Enfield Choral Society Handbook 2014

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Key Dates 2014-2015

Spring 2014 (7 January 12 April 2014)
Term Starts Tuesday 7 January 2014
Soloist Audition Workshop Saturday 1 March 2014
Thursday Rehearsal Thursday 10 April 2014
Spring Concert Saturday 12 April 2014
Summer 2014 (22 April 12 July 2014)
Term Starts Tuesday 22 April 2014
Music Festival - Tuesday 6 May 2014
Thursday Rehearsal Thursday 10 July 2014
Summer Concert Saturday 12 July 2014
Autumn 2014 (2 Sept 20 December 2014)
Term Starts Tuesday 2 September 2014
AGM Tuesday 7 October 2014
Thursday Rehearsal Thursday 6 November 2014
Autumn Concert Saturday 8 November 2014
Christmas Concert Saturday 20 December 2014
Spring 2015 (6 January 24 March 2015)
Term starts Tuesday 6 January 2015
Summer 2015 (14 April 24 July 2015)
Term starts Tuesday 14 April 2015

Registered charity No. 293997
Enfield Choral
Introduction 3
Rehearsals and Performances 3
Repertoire 4
Professional Personnel 4
Musical Director
Assistant Musical Director
Rehearsal Accompanist
Expectations of Members 5
Practice between rehearsals
Providing and updating contact details
Concert Participation and Informing the Committee
Concert Dress
Opportunities for Members 7
Solo/Ensemble Singing
Other Performance Opportunities
Using Making Music Resources
Volunteering to help run ECS
Finances 9
Membership fees
The Ticket Levy
Gift Aid
Selling concert tickets
Friends of Enfield Choral Society
Fund-raising events
ECS Easy Fund Raising Account
Running the Choir: Who does what? 12
Role Descriptions and Contact Details 14
Membership/Committee Contact 18
If you do not use email
ECS Suggestions Book
The Annual General Meeting
Website 19
Key Dates 2014-15 20

The Annual General Meeting
The AGM is usually held at the beginning of a rehearsal in October. This
is when Committee members are elected and it is a chance for
members to ask questions and raise issues about the running of the
society. If you are interested in being nominated for a committee
position please speak to one of the current committee members. We
are always looking for people to stand.

Occasionally it is necessary to hold an Extraordinary General
Meeting to consider a specific issue that requires the membership's
vote before the next AGM.

Website: www.enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
It is planned to redesign the ECS website during 2014 to include a
Members Section and to enable individual committee members to
update information concerning areas for which they take
Programme Committee
Voice Part Representatives
Soprano: Justine Marlowe
Tel: 020 8245 6910 / 07768 924161
Email: Justine.Marlowe@virgin.net
Alto: Edel McGinley (Contact details under Voice Part Leads,
Tenor: Roddy Elmer (Contact details under Voice Part Leads,
Bass: Mike Seignior (Contact details under Chair, above)
Membership/Committee Contact
The main methods of contact between the ECS Committee and members
as a group are by announcements and notices at rehearsals and by
email. Circulars to the whole choir are sent by the Secretary, Penelope
Williams. On occasion, Voice Part Leads may send circulars to their

If you do not use email
Please link up with someone in your voice part who is prepared to pass
on copies of emails and attachments and let the Secretary know who
your link is. The Membership Secretary or Your Voice Part Lead will
help you find someone if necessary.
The ECS Suggestions Book
This can be found at back of the rehearsal hall each week. It can be used
for your ideas on any choir-related matters. Examples might include
ideas for: publicity; new possible concert venues for the committee to
check out; future programmes; new ECS initiatives; constructive
criticism relating to rehearsals, concerts or other aspects of ECS activi-
ties/management. The book is checked frequently and your ideas and
comments will be considered as appropriate. We now have a standard
item From the suggestion book on the ECS committee agenda to ensure
that we review it regularly.
Enfield Choral Society (ECS) was founded in 1938 and has grown in
stren gth over the years. The ECS constitution can be viewed on our
website .www.enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk. We have a reputation for
maintaining a high standard, whilst at the same time remembering that
singing should be fun and enjoyable.

Membership is open to everyone over the age of sixteen and there are
currently approximately 80 members. We are a local choir in that most
members live within the London Borough of Enfield, coming from many
different parts of the borough. You dont have to live in Enfield to
belong, however, and we have a few members living further afield. We
aim to be inclusive and accessible. No auditions are required, but a good
singing voice and enthusiasm are essential.

Rehearsals and Performances
ECS meets every Tuesday evening during the school year, in Trinity
Church Hall, Church Street, Enfield EN2 6AN from 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm.
During rehearsals we stop for a short break at approximately 8:45 pm.
In the break refreshments are available (organised by the Social Sub-
committee) for a small charge. The year runs from September to July.

We perform four concerts a year, on Saturday evenings in November,
December (Christmas Concert), March or April, and July at venues in the
London Borough of Enfield. There are usually additional rehearsals at
the concert venue during the week before a concert. These generally
take place on the Thursday before the concert and on the Saturday
afternoon. These extra rehearsals enable the choir to rehearse with
organ or orchestral accompaniment and guest soloists.

Music for the concerts is hired for the Society by the librarian. ECS music
folders are usually used for concerts. These are obtainable from the
Treasurer to purchase or hire.
We perform mainly classical choral works, recently including works by
Verdi, Durufl and Vaughan Williams. The summer concert is usually
much lighter e.g.: Pink Champagne, extracts from Gilbert and
Sullivan and Songs from the Shows. Over the last few years we have
also sung pieces composed by a member of the society, works arranged
by our Musical Director, in conjunction with a childrens choir, and with
a jazz band. The Christmas concert generally includes a number of short
seasonal pieces, with traditional carols and more unusual music.
Our repertoire is selected by the Musical Director in consultation with
the Programme Committee. This committee normally meets annually in
January or February to plan the programme for the following year (i.e.
2014 meeting plans for 2015). Each voice part has a representative on
the Programme Committee. All ECS members are welcome to suggest
programme items, either through their representative or via the
Suggestions Book available at the back of the rehearsal hall.

Professional Personnel
Musical Director
Mark Sproson has directed ECS since 2004 and is an extremely talented
and experienced musician. He has been responsible for directing a
number of ambitious works with ECS such as Rachmaninovs Vespers
and Rutters Mass of the Children. He has sung with a number of
high-profile choirs, performing regularly in Londons major concert
venues and on BBC radio and television, and now specialises in choral
conducting. Mark founded his chamber choir HELIOS Voices in 1999
and has since gone on to direct numerous choral societies and workplace
choirs and professional groups. His choral compositions and arrange-
ments have been performed by some of the UKs top choirs.

Assistant Musical Director
The committee has recently decided to appoint an Assistant Musical
Director, who will take rehearsals in the Musical Directors absence.
This will also facilitate rehearsals of different voice parts at the same
time, using the church as well as the church hall.
Vivien Taylor (Friends Secretary)
Tel: 020 8366 4997 / 07793 082 991
Email: vivienjtaylor@btopenworld.com
Vivien deals with enquiries about joining the Friends of ECS scheme.
She ensures that Friends receive their complimentary concert tickets
and have reserved seats, regarding which she liaises with the Concert
Manager. She invites Friends to ECS AGM and social events. She collects
Friends application forms and subscriptions and passes these to the

Rosie Turvil (Facebook Page Manager)
Email: rosieturvil@gmail.com
Rosie has constructed the ECS Facebook Page, which she maintains, and
has opened our Twitter account.

Voice Part Leads
Contact your Voice Part Lead about any concerns re learning/singing
your part and other section-related issues. They set up additional
rehearsals for their section as required.

Sopranos: Helen Seignior Email: helenwilshaw@gmail.com
Tel: 01992 764172 / 07533 994613
Sopranos: Sandra Leah Email: sandra.leah@btinternet.com
Tel: 020 8363 2739 / 07946 481857
Altos: Edel McGinley Email: mcginley.edel@gmail.com
Tel: 020 8245 1688 / 07948 979756
Tenors: Roddy Elmer Email: roderickelmer@talktalk.net
Tel: 020 8363 1390;
Basses: Ian Mackenzie Email: ian.mackenzie28@gmail.com
Tel: 0208 360 8517 / 07736 613846
Sue Jeffreys (Social Secretary)
Tel: 020 3231 0049 / 07973 427799
Email: sue_jeffreys@yahoo.co.uk
Sue and the Social Subcommittee are responsible for organising
refreshments for concerts and for weekly rehearsals. She leads the Sub-
committee in arranging our social and fundraising events.
Lesley Jordan (Membership)
Tel: 020 8360 3356 / 07905 815959
Email: membership@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Lesley handles enquiries from prospective members. She organises
collection of membership application forms and subscriptions, liaising
with the Treasurer. She takes and responds to applications to the Hard-
ship Fund, in consultation with the Treasurer. She maintains the ECS
membership database, including the Register, and deals with any
membership queries. After consulting the Musical Director, she produces
the choir seating plan for each concert with the Concert Manager.
Philip Elmer (Gift Aid Secretary)
Using information supplied by the Membership Secretary, Philip
completes and submits the ECS application to HMRC for Gift Aid money

Cheryl Humphreys (Email Audience Circulation List)
Email: cheryl_humphreys@btinternet.com
Cheryl has taken on the construction and maintenance of the email
circulation list for people wishing to be informed of forthcoming ECS con-
certs. Circulates flyer for each concert. Please let Cheryl have any names
and e-addresses for this list.
Frieda Rodwell (Concert tickets)
Ticket Hotline: 07856 793434
Email: tickets@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Frieda handles concert ticket orders from choir members and the public.
She keeps a record of each members take-up of Levy Tickets. She also
liaises with the Front of House team regarding ticket sales at the door.
Rehearsal Accompanist
Caroline Soresby studied music at Goldsmiths College and followed this
with a postgraduate year studying piano accompaniment at Trinity
College of Music. During this time she also studied harpsichord with
Valda Aveling. She now divides her time between teaching and
performing; she has taught for the London Borough of Redbridge for a
number of years and now has a busy private teaching practice. Caroline
performs regularly as an accompanist and chamber musician and has
worked as an accompanist with the North London Festival for the last
few years. Caroline has been playing with the Enfield Choral Society
since 2007. She enjoys singing with the altos when not needed for our
concerts as a pianist.
Expectations of Members
Regular attendance at rehearsals is expected. You are asked to mark
weekly attendance on the register placed at the back of the rehearsal
hall. If you have to miss several consecutive rehearsals a message to the
Membership Secretary and/or your Voice Part Lead would be
appreciated. Please also let us know if another member is absent due to
health problems.
Practice between rehearsals
All members are expected to practise between rehearsals. This is
essential if we are to achieve high standards of performance in the
limited time available. Where possible, links will be provided for
programme items to on-line voice part rehearsal resources. Websites
that offer free rehearsal files in which the part is played on an
instrument include:

John Fletcher Music www.johnfletchermusic.me.uk
Choralia www.choralia.net
Cyberbass www.cyberbass.com
Cyberbass also produces rehearsal CDs
Another rehearsal aid already used by some ECS members is Saffron
Choral Prompt www.saffronchoralprompt.co.uk. This is run by Quintus
Benziger, who provides CDs for different voice parts. As each part is
sung these CDs (unlike the free resources listed above) help with words
and pronunciation as well as the music. There is a charge per CD, which
is reduced for multiple copies. Voice Part Leads will establish the
number of CDs required for their part so that a single order can be made.

Such resources enable singers to practise their parts easily and
accurately, whether or not they read music and without the need for a
piano. In addition, Voice Part Leads are prepared to organise part-
specific rehearsals where needed. Please let your Voice Part Leader
know if you would like such extra group practice.

Providing and updating contact details
New members are asked for their contact details when they borrow
musical scores from ECS, and complete the Application Form when their
subscription becomes due after attending three rehearsals. Continuing
members complete the Application Form annually at the start of the
Autumn term when paying their subscription. The Membership
Secretary should be informed of any change to your contact details
during the year, so that the membership database can be updated. The
Application Form also enables confirmation/change of Gift Aid status
Concert Participation
and Informing the Committee
Members are normally expected to sing in each concert, but it is
understood and accepted that there may be occasions when this is not
possible. The Musical Director and Committee need to know not only
numbers of singers for each concert, but also the number in each voice
part and who to include in the seating plan.
The easiest way of providing this information is to put a tick (or a cross if
you cant participate) in the concert date column, on the register. It is
helpful if you can indicate whether or not you intend to sing in the
next concert at least 6 weeks in advance. It is each members
responsibility to ensure that this is done in good time, and that your
intentions are clear.

Jayne Buckland (Publicity)
Tel: 020 83634282 / 07572464708
Email: jaynesaid@hotmail.com
Jayne has established and maintains contact with the local press and
handles press notices and ongoing liaison. She is concerned to maximise
other publicity and would be happy to receive your ideas regarding
possible outlets.

Diana Butler (Music Librarian)
Tel: 020 8882 7737 / 07702 563346
Email: dianaviv.butler@hotmail.co.uk
Diana locates musical scores and borrows/hires/buys them. She is
responsible for distribution of scores to choir members, for their collec-
tion after concerts and for their safe return. Assisted by Jane Bunting.

Roger Dean (Concert Manager)
Tel: 020 83608223 / 07951 954088 (No e-mail)
With the Chair, Roger researches new venues and agrees venue for each
concert in consultation with the Musical Director. He is responsible for
booking venues and for all concert arrangements, including agreeing
staging plan for choir and instrumentalists and co-ordinating the
transport, erection and dismantling of staging, helped by an ad hoc team
of volunteers. With the Membership Secretary, he devises choir seating
plan. He organises Front-of-House, including any reserved seating.
Assisted by Graham Davis.
Margery Dey (Making Music Rep/ Concert Assistant)
Tel: 020 8366 7267 / 07966 274503
Email: margery.dey@btinternet.com
Margery liaises with Making Music (see above under Opportunities for
Members) on behalf of ECS.
She assists on concert days by taking responsibility for looking after
visiting soloists, instrumentalists, etc.

Role Descriptions and Contact Details
Mike Seignior (Chair)
Tel: 01992 764 172 / 07930 372804
Email: mailto: chairman@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Mike is the public face of ECS. He is responsible for contacts between
ECS and other organisations. He chairs ECS committee. With the concert
Manager, he researches possible concert venues.
Mike also designs concert poster/flyer, programme cover, tickets.

Mark Sproson (Musical Director)
Email: director@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Mark is responsible for all musical aspects of rehearsals and concerts

Penelope Williams (Secretary)
Tel: 020 8366 0678 / O77582680029
Email: secretary@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Penelope organises committee meetings, circulates information to
members, and produces the concert programme. She also organises the
AGM. Please let her know if you would like her to send round informa-
tion to members.

Maria Mitchell (Treasurer)
Tel: 020 83666101 / 07788 437914
Email: maria.mitchell@blueyonder.co.uk
Maria budgets for concerts. She pays professional staff, soloists,
instrumentalists, etc. and all other costs. She banks subscriptions,
concert takings and any other incoming monies.
If you do not use email, please phone or text Lesley Jordan (numbers in
Role Descriptions and Contact Details section below). Your call or text
will be acknowledged (by a text message if possible). Lesley will then
take responsibility for informing the Musical Director.
If the Membership Secretary is unavailable, please contact Penelope
Williams (Secretary) instead.
Concert Dress
Usually the dress code is as follows, but may vary according to the works
being performed and the season:

Ladies: Black long sleeved/three-quarter length sleeved blouse.
Long (i.e. full length) black skirt or black trousers.
Men: Black suit
White evening shirt with black bow-tie.

Opportunities for Members
Solo and/or Ensemble singing
ECS aims to assist and promote members musical development both
collectively and individually. To this end soloist and small group parts
are recruited from the membership where appropriate. In the past
members have been invited to audition for particular concerts, but this
reduces choir rehearsal time. We would also like to offer opportunities
to local singers outside ECS wishing to engage in solo work. A new
departure for 2014 is an Audition Day, to be held on Saturday 1
2014 between 11am and 3pm at St Pauls Winchmore Hill. Following
these auditions, the Musical Director will invite the most suitable soloist
etc. for each part available for a given concert.

If you then have to withdraw from participating in a concert you should:
Email the Membership Secretary, Lesley Jordan, as soon as possible at
membership@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk (or at her personal e-address if
easier) with a copy to Mark Sproson at director@enfieldchoralsociety.org.uk
Lesley will acknowledge your email. If you do not hear from her, please
resend or follow instructions for singers without email access.
The Musical Director occasionally includes short workshops during
rehearsals, with the aim of enhancing the choir's musical skills and
appreciation of the works we are performing. Ideas are always welcome
for subjects to be covered in these workshops; if you feel there is an area
you'd like to know more about please speak to the Musical Director or
the Chairman, or write a note in the Suggestions Book.
Other performance opportunities
The Christmas Concert generally includes several short readings chosen
and presented by members of the choir. Instrumental groups
comprising choir members are also welcome to offer an item. Members
are invited to put forward suggestions at the start of rehearsals in
Using Making Music Resources
Enfield Choral Society is affiliated to Making Music, a national
organisation which promotes and supports amateur musicians and
music groups.
Visit their web-site www.makingmusic.org.uk to discover more.
Volunteering to help run the choir
Most of you wouldn't believe how much work goes into running a choir
like ours! The Committee is responsible for all aspects of organising
rehearsals and concerts and for managing our finances. It would help
enormously if your committee could draw more on members' wider (i.e.
in addition to singing!) talents, skills and experience. We realise that
everyone has other commitments and we dont want to stress anyone
out, but there may well be a contribution you can make.
Volunteering can be rewarding in its own right and is a good way of
getting to know other choir members, something we accept is difficult
during rehearsals for a tight schedule like ours. For members in/seeking
employment it can provide a useful addition to your CV! Some of the
skills etc needed to manage ECS are: shown in the table on the next page.
Other Roles
Voice Part Leads: 1
Sopranos Helen Seignior
Sopranos Sandra Leah
Altos Edel McGinley
Tenors Roddy Elmer
Basses Ian Mackenzie
Assistant Concert Manager Graham Davis
Assistant Librarian Loan of Scores Vacant
Concert Assistants:
Looking after visiting musicians Margery Dey
Props Vacant
E-Mail Audience Circulation List
Cheryl Humphreys
Facebook Page Manager Rosie Turvil
Friends Secretary Vivien Taylor
Gift Aid Secretary Philip Elmer
Ticketing Frieda Rodwell
Web Master/Mistress Vacant
Programme Committee: Diana Butler, Jane
Bunting, Roddy Elmer,
Edel McGinley, Justine
Marlowe, Mike Seignior,
Mark Sproson (Chair)

Social Subcommittee: Janet Champion,
Sue Jeffreys (Chair)
Geraldine OHara,
Geraldine Orfeur
Running the Choir
Who does what?
Musical Director Mark Sproson
Assistant Musical Director: To be appointed
Rehearsal Accompanist Caroline Soresby
President Albert Waite


Chair Mike Seignior
Secretary Penelope Williams
Treasurer Maria Mitchell
Music Librarian Diana Butler
Publicity Jayne Buckland
Assistant Librarian Jane Bunting
Concert Manager Roger Dean
Making Music Rep Margery Dey
Social Secretary Sue Jeffreys
Membership Secretary Lesley Jordan

The Musical Director is an ex-officio member of the Committee
The Committee generally meets about six times during the year
on a Monday evening, with additional pre-concert meetings held a
few weeks before each concert on Tuesday evenings before

Artwork Catering Skills
Desktop Publishing Event organisation Facilities Management

Legal Knowledge/Skills

Letter-writing Library Skills
Manual Labour

Meeting and Greeting Publicity

Stage Management

Website Design Website Management

If you would be prepared to take on a specific task for the choir and/or
are interested in standing for the Committee please speak to/email our
Chair Mike Seignior in the first instance.
The Social Subcommittee would always welcome help in providing
refreshments at rehearsals and at concerts and arranging social and
fundraising events. Social Subcommittee meetings are held as needed
(infrequently!) at Trinity on Tuesday evenings immediately before
rehearsals. All members who travel by car to rehearsals are invited to
take their turn in taking our 5 litre flask and teabags home and making
the tea for the next weeks rehearsal break. Contact Sue Jeffreys.
ECS has considerable ongoing expenses, notably remuneration for the
professional services of our Musical Director and Accompanist, hiring
our rehearsal facilities and the hire or purchase of music. In addition,
putting on a concert can cost thousands of pounds - a great deal more
than can be recouped through sale of tickets. Expenses include venue
hire, payment of professional soloists and instrumentalists, publicity and
the production of tickets and programmes.
Membership fees
Members currently pay 132 per annum full membership and 117 per
annum concession (over 60 or unemployed). These rates include 3 free
concert tickets per year (see under Ticket Levy below). Full time
students pay 60 per annum. New members are entitled to attend 3
rehearsals before they decide to join. Subscriptions are decided by the
committee during the Summer term and become due at the start of the
Autumn term. Fees are reduced on a pro-rata basis for members joining
mid-way through a year.

Our policy is to keep membership rates as low as we can so as to make
the choir as accessible as possible. ECS rates compare very favourably
with those of other local choirs. We have also recently introduced a
Hardship Fund, comprising unused levy ticket money. Any member
experiencing difficulty in paying their membership subscription can
have a discrete word with the Membership Secretary, who will consult
about any awards with the Treasurer.
The Ticket Levy
The full and concessionary membership rates quoted above include a
levy of 30 that entitles each member to three tickets to be used over the
current choir year. To use your levy tickets simply inform the ticketing
officer, Frieda Rodwell, how many levy tickets you require for a
particular performance. Frieda maintains a record for each member of
levy tickets used/available. Members are free to recover the cost of their
levy tickets by selling them to friends if they so wish.
Gift Aid
As a registered charity, ECS can claim Gift Aid at a rate of 25% on
subscriptions minus the 30 ticket levy, i.e. 102 for full and 87 for
concessionary members. If the amount of tax you pay qualifies you for
Gift Aid, please ensure that you have delivered an enduring declaration
to the Membership Secretary. Members are required to confirm their
Gift Aid status annually on the membership Application Form.
Selling concert tickets
ECS relies on members to assist in the selling of concert tickets, by
getting posters displayed in prominent positions locally (which might
extend beyond the London Borough of Enfield, especially for concerts
taking place near borough boundaries), distributing flyers and selling as
many concert tickets as possible to family, friends and acquaintances.

ECS has taken out Affiliate Membership of the Enfield Over 50s Forum.
This entitles us to free publicity for our concerts in the Forums widely-
distributed newsletter.
Fund-raising events
The Social Secretary and Social Subcommittee organise fund-raising
events from time to time. Members are requested to support such
events., principally by attending and selling tickets. Recent events have
included quiz evenings and a music hall evening. These events may pro-
vide an opportunity to get to know other choir members better. How-
ever, they are not restricted to ECS members. If you have an idea for a
fund-raising event, please contact the Social Secretary, Sue Jeffreys.
ECS Easy Fundraising Account

You can raise funds for ECS when shopping online from Amazon,
M&S, Argos and many other companies by going through our ac-
count, which can be accessed at:

During 2013 ECS benefitted from two grants from the Enfield Residents
Priority Fund. The first of these enabled ECS to buy much needed
staging, which has been in use since Summer 2013. The second was
towards our 75
Anniversary Concert in July. Without such grants it
would have been impossible to maintain subscriptions for 2013/14 at
the same rate as for 2012/13. Please contact the Treasurer if you have
any information about other grants for which ECS could apply.
Friends of Enfield Choral Society
Regular members of our audience are invited to join the Friends
scheme. Annual membership currently costs 30, which entitles the
Friend to a free ticket and a reserved seat for each of our four concerts,
plus an additional half price ticket for each concert. Friends are notified
in advance of concerts and of social (including fund-raising) events.
They are invited to attend the AGM but do not have voting rights. The
Friends subscription does not qualify for Gift Aid purposes. Since
Autumn 2013 we have a dedicated Friends Secretary, Vivien Taylor.

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