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MCPGH 2014

Medanta Clinics in Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology 2014

18th -20th July, Organized by
Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation, Medanta -
The Medicity

18th July 2014 : WORKSHOP
8:00 8:30 Registration Welcome, Course Overview Dr Neelam Mohan

Gastrointestinal Session:
8:30-8:50 Ascitic tapping- Indications and interpretation- Dr Deepak Goyal
8:50 9: 10: pH metry and anal manometry-when to ask for it? Dr Sakshi Karkra
9:10- 9:30: Management of acute GI Bleed : Dr Veena Raghunatha
9:30-9:50 : Enteral nutrition in hospitalized children: Dr Pankaj Vohra
9:50-10:10: Parenteral Nutrition in the sick child: Dr Sarath Gopalan
10:10- 10:30 Tea Break
10:30 1.00 PM: Hands On Training
Time Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4
Topic Motility Clinic Endoscopy 1-
Endoscopy 2-
11:00 11:30 Group A Group B Group C Group D
11:30 12:00 Group D Group B Group C Group A
12:00 12:30 Group C Group A Group D Group B
12:30-1:00 Group B Group A Group D Group C
1 -2 Lunch

Hepatology session:
2:00- 2:15 Liver biopsy- when,why and how to interpret? Dr Neelam Mohan
2:15-2:40: Management of metabolic liver crisis in ICU. Dr Jitender Sharma
2:40 3:10: ICU management of Acute liver failure. Dr Maninder S. Dhaliwal
3:10 3:30 : Role of renal replacement therapies in liver disease. Dr Sidharth Sethi

Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 5
Topic Central Line/PIC
Bedside ultrasound
Liver ultrasound &
ABG Interpretation
4:15-4:45 Group A Group B Group C Group D
4:45-5:15 Group D Group B Group C Group A
5:15-5:45 Group C Group A Group D Group B
5:45 6:15 Group B Group A Group D Group C
6:15 6:30 Distribution of certificates

Registration 9:30 Am 10:00 Am (30 min.)
Breakfast 10:00 Am 10:30 Am (30 min.)
Surgery To do / Not to do ( 10:30 11:50am)
Surgery for Appendicitis Difficult Clinical Scenarios Anurag Krishnan
Intussusception - Sx Vs Radiological Mx Meera Luthra
Asymptomatic Gall stones Conservative vs
Yogesh Sarin
Liver Abscess - Knife / Drain Veereshwar Bhatnagar
Liver Potpourri (11:50 1:20pm)
Facies in Gastroenterology & Hepatology V. Sankarnarayanan
Interpretation of Deranged LFT Neelam Mohan
Incidentally detected HBsAg Dinesh Rawat
Isolated Hepatomegaly for evaluation Malathi Sathiyasekaran
Inauguration 1:20 Pm 1:40 Pm (20 min.)
Lunch Break 1:40 Pm 2:30 Pm (50 min.)
Symposium on Neonatal Cholestasis (2:30 3:45pm)
Approach in a sick baby S.K. Yachha
Approach in a well baby Ashish Bavdekar
Kasai Is there any ideal time? Richa Lal
Post Kasai / Liver transplant FU Neelam Mohan
Metabolic Liver Disease (3:45 5:05pm)
MLD in India Past, Present, Future Neelam Mohan
Fatty Liver - Its all about eating addiction? Shirish Bhatnagar
Fatty Liver - Its not about eating addiction?
Approach to Fatty Liver in 8 year old Child Seema Alam
Wilsons Clinical Spectrum Sutapa Ganguly
Tea Break 5:05 Pm 5:30 Pm (25 min.)

Breakfast 9:00 Am 9:30 Am (30 min.)
Diarrhea Symposium Case Scenarios (9:30 10:45am)
Diarrhea in 8 month old baby for > 12 14 days S.K. Yachha
Bloody Diarrhea B.R. Thappa
Chronic Diarrhea in 4 years old with FTT Pawan Rawal
GI Potpourri (10:45 1:00pm )
GERD- Tip of Iceberg Sakshi Karkra
Foreign body facts that the pediatrician should know !! Lalit Bharadia
Tea Break 11:25 Am 11:40 Am (15 min.)
Cyclical vomiting syndrome/Rumination Anshu Srivastava
Corrosive poisoning emergency & Long term
S.K. Yachha
Food allergy Issues with diagnosis in India Dinesh Banur
Mesenteric Lymphadenitis How to Proceed? B.R. Thapa
Lunch Break 1:00 Pm 1:45 Pm (45 min.)
Defecation Disorder Case Scenarios (1:45 2:15pm)
Defecation Disorders Case Scenarios Sakshi Karkra
Celiac Disease Symposium (2:15 3:10pm)
Burden in India today
Atypical Celiac disease often missed.
tTG vs. AEA vs. deamidated Gliadin Ab
Biopsy is it stills the Gold standard?
Sushma Narang
Deepak Goyal
Nishant Wadhwa
Anshu Srivastava
Anuja Aggarwal
Discussion- 10 min
Probiotics Is there anything new (3:20

Inflammatory bowel Disease (3:35-3:50PM)

Neelam Mohan/Bhaswati
Tea Break 3:50 Pm 4:00 Pm (10 min.)
Symposium on Pain Abdomen (4:00- 5:10pm)
Role H. Pylori
Gastritis / GERD
Abd. Migraine
Worm Infestation
Psychologist role

Sandeep Kudale


Vidyut Bhatia

Akshay Kapoor

Yogesh Waikar

Natwar Parwal

Natasha Khullar

Organizing Team: -
Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology: Dr Neelam Mohan, Dr Sakshi Karkra, Dr Deepak
Pediatric ICU: Dr Maninder Dhaliwal, Dr Veena Raghunathan, Dr Jitender Sharma
IAP Delhi: Dr. Jasjit S. Bhasin, Dr. B.B. Agarwal, Dr. K.K. Jaini
ISPGHAN: Dr. S.K. Yachha, Dr. Neelam Mohan, Dr. Lalit Baradia

Workshop / CME Secretariat:
Dr. Neelam Mohan
Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Liver Transplantation
Medanta The Medicity Hospital, Sector 38 Gurgaon (Haryana)
Secretary : ISPGHAN (Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition),
Mobile 09811043475 / 0124-4141414, Extn.7166, 7109,

For registration assistance
Mr. Mitesh Gugnani - +91-9555702765 / Mrs. Kanta Kaushal - +91-9899935020

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