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Title of the project

( Mutual fund simplified an investor awareness initiative )

2. Objectives of the Project
1. The objective of the research is to study and analyze the awareness level of investors of
mutual funds
2. To measure the satisfaction level of investors regarding mutual funds.
3.An attempt has been made to measure various variables playing in the minds of investors
in terms of safety, liquidity, service, returns, and tax saving
4. To get insight knowledge about mutual funds
5. Understanding the different ratios & portfolios so as to tell the distributors about these
terms, by this, managing the relationship with the distributors
6. To know the mutual funds performance levels in the present market
7. To analyze the comparative study between other leading mutual funds in the present
8.To know the awareness of mutual funds among different groups of investors
9. Finding out ways and means to improve on the services by ICICI SECURITIES LTD

3. Questionnaire
1.Have you invested in any of the following in the last 12 months
o Eqity
o Future and Options
o Mutual funds
o Insurance
o Corporate fixed deposit
o Debenture/Bonds
o Public provident fund
o Other
o None
2.What is your preferred mode of investment
o Online
o Offline
3.Have you invested in any of the following through in the last 12 months
o Eqity
o Future and Options
o Mutual funds
o Insurance
o Corporate fixed deposit
o Debenture/Bonds
o Public provident fund
o Other
o None

4.How do you prefer to make your investment in each of the followings
A.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Equity
o Icici direct
o Other broker
B.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Futures & Options (F&O)
o Icici direct
o Other broker
C.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Mutual Funds
o Icici direct
o Other broker
o Bank
o Agent
o Direct with AMC
D.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Insurance
o Icici direct
o Bank
o Agent
o Other broker
o Direct with company
E.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Corporate Fixed Deposit?
o Icici direct
o Other broker
o Direct with comapny
F.How do you /would you prefer to make your investments in Debentures / Bonds ?
o Icici direct
o Other broker
o Direct with comapny
5.Before the demo, were you aware that you can invest in Mutual funds through ICICI
o Yes
o No
6.DirectIf yes, what are the reasons for not investing in Mutual Funds through
o I need assistance to invest in m.f through icici direct
o I nedd more knowledge on m.f before i invest
o I am not interested as i invest through other broker/distributor
o I do not invest in m.f
7.Which of the following online transactions have you done in the past
o I buy ticket online
o I book flight/train online
o I book hotel online
o I buy merchandise online
o I use internet/online transaction
o I do not do any online transaction
8.How often do you transact online in any of the above mentioned transactions
o Monthly
o Once in a quarter
o Once in 6 month
o Once in a year
9.Which medium of news information and analysis do you use to keep yourself informed on
investment products
o I discuss with my friends,family and/or colleagues
o I use financial website for comparison and news
o I have financial advisor/broke/m.f distributor who update me
o I need media reports
o I prefer to do my own research
10.How do you check the performance of all/any of your investments
o I update investment details on a third party portifolio website and check regularity
o I ask my financial advisor /m.f distributor to send me the information
o other
11.Would you consider switching your investment relationship to
Which of the following site features did you find useful in the demo
o Yes
o No
12.which of the following site feature did you find useful in the demo
o Capital gain statement
o Portfolio monitoring
o Personalized research recommendation against holding
o other
13.How would you rate the presentation and demonstration by our representative
o Good
o Negative
o Needs improvement
o Neutral

4. Status of SIP Report completion till date

Done 100 meeting till date

Grading of summer intern
Above 50 meeting-Good
Above75 meeting-very good
Above100 meeting-Excellent

5. Your joining date in the college

I will join college on 21
of july

6. Achievements in SIP

Two week topper of Pune region
Have done two time lunch with regional head as regional topper
Generated lead for many short and same long term investment to my Branch manager in
mutual fund and Equity, one in Life insurance
Already got Excellent grading by doing 100 meeting

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