BJ0048 MQP

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Model Question Paper

Subject Code: BJ0048

Subject Name: Advertising
Credits: 2 Marks: 70
Part A (One mark questions)
1. ____ is an extremely strong form of communication. However when it comes to advertising,
it is not very useful
A) Radio
B) Smell
D) Silence
2. _____ defines strategy as the art of deploying available resources to attain objectives in the
face of active opposition.
A) Piyush Pandey
B) Leo Bogart
C) David Farbey
D) Leo Tolstoy
3. _________ is more important than knowledge: Albert Einstein
A) Imagination
B) Imaginary
C) Insight
D) Visualization
4. Posters are forms of ____ advertising.
A) Political
B) Street
C) Public
D) Outdoor.
5. CPM stands for ______
A) Cheese Per Milk.
B) Cost Per Mille.
C) Communist Party of Marxists.
D) Cost Per Minute.

Part B (Two mark questions)
6. Just because you are buying a full-page print ad doesnt mean you have to fill the entire
page with text and images. That would result in ___ and distract the reader. ___ is just as
important to your print ads as the copy you write.
A) Design error, Zero space
B) Ad-Clutter, blank space
C) Crowd, Empty space
D) Ad-clutter, white space

7. ____ Theory suggests that people are motivated to act based on the ____ they assign to
people, things and events.
A) Structuration, Meaning
B) Symbolic Interaction, Meaning
C) Standpoint, Importance
D) Spiral of silence, Aura
8. ___ is an appeal to emotion and ___ is an appeal to logic.
A) Pathos, Logos
B) Rhetoric, Logos
C) Aesthesis, Logos
D) Pathos, Logarithms
9. ___ ad: an ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.
___ ad: a full page ad that appears before a user reaches his original destination
A) Banner, Video
B) Wallpaper, Interstitial
C) Pop up, Pop under
D) Floating, Interstitial
10. According to the basic advertising measures, from ___ an ad industry group, an ___ is the
count of a delivered basic advertising unit from an ad distribution point.
A) CPTM, Hit
B) CPM, Impression
C) FAST, Impression
D) FAST, Hit
Part C (Four mark questions)
11. Match the following:
1) Public Relations
2) Direct Marketing
3) Personal Selling
4) Advertising
a) Face to face interaction
b) Non-personal promotional activity
c) Aimed directly at target customers
d) Promote positive image

A. 1- b, 2- d, 3- a, 4- c
B. 1- d, 2- c, 3- a, 4- b.
C. 1- d, 2- b, 3- a, 4- c.
D. 1- c, 2- a, 3- d, 4- b.

12. The professional copywriter usually develops a concept, sometimes called the copy
platform, which is a clear statement of the copy ___, ___ and ____
A) Copy-platform, focus, methodology,
target audience
B) Blueprint, Target audience,
Purpose, Methodology
C) Idea, target audience, focus,
D) copy-platform, objectives, focus,

13. Match the following.

Set I
1) Communication Accommodation
2) Expectancy Violations Theory
3) The Narrative Paradigm
4) Cultivation Analysis
Set II
a) Examines how nonverbal
messages are structured
b) Argues that humans are
storytelling anumals
c) Argues that media plays and extremely
important role in how people view their
d) Examines the underlying motivation.

A) 1- d, 2- c, 3- b, 4- a.
B) 1- a, 2- d, 3- c, 4- b.
C) 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c.
D) 1- a, 2- c, 3- b, 4- d.

14. In web advertising, an ad is almost always a ___. The most common of it is ____ pixel wide
by ___ pixel high. Smaller sixes include 125 by 125 and 120 by 90 pixels. These and other
banner sizes have been established as standard sizes by the _____

A) Banner, 468, 60, Internet Advertising
B) Banner, 468, 75, Constitution
C) Banner, 480, 80, Internet Advertising
D) Banner, 468, 60, Advertising Council
of India

15. The artistry of advertising lies in the ability to manipulate ____ and ____ in order to ___ and
___ people

A) archetypes, imaginations, inform,
B) emotions, ideas, instruct, persuade
C) symbols, ideas, inform, persuade
D) symbols, decisions, confuse, cheat.

Answer Keys
Part A Part B Part C
Q No. Ans Q No. Ans Q No. Ans
1 B 6 D 11 B
2 B 7 B 12 D
3 A 8 A 13 C
4 D 9 B 14 A
5 B 10 C 15 C

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