Commerce Book List

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List Of Books- Commerce & Management.

Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of

1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution : 3
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance# 3
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th 3
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3
List Of Books- Commerce & Management.
Sl.No AuthorTitle No. of
1 Sharma Gupta- Business Mgt. 3
2 Boat Wright-thics ! The "on#uct $f Business 3
3 A#%ance# Accounting-&a#has'am() ! Gupta 3
* +ain ! Narang- ,inancial Accounting 3
- Malhotra-,inacial Mgt. .n /oterls ! &estaurant .n#ustr( 3
0 1otti- Business 2a's 3
3 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- .T ,or Business 3
7 A4#ul A5i5 6oroth- Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
8 2au#en-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
1). Mohan-Mgt. .nformation S(stem 3
11. lamsri-,un#amentals $f 9ata4ase S(stems 3
12 2au#en "ommerce Business: Technolog( ! Societ( 3
13 Gupta ! &a#has'am(-"orporate Accounting- 3
1*. Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-. 3
1- Asho; Sehgal ! 9eepa; Sehgal-A#%ance# Accounting%ol-.. 3
10 S N Mahes'ari <"ost Accountimg 3
13 Nan#ani-.mplementing Tall(0.3 3
17 6hanna-1ractcal "osting 3
18 6uchal-"ompan( 2a' ! Secretarial 1ractice 3
2) =ontangi- Mar;eting Mgt. 3
21 As'athappa-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
22 &ichar# 2e%in-Statistics ,or Mgt. 3
23 &o4in-$rgani5ational Beha%iour 3
2* ,re# 2uthan-$rganisational Beha%iour 3
2- Gupta ! Sreeni%asan-ntrepreneurail 9e%elopment 3
20 9ruc;er -Mgt. Tas; &esponsi4ilities : 1ractices 3
23 9ruc;er-The 1ractice $f Mgt. 3
27 &agha%an-.ntrn.To .T 3
28 &ichar# 1eterson-The "omplete &eference-2inu> 3
3) Minoli-We4 "ommerce Technolog( /an#4oo; 3
31 "hristepher Negum-2inu> Bi4le 3
32 Meneon-/istor( ! 1hilosoph( $f Sceince 3
33 6apoor-Statistics- 3
3* "hna#ra 1ro?ects 1lanning Anal(sis : Solution :
.mplementation ! &e%ie'
3- 6han ! +ain-,inanacial Mgt. 3
30 "ha4ra-ssentails $f $rganisational Beha%iour 3
33 "ha4ra-/uman &esource Mgt. 3
37 1illai ! Bhaga%ath(-Business 2a' 3
38 ,rancis "herunilm-.nternational Business 3
*) Sri%asta%a-1ersonal Mgt. ! /uman &esources 3
*2 6han-,inancial Ser%ices 3
*3 SS 6han;a-ntrepreneurial 9e%t. 3
** As'athappa-.nternational Business 3
*- Blac;-.nternational Business n%ironment $f Business 3
*0 +ain-.nternational Mar;eting 3
*3 9easi-9(mnamics $f ntrepreneurial 9e%t. ! Mgt. 3
*7 @erma-.nternational Tra#e 3
*8 As'athappa- ssentials $f Business n%ironment 3
-) Sh(la?a-.nternational ,inance 3
-1 &amesh 6umar- "onsumer Beha%iour 3
-2 6han ! +ain-Management Accounting 3
-3 ,rancis "herunilam-Business n%ironment 3
-* 9esai-S S . ! ntrepreneurship 3
-- Bhatia-Businees thics ! Managerial @alues 3
-0 Su44a &ao-.nternational Business 3
-3 Aggar'al-Business n%ironment 3
-7 1rasa#-1rinciples $f Mgt. 3
-8 Mahes'ari- ,inancial Accounting 3
0) Mahes'ari-"orporate Accounting 3
01 +ain ! Narang-"ost Accounting 3
02 "haffe(- Business ! "ommerce Mgt. 3
03 &a(ports- .ntrn.To -"ommerce 3
0* Business With Net "ommerce 3
0- Go%t. $f .n#ia .T Act-2))) 3
00 1hilip 6otler: 1rafulla A Agnihotri: hsan Bl /aCue -
1rinciples $f Mar;etingD A South Asian 1erspecti%e 13#n
03 1hilip 6otler: 6e%in 2ane 6eller: A4raham 6osh(:
Mithilesh'ar +ha- Mar;eting Management D A South Asian
1erspecti%e 1*th #ition 1*th #ition
07 1aul Baines: "hris ,ill: 6ell( 1age: 1i(ush 6umar Sinha-
08 Nama;umari: &amas'am(- Mar;eting Management -th
3) 6. As'athappa- /uman &esource Management D Te>t an#
"ases 3th #ition
31 Gar( 9essler- ,un#amentals of /uman &esource
Management D "ontent: "ompetencies an# Applications
32 M. A. 6han- .n#ian ,inancial S(stem 7Ee 7th #ition 3
33 S Gurusam(- .n#ian ,inancial S(stems 3
3* S.6r .1aul - 1rinciples $f Accounting ! A#%ance#
3- @.6.Go(al - ,inancial Accounting 3
30 S. N. Mahesh'ari- A#%ance# Accountanc( 3
33 B. Maha#e%an - $peration ManagementD Theor( an# 1ractice 3
37 S. Anil 6umar: 6umar S. Anil: Suresh.N - $perations
38 S.6e%in - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
7) 1.1an#ian - Securit( Anal(sis An# 1ortfolio Management 3
71 @.6.Bhalla - .n%estment Management 3
72 G.S.Gupta - Managerial conomics 3
73 Gupta an# 6apoor- .ntro#uction to Mathematical Statistics 3
7* Taha - $perations &esearch < An .ntro#uction 3
7- "harles 2am4: +oe /air: "arl Mc9aniel - M6TG 3

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