Design Brief Motivation & Purpose

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Design Brief

To design a project using multimedia and interior design to show the frustration existing in the society.

Motivation & Purpose

In the contemporary society, everyone is under pressure for some reason or other. Frustration exists in every little corner of the city. My design
is a combination of multimedia and interior design to show the frustration deep with in everybody’s heart.
I believe that people of different ages and different races have different frustrations. The frustration of each individual varies. I am going to do
surveys to find out these differences.
My design has come from the idea of being frustrated. I am doing this project is also to show my ability to express an idea using different

Target Market
My target market is aimed at people at teenagers to young adults. The reason why this is not aiming for the people of younger age (i.e. below
13) is because they usually don't have pressure from different things and they don't frustrate a lot. The project is going to have elements of
frustration so that the target market can clearly understand their own personal frustration. This project is to raise the awareness of frustration
existing among different age groups; hence it can be used in counseling, magazines and showcases.

Application to Industrial Practice

John Galliano – fashion designer

To get an inspirational experience, John Galliano and his team usually go on a trip to a
country that has a different culture, they film, they sketch, they go to museums and they
eat. They try their best to immerse themselves into the culture.
For example, the picture on the right is the 1997-98 Autumn/Winter collection Jardins De
Bagatelle, Galliano was greatly inspired by the Maasai people located in Kenya and
northern Tanzania and the way they stood also with their high necklaces.

My inspiration came from various re seasons, they are listed below:

My own frustration:
- Schoolwork, I always get a lot of stress from schoolwork causing my frustration.
- I appear to be frustrated by peer pressure, which, appears to cause the frustration amongst most teenagers.
- I have a different taste of music to 97% of the people in my year and I'm restricted to the music I want to
listen. This is an inspiration for my project as well. My purpose is to release my own frustration on this and help
others who have the same problem with me at the same time.
- Some daily things that frustrate me, (eg. people chewing loudly) however, this happens to everyone as well.

Strangers' frustration:
I see people going from home to work and back home with emotionless faces too often. I know there are
definitely something very frustrating lying beneath their cold faces and there is no time for them to let it all
out. I came to the realization that something needs to be done to remind them to release their frustration and to
try to find solutions to it rather than keeping it in mind.

My family members' frustration

My mother is a person who gets frustrated easily, when she was frustrated, she releases her frustration to me.
This always cause some little fights between my mother and I. Letting frustration out onto someone else is
simply not good enough, I suppose.

My friends' frustration:
- Some of my friends have issues with their families; they sometimes get very frustrated by these issues.
- My friends get frustrated by some of my little habits as well, eg. I distract them when they need to study.
- Friends have "boyfriend issues" which also frustrate them.

The book by Nikki Sixx [the Heroin Diaries]

- I did this book for my English as an inner journey; I think this book is a book of frustration. It's about drug
addiction and how Nikki Sixx fights the addiction.
- While I was reading this book, I feel the frustration as a reader. I think this book contributes to part of my
inspiration of this project.
Criteria to evaluate success
• Does my project adhere the design brief?stability, portability, size. Shape, ergonimoic
The major aim for my project is to express the existing frustration in the society. If this is idea is not clear throughout the
whole project, I would call this project not successful. As it's a project trying toconvey the understanding of frustration, I will
have to make sure that every single piece of this project has 'frustration' in it.

• Is this project aesthetic?

This project doesn't not have to be very aesthetic as it's to show the frustration. However, I still have to follow the basic
design elements and principles (eg. line, size, colour, balance, contrast and spacing). By using the right elements and
principles can help me achieve the design brief.

• Is this project (interior design part) functional?The interior design part of the project has to be bizarre but still to be
functional, my aim is to make the design look impossible functional wise but very functional in real life. It has to have
multiple functions for one object and work properly.

• Is this project (interior design part) safe to use?

Safety is very important for this project. Because I want to be bizarre and different, the design might look 'dangerous and
frustrated'. It will have to be safe to use, because this project is aimed at different ages. I'll have to consider: "Is it safe for
an older people to use?” etc.

• Is this project free from negative cultural/social tolerance?

Because this project is showing the frustration among different culture and social groups, I will have to make sure that the
project doesn't offend different social and culture groups. This project will be very successfullyinternationally if this point is

• Does this project stick to my finance plan?

It's very important to keep in track of the financial part of the project; hence a good finance plan is needed.If the project does
stick to the finance plan, I would call it successful.
Areas of Investigation
Areas to be investigated Justification of Research Possible Research Methods (more specific)
Target market - To find out whether an opportunity exists (brief) - Surveying people of different age groups
- To gain different opinions & feedback from target market - Internet researching
Existing chair designs - To find out existing projects/products showing frustration - Go to libraries to find books relating to my project
- To benefit from the existing designs - Internet researching
- To avoid copyright matters - Asking designers myself (designer known from friends /
Materials - To find variations I can use for my parts of my project, - Ask my teachers about the possible materials I can use
i.e. Furniture design - Internet researching
- To find out and compare the prices between different - Go to material shops to get the exact prizes for different
materials materials and their properties
- To find the appropriate material for my project to reach
the maximum effects
Product Designers - To get help from designers about my project - Internet researching
- To find out their project management methods and - Interview designers
improve my organizational skills
Interior design skills & - To improve my hand sketching skills and techniques - Interview designers at where I do school work experience
techniques - To improve my computer sketching skills and techniques (I'm working in an landscape design company)
- To learn how to work with certain materials and any skills - Internet researching
or techniques needed for the best result - Get help from my design teachers
Multimedia skills & - To find out the different multimedia methods so I can find - Internet researching (eg. adobe help)
techniques the appropriate way to present my project - Get help from school art teachers
- To learn how to work with a certain medium and any - Library researching
skills or techniques needed for the best result
Tools - To see what machine I can possible use for my interior - To search for the tools for the multimedia part of the
design part, this determines whether I am doing a project, (eg. different lenses to achieve different effects)
prototype, or an actual part of the interior design - Ask my design teachers
- To find out if I need to go to somewhere else to use - Internet researching
machinery - Ask family members
- Go to the shops and get help from shop assistants
OH&S (Occupational - To find out the safety hazards which may occur during - Internet researching
Health and Safety) the whole design process - Asking my design teachers
- To find out the ways to prevent hazards - Interviewing designers from work experience
- To make sure that the design doesn't have any safety
Folio presentation - Learn different ways to present information- Learn how to - Attend workshops- Go to art shops- Internet researching -
use different products- To find out price involved during Library researching- Looking through the past folios
the presentation of the project
Evaluation of Project Proposal

I started off wanting to present the whole folio as a website but I encountered a lot of issues and
difficulties maintaining the whole site.
Below is the evaluation for the website I presented and screen shots of the site will be included later on
in the folio.
Use of software

During the process of project proposal, I put a lot of effort into each one of the sections. The hardest part
I found was doing the whole proposal in this Adobe program, Dreamweaver. I did a lot of research on this
program, which includes library and Internet research and with the help of the school IT staff. The hard work I put in
this computer program gives a very good impact on this site.

I like the whole process of making this project proposal. This is the first time I do a site in Dreamweaver. It requires
a lot of hardworking and I encountered a lot of difficulties. There were certain stages that I was very upset because I
couldn't operate this program properly and I was affected by the theme "frustration" myself. I almost gave up on
this site and decided to go back to normal "Microsoft Word" format. However, I was encouraged by my friends and
my teacher to keep going with it. And I am very please with what I've done so far, although I know there will be
more problems coming as the project goes on. But I'm enjoying doing this site and I am very ready to explore more
about this program and get a lot more improvements on this site.

During the making of the title, I used Photoshop and Illustrator to do the background editing. The original
background doesn't involve picture and the word "Frustration" was in red. I added picture to make them more
interesting and changed the colour of the word "frustration" to fit into the whole colour scheme of this folio. The
quotes included in the background are found from the Internet as I typed in "frustration quotes" in Google. The
background picture is from "Getty Images", I added photoshop effect on them to fit into the style. I wrote the quote
in the right bottom of the screen, inspired by my own frustration. I looked through a wide range of music styles
trying to find the appropriate song for the site. As the vocals "wake up, wake up, before you're dead underground",
I'm trying to raise the awareness of the frustration and "wake" everyone up. This title page took me the
longest time (approx. 2 weeks time) to deal with because it's the first time I use Dreamweaver and I
found it very hard to get a grip on this program. However I got a lot of help from the IT staff, they helped
me improving the quality of the whole section.

Identification and Exploration of the Need

I spend quite a lot of time on them because it has got a lot of sub-headings. Because of my non-english
speaking background, I received help from my friends to correct my English grammar in the site.
Photoshop did help me a lot with the graphics. Again my image was from "getty images" and I edited it. I
encountered a problem, the screen wouldn't scroll up as it should be. It took me some time to realize
that it was a small property I used which shouldn't be used. The inspiration part took me quite a little bit
of time, because there are a lot of factors contributing to my inspiration. It's hard to put them down on the page because some of them are very
personal. I provided a link to the book <Heroin Diaries> on its picture so who ever reads this site can gain a further understanding of this book. The
music I chose for this page is my favourite Alice Cooper song, "Welcome to My Nightmare" is about frustration that people don't admire and it
brings people to 'join the club'. This is my purpose of this project.

Criteria for Success

This is the time when I think carefully about my project and recall what exactly I want. I used some assistance from the Excel textbook for Design
and Technology and some past folios to find out what factors I can take from. I am very pleased for this section because I think I included all the
criteria I evaluate whether my project is successful or not. Picture was from "Getty Images", I photoshoped it and the reason I put them in the warm
colour was because if it's the same colour with the whole page, the page will look quite boring. I got a lot of help from my DT teacher.

Area of investigation
This section was quite easy for me I think, since I know exactly what I am doing. I know what I need to research about. Area of investigation is
however very important. Because it relates to the project, the way I am doing it and how I get help from various resources.

Personal conclusion
Every time I open this project to do something with it, I have this feeling that I can make someone feel better or otherwise, just myself. But I think
the most important thing is doing something you really enjoy and that's all you need. I am very looking forward to keep going on with this website
and what's more - the actual project with graphic design and interior design.

By doing this folio, I am finding myself handling frustration more easily as I write down every single line.

Above is the evaluation I did after I finished project proposal section of the website.
After all those personal and technical evaluation, I came to the conclusion that it will be too hard to keep maintaining the site for the whole project.
Also I wanted to focus more on the content of the folio and the project itself. The site was no more modified and everything was transferred back to
a Microsoft Word document and graphics were changed slightly. The wording and sentence length are also modified to make sure the folio is more
user friendly, which was the area I didn’t pay much attention to when I did the site.
Jillian Hopkins - Architect

Application to Industrial practice

Things Jillian Hopkins always does before she starts anything.

She usually obtains the background information and attends site visits before she starts anything. Then she measures up
the site if there’s no information available for the project. Site analysis is the step she never misses out. It’s usually via
maps (sketched or on computer), and then she writes down notes with ideas and observations, often includes photos of
different materials found on site.

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