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The word 'archetype' from the Latin 'archetypm' mean! original form or imprint"
The archetype can #e defined a! an ori$ina%& primordia% ima$e common to a%%
man'ind re$ard%e!! of race& creed or co%or" E(erythin$ in the ni(er!e i!
imprinted with the inde%i#%e !tamp of an archetype" )oe! that ama*e yo?
Here are two e+amp%e!,
The TREE i! one of the mo!t reco$ni*a#%e and common archetypa% imprint!
'nown to man" It contain! (ery !pecific archetypa% featre! and characteri!tic!,
root!& a trn'& #ranche! and %ea(e!" The archetype maintain! it'! intrin!ic
meanin$ re$ard%e!! of c%tra% (ariation" It'! meanin$ in man'! %ife a! a prima%
!orce of food& !he%ter and too%! ha! $i(en the tree an ara of !acredne!! and
di(inity" It ha! #een co%%ecti(e%y interpreted down thro$h the a$e! a! the axis
mundi or World Axis" It i! a%!o ca%%ed the World Tree-- arond which the ni(er!e
it!e%f re(o%(e!"
.e%ow LE/T i! a photo of a common oa' tree" The ancient 0ermanic1Nordic tree
of %ife i! 'nown a! the Y$$dra!i%--CENTER ima$e" The Scythian crown--CENTER
RI0HT--ha! the Y$$dra!i% on it with reindeer eatin$ it'! %ea(e!" E(er rep%eni!hin$&
the %ea(e! a%way! $row #ac' re$ard%e!! of how many the deer eat" The .%ac' 2
White photo RI0HT !how! a fema%e !haman of the 3apche tri#e of centra% Chi%e
!tandin$ atop a car(ed %adder metaphor for the wor%d tree" .eatin$ a drm !he
$oe! into a trance and her fa%%in$ #ody i! ca$ht in a #%an'et #y tri#a% mem#er!"
The EYE i! a%!o one of the mo!t reco$ni*a#%e and common archetypa% imprint!
'nown to man'ind" It contain! (ery !pecific archetypa% featre! and
characteri!tic!, it'! ni4e o(a% !hape& Iri! 5co%ored part6 and Ppi%"
The dream ima$e LE/T 5!omehow remind! ! of the Twi%i$ht 7one6 mi$ht he%p !
to (i!a%i*e the ori$ina% archetypa% imprint of the hman eye" The Eye of Hor! i!
one a we%%-'nown eye ima$e and repre!ent! the %eft eye" Hor! wa! the E$yptian
!n $od" The E$yptian .oo' of The )ead re4ired the prie!t! of Hor! to o#tain
a hman %eft eye to !ati!fy the pro(i!ion! of the rita%" /or many ancient c%tre!
the !n !ym#o%i*ed the a%% !eein$ eye of $od" The eye ima$e atop the pyramid on
the #ac' of the 8"S" 9ne )o%%ar #i%% i! a%!o (ery fami%iar" There are many
interpretation! of thi! eye ima$e" Some #e%ie(e it repre!ent! the e!oteric 'third
eye' or :nda%ini A;na cha'ra which i! %ocated #etween the #row!" 9ther! #e%ie(e
it !ym#o%i*e! the !pirita%i*ed Lo$o! of the 3a!on!" 3any of the fondin$ father!
inc%din$ <effer!on and Adam! #e%on$ed to the fraterna% order of the 3a!on!"
The paintin$!--RI0HT and far RI0HT are two different (er!ion! of Rene 3a$ritte'!
we%% 'nown =The /a'e 3irror"= The dar'er #%e >?@? (er!ion i! a %eft eye and the
%i$hter #%e >?AB (er!ion i! the ri$ht eye" Perhap! the!e paintin$! are a metaphor
for $atherin$ !torm c%od! of WWII? Note that in the far ri$ht paintin$ the c%od!
are #e$innin$ to o#!cre the centra% ppi%"
Accordin$ to the p!ycho%o$ica% mode% of C" 0" <n$ the archetype! ori$inate in
the Collective Unconscious& the deepe!t %ayer of the co%%ecti(e p!yche of
man'ind" The Collective Unconscious can #e de!cri#ed a! a repo!itory for a%% of
man'ind'! e+perience and 'now%ed$e o(er many eon!" Thi! i! the ni(er!a%
!orce of a%% mythic& !ym#o%ic and dream repre!entation!" A! %on$ a! an
archetype remain! ncon!cio!& that i! n'nown to e$o-con!cio!ne!!& it'!
meanin$ cannot #e nder!tood" At the point when it reache! the thre!ho%d of
con!cio!ne!! it #ecome! con!te%%ated a! fee%in$ toned ima$e!& fanta!ie! and
The ima$e LE/T entit%ed =:N CDE= i! #y modern arti!t Andrea! Notte#ohn can
he%p ! to (i!a%i*e the acti(ation of an archetype a! it reache! con!cio!ne!!--
repre!ented #y the centra% red !phere--within the fie%d of the Co%%ecti(e
8ncon!cio!" <n$ian ana%y!t and athor 3arie-Loi!e Fon /ran* ha! %i'ed the
ori$in! of the archetype! to ="""acti(ated point! within an e%ectroma$netic fie%d"=

9ne of the rea!on! i! that each and e(eryone of ! inherit! !pecific archetypa%
#eha(ior pattern! handed down thro$h the $eneration!" 9r con!cio!
o#;ecti(e awarene!! of the!e pattern! can ma'e a h$e difference in or %ife"
8ncon!cio! pattern! $et wor!e with e(ery $eneration" <n$ defined thi!
ne$ati(e accm%ation a! the ance!tra% !hadow-- a p!ycho%o$ica% #ac'%o$ that
co%d erpt anytime $i(en the ri$ht en(ironment or p!ychic tri$$er"
A%tho$h the :ennedy c%an ha! contri#ted to the $reater we%fare of American
!ociety for many decade!& their ncon!cio! h#ri! !eem! to c%aim another
(ictim with each pa!!in$ $eneration" The photo #e%ow LE/T of <ohn :ennedy <r"
with hi! father <ohn /" :ennedy %oomin$ in the #ac'$rond !eem! to #e a
A%coho% and !#!tance a#!e are a%!o archetypa% #eha(iora% pattern! ori$ina%%y
rooted in mythic tradition!" )iony!!& the 0ree' $od of the $rape initiated hi!
fema%e fo%%ower! into nre!trained !e%f-de!trction" Tho!e who identify with thi!
archetype& ncon!cio!%y %i(e it ot" The more connected they are with the
archetype& the more diffic%t to #rea' the ha#it" <dy 0ar%and--CENTER Photo--
wa! a remar'a#%e entertainer& #t @B year! of hard drin'in$ too' it'! to%%" .y the
a$e of A? !he had cirrho!i! of the %i(er" She died from an o(erdo!e of pi%%! when
!he wa! GE" Her da$hter& Li*a 3inne%%i--photo RI0HT-- inherited the!e pattern!
of m!ica% ta%ent and !#!tance a#!e" Yet !he !eem! to ha(e !ome rea%i*ation
of the!e inherited pattern! and ha! #ro'en the cyc%e 5we hope6"

3any of ! operate within an inherited archetypa% fami%y !trctre and don't
rea%i*e it" 8ncon!cio! comp%e+e! or 'part!' within ! can en$%f the e$o and ta'e
o(er" Power trip!& a(arice& o(er-po!!e!!i(ene!!& ;ea%o!y& inf%ated pride&
depre!!ion& a#!i(e an$er and n$ronded idea%i!m a%% ha(e an archetypa%
pattern wor'in$ at the core" If one i! in the $rip of an archetypa% pattern it i! (ery
hard to percei(e it" It'! %i'e #ein$ a f%ea on the #ac' of an e%ephant" Lo(in$
re%ation!hip! can create a !pporti(e en(ironment for con!trcti(e $rowth or
ncon!cio!%y create a cripp%in$ co-dependence" Con(er!e%y& what !eem! at fir!t
to #e a diffic%t re%ation!hip can #e the cata%y!t for per!ona% in!i$ht and $rowth"
The dynamic! in(o%(ed depend on the partic%ar archetypa% pattern"
9ne of the main 'ey! to n%oc'in$ ncon!cio! attachment to a !pecific
archetypa% pattern i! o#;ecti(e awarene!!" 8nder!tandin$ how we re%ate and
interact with the!e 'part!' i! the #e$innin$ of rea% !o% $rowth" P%ea!e e+p%ore the
co%%ecti(e ima$e! and interpreti(e te+t thro$hot thi! !ite to $et a $reater !en!e
of what we are ta%'in$ a#ot"
To nder!tand an archetype ta'e! time& patience& hmi%ity& and a wi%%in$ne!! to
e+p%ore and n%oc' the !ym#o%ic meanin$ #ehind it" Se%f-e+amination thro$h
therapy& dream wor'& !omatic e+p%oration!& ref%ecti(e !tdy& arti!tic creation and
any nm#er of other method! can to he%p o#;ectify the nder%yin$ meanin$
inherent in the per!ona%i*ation of co%%ecti(e archetypa% ima$e!"
The '#ad hair day' c%ip ima$e! #e%ow are !e%f-e+p%anatory and (i!a%%y repre!ent
part! or comp%e+e! needin$ attention,

Comparati(e mytho%o$y& re%i$ion and ethno%o$y ha(e demon!trated that the
archetypa% wor%d i! di(ided into dyadic pairin$!, e(ery pper wor%d i! ref%ected in
an e4i(a%ent nderwor%d and (i!a (er!a" E(ery pper $od 5archetype6 ha! hi!1her
e4i(a%ent conterpart, Atm19!iri!& 7e!1 Hade!& etc" E(ery hero1heroine ha! a
mon!ter to con4er--hi!1her own oppo!ite !hadow !ide"
9ne of the theorie! we de%ineate in or #oo' Unraveling Collective Confusion i!
the Wa(e Theory" 8!in$ the metaphor of a wa(e with a tro$h and a cre!t&
repre!entin$ the archetypa% e+treme! on either !ide& we !ee' the pi(ota% center
where the archetypa% force! on either !ide can come into $reater #a%ance" Thi!
midd%e $rond i! not a%way! c%ear ct and nece!!itate! %i(in$ in a !omewhat
am#i$o! !tate of con!cio!ne!! where neither mora%1immora%& $ood1#ad&
#%ac'1white& p1down are the a#!o%te& dominate po%e!" The more entrenched and
ri$id or affi%iation with a partic%ar archetypa% ro%e--for e+amp%e a father fi$re--
the more po%ari*ed we can %timate%y #ecome" Indi(idation& <n$'! term for the
proce!! toward who%ene!!& on%y happen! when the ALL the oppo!ite! are mo(in$
into a !tate of antinomy or inner #a%ance" )irect%y #e%ow are !ome e+amp%e! of
or wa(e metaphor,
Tro$h Center Cre!t
)EPRESSI9N-------------------------------E09 .ALANCE----------------------------------IN/LATI9N
S9CIAL 3IS/IT-----------------------------PERS9NA .ALANCE--------------------------3AS:
TERRI.LE /ATHER------------------------WISE 9L) 3AN---------------------------------P8ER
TERRI.LE 39THER---------------------- CR9NE--------------------------------------------P8ELLA

3odern arti!t Andy Warho% he%ped to e!ta#%i!h the pe%%a 5eterna% $ir%6 ima$e
a! an icon in modern !ociety with pop art ima$e! of 3ari%yn 3onroe" The 3ari%yn
3onroe )iptych of >?H@--RI0HT--i! perhap! prophetic" The repetition of
ncon!cio! pe%%a #eha(ior! ha! now #ecome an epidemic of eatin$ di!order!
and !e%f-ima$e pro#%em! for mi%%ion! of yon$ women arond the wor%d"
Amon$ the fir!t to form%ate a hypothe!i! a#ot the archetype! wa! the 0ree'
phi%o!opher P%ato" In Timae! he ta%'! of the fndamenta% 'receptac%e' and !ay!&
"...the things that pass in and out are to be called copies of eternal things." He
!e! the metaphor of the mother a! a receptac%e or ori$ina% (ehic%e for the
creation of prototype off!prin$" P!ycho%o$ica%%y& the de!cendant of a receptac%e
i! the archetypa% ima$e"
A! <n$ ha! pointed ot the term i! a%!o mentioned #y a few of the ear%y
Chri!tian writer! inc%din$ Phi%o <dae!& )iony!i! the Areopa$ite and

<n$'! p!ycho%o$ica% op! wo%d #e inconcei(a#%e withot the archetype!"
.eca!e of the (a!t !cope of <n$'! wor' in thi! area& we can on%y toch pon
the !#;ect here" 5P%ea!e !e the %in'! to %earn more a#ot each of the
archetype!6" Indeed the archetype! !er(e a! the (ery fondation of <n$'!
di!co(erie! into the natre of p!yche it!e%f"
In >?AG <n$ p#%i!hed hi! $rond#rea'in$ e!!ay entit%ed& =The Archetype! 9f
The Co%%ecti(e 8ncon!cio!"= Em#odied in thi! artic%e were !ome of the
archetypa% theorie! that were to #ecome an important core of <n$ian
p!ycho%o$y, the co%%ecti(e ncon!cio!& !hadow& anima& and The Wi!e 9%d
3an" <n$'! nder!tandin$ and 'now%ed$e of the archetype! came from many
)ream!& #oth hi! own and tho!e of hi! c%ient!"
C%a!!ica%& Theo%o$ica% 2 3y!tica% Wor'!
/airy Ta%e!

The 4e!tion of whether or not the archetype! are e(o%(in$ remain!
nan!wered" If e(o%tion mean! $reater con!cio!ne!!& then the co%%ecti(e
effect! of the Ero! archetype on women of the @Dth centry ha(e #een profond"
Con!ider the ad(ancement of women'! %e$a% ri$ht! o(er the pa!t centry" .e%ow
we %oo' at two !cientific pioneer! who!e hypothe!e! can #e re%ated to the
e(o%tion of the archetype!" In the ftre we wi%% #e addin$ more !ection! on the
new !cience! and their re%ation!hip to the archetype!"

Catho%ic <e!it prie!t and pa%eonto%o$i!t& Teihard de Chardin wrote a
!i$nificant #oo' ca%%ed =The Phenomenon 9f 3an"= In it he de%ineate! the
#io%o$ica% ori$in! of man from pre-%ife to %ife& the emer$ence of ref%ecti(e tho$ht
toward co%%ecti(e tho$ht" At %ea!t !e(era% of Teihard'! concept! can #e re%ated to
the e(o%tion of the archetype"
In the a! "f Complexit#$Consciousness& Teihard !tate! that a! %ife e(o%(e!
the co%%ecti(e %earnin$ cr(e mo(e! to a pea' of nder!tandin$ and then a new
pattern 5#a!ed on the pre(io! de!i$n6 !dden%y come! into #ein$" Accordin$ to
Teihard'! theorie!& at critica% !ta$e! in the proce!! of #io-p!ychic e(o%tion the
%oop acce%erate!" Pt into p!ycho%o$ica% term!& doe! thi! a%!o mean that the
archetypa% $od-ima$e 5which <n$ ca%%ed the Se%f6 i! %earnin$ from it'! own
creation and therefore e(o%(in$ hand-in-hand with hmanity? Thi! i! one of the
4e!tion! <n$ e+amined in hi! contro(er!ia% e!!ay& =An!wer To <o#"=

In hi! >?C> #oo' entit%ed =A New Science 9f Life= #io%o$i!t Rpert She%dra'e
prpo!ed the new theory of morpho$enetic re!onance and morpho$enetic fie%d!"
The word 3orphic i! deri(ed from the 0ree' word 'form' and $enetic refer! to
'inherited trait!"'
She%dra'e #e%ie(e! that morphic fie%d! ha(e mea!ra#%e phy!ica% effect!
and """=are re!pon!i#%e for the characteri!tic form and or$ani*ation of !y!tem! at
a%% %e(e%! of comp%e+ity& not on%y in the rea%m of #io%o$y& #t a%!o in the rea%m! of
chemi!try and phy!ic!" The!e fie%d! order the !y!tem! with which they are
a!!ociated #y affectin$ e(ent! which& from an ener$etic point of (iew& appear to
#e indeterminate or pro#a#i%i!ticI they impo!e patterned re!triction! on the
ener$etica%%y po!!i#%e otcome of phy!ica% proce!!e!"=
Perhap! the mo!t e+citin$ part of She%dra'e'! hypothe!i! i! that morphic
!trctre! are the re!%t of pre(io! ana%o$o! !y!tem! actin$ on pre!ent and
ftre !y!tem! thro$h =cm%ati(e inf%ence which act! acro!! #oth !pace and
time"= Co%%ecti(e rep%ication of !pecific form! and !trctra% pattern! o(er time
ha! a !now#a%%in$ effect, !pecie! adapt to chan$e! at an acce%erated rate of
%earnin$" 5The 4e!tion i!, doe! that %earnin$ inc%de the who%e p!yche or ;!t
e$o-con!cio!ne!!? 9therwi!e it'! not rea% chan$e"6


The reappearance of the mythic archetypa% ima$e i! often p!ychic
premonition of a %ar$er& nfore!een ftre e(ent"
In 3ay of @DD> nmero! re!idence! of o%d )e%hi& India encontered an
primiti(e #ea!t with !tee% fin$er!--LE/T ima$e--in the form of a mon'ey %i'e
mon!ter %eapin$ effort%e!!%y from roof top!" In !ome ca!e! re!idence! de!cri#ed
terrifyin$ per!ona% enconter! with the #ea!t,
Accordin$ to >C year o%d %oca% )eepa' Sharma& =It wa! a !tran$e 'ind of
#%ac' !hadow& a !tran$e 'ind of anima% no one ha! e(er !een #efore"=
In another intere!tin$ ca!e& Fim%e!h Ferma encontered the hand of the
mon'ey reachin$ thro$h a iron-$rate a#o(e the door of her #edroom" She
!creamed& =The mon'ey ha! comeJ=
Archetype! often ma'e their entrance thro$h the #ac' door of the c%tra%
nder#e%%y--tho!e $rop! c%o!er to the in!tincta% %ayer and hence with %e!!
rationa% defen!e! to di!mi!! an archetypa% e(ent a! non!en!e"
India ha! on%y one Hind $od that !ychroni!tica%%y re%ate! to thi! e(ent, the
ha%f-hman& ha%f mon'ey Hanman--CENTER ima$e" In India he i! (iewed a! a
fi$re of power and !tren$th" A%!o a! a hea%er and peacema'er" In the epic poem
Ramayana he ha! the a#i%ity to not on%y %eap from continent to continent& #t a%!o
to f%y--perhap! !ym#o%ic of !rface-to-air-mi!!i%e!?
/rom an <n$ian per!pecti(e& we co%d !ee thi! a! a co%%ecti(e archetypa%
forewarnin$ of a dan$ero! cri!i! in the ma'in$" A year %ater--in 3ay of @DD@--
India and an it'! !hadow !ide--Pa'i!tan& were on the (er$e of nc%ear war with
)e%hi to #e Pa'i!tan'! fir!t tar$eted !i$ht" .e%ow CENTER RI0HT i! Pa'i!tan'!
0hri mi!!i%e& named after 3ohammed 0hari& the >@th centry mo$% %eader who
con4ered India and /AR RI0HT i! India'! Prith(i or nc%ear cow mi!!i%e"

Thro$hot or #oo'& Unraveling Collective Confusion we !pea' of the
po!!i#%e dan$er! of hmanity #ecomin$ o#!e!!ed with a partic%ar archetypa%
!ym#o%" Today the co%%ecti(e con!cio!ne!! of the wor%d 5/red ca%%ed it the
Sper E$o6 ha! a !tron$ identification with the ma!c%ine archetypa% comp%e+ of
the father1!on or the Terri#%e /ather1Per" We e+perience the Terri#%e /ather in
America a! a co%%ecti(e tyrant who #%%ie! and #row#eat! the re!t of the wor%d
whi%e hi! other !hadow !ide--the Per--ma'e! war into a Firta% Rea%ity (ideo
$ame with the ma!! media competin$ to !core point!" The Per te%%! ! that we
are ;!t $rand and !ho%d ha(e no %imit! what-!o-e(er& whi%e the Terri#%e /ather
#ac'! it p with pni!hin$ force"

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