Chapter 1

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Chapter 1



Health and education are two of the cornerstones of human capital and form the basis of
an individual's economic productivity. They also help to keep a country's economy healthy and
to create a literate society. There is considerable evidence that education plays a central role in
empowering people, which in turn is linked to numerous long term benefits. School feeding
programme could be the key to achieving these goals, which aimed to improve the nutritional
status of individuals particularly children in preschool age, to eradicate extreme poverty and
hunger, to address common nutrition and health problems, to achieve universal primary
education and to empower people (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 2012).

More than three million children under the age of five die annually because of
malnutrition, the UN food agency and World Health Organization, urging governments to tackle
the problem. Malnutrition is responsible for about half of all child deaths under five years of age,
causing over three million deaths every year (Food and Agriculture Organization,2013). Recent
statistics shows that children are the most visible victims of under nutrition. In at least half of the
10.9 million children die each year because of poor nutrition. Including measles and malaria,
under nutrition magnifies the effect of every disease. The estimated proportions of deaths in
which undernutrition is an underlying cause are roughly similar for diarrhea (61%), malaria
(57%), pneumonia (52%), and measles (45%). Malnutrition can also be caused by diseases, such
as the diseases that cause diarrhea, by reducing the body's ability to convert food into usable
nutrients (World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics, 2013).

The 2011 National Nutrition Survey of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FRNI)
showed that malnutrition among Filipino children is still prevalent. Results also showed that
20.2% of children in this category were underweight, while 33.6% were stunted or had lower
heights for their age. 7.3% of the children suffered from acute malnutrition. In the 5 to 10 years
old category, results were much higher. 32% of children in this category were underweight while
33.6% had low heights for their age (Zambrano,2010). On the latest statistics of Estipona, Tarlac
City with regard to nutritional status 8 out of 70 pupils were undernourished this means that there
were still children that were not prioritized in terms of diet and nutrition (Department of Social
Welfare and Development, 2014).

In order to combat the existing increase prevalence of malnutrition, the government has
been implementing a food assistance program for malnourished children as a short term
palliative intervention. The most popular strategy resorted to in countries where malnutrition is a
concern is Supplementary Feeding Program. The Philippine food assistance program reportedly
reaches an average of 1.3 million pre-schoolers, 1.2 million school children and 0.3 million
pregnant and lactating women annually (DSWD, 2009).

The researchers will conduct this study because of the increasing incidence of
malnutrition locally. Inspite of many programs that has been established by the government a
peak number of malnourished children were increasing drastically. We wanted to know if the
parents are really satisfied about the supplemental feeding program to eradicate malnutrition.

Statement of the Problem

The study will be conducted to determine the level of satisfaction of mothers during
school year 2014-2015 regarding the Supplemental Feeding Program in Estipona Day Care
Center, Estipona ,Pura, Tarlac.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of satisfaction of mothers in activities involved in terms of:
1.1 Pre-feeding
1.1.1 Preparatory Activities
1.2 Feeding
1.2.1 Involvement of parents
1.2.2 Types of food being served
1.3 Post-feeding
1.3.1 Nutritional status of the children
2. What is the cognitive level of mothers participating in feeding program?
3. What is the perception of parents about feeding program?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would serve as a baseline data in the formulation of solution to
minimize, if not totally eradicate the existing problem of malnutrition in Estipona Day Care
Findings of this research will be useful to the following sectors who are involved in the

To the Government. The conclusions and recommendations of the study may be a basis
to help them have a better administration support and continue the proper implementation of the
Supplemental Feeding Program.
To the Teachers.The results of the study will help them provide a basis to know the
significance of the Supplemental feeding to their pupils in regards with the teaching-learning
process. A good health and nutritional status of the pupils would mean better participation in
To the nursing education. This may providing preventive and screening services, health
education and assistance with decision-making about health, and nutrition against preventable
To the public health nursing.These may help in working together with the school and
administration for an environment conducive to a better health for people. Correspondingly, this
study will help the people realize the importance of good health through the implementation of
the Supplemental Feeding Program to a progressive and growing community.
To the Researcher.The outcome of the study is beneficial to either present researchers or
the future researchers. This study will provide them the facts needed to compare their study
during their respective time and usability. Moreover, it can also be used to generate new ideas,
revisions and improvements.

Scope and the Delimitation
The study will be conducted to determine the level of satisfaction of the Supplemental
Feeding Activity. This activity will be conducted in Estipona Daycare Center, Estipona, Pura,
Tarlac. The study will involve 1 teacher from the pre-school and 70 parent recipients of the
feeding activity.

Definition of Terms
Assessment.It refers to measuring the degree of achievement of the objectives or
effectiveness of a program. In this study, it refers to identifying the effectiveness of the
Supplemental Feeding Program implemented in Estipona Day Care Center during the SY 2014-
BMI or Body mass index.The individual's body mass divided by the square of his height.
This is the basis of classifying nutritional status from underweight, normal, overweight and
Deworming.This refers to the prevention of worm infections by giving the per-
schoolchildren deworming tablets every six months.
Nutritional Status.It refers to the state or condition of nourishment of an individual. It
includes proper weight and height in relation to a given biological age. It is expressed in terms of
the body mass index (BMI)
Outcomes.These refer to something that follow from an action, dispute, situation, result
and consequence. These are the nutritional status, improved attendance and active and alert in
school activities.
Persons Involved. These are the people in-charge of the progress or implementation of
the Supplemental Feeding Program for the benefit of the underweight pupils.
Strategies . These are careful devise plan of action to address problems in the
implementation of a program, to improve school performance and pupils achievement such as
supplementary feeding, a nutritious mid-morning that are provided to the malnourished pupils.
Supplemental Feeding.Supplemental feeding is defined as distribution of food to
supplement energy and other nutrients missing from the diet of those who have special

nutritional requirements to prevent or curb malnutrition by reducing the nutrient gap between an
individual's actual consumption and his/her requirement (DSWD, 2009).
Supplementary Foods .These are foods given to the beneficiaries of the Supplemental
Feeding Program to supplement the food they bring and eat in school.
Underweight.Is a term describing a human whose body weight is considered too low to
be healthy. In this study, the beneficiaries is said to be underweight if they don't meet the normal
weight for their age.
Wasted.It refers to low weight-for-height where child is thin for his/her height but not
necessarily short and reflects chronic malnutrition.

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