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Tel : 646.22 7.4900
Email :
Fax: 646.227.4901
Contract: 0503130355
This contract is made and entered on Monday, May 6, 2013 by and between THE HARRY WALKER AGENCY, INC., 355
Lexington Ave, 21st Fir., New York, NY 10017, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency, " party of the first part, and UB
Foundation Activities, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor," party of the second part, relating to the
appearance of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, hereinafter referred to as the "Speaker. "
The Speaker shall appear at the time and place specified below.
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton
See Addendum
Event Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Place of Meeting: UB Alumni Arena, North Campus- Buffalo, NY
Fee: $275,000 USD
Travel Expenses: It is understood and agreed that the Fee is inclusive of all travel expenses.
Payment Terms: $137,500 is due on or before 07131/2013; $137,500 is due on or before 09/25/2013. All payments
should be made to THE HARRY WALKER AGENCY, INC. and should include the Contract number as reference.
It is understood and agreed that all monies due (including travel expenses) must be paid according to due dates in
order for Speaker to perform services. Sponsor shall be responsible for the costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, incurred by Agency in collecting any amount due hereunder.
The individual signing this Contract on behalf of Sponsor (uSignatory") represents and warrants that he/she signs as
a duly authorized representative of the Sponsor.
Signatory: Ed Schneider
Business: 716-645-3011
Billing Contact: Amy Veiders
Business: 716-645-3414
Tel: 646.227.4900
Fax: 646.227.4901
Contract: 05031303SS
GOVERNING LAWS: This Contract has been made, shall be performed and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of New York, without regard to conflicts of law principles, and the Federal and state courts of the State of New York,
County of New York, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating to this Contract. This Contract may not be
changed or modified except by a writ ing signed by each of the parties hereto.
VENUE: The venue shall be as indicated in Place of Meeting above and shall be a well heated, lighted and licensed place for the
appearance, in good condition. Sponsor agrees to limit the audience to no more than the legal number permitted.
TAXES: The Sponsor shall be responsible for and pay any and all applicable federal, state, and local rental, amusement, sales or
other such taxes, specifically excluding income taxes, and fees to obtain all necessary licenses and insurance, related to this
Contract. If Speaker's fee is subject to any non-resident withholding tax it is agreed that Sponsor will pay the necessary tax
directly to the tax authority and will provide Speaker via Agency with the necessary documentation confirming payment of the
tax for the Speaker's tax filings.
CANCELLATION: It is understood and agreed that this Contract is non-cancelable by Sponsor, and all amounts due pursuant
to this Contract shall be paid in accordance with the "Payment Terms" set forth in this Contract.
If for any reason Speaker is prevented from or fails to appear, then this Contract shall be deemed terminated, and the Sponsor
shall have no claim for damages against the Agency or Speaker by reason thereof; in such event the Agency shall use its best
efforts to arrange for a mutually agreeable substitute speaker. Sponsor understands that the fees for a substitute speaker may
be higher or lower than for the Speaker specified in this Contract and t hat a new contract will be necessary to bind a
replacement Speaker. If Agency and Sponsor are unable to agree as to a substitute speaker, the fee paid by the Sponsor to
Agency shall be refunded by the Agency, and the Sponsor shall have no other remedy.
Sponsor recognizes and agrees that Speaker may elect to reschedule or cancel her appearance under this Contract and
Speaker may do so for any reason whatsoever and at any time prior to the engagement . In such event, Speaker shall have no
liability whatsoever for such rescheduling or cancellation but Agency shall return any advance payment for fee and unused
travel expenses previously received by Agency unless the parties have agreed to reschedule Speaker's appearance for another
In the event that the Sponsor fails or refuses to provide any of the items herein stated, or fails or refuses to make any of the
payments as provided in this Contract, or fails to proceed with the engagement, the Speaker shall have no obli gation to
perform under the terms of this Contract.
FORCE MAJEURE: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, in the event that the pe rformance of any obl igation
under this Contract by either Party is prevented due to acts of God, wars, hostilities, blockades, civil dist urbances, revolutions,
strikes, terrori st attacks, or lockouts, or other events of force majeure, Agency, Speaker and/or Sponsor (Part ies) shall not be
responsible to the other for failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Contract. Each Party shall promptly
notify the other Parties of such force majeure condition. The te rms of this clause shall not exempt, but merely suspend, any
party from its duty to perform the obligations under this Contract until as soon as pract ical after a force majeure condi ti on
ceases to exist.
CONFIDENTIALITY: The Sponsor agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all the terms, conditions, and arrangements
contained in this Contract and/or associated with the appearance by Speaker, except as required by law.
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Agency, acting as the Speaker's lecture booking agent, is an independent contractor and shall
not be responsible in any way for the Speaker's acts, omissions, statements, or any commitment made by the Speaker or the
ENFORCEMENT: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision of this Contract and each provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law.
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Contract: 05031303SS
Tel : 646.22 7. 4900
Fax: 646.227.4901
. It is understood and agreed that up to two (2) advance people will be sent to the venue of the engagement three (3)
business days prior to the event to help coordinate and manage logistical and other aspects of this event related to
the Speaker's appearance.
The Sponsor agrees that a draft program for its event will be submitted to the Agency for its approval. This draft
program must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to the date of the event, and prior to any agreements the
Sponsor has finalized with prospective program participants. This draft program will specify the running order of
the event, including such things as the introducer, moderator, etc.
It is agreed that Speaker will be the only person on stage during her remarks.
The Speaker may request that Sponsor pay for and provide a presidential glass panel teleprompter and a qualified
It is agreed that the Speaker's office via the Agency shall have final approval of the introducer requested by
If the agreed-upon itinerary for this engagement includes a moderated Q&A, it is agreed that Speaker's office via
the Agency shall have final approval of any moderator requested.
All audience questions to Speaker must be asked by the moderator who will join Speaker on stage following her
remarks. During the moderated Q&A the only people on stage will be the Speaker and the approved moderator.
If the agreed upon itinerary for this engagement includes a photoline, it is understood and agreed that the
photographer will take one (1) photo of each person or couple participating in the photoline. It is understood and
agreed that the Sponsor will provide each of the photoline attendees with a copy of the photo for their personal
use only. The Sponsor is also required to communicate to the Sponsor that the photo is for private, personal use
only and that the photo cannot be used in any way to imply any kind of endorsement of an entity, individual,
product or service. Any use of the photo that suggests or impl ies any such endorsement is forbidden.
It is agreed that all events in which the Speaker participates during this engagement will take place in the same
venue unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Agency.
The topic, format, and length of the lecture or speech shall, unless specifically agreed in writing, be at the sole
discretion of Speaker. The only approved speech title will be ' Remarks by Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton'. The lecture and any supporting materials provided by the Speaker remain the intellectual property of
The Speaker's office, via the Agency, shall have the right to approve, in its sole discretion, any entity or individual,
other than the Sponsor, who will receive special consideration at the event in return for a fee, or in
Sponsor Initials: Z

Tel: 646.227.4900
Fax: 646.227.4901
offering their services in donation. This includes any individual or entity which receives placement on the event
program, in any manner, including but not limited to as a speaker, introducer, or moderator, or promotional
recognition in the event program, the invitation, signage at the event, or recognition on the Sponsor's website.
It is understood and agreed that Speaker is NOT endorsing the Sponsor or any entity, individual, product, or
service in any way associated with the Sponsor or the engagement. Further, any use of Speaker's name or likeness
in any manner whatsoever that suggests or implies any such endorsement or approval is absolutely forbidden and
any breach of this agreement shall give Speaker or the Agency a right to an injunction and a claim for damages in
addition to any other rights or remedies that they may have.
The Agency, on behalf of Speaker, shall have the right to approve, in its sole discretion, sub-sponsors of the event,
sets, backdrops, banners, scenery, logos, settings, etc. which are in any way related to her speech or any other
activities associated with the Speaker's appearance.
Any photo.graphs taken during the Speaker's appearance by Sponsor, or any entity or person associated with
Sponsor, including but not limited to any guests or invitees, cannot be used or distributed without the Agency's
prior written permission.
The Sponsor agrees that all communications, mailings, solicitations, publicity and/or promotion that mentions or
makes reference to Speaker must be specifically approved in writing in advance by the Agency. Please note that
television, radio, or billboard advertising will not be approved.
The reception prior to the speech will be closed to the news-media. The Speaker's speech plus moderated Q&A
will be open to news-media. The Sponsor will work with Agency to coordinate the organization and setup for the
news-media during the speech and moderated Q&A portion of the event. There will be no other media
opportunities or availabilities (i.e., press conferences, statements, etc.). Should the Sponsor seek to invite any
members of the media as guests, the Sponsor shall provide the Agency with such guests' affiliation with the
Sponsor and receive the Agency's agreement in advance of such invitations.
It is understood and agreed that recording the Speaker's remarks for any purpose, including by the Sponsor is not
permitted. The lecture may not be broadcast, webcast, simulcast or otherwise reproduced. If necessary, the
Sponsor may use Image Magnification (IMAG) to project Speaker's image on screens placed within the event room,
with the understanding that the Speaker's remarks and image are not recorded as a result.
The Sponsor agrees to pay a fee of $1,000 for the services of a stenographer, who will be onsite at the event. The
stenographer will transcribe Speaker's remarks as they are being delivered, which shall be solely for the Speaker's
records. All arrangements relating to the stenographer will be managed by the Agency.
The Sponsor understands and agrees that the electronic text speech transcript of Speaker's speech and any
audiotape of the speech have been specially commissioned by and created for Speaker and constitutes a 'work
made for hire' as that term is defined under the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. In the event the
electronic text speech transcript and any audiotape/videotape of the speech are not deemed a 'work made for hire'
under the Copyright Act, the Sponsor hereby irrevocably assigns to Speaker in perpetuity any and all right, title and
interest, including the copyright, in and to such transcript and audiotape/videotape/DVD for the entire wo0 and
Sponsor Initials: __.T_ .....
Tel : 646.227.4900
Email : contractsharrywalker. com
Fax: 646. 227.4901
the Sponsor shall not have any ownership rights of any kind with respect thereto. Further, the Sponsor shall cause
all individuals and entities retained by it in connection with transcribing Speaker's speech or audio
taping/videotaping the speech to furnish such serv-ices on a 'work made for hire' basis as that term is used under
the Copyright Act, and all such individuals and entities shall execute an assignment, in a form reasonably
satisfactory to Speaker, of all right, title and interest in or to any of the services performed by them in connection
with such work.
The Sponsor should reserve twenty (20) seats at the event for Speaker's staff/guests. These seats should all be
together in the priority seating area and the guests should be included in the photo receiving line. Guests will NOT
count against Sponsor's 100 person count for the photoline. These seats will be released by the Agency should they
not be required.
It is understood and agreed by the Sponsor that any additional security measures requested by the US Secret
Service, including but not limited to, magnetometers and people trained to operate them, as well as trained staff to
search the bags of attendees-as appropriate, will be the financial responsibility of the Sponsor.
It is understood that the net honorarium for this engagement is being paid to The Clinton Foundation, a 501 (c)(3)
organization dedicated to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet
the challenges of global interdependence. Payment for the appearance of the Speaker is not subject to personal
entertainment tax withholdings in the United States or Canada, where applicable. Supporting documentation is
available as needed. The US Fed ID #of the Clinton Foundation is 31-1580204. The full contract fee, however, as
stated on this contract and accompanying invoices is made payable to the Harry Walker Agency, Inc. The Harry
Walker Agency will, remit payment to the Clinton Foundation.
Except as set forth in this Addendum, no additional appearances, seminars, discussion groups, receptions, dinners,
press interviews, TV or radio arrangements, etc. shall be planned by the Sponsor nor expected of the Speaker
unless expressly set forth in this Contract. The fees provided for in this contract are understood to be for the
lecture program only; any other activities are to be treated independently unless contained in the Contract or
expressly agreed to in writing by the Agency.
It is agreed that the itinerary for this event will be as follows:
Wednesday. October 23,2013
7:30PM- 8:00PM: Photoline- not to exceed 50 photos with up to 100 people
8:00PM - 9:00PM: Speech followed by Moderated Q&A
Sponsor Initials:
Tel : 646.227.4900
Fax: 646.227.4901
The individual signing this Contract on behalf of Sponsor ("Signatory") represents and warrants that he/she
signs as a duly authorized representative of the Sponsor.
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The Harry Walker Agency, Inc.;, ~ .:>t_ D ~ { ck, 'i
Sponsor Initials: __ f _;;:; U;.._ __
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Contract : 0513140BBG
Thi s cont ract is made and entered on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 by and between THE HARRY WALKER AGENCY, INC" 355
Lexi ngton Ave, 21st Fir.. New York , NY 10017, her ei nafter refer red to as th e "Agency," party of t he f i rst part. and UNLV
Foundation, herei naft er refer red t o as t he "Sponsor," party of th e second part , relat ing tot he app earance of Secretary
Hillary Rodham Clinton on behalf of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation , referred t o as t he
The Speaker shall appear at the time and place speci fi ed below.
Event Date:
Place of Meeting:
Fee: $225. 000 USD
Secretary Hill ary Rodham Cl inton on beha lf of t he Bill , Hi l lary & Chelsea Clinton
Foundat ion
See Addendum
Monday, October 13. 2014
Bellagio Resort - Las Vegas. NV
, I
Travel Expenses: The Fee is inclusive of all t ravel expenses.
Payment Terms: $112.500 is due on or before 05/27/2014: $112.500 is due on or before 09/15/2014.
All payments should be made to THE HARRY WALKER AGENCY. INC. and should i ncl ude t he Cont ract number as
refer ence.
It is understood and agreed t hat all moni es due must be paid accordinq to due dates in order for Speaker t o
per form services. Sponsor shal l be responsible for the costs and expenses. includi ng reasonable attorne ys' fees and
disbursements. incurred by Agency in col lect ing any amount due hereunder.
The individual signing this Cont ract on behalf of Sponsor ("Si gnatory") represents and'warrants that hel she signs as
a dul y aut horized representat ive of the Sponsor.
Signatory: Nancy Strouse
4505 S. Mary land Parkway. Box 451006. Las Vegas. NV 89154-1006
Email :
Business: 702895-2810 Celi/Mobile:
Bill ing Contact: Tori Klein
4505 S. Mary land Par kway. Box 451006. Las Vegas. NV 89154-1006
Email :
Business: 702895-2842 Celi/Mobile: 702 630-0415
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Contract: 05131408BG
GOVERNING LAWS: This Contr act has been made, shal l be performed and shall be construed in accordance with t he laws of
th e State of New Yor k. wi thout regard t o conf licts of law pr inci ples. and t he Federal and state courts of the St ate of New Yo r k,
Co unty of New York, shal l have exclusivejur isdi cti on over any dispu t e rel at ing to th is Contract , This Co ntract may not be
changed or modified except by a writi ng signed by each of the part ies hereto. II
VENUE: The venue shal l be as ind icat ed i n Place of Meeting above and shall be a wel l heat ed, l igh ted and l icensed place f or t he
appearance, in good condit io n, Sponsor agrees t o limit t he audi ence to no more than t he legal number permitted .
TAXES: The Sponsor shall be responsi bl e for and pay any and all appl icable f ederal. state, and local rental. amusement, sales or
other such t axes, specifically excluding i ncome taxes. and fees to obtai n all necessary licenses and insurance. related to this
Contract. If Speaker's fee is subject to any non-resident w ithholding tax it is agr eed that Sponsor will pay t he necessary tax
di rect ly to the tax authority and will provide Speaker via Agency with the necessary documentation confirmi ng payment of t he
tax for t he Speaker's tax filings.
CANCELLATI ON: It is understood and agreed that this Cont ract is non-cancelable by Sponsor. and al l amounts due pursuant
to this Contract shall be paid i n accordance wi th t he " Payment Terms" set f orth in this Contract.
If for any reason Speaker is prevented f ro m or fails t o appear, t hen t his Cont ract shall be deemed ter mi nated, and the Sponsor
shal l have no cl ai m f or damages against t he Agency or Speaker by reason thereof ; i n such event t he Age ncy shal l use its best
efforts t o arrange for a mu t ually agreeable substit ute speaker . Sponsor understands t hat t he f ees for a subst itute speaker may
be hi gh er or lower t han for t he Speaker speci fi ed in t his Contract and t hat a new contract wi d be necessary t o bi nd a
I ,
repl acement Speaker . If Agen cy and Sponsor are unable to agr ee as to a subst it ut e spea ker , th e f ee paid by the Sponsor t o
Agency shall be refun ded by the Agency, and t he Sponsor sha ll have no ot her remedy.
Spo nsor recogni zes and agrees that Speaker may elect t o reschedule or cancel th eir appearance under t his Contract and
Speaker may do so for any reason whatsoever and at any t ime pr ior to t he engageme nt. In such event. Speaker shall have no
liabi lity whatsoever for such rescheduling or cancellation but Agency shall ret urn any advance payment f or fee and unused
t ravel expenses previously received by Agency unless the parti es have agreed to reschedule Speaker's appearance for another
In the event that the Sponsor fai ls or refuses to provide any of t he items her ein st ated. or fai ls or refuses t o make any of the
payments as provi ded in t his Contract, or fails t o proceed with t he engagement, the Speaker shall have no obligation to
perform und er the t er ms of this Cont ract.
FORCE MAJEURE: Notwithstand ing any other provisio n of t hi s Contract, i n the event t hat t he perf ormance of any obli gat io n
under t his Co nt ract by eit her Party is prevented due t o acts of God, wars, hostilities, btockaces, ' civi l disturbances, revol uti ons.
st ri kes, t er rorist attacks, o r lock outs , or other eve nts of force maj eure. Agency, Spea ker and/or Sponsor (Parti es) shall not be
responsible to t he other for f ailure or delay in performanc e of it s obl igat io ns under thi s Cont ract . Each Party shal l promptly
not ify t he ot her Parti es of suc h force maj eure cond it ion. The te rm s of t his cl ause shal l not exempt, bu t merely suspend, any
part y f rom it s duty t o per for m t he obli gations under ttus Contract unt i l as soon as pract ical af ter a force maj eure condit io n
ceases t o exist.
CONFI DENTIALl TY: The Sponsor agrees to maintai n the confidentiality of all th e terms. conditio ns, and ar rangements
contai ned i n thi s Contract and/or associ ated with t he appearance by Speaker. except as required by law.
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Agency, acting as the Speaker' s l ecture booki ng agent, is an independent co nt ractor and shall
not be responsible in any way for the Speake r's acts, o missions, stateme nts, or any commitment made by th e Speake r or the
Sponsor .
ENFORCEMENT: The i nval id it y or unenforceability of any prov ision of t his Contract shall not affect t he validity or
enforcea bi li ty of any ot her provision of t his Contract and each provi sion shal l be enf orced t o the maximum exte nt permitted by
appli cabl e law, I I
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Secretary Hillary Rodham Cl int on on behalf of the Bill , Hillary & Chelsea Cl inton Foundation
Monday, October 13,2014
Cont ract : 05131408BG
It is under st ood and agreed t hat up to two (2) adva nce peopl e wi l l be sent to t he venue of t he engagement t hree (3)
business days pr io r to t he event to he lp coordi nat e and manage logist ical and othe r aspect s of this eve nt relat ed to
t he Speaker's appearance.
The Sponsor agrees that a draft program for its event will be submitted to the Agency for its approval. This draft
program must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to the date of the event, and prior t o any agreements the
Sponsor has finalized with prospective program participants. This draft program will speci fy t he r unni ng order of
the event, incl udi ng such things as the introducer, moderator, etc.
It is agreed t hat Speaker will be t he only person on stage duri ng her remarks. The Speaker may request that
Sponsor pay f or and provide a glass panel teleprompter and a qual ifi ed operat or .
It is agree d that the Speaker's of fice via the Agency shall have f i nal approval of t he introducer proposed by
Spo nsor. II
If t he agreed-upon it i nerary for t hi s engagement i ncl ud es a moderat ed Q&A. it is agreed t hat Speaker 's of f ice via
the Agency shall have fi nal approval of any moderat or req uest ed ,
All audience quest ions t o Speaker must be asked by the moderat or who willjoin Speaker on stage followi ng her
remar ks. During t he moderat ed Q&A t he only people on stage will be the Speaker and the approved moderator.
If t he agreed upon itinerary f or this engagement i ncl udes a photoline. it is under st ood and agreed that the
photographer will take one (1) photo of each pe rson or couple partici pati ng in t he photoline. It is understood and
agreed that the Sponsor w ill provi de eac h of the photoli ne attendees wi t h a copy of the photo tor t he ir personal
use only. The Sponsor is also requi red t o communi cate to t he photoli ne attend ees t hat t he photo is f or private,
personal use only and th at t he photo cannot be used in any way to imply any ki nd of endorsement of an enti t y,
ind ividual. product or serv ice. Any use of the phot o that suggests or impl ies any suc h endorsement is f orbidden.
It is agreed t hat al l even t s in which t he Speaker part icipat es duri ng this en gagement Wi l l t ake place in t he same
ven ue unless agr eed oth erwise in wr iti ng by t he Agency. II
The topic, format , and length of t he lecture or speech shall , unl ess specifi cally agreed in wr iti ng, be at the sole
discretion of Speaker , The only approved speech t itl e will be ' Remar ks by For mer Secretary of State Hi l lary Rodham
Cli nton' . The lecture and any supporting materia ls provided by the Speaker remain the intellectual property of
Speaker's office, via t he Agency, shall have the r ight t o approve, in its sole discretion, any entity or individ ual , other
than t he Sponsor, who wi ll receive special consideration at t he event in ret urn for a fee, or i n return f or offeri ng
their services in donat ion. Thi s i nc ludes any ind ividual or entity which receives placement on the event program,
i n any manner, inc luding but not li mi ted t o as a speaker, i ntroducer, or moder at or , promot ional recogniti on i n
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t he event program, t he invit at ion, signage at the event, or recognition on th e Sponsor's websit e.
It is underst ood and agreed t hat Speaker is NOT endorsi ng t he Spo nsor or any ent ity , i ndivid ual, product, or
service in any way associated with t he Sponsor or t he engagement. Further , any use of Speaker 's name or l ikeness
in any manner what soever that suggests or implies any suc h endorsement or approval is absol utely f orbidden and
any breach of this agreement shall give Speaker or the Agency a r ight to an injunction and a claim f or damages i n
addition t o any other r ight s or remedies that t hey may have.
The Age ncy, on behalf of Speaker, shal l have t he r ight t o approve, in it s sole discreti on, sub-sponsors of the event.
sets, backdrops, banners, scenery, logos, setti ngs, etc which are in any way rel at ed t:::' I' her spee ch or any ot her
activit ies associated with th e Speaker's appearance. I
Any photographs and/or videos taken during the Speaker' s appearance by Sponsor, or any ent ity or person
associated with Sponsor , incl udi ng but not limited to any guest s or invit ees, cannot be used or distributed wi thout
the Agency's prior wri tten permission.
The Sponsor agrees t hat all co mmunications, mail i ngs, soli ci t ations, publi ci ty and/or promotio n t hat menti ons or
makes reference to Speaker must be specifi call y approved in wr iti ng i n advance by th e Agency. Please note t hat
t elevisi on, rad io, or bi ll board advertising wi l l not be approved. II
Speaker's participation at the event including the speech and reception will be cl osed to the press, unl ess
otherwise agr eed to i n wr it ing . There wil l be no ot her medi a opportunities or avai lab i lities (i.e.. press conferences,
statements . etc .). Should the Sponsor seek to i nvite any members of the media as guests, the Sponsor shall
provide the Agency with such guests' affiliation with the Sponsor and receive the Agency' s agreement in advance
of suc h i nvi tations.
It is understood and agreed that recording the Speak er's remarks f or any purpose, including by the Sponsor i s not
per mitted . The lecture may not be broadcast. webcast. simulcast or ot herwi se reproduc ed. If necessary, the
Sponsor may use Image Magnification (IMAG) t o proj ect the Speaker' s i mage on screens placed within th e event
room, with th e understandin g that th e Speake r' s remarks and image are not recorded as a resul t.
The Sponsor agrees to pay a fee of $1,250 for the serv ices of a st enographer, who w il l be onsi te at t he event. The
stenographer will transcribe Speaker' s remarks as t hey are being delivered, which shall be solely for the Speak er' s
records. All ar rangements relati ng to t he stenographer wi ll be managed by t he Agency.
The Sponsor under st ands and agrees t hat t he electronic text speech transcr i pt of spl Jker' s speech and any
audiotape of t he speech have been specially commissioned by and creat ed f or and co nst it utes a 'work
made f or hire' as t hat t er m is def i ned under the Copyr ight Act. 17 U.s.C. Sect ion 101 et seq. In t he event the
electronic t ext speech tra nscript and any audi ota pe/vi deotape of t he speech are not deemed a 'work made for hi re '
under the Copyr ight Act , the Sponsor hereby irrevocably assigns to Speaker in perp etuity any and al l r ight , title and
i nterest. includi ng the copyright. i n and to such transcr ipt and audiotape/videotape/DVD for the entire world, and
t he Sponsor shall not have any ownership rights of any ki nd with respect t hereto. Furt her, t he Sponsor sha ll cause
all individuals and entities ret ained by it in connection with transcr i bing Speaker 's speech or audio
t aping/videot api ng t he speech t o furn ish such servi ces on a 'wor k made for hire ' basis as t hat t er m is used under
r r onsor
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t he Copyri ght Act , and all such ind ividuals and entities shall execute an assi gnment, a form reasonably
satis facto ry to Speaker, of al l right, ti tle and int erest in or t o any of the services perfor med by t hem i n co nnect ion
w it h such work.
The Sponsor should r eserve twenty (20) seats at t he event for Speaker's st affiguests ' IT,hese seats should all be
together in the priority seating area and t he guests should be incl uded in the phot o r eceivi ng li ne. Guests wil l NOT
, I
count against Sponsor's 100 person max imum phot o l ine. These will be re leased by t he Agency should they not be
r eq uir ed . I
It is u nderstood and agreed by t he Sponsor that any add it io nal secur ity measures requested by t he US Secre t
Service, including but not Ilmit ed to, magnetometers and people trained to operate t hem, as well as t rai ned staff t o
search t he bags of attendees as appro pr iate, wi l l be the fi nancial responsibi li ty ofthe Sponsor.
It is under st oo d t hat the net honorari um for t hi s engagement is bei ng paid to The Bi ll , Hi l lary & Chelsea Cl inton
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organ izat ion dedicated to st rengthen t he capacity of people inthe United States and
, ,
t hr o ughout the world to meet the cha l lenges of global int erdependence. Payment t he appearance of Cl inton is
not subject to personal entertai nment tax w ithhold ings i n the Uni ted States o r Canada , where appl icab le.
Supporting documentation is available as needed. The US Fed ID # of the Cli nton Fo'u'ndati on is 311580204. The f u l l
, I
contrac t fee, however , as stated on this contract and accompanying invo ices is made payable to the Harry Walker
Agency, Inc. The Harry Walker Agency w i l l remit payment to The Bil l. Hillary & Cl inton Foundat ion.
Except as set f orth in t hi s Addendum, no additional appearances, semina rs, discuss ion groups, r ecept io ns, dinners,
press interviews, TV or radio ar rangements, et c. shal l be p lanned by t he Sponsor no! of the Speaker
I ,
unless expressly set fort h in th is Contract. The fees pr ov ided f or in this co nt r act are understood t o be for t he
lectu r e program only, any other activ it ies are to be t reated i ndependent ly unl ess coAtai ned i n t he Contrac t or
expressly agreed to i n wr it ing by the Agency.
It is agreed that the iti nerary for this event w ill be as follows:
Monday, October 13, 2014
7:00PM 7:30PM : Phot o l ine - not to exceed 50 photos wi th up to 100 people
7:30PM 8:30PM: Speech followed by Moder at ed Q&A
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The individual signing t his Cont ract on behalf of Sponsor (" Signat ory") rep resent s and war rants that he/she
signs as a duly aut horized representat ive of the Sponso r .
~ ~ ~
The Har ry Walker Agency. Inc.
May 13. 2014
Sponsor Initial s: _

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