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Poorti Vidya Group Vaarahi Mantrah Group
Rashmi Mala Mantrah
Poorti Vidya
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Then comes the poorti Vidya that is panchadashi with the first and second hrullekhas omitted making it a 13 lettered
This is the Kaadi poorthi vidya
This is Haadi poorti vidya
This haadi poorti vidya is where in the guru paaduka you replace the bijas with the 8 bijas namely; tritaari aim hreem
shreem) kumaaree (aim kleem sauhu) vaak (aim) and glaum and becomes the mahaapaadukaa which is the
complete form of all the mantras and leads to ones union vith the ultimate and gives you all the siddhis and is to be
mediated upon at dwaadashaanthastaanam
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This Rashmi mala is complete. What happens is when you recite the mantras meditating on the mantra alone {here
specific visualizations of the devatas is avoided, as the mantras themselves will resonate at the aproriate places so
that special visualizations are avoided; (and also because if visualizations are adopted you will not be able to get up
from the bed. Rememeber you are still sitting on the bed after waking up.)}

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