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What is the Procedure for Mumbai Degree

Best Answer

Ced answered 5 years ago

Had to share this for everyone's convienience.

- Assuming you already have the convocation certificate from Mumbai University , you need to delaminate
most of the plastic on the back of it in order to have a 'stamp' of verification from the university. This can
be done bang opposite the gates of Mumbai University at a fee of Rs 20ish or in the University by random
self made delamination specialist at a flat charge of Rs 50.Mumbai University is located at Kalina ,
SantaCruz (E). Once you enter the university , you need to head to your left towards the 'examination hall'
where this is done. You need to go to the 1st floor and submit your documents in a specific room where
you have a lad sitting out there with his 2 scum assistants :).What they take is your 'original convocation'
a xerox copy of the same. Along with that you will need to fill in a small form provided by the man there
itself which states your documents submitted for verification , no of copies , xerox , degree stream , year
etc. The man in charge signs the form and checks your documents and notes the amount to be paid for
verfication.Your fees to vertify each document increase on the basis of year of graduation , so remember
to carry sufficient dough.
You need to then head out to the 2nd floor and go straight for the cash counter to pay the amount as
specified in your application form. for which you will receive a receipt from the lady behind the counter.
Return to the 1st floor to the same chap and show him the receipt and give him your documents. You will
receive these documents back in 10-14 days from the same guy. Keep the receipt carefully! Timings for
this are from 11:00 - 1:00. Make sure you're in early with every possible document under the sun and a
xerox of everything. This usually till take you under 30 odd minutes if you dont have a huge *** queue.

-Next Destination : Mantralaya(HRD)- Churchgate , Madame Cama Road.
Once you've collected your 'verified' degree cerficicate from Mumbai University , you need to head over
first thing to an Advocate to get a public notary stamp on the back of your 'original' degree cerficate.This
should costs you somewhere from Rs 75 - 100.Wihout this , Mantralata wont proceed. Once that's done ,
xerox the back.
Documents you would need to have at hand before you head out to Mantralaya :
1) Proof of Identity (Passport / Ration Card / PAN Card ) - either one , make sure you've got xerox copies
and one of these originals when you're there
2)Passport Size Photographs - there is only 1 required for the application form , but you can carry more to
be safe.
3) Your own stapler!
That's abt it when it comes to what you need in Hand.

To get to Mantralaya , you need to take a local train and head out to Churchgate , once there , you need
to walk out straight , ask someone to directions , it is located behind Hindustan Petroleum Main Head
Office (HP) so you could use that as a landmark to keep asking around.Walking it out is around 10
minutes of casual walk.
Once you're there , you'll see 2 government buildings on different sides of the road , head over the on the
opposite side of the road to the higher floored building.
You will see a line outside the gate on the pavement , so you'll know you're there!
Submission of documents for attestation at Mantralaya take place only on Mondays and Tuesday from
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM and subsequently delivered back to you on Thursday or Friday during the same time.
Docs submitted on Monday will be delivered Thursday and Tuesday on Friday.
Once you're allowed into the Mantralaya , take the lift (line for that too!) and head over to the 9th floor.
and take a right and enter the only room which has a counter when u just step in. There's a lad who will
put a stamp on the back of your original degree cerficate and will ask you to write down the name of your
Advocate on the behind and then direct you inside where there's a 'special officer' (apparently) who only
TO GO AT YOUR WALLET Your job on the 9th floor is Done!
Next head out to the 14th Floor by stairs preferably and there's a room towards your right where you
probably will know by looking at the line. Here you need to ask them for the form which again is free of
cost. You then need to fill it up. and stick your photo in the box provided and need to self attest(sign) in a
way that half your sign is on paper and the other half on photo.On another note , you will also need a
xerox of the backside of your degree with the attestation done by the 'special offer' way back on the 9th
floor. this is what they will require on the 14th floor. you can xerox it at the 14th floor itself asking one of
the peons there though they rip you off with Rs 10 for a xerox. but what the hell! Make sure you have 2
xerox of it , one for you and one of them.
Submit these documents:-
Application form filled
Original Degree Certicate and a xerox. (with 9th floor attestation as explained abve)
Proof of Identity Xerox.
Staple all of this and submit it inside to another one of those 'one man show lad' inside responsible for
this. They will not really give you a receipt or any of that sort but will tell you a number verbally and tell
you to come on a Thursday/Friday with your original proof of identity - passport/pan etc. (remember the
number or have it written down)
And there it is , you're work at the Mantralaya is done. Come back on a Thursday/Friday at the same time
and head straight to the 14th floor to the same room and collect your attested degree cerficate from the
same lad.

you may then head out to whatever embassy youre looking out for , be it employment or whatever for
further attestation.

I hope this helps all those who require to do the same.

2. Source:
Personal Experience

1 comment
3. Other Answers (5)
Rated Highest

rucha answered 6 days ago
thanks a lot for sharing the above information. it was very helpful for me. i would like to add one more new
update to this.
The mantralaya is in the process of shifting the HRD (14th floor) to the new address and they will not be
working till 28th june 2014.

the new address is: Employment and Self Employment department,
G. T. Hospital Complex,
5th floor, near Mumbai Police Commissioners office. CST Mumbai- 400001.
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tanveer answered 4 months ago
I must applaude n hats off for awesome work done by u guys..
I just followed your steps n work is done.
Without asking anyone. N no help frm outsiders i completed the task.thanx buddy.
U will b in my prays.
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Wasif S answered 5 months ago
Just to add:
The university verification timings have been extended from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, with a lunch break in-
between from 1:00 to 1:30. They are flexible about the timing as i entered the building after 2:00 pm after
getting the entry slip from the enquiry counter and left at around 2:30 pm.
The HRD attestation can also be done by a blood relative if the concerned person is not in India, for
further information read this circular from the Maha Govt.
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Kaushik K answered 3 months ago
how much time did it take you in the mumbai university. does it take 2 weeks to get the documents
attested or is it done on the spot.
o 0
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LOUISE answered 4 months ago
really a good work! Appreciated


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