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Dangerous Grains

by James Braly, Ron Hoggan

Jodi's review
Mar 09, 12
Tis boo! e"#lains $a$ umans ave %onsumed grains &or less $an 0'() o& $eir is$ory
and $a$*
1' Many o& us are no$ sui$ed $o ea$ing grains a$ all and #robably very &ew or none o& us is
sui$ed $o ea$ing a die$ $a$ %on$ains uge amoun$s o& grains' +e ave been ea$ing mea$
and &rui$ and vege$ables &or 2'( million years and grains &or only 12 $ousand years'
2' ,ven i& you don'$ no$i%e immedia$e e&&e%$s &rom ea$ing grains, $ey %ould s$ill be
silen$ly and slowly %ausing you arm' Te &irs$ no$i%eable #roblem %aused by glu$en
sensi$ivi$y may be %an%er' Glu$en is a #oison'
-' Te in$es$inal bio#sy is %onsidered $e gold s$andard $es$ bu$ $is $es$ may be normal in
some #a$ien$s $a$ do ave in &a%$ #roblems wi$ glu$en' Te mos$ sensi$ive $es$ is $Tg and
o$ers in%lude ,M. and .G. /wi% $es$s &or 0gG and 0g.1' +en $e bio#sy is
abnormal $is means you ave an advan%ed #roblem, and &inding $e #roblem be&ore i$
be%omes advan%ed is &ar be$$er &or $e #a$ien$'
2' Ri%e and %orn don'$ %on$ain glu$en bu$ %an %ause $eir own #roblems'
(' Glu$en is H0GH34 .DD05T06,7 Many o& us &eel a s$rong %om#ulsion $o ea$ i$' Glu$en
grains and dairy ave mor#ine8li!e #ro#er$ies and $is a%%oun$s a$ leas$ in #ar$ &or wy
$ese &oods are o&$en seen as '%om&or$ &oods'' 5raving grains is a sign you may ave a
#roblem wi$ $em and may need $o avoid $em'
9' Desensi$isa$ion $o glu$en is no$ a##ro#ria$e and glu$en mus$ be avoided i& a sensi$ivi$y
:' Grains %on$ain several #sy%oa%$ive subs$an%es and an$i8nu$rien$s aside &orm glu$en
and %an damage $e uman in$es$inal wall' /;oa!ing or &ermen$ing grains be&ore ea$ing
$em %an ina%$iva$e some o& $ese, owever, i$ sould be no$ed'1
<' 0& your die$ is glu$en &ree, $e only way $o $es$ &or glu$en sensi$ivi$y is re%$ally'
9' Glu$en #roblem %an %ause a &loa$ing &a$$y s$ool, diarroea, wee=ing, de#ression, and a
%roni%ally low B> o& 90?90' More a$ ris! grou#s in%lude $ose wi$ Downs syndrome
and $yroid #roblems'
10' 5elia% /or 5oelia%1 disease is only one $y#e o& glu$en sensi$ivi$y, $ere are several
o$ers su% as la$en$?silen$ glu$en sensi$ivi$y and non85oelia% glu$en sensi$ivi$y' 1() o&
$e #o#ula$ion as some immune res#onse $o glu$en' Glu$en8indu%ed neurologi%al
damage %an be irreversible' Glu$en %an %ause wi$e ma$$er brain lesions'
Te au$or re%ommends
1' avoiding glu$en grains and dairy,
2' aving &ood allergy $es$s and
-' gas$ri% analysis and
2' a %om#reensive nu$ri$ional #rogram in%luding nu$rien$s given by 06 wen
s$oma% #roblems are severe'
Tis is e"%ellen$ advi%e and is #ar$ o& wa$ 0 ave been doing $o $rea$ my own illness' 0
%rave grains in$ensely, bu$ do &ar be$$er avoiding $em en$irely and &ollowing a >aleoli$i%
die$ wi% also %on$ains lo$s o& nu$rien$ dense &oods su% as bone bro$s, %o%onu$ oil, raw
%ul$ured vege$ables, !e&ir and liver'
Going grain &ree &or a wile won$ ur$ anyone and mig$ really el# lo$s o& us and is a$
leas$ wor$ serious %onsidera$ion by $ose o& us $a$ are seriously ill'
Te only downside is $a$ as $is boo! is around 10 years old, $e in&orma$ion on $es$ing
will no$ be as u#8$o8da$e as i$ %ould be and so loo!ing online &or in&orma$ion abou$ newer
$es$s is #robably a good idea a&$er reading $is boo!'
Jodi Basse$$, Te Hummingbirds' @ounda$ion &or M','
The Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten and Cereal Grains may be
Hazardous to your Health
Aur beloved amber &ields o& grain %over $e ear$land #rovide a wolesome s$a#le $a$
nourises .meri%a' Rig$B
+rong7 0$Cs a%$ually way more %om#li%a$ed $an $a$7 +y do you su##ose our %urren$
genera$ions may ave a sor$er li&e s#an $an $eir grand#aren$sB By $e end o& $is
ar$i%le 0 o#e you are clear that grain is responsible for destroying our health'
+en 0 s#ea! o& DgrainE 0 am s#e%i&i%ally re&erring $o wea$, rye, barley and bulgur'
Gluten, wi% is dis%ussed a$ leng$ in $is ar$i%le, is mi"$ure o& #ro$eins, in%luding
gliadins and glutelins, &ound in wea$ grains' However, due $o our modern #ro%essing
sys$ems, glu$en %ross %on$amina$es all grains'
0n $e las$ %ou#le o& de%ades or so, we ave observed a uge in%rease in glu$en allergy
and in$oleran%e and we ave learned volumes on $e e&&e%$s o& wea$ and grain on $e
uman body' ;o, you may as!, Dwy $e sudden in$eres$ in grain and $e onslaug$ o&
$ese diseasesBE
;im#ly #u$, $e wea$ $a$ as &ed $is %oun$ry &or genera$ions as %anged' Aver $e #as$
(0 or so years, &ood s%ien$is$s ave been modi&ying grain #lan$s' 0n$en$ions may ave
been goodF wea$ $oday #rodu%es more edible grain #er #lan$ and is resis$an$ $o droug$
and #arasi$es' Bu$ $is as %ome a$ a #ri%e $o our eal$7 Grain $oday %on$ains #ro$eins
$a$ didnC$ e"is$ in $e an%es$or #lan$s and we ave ye$ $o &ully unders$and ow $is
a&&e%$s uman eal$'
Gluten sensitivity is se#ara$e &rom Celiac disease, wi% is an in$oleran%e $o a %er$ain
#ro$ein in wea$' However, glu$en sensi$ivi$y as i$s own im#li%a$ions in $erms o& disease
and, li!e 5elia%, %an %ause various eal$ #roblems' 5onsider glu$en sensi$ivi$y and
5elia% as $wo dis$in%$ diseases $a$ are bo$ eGually as serious7
,ven $ose wi$ou$ a diagnosed glu$en allergy, sensi$ivi$y, or 5elia% disease are
sus%e#$ible $o $e dangers o& grain' 0 would argue $a$ be$ween $ose wi$ a glu$en allergy
and $ose wo remain sensi$ive $o $e many non8glu$en as#e%$s o& modern grain, nearly
90 #er%en$ o& $e #o#ula$ion is a&&e%$ed by grain' Mos$ #eo#le may never e"#erien%e a
diges$ive #roblem rela$ed $o glu$en, bu$ $is does no$ mean $ey donC$ ave a biologi%al
sensi$ivi$y $a$ is a&&e%$ing $eir eal$'
Modern resear% is sugges$ing $a$ glu$en %auses in&lamma$ion in $e body and, i& $is
in&lamma$ion %on$inues over years /&rom %on$inued e"#osure $o glu$en1 au$oimmune
disease %an o%%ur' Glu$en s$imula$es an inna$e immune sys$em res#onse in #eo#le and
%rea$es au$o8an$ibodies $a$ $rigger a$$a%!s agains$ a wide range o& bodily $issues and
,"#osure $o glu$en %an lead $o*
Tyroid disorders
Migraine eada%es
>ar!insonCs disease
Mul$i#le s%lerosis
Reuma$oid .r$ri$is
5ardia% disease
Grain is a se%re$ !iller $a$ so many #eo#le go unaware o&' Bu$ i$ %an be s$o##ed, and $e
dangers reversed, i& you s$ar$ HA+7 However, i& you %on$inue $o ea$ grain, and develo#
$ese arm&ul an$ibodies, $ey %an even$ually %ause irreversible damage' Tis is wy 0
believe no one sould be ea$ing wea$7
Many #eo#le wo sus#e%$ glu$en sensi$ivi$y are given blood $es$s' However, in $e #as$,
blood $es$s ave no$ been very a%%ura$e' Many #eo#le re%eived &alse nega$ive resul$s,
even &or 5elia%' >eo#le wi$ $errible diges$ive disorders were sen$ ome and $old $ey
%ould %on$inue ea$ing wea$ be%ause $e $es$ &ailed $o de$e%$ a glu$en sensi$ivi$y'
I tell everyone I work with to go 100% grain free. However, if a client insists that they do
not have a sensitivity, or cannot give up grain, then I insist they be tested. Cyrex abs is a
testing co!pany whose results I co!pletely trust. "hey are a new lab that has developed
the !ost accurate tests for finding out if a person is sensitive to the #luten $rotein. If the
test co!es back that you have a reaction to gluten then I a! 100% convinced that you
cannot eat %&'"HI&# containing gluten.
0& $e resul$s sow $a$ $ere is a glu$en sensi$ivi$y, 0 el# my %lien$s eal in $ree
im#or$an$ ways*
Going 100) glu$en &ree
Healing $e gu$ lining
,a$ing a nu$rien$ dense die$
4ou 5.HHAT go glu$en &ree wi$ou$ all $ree o& $ese7 Inders$and $a$ mos$ #eo#le
wo ave been ea$ing glu$en ave done serious damage $o $eir gu$ and mus$ do $ese
$ree s$e#s simul$aneously $o eal'
.%%ording $o >a%!ages @a%$s, I';' ;ales o& glu$en8&ree &ood grew $o J2'- billion in 2012,
more $an doubling &rom 2009' Hearly al& o& %onsumers #er%eive $ese #ro%essed and
#a%!aged al$erna$ives as Dgenerally eal$ierE bu$ $is sim#ly isnC$ $rue' DGlu$en &reeE
o#$ions are usually less eal$y $an $e &oods $ey re#la%e' Ho$ $o men$ion $a$ re#la%ing
your everyday, wole &ood i$ems wi$ #ro%essed Dglu$en8&reeE o#$ions &rom $e mar!e$
wonC$ give your body $e nu$ri$ion i$ needs' >ro%essed &oods are &illed wi$ %emi%al and
&illers $a$, in $e end, will only lead $o o$er eal$ #roblems'
Te grain $oday is no$ $e same as $e grain #rodu%ed (0 years ago' 0$ as been modi&ied
in su% a way $a$ is e"$remely arm&ul $o our eal$ and sould be elimina$ed 100)
&rom our die$s' ,ven i& you do no$ e"#erien%e sym#$oms, $ere is an e"%ellen$ %an%e
your body is sensi$ive $o grain' >rolonged e"#osure $o glu$en %an %ause debili$a$ing
illnesses su% as >ar!insonCs and .l=eimerCs disease'
,limina$ion o& glu$en &rom $e die$ involves no$ only a 100) glu$en &ree die$ /devoid o&
any #ro%essed Dglu$en &reeE &oods1, bu$ a nu$rien$ dense die$ and a #lan $o eal $e gu$
0$ will $a!e 1 $o 2 years &or you $o see $e &ull e&&e%$s, bu$ i$ will be wor$ i$7 ;adly, you
%anno$ D%u$ ba%!E on glu$en, you mus$ elimina$e i$' ,ven a single bi$e o& %a!e will se$
$ose wi$ sensi$ivi$y ba%! $o sGuare one' 0 ave been %om#le$ely grain &ree &or 1 year
now and 0 %an ones$ly say 0 donC$ miss i$' ,a$ing #i==a, #as$a, or %a!e is sim#ly no$
wor$ $e #ossibili$y o& a disease a##earing in my middle age' 0 o#e a&$er reading $is
you &eel $e same way'
,a$ing a balan%ed die$ ri% in wolesome, wole &oods, meals #re#ared &rom s%ra$%, and
no %on$aining no wea$ #rodu%$s will ave a #osi$ive e&&e%$ on your eal$' 0 %an el# you
devise su% a die$F ge$ in $ou% wi$ me i& youCd li!e $o dis%uss i$7
"Dangerous Grains" Why Gluten Cereal Grains May be
Hazardous to You Health
Go to Amazon Link below to "look inside"
0n resear%ing Dr' Reading and Dr' +rig$ 0 &ound ano$er grea$ boo!' ReGues$ed i$ &rom
my library and ave been reading i$ ever sin%e' 0$ is %o#ywri$ed 2002, so some o& you
ave #robably ave eard o& i$ be&ore' 0$ is %alled KDangerous GrainsK by James Braly
MD and Ron Hoggan M.'
.$ $is #oin$ 0 ave &ound so many boo!s and do%$ors $a$ agree $a$ 3u#us and
Hasimo$o's Tyroidi$is are bo$ absolu$ely lin!ed wi$ glu$en in$oleran%e?allergy, and?or
5elia% Disease'
>lease resear% &or yoursel&7 Lnowledge is #ower7

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