Jodrell News, Issue 1

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Jodrell Bank Observatory

Alien Message shocks
Crack the
Today at 10 am GMT a
signal was detected by
the Lovell telescope. Sci-
entist can now confirm
that it is of extra-terres-
trial origin and could not
be produced under natu-
ral conditions within the
outer atmosphere which
the telescope is currently
The Lovell telescope has
been tracking this signal
which has been repeating
over the past 13 days and
has had two significant
glitches which have most
definitely shocked scien-
tists. The signal which
has been detected has a
narrow bandwidth which
we are told from our
source is not used both
on Earth or in our solar
system for that matter!
The repeated pulse which
t he newl y r ef or med
Bletchley Park have iden-
tified as a "break" in the
2 Jodrell
The NASA space capsule
The diagram of pi which was in the NASA capsule
code which pointed sci-
entists towards the fact
that it must have been
written by a being of high
intelligence. They had
used a central frequency
of 1420MHz in order to
transmit the message to
us, possibly even across
our galaxy, this is be-
cause thi s frequency
passes easily through
dense solids as well
whilst not reflecting of
the surface. It appears to
originate within Cygnus,
l ocated al most ri ght
across the other side of
our current view of the
Milky Way. A leading Os-
cilloscope physicist told
us that "The signal has a
flux density of several
Jansky meaning that
some of the beams have
split of during the trans-
mission which is always
caused when waves trav-
el long distances". A lead-
ing cryptographer from
Manchester University
said "For the majority of
the time the signal con-
sists of 4.1s when the sig-
nal is on followed by 4.1s
of, repeating continuous-
ly which is the form of the
break which we see with-
in the code."
They're smart!
In 1978 NASA released a
capsule containing cer-
tain information which
scientists believed to be
the most important facts,
figures and designs. The
capsule was designed so
that if aliens were some-
where within our uni-
verse then they would be
able to open the capsule
and then have the possi-
bility of learning about pi
etc. Therefore specula-
tions have arisen to say
that the extra-terrestrials
behi nd thi s message
could have opened the
capsule and found out
this information!
Many have speculated as
to what has happened
however the world's sci-
entists concluded today
that it looks like the first
and third lines are points
which can be used do de-
termine the start and end
of each signal which can
be deciphered without
the breaks as 1010, where
the signal pulses on for 4
seconds, of, on for 4, and
then of, we know this be-
cause 1 signifies where
there is a high amplitude
and 0 where there is no or
a very low amplitude
wave. Therefore, this
would suggest that the
second line is the main
signal and therefore is
the main part of the code
which needs to be deci-
phered. There is a repeat-
i ng pat t er n of "00"
throughout the code
which was received and
in turn, afer separating
and counting the number
of 1's afer each signal,
the deciphered version is
a s f o l l o w s :
3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,4 when
compared to 3.131592654
which is the world recog-
nised form of Pi, is the
same as the shortened
value of Pi. the code is in-
forming us that the aliens
have an understanding of
what Pi is. This suggests
that the aliens have an
understanding of circles
and in turn they would
have suficient equip-
ment in order to measure
such mathematical fac-
3 Jodrell
4 Jodrell

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