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Mammoet Australia Pty, Ltd

Unit 7, 1376 Lytton Rd

Hemmant, Queensland 4174




CONTRACT N0. 0C0002567



Rev Date Description Prepared Checked & Client

A Sept 2008 Issued for Use JF MR FWW
B Nov 2008 Revised for Approval JF MR FWW
C Jan 2009 Issued for Construction JF MR FWW
Woodside Burrup Pty, Ltd Doc: MA-000IAMP201
Pluto LNG Project Issue: B
Indigenous Affairs Management Date: Nov 2008
Plan Page: 2 of 6

Table of Contents

1. Purpose……………………………………………………..3
2. Indigenous Affairs Management Plan……………………...3
3. Administration……………………………………………...3
4. Audit………………………………………………………..3
5. Non Conformances…………………………………………4
6. Reporting…………………………………………………...4

Attachment A
Project Organisation Chart
Woodside Burrup Pty, Ltd Doc: MA-000IAMP201
Pluto LNG Project Issue: B
Indigenous Affairs Management Date: Nov 2008
Plan Page: 3 of 6

The purpose of this document is to define Woodside’s Indigenous Affairs expectations for
the Pluto LNG Project and how Mammoet will participate.

Woodside has made commitments within its “Indigenous Community Policy” (ICP) to assist
Indigenous people to compete effectively for employment and to secure commercial
opportunities to participate in the project.

Indigenous participation activities aim to:

• Increase levels of indigenous employment in the direct workforce and also as a

contractor in the Mammoet workforce.

• Increase the number of indigenous businesses contracted to carry out works either
as main contractors or subcontractors


This document is the Mammoet Indigenous Affairs Management Plan (IAMP) that shall
define & address the following:

Targets for local Indigenous employment;

The target set by Mammoet based on our maximum work force has been set at 5%
target for employment of Indigenous personnel.

Actual opportunities for local Indigenous businesses;

Mammoet does not plan to use any subcontractors on the Pluto contract. However
several Indigenous companies provide services in the Pilbra region. Mammoet will
ask for quotes for various services when required through these company’s.
Mammoets contact at this date have only been with ‘Pilbra logistics”.

Management’s commitment and level of engagement in Indigenous Affairs;

Mammoets commitment and level of engagement will be to pursue the target

employment percentage, through the all means available & where necessary obtain
advice and help from the FWW Indigenous Participation manager.

Roles & responsibilities for the implementation for the IAMP;

Responsibility for implementation of the IAMP shall be the Mammoet Project
Woodside Burrup Pty, Ltd Doc: MA-000IAMP201
Pluto LNG Project Issue: B
Indigenous Affairs Management Date: Nov 2008
Plan Page: 4 of 6

Roles & responsibilities for the implementation for the IAMP;

Responsibility for implementation of the IAMP shall be the Mammoet Project

Resources to manage Indigenous Affairs and maintain the IAMP;

The Mammoet Project Manager shall manage the IAMP but may delegate to others
form time to time. He will be responsible for allocating resources for advertizing,
training & any other tool such as Human Resource that may be required in the
management of the IAMP.

Organisation charts for the applicable phase of works,

Which define reporting lines for the relevant resources, is available in the Health &
Safety Plan Doc MA- 000HSMP201. See Attachment A this Document.

A schedule for specific activities;

Specific activities such as the Mammoet scope of work on the Pluto LNG Project, the
type of equipment that will be mobilized & how Mammoet expect personnel to work.
Shall be outlined at the Mammoet induction and employee information after joining
the project. Mammoet have identified positions that will be targeted for employment
of indigenous personnel and they are;

Targeted positions; are identified as EWP operator, Forklift operator, Dogman,

Rigger & Trades Assistant, all these positions with the exception of trade assistant
will require the applicant to have the appropriate Worksafe qualification for the
position he is applied for. Any Indigenous person hired will need to have the relevant
qualifications for the position offered.

Relevant Training;

Any Indigenous person hired will need to have the relevant qualifications for the
position offered. Through the course of the project after employee evaluation
Mammoet may arrange for training with an approved provider to upgrade work
skills. Such as: upgrade on crane & rigging tickets or the opportunity to gain other
Worksafe tickets that will be required for the advancement with in our workforce.

Mammoet also have in house training for all personnel and tailored supervisor
courses, including Safe method of wok with Mammoet Equipment.
Woodside Burrup Pty, Ltd Doc: MA-000IAMP201
Pluto LNG Project Issue: B
Indigenous Affairs Management Date: Nov 2008
Plan Page: 5 of 6

Mechanisms to ensure employee consultation, communication & involvement; in

Indigenous Affairs such as Aboriginal cultural heritage protection and cross-cultural

Cross cultural awareness is being rolled out as a topic in the Mammoet induction for
the Pluto project, Highlighted in all aspects of the Pluto LNG Project through the
Mammoet Cultural heritage management Plan Doc: MA-000CHM201 Rev B.
Mammoet Staff and senior project personnel shall attend Cross Cultural Awareness
training provided by FWW.

The monitoring & evaluation used to support the implementation of the IAMP;

Monitoring & evaluation shall be ongoing through the contract and will be conducted
on a weekly bases and discussed in the Mammoet management meeting.

The process for managing non-conformance;

With the relevant site rules, such as Aboriginal cultural heritage management &
Non Conformance will be dealt with through the by use of (CAR) Compliance
Action Request, and reporting to FWW

Review/Audit of successful implementation of the IAMP;

Review & Audit of the Plan will be through a weekly management meeting &
Internal 3 monthly Audit as per Mammoet Audit schedule.

System for recording & tracking implementation & follow up for the audit

Mammoet internal audits are recorded and no-conformances actioned and tracked
based on ISO Auditing system.

4. Administration
This document shall be submitted to FWW for approval prior to mobilization for work
on the Pluto LNG Project. The Mammoet Project manager & Admin manager/HR
department, will be directly responsible for administration issue
Woodside Burrup Pty, Ltd Doc: MA-000IAMP201
Pluto LNG Project Issue: B
Indigenous Affairs Management Date: Nov 2008
Plan Page: 6 of 6

5. Audit/Review
Mammoet will conduct Audits as planned in the project audit schedule, See Doc
MA000HSP201A and will comply with any audit or review that may be conducted by
FWW during the project. Mammoet shall cooperate with FWW during any audit on the


Mammoet will notify FWW in writing of any non-conformance concerning the IAMP,
• Details of the non-conformance;
• Proposed Corrective action;
• Estimated time listed on the (CAR) for competition of the action;
• Effect on the work.

Mammoet will provide a weekly report of it’s performance against the IAMP Targets
and will specifically note Indigenous employment figures (percentage of and the
number in the workforce) and any Indigenous Businesses used.

Mammoet will provide as part of the weekly Progress reporting, the levels of
Indigenous employment (percentage & the number in the workforce.

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