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Table of contents

Unit 2- Aesops fables

7/7 the ant and the grasshopper & the man and the serpent
Vocabulary unit 2
Grammar unit 2.1
Introduction to journal & letter writing
7/8- the lion and the mouse & the wolf in sheeps clothing
Vocabulary unit 2
Grammar unit 2.2
One journal & one letter
7/9 the hare and the tortoise & the man, the boy, and the donkey
Vocabulary unit 2
Grammar unit 2.3
One journal & one letter
7/10 the thief and the house-dog & the fox without a tail
Vocabulary unit 2
Grammar unit 2.4
One journal & one letter

7/11 the young thief and his mother & the shepherds boy
Vocabulary unit 2
Grammar unit 2.5
One journal & one letter

Vocabulary unit 1.2






Grammar lesson 1.1

Action Verbs

These verbs talk about what the subject is doing in
the sentence. Action Verbs are one of the most
easily identifiable types of verbs. To recognize
them, you simply have to look for the word in the
sentence that answers the question What is the
subject doing?

Rose is painting the kitchen walls.
The subject here is Rose, and what is
Rose doing? Rose is painting.
Hencepainting is our action verb.

Linking Verbs
These verbs are unlike other verbs as they do not
tell anything about a subject themselves, instead
Linking Verbs connect the subject to a noun or
adjective that helps in describing or providing
additional information about the subject. Those
nouns or adjectives are called the subject
Lisa is fussy about food.
Here we see the subject is Lisa and the
linking verb is is which is connecting Lisa
to the subject complement fussy about
food which is giving additional information
about Lisas preferences.

Regular Verbs
Those verbs that form their past participle with d or ed are regular verbs. These verbs do not
undergo substantial changes while changing forms between tenses.
1. If the verb ends with a vowel, only d is added. For example:
Share Shared
Scare Scared
Dare Dared
2. If the verb ends with a consonant, ed is added. For example:
Want Wanted
Shout Shouted
Kill Killed

Irregular Verbs
Those verbs that undergo substantial changes when changing forms between tenses are
irregular verbs. The changed forms of these verbs are often unrecognisably different from the
Be Was, Were Been
Beat Beat Beaten
Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Bet Bet Bet
Bite Bit Bitten
Break Broke Broken
Bring Brought Brought
Build Built Built
Burn Burnt Burnt
Buy Bought Bought
Catch Caught Caught
Choose Chose Chosen
Come Came Come
Cut Cut Cut
Dig Dug Dug
Do Did Done
Dream Dreamt Dreamt
Drink Drank Drunk
Drive Drove Driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feel Felt Felt
Fight Fought Fought
Find Found Found
Fly Flew Flown
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Get Got Got
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone
Grow Grew Grown
Hang Hung Hung
Have Had Had
Hear Heard Heard
Hide Hid Hidden
Hit Hit Hit
Hold Held Held
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Keep Kept Kept
Know Knew Known
Learn Learnt Learnt
Leave Left Left
Lend Lent Lent
Lose Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Meet Met Met
Pay Paid Paid
Put Put Put
Read Read Read
Ride Rode Ridden
Ring Rang Rung
Run Ran Run
Say Said Said
See Saw Seen
Sell Sold Sold
Send Sent Sent
Sing Sang Sung
Sleep Slept Slept
Speak Spoke Spoken
Stand Stood Stood
Sweep Swept Swept
Swim Swam Swum
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told

Think Thought Thought
Throw Threw Threw
Understand Understood Understood
Wake Woke Waken
Wear Wore Worn
Weep Wept Wept
Win Won Won
Write Wrote Written

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