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Personal Informaton
Professional Address: Department of Psychology
University of Groningen
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
912 !" Groningen# !he $etherlands
Phone: %international access num&er' ()1*+,*)-) -) .,
/ome Address: Prinsenstraat 1)
911 01 Groningen# !he $etherlands
Phone: %international access num&er' ()1*+,*)1) -1 .
Professonal Em!lo"ment
2,,+ * Academy Professor# 2oyal $etherlands Academy of Arts and "ciences
2,, * Professor Asociado 4nvitado# Universidad 0atolica del Uru5uay
2,, * /onorary 2esearch 6ello7# 4nternational 0enter for
4nterpersonal 2elationships 2esearch# 89toria# :ra;il
2,,- * Professor /onorario# Universidad de Palermo# :uenos Aires# Argentini<
2,,- * Professor of =volutionary "ocial Psychology# University of Groningen
2,,- Professor 4nvitado =U =rasmus >undo Program# Universidad de 8alencia
2,,, Professor 4nvitado# Universidad de 8alencia# "pain
199, * 2,,+ Professor and 0hair of "ocial Psychology# University of Groningen
Ph?D? Utrecht University# 19.,
>?A? University of Groningen# 191
:?A? University of Groningen %cum laude'# 19-.
Gymnasium @ %19-+' 3illem 1ode7iAB Gymnasium# Groningen# 19-+
&onors an# #stn%tons
2,,+ Academy Professor# 2oyal $etherlands Academy of Arts and "ciences
%K$A3' %the highest honor and a7ard a senior professor can attain in !he
2,,C >em&er 2oyal $etherlands Academy of Arts and "ciences %K$A3'
C$rrent Resear%' Interests
"ocial comparison# Aealousy# evolutionary social psychology# parental control of mate choice# intraseDual
competition# social psychology and health# reciprocity in interpersonal relationships?
Internatonal %olla(oraton
"tatus in organisation and intraseDual competition# 7ith "? 6ranco# Universidad de la 2epu&lica#
>ontevideo# Urugay
"eD differences in Aealousy# 7ith >? 0asullo# A? Kansan;e7 and A? 0astro# Universidad de Palermo# :uenos
Aires# Argentinia
4ntraseDual competition# 7ith >? 6ischer# "aint >aryEs University# /alifaD# 0anada
4ndividual differences in social comparison orientation# 7ith 6?F? Gi&&ons and >? Gerrard# 4o7a "tate
University# Ames
4ntraseDual competition and Aealousy in organisations# 7ith G?>? Pe9rH and 2? Iurriaga# University of
8alencia# "pain
2eciprocity in relationships# social comparison# and 5uality of life among paraplegics# 7ith 2? Iurriaga and
P? Gon;ale;# University of 8alencia# "pain
"ocial comparison# coping and health outcomes in chronic patients# 7ith 0? !erol 0antero# "? 1ope;*2oig#
$? Pons# >? >artin*Aragon and >?0? $eipp# Universidad >iguel /ernande;# "an Guan# "pain
"ocial comparison and adherence to medical prescriptions# 7ith "? /ernande; Pla;a# =?A? >orilleAo# J 0?P?
>uKo;# Universidad de Almeria# "pain
2eciprocity and stress at 7orB# 7ith A? 8LLnLnen and others# 6innish 4nstitute for Mccupational /ealth
Ma)or resear%' *rants sn%e +,,-
"ocial comparison from an evolutionary perspective# 2oyal $etherlands Academy of Arts and "ciences %
K$A3'# N 1?,,,?,,,#*
=vidence &ased development of patient education information to &e provided through different media to
increase 5uality if life in cancer patients# K36# N )+,?,,,#*
Unconscious evaluation of rivals# Program =volution and :ehavior? $3M N 1-,?,,,#*
6raming: "olidarity and mismatches in social relations? 40"/K14 :reedtestrategie# University of
Groningen# O N 11,?,,,#* %met Dr? A? DiABstra'
"ocial*comparison as determinant of educational attainment? P2MM/$3M# %7ith >?P?0? van der
3erf and /? Kuyper'# %2,,1*2,,+' O N 1-?-2#*
A ne7 looB at social comparison? $3M %7ith D?A? "tapel'# %2,,1*2,,+' O N +CC?+)-#*
University of Groningen 0entral Policy 6und %0:2' 0ognitive distortions and comparison processes %7ith =?
van de 8liert'# O N 1.1?+12#*
"!4>U1A$"*proposal Graduate "chool Kurt 1e7in 4nstitute# $3M# O N C+)?.,#* %7ith G? "emin and
/B? !hierry'
.rants o(tane# $n#er m" s$!er/son0
6ello7ship Dutch 0ancer "ociety for dr? $? 6ries7iAB N 9,?,,,#*
1o$rnal e#tors'!s an# (oar# mem(ers'!s
2,,+ P present :oard mem&er Personal Relationships
2,,) * present :oard mem&er Revista de Psicologa Occupational
19.+ * present >em&er =ditorial :oard Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
19., * present Mccasional 2evie7er for Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyQ Psychological
Bulletin, British Journal of Social PsychologyQ European Journal of Social PsychologyQ
Journal of Social and Clinical PsychologyQ Journal of Sex ResearchQ Review of
Personality and Social PsychologyQ Journal of Social and Personal RelationshipsQ
Personality and Social Psychology BulletinQ ifestyles, ! Journal of Changing
PatternsQ !nxiety, Stress, and Coping" Co##unication $heory" Personal Relati%
onshipsQ Journal of !pplied Social PsychologyQ Journal of anguage and Social
Psychology# Journal of Experi#ental Social Psychology, Personal Relationships" &or'
and Stress, Personality and (ndividual )ifferences
Ma)or !rofessonal ser/%e n T'e Net'erlan#s
2,,C * present >em&er Royal *etherlands !cade#y of !rts and Sciences %K$A3'
2,,2 * present >em&er Program 0ommittee on =volution and :ehaviour %=JG'# $etherlands
Mrgani;ation for "cientific 2esearch %$3M'
199 * present 8ice*chair Program 0ommittee "uccessful Ageing %"M3'# $etherlands Mrgani;ation for
"cientific 2esearch %$3M'
199 * 2,,+ >em&er "cientific :oard for "ocial Mncology %32"M'# Dutch 0ancer 6oundation
2$!er/se# #o%toral #ssertatons %om!lete#
2,,. >?3ehrens * "ocial comparison in the classroom %7ith /? Kuyper'# 2. april 2,,.
2,,. 1? $ie;inB * =mpathy and social comparison 2,,)*2,, %7ith 6?3? "iero'# 2 maart 2,,.
2,, D? !rampe P "ociale vergeliABing en reclame %met D?A?"tapel J 6?3?"iero'# Auni 2,,
2,,- 0? 0armona * "ocial comparison# self*efficacy and professional &urnout# 2,,2*2,,- % 7ith G?>?
Peiro J A? DiABstra'?
2,,C 2? "maniotto * =motional &ehavioral mechanisms for social &ehavior: an evolutionary
psychological perspective# 1999*2,,C %7ith 6? "toBman# /? de 8os# J A? 6lache'?
2,,C /? Groothof * 3hen others are doing &etter or 7orse: 2esponses from the heart and the head
%7ith 6? "iero'?
2,,C >? 1uDen * =volutionary approach of personnel selection 2,,)*2,,C
2,,C $? 6ries7iAB * 6rail# &ut happy: !he importance of self*management a&ility and social
comparison for the su&Aective 7ell*&eing of elderly persons %7ith $? "teverdinB J G? "laets'?
C$rrent P'.D. T'ess 2$!er/son
A?D? /o&en P 4ncest avoidance and consanguineous marriages %7ith G? ParB' 2,,*2,11
!? van :raBel * =vidence &ased development of patienteducation information to &e provided through different
media to increase 5uality of life in cancerpatients %met A? DiABstra' 2,,*2,11
1? van der >eiA P !he influences of competition on the &ehavioural and hormonal components of the mating
response of men# %met A? "alvador# Univ? de 8alencia' 2,,-*2,1,
"?1? Du&&s P >ating strategies and parental offspring conflict %7ith G? ParB' 2,,-*2,1,
1? Klavina P >ating and intergroup conflict %7ith G?ParB' 2,,-*2,1,
>? 8os * "ocial identity# social comparison and organi;ations %7ith K? van der Iee'
I? :osch * "ocial comparison and individual differences in social comparison orientation# 2,,1*2,,. %7ith 6?
"? Dalley * :ody image and social comparison# 2,,1*2,,.
K? >assar P Unconscious evaluation of rivals in Aealousy situations# 2,,C * 2,,9
>? :Rgel P 1ove and marBeting 2,,C*2,,.
0? 2as P !he influence of &rands and advertising on social comparison: an evolutionary perpsective 2,,C*
:? :os P >arBeting of li&raries 2,,+ * 2,,.
A?8SSnSnen P "ocial support# reciprocity and health %7ith G? 8ahtera' 2,,- * 2,1,
Ma)or In/te# A##resses an# Collo3$a
2,, Relaciones +nti#as y Celos, -na Perspectiva Evolucionista. Universidade 6ederal do
=sperito "anto# 8itoria# :ra;ilie# 1- oBto&er 2,,?
2,,- &/0 are we 1ealous2 "ymposium TUltimate 5uestions in &ehavioral &iologyE?
2iABsuniversiteit Groningen# 12 decem&er 2,,-?
2,,- Evolutietheorie en psychologie, het ultie#e geli1' van )arwin. !hema&iAeenBomst
T=volutieE# K$A3# - novem&er 2,,-?
2,,- 3uality of wor'ing life. &or' and Stress. "eminar TMrgani;ational structure and
processes: 0onceptual modelsE? =rasmus >undus Program# Universidad de 8alencia#
Mcto&er P $ovem&er 2,,-.
2,,- Evaluaci4n auto#5tica de los rivales senti#entales, estudio evolutionisto de los celos.
3orBshop Graduate "tudents# Universidad de la Palermo# :uenos Aires# Argentinie#
2,,- Co#paraci4n social en organi6aciones. 3orBshop for the Programma Doctorado
4nteruniversitario de Psicolog9a de !ra&aAo y Mrgani;aciones# >adrid# April
2,,- !uto#atically evaluating one7s ro#antic rivals, a social cognitive approach to
studying 1ealousy fro# an evolutionary perspective7. "ydney "ymposium on "ocial
Psychology?4nvited address for T =volution of the social mind: =volutionar psychology
and social cognitionE # Australia# "ydney# 1)*1- >arch 2,,-?
2,,+*2,,- 8Co#paracon social y activacon del conflicto en las organi6aciones9. 0urso
Doctorado interuniversitario psicolog9a de las organi;aciones y del tra&aAo %PM!'?
>enciHn de 0alidad del >initerio de =ducac9on# 0ultura y deporte? 2,,+*2,,-?
2,,+ TEl papel de la co#parici4n social en la adaptaci4n a c5ncer7.0ongreso de la "ociedad
4nteramericana de Psicologia# :uenos Aires# Argentina# Gune 29?
2,,+ Co#paraci4n social y adaptaci4n en la enfer#edad cr4nica?
4nvited 1ecture# 4nstituto de Psicologia# Universidad 0entral de 8ene;uela# 0aracas#
8ene;uela# 6e&ruary 2,,+
2,,+ =fectos de la co#paracon social, El papel de la orientacon hacia la co#paracon
social ? 0onferenc9a Presentada al Departamento de :iolog9a#
Universidad 0omplutense# >adrid# >arch?
2,,+ Co#paraci4n social en organi6aciones. 3orBshop for the Programma Doctorado
4nteruniversitario de Psicolog9a de !ra&aAo y Mrgani;aciones# >adrid# >arch?
2,,C Calidad de :ida de los Pacientes con Cancer7? 4nvited address for T=strategias de
4ntervenciHn Psicosocial 4ndividual/Grupal 6amiliar y 0omunitariaE? 4? 0urso !ailer
4nternacional de Postgrado# Universidad 0atHlica de "anta >aria# Are5uipa# PerU#
Guly 1*C?
2,,C Burnout, Estar ;ue#ado en el $ra<a1o. /acia una $eora (nterpersonal7? 4nvited
address for T=strategias de 4ntervenciHn Psicosocial 4ndividual/Grupal 6amiliar y
0omunitariaE? 4? 0urso !ailer 4nternacional de Postgrado# Universidad 0atHlica de
"anta >aria# Are5uipa# PerU# Guly 1*C?
2,,C Burnout, Estar ;ue#ado en el $ra<a1o. /acia una $eora (nterpersonal7? 4nvited
address at the CV 0olo5uio so&re 4nvestigaciHn PsicolHgica en la Mrgani;aciHn del
!ra&aAo# Area de Psicolog9ca del !ra&aAo y sus Mrgani;aciones# 6acultad de
Psicolog9a# Universidad de la 2epU&lica# >ontevideo# Uruguay# Gune 1# 1.# and 2C?
2,,C Personality and social co#parison. 4nvited address for the 12th =uropean 0onference on
Personality# Groningen# !he $etherlands# Guly 1.*22?
2,,C Co#paraci4n social y adaptaci4n en la enfer#edad cronica. 4nvited lecture for the
Universidad de Almeria# Almeria# "pain# >arch 22?
2,,C El circulo vicioso de <urnout, Efectos longitudinales de la co#paraci4n social so<re el
<urnout. 4nvited lecture Universidad de Puerto 2ico# "an Guan# Puerto 2ico# Ganuary 2-?
2,,C Social co#parison and psychological well%<eing, Predicting assi#ilation and contrast
effects? 4nvited lecture for 7orBshop T0ogniticE? 0lermont 6errand# 6rance# Ganuary?
2,,C ! revision of social co#parison theory2 $he role of social co#parson orientation.
4nvited lecture# 1a&oratoire de Psychologie sociale et cognitive? UniversitW :laise
Pascal# 0lermont 6errand# 6rance# Ganuary?
In Press
DiABstra# P?# Kuyper# /?# 8an der 3erff# G?# :uunB# A?P?# J van der Iee# X? %in press'? Social co#parison
in the classroo#, ! review. Review of Educational Research.
DiABstra# P?# Gi&&ons# 6?F?# J :uunB# A?P? %in press'? "ocial 0omparison !heory? 4n: G?=? >adduD J G?P?
!angney %=ds?'# Social psychological foundations of clinical psychology? Guilford Pu&lications?
:uunB# A?P?# J DiABstra# P? %in press'? >ental health and social psychology? 4n: 1? "teg# A?P :uunB# J G?A?
2othergatter %=ds?'# !pplied social psychology, -nderstanding and #anaging social pro<le#s?
0am&ridge: 0am&ridge University Press
ParB# G?/?# J :uunB A?P? %in press'? 2ecurrent interpersonal threats and evolved social motives? 4n D?A?
Dunning %=d?'# /and<oo' of social #otivation. $e7 XorB: Psychology Press?
DiABstra# A? J :uunB# A?P? %in press'? "elf*evaluative emotions and eDpectations a&out self*evaluative
emotions in health*&ehavior change? British Journal of Social Psychology.
"teg# 1?# :uunB# A? P?# J 2othengatter# G? A? %=ds?' %in press'. !pplied Social Psychology, -nderstanding
and #anaging social pro<le#s. 0am&ridge: 0am&ridge University Press?
P$(l%atons n 2!ans%'
!erol# >?0?# Pons# $?# $eipp# >?0?# 2odr95ue;*>ar9n# G?# :uunB# :?# >art9n*AragHn# >?# J "Ynche;# P?
%2,,.'? =strategias de comparaciHn social y resultados en salud: Un estudio de adaptaciHn y evaluaciHn
en muestra espaKola de pacientes crHnicos? Cuardernos de =edicina Psicoso#5tica y Psi;uiatra de
Enlace# .C/.+# 19*)1?
:uunB# A?P?# !erol# >?0? y 1ledH# A? %2,,-'? =l papel de la comparaciHn social en la adaptaciHn a la
enfermedad crHnica: Un estudio en cYncer? Revista de Psicologa de la Salud, >?, 2*C.?
0arpi# A?# Iurriaga# 2?# Gon;Yle;# P?# >ar;o# G?0?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,'? 4ncidencia de los hY&itos de
conducta en la prevenciHn de la enfermedad cardiovascular? (nternational Journal of Clinical and
/ealth Psychology, @, +9*,?
Iurriaga# 2?1?# $avarro# P?G?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,-'? Aspectos psicocociales en lesionados medularesQ
PresentaciHn de algunos resultados de la investigaciHn so&re estrategias de comparaciHn social#
afrontamiento y &ienestar psicolHgica en lesionados medulares? Aederaci4n *acional !spay#, BB, %CZ'#
:uunB# A?P? %2,,+'? Procesos de la comparaciHn social en pacientes 5ue sufren de cYncer?
Psicode<ate, C, 29*CC?
:uunB# A?P?# J DiABstra# P? %2,,+'? Diferencias de gWnero en las caracter9sticas del rival 5ue provocan
celos de&idos a la infidelidad emocional o seDual? 4n 6ernYnde;# G?"?# >art9ne;# G?"?# J "ande G?2?
%=ds?'# Psicologa 1urdica, de la violencia y de gDnero? %pp? )1)*)21'? >adrid: :i&lioteca $ueva?
0armona# 0?# :uunB# :?P?# PeirH# G?>?# J DiABstra# A? %2,,+'? =l rol de la comparac9on social en
organi;aciones del sector privado y pU&lico en /olanda y =spaKa? 4n G? 2omay# J 2? Garc9a %=ds?'#
Psicologa social y pro<le#as sociales, %pp? ),9 P )1+'? >adrid: :i&lioteca $ueva?
:uunB# :?P?# :elmonte# G?# PeirH# G?>?# Iurriaga# 2?# J Gi&&ons# 6?F? %2,,+'? Diferencias individuales en
la comparaciHn social: Propiedades de la escala espaKola de orientaciHn hacia la comparaciHn social?
Revista atinoa#ericana de Psicologa, E@# +-1*+.1?
P$(l%atons n En*ls'
DiABstra# A?# "chaBenraad# 2?# >enninga# K?# :uunB# A?P?# and "iero# 6? %2,,9'? "elf*
discrepancies and involvement moderate the effects of positive and negative framing in
persuasive communication? Basic and !pplied Social Psychology# )1# 2)C*2C)
KenricB# D?!?# $ieu7e&oer# "? # J :uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? Universal mechanisms and cultural
diversity: 2eplacing the &lanB slate 7ith a coloring &ooB? 4n >? "challer# A?
$oren;ayan# "?G? /eine# !? Xamagishi J !? Kameda# Evolution, culture, and the hu#an
#ind? %pp2+*22'? 1ondon: Psychology Press
:uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? Gealousy? 4n: D? "ander J K?2? "cherer %=ds?'? Oxford co#panion to
affective sciences? %pp?229*2),'? MDford: MDford University Press?
!aniguchi# /?# J :uunB# A? P? %2,,9' 2eciprocity in various interpersonal relationships? 4n
>? /ida J X? $agata %=ds?' Putting #odern society in perspective of social
psychology? %pp?-+*.,'? Kyoto: $aBanishiya %in Gapanese' "huppan?
:uunB# A?P?# :ennen&roeB# 6?!?0?# "tiegelis# /?# "anderman# 2?# :raBel# !?>?# 8an den
:ergh# A?0?>?# J /agedoorn# >?# %2,,9'? $euroticism and responses to social
comparison among patients? European Journal of Personality, FE, C+*C.?
:uunB# A?P?# ParB# G?/?# J Duncan# 1?A? %2,,9'? 0ultural variation in parental influence on
mate choice? Cross%Cultural Research, 1*1.?
Dalley# "?=?# :uunB# A?P? J Umit# !? %2,,9'? 6emale &ody dissatisfaction after eDposure to
over7eight and thin media images: !he role of &ody mass indeD and neuroticism#
Personality and (ndividual )ifferences, G@, C*+1
>assar# K?# :uunB# A?P? J Dechesne# >? %2,,9'? Gealousy in the &linB of an eye: Aealous
reactions follo7ing su&liminal eDposure to rival characteristics? European Journal of
Social Psycholog,EH, -9*9?
>assar# K?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? !he effect of a su&liminally primed conteDt on
intrasecual competition depends on individual differences in seD drive? Journal of
Research in Personality, GE, -91*-9C?
ParB# G? /?# J :uunB# A? P? %2,,9'? 2ecurrent interpersonal threats and evolved social
motives? 4n D? Dunning %=d.I. Arontiers in social #otivation? $e7 XorB: Psychology
:uunB# A?P J 6isher# >? %2,,9'? 4ndividual differences in intraseDual competition? Journal
of Evolutionary Psychology,@, )*C.?
Klavina# 1?# :uunB# A?P?# J ParB# G? /? %2,,9'? 4ntergroup Aealousy: =ffects of perceived
group characteristics and intraseDual competition &et7een groups? 4n /? /[gh*Mleson#
G? ![nnesvang J P? :ertelsen %=ds?'? /u#an characteristics J Evolutionary
perspectives on hu#an #ind and 'ind %pp? ).2 P )9'? 0am&ridge: 0am&ridge
University "cholars?
ParB# G?/?# Du&&s# "?1?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? Parents# offspring and mate*choice
conflicts? 4n /? /[gh*Mleson# G? ![nnesvang J P? :ertelsen %=ds?'? /u#an
characteristics J Evolutionary perspectives on hu#an #ind and 'ind %pp? )+2 P )-+'?
0am&ridge: 0am&ridge University "cholars?
Dalley# "?=?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? \!hinspiration]vs? \fear of fat]: Using prototypes to
predict fre5uent 7eight*loss dieting in females# !ppetite# +2# 21*221?
>assar# K?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,9'? 2ivals in the mindEs eye: Gealous responses after
su&liminal eDposure to &ody shapes? Personality and (ndividual )ifferences, GC# 129*
0armona# 0?# :uunB# A?P?# DiABstra# A?# J Peiro# G?>? %2,,.'? !he relationship &et7een goal
orientation# social comparison responses# self*efficacy and performance? European Psychologist, >E,?
:uunB# A?P?# ParB# G?/?# Du&&s# "?1? %2,,.'? Parent*offspring conflict in mate preferences? Review of
Keneral Psychology,F>, C*-2.
:uunB# A?P?# ParB# G?/?# Iurriaga# 2?# Klavina# 1? J >assar# K? %2,,.'? /eight predicts Aealousy
differently for men and 7omen? Evolution and Behavior, FH, 1))*1)9?
ParB# G?/?# 3ieling# >?:?# :uunB# A?P?# J >assar# K? %2,,.'? "eD*specific relationship &et7een digit ratio
%2D:CD' and romantic Aealousy? Personality and (ndividual )ifferences, GG, 1,)9*1,C+?
:uunB# A?P? J 8an 8ugt# >? %2,,.'? !pplying social psychology. Aro# pro<le#s to solutions. 1ondon:
"eaton# >?# >arsh# /?3?# Dumas# 6?# /uguet# P?# >onteil# G*>?# 2egner# 4?# :lanton# /?# :uunB#
A?P?#Gi&&ons# 6?F?# Kuyper# /?# "uls# G?# 3heeler# 1? %2,,.'? 4n search of the &ig fish: 4nvestigating the
coeDistance of the &ig*fish*little*pond effect 7ith the positive effects of up7ard comparison? British
Journal of Social Psychology, G@, )*1,).
:uunB# A?P?# J DiABstra# P? %2,,.'? Affiliation# attraction and close relationships? 4n >? /e7stone# 3?
"troe&e J Gonas# K? %=ds?'# (ntroduction to Social Psychology. %pp? 19-*21+'? MDford# :lacB7ell
:uunB# A?P?# J ParB# G?/? %2,,.'? $ot massive# &ut messy modularity? Psychological (n;uiry, >H, 2)*2-?
:uunB A?P? # 0ohen*"chotanus# G?# J 8an $eB# 2?/? %2,,'? 3hy and ho7 people engage in social
comparison 7hile learning social sBills in groups? Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and
Practice, 11 140-152.
DiABstra# A?# :orland# 2? :uunB# A?P? %2,,'? !he motivation to stay a&stinent in eD*smoBers: 0omparing
the present 7ith the past? !ddictive Behaviors, EF, 2)2*2)-?
ParB# G?/?# :uunB# A?P? J 3ieling# >?:? %2,,'? Does the face reveal athletic flair^ Positions in team
sports and facial attractiveness? Personality and (ndividual )ifferences, GE, 19-,*19-+?
>ollema# =?# $auta# A?# J :uunB# A?P? %2,,'? "ocial comparison*&ased thoughts in groups: !heir
associations 7ith interpersonal trust and learning outcomes? Journal of !pplied Social Psychology, E@
LCI, 11-)*11.,.
Guimond# "?# :ranscom&e# $?2?# :runot# "?# :uunB# A?P?# DWsert# >?# Garcia# D?>?# /a5ue# "?#
>artinot# D?# J X;er&yt# 8? %2,,'? 0ulture# gender# and the self: 8ariations and impact of social
comparison processes? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, HF LCI, 111.*11)C?
:uunB# A?P?# PeirH# G?>?# J Griffioen# 0? %2,,'? A positive role model may stimulate career oriented
&ehavior? Journal of !pplied Social Psychology# E@ L@I, 1C.9P1+,,?
:uunB# A?P?# Pe9rH# G?>?# 2odr9gue;# 4?# J :ravo# G?>? %2,,'? An evolutionary perspective on
professional &urnout? European Journal of Personality, F>LGI, C1*C.+.
6ries7iAB# $?# :uunB# A?P?# "teverinB# $?# J "laets# G?P?G? %2,,'? "u&Aective 7ell*&eing in frail older
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