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OneNote at School
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ake notes of many types
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$on%t lose anythng.
Create as many note"ooks, sectons,
an$ pages as you nee$.
New Note"ook:
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OneNote &ascs
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+ecpents $on%t nee$ OneNote.
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ag and find important items
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comments or future reference.
-rint from any app !
*eep key pro+ect e'mails
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*eep key pro+ect e'mails
together with your notes
Sen$ e.mals to OneNote.
"n Outlook !
.ink meeting notes and tasks
with Outlook
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"n Outlook !
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logns, pr#ate 1ournal, etc.
section tab ! -assword -rotect
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/ot a note 0uickly
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Handwrite class or meeting
notes on a ablet -%
You can e#en search han$wrtng, or
con#ert t to text.
Create tables smply "y typng some text an$ pressng ,!&. 3
%alculator: type Space after 454 n expressons. For example: 6789:;*<=>5 3
,ry -age emplates n the New 0age $rop.$own menu. ?ake your own templates for meetngs or pro1ects. 3
)ecord audio of a meetng, synchron/e$ wth your notes, or $rag n au$os or #$eos onto your pages. 3
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New features in 3414:
5ather( organi#e( and search Sharing and universal access
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Organ/e page ta"s "etter:
'ump to any page wth a (uck search
@ock to @esktop
Ank to other notes, lke a wk
Buck Styles for makng hea$ngs
!uto.lnk notes to We" pages an$ $ocuments
2nsert ?ath
Notes on Outlook ,asks
Sen$ content to any secton n OneNote
Share on the We"
Cew an$ e$t n a "rowser
Sync notes to OneNote ?o"le
!ccess from anywhere:
-nrea$ changes are hghlghte$
See author ntals
Cerson hstory
Fn$ recent e$ts
Fn$ e$ts "y author
Faster sync wth Share0ont
Share notes:
Organi#e topics using subpages
@rag ta"s to n$ent an$ organ/e
pages wthn a secton.
*eep notes visible during other
What%s NewD
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*eep notes visible during other
OneNote wll lnk notes to
$ocuments an$ We" pages you #ew.
2iew !
What7s new in a shared
-nrea$ changes are shown
What notes are teammates
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What notes are teammates
working on?
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2nternet Explorer
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.ink to information for yourself
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8ore )esources Online
C$eos, templates, tranng, help, an$ $scusson groups.
?crosoftH OneNoteH 7I8I Ju$e Note"ook
Copyrght K 7IIL ?crosoft Corporaton. !ll rghts reser#e$.
,he example companes, organ/atons, pro$ucts, $oman names, e.mal a$$resses, logos, people, places, an$ e#ents $epcte$
heren are fcttous. No assocaton wth any real company, organ/aton, pro$uct, $oman name, emal a$$ress, logo, person,
places, or e#ents s nten$e$ or shoul$ "e nferre$.
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