Thoughts On Oil

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Questions on oil
Prophet Makandiwa Launched His Version of Miracle Oil.
The error and deception in this is so clear for all to see. I will repeat again that this man is lost it and prayer for his
salvation and restoration is biblically advised.
In this article we will ask a few questions and follow a train of thought which we pray God will use to cancel any
doubts which the devil would have sown into the hearts of many of you precious people of God.
1. The prophet says God spoke to him about the Oil.
This is the first sign that Makandiwa is missing it.
When he says GOD spoke to him about the oil, where is the scriptural basis for this?
There is no scriptural proof to qualify what this "GOD" told him about the oil

2. The prophets says God spoke to him and showed him a vision.
the charismatic preacher said the anointing oil was a fulfillment of a vision that he saw some four years
ago which was in the form of a flourishing field of green crops.
Visions and dreams and all prophets words are subject to judgment. This is a biblical rule that we should
test all spirits and judge all prophetic words.
The error is clear here, Anointing oil and Miracle oil are not birthed in dreams and visions. There must be
a scripture which supports it. As we speak there is no scripture like that.
Hence the only basis Makandiwa has for his act is a vision and a supposed voice of God.
3. The prophet expects that since he has proven himself "prophetically", people should believe what he
First of all, in terms of age, he is still very young. Also, there is no validation and acceptance of his
prophetic ministry and office in the body of Christ in general. The numbers he gathers of ordinary people
with needs will not fool the learned in the faith.
Secondly, the only basis for his Miracle oil is the supposed voice of God and the "Desire of God" to work
miracles in the lives of people.
Thirdly, his prophetic ministry, like others is typical of divination and the explicit manifestations of Water
Spirits at work.
it's a problem when a leader says GOD told me and everyone has to obey even if it's not qualified by the
he never mentioned a single scripture to qualify the oil, he just said GOD told him
4. Does it mean every man of God will one day have to have oil?
His language and activity assumes that it is expected for men of God to have oil.
This means all pastors and bishops who do not have oil are missing it.
For him, his "brand" took 4 years to be spiritually matured so that it is potent enough to be released into
the market place.
As such all men of God will invariably be expected by the masses to have some oil whose power and
miracle working ability is tied to and related to the grace and giftings of the preacher.
This is clear error, but people need to walk away from this.
5. Miracle Oils have differing powers and graces.
The oil Makandiwa has is so potent you cannot handle it without praying! Wow! It is so deadly you need
to be prayerful so as to obtain results!
Like he said, all oils out there will be outclassed by his.
First, let us assume the Lord does sanction oils, [ God doesnt at all, this is an illustration], The oil is a type
and symbol of the Holy Ghost. Does it then mean that the Holy Spirit will start to manifest through these
oils in different measures and power?
Does it mean that using this analogy, Makandiwa is more mature, more anointed, such that the Holy
Spirit increases for him the measure of power?
Invariably, as we move on, people will forsake the cheap oils of their pastors for a broad spectrum oil
from Makandiwa!!
Error!!! Error!!!
6. Miracle oils are given and released at the beckoning of the holder.
Apparently Makandiwa released the oil and Glamis stadium because, had he done at the judgment night
2, there would have been non- UFIC members and foreigners who would have benefited first before his
God doesnt work like this. This is not the modus operandi of God at all.
This shows us a man who is releasing a demonic stronghold but can only do so to those who are most
susceptible and willing to follow him.
7. His oil seems to tag along the prophetic word he issued at Judgment night 2.
There was a promise of economic bloom in Zimbabwe.
The oil in a sense will accelerate those who will get it such that they will enjoy this boom ahead of others.
Ok, there is a short cut to reaching this boom in the economy? The short cut is the Oil?
Come on!!!!
8. Where in the bible do we find the instructions and protocols on how to use the Name of Jesus
and the Oil?
And when do we draw the line, between using oil and the name of Jesus?
Which situation is for the Name of Jesus and which one is for oil?
The oil seems will carry 100% results for the user.
Uzzah in the bible died for touching the Ark of God. This was because the Ark has been carried in a Cart
drawn by cows. This was nowhere in the scriptures. So when the oxen stumbled, there was no verse
Uzzah could apply to correct the potential hazard of the Ark falling and opening and endangering the
whole world!
There was no verse. This was David's idea which was unbiblical.
So how do we balance the Oil, and the Name of Jesus? Where are the scriptures.
Since there are other oils out there, what is the protocol of these oils and where do they fit in the
presence of this superior oil?
Is it for his church only?
yes, where are the instructions in the bible of how to mix the name of Jesus and the oil?
I can assure you, the only person who knows how to use the oil is him. To know the formula, you have to
relate with him and his people or watch his channel. Otherwise there is no source of instructions.
9. No apostolic figure in the scripture shows that, this oil started recently
Yes, Jesus did many things but He commanded a few things.
Mark 16.17 He speaks These are some of the signs that will accompany believers: They will throw out
demons in my name, they will speak in new tongues, they will take snakes in their hands, they will drink
poison and not be hurt, they will lay hands on the sick and make them well.
He commanded us to baptize in water.
He commanded the use of oil in ordination, laying hands on the sick.
He commanded Holy Communion.
Yet he did not command or even imply the use of oil in the manner we are seeing today.
Also, there is no apostolic figure who ever did this. Not Peter, Not Paul, no one!
He used mud, but never commanded it
He told demons to go to pigs but never commanded it to be done.
He broke bread and fish, but did not command it to be a rule and a precedent.
Yet He says, cast demons, heal the sick, preach to the poor. This we are commanded.
He walked on water, but He never asked anyone to do so.
He carried His cross, He then commanded us to carry ours.
So where is this Anointed Water and Oil and oh yes; even in Byo there; Anointed Hankies coming from?
Above all Jesus tells them about the Comforter to come and give them power.
If this oil is very critical why didn't early church use it ?
10. What are the ingredients of the Oil?
Where does he get that oil ?
Is it olivine oil, is it sunflower, does it have to come from any special source
Like all charlatans have said this is what he is likely to say, "this is just ordinary oil, but the power comes
after I have prayed for it."
This then means the power of the oil comes from the person who has prayed for it.
In a sense his label, his particular oil and packaging will become the only symbol that he did pray for it.
11. Makandiwa spoke so highly of the Oil more than Jesus himself.
He is complicating things further, he has spoken so highly of oil more than the name of Jesus, it's as if
GOD is the oil
people will start worshipping it, coming to church for it
people will imitate the bottles, packaging etc and start fleecing poor people of their money
the musicians, pastors who subscribe to him, will also find oil
we are going into an era where these guys have to have oil

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