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Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080

Course: Sales Management, 0202330
1) Executive summary
Winnie Liu was selling in wealthier region children books from door-to-door during summer
vacation in Edmon Alberta who was also studying in University of Western ntario! "e was
recruited by Anita a sales manager in the #outhwestern $om%any to start his own business for
selling books! "e attended trainings with students who were selling books too! &he %roduct that
Winnie will be selling was educational materials and was called bookman! &he com%any that
Winnie worked for made great %rofit from hiring students to start their own business!
'uring one of his summer he was not able to make any sales to survive which led to hunger and
thirst to search for customers! ne day he met (avish and )avita who were his %otential buyers *
customers who offered him to buy the + ,uantities book sets with a discounted %rice -.1/ each!
0) 1roblem statement 2in the %roblem statement there are minor and ma3or %roblems as
differentiated below)4
5inor %roblem
&he minor %roblems that were identified is that Winnie is lacking com%etency skills which was
identified earlier in his sales field and it is recommended that he attend real worksho%s with on-
the-3ob training instead of theoretical courses! &his will hel% him learn from ex%erienced
sales%erson managing certain situations and issues! Everyone %ossess basic skills but gaining
%rofessional skills and handling6 managing6 bargaining6 etc! in sales re,uires other sources to
develo%! "e was acting sales manager but in other words he is still sales%erson! Also Winnie
lacked skills in market study and financial %lanning which is very im%ortant for sales%erson to
$ase 0+6 Winston Liu6 7ookman 81re%ared for 'r! 9ahi: 1age 1 of ;
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Sales Management, 0202330
5a3or %roblems
&he main cause of the ma3or %roblem is that there was no dealing ha%%ening due to certain
restrictions which is the ethical and legal res%onsibilities of sales%erson! &here was no deal made
and no commission to survive and also no selling which shows the signs of %oor sales%erson
affecting his image and re%utation with the com%any! &his also included his %ersonal values as a
sales%erson not to cheat the com%any and manage his %oor sales!
.) Alternatives
a! Negotiate with the customer4 &ake further negotiation and discussion to kee% winning
with (avish and ex%lain his issues and his <ndian team who are willing to buy as well as
%aying 1/= reduction is not a big deal for family buying the book! "owever6 being a
customer focus com%any and to avoid traditional sales management style this solution is
not recommended! As it is the res%onsibility and ob3ective of the com%any to %rovide
discounts for customers either bulk * individual %urchasing loyal customers!
<m%lementation4 >urther ex%lanation with Winnie?s %ersonal values and ethical
res%onsibility for no %ossibilities as it is against the com%any rule will cause ending u%
his future will lead to loss of his 3ob! Advantages4 <f he is ethically %ure soul %erson will
understand his situation and buy .-; sets! &his will maintain his image and the com%any
itself! 'isadvantages4 &he disadvantage is that Winnie will be seemed as if he is to beg
the customer and convince him in softer manner! "e might lose a set or two! <f (avish is
not convinced he might think that Winnie is weak %ersonnel and cannot handle such
situations and difficult customers who bargains strongly! utcome * (esult4 Either he
wins selling few sets or he wins nothing and kee%s convincing (avish6 his friends6 and
uses the kids to win the deal!
$ase 0+6 Winston Liu6 7ookman 81re%ared for 'r! 9ahi: 1age 0 of ;
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Sales Management, 0202330
b! Negotiate with the company: Winnie will inform (avish that he needs to discuss with
the com%any to check for the %ossibilities including written re,uest from the customers
for s%ecial discount in %urchase of bulk this is to avoid ethical issues and maintain legally
selling! <m%lementation4 Winnie will have to obtain documents in written from customers
in the region or conduct survey! 1re%are the survey re%ort and send to the com%any with a
%ro%osal6 survey results 2%ositive to discount)6 and his recommendations! &his is
%ro%osing new system to the com%any as all the com%anies have either formally *
informally discount rates for customers who %urchases within certain range definition that
is +-@ sets -.//6 A-1+ -0@/6 and contract selling discounts to sho%s! Advantages4 &he
advantages are Winnie will win the customer with a better deal and also %artici%ate with
the com%any as a %art of it not 3ust selling! 'isadvantages4 &he disadvantage might be
that com%any will refuse and Winnie will have to find a better com%any to work where
there is customer focus! &he com%any might lose sales%erson and also big deal customers!
utcome * (esult4 <n case if Winnie gets a%%roval from the com%any this will benefit the
customers6 other sales%erson6 and a value in the com%any!
;) $onclusion * recommendation
&he %ro%osed alternative solutions like taking the deal or resisting on exact rate are neither
efficient nor effective! <f Winnie is taking the solution to sell with discount he will lose his
good image6 %ersonal value6 face ethical or legal issues6 3ob loss6 no other em%loyment6
discontinuation in studies due to financial %roblems6 etc! which will lead to his career tremendous
loss! <f Winnie resist on exact rate and takes no action or creative in suggesting he will win no
customer and also win no com%any image in active %artici%ation! &his will lead to no winning or
sales with which he might start looking for better 3ob or shift to another region and start over
$ase 0+6 Winston Liu6 7ookman 81re%ared for 'r! 9ahi: 1age . of ;
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Sales Management, 0202330
5y recommendation is to negotiate with the company instead of negotiating with the customer
as all com%anies must meet and exceed customer satisfaction by customiBing %rice6 %roducts6 and
others according to regional needs! &he detailed implementation recommended ste%s can be to
discuss for su%%ort from (avish6 design survey and distribute in the region6 re,uest letters with
survey for %ro%osed rates and ex%ected %urchases reserving with the %ro%osed %rices6 develo%
relation with customers during the survey6 show great interest that he is working for their
satisfaction and might win deals during the %rocess6 gather and collect the surveys with letters
and customer details6 analyBe the ex%ected %rice range and ,uantity %urchase 2-.//-0@/6 C+-1//
sets)6 %re%are and evaluate re%ort from the survey6 meet (avish and start networking relations6
re,uest meeting with the com%any or Anita, sales manager, %resent re%ort and survey results with
key statements 2about %otentiality growth6 benefits and com%etitive advantage6 ex%ected %rofit6
new idea D discounts6 and survey results in gra%hs and figures)6 discuss and negotiate for
immediate im%lementation and a%%roval!
<f Winnie wins the deal with the company he can immediately communicate and circulate this
information and sell the bulk confirmed which will be a great deal! <f Winnie loses the deal he
also loses the deal with the customer but maintains his ethical ,uality as a sales%erson6 it is
suggested that he notify the community that there is no a%%roval and no selling moreover he will
no longer work for such a com%any and start looking for another %art-time 3ob whereby he can
use his surveying ex%erience in his sales 3ob!
EW"E(E &"E(E <# A W<LL &"E(E <# WAFG
He is willing to compete, and as a salesperson I am willing to struggle but better work for a
customer focused company so my selling profit wont go to trash and better not to face such
situations that will lead to unethical & illegal selling that might harm my future career.
$ase 0+6 Winston Liu6 7ookman 81re%ared for 'r! 9ahi: 1age ; of ;

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