Indian Railways Revenue Earnings From April To June 2014

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Indian Railways Revenue

Earnings during April - June 2014
Commodity-Wise Freigt Revenue o! Railways
"oes up #y $%&& ' during April-June 2014
The Indian Railways have generated Rs. 24541.96 crore o
revenue earnings rom commodity!wise reight tra"c during
#pril!$une 2%14 as compared to Rs. 22&95.55 crore during the
corresponding period last year' registering an increase o &.66
per cent. Railways carried 26&.6( million tonnes o commodity!
wise reight tra"c during #pril!$une 2%14 as compared to 256.&9
million tonnes carried during the corresponding period last year'
registering an increase o 4.24 per cent.
)ut o the total earnings o Rs. (1*6.&% crore rom commodity!
wise reight tra"c during the month o $une 2%14' Rs. *5**.%4
crore came rom transportation o 41.5& million tonnes o coal'
ollowed +y Rs. &%%.4% crore rom 9.91 million tonnes o iron ore
or e,ports' steel plants and or other domestic user' Rs. &6%.14
crore rom 9.25 million tonnes o cement' Rs. 696.&5 crore rom
4.5& million tonnes o oodgrains' Rs. 4(1.9( crore rom *.6*
million tonnes o petroleum oil and lu+ricant -.)/0' Rs. 515.14
crore rom *.2& million tonnes o .ig iron and 1nished steel rom
steel plants and other points' Rs. 421.&% crore rom *.(4 million
tonnes o ertili2ers' Rs. 11*.41 crore rom 1.22 million tonnes o
raw material or steel plants e,cept iron ore' Rs. *&*.96 crore
rom *.96 million tonnes +y container service and Rs. 54%.1(
crore rom 5.92 million tonnes o other goods.
Indian Railways Revenue Earnings up #y (%4)
' during April - June 2014
The total appro,imate earnings o Indian Railways on originating
+asis during 1st #pril 2%14 to *%th $une 2%14 were Rs. *66&4.1&
crore compared to Rs. **499.5* crore during the same period
last year' registering an increase o 9.4( per cent.
The total appro,imate earnings rom goods during 1st #pril 2%14
3 *%th $une 2%14 were Rs. 24(5%.*& core compared to Rs.
2*214.6% crore during the same period last year' registering an
increase o &.%5 per cent.
The total appro,imate revenue earnings rom passengers during
1st #pril 2%14 3 *%th $une 2%14 were Rs. 1%15*.6( crore
compared to Rs. (&24.65 crore during the same period last year'
registering an increase o 16.*( percent.
The appro,imate revenue earnings rom other coaching
amounted to Rs. 1%11.*5 crore during #pril 2%14 3 $une 2%14
compared to Rs. 9&2.5( crore during the same period last year'
registering an increase o *.99 per cent.
The total appro,imate num+ers o passengers +oo4ed during 1st
#pril 2%14 3 *%th $une 2%14 were 21%*.*5 million compared to
1959.&* million during the same period last year' registering an
increase o &.** per cent. In the su+ur+an and non!su+ur+an
sectors' the num+ers o passengers +oo4ed during #pril 2%14 !
$une 2%14 were 1222.61 million and ((%.&4 million compared to
11%%.6* million and (59.1% million during the same period last
year' showing an increase o 11.%( per cent and 2.52 per cent

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