XO Functional Deck

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[8ooklng Lnglne - luncLlonal uocumenL]

PlCP LLvLL lunC1lCnALl1lLS:

1. MulLl Suppller connecLlvlLy
2. Servlce orlenLed archlLecLure (Alr, PoLel ready)
3. PoLel: AvallablllLy, feaLures, rules, booklng, cancellaLlon, reLrleve
4. Alr: Ceneral AvallablllLy, ower shop, rules, n8, LlckeLlng, modlfy
n8, prlclng, cancellaLlon and reLrleve n8
3. SynchronlzaLlon beLween suppller and Lhe local uaLabase
6. PoLel:
a. 8oom wlse avallablllLy
b. Slngle avallablllLy for all rooms
7. Alr (based on Lhe suppller avallablllLy)
a. SegmenL wlse avallablllLy
b. MulLl clLy avallablllLy
c. Cnward / 8eLurn
8. MulLl Logln query supporL (Same suppller wlLh mulLlple loglns Lo
geL hoLel and alr)
9. MulLl suppller booklng ln one query
10. Lnabllng Lhe suppller query based on ClLy / CounLry wlse
11. CompleLe conLrol of suppller managemenL Lhrough conflguraLlons
12. 8uslness 8ules appllcaLlon (provlslon)
13. SorLlng, grouplng (provlslon)
14. MulLl LenanL
13. MulLlple daLabase supporL
16. ln bulld memory cache manager
17. Logglng ln llle, u8, Memory


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1he SoluLlon shall query all onllne suppllers Lhrough Als / Web Servlces. 1he funcLlonallLles
llke search, booklng, and cancellaLlon shall be done uslng Lhls web servlces.
ln flrsL phase, Lhe followlng suppllers should be lnLegraLed Lhrough vla Als / web Servlces:


1. Callleo
2. Splce!eL
3. lndlCo
4. Alr ueccan
3. Co Alr
6. aramounL


1. Callleo
2. C1A
3. 1ravco
4. 1ourlco
)A"1$ 7//%D. )C1D$%"1*+%$%.2
AblllLy Lo Search fares from respecLlve suppllers/producLs.
Cuery ManagemenL
AuLo Lmall Lo cusLomer afLer every LransacLlon llke recelvlng Lhe requesL, booklng,
LlckeLlng and dellvery.
CeneraLlon of Super n8
Sendlng quoLe Lo mulLlple emall lds
Addlng vlsa, assporL, lnsurance, 8all and Mlscellaneous lLems Lo booklng flle
ulsplay alrllnes as per prlorlLy (L8)
H%B 7//%D. )C1D$%"1*+%$%.2
arLlal and compleLe modlflcaLlon and cancellaLlon of booklngs
8efund processlng
8efund acknowledgemenL ln case of e-1lckeL cancellaLlon
CredlL llmlL for each corporaLe and vendors
Approval ls requlred for glvlng more dlscounLs for walk ln cusLomers
aper and e-1lckeL lssuance
Llnks Lo download all Lhe vlsa forms from Lhlrd parLy suppllers (e.g. lvS)
8ules Lo be malnLalned Lo generaLe Lhe LlckeLlng Llme llmlL auLomaLlcally.
vlsa/assporL Lracklng (lf Lhe servlce vendors supporLs Lhls funcLlonallLy)
AuLo emall Lo cusLomer ln case of any schedule changes
1lckeLlng ls noL allowed lf Lhe proflle ls noL exlsLlng ln Lhe proflle daLabase
lnLernal messaglng sysLem for 1Cs Lo pass any requesLs and messages
ulspaLch ConLrol
0*1D.++*$%"1 I ?&.1B&.1$2
CancellaLlons and amendmenLs requesLs are recelved by Lravel consulLanLs vla emall / fax /
phone from lLs cusLomers. 8ased of Lhe naLure of Lhe booklng and Lhe cancellaLlon pollcy,
Lravel consulLanLs processes Lhe requesL and respond Lo Lhe cusLomer afLer lncorporaLlng
appllcable cancellaLlon / amendmenL charges.
8C#.A 5>6
1he sysLem shall fallow Lhe super n8 concepL where any klnd of producLs can be lnLegraLed
under a booklng flle number. 1he sysLem shall allow Lhe spllL/merge funcLlonallLles of
booklng flle.

A manual lnLerface shall be provlded Lo creaLe Lhe booklng flle for all offllne producLs llke
hoLel, lnsurance and oLher servlces.
0J*AK. H"B.+
Mark up of dlfferenL klnds appllcable on Lhe publlshed or Lhe negoLlaLed fares/Larlffs Lo be
quoLed Lo Lhe cllenL ls called Charge Model. Charge Model could be of dlfferenL klnds and
shall apply ln accordance Lo dlfferenL cusLomers.

Mld Cfflce appllcaLlon shall apply such charge model before any quoLe of a Lravel servlce
requesL ls creaLed for lLs cusLomer.

1he sysLem wlll malnLaln a masLer for all Lhe mlscellaneous servlces llke vlSA, ASSC81,
and 8AlL eLc and also glve a provlslon Lo add Lhe acLual charges for Lhese servlces lf done
from Lhlrd parLy suppllers.
1ravel AgenLs are allowed Lo change Lhe mark up or dlscounL raLes Lhem selves buL an
auLhorlsaLlon ls requlred from Lhe hlgher level before proceedlng Lo fulfllmenL of Lhe
1he uashboard" shall glve Lhe user a conLrol over Lhe dlfferenL Lype of acLlvlLles and Lasks
performed over Lhe booklng flles each day. 1hls wlll help Lhe user prlorlLlse Lhe work
ensurlng mlnlmum or less Llme ls lnvesLed ln follow up and flndlng ouL Lhe sLaLus of Lhe
booklng flle manually each day. 1hls funcLlonallLy shall work as a Cueue ManagemenL
sysLem however ln a llmlLed capaclLy.

As and when Lhe booklng flle ls affecLed resulLlng ln sLaLus change, Lhe lL appllcaLlon shall
auLomaLlcally place Lhe booklng flle on Lhe nexL sLage or folder.

lor example lf Lhe sLaLus of Lhe booklng flle has changed from 8ooklng recelved" Lo SenL
quoLe Lo CusLomer", Lhls change or movemenL of booklng flle shall be auLomaLlcally
dlsplayed ln Lhe respecLlve folder.

MC*+%$F 0J.DN
1he sysLem shall do Lhe quallLy check on Lhe flnlshed n8s. 1hese checks performed ln Lhe
Lhree levels

AfLer n8 generaLlon
8efore lnvolclng
8efore 1lckeLlng

rlmarlly Lhe followlng checks wlll be performed

ConLacL number
SeaL no
Meal preference
ueal Code
lClu enLry

1he sysLem shall noL allow Lhe move furLher lf Lhe CC ls falled ln Lhe any of Lhe above-
menLloned levels.
5>6 2F1DJA"1%2*$%"1
1he sysLem shall synchronlze Lhe n8 creaLed ln Lhe CuS lnLo Lhe sysLems local daLabase. All
reporLs and sLaLus shall Lhen be reLrleved or updaLed ln Lhe local daLabase. 1he sysLem shall
run Lhls funcLlonallLy as a scheduler, whlch ls execuLed ln a speclfled lnLerval.

1he sysLem shall updaLe Lhe synchronlzaLlon flag ln Lhe daLabase ln case of any new booklng
or addlLlon or any modlflcaLlon ls made ln Lhe booklng flle. 1he scheduler shall keep on
looklng for Lhe flag, once enabled, shall reLrleve Lhe n8 lnformaLlon and updaLe ln Lo Lhe
local daLabase.
<2.A H*1*K.&.1$ *1B ?DD.22 0"1$A"+
All users shall be governed by flxed roles as deflned by supervlsor. 1he soluLlon shall have an
admlnlsLraLor lnLerface Lo creaLe user accounLs and deflne roles. 8lghLs would be allocaLed
on Lhe basls of Lhe roles asslgned Lo users.

8lghLs Lo users lnclude:

1. Search / book Alr and hoLel
2. 8ooklng cancellaLlon
3. Level of lnformaLlon Lo be dlsplayed wlLh respecL Lo Lhe mark-up / Larlff dlsplay.

1he soluLlon shall provlde and admln lnLerface for sysLem admlnlsLraLor.
5*F&.1$ P*$.Q*F
SoluLlon shall be lnLegraLed wlLh a paymenL gaLeway sysLem Lhrough web servlces. 1he
sysLem shall allow collecLlng Lhe paymenLs ln cheque/cash/credlL card, bank elecLronlc

1he sysLem shall allow Lhe collecL Lhe paymenLs ln fully or parLlally.

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