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Respected Sir/Madam,
I believe that my qualifications & experience would make me an outstandin asset to your orani!ation" I would
very much appreciate the opportunity of a personal interview, at your convenience, to further discuss my abilities
and the needs of your corporation"
Respected Sir/Madam,

#his mail is with reference to the current openin of $ob position of %&"' at ()ame of orani!ation*"
I wish to be a part of your team as I feel that my ob$ective of utili!in my &&&"" and &&" skills to the fullest
would be achieved best by servin your company"
My resume has been attached above" +indly consider my candidature"
,ear Sir/ Ma'am,

I am writin to express my interest in workin with your orani!ation as a &"",esination&, and have enclosed my
resume for your consideration"

Review of my credentials will confirm that I have been a consistent performer throuhout" I am a self-motivated
person and can prove to be a ood team player with stron analytical & problem solvin skills" .lso I believe in
takin initiatives and strive to apply my knowlede to fullest of my abilities"

/ith stron communication skills and dynamic presentation/public speakin style, let me also note that my technical
experience and Manaement knowlede will make me a very competitive candidate for this position"

If your firm is lookin for a dependable, results-oriented professional with a solid performance track, I would be
interested in speakin with you to discuss the value that my strenths and capabilities can brin to your company" I
can be reached in confidence at the above telephone numbers or email address and I look forward to hearin from

#hank you for your time and consideration"
,ear Sir/Madam,

It was a reat interest that I came to know about $ob openin in your orani!ation throuh a reference and
in response am enclosin my resume for your consideration"

Review of my credentials will confirm you hopefully that I am capable of servin as a catalyst for
achievin your desired ob$ective throuh effective contribution"

I am pleased to write that I am very much keen to associate with (name of orani!ation* and obviously it
would be my honor if I could serve my service for this orani!ation"

0lease revert and acknowlede this application for the further process if any"

/arm Reards
,ear Sir/Madam,

0lease find my updated 12 attached herewith"

I am an M3. professional in &&" from &&& institute &""0lace"
I am havin ood and thouhtful industry exposure in &&& and &&&"" #hrouh internship proram and
pro$ects which I have underone"
I am havin &&& experience of 4 &&&"" /orkin for &&&""
I would like to associate with your orani!ation, where I can use my knowlede and experience to enhance
orani!ational oals and my career oals"

5ookin for your valuable look at my profile and your positive feedback for the same"

#hanks and Reards
,ear Sir/Madam,
.s per your advertisement in &&"" /ebsite, I would like to offer my candidature for the post of 6&&&6 with $ob
code &&"" My Resume is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal"
,ear Sir

I am interested in applyin to your esteemed orani!ation"
.nd would like to associate myself"
I have completed &&&&"" 7rom &&&university &&&"
I%m confident of matchin the company%s value and work culture requirements with my strenths and abilities"
My educational qualification and internship experience, contractual pro$ect and previous experience have prepared
me well for a $ob with this firm"
.ttached with this application is my resume which would detail you reardin my abilities and qualification please
review the same and consider me for a desination suitin my capacity"
.nticipatin a positive response"
#hankin you,
8ello Madam/ Sir,
#his correspondence of mine is in reard to the vacancy at your company" I have one throuh the requirements
stated by you and the $ob description mentioned on &website and think that the profile suites me in an unfathomed
manner" /ith my level of education and work experience it becomes obvious for me to be able to undertake similar
assinments with reverence" #he first hand display of the idiosyncrasies can be witnessed with a personal
conversation9 a chance of which I presume will be iven to me" I am forwardin my resume which provides a brief
idea of my accomplishments and remarkable endeavors to remain inclined to the learnin curve and display an
apparent miht of professionalism"
I shall feel dinified to receive communication from your side"

/ith Reards
Manaer 8R
,ear Sir or Madam,
I am currently explorin $ob opportunities" .s my resume reveals, I have Master%s deree in 7inance
(0:,M*" I have worked on and learned a reat deal from pro$ects durin my summer trainin and Iwill be
anxious to work with your orani!ation"
I have enclosed/attached my resume for your review" I would like the opportunity to meet and share more
about my qualifications and the ways in which I can contribute to the orani!ation"

#hankin you
Respected Sir/Mam

I have completed my && deree in &&"" with an areate of &&&; in the month of &&" I have over &&""
months of experience in similar field and ood command over &&&"
I am lookin for a ood platform where I can work with full devotion & enthusiasm" I wish to stand with a solid
backbone to make feel proud of my employer with my hard work and loyalty" Moreover I am ready to work
anywhere and money thouh important is not my main concern"

I would be rateful if you could consider my candidature for &&"" and provide me an opportunity to prove my
worth" I am enclosin my resume for your kind consideration and favorable reply"

#hanks & Reards
#he Manaer,
8uman Resource ,epartment,
R)1<S = services 0vt 5td"
I am writin to express my interest in the $ob vacancy for """""""""" in your oranisation as mentioned on your site ($ob
code- """""""""""*
My detailed resume is enclosed for your reference" Review of my credentials will confirm that I meet the eliibility
criteria for the desired profile"
I believe my knowlede and skills will brin value to your orani!ation and would welcome the opportunity to meet,
discuss and explore the possibilities of the same"
#hankin you
,ear =mployer,
In response to your advertisement reardin the position for &&" in your orani!ation I am enclosin a resume for
your review" 0lease consider this letter as my formal application presentin my backround, education and
I am a &&"" student with Ma$ors &&&" with the &&&""backround & have an experience in various field like
&&&"" =tc" I am well versed in the area of &&&"" as I am also certified ,ealer of )S=%s )17M" 8ave ood
knowlede of 1omputer" I have diploma from &&"" >niversity
I have considerable experience in dealin with &&&&" and a thorouh knowlede of the &&&&&of the
corporate environment" I work well with people and en$oy ettin the work at hand completed" I believe I would
excel in this industry because I truly find this $ob as a challenin and rewardin career opportunity" .s well as, my
multi reional exposure offers me an advantae in better understandin of the consumer behavior and perception of
various culture & reion"
5ookin forward for your positive response and expect to hear from you soon for an interview to further discuss my
qualifications" I am available for an interview at a mutually convenient time"
#hank you for your time and consideration"
#he 8R Manaer


/ith reference to the telephonic conversation, I /ant to apply for the post of &&"" in your orani!ation" I am
sendin a copy of my resume as a word attachment with this mail"

8ope to hear from you soon "

#hankin ?ou

?ours faithfully
,ear Sir,
#his is S ,"

I am an M3. from &&&"" >niversity
1urrently I am pursuin &&& from &&&"" >niversity &&"

I%d like to request you kindly lend me the opportunity so that I can prove myself to be eliible for the relevant post in
your hihly prestiious orani!ation"
My resume is attached herewith for your kind appraisal"
In anticipation of your endeavour,
/ith best reards"""
:reetins for the day @
#his is in response to the mail sent to me" I would like to apply for the mentioned opportunity namely &&""" I%m
sendin my resume for your kind consideration" I can be contacted any time on the number mentioned below" 8ope
you will revert back soon"

#he 8R
)ew ,elhi
Sub$ect-A .pplication for the 0ost of &&"
Respected Madam,
/e had a conversation over the phone" I feel immense pleasure in offerin my candidature with the aim of
professional career in your reputed orani!ation for the above mentioned post"
I assure u that, I shall spare no pains in discharin my duties at the best of my caliber"
#hanks in .nticipation
8avin seen your mail, I tender my deep deliht upon showin your likeness towards my profile" I offer my
candidacy for the post that%s &&&" In this response, I attach the personal recapitulation with my updated 12,
herewith" +indly check"
#hanks in anticipation,
?ours Sincerely,
(for those who are applyin for diverse profiles*
I am &&&, a &&&" enineer with &&&&" #his is in response to your mail I received reardin the
requirement/recruitment of &&&&
.lthouh, I am into a &&&"profession, my inclination has always been towards &&&"professions, especially
&&&""" I have a natural panache for &&"" Since I have worked with &&&"" prior to $oinin &&&"", I have a
ood command over &&&&"and am well versed with the &&&&& standards" I have been involved in
&&&&at school and collee level"
.s far as the remuneration is concerned, I well understand the difference between salaries in &&and other
industries and this difference will not be an issue from my side" Sooner or later I would want to switch over from
my current profession to somethin that I am more comfortable with" I am confident in myself and all I seek is a
ood opportunity, which I miht find with your orani!ation"
I am enclosin my resume (technical* your kind perusal" +indly provide me with an opportunity to prove my worth"
#hanks and Reards
My interest for the position of &&&" has prompted me to forward my resume for your review and consideration"
I am employed as &&
I #hink that I could apply my combination of knowlede and experience" .s a business 0ost-:raduate I believe that,
this 0ost will provide an <utstandin <pportunity for me"
I am Sendin my Resume with this .pplication" I believe that my .cademic record and =xperience reflects
=xcellent 5evel of both Motivation & 1onitive ability"
I hope that the ,etail I have provided is sufficient for the <pportunity that your 1ompany is offerin"
#hank you for your consideration"
,ear 8irin Manaer,

#his letter is to express my interest in discussin the position posted on your company%s website. #he
opportunity presented in this listin is very appealin, and I believe that my experience and education will make me
a competitive candidate for this position"

0resently, I am workin as a &" for &&&""" with around &&"years% experience in &&&&&" etc" I enclose my
resume as a first step in explorin the possibilities of employment with you"

0lease let me know the procedure that follows .S.0
#hank you for your time and consideration" I look forward to speakin with you about this employment opportunity"

3est Reards
,ear sir/madam,
I am writin to apply for the position of &&&&t" .s requested, I am enclosin a completed $ob application, my
resume and references"
#he opportunity presented in this listin is very interestin, and I believe that my stron technical experience and
education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position" #he key strenths that I possess for success
in this position includeA
I strive for continued excellence
I provide exceptional contributions to &&&&&&"
I also have experience in learnin and excellin at new technoloies as needed"
0lease see my resume for additional information on my experience"
I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, &&&&""" #hank you for your time and consideration" I look forward
to speakin with you about this employment opportunity"
It is with reat interest that I am forwardin my 12/Resume for your consideration" My record of academic
achievements and professional career history, demonstrates attributes that make me a valuable employee" My
12/Resume is enclosed to provide you with details of my skills and accomplishments, but I am certain that a
personal interview would more fully reveal my desire and ability to contribute to your orani!ation"

#hank you for your time and consideration, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions"
I look forward to speakin with you soon"
#he 8R Manaer
Sir/ Madam,
#his letter is in reference to the mail received by me from &&&invitin application for the post of &&"" 0rofile"
.t the very outset, I would like to thank you for considerin me for this post" I'm currently &&&&&&"" I have a
sound knowlede of &&&and hands on experience in &&&&", the details of which are mentioned in the 12
I would be happy to work with &&& and become a part of the &&&" family"
I am enclosin a copy of my curriculum vitae for your kind perusal"
.nticipatin a positive reply"
#hankin you
,ear Sir/Madam,

#hanks for providin me with a chance to work with your esteemed orani!ation would be really interested in
ettin into a verbal interaction with your 8R team so that I could prove my worthiness to you and I can assure you
that you would not reret ivin me a chance once" 0lease find enclosed my resume attached with this email for the
post of &&"" (Bob 1odeA &&"* in your esteemed orani!ation"

#hankin you in anticipation"
,ear Sir / Madam,

5ookin at the workin and structure of your orani!ation it is my stron belief that my presence in your
orani!ation will ive reat synery between viable rowth of your orani!ation and my expertise in the various
areas includin &&""
Review of my credentials will confirm that I am capable of servin as the catalyst for achievin revenue ob$ectives
and oranic rowth throuh effective contributions" I have in depth expertise of &&""#he courses have put in me
the best mix of &&"" expertise with these I also have insihtful knowlede of &&&""

I understand that workin for your orani!ation requires a candidate who is team oriented and is able to deal with
people in various departments" I am confident that I possess these skills, which will help me to perform the $ob
efficiently and effectively"
My oal is to transit my enthusiasm, creativity and experience into a position, where I continue to provide the
strateic and tactical leadership critical to retainin valued customers of an orani!ation" I am certain that my
presence in your team will prove to be beneficial to your orani!ation" .s such, I would welcome an opportunity
to speak wit you to e!aluate your needs and sare my ideas.

#hankin you"


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