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Star Ocean: The Second Story: Dias Guide by Justus_Bowman

Version: 1.87 | Last Updated: 2009-02-13 | View/Download Oriinal !ile

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Dias Unlimited
Star Ocean: The Second Story
Sony Playstation
North America Version
Version 1.87 (21!2""#$
%&mail: '(st(s)o*man+,
Dias Unlimited
This is the Dias Unlimited .(ide. /t may not 0e re1rod(ced in
any *ay *itho(t my *ritten consent.
/ created this ,(ide 2or the North American 3ersion o2 the
This 4A5 is 6#78 com1lete. /2 yo( ha3e somethin, to contri0(te9
1lease e&mail me at '(st(s)o*man+,
Version /n2o
A Taste o2 ;no*led,e
The Art o2 <ar
The Three 4orms o2 Dias
;iller =o3es
4irst 4orm
The Sla3eS(11ort Team
Dias in 1:!"
>eraldry 4orest
Second 4orm
The )i, ?(n
Third 4orm
4rontline and )eyond
=y e@1eriments *ith StaP
To 1"" and 4(rther
The 4ields 4o(r and a Aittle =ore
Nine <ise
The :a3e o2 Trials
The )i, 4o(r
Version in2o
&Version 1." (172""#$
>o* to (nlimit Dias and CsoloD (1 to Uni3erse&di22ic(lty
.a0rie :elesta.
&Version 1.7" (11!2""#$
/ re3ised my *ritin, to aid reader com1rehension. The ,(ide
lost 6!9""" *eaB *ords.
&Version 1.77 (1282""#$
Added a ThanBs section9 added Eo(t(0e linBs to some o2 the
,(ide (my e@am1le 3ideos9 2or 3is(al aid 1(r1oses$9 and
made minor correctionsadditions.
&Version 1.87 (21!2""#$
Added more Eo(t(0e linBs9 made some other additions9 and
corrected some errors.
&Version 2." (comin,$
=ore Eo(t(0e linBs. Added a descri1tion o2 ho* to solo
The >ell Ser3ant9 .a0rie :elesta9 (nlimited /ndalecio and
/selia 5(een *ith Dias.
Dias Unlimited is the 2irst *alBthro(,h / ha3e e3er *ritten 2or
.ame4A5s. /2 yo( 2ind anythin, incom1lete or missin, in this
*alBthro(,h9 1lease contact me 3ia '(st(s)o*man+, /Fm
rather rece1ti3e to e&mails *ith s(0Gect lines liBe CStar OceanD
or CDias 2or President.D
Eo( mi,ht taBe interest in this ,(ide i2 yo( enGoy 1layin,
as Dias9 yo( liBe a challen,e9 yo( lo3e to a0sor0 in2ormation
2rom many so(rces9 etc. So9 e3en i2 yo( donFt 1lan to ,o thro(,h
e3ery ste1 o2 this liBe a Dias 2an0oy9 yo( mi,ht *ant to looB
it o3er o(t o2 admiration 2or SO2.
;ee1 in mind9 this ,(ide is not a0o(t ho* yo( can le3el Dias
to 277 in the shortest amo(nt o2 time. /t is a0o(t creatin,
the 0est 1ossi0le Dias and 0eatin, the entire ,ame (*ithin
the ,ame 1arameters$ (sin, only Dias.
/ s(,,est yo( read thro(,h this once 0e2ore attem1tin, to (se
it as a ,(ide9 and i2 yo( are ne* to the ,ame9 read other ,(ides
2irst. This ,(ide is di3ided into t*o maGor sections: the 2irst
section contains in2ormation (some o2 it 1riceless$H the second
section descri0es my 1ath to (nlimitin, Dias and e@1lorin, his
As yo( can see9 this is not a ,eneral ,(ide to Star Ocean: The
Second Story. There are 1lenty o2 those ,(ides a3aila0le9 0(t
mine is (niI(e in its 1(r1ose.
<hy sho(ld yo( 0elie3e there is somethin, *ritten here yo(
ha3enFt read 0e2oreJ )eca(se /F3e 1layed this ,ame o22 and
on 2or a0o(t a decade9 /K3e read many other ,(ides9and /Fm
a 3ideo,ame 2anatic.
Alri,ht9 letFs ,et ,oin,.
A Taste o2 ;no*led,e
&&&The Art o2 <ar: / didnFt thinB it *o(ld maBe me serio(s.&&&
Startin, stats (Str9 De@9 :onL$ 2or characters are ne3er
di22erent no matter ho* m(ch yo( load.

Startin, SBill Points (SP$ are ne3er di22erent no matter
ho* m(ch yo( load.
%3ery character has random talents to start *ith. /2 yo(
sa3e 0e2ore yo( initiate a team&mem0er then yo( can load
and they *ill ha3e di22erent talents each time yo( ,ain
%3ery le3el yo( ,ain random stat 0on(ses. That means yo(
can load and ,et di22erent 0on(ses to di22erent stats. A(c
and A,l are not raised 0y le3elin,. ;ee1 in mind that *hen /
say Crandom9D / mean as random as 1ossi0le 2or a 1ro,ram.
Piety is a sBill that ,i3es an increase to a random stat
(incl(din, A(c and A,l$. The increase is 0ased on the stat
n(m0er. 4or e@am1le9 an 8"" stren,th *ill ,et a 0on(s o2
letFs say 22 *hile a 1"" stren,th mi,ht G(st ,et a 0on(s o2
2. <hat this means is *e can attain the 0est 0on(s 2rom Piety
0y *aitin, to (se it (ntil stats are e@tremely hi,h.
Since le3el ,ainin, and Piety ,i3e a random stat increase9
one can sa3e and load to mani1(late a characterFs ,ro*th:
DiasFs ,ro*th.
Ae3elin, (1 *ith Dias does not chan,e the stat 0on(s
1ossi0ilities. This di22ers 2rom ho* Piety *orBs. %3ery
le3el he can ,et (1 to MN Str9 M! :on9 etc. /t doesnFt
matter i2 he is le3el !7 or 1N"9 *hether his Str is 19"""
or 1779 he *ill ne3er ,ain more than MN to Str *hen he ,ains
a sin,le le3el.
/ ori,inally aimed to*ards hi,h Str9 De@9 A,l9 A(c9 and .(ts.
That is the Bind o2 2i,hter / sa* Dias as 0ein,: stron, and
s*i2t. There came a 1ro0lem. As / mentioned9 A(c and A,l
donFt ,o (1 0y le3el.
%3ent(ally9 / decided to ,o ahead *ith Stat(s Point
mani1(lation (see CStaPD section$ that concerned Str9
:on9 De@ and .(ts. :on had to 0e my ne* A,l9 tho(,h /
1re2er e3adin, attacBs rather than taBin, lo*er dama,e
2rom them.
&&&The Three 4orms o2 Dias: >o*J >o* can this 0eJO&&&
ThatFs ri,ht. There are three Dias 2orms in this ,ame.
So(nd stran,eJ <hat / mean is yo( ,et Dias on three se1arate
occasions (once 2or ,ood$ *hile 1layin, ?ena. One has to 0e
care2(l 0eca(se thin,s are not as sim1le as they seem.
=ars Dias:
>e is le3el !7. >e has 2"" SP and a selection o2 sBills
0ased on *hich sets yo(F3e 0o(,ht (,et Perse3erance 2rom
>erlie$. >is stats are Str 1779 :on 7"9 De@ 12"9 A,ility 2"9
/nt "9 A(c #N9 Stm P7 and .(ts 7". >e 1ro0a0ly has three or
2o(r talents (load (ntil he has three or less$. >e *ill ha3e
some rather nice eI(i1ment yo( *ill *ant to relie3e him o2
0e2ore he lea3es yo(r team this time.
&& A 5(icB Descri1tion o2 Eo(t(0e Additions
/n this 3ersion9 / added Eo(t(0e linBs to m(ch o2 the ,(ide.
Eo( donKt need to (se them in order to enGoy this ,(ide9 and
they arenKt 0ased directly on *hat yo( are readin, (sadly$.
Ne3ertheless9 they can 0e (se2(l to i2 yo( *ant an e@am1le o2
*hat /Km sayin,. 4eel 2ree to m(te the 3ideos or sBi1 ahead in
them i2 yo( are only seeBin, in2ormation a0o(t Dias.
%nd o2 5(icB Descri1tion&&
Eo(t(0e e@am1le 3ideo (E%V$: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3QV4B
To(rnament Dias:
>e is *hate3er le3el yo( ,ained him to at =ars9 he has
ho*e3er m(ch SP yo( le2t him 2rom 0e2ore9 his stats are
*hate3er they *ere *hen yo( le2t him9 his ;iller =o3es
(;=s$ ha3e the same 1ro2iciency they did *hen yo( le2t him9
his eI(i1ment is *hate3er yo( le2t eI(i11ed on him9 and his
talents are the same as any he had in =ars9 1l(s any yo(
(nlocBed *ith him there. Sim1le9 ri,htJ
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Q,s#2AN=*27oR2mtQ18
4rontline Dias:
This is the tricBylimitin, one. >e is le3el !79 his ;=
1ro2iciencies are the same9 and he has any ;= yo( 1re3io(sly
(nlocBed. This incl(des ;=s yo( co(ld not ha3e at le3el !7.
/t is odd9 0(t / ha3enFt noticed any 1ro0lems do*n the road.
>is eI(i1ment is the same as it *as at =ars.
>is stats are the startin, stats he had in =ars (e@ce1t
his /nt$. ThatFs ri,ht. Any le3els ,ained and any sBills
1(rchased that increased stats (or >P=P$ had no 1ermanent
e22ect (other than on /nt$. >ere is the real 1ro0lem: all
his sBill le3els stayed the sameO
AetFs say yo( raised ;itchen ;ni2e (;;ni2e$ to 7 sometime
0e2ore reachin, 4rontline. <hen yo( 2irst 1(rchased it9
his Str increased 0y 1"" (2" 1er 1oint$. The 1ro0lem is
yo( still ha3e 7 in ;;ni2e at 4rontline9 0(t the 1""
Str 3anished.
/n 2act9 all sBills yo( 0o(,ht that increased his stats are
no* (seless (1 to the 1oint yo( 0o(,ht them. PoBer 4ace (.(ts$9
Dan,er Sense (Stm$9 and the rest are *asted. /2 yo( 0rin, ;;ni2e
(1 to N in ho1es o2 re,ainin, that 7 ;;ni2e Str (1""$ 1l(s
the N ;;ni2e 0on(s (2"$ yo( *ill 2ind that his stren,th only
,oes (1 2" to 1#7.
This is ho* yo( deal *ith the sit(ation. /n =ars and Aaco(r9
only 1icB sBills 2or Dias that do not increase stats (e@ce1t
2or /nt$9 liBe Per (se3erance$9 Play (2(lness$9 Stron, )lo*9
/ made s(re the sBills that donFt increase stats still
*orB at 4rontline. / checBed Stron, )lo* in 0attle9 and / had
one 0rie2 cooBin, match (1" e,,s each$ *ith ?ena (0oth at 89
her A(c hi,her9 his rate *as 0etter$ to checB the s(ccess rate
2or non&com0at sBills 1(rchased 0e2ore 4rontline.
?emem0er9 yo( can le3el him (1 0e2ore 4rontline9 and any /nt
increases *ill remain (not too (se2(l9 0(t hey$. >is le3el *ill
re3ert to !7 at 4rontline9 and that means any le3els ,ained can 0e
re,ained. Eo( can ,et /nt 0oosts 2or letFs say le3els !7&P7
t*ice i2 yo( *ish.
>is talents ha3e reset as *ell. Any talents yo( (nlocBed in =ars
or Aaco(r may not 0e there anymore. That means yo( can (nlocB
talents more than once. This is 0on(s SP i2 yo( *ant it (1"" 1er
(nlocBed talent$. >e *ill ma@ o(t all his sBills e3ent(ally any*ay9
0(t this can 0e (se2(l early on.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Qn/2!T!"Eo=*R2mtQ18
&&&StaP: <ell9 it m(st 0e this m(ch9 other*ise itKs not *orth it.&&&
Aet me ,i3e yo( an e@am1le o2 StaP (Stat(s Points$ mani1(lation.
One time in =ars9 / sa3ed *hen / *as nearly to the ne@t le3el
(!N$. / loaded at least 8&12 times and re,ained the le3el to
test ho* random stat increases *o(ld 0e.
/ also noted some SP randomness *hen le3elin,.
The le2t col(mn o2 n(m0ers 0elo* re1resents my le3el !7 DiasFs
stats. Those n(m0ers incl(de stat ,ains 2rom sBills 0eca(se /
didnFt 2oresee the 1ro0lem that *o(ld occ(r at 4rontline. The
middle col(mn is the le3el&(1 stat set&(1 / ended (1 1icBin,.
/ sa3ed stat sets in a 2e* di22erent slots9 so / co(ld reload
any that stood o(t. The ri,ht col(mn is the di22erence 0et*een
the !7th le3el and !Nth le3el stats.
Str 277 281 MN
:on 82 87 M!
De@ 12" 12P MP
A,l 27 27 M"
/nt 2P 27 M1
A(c #N #N M"
Stm 82 82 M"
.(ts N7 NN M1
StaP: 17
As yo( can see my Str (MN$9 :on (M!$9 De@ (MP$9 /nt (M1$9 and
.(ts (M1$ increased this le3el. / ,ained 17 StaP. =y 2irst
le3el&(1 only had 1! StaP9 so this is 0etter. Still9 there is
more to consider. / didnFt choose a 17 StaP le3el&(1 e3en tho(,h
it had 2 more /nt and 1 more Stm than my le3el&(1. / 1re2erred
the M1 Str o2 my 17 StaP le3el&(1 o3er the M2 /nt and M1 Stm
2rom the 17 StaP le3el&(1.
/t is a *ides1read 0elie2 that Dias has 0ad stats. /n reality9
he is ca1a0le o2 ,ainin, 18 StaP 1er le3el: hi,her than other
character in the ,ame. As yo(Kll soon Bno*9 i2 yo( donKt
already9 most 1eo1le scre* (1 Dias 0eca(se they donKt realiSe
the insanity o2 his 4rontline trans2ormation. /n a *ay9 itKs
their 2a(lt he has 0ad stats.
/2 yo( *ant an easier *ay o2 mani1(latin, StaP9 / ha3e one.
Eo( can G(st load a 2e* times to see i2 yo( can ,et more StaP
than yo(r 2irst le3el&(1. /2 yo( do9 then yo( can taBe that
le3el&(1. Personally9 / s(,,est looBin, at *here the 0on(s StaP
is comin, 2rom (/nt9 Str..J$.
SBill 1oint ,ains ran,ed 2rom !" to !8 SP 2or this le3el&(1
(!7th&!Nth le3el$9 0(t / *as 2ar more concerned *ith StaP since
yo( *ill e3ent(ally ma@ e3ery sBill *ith Dias. On the other hand9
yo( canFt ma@ all stats9 so yo( m(st try to ,ain as m(ch as
1ossi0le. / con3eniently ended (1 *ith !7 SP. StaP ran,ed 2rom
#&17 (8&18 1ossi0le$. /2 yo( donFt load9 yo( can easily end (1
*ith #. .ettin, 8 less StaP (than ma@$ 2or le3els !N to 277 can
0e 0ad ne*s. 1" less9 e3en *orse.
4or yo(r s(11ort characters9 SP is more im1ortant than StaP.
Eo( *ant their non&com0at sBills as hi,h as 1ossi0le *hen
they reach their limit o2 le3el !7 (,ain 1" :om1rehension$.
A2ter that yo( can only read 0ooBs or (nlocB talents in order
to ,ain additional SP. 4eel 2ree to ,i3e them a di22erent sBill
distri0(tion than each other. This co(ld 0e (se2(l *ith 4amiliar
(call di22erent 0irds$9 =(sical Talent (3ario(s creat(res s(mmoned
2rom The %3il =elody$9 etc.
&&&The ;iller =o3es: Air SlashO&&&
Air Slash (ASlash$:
/ s(,,est al*ays lea3in, this on one ;= slot. /2 yo( r(n 2aster
(1(m1 (1 .ale$ than yo(r o11onent(s$9 this mo3e o2ten ,rants yo(
3ictory re,ardless o2 the di22erence in stren,th 0et*een yo( and
the enemy. /t is really 2ast9 has a ,reat ran,e9 and is 3ery chea1
on =P.
ASlash can hit more than once and more than one creat(re. Eo( can
easily see this thro(,ho(t the ,ame. 4i,ht some G(m1in, 0(nnies
o(tside o2 Ain,a9 or G(st 2i,ht a lot a,ainst many creat(res.
/F3e Billed t*o creat(res at once9 hit a G(m1in, 0(nny
three times9 etc.
ASlash has a short&ran,e 3ersion (it does less dama,e$. /t can
striBe m(lti1le enemies aro(nd yo(9 m(lti&hit sometimes and so 2orth.
Versatility is nice9 0(t 0e care2(l. <hen yo( are 2i,htin,
1o*er&ho(ses9 Bee1 yo(r ran,e lon,. One *ay to a3oid ,oin, short
ran,e is to tar,et an enemy 0ehind the closest enemy9 then attacB.
This mo3e is ,reat 2or de2eatin, certain enemies I(icBly re,ardless
o2 ho* 2ar they are 2rom yo( ((se man(al tar,etin,$. =ay0e the lone
ma,e needs to die 2irst9 the time&sto11in, ho(r,lass is too m(ch9
the I(icB&2ooted one is the most dan,ero(s9 etc.
:haos S*ord (:S*ord$:
This is a really 2ast mo3e9 it can hit 2lyin, creat(res9 it is
chea19 and it ,ets 2 hits as yo( 0(ild it (1. /2 1 hit Bills9 then
the other hit ,oes thro(,h to the ne@t monster. /2 1 hit BnocBs a
creat(re 0acB (Stron, )lo*$ then the other hits 2ollo*s strai,ht
to the creat(re to striBe it a,ain. Very nice.
:ross <a3e (:ross<$:
This cost 2@ the =P cost o2 ASlash9 it is slo*9 i2 the creat(re
is retreatin, then this mo3e o2ten 2ails to connect9 and i2 it
BnocBs 0acB a creat(re *ith the 2irst striBe then the second striBe
Eo( can 0(ild it (19 0(t the 2(ndamental 1ro0lems do not chan,e.
Still9 i2 this *orBs 2or yo( or a,ainst certain enemies9 2eel 2ree
to (se it. /t does sometimes hit enemies in 2ront and 0ehind. /
donFt really 0other *ith it (nless / G(st *ant to ,et the
1ro2iciency (1ro2$ (1 on all ;=s.
:rescent <a3e (:<a3e$:
This cost 2@ the =P cost o2 :S*ord9 it is slo*9 it o1ens yo( to
I(icB attacBs9 it has ran,e o2 0asically "9 it misses too m(ch
on creat(res 2allin, in (s(rro(nd attacB$ and 2lyers9 etc. The
(1,rade doesnFt do m(ch to hel1 it. A,ain9 may0e /F3e missed
somethin,9 and this is the 0est mo3e. /t can hit in 2ront and 0ehind.
4eel 2ree to try it o(t. Personally9 /Fm not interested.
.ale Sta0 (.Sta0$:
This mo3e cost 2@ the =P cost o2 :S*ord9 and it does a lot o2
dama,e. /t is also slo*9 only mo3es in one direction9 etc. /
*o(ldnFt (se this one in serio(s sit(ations (nless
the a0ility to do increased dama,e can *in the day.
:rescent =oon 4lash (:=4lash$:
This cost !@ the =P cost o2 ASlash9 reI(ires a certain distance
to *orB (1ossi0le r(nnin, aro(nd$9 0(t it doesnFt taBe as m(ch
time to reset as .Sta0. %3en tho(,h 0oth reI(ire a certain
distance9 .Sta0 closes the ,a1 then has to mo3e 0acB
a,ain. :=4lash stays at the same distance *hile attacBin,.
>a*B Scream )last (>S)last$:
This cost P@ the =P cost o2 ASlash9 it isnFt too slo*9 it can
hit m(lti1le enemies9 it has a 3aryin, ran,e (short&mid$9 it
can m(lti&hit a little9 and its short 3ersion can 0(ild (1
to the 1oint that it *ill send the mo3e a2ter a retreatin, or
similar mo3in, enemy.
4(ll =oon Slash (4=Slash$:
This mo3e cost a0o(t N@ the =P cost o2 ASlash9 and it is
really slo* at 2irstH 0(t once it tar,ets some0ody they
cannot e3ade the attacB (0y r(nnin,9 ,oin, in3isi0le9 etc.$9
it increases s1eed dramatically a2ter 0ein, 0(ilt (19 it can
Bill enemies that are near the circ(lar s*ord motion and the
distance reI(irement seems less im1ortant a2ter it is
0(ilt (1. This mo3e is e@1ensi3e9 0(t / liBe it some*hat
Once d(rin, %l(ria To*er9 / noticed this mo3e sometimes
had an odd e22ect on the Shielder&ty1e enemies. /t *o(ld
ca(se them to shrinB9 t(rn (1side do*n9 then ,et s(cBed
into the moon. <eKre talBin, instant Bill9 here.
4or a lon, time9 / tho(,ht it co(ld only ha11en to those
ty1es o2 enemiesH ho*e3er9 recently9 *hile *orBin, on my
other ,(ide9 the same thin, ha11ened to Sand*orms9 leadin,
me to 0elie3e this mo3e has some chance o2 instantly
destroyin, tar,ets.
/Km not certain o2 the restrictions9 at this time9 other than
/K3e only seen it occ(r on t*o ty1es o2 enemies th(s 2ar.
/ll(sion (/ll$:
This cost a0o(t P@ =P o2 :S*ord9 it hits (1 to 2o(r times9
it is I(icBer than most m(lti&hit mo3es o2 other characters
((se2(l 2or DiasFs dancin,&in&and&o(t 2i,htin, style$H 0(t
this ;= has 1ro0lems *ith Stron, )lo* ((nless yo( t(rn o22
Stron, )lo*$9 and it has some di22ic(lty *ith
G(m1in,retreatin,*hate3er enemies.
4ire0ird ShocB*a3e (4S<a3e$:
This mo3e cost N@ the =P cost o2 :S*ord9 it hits m(lti1le
times (sometimes$9 it reI(ires a certain distance 0et*een
yo( and the enemy9 it misses mo3in, enemies too m(ch (/ thinB$9
and it does 2ire dama,e. / donFt liBe this mo3e. /t is 3ery
e@1ensi3e9 it isnFt 3ery 2ast9 it has only one acce1ta0le
distance9 and the 2ire dama,e o2ten is 0ad*orthless a,ainst
certain enemies (thinB 2ire imm(nity$.
4inal <ords in the ;= Section
%I(i1ment a22ects the 1ros and cons o2 ;=s. <hene3er yo( (se
)(nny Shoes or similar items9 a lot o2 the mo3es that had
(n0eara0le reset times (,ettin, 0acB to a 1osition o2 attacB$
can no* 0e (sed *ith little iss(e. /n 2act9 the reset
necessity may 0ecome (se2(l as it Bee1s consistent distance
0et*een yo( and the enemy.
Other eI(i1ment chan,es (1 ;=s as *ell. As in9 :S*ord normally
costs 7 =P *hile /ll costs 21 =P (1:P ratio$. /2 yo( eI(i1 a
4airy ?in,9 :S*ord cost 2 *hile /ll cost 1".
/ll is no* 7 times more e@1ensi3e than :S*ord.
/ co(ld contin(e to list items (AinB :om0o9 anyoneJ$9 0(t *hat
/Fm 1ointin, o(t is eI(i1ment can alter the e22ecti3eness o2 ;=s.
;ee1 an eye o(tH thin,s liBe this ha11en.
4irst 4orm
&&&The Sla3eS(11ort Team: Piece o2 '(nB&&&
)e2ore / G(m1 into this Go(rney9 let me e@1lain somethin,.
/ *ant to only (se Dias as / create this ,(ide9 0(t / canFt ,et
him 1ermanently (ntil he is le3el !7. )eca(se o2 this annoyance9
/ ha3e de3ised a stran,e com1romise.
/ *ill allo* 2o(r 1eo1le on my team 0esides Dias.
/ *ill allo* them to aid me *ith their sBills9 0(t / *ill
ne3er (se them in any 0attle *hen Dias can 2i,ht it alone.
%@ce1tion: / *ill allo* them to 2i,ht in order to ,ain (1 to
!7th le3el. No more. <hy !7thJ )eca(se / am (na0le (se Dias
2rom le3el 1 as the main character. The ,ame 2orces me to
*ait (ntil he is le3el !79 so / donFt thinB my team o2 2o(r
!7th le3el 1eo1le is illo,ical or C(n2airD on this Uni3erse
&&&Dias in 1:!": ThatFs allJ&&&
>ereKs ho* / ,ot thro(,h the 2irst section o2 the ,ame. / 0roBe
this se,ment into 1ieces in ho1es o2 maBin, it sim1ler to 2ollo*.
/ restarted my ,ame se3eral times in order to ,et the De@terity
talent 2or ?ena (/ *anted =ischie2$. / also a3oided ,ettin,
Sense o2 Taste (Bee1 this in mind$.
/ ,ra00ed some items 2rom Arlia then sa3ed near Shin,o 2orest.
/2 yo( are serio(s a0o(t this ,(ide9 / s(,,est doin, the same.
This is a ,ood sa3e to come 0acB to in case yo( maBe mistaBes.
/ chan,ed my tar,etin, to man(al (2or ma@im(m 1recision$9 then
recr(ited :la(de. / had to load a 2e* times here in order to ,et
his n(m0er o2 talents do*n 2rom P to 2. This *ill maBe sense
later9 i2 it doesnKt already.
/ 2le* thro(,h the storyline and esca1ed 2rom all 0attles
in Sal3a Dri2t (and only 1icBed (1 a co(1le o2 items$.
)eca(se / made the le3el !7 r(le9 / *anted to sa3e my le3els
2or a later time.
/ Billed Alen 0y settin, ?ena to 1hysically attacB *hile /
controlled :la(de and hit T re1eatedly. Alen 0locBed many
times (Uni3erse settin,...$9 0(t *e o3er*helmed him *ith
attacBs. Neither o2 (s tooB dama,e9 and *e each ,ained t*o
le3els (?ena to !9 :la(de to P$.
A2ter Alen reco3ered9 / acce1ted the ?in, o2 >a11iness 2rom
him. 7" l(c can hel1 in item creation.
/ ran to :ross :astle and *ent thro(,h the storyline (ntil /
reached :eline. / Be1t loadin,9 *antin, to maBe her start
*ith 2e*er than 2o(r talents. /t seemed 2r(itless9 so /
mo3ed on.
/ set (s to %sca1e Shi2t and 1(t e3eryone on man(al control9
thinBin, it *o(ld maBe esca1in, easier. <e 2o(nd the Ancient
<ritin,s 0(t a3oided the chest *ith the 2lyin, 0at creat(res
since it *as nonessential.
/ let :eline Goin my 1arty as the third sla3es(11ort 1erson
2or Dias. <hyJ She starts at le3el 89 is easy to recr(it9 and
she starts *ith some some*hat e@1ensi3e sBills (%sthetic Sense9
2or e@am1le$.
/ looted >erlie (s1eci2ically UandKs mansion$9 then 0o(,ht 2"
e,,s. 4o(r e,,s and one min(te later9 ?ena had (nlocBed Sense
o2 Taste (0on(s 1"" SP$. / ma@ed o(t her Perse3erance (8" SP$9
and 1(t Play2(lness at 7 (11 SP$9 *hich ,a3e me eno(,h money
to a22ord the )andit .lo3es ().$.
/ 1(t 1icB&1ocBetin, (1 to 7 (1" SP$ and ran to :liB. / looted
the city then did the PA *ith 4ilia. / stole =ischie2 2rom her9
then 1icB&1ocBeted 3ario(s others. A2ter that9 / ran to =ars9
ready 2or the VDias and :hildrenV 1art.
TimeQ1:!" (<hy / call this section VDias in 1:!"V$. / had
remained *ell (nder le3el !7 *ith my sla3es(11ort team:
?ena !9 :la(de P9 :eline 8.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Qa7Pe84cy2>,R2mtQ18
&&&Pre1aration: >eFs ,ettin, somethin,.&&&
/ 1icB&1ocBeted the old man 2or the Treas(re :hest (T:$9
1icB&1ocBeted 3ario(s others9 then tooB :elineFs SilB ?o0e 2rom
her room.
/ s*itched the characters do*n one slot to sec(re the 1st
1osition 2or Dias. / sa3ed it9 considerin, this a ,reat
1re&Dias 0ase sa3e. 4rom here9 / co(ld easily load i2 / *anted
to ,et 2e*er talents 2or him or needed to chan,e somethin,
Dias o2ten ,ets 2o(r talents here9 0(t / loaded (ntil / ,ot
three. Ori,inally / ,ained Sense o2 Taste to ,et some
e@tra SP9 0(t <hen / 2o(nd o(t a0o(t the 4rontline 1ro0lems9
/ *asnFt *illin, to 1(t a sBill 1oint in ;itchen ;ni2e since
/ *o(ld necessarily lose that 1otential 2" Str. Try learnin,
Sense o2 Desi,n instead.
/nstead9 / ma@ed Per (8" SP$9 Play (!7$9 and / 1(t the rest
in sBills that did not increase my stats or =P>P. / mo3ed
?ena o22 my team and s*itched Air Slash to ?1 (ri,ht&handed$.
/ (sed the T: (ntil / ,ot the =ar3el S*ord (=S*ord$.
/ ,ot it on the 2nd try. Other times it tooB me a 3ery9
3ery lon, time. / did this on m(lti1le occasions 0eca(se
/ *ent 0acB to old loads sometimes *hen / noticed 1ro0lems
(4rontline 2or e@am1le$.
Eo( mi,ht ,et lots o2 4orce S*ords9 Aot(s %aters9 Atomic
P(nches9 Sorceress ;n(cBles and more 0e2ore ,ettin, the
=S*ord. Eo( can settle 2or the /,nite S*ord9 0(t / didnFt.
?andom ti1: Al1ha0etiSe yo(r items. / ha3e died
0eca(se somethin, *as in the *ron, 1lace. =ay0e /Fm G(st
a ,reenhorn.
&&&>eraldry 4orest: :ecilleL&&&&
/ eI(i11ed my =S*ord9 set my 2ormation to Astral
Shi2t9 tooB all the items in the 2orest (since /Fd 0e aro(nd
a *hile any*ay$9 talBed to :ecille9 and / sa3ed it.
Then / increased the 1ro2 o2 the startin, 2o(r mo3es to a0o(t
17"&2"". / decided not to (1 the 1ro2 o2 .ale Sta0 (.Sta0$
since /Fd lose it at 4rontline (/ tho(,ht$.
/ eI(i11ed a ?(0y. Those little *itches annoyed me to death
*ith their 4ire0olt attacBs9 0(t / 2elt 0etter *hen they
only did se3en dama,e. :$
As 2ar as le3el ,ainin, *ent9 / tried to ma@ the /nt ,ains
since that is the only stat increase that *o(ld remain once
/ reached 4rontline. / ended (1 ,ainin, 21 /nt StaP 2rom
!7th to P!rd le3el (G(st 2or BicBs$.
This area tooB me a *hile9 so / G(st enGoyed 1layin, aro(nd
*ith ;=s9 ,ainin, items and money 2rom =ischie29 etc. A2ter
/ 2inished le3elin, and s(ch9 / (neI(i11ed Dias.
Addend(m: Eo( can lea3e the 2orest anytime yo( *ish9 e3en
a2ter enco(nterin, :ecille. Eo( can slee1 at the inn9 0(y9
and sellH ho*e3er9 yo( cannot lea3e the 3illa,e.
/ enco(ntered the >eraldry 4orest 0oss. <itho(t eI(i1ment9
this can 0e less than 2(n. Aine them (19 and (se C=a,icD
?ocBs (=?o$ i2 yo( ha3e them. /2 that doesnFt 2inish them9
then yo( can 0last them *ith ASlash. Eo( are 2aster than
them9 so yo( *ill *in.
Addend(m: There are t*o chances a2ter the 0oss 0attle to
(neI(i1 Dias. ;ee1 yo(r ,ear on *hen 0attlin,.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3QT#Sh8ID>t8/R2mtQ18
Second 4orm
&&&The )i, ?(n: <he*O&&&
>ere / chan,ed my 2ormation to Ainear =otion 0eca(se / learned
the %sca1e Shi2t sho(ld not 0e (sed in most cases. /t ,ro(1s yo(
to,ether9 *hich allo*s some creat(res to Bill more than one
1arty mem0er at a time.
>ilton: / 0o(,ht 2" o2 many items9 0o(,ht all the sBills9 and
/ (1,raded my s(11ort teamFs eI(i1ment (easier to s(r3i3e
attacBs *hile esca1in,$. / resisted the tem1tation to 0(y
chea1 SeltSer.
Ain,a: / came here and sa* Precis. / 0o(,ht items to hel1
(nlocB talents (Pet 4ood9 =;it9 etc.$9 0o(,ht all the sBills9
then / *as ready 2or the Precis PA.
Precis started *ith three talents. / 2i,(red that *as oB.
Precis: / (nlocBed De@terity (=achinery$9 Sense o2 Desi,n
(=achinery$9 and Pitch (1layin, son,s$.
?ena: / (nlocBed Sense o2 ?hythm and Pitch (1layin, son,s$.
:la(de: / (nlocBed Ao3e o2 Animals (4amiliar$9 Sense o2 ?hythm
(1layin, son,s$9 Pitch (1layin, son,s$9 De@terity and Ori,inality
:eline: / (nlocBed Ori,inality (=etal*orB$9 Pitch and Sense o2
?hythm (1layin, son,s$.
5(icB TalB on SP &&
Al*ays ma@ Per 2irst. 4or the s(11ort team9 Play is nice
(I(icB W$9 4amiliar is (se2(l (es1. 2or :ome on )(nny$9
and / de2initely tried to ,et :om1rehension (:om1$ le3el 1".
Once that occ(rs (or at least le3el 79 8 or # :om1$ yo( Bno*
yo( are ,oin, to ,et nice SP most le3el&(1s9 so yo( donFt
need to *orry a0o(t reloadin, *ith the s(11ort team.
Eo( can read sBill 0ooBs to raise a sBill (1 to 7. A 1erson
m(st ha3e 7 in a sBill in order to *rite a 0ooB a0o(t it 2or
someone else. /t isnFt a 0i, deal i2 yo( donFt do
it9 0(t do it i2 yo( *ant 2ree sBills.
>ere are some o2 the *ays / ,ot aro(nd tro(0lin,
?ena had only 2 SP 2rom lon, a,o9 so /
,ained =(sical Talent (0oomO 1"" SP$. She also ,ained
Sense o2 ?hythm (another 1""$9 then all *as *ell SP&*ise.
:la(de co(ldnFt ,et eno(,h sBills to (nlocB talents. O2
co(rse9 / co(ld *aste SP 0y 0(yin, hi,her&1riced sBills
(Per not ma@ed$. /nstead9 / *rote a 0ooB *ith ?ena (/ thinB$9
and :la(de read it 2or Animal Trainin,. <histlin, only
cost 1 SP9 and he had N SP 2rom near the 0e,innin, o2
the ,ame. >e (sed 4amiliar to ,ain Ao3e o2 Animals
(1"" SP$. :$
&X %nd o2 TalB on SP
A2ter the talent (nlocBin,9 / 0o(,ht all the sBills in
Aaco(r9 re,istered 2or the to(rnament in Aaco(r *ith the 0ald man9
and did the Aaco(r PA *ith the old *oman *ho ,i3es yo( a
?ain0o* Diamond (2(t(re Dream )racelet$.
Aet the to(rnament 0e,in.
&&&To(rnament: :la(deO&&&
/ ,ained Dias *ith ?ena. <hen / 2o(,ht those ta3ern ,(ys9
/ (sed a 4=edal on him9 so he ,ained a little 0on(s /nt
and SP 0e2ore 4rontline. / mandraBed ?ena in the 0attle
in order to not ,ain a le3el. / (nlocBed DiasFs Sense o2
Desi,n9 so / had e3en more SP to (se 0e2ore his third
2orm reset his talents.
.ood thin, Dias has no (se 2or the %ternal S1here 0eca(se
:la(de ,ot stom1ed in the to(rnament (he *as le3el P$.
/ liBed that Dias (sed .Sta0 once in the to(rnament
since he sho(ldnFt ha3e that mo3e at l3l !7L / (sed a
4=edal on Dias 0e2ore the to(rnament9 0(t it a11arently didnFt
re,ister. Darn.
/K3e tried s*itchin, ?ena to the 0ottom o2 my team slots9
settin, Dias to man(al control9 mandraBin, ?ena anytime she
is ali3e and on DiasKs team9 and settin, Dias as leader
in the 0attle 2ormation screen.
/tKs no (se. %3en tho(,h it said Vman(alV 0y his name d(rin,
some o2 the to(rnament 2i,hts9 / co(ld not control him. <hat
did it do a0o(t ?ena 0ein, dead a2ter Dias le2tJ
/t let me contin(e to 1lay *ith her dead on my team9 and she
*asnKt e3en in one o2 the 2irst 2o(r team slots.
/2 yo( 2ind a *ay to control Dias in the to(rnament9 let me
Bno*. / ha3e this ima,e o2 0ein, a0le to do it and canKt
decide *hether it *as reality or a nerdly dream.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3QT<1.BDs'h8%R2mtQ18
Third 4orm
&&&On*ard: They seem to(,h.&&&
A2ter the to(rnament / t(rned :om1rehension on9 1(t
Practice on e3eryone9 set Precis to man(al9 and / *ent
to Ain,a to 1re1are 2or the Sanct(ary I(est. / set
(s to ?(n 2rom %nemies. /t 1ro0a0ly *asnFt 3ery (se2(l
*itho(t Si@th Sense (SiSe$.
/ ran in the Sanct(ary to ,et the :larisa,e. / enco(ntered
0(nnies9 carrots (V=andraBesV$9 slimes9 and 1i,&do,s
(1erha1s C>ell&ho(ndsD$. / esca1ed 2rom 0attles. Sometimes
/ (sed an =?o9 a Pee1&1ee1 0om0 or somethin, similar to
annoy the enemy *hile / ran 2or it.
/2 yo( r(n thro(,h here liBe / did9 0e care2(l o2 the lady
and *ol3es com0o. They are e@tremely a,,ressi3e. %@am1le:
/ (sed >ead S1litter one time to Bill the 2emale ma,e9
she (sed )lacB Sa0er9 / 2ell o(t o2 the sBy9 and then the
*ol3es destroyed me 0e2ore / to(ched the ,ro(nd. ?(nnin, is
G(st as Ce22ecti3eD at lo* le3els.
Some creat(res canFt hit some o2 yo(r characters *hen
yo(r characters are r(nnin, a*ay. :eline *as the second
one do*n 2rom the to19 and in some o2 the 0attles so *as
a 0(nny. The 0(nny re1eatedly attacBed her 0(t ne3er
connected. Nice.
/ ,a3e the :larisa,e to )o*man9 *ent thro(,h the storyline9
ho11ed to Aaco(r9 0oated to the >o22man ?(ins9 and noticed
Aeon at le3el !" eI(alled all my other character le3els
com0ined (?e !9 :l P9 :e 8 and Pr 17$.
/ ran thro(,h the r(ins9 c(ttin, corners and taBest the
shortest ro(tes 1ossi0le. / 2i,(re the 2e*er the ste1s
yo( taBe and the more the screens chan,e9 the less chance
yo( ha3e o2 ,ettin, in 0attle. Any*ay9 the little sI(atty
Bni2e&*ieldin, monsters co(ldnKt hit :eline or :la(de
(*hile esca1in,$9 so / s(r3i3ed the r(n in.
/ sa3ed 0e2ore the 0oss. / 0o(,ht some =ind )om0s (=)om0$9
?)ottles and s(ch 2rom a StorB 2amiliar (l3l N 2amiliar$.
/ 1(t Precis 2irst on the team and s*itched to Assa(lt
Shi2t (1(ttin, her closest to the le2t side o2 the
0attle2ield$. / eI(i11ed her *ith t*o crystals to resist
li,htnin, dama,e.
/ s*itched :la(de to AttacB *ith all =P9 set ?ena to
1hysically attacB. / 2i,(red *o(ld 0(y a little time
0y annoyin, the ,oatheads (>ar2ain@$.
The 4i,ht
OB9 / o1ened 0y maBin, :eline do Th(nder0olt ((se ?ay i2
yo( ha3e it$ to one o2 the ,oatheads (distraction$. /
s*itched her to AttacB *ith all =P a2ter that.
/ tooB Precis9 (sed a =)om0 and then / ran to the *ooden
1illars. Someho* yo( need to (se 2o(r =)om0s 0e2ore the
>ar2ain@ can de2eat yo(. Also9 yo( m(st ,et Precis to the
e@act le2t o2 the lo*er *ooden 1illar. Once yo( do9 the
,oat 0rothers canFt attacB yo( since they only attacB
So9 i2 yo( s(r3i3ed (2eel 2ree to (se 0erries or *hate3er$9
(sed 2o(r =)om0s9 and are standin, at the le2t o2 the 1illar
/ mentioned9 1at yo(rsel2 on the 0acB. That is the end o2
the 2irst and most dan,ero(s 1art.
Start the second and 2inal 1art 0y (sin, ;iller Poisons
(;Poisons$ (ntil 0oth >ar2ain@ are 1oisoned. This is essential.
The ,oatheads are ,oin, to start taBin, o3er 29""" dama,e
e3ery time a 1oison 1eriod comes aro(nd. / thinB they taBe
dama,e I(icBly 0eca(se they are Chy1edD (1 or somethin,.
AooB ho* 2ast they 0o(nce aro(nd. / (sed an
%@tension :ard (%:ard$ here 2or the hecB o2 it.
At the end o2 the 0attle9 Precis ,ained nineteen le3elsO
That 1(t her at le3el !P9 *hich is close to her ma@im(m.
She had o3er P"" SP9 so that *as (se2(l. Ae3els *ere
?e !9 :l P9 :e 8 and Pr !P. All ;=s had " 1ro2 and only
one 1o*er had any 1ro2iciency (T)olt at 1$.
Eo( need =)om0s9 ;Poisons9 and an interest in challen,e
to *in the 0attle this *ay. /2 yo( can do it9 yo(K3e
de2eated the >ar2ain@ at the lo*est 1ossi0le le3el on the
hardest 1ossi0le settin, (Uni3erse$.
:orrection: Eo( co(ld come at a lo*er le3el i2 yo( let
?ena or :la(de die d(rin, the Alen&Ta@ 0attle. .i3e it a
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3QA?TD*dm(NYsR2mtQ18
/ ran o(t o2 the r(ins (easier *ith Precis at le3el !P$9
(neI(i11ed Aeon9 ya*ned thro(,h storyline and sa3ed o(tside
o2 4rontline.
&&&4rontline and )eyond: AooBs liBe / can (se my ma@im(m 2orce.&&&
4inally / co(ld recr(it Dias9 then all the chan,es
the ,ame 1(t him thro(,h *o(ld sto1. / co(ld control him
to the 2(llest.
4irst thin, / noticed *as that / co(ldnFt chan,e his
talents G(st 0y loadin,. %3ery time / loaded he had the
same 2o(r talents *hen / ,ained him. / e3en loaded a,ain
2rom ri,ht a2ter 2i,htin, the ,oatheads9 and *hen / ,ot
to the 4rontline9 he had the same 2o(r talents. >is ne*
talents m(st ha3e 0een set some*here earlier (ri,ht
0e2ore his to(rnament matches 1erha1sJ$.
/ rememe0er once *hen / ,ot to 4rontline he only had
2 talents9 so he doesnFt al*ays ha3e those 2o(rH ne3ertheless9
his n(m0er o2 talents didnKt *orry me. >e *as ,oin, to ,ain
SP 2or le3els !7&PP e3en tho(,h he ,ained it 1re3io(sly.
>e didnFt ha3e Sense o2 Desi,n here at 4rontline9so / co(ld
(nlocB that a,ain 2or another 1"" SP.
&&&=y e@1eriments *ith StaP: /t tooB lon,er than / tho(,ht.&&&
/ sa3ed it here *ith Dias at 7:"P. Eo( can ,et to 4rontline
2aster i2 yo( donKt 1lay aro(nd in =ars ,ettin, 0on(s /nt9
0on(s SP9 etc.
/ ,a3e him 0etter eI(i1ment (incl(din, =S*ord$H /
s*itched my team to Dias onlyH / 1(t on Astral Shi2tH
and / (neI(i11ed all others e@ce1t 2or the accessories
=ischie29 ?o> and ).. / 0o(,ht tons o2 items...
/ (nlocBed Sense o2 Desi,n (Art$9 Sense o2 Taste
(:ooBin,$ and Pitch (1layin, m(sic$. )y the *ay9 it
tooB me h(ndreds o2 :)atons to ,ain Pitch. .et (sed to
it. One time in =ars9 / ,ained Sense o2 Taste my 2irst
try9 0(t on another load9 / ran o(t 1# 2ood items
/ s(,,est yo( 1(t yo(r SP mainly in =etal*orB and :o1yin,.
/ ,ot =etal*orB (1 to 89 and / *as a0le to maBe a Dream
)racelet (D)racelet$. / ,ot :o1yin, (1 to 7. Other than
these t*o yo( can 1(t SP in any sBill 0esides Piety.
/ *o(ld sa3e that sBill 2or a lon, time 2rom no*.
/ did some /denti2y&All tricBery *ith =;its in Ain,a.
As in9 / 0o(,ht lo* and sold hi,h to ,ain e@tra 4ol. Then
/ ran aro(nd (ntil / ,ained an 4=edal 2rom =ischie2.
/ *as a0le to re1rod(ce a 4=edal at le3el 7 in :o1yin,H
ho*e3er9 / tried to I(icBly 0(ild (1 :o1yin,9 as ?e1rod(ction
(?e1ro$ isnFt easy *itho(t Orchestra. / set 4=edal near
the to1 o2 my item list to sa3e time.
/ did the D)racelet tricB9 so / co(ld ,ain t*o le3els
at once. / 2i,(red / co(ld handle t*o le3els *hen it
came to com1arin, StaP ,ains.
4or a *hile / *rote do*n SP and StaP e3ery le3el. This
t(rned o(t to 0e time&cons(min,. / sto11ed *ritin,
do*n A(c and A,l (0eca(se they ne3er ,o (1 0y le3el$9
SP (0eca(se StaP is more im1ortant$9 and 0oth /nt and Stm.
/ donFt care a0o(t /nt and Stm 0eca(se /nt is 2or 1o*er&(sers
(1l(s / had 0on(s /nt already$ and 0eca(se Stm is only
(se2(l a2ter 0attles (2or re,ainin, >P and =P$.
4or a lon, time / didnKt realiSe :on *o(ld 0e im1ortant 2or
me. / had ho1ed to 2oc(s on A,l (e3asion$9 not realiSin, it
*o(ldnKt ,o (1 in le3el. / *asted a lot o2 time 0e2ore /
tho(,ht9 V>eKll need somethin, to hel1 him handle incomin,
So9 / 0e,an *ritin, do*n Str9 :on9 De@ and .(ts as my main
stats. <ith my ne* concern a0o(t :on in mind9 / decided my
0est StaP 2or ,ain each le3el (e3ery t*o
really 0eca(se o2 D)racelet$ *o(ld 0eL
Str 12 (N 4or $
:on N (! One $
De@ 8 (P Ae3el $
.(ts 2 (1 .ains $
/ ne3er *aited (ntil 12N82 occ(rred. /nstead / (sed
that as a re2erence 1oint. 4or e@am1le9 / *o(ldnFt taBe
77719 0(t / mi,ht taBe 11P71.
Eo( can do it ho*e3er yo( *ish9 0(t Bee1 in mind each
1oint lost can 0e a 0i, deal. A2ter t*o h(ndred le3els
(t*o at a time$ o2 taBin, 11P71 instead o2 12N829
the loss is 1"" (Str$2"" (:on$1"" (De@$1"" (.(ts$ StaPO
/ decided to attem1t StaP mani1(lation a,ain9 this time
*ith :on in mind and *ith 2! StaP as my reI(irement. 4or
e@am1le9 12P72Q2! StaP.
/ did ,et a 2e* 2Ps9 27s and one or t*o 2Ns *hile le3elin,.
/ com1ared this attem1t *ith my 1re3io(s attem1t at StaP
mani1(lation (2or le3els !7&71$.
/t t(rns o(t / mi,ht ha3e done 0etter *hen / Bne* less a0o(t
StaP. S(r1riseO / e@1ected since / Bne* the roo2 stats /
*o(ld 0e a0le to do 0etter.
D(rin, my 2irst test9 / didnKt e3en Bno* each le3el had the
same ma@ 1otential (N!P1$9 so / G(d,ed a each le3el ,ain
relati3e to the ne@t one. / *o(ld sa3e nota0le ones then
load *hate3er / considered 0est. A11arently9 my a3era,e
e@ceeded 2! StaP...
/ decided to try a,ain 2rom !7 to 71 *ith a less controllin,
method. / only sa3ed i2 / ,ained 2 .(ts e3ery time. / didnFt
care a0o(t the other stats. This Dias o03io(sly t(rned o(t
to 0e the ,(tsy one9 0(t he lost in the other three
Sho(ld / Bee1 the e@tra # .(ts and ,i3e (1 P" Str9 7 :on and
2 De@. / had a ro(,h time decidin, 0eca(se so many items
(Atlas ?in,9 )erserB ?in,9 etc.$ dramatically increase dama,e
o(t1(t9 0(t 2e* hel1 .(ts as m(ch.
/ decided to try one last time to de2eat my ori,inal ,ains 2rom
le3els !7&71. /t contin(ed to 1er1le@ me ho* my (nin2ormed
attem1t de2eated my in2ormed attem1ts.
D(rin, this 1eriod9 / decided to try somethin, di22erent. /
eI(i11ed a Dream )racelet9 (sed a 4=edal9 ,ained an acce1ta0le
le3el9 (neI(i11ed it and ,ained another acce1ta0le le3el.
/t seemed lo,ical that one 1er2ect StaP ,ain at a time is more
liBely to occ(r than t*o 1er2ect StaP ,ains at a time. The
1er2ect StaP 2or t*o le3els is 12N829 *hile the 1er2ect StaP
2or e@actly hal2 (N!P1$.
Also9 this time thro(,h / decided to ha3e my one le3el StaP
reI(irement 0e 12. At a t*o&le3el looB9 that is 2P. / ho1ed
this strin,est reI(irement *o(ld so(ndly de2eat my 2irst StaP
/t tooB more time 0(t t(rned o(t *ell. / sa* some 1er2ect scores
*hile / ne3er recorded any *hen ,ainin, t*o le3els at a time.
/ tho(,ht a 1er2ect co(ldnFt ha11en9 then / remem0ered a 1er2ect
/ had lon, a,o *hen / *as 2irst testin, StaP (see the StaP section
2or con2irmation$.
/ ended (1 Bee1in, the Pth attem1t o3er the others. )elo* is
the score com1arison (Str9 :on9 De@9 .(ts$.
1. 2. !. P.
7!P 721 N#P 7!7
1N7 172 1N! 18!
!P1 !7" !!# !P2
1"7 1"2 11N 1"7
&&&To 1"" and 4(rther: /tFs a0s(rd.&&&
/ started here at 71 then contin(ed on to 1"" (sin, the same
method: 4=edalsMD)raceletMStaP mani1(lation.
/ noticed 1eo1le on my team didnFt ha3e eno(,h sBills to ,et
my S(1er S1ecialties to 1". / ,ained some le3els *ith them
(ntil it *as ?e 179 :l 219 :e 27 and Pr !P.
Their SP *ent to*ard increasin, my S(1er S1ecialties to 1"9
,ainin, a ,ood 3ariety o2 4amiliar and a ,ood 3ariety o2 =(sical
/ ,ained some le3els *ith Dias *hile / looted 1laces / had
r(n thro(,h *ith the s(11ort team. / also tested ;=s in order
to maBe the ;= section o2 this ,(ide.
/ ,ained the s(11ort team (1 to !7th le3el9 so / co(ld Bee1
them o(t o2 my mind 2rom then on. / learned too late that it is
0est to 1(t a D)racelet on 0e2ore (sin, %22ort9 once 4=edals no
lon,er *orB (le3el 1""M$.
/ ,ained SiSe *ith Dias 0y s*itchin, aro(nd settin,s *hene3er
/ had to reload a2ter ,ainin, an (nacce1ta0le le3el. /t
ha11ened eno(,h that t*ice (di22erent sa3e 2iles$ /
,ained SiSe my 2irst time / chan,ed it to AooB 2or
%nemies a2ter loadin,.
To com0at 0oredom9 / 0o(,ht e3erythin, and 1icB1ocBeted e3eryone
/ ended (1 sa3in, it in 4rontline *ith Dias at le3el 1"7.
>e had #9### >P and NNN =P. >is non&com0at sBills *ere ma@ed
o(t (e@ce1t Piety$. >is eI(i1ment *as =S*ord9 )arrier Armor9
=ithril Shield9 Plate >elm9 Sil3er .rea3es9 )l(e Talisman
()l(e T$ and )erserB ?in,. 17:277!N )attles
/ decided to com1are this le3el 1"7 Dias *ith a le3el 171 Dias /
had 2rom a ,ame aimed at com1letin, the 3oice collection. The stat
com1arisons are 0elo*. / 0elie3e they are *itho(t eI(i1ment9 and
the only 1ro0lematic di22erence sho(ld 0e that the le3el 171 Dias
has le3el 1" Piety (tho(,h / didnFt mani1(late the stat increases
0acB then$.
1"7 171
Str #!P 1"!P
:on 27N !21
De@ P71 N!7
A,ility 11P 11N
/ntelli,ence 27" !28
A(cB #N #N
Stamina 1"# 1P!
.(ts 1!2 1!#
/ 2o(,ht Shin at 4rontline. / did " dama,e e3en tho(,h /
*as le3el 1"7.
That s(r1rised me9 and / thinB my 2riend m(st ha3e 0een
lyin, or mistaBen *hen he said he once de2eated Dias in the
to(rnament 0y le3elin, :la(de to 7" or N"H ho*e3er9 another
2riend told me he (sed a .ame SharB in order to 0eat Dias.
)oth 2riends a,reed (at se1arate times$ that a .ame O3er occ(rs
i2 :la(de *ins9 so it is 1ointless to try and de2eat Dias at
Aaco(r. UnderstandJ No de2eatin, Dias.
/Km ,(essin, the same a11lies to Shin9 (ntil %l(ria.
/ (sed =?os to Bee1 Shin o22 o2 me 2or the reI(ired time.
<hen / had to 2i,ht the little 0ats on the shi19 / let the
s(11ort team diemandraBed them. / *on *ith Dias9 and none o2
the others ,ained a le3el.
/ then 2o(,ht Shin and let mysel2 die *itho(t m(ch o2 a 2(ss.
/ landed on %l(ria and s*itched the team to Dias only. /
entered the to*er9 o0tained all the items (es1ecially
TricBster$9 ,ained some le3els9 cr(shed Shin9 then headed to
the to1.
)erle is easily Be1t o22 *ith =?os9 or yo( can G(st dod,e his
attacBs. S(rely 0y this time yo( ha3e learned ho* to time dod,es
a,ainst many ty1es o2 creat(res (*ol3es9 Salamanders9 )erlesL$.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Q?sn/NI?)?)%R2mtQ18
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Q8P)2UNET#2/R2mtQ18
&2nd :D&
/ (sed Orchestra to create and sell Pleiad s*ords (0i, money$9
then / (sed it to (nlocB some talents.
Dias: All 0(t )lessin, o2 =ana
:eline: All 0(t Ao3e o2 Animals
?ena: All 0(t Si@th Sense
Precis: All 0(t )lessin, o2 =ana
:la(de: All 0(t )lessin, o2 =ana and Si@th Sense
/ *ent to North :ity and Billed the Synard in three ASlashes.
Eo( mi,ht 0e a0le to maBe it less i2 yo( s*itch o(t the )l(e Ts
2or a )erserB and Atlas ?in,. / did ha3e a :rimson Dia0los
(:rimsonD$9 so that hel1ed. ;ee1 in mind the similarity
in 0ody ty1e 0et*een the Synard and the Dra,on Tyrant.
/Fll talB on this later.
<hen / *ent to the ?ed :rystal :a3e9 / s*itched 2rom the Assa(lt
Shi2t (on since >o22man ?(ins...$ to the Astral Shi2t. /t
made a di22erence here 0eca(se the 0i, crystal in the middle
o2 the 2ield can ca(se tar,etin, iss(es.
/ Be1t Noel mandraBed on the ,ro(nd9 and / didnKt 0other
,ettin, :hisatoKs /D.
A2ter acI(irin, the Synard9 / 0o(,ht the =a,ical ?as19 *on D(el
)attle A9 stole )(nny Shoes9 etc.
>ereKs some data9 in case yo( are *onderin, ho* *ell yo( are
doin, at 2ollo*in,adherin, to this ,(ide.
?el2ecti3e Armor
Star .(ard
OdinKs >elm
)(nny Shoes
The time *as 22:"!9 / *as le3el 11!9 and / had 0een in N27 0attles.
/ 2elt ready 2or the 2o(r 2ields.
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3QPSAN.l<y,;PR2mtQ18
E%V: htt1:***.yo(t(*atchJ3Q<N1cs@IS75ER2mtQ18
&&&The 4ields 4o(r and a Aittle =ore: <aste o2 time.&&&
4o(r 4ields
4ield o2 Po*er: / 2o(,ht some9 (sed some %:ards and le3eled
(1 to 12!. This 1lace is ,reat 0eca(se it is *arrior 3.
*arriors. There is no 1o*er&(sin,9 time&sto11in,9 etc. /
,ained some nice items *hile the a3alanche carried me do*n
(=ischie2J$. That *as stran,e.
4ield o2 :o(ra,e: /ll reached ###. / ,ained (1 to
le3el 1!7 my second time thro(,h this 2ield ((sed some %:ards$.
Eo(Fll see soon eno(,h *hy / had to ,o thro(,h t*ice. /
ma@ed o(t all sBills e@ce1t Piety here.
4ield o2 Ao3e: / hate this 1lace. The ma,es can stone yo(
(i2 they are ca1a0le o2 dama,in, yo($9 *hich destroys
yo(r *hole 1arty (Dias$. Also9 the 0attle terrain is
di22ic(lt to na3i,ate. Eo(Fll see *hat / mean i2 yo(
2i,ht any here. / s(,,est esca1in, e3ery 0attle. / did
that my second time thro(,h.
/ accidentally 2ell into a rather lar,e tra1 here.
/ ended (1 ,ainin, 2o(r le3els 2rom a 2i,ht *ith the
.elatin )locBs. / sa3ed it in a sa2e 1lace9 so / co(ld
see i2 / had ha11ened to a3era,e 12 StaP 1er le3el.
/ *ent some*here *hile / le2t the ,ame on 2or a 2e* min(tes.
/ came 0acB and 2o(,ht9 2or,ot *hat / *as doin, and sa3ed
o3er my ,ood sa3e9 so / sa3ed 2o(r le3els o2 #&1" a3era,e StaP.
/ so(,ht to correct this 1ro0lem 0y reI(irin, 1! StaP
to 0e my minim(m ,ain 2or many le3els. A little later /
decided it *o(ld 0e easier to ,o 0acB a 2e* ho(rs.
Ao3er tooB Dias hosta,e in order to threaten me. /t *as
ridic(lo(s since Dias is the only character *ho 2o(,ht Ao3er9 /
tooB 21 dama,e at the most 2rom any one mo3e. / ended (1 lea3in,
this 1lace at le3el 1!7.
4ield o2 /ntelli,ence: / 0eat this 1lace and ended (1 at le3el
1!7 still. / tooB little dama,e d(rin, the 0oss 2i,ht. / had
esca1ed all other 0attles since this 2ield is too similar to the
4ield o2 Ao3e.
4ield o2 :o(ra,e: Ees9 /Fm 0acB. / 2or,ot to de2eat the ,(ardian
a2ter le3el&,ainin,. >e *as a *im19 and / mo3ed on. / *as le3el
1!7 at the end o2 this 2ield. :S*ord *ent to ### 1ro2.
1st 3. 2nd 4ield Ad3ent(re
<hen / loaded a2ter accidentally ,ettin, st(cB *ith 2o(r 1athetic
StaP le3els9 thin,s chan,ed.
/ had to re,ain all the le3els 1re3io(s to my mistaBe9 *hich meant
my stats *o(ld 0e di22erent d(e to randomness. A2ter 1" le3els9 the
di22erence ended (1 as seen 0elo*.
The le2t&col(mn incl(des my stats 2rom ri,ht 0e2ore the .elatin )locB
1ro0lem9 and the ri,ht col(mn is the time thro(,h *hen / so(,ht
to correct the 1ro0lem.
1st 2nd
Str 1"#2 1"#1
:on !P" !P7
De@ 77P 77P
.(ts 172 17!
/ had the same reI(irement (minim(m 12 StaP$9 yet my second
time thro(,h / ended (1 *ith 2i3e more StaP. / m(st ha3e ,ained
some e@tra 1!s (1erha1s 1Ps$.
/ 0le* thro(,h a 0(nch o2 storyline9 esca1ed all 0attles in the
=ihne :a3ern and G(m1ed )arBer.
This can 0e to(,h. Tho(,h yo( can le3el yo(r *ay 1ast him9 / had
,ro*n too laSy. /n addition9 / 2or,ot to eI(i1 my t*o 0est mo3es9
and / had t*o )l(e Ts on (limitin, my dama,e and doin, nothin, to
*ithstand Aost Patience$. To s(m it (19 the 2i,ht s(cBed. / had to
(se a 2e* 4resh Syr(1s.
*hen yo( ,et to )arBer9 s*itch to dama,e&0oostin, accessories and
1o*er2(l ;=s. DonKt *orry a0o(t the s1eed o2 yo(r mane(3ers. >e
doesnKt mo3e.
&&&Nine <ise: / *ill not die liBe this.&&&
/ 0(ilt (1 :=4lash *hile 2i,htin, him. / ne3er healed.
/ mostly (sed =?os and :=4lash. No healin, necessary. / ,ained
a le3el on this ,(y *hich 0ro(,ht me to 1!8. 4ort(nately9
the le3el *as *orth 12 StaP9 so / didnFt reload.
>e seemed a 0it to(,her than the other t*o9 1ro0a0ly d(e to
=eta .(ard9 0(t / didnKt heal. / st(cB *ith :=4lash and (sed =?os9
Tri&0alls9 etc. Aater / 2o(nd o(t Dias hadnKt had a helm
on since the )arBer9 *hen / had com1ared a D(el >elm and OdinKs
A2ter de2eatin, )erle9 / did the =arianna PA in 4(n :ity. <hen /
2irst 1layed the ,ame9 / remem0er ho1in, she *o(ld Goin my 1arty.
And (ntil this year9 / tho(,ht she died *hen 2i,htin,
=arsilio. 4ort(nately9 / *as *ron,9 and she had some items
2or me. ZtearZ
?(1recht9 'i0ril and Nicol(s
/ tested this 2i,ht and noticed / mi,ht ha3e a ro(,h time soloin, it.
%s1ecially since / hadnKt le3eled m(ch a2ter lea3in, the 4ield o2
/ decided to le3el (1 in order to dra, o(t the 2i,ht. /
*anted to learn more a0o(t this 2i,ht: the 1ersonalities and
0attle techniI(es in3ol3ed.
On Trainin,
So many times9 it ha11ens too 2ast9 yo( trade yo(r 1assion 2or
Oh9 sorry. On to the ,ameO
4ield o2 :o(ra,e
/ tooB o22 my )l(e Ts to see i2 increased attacB 1o*er co(ld
s1eed (1 my trainin,. >ereKs a *ord: h(mility. The "s
2rom 0e2ore t(rned into 0i,,er n(m0ers9 and / co(ld t(rn to stone9
,et 1oisioned9 etc. / had 0ecome a 2i,htin, slo09 *ho de1ended
more on de2ense than sBill.
/ t(rned to smarter 2i,htin, tactics9 s*itched on AooB 2or
and eI(i11ed dama,e&0oostin, accessories. Tho(,h my dama,e 1er hit
ne3er e@ceeded #9###H e@cessi3e attacB 1o*er has its (ses.
The stars (Star .(ard9 %ternal S1here and so 2orth$ do a 2raction o2
yo(r normal attacB 1o*er (not dama,e$. So9 i2 yo(r attacB 1o*er
is s(1remely hi,h9 yo( can e3en ha3e yo(r stars doin, ma@
dama,e at times. This isnFt too (se2(l 2or Dias since he isnFt
a0le to s1ray stars 2rom his *ea1ons9 0(t his Star .(ard (or
Valiant .(ard$ can do some hea3y s1ray&dama,e i2 he is
/ stayed in the 4ield o2 :o(ra,e (ntil le3el 171. /t *as eno(,h
to 0(ild (1 :=4lash and >S)last (not a hi,h&school 1arty$ to
### 1ro2. / decided to com1are the ne* 171 Dias to the old 171
The le2t col(mn is the old 171 Dias (1layed 0e2ore / made this
,(ide$9 the middle is the ne* 171 Dias (*itho(t 1" Piety$9 and the
ri,ht col(mn is the ne* 171 Dias *ith 1" Piety. / didnKt mani1(late
the 1" Piety 0eca(se / *anted to Bee1 it e3en *ith the old 171 Dias
(random Piety ,ains$.
Old (Piety$ Ne* Ne* (Piety$
Str 1"!P 1177 12P8
:on !21 !8N !8N
De@ N!7 N!! N7"
A,l 11N 11P 117
/nt !28 !N2 !72
A(c #N #N 1""
Stm 1P! 12N 12N
.(ts 1!# 1N2 17"
The Old col(mn is de2eated 0y the Ne* col(mn in 778 o2
the stats that / care a0o(t. Once / ,ained 1" Piety 2or the ne*
171 Dias in order to e3en the 1layin, 2ield9 the Old *as
de2eated in all o2 the stats / care a0o(t (Str9 :on9 De@9 .(ts$.
/n 2act9 the Old only *on in Stamina. /t *o(ld taBe the Old at
least !7 1er2ect Str le3els (N 1er l3l$ to catch (1 to my Str9
21 1er2ect :on le3els (! 1er l3l$ to catch (1 to my :on9 8 1er2ect
De@ le3els (P 1er l3l$ to catch (1 *ith my De@ and !1 1er2ect .(ts
le3els (1 1er le3el$ to catch (1 *ith my .(ts.
A2ter this test9 / reloaded. No *ay *as / ,oin, to assi,n Piety
0e2ore le3el 277.
4ield o2 Po*er
/ came here in ho1es o2 0attlin, 1(re 2i,hters: those (na0le to
in2lict yo( *ith a m(ltit(de o2 stat(s ailments. Un2ort(nately9
/ realiSed .hasts co(ld 1aralySe yo(. / lost my taste 2or 0attle9
annoyed that e3ery 2ield had creat(res *ho co(ld 1etri2y or
1aralySe yo(.
/ noticed d(rin, this 2ield that =P ,ains 1er le3el are
some*hat random. / thinB / remem0er recordin, ,ains 2rom
P&N 2or Dias. /t isnFt a 0i, deal since =P *ill ma@ o(t at
###9 0(t it is interestin,. / didnFt 2ind any =P&ties to /nt
or other stats.
%nd Trainin,
?(1recht9 'i0ril and Nicol(s
/ didnFt *ant to le3el (1 in the 2ields anymore9 content *ith
2i,htin, Phoeni@s and ,reen salamanders 2or 0i, @1 (e@tension
/ decided to attacB these three *isemen. <atch o(t 2or 0ein,
1etri2ied and 1aralySed 0y this ,ro(1. Use =?os and *hate3er
else yo( need. / died once 0eca(se / had 2or,otten to al1ha0etiSe
(co(ldnKt 2ind my =?osO$9 so 0e care2(l.

D(rin, my *innin, 0attle9 / Billed 'i0ril 2irst. >e liBed to eat me
and (se a *a3e. / Billed ?(1recht ne@t. / Billed Nicol(s last (he
did " dama,e *ith his red mo3e9 his s1ells *erenFt 0ad on me9 etc.$
=y eI(i1ment *as: =y ;=s *ere:
:rimson D ASlash
D(el S(it :S*ord
Star .(ard
D(el >elm
)(nny Shoes
)l(e T
)l(e T
/ ran to the ne@t sa3e 1oint and ,ained (1 to le3el 177. A0o(t this
time9 / remem0ered to t(rn Practice o22. / had 2o(,ht si@ *isemen
*ith it on...
Ves1er and Dec(s
/ (sed /ll9 ASlash and =?os mainly a,ainst these ,(ys.
/ thinB / (sed one hal2&dead 0om0 to distract Dec(s.
=y armor chan,e *as ?e2lecti3e Armo(r9 Pallas Athena
and OdinFs >elm. / *anted to 0e 1re1ared a,ainst 1o*ers.
These ,(ys arenFt sha00y at all9 0(t yo( can 0eat them.
A2ter this9 / s1ent a lot o2 time 0(ildin, (1 .Sta0 a,ainst com1(ter
chi1s. / (sed it o3er 2"" times9 then le3eled and ,ained an
(nacce1ta0le amo(nt o2 StaP. O(chO
>e s(cBed. '(st maBe s(re to eI(i1 st(22 that is nice 3.
1o*ers (he liBes *ind$. / s(,,est taBin, o22 )l(e Ts since they are
(nnecessary. /nstead 0ee2 (1 yo(r attacB9 and remem0er those
delicio(s =?os and 0om0s.
At the time9 / co(ldnKt thinB o2 a *ay to a3oid ,ainin, a le3el
*hen 2i,htin, this ,(y9 so / Be1t 2i,htin, him (ntil / ,ained an
acce1ta0le le3el.
:S*ord really *orBs here. /tKs so 2ast9 he rarely ,ot a mo3e o22.
<hen he did9 it *as 0eca(se / had e@ha(sted my hand ener,y. ThatKs
no s(r1rise *hen yo( realiSe / had to 2i,ht him 11 times to ,ain
an acce1ta0le le3el.
11th time a charmJ
/ ran and sa3ed ri,ht 0e2ore /ndalecio.
&&&The :a3e o2 Trials: This is a strate,ic esca1e.&&&
/ ran many times in order to a3oid ,ainin, too m(ch
e@1erience at the *ron, times.
/ ran all the *ay o(t o2 the to*er. / did the 4ilia
PA in :entral :ity. / (sed 4(n :ity to trans1ort to %@1el.
/ 1icB1ocBeted the little Bid in Arlia 2or SantaFs )oots.
/ (sed them some at inns in order to ,ain items. / ,ained
at 0est a =ental ?in,9 )(nny Shoes9 etc. / ne3er ,ained
any s(1er st(22 liBe a >olyS*ord 4ar*ell (>S4ar*ell$
or a Sera1hic .ar0.
/ *ent to the :a3e o2 Trials (:oT$. /t seemed a 0it ro(,h on
the 1st 2loor 0eca(se o2 the shield ,(ys9 the ma,es9 the o*ls
that stone yo(9 etc. The e@1erience *asnFt that 2(n to ,ain.
/ *ent to %l(ria To*er and ,ained (1 to le3el 1N7 there.
/ 0(ilt 4=Slash (1 to ###.
5(icB TalB on )(ildin, (1 =o3es &&
One o2 the 0est *ays to 0(ild (1 mo3es is to 1(t on no
s*ord or a 0ad s*ord (D(ll S*ord$9 1(t on t*o ?in,s o2
Sadness and 2i,ht sno*men near .i3ea*ay. They are to(,h9
*orth little e@1erience9 0(t yo( can ,et nice money andor
metals in that area.
Personally9 / did it the d(m0hard *ay 0y ,ainin, le3els and
0(ildin, (1 mo3es in random 1laces at the same time. /t Be1t
me sane to Bee1 mo3in, aro(nd and s(ch rather than stayin,
in one 1lace 2ore3er.
Still9 it also made me insane to lose some o2 my mo3e 1ro2
0eca(se o2 my lacB o2 system. .o 0acB to the .Sta0 e3ent and
ass(me that ty1e o2 thin, ha11ened more than once.
&& %nd o2 TalB on )(ildin, (1 =o3es
1st 4loor:
A2ter %l(ria To*er9 / *ent to 0eat DarB 4eather. / didnFt
0eat her the 2irst time / 2o(,ht her9 0(t that *as oB.
:ertainly it can 0e done.
/ (sed the 2ollo*in, eI(i1ment: ;=s:
:rimsonD ASlash
D(el S(it :S*ord
Star .(ard
OdinFs >elm
)(nny Shoes
)l(e T
)erserB ?in,
=y tactics mainly consisted o2 (sin, ASlash. / sometimes
(sed a mid&ran,e :S*ord that st(nned her in order to 2ollo*
(1 *ith one close&ran,e :S*ord. / mi,ht ha3e (sed some =?os9
0(t it isnFt necessary. / thinB / almost ,ained a le3el.
2nd 4loor:
/ sol3ed the 1(SSle. T(rn =ilene so(th9 t(rn A(Be north9
t(rn 4eria east9 t(rn E(2ie so(th9 t(rn Aloyd east9
t(rn Sharon *est and t(rn :istina so(th. =ore detailed
sol(tions are all o3er the Net.
/ (sed the same eI(i1ment 2rom 0e2ore to 2i,ht the
0oss on this 2loor. The creat(res are slo*9 so G(st
0eat them. ASlash *ill s(22ice.
!rd 4loor:
>ere are my directions 2or com1letin, the le3el: ,o ri,ht
(ntil yo( canKt anymore9 ,o do*n9 ,o le2t (ntil yo( canKt
anymore9 ,o (1 (ntil yo( canKt anymore9 ,o ri,ht (ntil yo(
canKt anymore9 ,o do*n9 ,o le2t9 ,o le2t9 ,o do*n...0in,o.
/ 2o(,ht the time&sto11ers (not 2rom the mo3ie$. They are rather
easy i2 yo( Bno* a little tricB. <hene3er they do Dream1eace9
1ress trian,le. =aBe s(re there is no re1eatin, so(nd. /2 there
is9 e@it and 1ress trian,le a,ain. <ait (ntil yo( see yo(r
character or yo(r characterFs shado* mo3e. The mo3ement
si,ni2ies that Dream1eace has ended. The time yo( s1end in
yo(r men( is time Dream1eace is r(nnin, o(t.
/ Be1t the same eI(i1ment and ;=s 2rom the DarB 4eather 2i,ht
e@ce1t that / no* had a Sera1hic .ar0.
Pth 4loor:
/ 1layed a son, 2or that 2alse ,od.
/ 2o(,ht =iel !2 (0oss P$. / *as le3el 17" *hen / 2o(,ht him. /
s(,,est stayin, a*ay 2rom this ,(y. >e is stron, and 2ast. Eo(
can (se =?os and ASlash to *in. / came really close to le3elin,
(1 *hen / de2eated him.
7th 2loor: This is ridic(lo(s.
>ere / ran into a maGor 1ro0lem. Dias co(ldnFt (se a <eird Slayer.
/ considerin, (sin, ?ena9 0(t she had no mo3es liBe )o*manKs
4ire0ird AttacB or :hisatoFs Pre1aration.
<ith those mo3es9 / co(ld (se them then mandraBe the mo3e e@ec(tor
0e2ore the mo3e act(ally hit the <eird0east. That *o(ld 0oth *in
the 0attle and 1re3ent the character 2rom ,ainin, 1ast le3el !7.
The 1ro0lem *as that :hisato starts at le3el P" (not (sa0le$9
and / didnFt ha3e )o*man. ?ena had to do a normal attacB
0eca(se 1o*ers *onFt do the tricB. %3en i2 they did9 she
doesnFt ha3e a <ind0lade ty1e 1o*erH and no items that ,i3e
1o*ers (CThe '(d,mentD 2or e@am1le$ allo* a <ind0lade&ty1e 1o*er.
/ tried (sin, 0om0s and s(ch *ith her9 0(t / didnFt notice any
that *o(ld con3ey the <eird&slayin, I(ality thro(,h to the creat(re.
?ena also co(ldnFt eI(i1 a Star .(ard9 so / co(ldnFt mandraBe her
ri,ht as the stars 0e,an to s1ray. :all me st(m1ed.
/ decided to looB at my o1tions G(st in case Dias had to *in
the day (*hich mi,ht ha3e taBen all day$. / 2i,(red / co(ld do
h(ndreds o2 tho(sands o2 dama,e *ith items (2"@ >al2&dead )om09
2"@ =?o9 2"@ Protection )om09 etc.$.
<itho(t items9 Dias co(ld do 2 dama,e 1er hit (1ro0a0ly d(e to
the :rimsonD$. The creat(re had a0o(t 19N""9""" >PH so e3en
se3eral h(ndred tho(sand dama,e 2rom items *asnFt eno(,h to 0e o2
m(ch (se.
/ *ent ahead and 2o(,ht it *ith Dias and ?ena. <e ,ained a0o(t
1N79""" e@1erience. ?ena ,ained se3en le3els9 0(t / co(ldnFt
a22ord any since she *as le3el !7 already.
/ loaded my ,ame.
A :ontem1lati3e )reaB
/ decided to le3el Dias (1 a 0it *hile / tho(,ht a0o(t this
7th 2loor 1ro0lem. / le3eled (1 to 177. / decided to test
the Dra,on Tyrant iss(e a2ter maBin, 2" SBandas. :o(ld /
de2eat him and ,ain a co(1le o2 acce1ta0le le3elsJ
/ noticed that once / dro11ed 2rom 2loor 1 to 2loor #9 / co(ld
r(n 2rom some creat(res (slimes9 archers9 etc$ *itho(t (sin,
a SBanda. /t hel1ed that / had eI(i11ed the Valiant )oots
(2o(nd 0ehind a 2aBe *all$9 t*o )l(e Ts and a Sera1hic .ar0.
/t is sa2er to SBanda e3ery 0attle i2 yo( thinB 2" is eno(,h
to ,et yo( to the Dra,on Tyrant. >onestly9 it is e3en sa2er
to 2i,ht the creat(res do*n there rather than r(nnin, 2rom
them. Eo( are 2aster than them9 yo( can eI(i1 items that
*ill let yo( do ma@ dama,e9 yo( ha3e ASlash9 etc.
The 1ro0lem *ith 2i,htin, is that yo( *ill ,ain le3els I(icBly.
/ didnFt *ant to ,ain (nacce1ta0le le3els (StaP less than 12$9
so / 2o(,ht as little as 1ossi0le.
4i,htin, 3ery little9 nit1icBin, e3ery le3el and so 2orth
m(st seem annoyin,. /t isOO / 1layed ?omancin,
Sa,a *ith my *i2e d(rin, 1art o2 this ,ame *hen / 2elt
*eary o2 slo* le3elin,. The 0reaB hel1ed re2resh me.
<hen / say /K3e esca1ed *itho(t (sin, a SBanda9 it does mean
/ esca1ed (naided. As yo( 1ro0a0ly Bno*9 / o2ten (se items
(Pee1&1ee1 0om09 Tri&)all9 etc.$ Also9 / tend to mo3e to
a 0etter location 0e2ore hittin, esca1e.
On 2loor 1"9 r(nnin, 2rom creat(res *as to(,her. / co(ld
r(n 2rom =ind2layers and slimes9 0(t the small9 1inB9
ro0ots are meanO Do not scre* *ith them (nless yo( Bno* *hat
yo( are dealin, *ith. /nstead9 I(icBly (se a SBanda.
The 0oss on 2loor 1" is a lar,e ro0ot (.(ardianJ$.
>e can *aste yo(9 so (se hit and r(n tactics. %I(i1 1o*er2(l
eI(i1ment ()erserB ?in,9 4eet Sym0ol$ 0eca(se )l(e Ts donFt matter
*hen yo( arenFt ,ettin, hit9 1l(s the 2i,ht lasts m(ch lon,er
i2 yo( donFt do ma@ dama,e (tr(st meO$.
Use ASlash to stay sa2e9 0(t 0(t yo( can (se other ;=s i2 yo( are
2eelin, 0ra3e. This 0oss has 8""9""" >P and is *orth a0o(t !2"9"""
e@1erience. / ,ained Sero le3els.
/ ran do*n to the Dra,on Tyrant. >e has the 0ody ty1e o2 a Synard9
so ASlash tore him to 1ieces (not to steal 2rom :la(de$. Also9 liBe
most creat(res9 he hates taBin, =?os in the 2ace. The Dra,on Tyrant
has a0o(t 191""9""" >P and is *orth a0o(t 19#1"9""" e@1erience.
/ ,ained 2o(r le3els 2rom him.
/ *ent do*n to him three times to test *hat Bind o2 StaP
/ *o(ld ,ain o3er 2o(r le3els.
=y 2irst time9 / ,ained an a3era,e StaP o2 a0o(t
1".27 (!.772P.7$ 1er le3el. The second time9 / ,ained an
a3era,e StaP o2 a0o(t #.77 (P.271.77!.77$ 1er le3el. The
third time9 / ,ained an a3era,e StaP o2 a0o(t 1" (P.71.77!.7.27$
1er le3el. Darn.
So yes9 yo( can dro1 do*n early to le3el nine. Eo( can 2i,ht
the re,(lar monsters 2or I(icB e@1erience9 yo( can ,ra0
the Valiant )ootsother nice items9 andor yo( can slay the
Dra,on Tyrant *ho *ill ,i3e yo( the last sBill: 4loat.
Eo( can dro1 do*n at a lo*er le3el than 177 and conI(er the
Dra,on Tyrant *ith Dias. %I(i1 )(nny shoesValiant )oots9
(se ASlash9 (se items to Bee1 him o22 yo( and (se an %&:ard. >e is
*orth a lot o2 le3els.
Another ti1tricB can 0e done *ith the Dra,on Tyrant i2 yo( ha3e
the Sil3er Tr(m1et. >a3e someone *ith le3el 8 =(sic sBills 1lay
The %3il =elody. /t *ill s(mmon the Dra,on Tyrant. >e is the same
stren,th as in the :oT and ,i3es the same @1. Eo( can s(mmon him
o3er and o3er.
%nd o2 Ti1s
A2ter / 2o(,ht the Dra,on Tyrant three times9 / decided to
,ain some le3els *ith Dias. <hile doin, that9 / 0(ilt :<a3e to ###.
/ also set :om1rehension to CDo Nothin,D since / didnFt need e@tra
SP9 1l(s / hear :om1rehension *eaBens yo( sli,htly (1erha1s 0y
slo*in, yo( do*n$. / ,ained (1 to le3el 17#9 then / decided
to ,o to 4(n :ity to checB o(t my statistics 2or 2(nLin a city.
Ae3el 17#
Time !#:!P
4i,hts 17!N
:hance o2 acI(irin, a T: 778
/tem creation s(ccess ratio (PN8 (N!"1!N#$
PicB1ocBet s(ccess ratio N78 (1!21#7$
Sa3es 71N
%sca1es P17 (a0o(t 278$
=onsters de2eated !#!N
=a@ [ o2 com0at sBills (sed consec(ti3ely N2
A2ter this 1oint9 / ,ained (1 to le3el 181 *hile 0(ildin, (1
:ross< to ###. Sometimes / 2o(,ht on le3el t*o and three o2 the
0on(s d(n,eon to ,et close to my ne@t le3el9 then / *o(ld 2inish
the le3el aro(nd Ain,a or 4rontline.
/t allo*ed me to maBe s(re not to ,ain N"9""" e@1erience 2or a
0attle *hen / only needed 1"9""" to ,ain a le3el. Also9 / co(ld
0(ild (1 mo3es *hile 2i,htin, m(lti1le 0attles there.
At le3el 1829 / *ent 0acB and did a 2o(rth test. The enemies on
ninth and tenth 2loor *ere easier to r(n 2rom. %3en :l(0,(nners
co(ldnFt Bill me *hen / had Valiant )oots9 2 )l(e Ts and a
Sera1hic .ar0.
/ eI(i11ed the Valiant .(ard / ,ot 2rom the .(ardian9 and /
eI(i11ed a )erserB ?in, and a D)racelet. / only ,ained three
le3els 0eca(se o2 the D)racelet (someho* / *as ,reatly 1leased
and s(r1rised$O The StaP *as a0o(t #.N7 (P.!!1.!!!.!!.NN$.
/t *as less than any o2 my 2o(r le3els at a time9 0(t / 2i,(red
that *as a rarity.
All o2 a s(dden9 many ideas started enterin, my 0rain
(some 2ailed9 some *orBed$. / realiSed / co(ld ,o on one
d(n,eon r(n and ,ain t*o le3els instead o2 one.
The D)racelet *o(ld allo* s(ch a thin,. <ith this ne* tho(,ht
o2 0ein, in d(n,eons hal2 the time to ,ain the same amo(nt o2
le3els9 / started maBin, %&:ards.
/ sto11ed messin, aro(nd *ith 4S<a3e 2or the most 1art
*hile / tried to I(icBly ,ain le3els. / eI(i11ed a
)erserB ?in, *ith my D)racelet and *ent to 2i,htin, *ith
:S*ord and ASlash. / accidentally ,ained an e@tra le3el
in the d(n,eon9 0(t it t(rned o(t to 0e acce1ta0le. So9
/ *ent in once 0(t came o(t *ith three le3els
0eca(se o2 the D)racelet.
The %nd o2 :ontem1lation
/ 1(t a D)racelet on e3eryone e@ce1t Dias and 2o(,ht
the <eird0east. ?ena9 :eline and Precis ,ained three
/ tooB Practice o22 e3eryone (0eca(se / noticed it on$.
All the ,irls ,ained t*o le3els. There seemed to 0e no *ay
to *in liBe that. / tho(,ht9 V/tKs too 0ad the D)racelet
canKt 0e my c(re all.
)(t *hat *as this ne* mar3elo(s yet horrendo(s disco3eryJO
/ndeed9 Precis can (se a <eird Slayer. Eo( may ha3e
Bno*n this all alon, as yo( read my doc(ment. / did not.
/ tho(,ht only )o*man9 :hisato and ?ena co(ld (se it. /t
doesnKt hel1 that / rarely (se Precis. /Kd 1ro0a0ly ne3er
had her on my team and o*ned a <eird Slayer at the same
time. Ah *ell. Time 2or a ne* attem1t.
/ (sed ?ocBet P(nch *ith Precis9 / mandraBed her *hile
it *as on the *ay (yo( may ha3e to try a 2e* times$9
?ocBet P(nch hit the <eird0east9 Precis *as dead9 and
/ had s(cceeded. She remained at !7th le3el (my limit$9
so all *as *ell.
At this 1oint / tho(,ht a0o(t ho* nice it *as to ha3e
the D)racelet. /t allo*ed me to a3oid ,ainin, a le3el
*hen 2i,htin, 0osses.
>ere it str(cB meO
/ had 2o(,ht :yril 11 times. <ith the D)racelet eI(i11ed9
/ *o(ldnFt ha3e ,ained a le3el. / co(ld ha3e G(st 2o(,ht
him once.

/ cried 1ro2(sely9 then (sed the ?ed Aot(s .em to 1roceed to
le3el N.
Nth 4loor: )ehindJ
/ *anted to 0e here9 so / co(ld o0tain a .o&>ome 4ro,.
Then / co(ld sto1 *astin, as m(ch time r(nnin, 0acB
and 2orth. /nterestin,ly eno(,h9 / didnKt Bno* the 1o*er
o2 a .o&>ome 4ro, (ntil this year.
Santa *as not there. / (sed action (T 0(tton$ on the
Clo*est9 most ri,htD thie2 (not h(m0lest9 most ri,hteo(s
thie2$. / *ent to the end o2 the le3el. The 0oss *asnFt too
hard9 tho(,h he technically 0acB attacBs yo(. / s(,,est
Billin, the time&sto11er 2irst.
7th 4loor: %3eryone stay 0acB.
%sca1es *erenFt 3ery di22ic(lt at this 1oint 2or me.
/ *as le3el 187 (D)racelet$.
.o (1 all the *ay then ri,ht all the *ay9 yo( *ill
,et a Ge*el 2rom a 0o@9 =etal*orB it into the ?ed
Aot(s .em9 1(t it on the 1edestal and yo( *ill 0e
done. '(st remem0er to maBe s(re to read the si,n.
<hyJ /tKs one o2 those ?P. thin,s.
The 0oss is terri0ly di22ic(lt (192""9""" >P$. /
had on a )l(e T and a D)racelet9 so / did little dama,e.
>e occasionally 0lasted me (Aost Patience$ 2or ma@ dama,e
(do*n to 1 >P$ TalB a0o(t ner3e&*racBin,.
/ s(,,est (sin, a )erserB ?in, and a 4eet Sym0ol. /t *ill
,o m(ch 0etter 2or yo(. Also9 yo( mi,h *ant :S*ord or
/ll as yo(r second o1tion instead o2 st(1id&s(cB shocB*a3e.
/ mean9 4S<a3e.
>e only ,i3es a0o(t 2P79""" e@1erience9 so yo( donFt
need a D)racelet. Also9 a )l(e T has no e22ect
a,ainst Aost Patience. <oe *as me.
8th 4loor:
.o strai,ht (1 (ntil yo( see a 2at&2aced *all thin,.
4eed it any *orthless 2ood yo( *ant (ntil it says
somethin, stran,e then ,i3e it a =andraBe. The door
to the ne@t 2loor *ill o1en (1.
/ *ent ahead and le2t thro(,h the 1ortal on
2loor si@. / *anted to sa3e it 0e2ore doin, m(ch
#th 4loor:
/ dro11ed do*n9 ,ra00ed the Valiant )oots then *ent 0acB
(1 to*ard 2loor si@ to meet Santa. ?(nnin, 2rom enemies
on ninth 2loor *as m(ch easier than *hen / *as testin,
the Dra,on Tyrant st(22.
A 2at =ithril %aterJ (1inB sl(,$ *as in my *ay on the
*ay to 2loor si@. / tho(,ht it s(cBed9 so / (sed 4S<a3e
to 0(ild it (1 d(rin, the 2i,ht.
%3en *ith 17""M de2ense9 it ate me. The ne@t time / (sed
ASlash to *in. / ,ained a0o(t !""9""" e@1erience.
/t had aro(nd #""9""" >PH so yo( can 0eat it *ith
a0o(t #" hits at ma@ dama,e ()erserB ?in,9 4eet Sym0ol$.
A2ter that 2i,ht9 / ran to ,et to Santa. <hile
esca1in, 2rom one 0attle9 / died. >o*J Time&sto11ers.
/ had not s*itched to t*o )l(e Ts9 and they Be1t doin,
Dream Peace. / co(ldnKt (se the men( tricB *hile r(nnin,
a*ay. Dead.
The ne@t time9 / (sed :=4lash a,ainst the 1inB sl(,.
/t is 2ast (thanBs to Valiant )oots hel1in, the reset time$9
and it is a mo3e that 2orces yo( to Bee1 a certain
/t does taBe more =P than ASlash9 so / had to restore some
=P d(rin, the 0attle. That annoyed me 0eca(se it doesnFt
a11en o2ten *ith ASlash. ?e,ardless9 / *on. / ran to si@th 2loor
to 2ind Santa. >e *asnFt there. / decided to 2i,ht
some *ith my D)racelet on9 so / *o(ld 0e close to t*o
le3els once / le2t thro(,h the 1ortal.
/ dro11ed a,ain9 and / ran (1 to 2ind Santa. >e
*as not there9 so / ended (1 le3elin, t*ice. / dro11ed a,ain
to 2ind Santa. No 2reaBinK l(cB9 so / le3eled t*ice.
The ne@t time / *alBed 2rom 1&N. >e *as there9 and / 0o(,ht
some items. To ,et cash9 / 0o(,htsold (/denti2y All tricB$
Sa,eKs Stones. / ended (1 *ith 2" o2 e3ery metal9 t*o Tri&%m0lems
and t*o Santa )oots (incl(din, my one 2rom earlier$. / le3eled
t*ice 0e2ore lea3in,.
/ *as le3el 1#7 and my stats (*itho(t items$ *ere:
D(rin, these Santa r(ns9 / mi,ht ha3e (neI(i11ed =ischie2 and
TricBster. / ha3e a theory that the constant sto1&and&,o
ca(ses more random 0attles to occ(r.
Once o(tside9 / realiSed / hadnKt (sed :inderella .lasses in my
dealin,s *ith Santa. There *ent millions o2 4ol.
/ li3ed *ith it9dro11ed to the ninth 2loor then ran to the tenth.
1"th 4loor: T*o tra3el o1tions.
1: )est 2or items: Start at lo*est le2tmost sI(are o2 ,rid9
*alB ri,ht (ntil yo( reach the 0ottom ri,ht corner9 then *alB
strai,ht (1 to com1lete the ,rid 1ath.
2: Sa2est *ay: Start at lo*est le2tmost sI(are o2 ,rid9 *alB
(1 one9 *alB ri,ht one9 *alB (1 t*o9 *alB ri,ht t*o.
?(nnin, on this 2loor *asnFt too 0ad9 tho(,h yo( may not
*ant to r(n 2rom the 1inB small ro0ots (as / mentioned
1re3io(sly$. / thinB t*o )l(e Ts are the sa2est *ay to ,o
*hen esca1in,. / ,ra00ed some items *hen / *as do*n here on
this le3el then / 2o(,ht the .(ardian. / (sed t*o Tri&%m0lems
and ASlash mostly.
/ *ent ahead and (sed an % :ard on him and ,ained a le3el 0eca(se
/ 2or,ot to eI(i1 a D)racelet. /t t(rned o(t as 12 StaP any*ay.
A2ter this 0attle / noticed somethin,. Tri&%m0lem only 0ro(,ht (1
my .(ts 0y one 1oint to 277. A2ter a little testin, (2 Tri&%m0lems9
OdinFs >elm9 Piety9 etc.$9 / 2o(nd o(t 277 is the ma@ 2or .(ts.
/t is oBay to *ear an item that raises yo(r .(ts to 2779
e3en i2 yo( ha3e more le3els to ,ain. 4or e@am1le9 yo(
mi,ht ha3e 2!7 .(ts. Eo( 1(t on a Tri&%m0lem *hich 0rin,s
yo(r .(ts to the 277 ma@im(m. Eo( can still ,ain .(ts
0y le3elin, 0eca(se once yo( taBe o22 the Tri&%m0lem
yo( mi,ht ha3e 2!N .(ts. The arti2icial ma@im(m o2 277
(*hen ca(sed 0y items$ doesnFt sto1 yo( 2rom ,ainin,
nat(ral .(ts. / ho1e that maBes sense.
11th 4loor:
/ dro11ed to 2loor #9 *alBed to 11 and 2o(,ht the
Dra,on Tyrant. ASlashQ*in. / ,ained only t*o le3els. A2ter three
tries9 / ,ained acce1ta0le StaP.
/ read the si,n (or to(ched the doorJ$ 2or entry
to the 12th 2loor. / *anted to do that G(st in case
the ,ame *o(ldnFt allo* me to ,o do*n to that 2loor
*itho(t 2irst readin, the si,n.
/ thinB my eI(i1ment 3. the Dra,on Tyrant *as: D)racelet9
Tri&%m0lem9 D(el >elm (since OdinFs >elm *asnFt so (se2(l
2or .(ts anymore$9 Valiant .(ard (o0tained 2rom .(ardian$
and the (s(al other st(22.
12th 4loor:
Only t*o 1eo1le co(ld ,o. / 2i,(red that *o(ldnFt 0e a
1ro0lem. The Phoeni@ lost. / (sed ASlash9 D)racelet9
)erserB ?in,9 etc. / didnKt ,ain a le3el.
/ read the si,n to the 1!th 2loor and ,ra00ed all the items
on the 12th 2loor. / ,ot 4S<a3e to ### *hile 2inishin, o22
t*o le3els.
>ere / Dias *asnFt *earin, any o2 the items 2rom the =a,ical
?as19 and / had only (sed one .o&>ome 4ro, th(s 2ar.
Some thin,s hadnFt chan,ed too m(ch since the old days o2
1layin,9 0(t the StaP mani1(lation *as si,ni2icantly di22erent.
#th 4loor: UhhL
The *iSard in the co22in *as really di22ic(lt 2or me.
/ ended (1 losin, many times. On the side o2 tryin,9
/ *o(ld ,ain le3els 1l(s / ,ot .Sta0 to ### (all ;=s at ###$.
The le3el&,ainin, *as more 2(n at this 1oint since / didnFt
ha3e to *atch terri0le mo3es o3er and o3er. / *as on le3el
227 0e2ore / ended (1 0eatin, the ,(y.
<hen / 2inally de2eated him / *as (sin,:
>S4ar*ell (S(11osed to 0e ,ood a,ainst the e3il *iSard$
Sera1hic .ar0 (e3ent(ally sto1s dama,e 2rom Dream Shades$
Valiant .(ard ()etter than Star .(ard$
D(el >elm (OdinFs >elm not o2 m(ch (se$
Valiant )oots ()etter than )(nny Shoes$
D)racelet (Un2ort(nately necessary to not ,ain a le3el$
)l(e T (>el1s a,ainst the Dream Shades early on$
/ de2initely Billed the Dream Shades 2irst 0eca(se
they *ere the *orst 1art o2 the 0attle. They *o(ld ,et
in the *ay9 and sometimes 2reeSe time G(st lon, eno(,h
(a mere second 0e2ore / co(ld (se the men( tricB$ 2or
me to 0e 0lasted 0y the *iSard. / ended (1 (sin, :S*ord to
cr(sh them *hile an =?o Be1t the *iSard 0(sy.
A2ter that9 / had to constantly distract and dod,e the
*iSard. Eo( donFt *ant him to ,et o22 s1ells or hit
yo(Le3er. / (sed =?os9 >al2&dead 0om0s and anythin,
else a3aila0le. / *o(ld o2ten hold the sI(are 0(tton
*hile doin, ASlash in order to maBe s(re he *asnFt too
close to me. /2 yo( 1ress ?1 only to notice that he is
too close then I(icBly 1ress circle to cancel yo(r attacB.
That is a really (se2(l 1art o2 man(al tar,etin,
0eca(se sometimes yo( m(st r(n 2rom him.
DonFt attem1t to *ear do*n his =P thro(,h items 0eca(se
he has ###. Also9 he *ill 1ro0a0ly Bill yo( *ith his normal
attacB any*ay. >e can dish o(t the stat(s ailments.
/ 0elie3e / also tried 1(m1in, my de2ense (1 to aro(nd 29"""H
0(t it didnFt do any ,ood. >e co(ld still h(rt me. / may ha3e
tried 1(m1in, my resistance (1 as m(ch as 1ossi0le d(rin, one
or 2e* o2 my losses9 0(t / thinB it too *as 2(tile.
This ,(y made me second ,(ess my StaP mani1(lation.
Addend(m: Use a :are Ta0let9 so yo( *onKt ha3e to *orry a0o(t
stat(s ailments. Eo(Kll still *ant to a3oid 0ein, dama,ed9 0(t
it isnKt I(ite as critical.
1!th 4loor:
The 1hoeni@ *as 0acB9 so / Billed him on the *ay.
/ ,ra00ed all the items on 1!th 2loor9 / 1(lled the t*o
le3ers9 and / tested r(nnin,. Eo( can r(n 2rom enemies9
0(t it isnFt easy. The sa2est *ay is to SBanda. / (sed a
.o&>ome 4ro,.
At this 1oint9 / le3eled to 277 (tooB some time$9 then /
decided to test Piety. >a3in, items eI(i11ed has no a22ect
on Piety ,ains.
=y 0ase stats at 277 *ere:
Str: 17P2
:on: NP8
De@: 1"22
A,l: 11P
/nt: 778
A(c: #N
Stm: 18P
.(ts: 2!8
The 2irst Piety le3el 0ro(,ht (1 the stat 0y the 2ollo*in,:
Str: M72
:on: M1#
De@: M!"
A,l: M!
/nt: M1N
A(c: M2
Stm: M7
.(ts: M7
The stats e3ent(ally ,o (1 more 2rom each Piety
le3el9 0(t that *ill soon 0ecome clear.
DiasKs Str and De@ seemed hi,h eno(,h to me9 so / didnKt 2eel
com1elled to increase them9 des1ite them ,ettin, ,reat Piety
/ *anted to care a0o(t A,l and A(c9 0(t the Piety increase
seemed too lo* at this 1oint in the ,ame. 4or e@am1le9 my A(c
*ent (1 M2 at the 2irst Piety le3el9 0(t / had at least one
item that *o(ld raise it 0y 7".
Stm doesnKt aid in 0attle9 /nt is (seless to a 2i,hter9 and /
se3eral items that *o(ld ma@ o(t my .(ts.
/ decided to ,o *ith :on 0eca(se DiasKs :on le2t somethin, to
0e desired. / loaded and sa3ed (ntil / had e3ery Piety ,ain on
:on. The 1ro,ression *as as 2ollo*s.
8NNQ2inal :on. / ,ained o3er 2"" 2rom 1" le3els in
Piety. / 2i,(red that *as 1lenty.
&&&The )i, 4o(r: DonKt thinB yo( can ,o 0acB ali3eO&&&
/ *ent on a t*o&year SO2 hiat(s9 so / had to re,ain e3erythin,
/ had lost.
/Km still *orBin, on it9 0(t here are some maGor chan,es in
the *ay /Km (sin, Dias.
/ no* 1lay m(sic 0e2ore e3ery 2i,ht *ith a I(estiona0le
o(tcome. /t really maBes a di22erence. Eo( ha3e a lot o2 son,s
to choose 2rom9 so 1icB one that s(its the occasion. 4or e@am1le9
a,ainst casters9 yo( mi,ht 1lay The '(d,ment9 allo*in, yo( to
trade a dama,e&0oostin, accessory 2or a s1ell&resistant one.
/ s*itched DiasKs StaP mani1(lation to Str9 De@ and .(ts. /nstead
o2 :on9 / (sed Piety to 0oost A,i. Also9 my ,ear selection *ill
mostly re3ol3e aro(nd increasin, A3d. /tKs *hat / *anted 2rom the
start o2 this ,(ide9 and / e@1ect it *ill 0e I(ite e22ecti3e
since DiasKs startin, A,l is hi,h (1" more than cla(deKs9 17 more
than AshtonKs9 17 more than )o*manKs9 etc.$
/2 yo( choose to 0oost A,i *ith Piety9 yo( can do it earlier
than le3el 2779 0(t yo( *ant to maBe s(re yo( ha3e 0o(,ht all
A,i&0oostin, sBills. *hen yo( ha3e9 DiasKs A,i sho(ld 0e at 11P.
>ere is the A,i 1ro,ression (sin, Piety: 2rom ranB " to ranB 1"
>is A,i increaes 0y !! or 62#8.
/t doesnKt seem liBe a lot9 0(t 2or a sBill that doesnKt increase 0y
le3elin,9 itKs somethin,. /t ,i3es more A3d than =ar3el S*ord9
?e2lecti3e Armor9 Neo .rea3es9 Tri&em1lem and .old com0ined. =ore
im1ortantly9 it doesnKt reI(irement any eI(i1ment. The A,i is yo(rs
1$ The >ell Ser3ant
ZThanBs to the Star Ocean 2anatics on the .ame4A5s site. Eo(r 1osts on
the 0oard ha3e enli,htened me9 yo(r 2riendshi1 has ins1ired me9 and yo(r
4A5s ha3e 1ro3ided me *ith in2ormation since last cent(ryO
ZThanBs to my *i2e 2or lettin, me 1lay liBe a madmanO
ZThanBs to Tri&ace9 AinBs and %ni@ 2or creatin, Star Ocean: The Second
=ay yo( li3e 2ore3er.
Star Ocean: The Second Story: Dias Guide by Justus_Bowman
Version: 1.87 | Last Updated: 2009-02-13 | View/Download Oriinal !ile
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