-ssistant$ Warehouse Supervisor$ Sales and (arketin. ($ (arketin.
Co##unication ( by every Wednesday before /.!"p#.
1.! ,o follo+ up +ith %ranch*Warehouse Supervisor to sub#it stock reconciliation for
all ite#s +ith stock variance durin. the physical stock count by every Wednesday
before /.!"p#. ,o record the stock variance value after reconciliation in the Stock
0ariance (aster Record.
1./ ,o check the accuracy of the stocks reconciliation prepared by branches$
&o#e O'ce and (ain Warehouse and rectify any error found +ith the
%ranch*Warehouse Supervisor on any error found by ,hursday before /.!"p#.
. Warehouse ,ransfer
.1 ,o revie+ the +arehouse transfer re)uisition prepared by branches and ensure
that branches re)uest su'cient stocks to top up the stocks on hand to 1.5 month
inventory 1 #onths for 22 %ranch3$ before the re)uisition approved by Operations
. ,o rando#ly check the +arehouse transfer prepared by (ain Warehouse to
branches especially +arehouse transfer to 22 branch.
.! ,o check and deter#ine any ac-hoc warehouse transfer due to
#is#ana.e#ent by branches*Warehouse and record the ac4hoc +arehouse transfer
in -c4hoc Warehouse ,ransfer (onitorin. Record.
!. %atch and 5nventory Control
!.1 6pon receivin. of ship#ent fro# Shaklee 6S*Japan$ to verify the lot nu#ber and
e7piry date stated in the Ship#ent Receipt a.ainst the lot nu#ber and e7piry date
stated in the Packing List and physical products received and report to Operations
!. 6pon receivin. the re)uest to start sellin. any new batch fro# &o#e O'ce
Warehouse or branches$ to check the (aster 5nventory Report and ensure that no
branches is holdin. high inventory for old batch.
!.! ,o revie+ the (aster 5nventory Report every 8riday and
9 Ensure no branch is holdin. lo+ inventory. ,o re#ind the respective branch to
raise +arehouse transfer for the ite# +ith lo+ inventory.
9 :eter#ine any batch has reached stop sell #onth and report all stop sell batches.
9 :eter#ine +hether there is any ite# out of stock due to #is#ana.e#ent by
branches or Warehouse and record the out of stock in Stock Out (onitorin. Record.
9 :eter#ine any ite# is havin. less than / #onths inventory and report to
Operations (
9 :eter#ine any potential e7cess inventory and report to Operations (
!./ Every (onday before /.!"p#$ to check the non-sales inventory transaction
recorded in the syste# by all branches$ &o#e O'ce and (ain Warehouse 1fro# last
(onday to Saturday3 a.ainst the respective Product Re)uisition and -d;ust#ent
8or# and rectify any error found +ith %ranch*Warehouse Supervisor.
!.< ,o check the +arehouse transfer transaction record by branches and ensure that
the )ty recorded by the issuin. branch is tally +ith the )ty recorded by the
receivin. branch and rectify any discrepancies found +ith both issuin. and receivin.
!.= ,o record the error inventory transaction found in the 5nventory Error (aster
!.> ,o ?le a copy of Products Re)uisition and -d;ust#ent 8or# and Warehouse
,ransfer 8or# by branches and ensure no #issin. for#. -ll cancelled for#s #ust be
/. %ranch Operations
/.1 ,o assist the Operations ( in branch auit!visit and prepare the -udit
Report +ithin one +orkin. day after the branch audit*visit.
/. ,o assist the Operations ( in ans+erin. the custo#er co#plaint*
en)uiries pertainin. to Warehouse and @o.istic for+arded by Custo#er Service
<. Ship Orders :elivery
<.1 On daily basis$ to list all ship orders for the day before in the Ship Order
(onitorin. Record by copy all ship order details fro# the listin. 1softcopy3 provided
by (5S.
<. ,o re)uest consignment note for all ship orders and record the consi.n#ent
note nu#ber for each ship order in the Ship Order (onitorin. Record.
<.! ,o check and record the delivery status of all ship orders in the Ship Order
(onitorin. Record.
<./ ,o contact the courier service provider if found that: 4
9 -ny consi.n#ent is not out for delivery on the ne7t +orkin. day.
9 -ny consi.n#ent is not received by custo#er on the ne7t +orkin. day and ensure
that the order is delivered +ithin +orkin. days fro# the date the consi.n#ent
collected by the courier service provider. ,o infor# Custo#er Service :epart#ent on
the delay +ho shall contact the custo#er
<.< ,o prepare the Ship Order -nalysis Report on #onthly basis.
=. -ny other assi.n#ent received fro# the superior fro# ti#e to ti#e.
Job Re)uire#ents:
4Candidate #ust possess at least :e.ree*:iplo#a in @o.istics*Supply Chain Studies
or e)uivalent.
4-t least ! year1s3 of +orkin. e7perience in the related ?eld is re)uired for this
4(ust have physical stock count and inventory e7perience.
4&ave de#and plannin. e7perience.
4Preferably Senior E7ecutives specialiAin. in @o.istics*Supply Chain or e)uivalent.
4Pleasant personality +ith .ood inter4personal and co##unication skills.
4-ble to +ork independently +ith #ini#u# supervision.
4Self4#otivated and co#puter literate.

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