Genoa Annals 1191-4

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The Genoese Annals of Ottobuono Scriba

The Genoese annals were begun in 1100 by Caffaro di Rustico, then a young man of
twenty who went on to have a distinguished career in the government of the city of Genoa.
Caffaro continued his annals into old age, only laying down his pen in 116. !ome years
earlier, in 11"#, he had formerly presented his wor$ to the consuls and commune of the city,
who had a copy made and $ept in the city archives. %fter his death his &annals' were
continued by others as the official history of the city of Genoa, down until 1#(). The
notary *ttobuono ws the second continuator after Caffaro, and wrote the section from 11+)
until 11(6, although he only began writing in 11,(, and his account of the previous fifteen
years was written retrospectively. -e was however an eyewitness of the events of the 11(0s,
and his first.hand account reveals the anger of the Genoese at the failure of -enry /0 to
fulfil the promises that he made to the city in return for its naval aid, as well as the
problems posed to the imperial e1peditions by the continued rivalry of the Genoese and
These e1tracts have been translated by G.%. 3oud from the %nnales 0anuenses
*toboni !cribae, in %nnali Genovesi di Caffaro e de4 suoi continuatori, ii, ed. L.T.
Belgrano and C. Imperiale di Sant'Angelo (Fonti per la storia d'Italia 1902), pp. !"#1, #$"
Let it %e &no'n to %ot( t(ose o) t(e present da* and t(ose '(o +ome a)ter in ),t,re
t(at -ing .enr*, son o) t(e late /mperor Frederi+&, '(om a)ter'ards 0ope Celestine III
+ro'ned as emperor, sent (is en1o*s and a letter to t(e a)oresaid lord 2anegold t(e 0odest3
and t(e +omm,ne o) 4enoa, as&ing t(at t(e +omm,ne o) 4enoa grant (im (elp to a+5,ire
and o%tain t(e &ingdom o) Si+il*, and prepare a )leet and arm* 6e1peditio7 )or (im. T(ro,g(
t(e said en1o*s, namel* Ar+(%is(op 8tto o) 9a1enna and Arnaldo Stretto o) 0ia+en:a, (e
indeed promised man* and great t(ings in ret,rn )or t(is. To +on)irm and )inalise t(ese
matters t(e 0odest3 and +omm,ne o) 4enoa sent en1o*s to t(e emperor, '(o 'as in a great
+amp %esieging ;aples " t(ese en1o*s 'ere <golino 2allon,s and Ido 0i+io. To t(em t(e
emperor made all sorts o) %ig promises, and s'ore (to t(ese), and +on)irmed t(em 'it( (is
pri1ilege, sealed 'it( a golden %,ll. For (e +on)irmed t(e old +,stoms and pri1ileges, and t(e
mar+( and +o,nt* 6o) 4enoa=7, t(e mo,ntain o) 2ona+o, t(e castrum o) 4a1i, t(e +it* o)
S*ra+,se 'it( e1er*t(ing %elonging to it, and 2$0 &nig(ts' )ees 6caballarii7 o) land in t(e
>allo di ;oto, as 'ell as man* ot(er t(ings '(i+( are +ontained in t(e pri1ilege. A)ter'ard,
(o'e1er, (e dis(onestl* )ailed to o%ser1e t(ese terms, against (is (ono,r and in
+ontra1ention o) (is s'orn promise? indeed '(at is 'orse, (e did e1er*t(ing +lean +ontrar*
to t(em, as 'ill %e s(o'n to t(ose in t(e ),t,re '(o 'is( to &no' later on in t(is present
1ol,me o) +(roni+les.
A)ter +ompleting t(ese negotiations t(e a)oresaid en1o*s ret,rned to 4enoa. T(e +it*
o) 4enoa (ad alread* prepared a )leet and arm* )or t(e ser1i+e o) t(e said emperor, e1en
%e)ore t(e* re+ei1ed t(e castellum o) 4a1i. (T(is indeed t(e* (a1e (eld at t(is time, )or it
'as t(eir rig(t),l possession, and lords(ip o1er it (ad %een assigned and gi1en to t(e
a)oresaid 2anegold on %e(al) o) t(e +omm,ne o) 4enoa). T(e '(ole )or+e sailed )rom
4enoa on t(e da* o) t(e Ass,mption o) t(e Blessed 2ar*. T(ere 'ere galle*s in '(i+(
t(e +ons,ls Bello%r,no and 9olando di Carmadino 'ere appointed +ommanders and leaders.
T(ese galle*s 'ent to t(e ri1er 6mo,t(7 at Castello di 2are, '(i+( is near 2ondragone,
'(ere 2argarit,s, t(e admiral o) -ing Tan+red ('(o (ad (eld Si+il* )or a +onsidera%le
period) (ad %lo+&aded t(e 0isan )leet. @(en t(e galle*s o) t(e 4enoese arri1ed t(ere t(e
0isan )leet 'as not to %e )o,nd, )or t(e* (ad )led at nig(t, and t(ere t(e* learned t(at t(e
emperor (ad %een ta&en ill, and (ad t(en %een +arried (al)"dead to Cap,a.
8n (earing o) t(is t(e 4enoese '(o 'ere in t(e )leet lamented at 6(is7 deat(. T(e*
+ame 'it( t(e '(ole )leet to t(e island o) Is+(ia, and t(en, sailing t(ro,g( t(e nig(t, t(e*
(eaded )or t(e islands o) 0on:a and 0on:iane. In t(e morning Bello%r,no 'aited in (is galle*
)or t(e )leet, and (e )o,nd (imsel) 'it( 2 galle*s, '(ile t(e ot(er +ons,l 9olando remained
at sea 'it( t(e rest o) t(e galle*s. .o'e1er, '(en t(e* 'ere +lose to 2onte Cir+eo, %e(old
2argarit,s appeared 'it( -ing Tan+red's )leet, +omprising A2 galle*s, t'o sagittei and t'o
scur5ati, and +(allenged t(e a)oresaid 22 6#67 galle*s. Seeing t(is o,r galle*s raised t(eir
sails and too& ,p arms, 'is(ing to atta+& -ing Tan+red's )leet. Finall* it (appened t(at
2argarit,s and t(e ro*al )leet t,rned tail and steered to'ards t(e island o) Is+(ia, and t(e
4enoese )leet steered to'ards 9ome. It rea+(ed Ci1ita1e++(ia, and t(e* t(en sent en1o*s to
t(e emperor '(o 'as la*ing ill at S. 4ermano, as&ing (im to gi1e orders as to '(at s(o,ld
%e done. T(ro,g( (is en1o* Arnaldo Stretto, and %* letter, (e ga1e t(e )leet permission to
ret,rn (ome, sa*ing t(at (e (imsel) 'o,ld +ome to 4enoa in person, to dis+,ss t(e raising
and preparation o) a ne' )leet to o%tain t(e &ingdom o) Si+il*? (e also +omplained %itterl*
t(at -ing Tan+red (ad depri1ed (im o) (is 'i)e '(om (e (ad (ad ta&en )rom Salerno to
Si+il*. T(e )leet t(,s ret,rned to 4enoa. @(en 'inter +ame t(e a)oresaid emperor arri1ed in
4enoa aro,nd t(e )east o) St. 2artin 611th 7ovember7. A meeting 'as (eld and t(e
pro1ision o) a ne' )leet 'as dis+,ssed. .e made man* promises to t(e +it* and +omm,ne o)
4enoa '(i+( 'ere to %e %adl* o%ser1ed and not ),l)illed. 8n+e t(is 'as done, t(e emperor
le)t and 'ent to 4erman*. ...
[1194] ... T(e ,s,al deadl* disease o) sedition not onl* did not +ease %,t rat(er gre' more
and more and re+ei1ed in+rease. ... 6%n account follows of the battles within the city7. ...
Finall* t(e +ons,ls sa' t(at t(e* 'ere ma&ing no (ead'a* in an* matter. 8n t(e ,rgings o)
t(e emperor's senes+(al 2ar&'ard, to a1oid (olding ,p t(e )or+e '(i+( (ad %een promised
to t(e emperor )or t(e %,siness o) t(e &ingdom o) Si+il*, t(e* )reel* stepped do'n and
resigned t(e o))i+e o) +ons,l. A +o,n+il 'as (eld and t(e general assem%l* ele+ted as 0odest3
and Cons,l o) 4enoa 8%erto di 8le1ano o) 0a1ia, a man %ot( no%le and a+ti1e. .e 'as to
%e Cons,l and 0odest3 o) 4enoa )rom t(at da* to t(e 0,ri)i+ation o) Saint 2ar* 6#nd
8ebruary7, and t(en )or one *ear a)ter t(at. .e too& t(e to'ers o) t(ose '(o 'ere
5,arrelling into (is po'er, and greatl* ad1an+ed t(e preparation o) t(e )leet )or t(e
emperor's eBpedition. 8n+e t(e )or+e 'as in a (ig( state o) readiness, t(e /mperor .enr*
+ame to 4enoa in C,ne. .e re5,ested and strongl* ad1ised t(e no%les and people o) 4enoa
t(at t(e* +ommit t(emsel1es ),ll* to ta&e part in t(e arm* and t(e eBpedition. 'I) I s(all gain
t(e &ingdom o) Si+il* t(ro,g( *o,r e))orts, a)ter 4od, t(e (ono,r 'ill %e mine %,t t(e pro)it
'ill %e *o,rs, )or I s(o,ld not remain in it 'it( m* 4ermans, %,t *o, and *o,r des+endants
'ill remain t(ere, and t(at &ingdom 'ill %e treated not as m* &indom %,t as *o,rs'.
0retending t(at (e 'o,ld gi1e almost t(e '(ole o) t(e &ingdom to t(e 4enoese, (e de+ei1ed
e1er*%od* 'it( seemingl* genero,s promises o) +ities, to'ns and 1illages, and pledged (is
(and to t(e people o) 4enoa. .e (ad an empt* and 'ort(less pri1ilege dra'n ,p +ontaining
details o) t(ese and +o,ntless ot(er ri+(es, and (ad (is seal )iBed to it.

T(e 4enoese tr,sted impli+itl* in t(e emperor's menda+io,s promises, and so t(e*
t(en pledged t(emsel1es to pro1ide t(e )leet )or t(e eBpedition to +on5,er t(e &ingdom o)
Si+il* )or (im, t(at %* t(e middle o) A,g,st t(e* 'o,ld sail )rom t(e port o) 4enoa 'it(
large n,m%ers o) sailing s(ips (u1erii) and galle*s, 'it( arms and &nig(ts and e1er*t(ing else
'(i+( pertained to t(e arm*. T(e 0isans 'ere also to ta&e part in t(is )leet )or t(e ser1i+e o)
t(e emperor 'it( t'el1e galle*s and 6ot(er=7 sailing s(ips. Sin+e t(e lord +aptain 8%erto de
8le1ano 'ent 'it( t(is )or+e )rom 4enoa, (e appointed as (is 1i+ar in t(e o))i+e o) 0odest3
Dra+o de 4am%olato, '(o remained in t(at o))i+e ,ntil t(e )east o) t(e 0,ri)i+ation o) Saint
2ar*. T(e* set sail, made t(eir Eo,rne* and arri1ed at 4aeta, '(i+( t(e* 'is(ed to +apt,re
%* )or+e. T(e +it* )inall* s,rrendered to 2ar&'ard, t(e emperor's senes+(al, Boni)a+e
2ar5,is o) 2ont)errat and 8%erto de 8le1ano, t(e 0odest3 o) 4enoa, '(o 'ere t(e leaders
o) t(e great )leet. T(e* t(en le)t 'it( t(e )leet, lea1ing %e(ind Betramo Salim%ene, t(e
podest3's E,dge and 8tto%,ono t(e s+ri%e o) t(e +omm,ne o) 4enoa, to re+ei1e t(e oat(s o)
)ealt* )rom t(e %is(op, +ons,ls and people o) t(e +it* o) 4aeta. T(e )leet rea+(ed ;aples on
t(e 1igil o) St. Bart(olome' t(e Apostle 6#rd %ugust7. T(at +it* and Co,nt Aligern +ame to
an agreement 'it( t(e leaders o) t(e )leet and s,rrendered, and made an oat( o) )ealt* to t(e
emperor. T(e islands and to'ns o) Is+(ia, Capria, 4erone and 0ro+ida 6also7 s,rrendered.
T(e )leet set sail again and 'it( a )a1o,ra%le 'ind +ame to t(e Straits, rea+(ing 2essina on
1st Septem%er.
@(en t(e* arri1ed at t(e +it* it (appened, t(ro,g( t(e instigation o) t(e de1il, t(at
t(ere 'as a 1er* serio,s, i) inde+isi1e, %attle %et'een t(e 4enoese and t(e 0isans. T(is )ig(t
lasted )or a long time, and man* o) t(e 0isans )ell to t(e s'ord t(at da* and s,))ered mortal
'o,nds. T(e 4enoese '(o )o,g(t 'it( t(em at sea +apt,red t(irteen o) t(eir galle*s and
too& t(em a'a*. .o'e1er t(e 0isans stormed t(e St. Co(n mar&et in '(i+( t(ere 'as a
small )or+e o) 4enoese soldiers, and t(e* &ept t(e 4enoese '(o 'ere t(ere as prisoners and
too& a'a* a large s,m o) mone*. T(e* too& o1er t(e (o,ses in '(i+( t(e* )o,nd 4enoese
men, and +arried o)) t(eir mone*, alt(o,g( t(e* 'ere m,+( more +on+erned 'it( se+,ring
t(e (ono,r and 1i+tor* t(an 'it( mone* +(ests. T(,s t(e* (eld on to Co(n t(e ad1o+ate and
t(e ot(er 4enoese no%les '(o (ad )o,g(t so %ra1el* t(at da* )or t(e rep,%li+ o) 4enoa, and
)or some da*s (eld t(em prisoner to t(e s(ame and em%arassment o) t(e ot(ers in t(e pala+e
t(at (ad )ormerl* %elonged to 2argarit,s.
8n t(e neBt da* t(e maEorit* o) t(e %ra1est no%les and people o) 4enoa determined to
atta+& t(em %* %ot( land and sea, to a1enge t(is gra1e ins,lt at s'ord point, to %,rn t(e
s(ips o) t(e 0isan +orsairs and to res+,e t(e no%les '(o 'ere %eing (eld prisoner. @(en t(e*
atta+&ed t(e 0isans, t(e* +apt,red and (eld t(irteen o) t(eir galle*s, and most o) t(e 0isans
manning t(ose galle*s t(at da* )o,nd deat(, eit(er %* t(e s'ord or in t(e Straits o) 2essina
into '(i+( t(e* san& 'it( t(eir armo,r and 'eapons.
T(e a)oresaid senes+(al tried )or some da*s to se+,re a tr,+e %et'een t(e 0isans and
4enoese. A)ter t(e prisoners (ad %een )reed, as t(e 0isans demanded, (e t(en (ad %ot( t(e
0isans and 4enoese s'ear to restore e1er*t(ing t(at (ad %een ta&en, and on+e %ot( sides
(ad s'orn t(ese oat(s, t(e 4enoese restored a t(o,sand mar&s o) sil1er and t(e (,lls o) t(eir
galle*s to t(e 0isans. T(e 0isans, '(o not ,nnat,rall* (ad do,%ted t(e 4enoese, made
restit,tion to t(em ... 67evertheless 2isan attac$s on the Genoese continued7 ...
T(e* 6the Genoese7 said t(atF ''e m,st s,))er all t(is in pea+e )or lo1e o) t(e lord
emperor, to pre1ent t(e ser1i+e o'ed to (im %eing (indered %* '(at (as (appened'. @(at
more= So man* and so great 'ere t(ese ins,lts and o,trages t(at one +an s+ar+el* des+ri%e
t(em all. As a res,lt t(at man o) great and praise'ort(* 1alo,r, 8%erto di 8le1ano, t(e
0odest3 o) 4enoa, )ell ill )rom t(e anBiet* and grie) +a,sed %* s,+( s(ame),l in+idents and
%e+ame )e1eris(. @ea&ened %* t(is illness and t(e )l,B in (is stoma+(, +ontin,all* )e1eris(, it
'as pleasing to t(e Di1ine 'ill t(at (e ended (is da*s. And '(ile t(e %od* o) t(is great man
'as %eing +eremoniall* %orne to (is tom% %* t(e no%les, lo and %e(old t(e 'i+&ed 0isans
prepared an am%,s(. T(e* remained (idden in t(eir (o,ses +lad in armo,r and +arr*ing t(eir
'eapons, )or t(e* planned and (oped t(at '(ile t(e senes+(al, t(e mar5,is and ot(er ot(er
no%lemen 'ere %,s* o,tside t(e +it* t(e* 'o,ld +apt,re all t(e +it* )orti)i+ations and get
possession o) t(e to'n. A)ter'ards t(e* 'o,ld send o,t a )or+e o) armed men to massa+re
t(e a)oresaid mar5,is and senes+(al, and all t(e ot(ers '(o 'ere )ollo'ing t(e +orpse. B,t
%* t(e gra+e o) 4od t(eir intention 'as )r,strated sin+e t(e mar5,is and senes+(al 'ere
'arned %* t(eir )riends and )ollo'ers '(o (ad learned o) t(is 'i+&ed plot. 8n (earing o) it,
t(e* and t(e a)oresaid no%les ret,rned to t(eir lodgings, nor did t(e* allo' t(e ot(er
4enoese no%les to )ollo' t(e %od* an* ),rt(er. T(e* t(en garrisoned t(e ro*al pala+e and
t(e +astle, and (ad t(em more +losel* g,arded t(an ,s,al. T(e senes+(al 'as in)ormed %* (is
)riends and )ollo'ers '(o (ad gained &no'ledge o) t(e 0isan plot t(at t(ese same 0isans
)a1o,red t(e 'i)e and +(ildren o) t(e )ormer &ing, Tan+red, and t(at t(e* (ad re+ei1ed
letters and promises )rom t(em.
2ean'(ile t(e emperor (ad ta&en t(e land ro,te, and (ad %een dela*ed )or some time
'(ile (e destro*ed t(e +it* o) Salerno. T(e 4enoese and t(eir arm* no' (eaded )or t(e +it*
o) Catania '(i+( s,rrendered to t(em. T(e* 'ere atta+&ed %* t(e Sara+ens and t(e arm* o)
t(e 5,een, t(e 'ido' o) t(e )ormer &ing, Tan+red, %,t t(e* dro1e t(e Sara+en arm* )rom t(e
)ield and t(e latter )led. T(en t(e* 'ent to S*ra+,se '(i+( t(e* atta+&ed )or some time and
stormed. T(ere t(e* &illed some 0isans '(o 'ere among t(e de)enders. From t(at time
on'ards no +it*, to'n or castrum (eld o,t %,t t(e* all s,rrendered, eB+ept )or t(e +it* and
pala+e o) 0alermo, '(ile t(e 4enoese 'on a n,m%er o) engagements in t(e open )ield. T(e
0isans (o'e1er did not mo1e )rom 2essina, eit(er %* land or sea.
8n+e t(e emperor and (is arm* (ad arri1ed at 2essina t(en t(e 4enoese and 8tto di
Carretto, '(om t(e* (ad ele+ted 0odest3, 'ent to (im, and (eld lengt(* dis+,ssions 'it(
(im, re5,esting t(at (e no' grant '(at (ad %een agreed ,pon and promised, %,t ne1er
),l)illed. T(e )oresaid 8tto said on %e(al) o) t(e 4enoeseF 'lord emperor, it (as %een pleasing
to *o,r eB+ellen+* to ma&e an agreement 'it( t(e 4enoese in '(i+( *o, promised S*ra+,se
and t(e >al di ;oto to ,s. B* t(e gra+e o) 4od and to t(e %ene)it o) *o,r name, 'e (a1e
atta+&ed and +on5,ered t(is area 'it( t(e s'ord. I) it please *o,, 'e no' as& t(at *o, gi1e
to ,s '(at 4od (as pla+ed in *o,r po'er'. To t(is t(e emperor replied, 'Go, (a1e alread*
%e(a1ed 'ell and 'it( energ*, as *o, are a++,stomed to do in t(e manner o) *o,r an+estors?
%,t 'e (a1e not *et ta&en t(e pala+e at 0alermo. 8n+e t(at (as %een done, *o, 'ill re+ei1e
S*ra+,se and t(e >al di ;oto and e1er*t(ing else t(at 'as promised to t(e +omm,ne and
+iti:ens, and I s(all add a great deal more. B,t no', I %eg *o,, let ,s go to 0alermo'.
T(e arm* set o)) %* land and sea, and t(e emperor le)t 2essina and 'ent to 0alermo.
T(e +it* o) 0alermo and t(e ro*al pala+e 'ere )inall* s,rrendered to t(e emperor. 8n+e t(is
(ad s,++ess),ll* %een a+(ie1ed and (e (ad gained lords(ip o1er t(e '(ole island, t(e
4enoese 'ent on+e more to t(e emperor, '(o 'as in t(e pala+e gardens +alled Giloardus
649arthly paradise. :%rabic;7. T(e* said to (imF '2* lord, e1er*t(ing (as no' %* t(e gra+e
o) 4od %een ),l)illed. Go, (a1e lords(ip o1er t(e '(ole &ingdom, and 'e (a1e gi1en it into
*o,r (ands. @e %eg, i) it is pleasing, t(at '(at *o, (a1e agreed 'it( and promised to t(e
+omm,nit* and +iti:ens o) 4enoa s(all %e ),l)illed t(ro,g( *o,r gra+e's generosit*'. .e
replied to t(em t(atF '*o,r po'er is dead. I don't see (ere an*one '(o represents t(e
+omm,ne o) 4enoa, nor do I re+ognise t(at +omm,ne. B,t '(ene1er I do see someone or
some people '(o do represent t(e +omm,nit*, t(en I s(all indeed ),l)il '(at I (a1e
It 'as t(,s t(at li&e a rog,e (e ignored t(e promises '(i+( (e (ad made? and at t(e
'i+&ed s,ggestion o) some o) t(e +iti:ens o) 4enoa and o) ot(er e1il and s(ameless people
(e not onl* did not &eep (is promises, %,t indeed (e %e(a1ed t*ranno,sl* and most +r,ell*
to'ards t(e +it* o) 4enoa '(i+( (e admitted 'it( (is o'n mo,t( (ad gained (im t(e
&ingdom. .en+e (e a%rogated e1er*t(ing t(at t(e +it* o) 4enoa (ad gained 'it(in t(e
&ingdom t(ro,g( t(e generosit* o) t(e )ormer &ings o) (app* memor* 9oger, @illiam (is
son, and t(e ot(er @illiam son o) t(is @illiam. .e e1en )or%ade an* 4enoese to pres,me to
+all (imsel) +ons,l 'it(in (is &ingdom o) Si+il* " i) an*%od* did do t(is (e ordered t(at t(e*
s,))er eBe+,tion? and (e t(reatened t(em, sa*ing t(at in ),t,re t(e 4enoese 'o,ld not dare
to go an*'(ere %* sea, and t(at (e 'o,ld destro* t(e +it* o) 4enoa. Loo& at all t(is and
t(in& '(et(er an* trea+(er* 'as e1er as %ad as t(is trea+(er*, and i) do'n t(e +ent,ries an*
s,+( deeds (a1e %een done %* an* t*rant, e1en t(e most pagan. Do *o, 'onder '(et(er
an*%od* s(o,ld tr,st (im in an*t(ing else=

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