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Nhat's the best 0S ever7

dd m|ss|ng tee|s te
|mreve ma||
eur fr|end|y gu|de te techne|egy
MkKE N0k0 Z03
N0kK 0N 0L0 PCs
I55uE 4 Z7 N0- 0 E0Z03

w|ndows XP? w|ndows 7? w|ndows 8?
F|nd o|d
c|ass|cs from
your youth
Kave we picked yeur faveurite7
And other word t|ps you'|| |ove Free too|s to organ|se a|| your |nfo
watch recerded T
en any dev|ce
Free software that makes |t easy
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
From!he Ed!or
Crcup d|tcr 0anl| Bccth
|eatures d|tcr Rcsl Hattrs|y
Rev|ews d|tcr A|an Lu
5en|cr 5ta Wr|ter !ams 1mprtcn
Ccntr|but|ng d|tcr Scctt Cc|vy
5en|cr 5ub d|tcr CrahamBrcwn
5en|cr Des|gner Fml|y W||r
Scrry, nc tchnlca| cr buylng advlc.
Advert|sement sa|es &med|a pack
0207907 6799
Advert|s|ng D|rectcr Andra Mascn
Acccunt Manager A|xa 0raccs
5en|cr 5a|es xecut|ve Ptr Smlth
5ubscr|pt|cns Manager Sarah A|drldg
Market|ng and d|tcr|a| xecut|ve
Pau| Cccdhad
Market|ng Prcduct|cn Manager Cmma Hl||s
C|rcu|at|cn &Research Ass|stant
Samantha Rcw
Crcup Prcduct|cn Manager
Stphn Cathra||, 0207907 6054
Prcduct|cn Ccntrc||er
Fbcny Bsagnl, 0207907 6060
Manag|ng D|rectcr !chn Carwa|
Deputy Manag|ng D|rectcr 1lm0antcn
MDcf Advert|s|ng !u|lan L|cyd-Fvans
Ccmmerc|a| and Reta|| D|rectcr 0avld Barkr
Crcup Manag|ng D|rectcr |an Wstwccd
CDDBrtt Rync|ds
Crcup ||nance D|rectcr |an Lggtt
Ch|ef xecut|ve !ams 1y
Cha|rman P|lx 0nnls
Ccmpanls can cbtaln a |lcnc tc us apprcvd
quctatlcns frcmartlc|s, th Ccmputractlv
|cgc and Buy |tl |cgc. Rprlnts cf artlc|s ar
a|sc aval|ab|.
P|ease ccntact Wr|ghts Med|a fcr mcre
|nfcrmat|cn and rates:
Uk: B77-652-5295 xt J64
|nternat|cna|: 2BJ-4J9-5725 xt J64
ma||: NladmarccQwrlghtsmdla.ccm
Rqusts tc us quctatlcns frcmartlc|s wl||
nd tc b apprcvd by th dltcr. P|as snd
rqusts tc.
Ccmputractlv ls aval|ab| fcr lntrnatlcna|
|lcnslng. Ccntact Nlcc| Adams at nlcc| cr -44 (0l207907 6J34
Tls pub|lcatlcn may nct b rsc|d cr cthrwls
dlstrlbutd, whthr at, b|cwcr abcv fac
va|u. Ncr can thls pub|lcatlcn b advrtlsd fcr
sa|, transfr cr dlstrlbutlcn.
Matrla| may nct b rprcducd ln any fcrm
wlthcut th wrlttn ccnsnt cf th pub|lshr.
P|as addrss such rqusts tc !chn Carwa|,
0nnls Pub|lshlng, 30C|v|and Strt,
Lcndcn WJ1 4!0
Whl| vry car was takn prparlng thls
magazln, th pub|lshrs cannct b h|d
rspcnslb| fcr th accuracy cf th lnfcrmatlcn
cr any ccnsqunc arlslng frcmlt. A||
judgmnts ar basd cn qulpmnt aval|ab|
tc Ccmputractlv at th tlm cf rvlw.
Ccmputractlv taks nc rspcnslbl|lty fcr th
ccntnt cf xtrna| wbslts whcs addrsss
ar pub|lshd ln th magazln.
Ccmputractlv ls pub|lshd
fcrtnlght|y by 0nnls Pub|lshlng
Ltd, 30C|v|and Strt, Lcndcn WJ1 4!0.
Ccmpany rglstrd ln Fng|and. Matrla| may
nct b rprcducd ln whc| cr part wlthcut th
ccnsnt cf th pub|lshrs. |SSNJ46J-62JJ
Avrag sa|s, Ian-Dec 2012, 98,560
ccpls pr lssu.
Ccpyrlght 0nnls Pub|lshlng Llmltd
I once recelved u phone cull rom u reuder
vho vus upseI by ln hls vords hov
huIed, louIhed und desplsed Wlndovs
VlsIu ls. He suld he couldn`I undersIund vhy
lI vus regurded by muny FC users us such
un lrredeemubly uved operuIlng sysIem.
He reculled hov he vus luughed uI by u
smug nephev hls vords uguln) vho
mocked hls loyulIy Io VlsIu.
Hls deence o VlsIu demonsIruIed hov
pusslonuIely people eel ubouI Ihelr uvourlIe
operuIlng sysIem. I remembered hls unger
vhen edlIlng Ihls lssue`s cover euIure, ln
vhlch ve look uI Ihe pusI our verslons o
Wlndovs XF, VlsIu, 7 und S und declde
vhlch ls besI. You muy noI ugree vlIh our
verdlcI und I Ihe uoremenIloned
reuder von`I), buI I hope you upprecluIe
Ihe reusons ve glve.
Once you`ve reud Ihe euIure, I`d love Io
knov your oplnlons. Dld ve muke Ihe rlghI
cholce` Huve ve overlooked some euIures
ln your uvourlIe operuIlng sysIem` Fleuse
emull me vlIh your IhoughIs.
DanicI Booth
Pr|ce |ncrease for
V|rg|n broadband,
to beg|n |n Pebruary
next year - pcge 7
Max|mumbattery ||fe
of the newMacBook
Pro Ret|na J3|n -
pcge 18
Dur rat|ng for Amazon's
br||||ant newk|nd|e
Paperwh|te, wh|ch
costs EJ09
- pcge 24
Dur score for
W|ndows XP, but
|s |t enough to beat
W|ndows V|sta, 7
and B7 - pcge 54
B.7% ZIhours Sstars ZZI30
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
27 Nov J00ec 20J3 lssue4JJ
WIndovs shovdovn
Wccmparthmrlts cf
Mlcrcscft's fcur blgcpratlngsystms
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anncunclngcur prscna| favcurlt
Cet relIable medIcal
advIce onlIne
Tbst p|acs cn|lntcgt ha|th
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savlngs cntratmnt
RedIscover the musIc o!
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Nhat's the best 0S ever7
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27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
Her f hefrnigh
N0W0NLY 14.99
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vastl lnternet
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be be
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
etostor|es |n thewor|dof techno|og
ryptoLocker ransomvare
puts mIllIons at rIsk
Fuedophlles looklng or
lmuges und vldeos o chlld sex
ubuse onllne vlll no longer be
uble Io nnd Ihem
on Ihe UK`s Ivo
blggesI seurch
Google und
MlcrosoI`s Blng
huve been
vorklng IogeIher
Io remove seurch resulIs or
IUU,UUU Ierms IhuI ure knovn
Io llnk Io chlld ubuse onllne.
Nov, unyone seurchlng
or Ihese Ierms vlll
see u blunk resulIs
puge und u vurnlng
messuge IhuI vhuI
Ihey`re looklng or
ls lllegul.
In July, Duvld
Cumeron culled on Ihe Ivo
compunles Io do more Io sIop
people uccesslng lmuges o
chlld sex ubuse onllne. 1ory
MF Clulre Ferry, vho hus been
udvlslng Ihe prlme mlnlsIer
on Ihe lssue, suld Ihe nev
meusures vere u greuI sIep
BuI JlmGumble, ormer
heud o Ihe Chlld ExplolIuIlon
und Onllne FroIecIlon CenIre
CEOF) clulmed IhuI Ihe
chunges vouldn`I muke uny
dlerence. He suld IhuI
puedophlles dldn`I use Google
Io seurch or lmuges, buI hld
ln durk corners o Ihe
lnIerneI. He udded IhuI
seurch englnes hud been
blocklng chlld sex ubuse
conIenI or some Ilme ulreudy.
CoogleandMIcroso!t crackdovnonchIldabuse
WlIh CrypIoLocker provlng
so successul Ihe crlmlnuls
behlnd lI huve even seI up un
onllne 'cusIomer servlce`
vebslIe Io help people puy Ihe
llllons o people huve
been IurgeIed by u
runsomvure scumIhuI
encrypIs ull Ihelr FC nles und
Ihen demunds more Ihun
SUU Io unlock Ihem.
1e IhreuI rom
CrypIoLocker ls so serlous IhuI
Ihe UK`s NuIlonul Crlme
Agency NCA) hus urged
people noI Io open uny emulls
clulmlng Io be romIhelr bunk.
1e scumls spreudlng vlu un
emull uIIuchmenI vhlch
clulms Io be u volcemull, ux,
lnvolce or deIulls o u
IrunsucIlon romyour bunk.
CrypIoLocker cun lnecI uny
compuIer runnlng Wlndovs
und Ihe NCA suld lI represenIs
u serlous rlsk Io users.
Once Ihe uIIuchmenI hus
been opened, lI lnsIulls Ihe
CrypIoLocker soIvure und
encrypIs everyIhlng on your
FC, muklng lI lmposslble Io
uccess uny nles. A Ilmer beglns
counIlng dovn rom72 hours,
uIer vhlch Ihe crlmlnuls clulm
Ihe runsomIo decrypI Ihe nles
vlll lncreuse romS4U Io
more Ihun S,UUU.
RuIher Ihun usklng or
runsompuymenIs vlu credlI
curd, Ihe crlmlnuls ure uslng
Ihe vlrIuully unIruceuble onllne
currency BlIcolns und u sysIem
culled MoneyFuk.
ExperIs huve vurned IhuI lI
ls seemlngly lmposslble Io
decrypI your nles, even l you
puy Ihe runsom. Some people
vho huve puld Ihe runsom
huve suld IhuI Ihe key provlded
IodecrypI Ihelr nles dldnoIhlng.
AnIlvlrus soIvure ls ulso
useless once CrypIoLocker hus
lnecIed u compuIer. Whlle lI
cun remove Ihe mullclous
soIvure, nles vlll remuln
eu'll lkeths.
on has started de||ver|ng on 5ndas
to Pr|me cstomers |n the London area
.but net ths
LastPass sas J52mdobe sers were
hacked, not|
|f or PCrns W|ndows, o
sho|d down|oad and |nsta||
the free CrptoPrevent too||
Wh||e |t w||| prevent
CrptoLocker from|nfect|ng
or sstem, |t can't remove
the ransomware |f |t's a|read
|nsta||ed. |f o're a|read
|nfected, or on| hope |s
to restore W|ndows froma
backp. |f o don't have a
backp of or sstem, then
there's crrent| noth|ng o
can be done to restore or
decrpted h|es.

27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3 7

You1ube hus lncurred Ihe
vruIh o lIs users uIer
muklng blg chunges
Io Ihe vuy
commenIs ure
1e blggesI
chunge sees Google
orclng people Io
llnk Ihelr You1ube
uccounI Io Ihelr
Google pronle. Frevlously,
muny people vho posI vldeos
und commenI on You1ube
dld so uslng un onllne
pseudonym, vhlch oered u
cerIuln level o unonymlIy.
Feople huve ulso rulsed eurs
over securlIy uIer You1ube
ulloved users Io lnclude llnks
ln commenIs, someIhlng IhuI
vus prevlously prohlblIed.
1ls hus led Io complulnIs
ubouI llnks Io mullclous
vebslIes und Io 'screumers`
vldeos IhuI dlspluy u dlsIurblng
YouTubefails totacklespamcomments
but hItscustomersvIthprIcehIke
Feople vho geI Ihelr
broudbund romVlrgln
Medlu vlll see Ihelr
bllls lncreuse by 6.7 per
cenI romFebruury,
Ihe compuny hus
1e prlce lncreuse
colncldes vlIh nevs IhuI
Vlrgln vlll ulso be rulslng
broudbund speeds or ull
cusIomers by uI leusI
2UMbps. 1e compuny
ulso suld IhuI Ihe Iop
speed o lIs nbre neIvork
vould jump romI2UMbps
Io IS2Mbps.
Feople on Vlrgln`s mosI
populur conIrucI, Ihe EssenIlul
CollecIlon, vlll see Ihelr
monIhly blll lncreuse by 8
rom4U.99 Io 48.99. As
Vlrgln churges u monIh ln
udvunce Ihe Februury prlce
hlke vlll uppeur on bllls ln
AlIhough Ihe prlce rlse
hlIs cusIomers ln llIIle over u
monIh, Vlrgln couldn`I connrm
vhen people vould be geIIlng
usIer speeds. A spokesperson
suld Vlrgln couldn`I be more
speclnc Ihun nexI yeur.
CusIomers cun check vhen
speeds ure llkely Io lncreuse ln
Ihelr ureu uI vvv.vlrglnmedlu.
Under Vlrgln`s
Ierms und condlIlons,
cusIomers cun cuncel
Ihelr conIrucI vlIh no
nnunclul penulIy us
long us Ihey do so
vlIhln 8U duys o belng
noIlned o Ihe prlce rlse.
Vlrgln suld lI vus
vrlIlng Io ull uecIed
cusIomers vlIh deIulls
o Ihe chunges.
Eurller Ihls yeur B1
unnounced lI vould be
rulslng broudbund prlces
by 6.S per cenI romJunuury
2UI4. Vlrgln`s neIvork ls
ulreudy slgnlncunIly usIer
Ihun unyIhlng oered by lIs
rlvuls, vlIh B1 und Sky`s
Iopend speeds seI uI 76Mbps.
Some Vlrgln cusIomers,
lncludlng Ihose on ADSL
connecIlons und on some
older puckuges, vlll be
unuecIed by Ihe prlce hlke.
05k 55W0k5
M||||ons of Pacebook users
are be|ng asked to change
the|r password after the
account deta||s of J50m||||on
Adobe customers were
posted on||ne by hackers.
Te soc|a| network |s
forc|ng any Adobe users who
used the same password for
Pacebook to change the|r
deta||s and answer add|t|ona|
secur|ty quest|ons. Tose
aected w||| be |ocked out
of Pacebook unt|| they reset
the|r password.
0M0Tk Vlk05
Ma||c|ous softwarehas
managedtoenter thevo|dof
space, accord|ngtosecur|ty
expert Lugenekaspersky.
kaspersky, headof the
revea|edthat |n200BRuss|an
cosmonauts |nadvertent|y
st|ck ontothe|nternat|ona|
5pace5tat|on|55I, spread|ng
ma||c|ous softwarethat took
contro| of |aptops.
Lar||er th|s year the
W|ndows XPtoL|nux|nan
eort to|mprovesecur|ty
and re||ab|||ty.
lmuge und pluy u loud nolse
deslgned Io shock people.
Google, vhlch boughI
You1ube ln 2UUS, suld Ihe
ulIeruIlons vould creuIe
conversuIlons IhuI muIIer
Io you, buI Ihe chunges
huve provoked u voclerous
bucklush rommuny users.
More Ihun IIU,UUU people
slgned un onllne peIlIlon
culllng or Google Io reverse
Ihe chunges.
Juved Kurlm, vho
coounded You1ube und
uppeured ln Ihe nrsI vldeo
uplouded Io Ihe slIe
ln 2UUS, vus one
o muny Io volce
hls dlsIusIe.
Why Ihe do
I need u Google
uccounI Io commenI
on u vldeo` he usked.
Google suld IhuI llnklng
You1ube uccounIs Io
Google pronles vould
muke commenIs dlspluyed
belov vldeos more relevunI
und lnIeresIlng.
A veek uIer Ihe nev
commenI sysIemvenI llve
Google udmlIIed lI vus
provlng problemuIlc.
We knovIhere ure lssues
vlIh spumund ubuse ln Ihe
nevcommenIs und ve`re
vorklng hurd Io nx Ihem,
lI suld, uddlng IhuI lI vus
ulso vorklng hurd Io remove
spummy commenIs und
bud llnks.
Nok|a |s work|ng on a
'fo|dab|e' battery that cou|d
|ead to the creat|on of u|tra-
th|n, bendab|e phones. Te
company h|ed a patent |n
March for |ts Battery Pack,
wh|ch |s made of ce||s that
curve to match the shape
of the phone, and can even
fo|d |n on themse|ves. 1o see
the patent, wh|ch |nc|udes
draw|ngs of the pack, v|s|t|


27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

reveals Urequests for user data
merlcun securlIy ugencles
muke more requesIs or
cusIomer duIu romApple
Ihun Ihe resI o Ihe vorld
comblned, Apple hus reveuled.
BuI Ihe compuny proIesIed
ugulnsI u gugglng order ln Ihe
US prevenIlng lI romully
dlscloslng Ihe exIenI
und nuIure o Ihose
requesIs. Apple
suld Ihe US
governmenI mude
beIveen I,UUU
und 2,UUU
requesIs or
people`s duIu ln
Ihe slx monIhs Io
8U June, uecIlng
2,UUU Io 8,UUU
1e vugue ngures ure
urIher muddled by Apple
suylng lI hunded over duIu on
beIveen zero und I,UUU
people. II suld Ihe lnormuIlon
requesIed lncluded uccounI
deIulls und ln some cuses
phoIos und emulls.
AI Ihe Ilme o Ihls
reporI, Ihe US
governmenI does noI
ullovApple Io
dlsclose, excepI ln
broud runges, Ihe
number o nuIlonul
securlIy orders, Ihe
number o uccounIs
uecIedby Ihe orders,
or vheIher conIenI,
such us emulls, vus dlsclosed.
We sIrongly oppose Ihls gug
order, Apple suld. 1e UK,
vhlch vus second on Ihe llsI,
mude I4I requesIs vlIh Spuln,
Germuny und AusIrullu
compleIlng Ihe Iop nve.
Google execuIlve Erlc
SchmldI suld lI vus
ouIrugeous IhuI US securlIy
ugencles vere vllllng Io
vloluIe Ihe prlvucy o mllllons
Io nnd u evevll people.
MlcrosoI hus suggesIed
IhuI lI pluns Io beIIer
encrypI cusIomer duIu Io
keep ouI governmenI
spooks by lmprovlng securlIy
vhen lnormuIlon moves
beIveen lIs servers.
MALlCl005 XTN5l0N5
Coog|e w||| start b|ock|ng
Chrome browser extens|ons
not hosted on |ts omc|a| store
so |t can protect peop|e from
dub|ous add-ons.
Coog|e sa|d that Chrome
users regu|ar|y comp|a|ned
about rogue extens|ons that
changed browser sett|ngs
w|thout perm|ss|on. |t sa|d
|t cou|d protect peop|e's
browsers better by mak|ng
the Chrome Web 5tore the
on|y p|ace to get extens|ons.
5KY 5WlTCH5 0N
Anetwork-|eve| h|ter for
a|| 5ky customers has been
|nsta||ed a|m|ng to protect
ch||dren fromadu|t content.
Te h|ter protects a|| dev|ces
connected to |t, w|th no
add|t|ona| software requ|red.
5ky Broadband 5h|e|d won't
be turned on by defau|t for
ex|st|ng customers, but new
customers w||| have to sw|tch
|f o|f they don't want |t when
they s|gn up. Lx|st|ng 5ky
customers can sw|tch the h|ter
on |n the|r My 5ky sett|ngs.
ral broadbandpro|ectsdItched
1vo lndependenI projecIs Io
brlng superusI broudbund Io
rurul DorseI und Oxordshlre
huve been rejecIed vlIh B1
geIIlng Ihe conIrucIs lnsIeud.
Oxordshlre und DorseI
counIy counclls Iurned dovn
Ihe projecIs ln uvour o B1,
urIher sIrengIhenlng Ihe
compuny`s grlp on BrlIuln`s
broudbund lnrusIrucIure. 1e
nevs comes jusI veeks uIer
Ihe GovernmenI vus slummed
or vusIlng Iuxpuyers` money
ln lIs udged uIIempIs Io beIIer
connecI rurul communlIles.
1e CoIsvold Broudbund
Scheme vunIed Io brlng
nbreIoIhepremlses servlces
Io S,UUU homes ln Oxordshlre,
buI Ihe locul councll lnsIeud
opIed or B1`s bld Io lnsIull u
slover nbreIoIhecublneI
neIvork. WlIhouI locul
councll undlng lI`s unllkely
Ihe CoIsvold Broudbund
Scheme vlll novgo uheud.
Eurller Ihls monIh u slmllur
scheme ln DorseI ulso losI ouI
Io B1. SIeve Adumson, heud
o Ihe 1rullvuy scheme
IhuI plunned Io run nbre
cubles ulong dlsused rull
Irucks, vus crlIlcul o Ihe
counIy councll`s declslon.
Our scheme oered nbre Io
Ihe home, vhlch ls noI vhuI
B1 ls oerlng. II vus golng Io
be beIIer und lI vus golng Io
be cheuper, he suld.
Once lI becume cleur IhuI B1
vould lnclude Ihe sume ureus
ln lIs pluns, 1rullvuy vus deud
ln Ihe vuIer, he Iold Ihe BBC.
A reporI ln SepIember by
Ihe publlc uccounIs
commlIIee vus hlghly crlIlcul
o Ihe GovernmenI`s hundllng
o Ihe superusI broudbund
rollouI. 1o duIe B1 hus von
every broudbund conIrucI
uvulluble, pockeIlng I.2bn
ln publlc unds us u resulI.
AndrevFerguson o
1lnkbroudbund suld IhuI ln
muny cuses locul counclls
vere uvurdlng B1 Ihe
conIrucIs us lI vus u suer beI
Ihun lndependenI projecIs.
II ls noI uncommon or
enIrepreneurs Io huve muny
ullures ln buslness und Ihe
rlsk o IoIul ullure by
employlng B1 Io cover ureus
ls probubly seen us mlnlmul,
he suld.
You can nowdo more w|th
Cma||'s 'qu|ck act|on' buttons,
wh|ch |et you perform
act|ons re|ated to an ema||
w|thout hav|ng to open |t -
for examp|e, R5VPto a
party |nv|te.
Nowyou can a|so open
0ropbox fo|ders and Coog|e
0ocs h|es, and watch v|deos
you've up|oaded on You1ube
just by c||ck|ng a button
next to an ema||. Por more
|nformat|on and |mages of
the buttons |n act|on v|s|t the
omc|a| Cma|| b|og at www.

theIr past !romtheveb7
TheConserva!vePar!yhas vpedhundreds ol speeches lrom!heveo. \elook
a! hov! vas doneandvhy!hen!erne! vll never oearelaolearchve
ny webs|te can stop
Coog|e and other search
eng|nes from||st|ng pages
by |nsert|ng a spec|a| p|ece
of code known as robot.txt
Webs|te owners can ask
the |nternet rch|ve to
remove any webs|te or
webpage from|ts records.
Te non-proht organ|st|on
w||| a|ways agree to such
Te Conservat|ve and
Labour part|es have both
h|dden or erased dozens
of omc|a| speeches and
art|c|es frombefore 20J0
n II, hulllng hls
GoernmenI`s pollc o
muklng omclul duIu uulluble
Io Ihe musses, Duld Cumeron
roIe IhuI lnormuIlon ls
poer. 1o eurs luIer Ihe
ConseruIle purI lped u
decudes` orIh o speeches
und urIlcles romlIs ebslIe,
eecIlel eruslng Ihem
AI some polnI ln OcIober,
Ihe ConseruIle purI
lnserIed u plece o code lnIo
blocked seurch englnes rom
lndelng some o lIs puges.
1e code ls eecIlel u 'do
noI enIer` slgn IhuI Ihe llkes o
Google und Ihe InIerneI
Archle ure compelled Io obe.
B uddlng Ihls code, Ihe
ConseruIle FurI hus
uIIempIed Io remoe Ihe
omclul record o eer speech
und eer urIlcle lI posIed
beIeen und I.
1e reeluIlons ere
componded hen lI us
dlscoered IhuI Ihe purI hud
ulso been prglng ldeos
romlIs Yo1be puge. IIs
WebCumeron serles hlch
gue u behlndIhescenes look
uI Ihe purI hen lI us ln
opposlIlon hus elIher been
deleIed romYo1be or
dellsIed, muklng lI prucIlcull
lmposslble Io nnd.
Deendlng Ihe purI`s
ucIlons, u ConseruIle
spokesperson suld IhuI
remolng Ihe urchle o
speeches und urIlcles old
ullopeople Io qlckl und
eusll uccess Ihe mosI
lmporIunI lnormuIlon.
OIspoken ormer Lubor
depI prlme mlnlsIer John
FrescoII derlded Ihe moe.
Hodo 1orles sIop belng
uccsed o breuklng elecIlon
promlses` B DELE1ING ull
pre I speeches &press
releuses! he posIed on 1lIIer
BI lI soon becume
uppurenI IhuI lI usn`I jsI Ihe
ConseruIles ho ere
Irlng Io scrb uu Ihelr pusI
promlses ln Ihe rn p Io Ihe
neI generul elecIlon. 1e
nes urchle on Ihe omclul
Lubor purI ebslIe
crlosl sIops deud on S
SepIember I, Ihe du
Ed Mlllbund becume Ihe
purI`s leuder. In conIrusI,
Ihe Llberul DemocruI ebslIe
sIlll hus un eusIouccess
urchle rnnlng buck Io
SepIember S.
1e lnIerneI ls neer golng
Io be Ihe record o eenIs IhuI
e unI lI Io be. Sch ls lIs
ephemerul nuIre IhuI puges
cun be edlIed, hldden or
deleIed compleIel. II ls
oolhurd Io Ihlnk IhuI huI
uIhorlIles pI onllne lll be
Ihere or good.
1e InIerneI Archle
.urchle.orgeb), u Sun
Frunclscobused nonpronI
orgunlsuIlon IhuI`s urchllng
Ihe enIlre lnIerneI, udmlIs sch
IlllI ln lIs on Ierms und
condlIlons. I someone doesn`I
unI u puge romIhelr ebslIe
sIored on Ihe InIerneI Archle,
Ihen Ihe cun elIher se code
Io Iell Ihe urchle Io sIop dolng
so, or conIucI IhemdlrecIl und
usk or puges Io be remoed.
Google und oIher seurch
englnes ure ulso orced Io obe
code IhuI Iells Ihelr uIomuIed
scunners noI Io lnde cerIuln
ebslIes or ebpuges.
1e lsse ls less uboI or
pollIlcluns Irlng Io hlde Ihe
pusI und more uboI or ulIh
ln Ihe lnIerneI us u orce or
pbllc good. In 6 Duld
Cumeron suld IhuI compunles
llke Google ere
democruIlslng Ihe orld`s
lnormuIlon. In I Ihe
orlglnul cop o IhuI speech
us erused romIhe lnIerneI.
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
Then!erne! s never on
!ooe!herecordol even!s !ha!
vevan! ! !ooe

1|| us what's cnycur mlnd

ma||: |
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7w|tter: QCcmputrctlv
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
gXPis like'inviting
burglars intoyour home'
Well done or
nnully jumplng o Ihe ence und
hlghllghIlng Ihe securlIy rlsks o
conIlnulng vlIh Wlndovs XF QuesIlon
o Ihe ForInlghI, Issue 4IU). Muny o my
rlends und umlly sIlll use XF, und
sIubbornly reuse Io upgrude Ihough, Io
be ulr, IhuI`s more becuuse Ihey don`I
llke Ihe look o Wlndovs S ruIher Ihun
belng ugulnsI upgrudlng ln prlnclple.
BuI Ihe scury Ihlng ls IhuI ulIhough
Ihey ull undersIund hov unsue lI vlll be
Io sIlck vlIh XF uIer Aprll 2UI4, Ihey`re
prepured Io Iuke Ihe rlsk. I keep Ielllng
IhemIhuI`s Ihe compuIlng equlvulenI o
leuvlng your ronI door vlde open und
erecIlng u neon slgn ubove suylng,
Burglurs velcome here. I`ve shovn
Ihemyour euIure vhlch conIulned
excellenI udvlce rompeople vho vork
or soIvuresecurlIy nrms ln un eorI
Io chunge Ihelr mlnds.
oward !ohnson
windows 8is 'easier
I ugree vlIh Ihe commenIs Duvld
GrlmIhs mude ln Issue 4U9 ubouI
Ihe vhlngers knocklng Wlndovs S. I
used Wlndovs XF, vhlch I IhoughI vus u
superb operuIlng sysIem. I Ihen moved on
Io VlsIu, vhlch vusn`I one o MlcrosoI`s
besI producIs, buI lI sIlll hud some good
polnIs. 1vo yeurs ugo, I purchused u nev
deskIop FC vlIh Wlndovs 7, vhlch ls
one o MlcrosoI`s besI producIs.
LusI June, lI vus Ilme or me Io repluce
my lupIop. I declded Io muke u chunge so
lnsIeud o buylng
u nevlupIop I
purchused un
Apple lFud. I
used lI or nve
monIhs, buI jusI
couldn`I geI Io
grlps vlIh lI. 1e
vusn`I very responslve und u loI o Ihe
uncIlons compllcuIed Io use. In ucI I
ound Ihe vhole experlence exusperuIlng.
I sold Ihe lFud und jumped ln Ihe deep
end by buylng un Acer Asplre VS lupIop
vlIh Wlndovs. WhuI u dlerence! 1e
Iouchscreen ls ulIruresponslve, Ihe
soIvure eusy Io use und Ihere ure plenIy
o eusyIolocuIe upps und progrums. All
Ihe uss ubouI no sIurI buIIon ls u sIorm
ln u Ieucup. I`ve jusI upduIed Io Wlndovs
S.I und nnd lI equul Io Wlndovs 7. Yes lI
hus some dlerenI euIures, buI overull
lI`s u superb operuIlng sysIem
!ohn Be||more
Mylaptopsurvivedcat pee
1e sIory ln Issue 4IU ubouI Ihe
Dell lupIop smelllng o cuI pee
remlnded me o Ihe Ilme severul yeurs
ugo vhen my sllghIly lnconIlnenI peI
cuI lI vus geIIlng on u blI) relleved lIsel
over my lupIop. ForIunuIely lI vus closed,
buI I sIlll eured Ihe vorsI. 1o my surprlse,
uIer I leI lI Io dry or u evduys, lI
vorked perecIly. Yes, lI dld pong u blI,
buI noIhlng u evspruys o uIershuve
couldn`I recIly. I cun`I suy vheIher Ihls
Iechnlque vlll vork vlIh Ihe Dell lupIop.
Raymond R|chards
'Easier' tomakeagun
thanprint one
In Issue 4U9 you publlshed u leIIer
romDuvld BuIIervell ubouI 8D
prlnIlng. He vus vorrled IhuI people cun
prlnI guns und menIloned u snlper rle
vvv.snlpcu.comIU8I7). 1ls rle ls
ucIuully u unIusy veupon romIhe role
pluylng gume Hulo. II Ihereore does noI
exlsI ln reul lle, unless, o course, you
dovnloud Ihe nle und prlnI lI, vhlch sIlll
only mukes lI u unIusy Ioy.
II`s u plIy IhuI 8DprlnIlng hus gulned
mosI o lIs publlclIy due Io lrruIlonul
eurs ubouI prlnIlng guns. 1e Iechnology
hus un usIonlshlng uIure und ls cupuble
o brlnglng dovn Ihe cosI o deslgn Iusks
noI even IhoughI posslble ln Ihe pusI. 1e
publlc need Io knovIhuI lI`s eusler und
suer Io cobble IogeIher u crude gun ln
your uveruge gurden shed Ihun Io prlnI
one. 1en Ihere`s Ihe requlremenI or
ummunlIlon Iry prlnIlng IhuI!
I cun ussure Fhll Cookson
LeIIers, Issue 4IU) IhuI I don`I
huve u borlng lle jusI becuuse I huve un
lFhone. II muy shock Mr Cookson, buI I
ovn un lFhone noI becuuse I huve u
guplng vold uI Ihe cenIre o my lle, buI
becuuse lI`s one o Ihe mosI umuzlng
pleces o Iechnology ever. Ovnlng
one doesn`I meun I orgeI Ihe reul
lle I huve. BuI lI does meun I
huve un umuzlng devlce IhuI helps
me llve u more
ulnlllng lle. Mr
Cookson seems
Ihrllled IhuI he
cun sIlll muke u
IPhone gIves me 'more !ulllInglI!e'
phone cull on hls old Noklu. Well greuI.
Hlp hlp hooruy. BuI cun he vuIch Ihe
lFluyer on lI` Cun he geI GFS mup
dlrecIlons` Cun he Iulk Io rlends on
Skype` No, he cun`I. 1uI sounds preIIy
borlng, doesn`I lI`
M|chae| W|nter
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
amesbetterthan'sguIggly' CPTCHs
o Io see vho`s prlnIed u unIusy
8DplusIlc Ihermonucleur devlce. Nov
IhuI`s Io vorry Ihe lrruIlonul publlc.
!ohn Haas
Screw's polic
We ull vunI our onllne purchuslng
Io be secure, buI vhen securlIy
ucIuully prevenIs you muklng u genulne
purchuse, perhups Ihe compuny pollcy
hus gone Ioo ur. 1ls ls cerIulnly Ihe cuse
vlIh Screvnx
I recenIly venI onllne Io purchuse one
o Ihelr slnk und Iup pucks, cosIlng uround
IUU, und urrunged or my husbund Io
plck up Ihe lIems severul hundred mlles
uvuy uI Ihe locuIlon vhere he vus
lnsIulllng u nevklIchen. Neur Ihe end o
Ihe checkouI process, I vus lnormed IhuI
I hud Io Iuke my credlI curd Io Ihe sIore Io
verly Ihe purchuse, uppurenIly or my
ovn securlIy. When I phoned Screvnx Io
Iulk Io u munuger, she connrmed Ihe rule
und dldn`I even Iry Io oer me un
ulIernuIlve vuy Io curry ouI Ihe purchuse.
As I obvlously vusn`I golng Io geI on u
Iruln und go ull Ihe vuy dovn Io Ihe shop
jusI Io shovIhemmy curd, I vus orced
Io cuncel Ihe purchuse und buy romu
compuny vho uppeured Io vunI my
cusIom. MosI compunles vlll Iuke un
onllne curd purchuse und dellver Ihe
lIems. As long us someone slgns or Ihem,
IhuI`s good enough securlIy. WlIh Argos,
or exumple, you`re glven u code or
verlncuIlon purposes. Why cun`I Screvnx
come up vlIh u sysIemIo leI cusIomers
buy romIhemvhen Ihey cunnoI collecI
ln person`
!ack|e 5herman
CAsas Wc conIacIcd Scrcvx so iI
couId rcspond Io Jackic`s compIainI. Tc
company said IhaI vhiIc iI Irics Io givc
cusIomcrs Ihc mosI cxibIc opIions
vhcn cusIomcrs ordcr onIinc, Ihc cIick &
coIIccI scrvicc vhich is vhaI Jackic vas
using is sIandard indusIry pracIicc for
many purchascs, such as coIIccIing
prcpaid cincma or Irain IickcIs.
Scrcvx insisIs IhaI Ihis IcIs Ihcm
mainIain a robusI sccuriIy poIicy.
Tc company addcd: Whcn cusIomcrs
opI Io usc our cIick & coIIccI scrvicc, iI
is imporIanI for us Io vaIidaIc Ihcir
idcnIiIy bcforc rcIcasing Ihcir ordcr
Io cnsurc a highIy sccurc shopping
cxpcricncc in Iinc viIh crcdiI and dcbiI
card providcrs.
Googlechanges are
for thebetter
I shuke my heud ln
despulr vhen I reud Ihe
vlevs o people such us Erlc
MurIln LeIIers, Issue 4IU),
vho crlIlclse Google or
chunglng lIs servlces Ioo much.
1e people vho run Google
uren`I duI. 1ey knovIhuI l Ihey`re
golng Io reluunch u servlce vheIher lI`s
Gmull, You1ube or Chrome Ihey`re noI
golng Io lnclude neveuIures jusI or Ihe
suke o lI. CounIless hours vould huve
been spenI IesIlng Ihese nevIools Io
muke sure Ihey lmprove Ihlngs.
I Ihlnk Mr MurIln belongs Io u sIubborn
group o sIlcklnIhemuds vho love Io
moun ubouI unyIhlng nev. I`ve Irled Ihe
nevGmull und I love lI. Every chunge
Google hus mude mukes perecI sense. II`s
u loglcul evoluIlon Io Ihe besI vebmull
servlce. O course nevIhlngs Iuke u
vhlle Io geI used Io, buI ls IhuI uny
reuson Io glve up Ihe nrsI Ilme you geI
sIuck` Fersevere vlIh nevsIu und
you`ll evenIuully reullse vhy lI vus
chunged. II`s ulmosI ulvuys or Ihe beIIer.
Mark ndrews
I vus dellghIed Io
reud ln Nevs, Issue
4IU, IhuI Google ls vorklng
on pluns Io muke lI eusler
Io reud CAF1CHAs.
Reudlng Ihose squlggly
vords ls hurd enough l you
huve perecI eyeslghI lI`s
ulmosI lmposslble or
purIlully slghIed people llke
me. I huve Io keep rereshlng Ihe
puge Io nnd one I cun declpher. And
vhen I glve up, I huve Io cull or my
vle`s help. She geIs ed up vlIh lI so
she`ll be jusI us huppy us me l Google
bunlshes Ihls unnoyunce or good.
AIer yeurs o rusIruIlon, I novboycoII
uny servlce IhuI requlres me Io do u
BuI I muy noI huve Io conIlnue Ihls
boycoII much longer becuuse Ioduy I
reud ubouI soculled FluyCupIchus
vvv.snlpcu.comIUSSS) vhlch use
gumes lnsIeud o blurred vords. Yes
Ihese gumes ure ulso udverIs, und Ihey
sound u blI sllly ln one o Ihemyou
huve Io pour sulud creumon Io u
sundvlch. I shun`I Iell you vhuI brund
o sulud creum, buI I`mpreIIy sure
everyone ln Ihe UK vould huve boughI
lI uI some polnI. 1ls sounds llke u
greuI soluIlon Ihey`re sIlll very sue
becuuse Ihey requlre humun
lnIelllgence, buI Ihey don`I leuve you
crosseyed. So I`mconndenI ve`ll be
suylng good rlddunce Io CAF1CHAs
very soon.
Lr|c Wa||ace
0lT k02014
Te wr|ter o the 5tar Letter |n th|s |ssue w|ns a copy o
Mag|x's Mov|e Ld|t Pro 20J4 sotware, wh|ch makes |t
eas|er than ever to get started w|th v|deo-ed|t|ng. Us|ng
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27 Ncvmbr J00cmbr 20J3

On I9 AugusI HcarI InIcrncI

Iook S08.86 frommy LIoyds
accounI viIhouI my auIhorisaIion. II
vas Io covcr Ihc rcncvaI of a domain
and hosIing accounI for ConccpI Idcas,
a company I uscd Io vork for. Tis
happcncd bccausc I uscd Ihc samc
dcbiI card Io pay for a ncvpcrsonaI
domain namc in AugusI, and Ihcy
rccogniscd Ihc card as aIso bcIonging
Io ConccpI Idcas. BuI ConccpI Idcas
cIoscd dovn Ihis ycar and HcarI
rcfuscs Io rcfund mc. SurcIy iI vas
iIIcgaI Io Iakc my moncy. Hovcan
I gcI iI back?
eo Harvey

Yes lI us lllegul becuse Geo

dldn`I on ConcepI Ideus und
so he lsn`I responslble or lIs
llublllIles. Hoeer, ulIhogh he`s
enIlIled Io hls mone buck he`ll
probubl hue Io nghI Io geI lI.
ConcepI Ideus hud un ongolng
domuln nume und hosIlng serlce lIh
HeurI. 1e dlrecIors und oner o Ihe
compun ulled Io cuncel Ihls serlce
hen Ihe compun sIopped Irudlng.
Ordlnurll, ln Ihese klnd o slIuIlons l
HeurI hud come culllng or lIs mone lI
oldn`I hue goI puld. Hoeer,
CanI get back the moneytaken
!rommybank account7
becuse Geo sed ConcepI Ideus`
ucconI Io b hls on domuln nume,
HeurI hlch hud no ldeu Ihe
compun hud closed onl hud Geo`s
deIulls, so he becume Ihe de ucIo
debIor or Ihls ucconI.
We eplulned Ihe slIuIlon Io HeurI,
ho suld Geo cold nle unoIher
reqesI or hls mone buck. BI
becuse he sed ConcepI Ideus` ucconI
or u personul domuln he msI proe
he`s noI lluble or Ihe compun domuln.
He cun do Ihls b emulllng Ihe
numes o ConcepI Ideus` oners und
dlrecIors Io HeurI InIerneI. 1ese
ure Ihe people responslble or noI
cuncelllng Ihe conIrucI lIh HeurI und
ure lluble or un Ire churges. I Ihls
ulls, Geo cold gle hls bunk Ihls
lnormuIlon us eldence o u posslble
lllegul IrunsucIlon, or se
HeurI InIerneI ln Ihe
smull clulms corI .

I boughI somc dravcr boxcs

froman Amazon Iradcr caIIcd
Rcmi SIorc. Tc boxcs vcrc
unsuiIabIc, buI vhcn I conIacIcd Rcmi Io
rcjccI Ihcm, Ihcy cmaiIcd mc Io say I
couIdn`I gcI a rcfund bccausc I`d opcncd
Ihc goods. Is Ihis aIIovcd undcr Ihc
DisIancc ScIIing RcguIaIions (DSRs)?
Howard nge|

No, lI`s noI ulloed Reml

SIore`s reIrns pollc breuches
Ihe DSRs, hlch ulloo Io
eumlne goods boghI rom u dlsIunce
Io check heIher Ihe`re slIuble. Once
Ihe`e urrled, o hue seen orklng
dus Io rejecI Ihem.
Reml SIore`s reIrns pollc ls one o
Ihe orsI e`e seen or u long Ilme. II
ulso sus lIems hue Io be reIrned lIhln
seen dus o recellng Ihem. Aguln Ihls
ls rong. 1ere`s no Ilme llmlI eI or
hen o hue Io reIrn Ihe goods uIer
rejecIlng Ihem Ihogh Ihls lll chunge
neI eur). Hoeer, uIer e conIucIed
Reml SIore Io polnI oI IhuI lI`s breuklng
Ihe lub orclng csIomers Io uccepI
lIs reIrns pollc, Ihe compun replled
sulng lI hud chunged lIs Ierms und
condlIlons Io compl lIh
Ihe lu. II hus ulso rended
Hourd hls mone.
CanI opengoods
bought onlIne to
examIne them7

I boughI a Toshiba IapIop on

an cBay aucIion IhaI Ihc scIIcr
said sIiII had four monIhs of a
manufacIurcr`s varranIy IcfI. AfIcr abouI
Ihrcc monIhs Ihc IapIop sIarIcd Io
auIomaIicaIIy shuI dovn, buI
Toshiba rcfuscs Io honour
Ihc rcmaindcr of Ihc
varranIy saying iI
onIy appIicd Io Ihc
originaI buycr. Can I
forcc Toshiba Io x
Ihc IapIop?
Me|an|e Parker

No, e`re uruld Melunle cun`I

orce 1oshlbu Io n Ihe lupIop
becuse Ihe urrunI lsn`I
Irunseruble. Some munucIrers leI
Ihelr urrunI Irunser l Ihe goods ure
sold on, bI mosI on`I. We spoke Io
Gemmu Boen, u leudlng consmer
luer, ho Iold s: WurrunIles
IhuI ure Irunserruble, sch us
Ihose oered b John Lels,
sull sIuIe epllclIl l Ihe
ure Irunseruble shold o gle
uu or sell Ihe prodcI Io someone
else drlng Ihe lle o Ihe gurunIee.
Adlce rom eBu sus sellers uderIlslng
u prodcI us hulng u urrunI msI
check Ihe Ierms. She ulso Iold s IhuI
concerned csIomers shold usk Ihe
seller or u cop o Ihe urrunI`s Ierms
und condlIlons beore blng.
Sudl, Melunle ls oIslde eBu`s 4Sdu
Ber FroIecIlon Frogrumme, hlch
cold hue glen her redress or goods
noI us descrlbed. 1e seller ls u prluIe
lndlldul, so consmer lu
doesn`I uppl. She mu hue Io
resorI Io Ihe smull clulms corI
Does the orIgInal varrantyapplytosecond-handgoods7
Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

aI eect -actIIte bght !ea

I paid IS9 for a ncMonIrosc

NcpInc baIh IifI mobiIiI aid
fromcBa scIIcr JR Fashions on
I6 ScpIcmbcr. I canccIIcd Ihc ordcr c
das IaIcr, bcforc iI as posIcd, bI as
IoId I coIdn`I hac a rcfnd. Hoccr,
iI asn`I an acIion iIcmso don`I I hac
Ihc righI Io rcjccI Ihis ndcr Ihc DisIancc
ScIIing RcgIaIions (DSRs?
!ohn W||||ams

hn ls vlIhln hls rlghIs I

rejecI Ihls lIem. All lIems bughI
rm cmpunles r sle Iruders
buI nI prlvuIe lndlvlduuls) n eBuy r u
Buy II Nv prlce cun be reIurned r uny
reusn under Ihe DSRs. And becuuse he
lnrmed JR Fushlns hls lnIenIln I
rejecI Ihe gds bere Ihey vere psIed,
he desn`I huve I uccepI dellvery Ihe
curler vlll huve I reIurn Ihem.
JR Fushlns Ild Jhn IhuI lI desn`I
uccepI reunds us cmpuny pllcy, vhlch
ls lllegul. We`ve emulled Ihe cmpuny r
Ihelr slde Ihe sIry, plnIlng uI IhuI
Trad|ng 5tandards
bankrut |nkjet
|n |ssue 409we reported
on the prob|ems r|an Mu|ha|| was hav|ng
gett|ng a refund from|nkjet cartr|dge
supp||er CP5upp||es www.cfbsupp||es.
co.ukI, wh|ch ceased trad|ng about s|x
weeks before r|an contacted us |n
5eptember. |t concerned us that the
webs|te was - and |n fact st||| |s - ||ve.
1h|s doesn't mean the company |s try|ng
to con customers |nto buy|ng goods that
w||| never arr|ve, but peop|e may st|||
unw|tt|ng|y order goods froma company
that's nowdefunct.
We contacted 1rad|ng 5tandards |n
r|dgend, where CP5upp||es was
based. 1hey to|d us |t was aware that the
company had c|osed, but d|d not know
why |t had shut down and were try|ng to
contact |ts owner Careth Preddy. 1hey'd
on|y rece|ved a fewcomp|a|nts, wh|ch
they sa|d |nd|cated there wasn't a major
prob|emw|th outstand|ng orders. We were
to|d that |f anyone has a comp|a|nt they
shou|d contact the C|t|zens dv|ce he|p||ne
0B454 040506I to |og a c|a|m. C|t|zens
dv|ce w||| pass any comp|a|nts on to
r|dgend 1rad|ng 5tandards so |t
can |nvest|gate further, |f necessary.
Ihls ls ugulnsI Ihe luv. I lI respnds I
us ve`ll upduIe yu ln u uIure lssue.
I Ihe cmpuny cnIlnues I reuse u
reIurn Jhn shuld reprI Ihe Iruder I
ClIlzens Advlce vvv.udvlcegulde.rg.
uk), vhlch vlll puss Ihe cmpuny deIulls
n I 1rudlng SIundurds r psslble
lnvesIlguIln. He cun uls sue
Ihe cmpuny ln Ihe smull
clulms curI vvv.

LasI March I boghI a

22mAh baIIcr for m
Accr Aspirc Onc IapIop
Ihrogh Amaon MarkcIpIacc froma
Chincscbascd Iradcr caIIcd CoIdcn
BaIIcr (KooPocr. Tc baIIcr has
nosIoppcd charging, bI I IhoghI
I oId bc cocrcd bccasc iI camc
iIh a I4monIh arranI. Hoccr,
I onI gcI aIomaIcd rcsponscs Io
m cmaiIs. HoshoId I prsc
a rcfnd?
|an Nob|e

We`re uruld Ihere`s nI u lI Iun

cun d I geI u reund. 1ls
cmpuny ls bused ln Chlnu s
UK sIuIuIry cnsumer luv cun`I Iuch lI.
AlIhugh verseus cmpunles Irudlng I
UK cusImers ure meunI I ublde by ur
cnsumer luvs, pllclng Ihem ls hurd.
We dld sme dlgglng und und u
KFver LId llsIed uI Cmpunles Huse.
1ere`s uls u vebslIe vvv.kpver.
cm) und eBuy sIre r u KFver.
We dn`I knv l Ihere`s u llnk beIveen
Ihe Chlnesebused KFver,
Ihe UK cmpuny und
Glden BuIIery, buI vlll
lnvesIlguIe und upduIe
yu vlIh ur nndlngs.
aI get ae!d!ahIee ca
Ccntact us scwcanlnvstlgatycur cas
Wr|te: Ccnsumractlv, Ccmputractlv, 30 C|v|and Strt, Lcndcn WJ1 4!0
P|as lnc|ud bcth ycur phcn numbr and addrss.
Unfcrtunat|y, w can't rp|y tc a|| ycur |ttrs.
Westandufor our |ega| r|ghts
I t
27 Ncvmbr J00cmbr 20J3

Scams andthreats toao|d, p|us nesecur|t too|s
ghIbeum, Mozlllu`s nev, ree
uddon or Flreox, shovs you
hovvebslIes shure your duIu
vlIh oIher slIes, und hovIhey
ollovyou ucross Ihe lnIerneI.
Once you`ve lnsIulled Ihe
uddon und vlslIed u vebslIe,
cllck Ihe LlghIbeumlcon ln
Ihe boIIomrlghI o Flreox Io
see u vlsuullsuIlon o vhuI
lnormuIlon IhlrdpurIy slIes
ure collecIlng ubouI you. NoI
ull o Ihls Irucklng should be
consldered slnlsIer some o lI ls
very useul becuuse lI personullses u
vebslIe Io your IusIes. BuI much o
Ihe duIu ls used by IhlrdpurIy
vebslIes Io IurgeI udverIs Io you.
Mozlllu suys Ihe luunch o LlghIbeum
ls u Wlzurd o Oz momenI or Ihe
veb becuuse you cun pull buck Ihe
curIuln Io see lIs lnnervorklngs.
You`ve ulvuys been uble Io nnd Ihls
lnormuIlon ln your brovser, buI
LlghIbeumpresenIs Ihe lnormuIlon
ln u sIyle IhuI`s eusler Io undersIund.
1e ree Colluslon uddon vvv.
snlpcu.comIU6U4) does u slmllur
job ln Chrome.
Wha haened
MlcrosoI vurned IhuI huckers vere
uslng u uvln Wlndovs VlsIu und
Omce Io Iuke over vlcIlms` FCs by
IempIlng IhemlnIo openlng u mullclous
Word emull uIIuchmenI. 1e uvexlsIs
ln Omce 2UIU only l used ln Wlndovs
XF or Server 2UU8, und ln Omce 2UU8
und 2UU7 ln uny verslon o Wlndovs.
In u blog posI vvv.snlpcu.
comIUS49), MlcrosoI suld IhuI Ihe
Word documenI conIulns u mulormed
gruphlcs lmuge IhuI Iukes udvunIuge o
u uvln hovIhe vulneruble verslons
o Wlndovs und Omce hundle 1IFF
lmuges. 1e compuny suld Ihe uv,
culled CVE2UI889U6, ls u remoIe
code execuIlon vulnerublllIy, vhlch
hus been explolIed by crlmlnuls Io
sllenIly lnsIull mulvure on FCs ln vhuI`s
knovn us u drlveby dovnloud uIIuck.
II`s u zeroduy uIIuck, vhlch meuns
crlmlnul huckers dlscovered Ihe uv
beore unyone else.
You`ll nnd u ull llsI o vhlch
MlcrosoI producIs ure vulneruble on
Ihe compuny`s SecurlIy 1echCenIer:
Wha held l de
UnIll MlcrosoI lssues u securlIy puIch,
l you use Wlndovs VlsIu, Omce 2UU8
or 2UU7 ln uny verslon o Wlndovs)
or 2UIU ln XF only), you should
enuble Ihe compuny`s 'Flx lI` soluIlon
vvv.snlpcu.comIUS46). 1ls chunges
ReglsIry seIIlngs Io prevenI your FC
openlng 1IFF nles. As ulvuys, don`I
open uny sIrunge emulls conIulnlng
Hovever, MlcrosoI suys you cun be
lnecIed ln oIher vuys, such us
prevlevlng un emull or vlslIlng un
lnecIed vebpuge, so muke sure your
unIlvlrus soIvure ls up Io duIe.
Whlle lI`s u serlous securlIy uv, lI
looks llke users ln Ihe UK huve yeI Io
be IurgeIed. MlcrosoI suys IhuI mosI o
Ihe uIIucks so ur huve been lurgely ln
Ihe Mlddle EusI und souIhern Aslu.
SecurlIy unulysIs belleve IhuI Ihe uIIuck
ls purI o OperuIlon Hungover, vhlch
ls run by Indlun huckers Io exIrucI
lnormuIlon romIhe FuklsIunl
governmenI und mlllIury.
Fake PC Werld celd-calls
We recelved u cull romsomeone vho
suld Ihey vere romFC World und IhuI
Ihey hud our compuIer Ihey dldn`I).
1ey uddressed us by our surnume.
My vle suld IhuI FC World couldn`I
huve our FC becuuse she vus on lI uI
Ihe Ilme! 1ey Ihen suld Ihey huve
lI und vunIed curd deIulls. AIer ve
repeuIed IhuI Ihey dldn`I huve lI, Ihey
slummed Ihe phone dovn.
II seems un odd scum. I don`I knov
l Ihey ure hoplng Io cuIch someone
vho ucIuully hus Ihelr compuIer ln
FC World belng nxed, or Ihey Ihlnk
you`re dlmenough Io jusI bllndly
hund your curd deIulls over Io Ihem!
5teven Crant
Warn your fe||owreaders about scams at
L|ghtbeamfor P|refox|
mbr - J00cmbr 20J3

pache DpenD!!Ice 4.i

What yeu need: Wlndcws XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B
C|lck th ccmpass lccn ln
th nwOpnOmc sldbar
tc vlwth dccumnt
structur and tc jump tc
partlcu|ar |mnts such as
mbddd graphlcs.
C|lck th Plctur lccn tc
brcws dlagrams and
backgrcunds ycu can us
ln ycur dccumnts and c|lp
art tc l||ustrat thm.
Hlgh|lght a sctlcn cf txt
thn us th fcrmattlng tcc|s
ln th sldbar (c|lck th b|u
and grn cub lf that mnu
lsn't a|rady shcwnl tc app|y
sty| changs.
C|lck th p|us slgn b|cw
sldbar tc rva| pag-
|aycut cptlcns that chang
papr slz, numbr cf
cc|umns andmarglnwldths.

OpenOmce ls un excellenI ree ulIernuIlve Io MlcrosoI Omce.
1e mujor lmprovemenI ln verslon 4.I ls Ihe uddlIlon o u
sldebur IhuI leIs you selecI reluIed Iools. For exumple, l you`re
vorklng on u lengIhy documenI, cllcklng Ihe compuss lcon
glves you uccess Io nuvlguIlon Iools bused on lIs sIrucIure. You
cun ulso use Ihls nuvlguIlon bur Io jump sIrulghI Io commenIs
or gruphlcs. Slmllurly, cllcklng Ihe muglclun`s huI luunches Ihe
sIyles und ormuIIlng menu. I you hlghllghI u plece o IexI you
cun lnsIunIly upply u ormuIIlng opIlon, such us u heudlng sIyle
or lndenI, by doublecllcklng ln Ihe sldebur.
1e sume sldebur menus uppeur ln every progrumln
OpenOmce, vhlch conslsIs o u vord processor, spreudsheeI
progrum, duIubuse Iool, gruphlcs progrumund presenIuIlon
progrum. Verslon 4.I nnully udds FlvoI 1uble supporI, vhlch
leIs you creuIe or lmporI seIs o duIu und exIrucI useul Irend
lnormuIlon romIhem.
OpenOmce 4.I hus ulso lmproved lIs ublllIy Io open nles
romoIher ormuIs. We opened u runge o heuvlly ormuIIed
documenIs creuIed ln everyIhlng romWord 2UU8 Io Excel
2UI8 und ound IhuI ull Ihe elemenIs vere preserved. JusI llke
lIs rlvul ree Omce sulIe, LlbreOmce, OpenOmce uses Ihe
Open DocumenI FormuI und suves nles Io Ihls ormuI unless
you use Ihe Flle, Suve As menu Io specly unoIher nle Iype.
1ere`s u llmlIed number o prelnsIulled Ihemes, gruphlcs
und lcons, buI you cun geI more romOpenOmce`s
ExIenslons und 1emes llbrurles. 1o do Ihls, luunch
OpenOmce, cllck one o Ihe Ivo jlgsuvlcons und brovse
Ihe 1emes or ExIenslons gullery. Cllck un exIenslon`s
heudlng Io go Io lIs dovnloud puge, Ihen reluunch Ihe
progrumIo lnsIull und use lI.
Br||||ant newrograms that won't cost youanyth|ng
Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3
|N7RN7 5U|7
What yeu need: Wlndcws XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B
euMonkey ls u reully useul lnIerneI sulIe conIulnlng u
brovser, emull, H1ML vebslIe edlIor und u nevsgroup reuder.
1e luIesI verslon leIs you prevlevmessuges vlIhln Iubs und
leIs you specly vhen und hovIo be ulerIed ubouI nev
messuges. II`s ulso novposslble Io murk mulIlple emulls und
nevsgroup messuges us reud.
1e brovser ls bused on Flreox, vhlle emull, veb chuI und
nevsgroup messuges ure munuged Ihrough 1underblrd. I you
rlghIcllck Ihe Bookmurks menu ln Ihe brovser you cun vlev
everyIhlng us Iubs.|ca.cem/10610
What yeu need: Wlndcws XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B
FoxlI Reuder ls u greuI ulIernuIlve Io Adobe`s FDF Reuder und
hus recenIly been upduIed Io lnclude supporI or 'hundvrlIIen`
unnoIuIlons. 1ls meuns IhuI l you`ve goI u Iouchscreen lupIop,
you cun dlglIully slgn documenIs. You cun ulso novsuve
druvlngs us unnoIuIlons ln u FDF und shure lI vlIh someone.
FoxlI cun ulso creuIe FDFs. 1o do so, luunch FoxlI und cllck
Flle, CreuIe, Ihen FromFlle, FromScunner or FromCllpbourd.
Cllck Ihe opIlon uguln Io brovse Io Ihe lIem. Once Ihe FDF
hus been mude, you cun hlghllghI lIems und Ihen cllck
CommenI Io udd eedbuck or suggesIlons.
SveeI Home 8Dhelps
you deslgn your ovn
home or glve u roomu
mukeover. FlrsI, choose
u room, Ihen cllck Flun
und udd vulls und
specly dlmenslons.
LoIs o sumple
urnlIure ls lncluded.
Cllck Ihe older or Ihe
klIchen, or exumple,
Io reveul cookers,
vushlng muchlnes und cupbourds. 1o udd IhemIo your deslgn
jusI drug Ihemon Io Ihe roomplun. Doublecllck un lIemIo
chunge lIs locuIlon und slze. Move Ihe cumeru uround Io chunge
perspecIlve Ihen cllck '8Dvlev`, 'CreuIe phoIo` Io Iuke u snupshoI.

Wc oughI somc KindIc cooks somc Iimc ago, uI

havc sinc oughI a Koo CIo crcadcr. Is Ihcrc a
vay IhaI vc an rcad Ihcsc KindIc cooks on Ihc
ncv rcadcr? I undcrsIand IhaI Ihcrc is sofIvarc IhaI viII
onvcrI KindIc ooks Io oIhcr formaIs, uI I`m noI surc
vhih onc Io usc or vhcIhcr iI`s ciIhcr IcgaI or advisaIc.
Advic on Ihis vouId c muh apprciaIcd.
nn 5harp

I Ihe ebooks vere ouIo

copyrlghI ones Ihelr nle numes
vlll end ln .AZW), you`ll be uble
Io converI IhemIo reud on your Kobo
uslng Ihe ree Cullbre ebook munuger
soIvure vvv.snlpcu.com9UUS). JusI
cllck 'Add books` Io lmporI IhemlnIo
Cullbre`s llbrury. NexI, cllck 'ConverI books`, 'ConverI
lndlvlduully`, Ihen cllck Ihe book you vunI Io converI. Cullbre
vlll suve lI us un EFUB nle vhlch your Kobo vlll recognlse.
Amuzon lncludes copy proIecIlon vlIh ebooks Io sIop Ihe
uuIhor`s vork belng lllegully copled. 1ls meuns you von`I be
uble Io converI Ihese, buI you cun sIlll reud Ihem: jusI lnsIull
Klndle on your compuIer vvv.snlpcu.comIU6I8). 1ere ure
ulso ree Klndle upps or Androld vvv.snlpcu.comIU6I9)
und lOS vvv.snlpcu.comIU6IS). All vlll open your ebooks.

We te|| you what software to use
0c ycu nd cur advlc cn what scftwar tc us7
!ust mal| us at |
FoxIt Reader
3D D5|CN|ca.cem/10611
What yeu need: Wlndcws XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B, dc|ln fr gam cffr.
Sveet Home 3D

maII buI incrcasing numbcr of

IapIops novhavc supcrhigh
rcsoIuIion scrccns far in cxccss
of I080p. Tvo of Ihc IaIcsI modcIs IhaI
comc inIo Ihis caIcgory arc Ihc AppIc
MacBook Pro viIh RcIina I8in and Ihc
Samsung AIiv Book 9 PIus, vhich runs
Windovs 8.I. BoIh arc grcaI IapIops and
givc us a IasIc of vhaI vc can cxpccI as
Ihcsc supcrhighrcsoIuIion scrccns
bccomc Ihc normon oIhcr, chcapcr
IapIops in Ihc fuIurc.
On puper, Ihe AIlv Book Irounces Ihe
MucBook vhen lI comes Io resoluIlon.
1e AIlv Book`s I8.8ln screen hus u
resoluIlon o 82UUxISUU plxels, vhlle
Ihe MucBook hus 2S6UxI6UU plxels.
Hovever, Ihere ure more Muc OS X
Ihun Wlndovs progrums opIlmlsed or
Ihose levels o resoluIlon. Whlle Ihe Muc
verslons o Chrome und FhoIoshop CC
ure opIlmlsed, Ihe Wlndovs verslons ure
noI. 1e Muc`s udvunIuge even exIends Io
Ihe ree, bundled soIvure Apple`s
lWork und lLle sulIes ure opIlmlsed, buI
Sumsung only bundles one opIlmlsed
progrum Ihe buslc S FhoIoSIudlo. BoIh
MlcrosoI Omce 2UII or Muc und Omce
2UI8 or Wlndovs ure opIlmlsed, Ihough.
NonopIlmlsed progrums huve lncredlbly
Ilny, blurry IexI und lcons ln Ihelr
lnIeruces, muklng IhemdlmculI Io use.
BoIh Ihe AIlv Book und Ihe MucBook
huve I8.8ln screens vlIh excellenI
lmuge quullIy. BoIh screens ure very
brlghI und, Ihunks Io Ihelr exIreme
clurlIy, IexI looks lncredlbly crlsp
ulmosI us Ihough lI vere pulnIed onIo
Ihe screen. FhoIos ure vlbrunI vlIh rlch
colours und even Ihe smullesI deIulls
ure rendered cleurly vlslble. 1e AIlv
Book`s screen ls u Iud brlghIer, buI ulso
u llIIle grulnler.
WlNNR: MacBook Pro
BoIh scrccns havc cquaIIy good imagc
quaIiIy, buI Ihc MacBook`s supcrior
sofIvarc opIimisaIion cdgcs iI, cvcn
Ihough iIs scrccn has fcvcr pixcIs
Ihan Ihc AIiv Book.
uil qulity n wight
BoIh lupIops ure preIIy Ihln und mude o
sIurdy, rlgld meIul IhuI glve Ihemu clussy
uppeurunce. 1e curvy AIlv Book ls durk
blue vlIh u shlny sllver Irlm, vhlle Ihe
MucBook ls ull mlnlmullsI bluck gluss und
bure meIul. II`s u muIIer o IusIe, und
Ihough lI`s close, ve preer Ihe AIlv
Book`s look. 1e MucBook does huve u
sIurdler screen hlnge Ihough Ihe AIlv
Book`s hlnge vobbled vhen ve dumped
some heuvy books nexI Io lI on u Iuble.
1e AIlv Book velghs I.4kg, vhlch ls
2UUg llghIer Ihun Ihe MucBook, buI Ihe
1,099 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J0535 1,300 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J053B
CHz |nte| Core |5 42BBUdua|-core processor 4CBmemory J2BCB550
|nte| |r|s |ntegrated graph|cs J3.3|n 2560xJ600-p|xe| screen B02.JJa/b/
g/n/ac MacD5 XJ0.9Maver|cks J.6kg we|ght J.Bkg w|th chargerI
JBxJ23x2J9mmHxWx0I Dne-year warranty|
J.6CHz |nte| Core |5 4200Udua|-core processor 4CBmemory J2BCB550
|nte| H04400|ntegrated graph|cs J3.3|n 3200xJB00-p|xe| screen B02.JJa/b/
g/n W|ndows B.J J.4kg we|ght J.7kg w|th chargerI J4x320x223mm
HxWx0I Dne-year warranty|

Nwproducts tstdby our xprts

27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

erence becomes negllglble l Ihe

churgers ure udded Io Ihe loud Ihe AIlv
Book velghs I.7kg vhlle Ihe MucBook ls
only sllghIly heuvler uI I.Skg.
R: ic
Tcrc`s noIhing Io scparaIc Ihc Ivo vhcn
iI comcs Io buiId quaIiIy and vcighI.
Pefemance and batte fe
1e AIlv Book und Ihe MucBook boIh
come vlIh 4GB o memory und I2SGB
SSDs us sIundurd, buI only Ihe MucBook
ls cusIomlsuble. You cun do Ihls vhen
orderlng onllne by uddlng more memory
und sIoruge l you need Io. 1ls ls hundy,
us boIh lupIops ure very dlmculI Io
upgrude yoursel.
1e MucBook`s 2.4GHz InIel Core lS
42SSUprocessor sounds llke lI should be
slgnlncunIly usIer Ihun Ihe AIlv Book`s
I.6GHz Core lS 42UUUprocessor, und ln
our benchmurk IesIs Ihe MucBook vus
lndeed IU per cenI qulcker. 1e MucBook
ulso hus u usIer gruphlcs chlp. IIs InIel Irls
SIUU lnIegruIed gruphlcs chlp pluyed nev
8Dgumes vlIh deIulled gruphlcs
smooIhly, vhereus Ihe AIlv Book`s InIel
HD44UU chlp sIruggled unless gruphlcs
deIull vus slgnlncunIly reduced.
1e MucBook ulso hus ur longer
buIIery lle. When scrolllng Ihrough
documenIs consIunIly, lIs buIIery lusIed
un unbellevuble 2I hours, vhlle Ihe AIlv
Book dled uIer u very respecIuble I8
hours 4S mlnuIes. We vere so usIonlshed,
ve repeuIed Ihe IesI vlIh Ihe sume
resulIs. In u more demundlng conIlnuous
vldeopluybuck IesI, Ihe MucBook lusIed
nlne und u hul hours, vlIh Ihe AIlv Book
only munuglng nve hours IS mlnuIes.
WlNNR: MacBook Pro
IIs baIIcry Iifc and 8Dpcrformancc casiIy
bcaIs Ihc AIiv Book`s.
Cemmand and cente
1e AIlv Book hus u Iouchscreen, unllke
Ihe MucBook. We`re noI ond o
Iouchscreens on lupIops. Even Ihough
Ihls one ls very responslve, uslng un
uprlghI Iouchscreen uI urm`s lengIh or
long perlods lnduced uches und pulns.
BoIh Ihe MucBook und AIlv Book huve
excellenI keybourds, vlIh lurge keys IhuI
glve plenIy o eedbuck vhen pressed und
llghI up so you cun use Ihemln durker
condlIlons. AlIhough Ihe AIlv Book`s keys
glve more eedbuck, ve preerred Ihe
MucBook`s keys, vhlch huve more Iruvel.
II`s u slmllur sIory vlIh Ihe Iouchpuds.
BoIh ure lurge, uccuruIe und very
responslve, huve bullIln buIIons und
supporI buslc mulIlIouch gesIures such
us plnch Io zoom. 1e AIlv Book`s
Iouchpud ulso repllcuIes u number o
Wlndovs S.I`s Iouchscreen gesIures,
such us svlplng ln romIhe rlghI Io
ucIlvuIe Ihe Churms bur. BuI Ihe
MucBook`s Iouchpud goes even urIher,
supporIlng u vlder runge o gesIures,
such us svlplng vlIh Ivo nngers Io
go buckvurds or orvurds ln u veb
brovser, und svlplng upvurds vlIh
Ihree nngers Io see un overvlevo ull
your open progrums.
WlNNR: MacBook Pro
II vas IighI in Ihis caIcgory, buI Ihc
MacBook`s vidcr rangc of sIick Iouchpad
gcsIurcs cIinchcs iI.
1e MucBook hus u more exlble runge o
porIs und connecIlons. 1e AIlv Book
runs SU2.IIn WlFl, vhlle Ihe MucBook
hus Ihe usIer SU2.IIuc. 1e AIlv Book
euIures u mlcro HDMI porI, so you`ll
need un udupIer l you vunI Io connecI
mosI monlIors und 1Vs. 1e MucBook
hus u ullslze HDMI porI.
1e AIlv Book uses Sumsungspeclnc
mlnluIure VGA und EIherneI porIs, so
ulIhough un EIherneI udupIer ls lncluded
ln Ihe box, u VGA udupIer vlll cosI you
2U vvv.snlpcu.comIUS88).
1e MucBook doesn`I huve elIher
VGA or EIherneI porIs, buI lI does huve
Ivo 1underbolI 2 porIs, vhlch ure
very exlble us ur us vhuI Ihey cun
connecI Io. EIherneI, VGA und oIher
udupIers ure uvulluble or Ihese porIs
or 2S euch vvv.snlpcu.comIUS84).
You cun ulso use Ihe 1underbolI porIs Io
connecI Io lncredlbly usI 1underbolI
hurd drlves und SSDs. You cun connecI
Ivo uddlIlonul monlIors Io Ihe MucBook,
buI only one Io Ihe AIlv Book.
WlNNR: MacBook Pro
Tc fasIcr WiFi and vcrsaIiIc TundcrboII
porIs makc AppIc`s IapIop Ihc vinncr.
27 cvmbr J0mbr 20J3 19
0 T5T
Computercctive by 0enn|s
Pub||sh|ng, wh|ch owns a h|-tech fac|||ty
for test|ng the |atest techno|ogy. You'||
often read references to our benchmark
test|ng, wh|ch |s a method of assess|ng
products us|ng the same cr|ter|a. Por
examp|e, we wou|d test the speed of
every PCand the battery ||fe of every
tab|et |n exact|y the same way. 1h|s
makes our rev|ews author|tat|ve,
r|gorous and accurate.
0enn|s Pub||sh|ng a|so owns the
magaz|nes PCPro, Computer 5hopper,
Web User, Micro Mcrt and MccUser,
and the webs|te Lxpert Rev|ews
www.expertrev| 1h|s
means we can test thousands of
products before choos|ng the most
re|evant for Computercctive.
Dur rev|ewers fo||owstr|ct gu|de||nes to
ensure the op|n|ons expressed |n the
magaz|ne are fa|r and |mpart|a|. 1he
manufacturer has no |nvo|vement |n
our tests and |s never to|d the resu|t
of a rev|ewbefore pub||cat|on.
00k 0Y Tl AAk

We award every product

that gets a f|ve-star
rev|ewour uy |t| stamp
of approva|. |f you see
the uy |t| |ogo you knowwe were
extreme|y |mpressed by the product
and we th|nk you w||| be too. 1urn to the
uy |t| sect|on after Rev|ews for our
gu|de to the best products you can buy.
Dur rev|ews conta|n a ||nk to the best
pr|ce we have been ab|e to f|nd on the
web. Pr|ces may change fo||ow|ng
|t's no contest - wh||e the t|v ook 9
P|us |s a good |aptop, the Macbook Pro
|s much better. |t's a great super-h|gh-
reso|ut|on |aptop thanks to |ts qua||ty
screen, aston|sh|ng battery ||fe, versat||e
ports, s||ck touchpad and comfortab|e
keyboard. P|us, d|spe|||ng the myth that
pp|e dev|ces are a|ways more expens|ve
than 5amsung equ|va|ents, the Macook
costs E200|ess than the t|v ook.
Maceek Pre Ret|na 13|n
t|v eek 9Plus
LTRNTlV5: Coog|e Chromebook
P|xe| EJ,049 very we|| made super-
h|gh-reso|ut|on |aptop, but battery ||fe |s
and there are
apps opt|m|sed
for |ts exce||ent
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

Vulo 1up II, vhlch ls very slmllur
Io Ihe MlcrosoI Suruce Fro 2 see our
revlev, Issue 4IU) und uvulluble ln bluck
or vhlIe, buI Ihe 1up II munuges Io
be even less lmpresslve Ihun IhuI
medlocre compuIer.
1e 1up II ulso beurs u pusslng
resemblunce Io Sony`s Androldbused
Xperlu 1ubleI Z see our revlev, Issue
4UI), buI Ihe 1up II`s creuky plusIlc bulld
doesn`I eel us robusI, lsn`I vuIerproo
llke Ihe 1ubleI Z, und uI 77Ug ls preIIy
heuvy. On Ihe plus slde, lI does huve
plenIy o useul porIs USB8, mlcro
HDMI und u mlcro SDsloI or such
u Ihln IubleI. A clever porIuble WlFl
rouIer ls lncluded IhuI`s povered vlu
Ihe USB porI ln Ihe IubleI`s churger.
You cun ulso use Ihe USB porI Io
churge your smurIphone.
1e 1up II hus u bullIln sIund vhlch
provldes mulIlple vlevlng ungles und ls
ur more exlble Ihun Ihe Suruce Fro 2`s
sIund. Hovever, Ihe nurrovness o Ihe
sIund meuns Ihe 1up II lsn`I prucIlcul or
regulur use on your lup ln IundemvlIh
Ihe lncluded vlreless keybourd. We hud
Io cross our legs Io successully bulunce
Ihe IubleI, und even Ihen lI elI precurlous.
1e 1up II comes vlIh u BlueIooIh
keybourd IhuI doubles us u screen cover.
1e keybourd connecIs Io Ihe screen
mugneIlcully und vhlle uIIuched lIs
buIIery ls churged. Hovever, Ihls lsn`I
neurly us clever us lI sounds Ihe
keybourd vlll only
churge l you ullgn lI
preclsely vlIh Ihe
screen, vhlch ls eusler
suld Ihun done l you`re
ln u rush. You`re ulso
llkely Io josIle Ihe Ivo
elemenIs upurI l
currylng Ihe IubleI ln
your bug. Oddly, Ihere`s
no vuy Io churge Ihe
keybourd und use Ihe
IubleI uI Ihe sume Ilme.
1yplng on Ihe
keybourd ls merely okuy. 1e keys ure
lurge, buI eel u llIIle spongy und don`I
huve us much Iruvel us ve`d llke. 1ere`s
u bullI ln Iouchpud, buI lI doesn`I eel
very smooIh or uccuruIe, vhlle Ihe pud`s
buIIons eel sIl. A pen ls lncluded IhuI
leIs you joI dovn noIes und skeIch slmple
dlugrums ln progrums such us Ihe
prelnsIulled NoIe AnyIlme upp, buI Ihe
pen lsn`I pressuresenslIlve und von`I
suIlsy usplrlng urIlsIs vho vunI Io
produce more nuunced vorks. AI leusI
Ihe II.6ln Iouchscreen ls uccuruIe
und very responslve.
1e II.6ln screen hus u hlgh resoluIlon
o I92UxIUSU plxels, buI IexI ls cleur
enough Io reud Ihunks Io Wlndovs S.I`s
dlspluy seIIlngs. Hovever, Ihe screen
lsn`I very brlghI, hus u grulny sheen und
lmuge quullIy ls dlsuppolnIlng.
BuIIery lle ls good, vlIh Ihe 1up II
lusIlng u lengIhy I4 hours I4 mlnuIes ln
our llghIusuge IesI. 1ls ls dovn Io Ihe
poveremclenI FenIlum8S6UY processor.
Even Ihough lI`s one o InIel`s slovesI
Husvell` processors, lI`s sIlll usI enough
or mosI Iusks. BuI l you vunI Io edlI loIs
o phoIos und vldeos uslng Ihe bundled
FluyMemorles Home und Vulo Movle
800 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J0
Sonakes onMcosol vhs laes \ndovs 8aole
CreuIor progrums Ihen lI`s vorIh opIlng
or u usIer processor vhen orderlng
Ihrough Sony`s onllne sIore. Beur ln
mlnd, hovever, IhuI opIlng or Ihe Core
lS 42IUY vlll udd 2SU Io Ihe prlce. For
compurlson, Ihe slmllurprlced Suruce
Fro 2 comes vlIh un ulmosI ldenIlcul
Core lS processor us sIundurd, Ihough
noI u keybourd cover.
1e Vulo 1up II hus u evbrlghI spoIs
such us lIs clever rouIer, useul bundled
soIvure, hundy porIs und long buIIery
lle. Hovever, lIs heuvlness, nurrovsIund,
unlmpresslve screen, duI keybourd cover
und uveruge perormunce meuns lI`s Ioo
uved Io recommend.
VRT: e usefu| our|shes
aren't enough to make th|s awed
tab|et worth buy|ng

LTRNTV: 5ony Xper|a

1ab|et Z E3B0Dne of
the best Andro|d tab|ets
ava||ab|e, thanks to
|ts ||ghtwe|ght and
waterproof des|gn
JJ.6|n J920xJ0B0-p|xe| touchscreen J.2CHz |nte|
Pent|um3560Ydua|-core processor 4CBmemory
J2BCBstorage |nte| H0|ntegrated graph|cs ch|p
W|ndows B.J 770g J00x305xJBBmmHxWx0I
Dne-year warranty|
Thesceenhas a
poo maequal
he0est l88erv|ce[ust get hetter
|lbtePackagesttou0.80et uonth


!|u|q uo||o|tcd usagc


uk 8ascd 8uo|t

uo Lcogt|q toot|acts

uo Ho|c, lastc|
La|| new: 01?08 0002?0
*L|oc |cota| at 1L.44 c| ooot| a||cs. /o act|vat|oo tcc ot 80 oaq a|q dccod|og oo W||c| ac|agc
qou subsc||bc to. l||ccs |oc|udc \/!. !c|os aod cood|t|oos a|q, |casc scc ou| Wcbs|tc to| tu|t|c|
dcta||s. **/||cs W|co sc|cct|og ao uo||o|tcd l|b|c aod l|ooc lac|agc.
27 Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

ee ls u 1ulvunese compuny, besI
knovn or lIs budgeI monlIors. 1e
compuny ulso hus u runge o Androld
IubleIs o vhlch Ihe Hunnspud SNIA17IB
ls Ihe luIesI. 1ls IUln IubleI cosIs jusI
ISU buI looks surprlslngly clussy desplIe
lIs lovprlce. Whlle lI`s mude mosIly ouI
o pluln bluck plusIlc, Ihe reur ls brushed
meIul so lI looks preIIy sleek.
1e Hunnspud velghs 6SUg, vhlch ls
ubouI sIundurd or u budgeI IUln IubleI.
II eels reusonubly sIurdy und hus some
useul porIs, lncludlng u mlcro HDMI
und u mlcro SDcurd sloI. 1ere`s ulso u
mlcro USB porI or churglng Ihe buIIery,
connecIlng Ihe IubleI Io your FC und
connecIlng USB sIlcks, Ihough you`ll
need u USB On 1e Go udupIer 8 rom
In our IesIs, buIIery lle vus surprlslngly
good or u budgeI IubleI, lusIlng nlne
hours 2I mlnuIes vhen pluylng vldeos
conIlnuously. More expenslve IubleIs Iend
Io lusI longer, buI Ihls ls sIlll lmpresslve
und lI beuIs Ihe Amuzon Klndle Flre HD
S.9 by 8U mlnuIes.
1e IUln screen hus u reluIlvely lov
resoluIlon o jusI I2SUxSUU plxels, so IexI
doesn`I look unyvhere us shurp us lI does
on prlcler IubleIs vlIh hlgherresoluIlon
screens. II`s very brlghI, hovever, und
colour uccurucy ls ulso reusonubly good.
So ur so good, buI Ihe Hunnspud`s
uvs lle ln lIs responslveness und
perormunce. 1ere vus oIen u dlsIlncI
lug beIveen Iupplng or svlplng un
onscreen conIrol und Ihe response.
1ls deluy qulckly becume rusIruIlng.
Even Ihough Ihe Hunnspud ls equlpped
vlIh IGB o memory und u I.2GHz
quudcore processor, perormunce vusn`I
up Io much. Slmple Iusks, such us scrolllng
Ihrough complex veb puges und runnlng
mulIlple progrums slmulIuneously,
sloved Ihe IubleI Io u cruvl. Chrome
oIen sIruggled Io cuIch up vlIh our
communds, vhlle svlIchlng beIveen
open upps Iook severul seconds, vhen
lI should be lnsIunIuneous.
II`s IempIlng Io overlook Ihe
Hunnspud`s slugglsh responslveness und
perormunce becuuse o lIs lovprlce,
buI IhuI vould be u mlsIuke becuuse
Ihese uvs muke lI u poorvulue IubleI
und rusIruIlng Io use. I you vunI u budgeI
blgscreen IubleI Ihen lI`s vorIh puylng
SU more or Ihe Amuzon Klndle Flre HD
S.9. AlIhough lI only hus uccess Io Ihe
Amuzon AppsIore und noI Ihe Google
Fluy sIore, lIs superlor responslveness
und perormunce, us vell us lIs beIIer
quullIy screen, muke lI u ur beIIer buy.
50 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J0492
lv-cs! ou! lavedI0!aole!
0 0x00x J.2CHz quad-core
processor JCBmemory J6CBstorage Andro|d 4.J
!e||y Bean 650g 303x203x55mmHxWx0I
Dne-year warranty|
VRT: Acheap J0|n tab|et, but
|ts awed respons|veness and
performance makes |t a pa|n to use

Amazon k|nd|e P|re
H0B.9EJ99Te best
budget tab|et b|gger
than 7|n, a|though |t
doesn't have access to
the Coog|e P|ay store
k|ngstcn ata7rae|er HperX
3. 64CB|pca.ccm1525
Achunky U5B3 st|ck w|th a trad|t|ona|
cap for protect|ng the p|ug. 0esp|te
|ts |owcost per g|gabyte 90pI,
performance |s fast. Large h|es copy at
anaveragespeedof J3BMBs and sma||
h|es at anovera|| speedof 26MBs
La|e Xtremke U5B 3. 32CB|pca.ccm1526
Not cheap at EJ.BBper g|gabyte,
but th|s U5B3 st|ck has a very
rugged tube-shaped
meta| s|eeve for
protect|on. |t's a|so
fast, copy|ng |arge h|es
at an average J33MBs
and sma|| h|es at
Lear Jumpr|e P1 64CB
T|s U5B3 st|ck |s except|ona||y fast,
copy|ng |arge h|es at JB3MBs and
sma|| h|es at 32MBs. Te p|ug
retracts |nto the ma|n body
for protect|on and |t
has a reasonab|y |ow
cost per g|gabyte
of EJ.30
k|ngstcn ata7rae|er
Lccker+ C2 16CB
|f you have an o|der
computer w|th on|y U5B2,
th|s s|ower U5B2 key |s a
good budget a|ternat|ve.
|t costs just 94p per
g|gabyte and cop|es |arge
h|es at J3MBs and sma||
h|es at 4.4MBs
BBper g|gabyte,
ck has a very
e h|es
27 Ncvbr J00cbr 20J3

e o Ihe mosI perslsIenI crlIlclsms

o prelos IUln lFuds us IhuI Ihe
ere Ioo heu. 1e lFud 4, or eumple,
elghs 6SUg u heI IhuI qlckl
becomes u brden hen held or
long perlods o Ilme. 1uI hus ull
chunged lIh Ihe nelFud Alr
Apple`s luIesI llslze lFud
elghs jsI 469g.
1ls ls u slgnlncunI elghI
redcIlon und o`ll eel Ihe
benenI lmmedluIel Ihls lFud ls
ur more comorIuble Io se Ihun
prelos models. Apple hus
uchleed Ihls elghI loss b
redclng Ihe slze o u nmber o
componenIs, mosI noIubl Ihe
buIIer. AlIhogh Ihe buIIer ls
smuller, Ihere lsn`I u slgnlncunI drop
ln buIIer lle compured Io Ihe lFud 4.
BoIh uchleed neurl Iunduhul hors
hen plulng ldeos conIlnosl,
muklng Ihe Alr one o Ihe mosI druble
IubleIs e`e eer IesIed.
1e Alr looks llke u lurger erslon o Ihe
lFud Mlnl, lIh nurroer leI und rlghI
borders hen erIlcul), u chumered
edge und ronded corners. II`s murglnull
less rlgld Ihun Ihe lFud 4, bI e cold
onl bend lI sllghIl hen e eerIed
u loI o pressre. DesplIe Ihe sllmmer
borders, Ihe Alr us eusler Io se Ihun e
epecIed. We Iend Io resI or Ihmbs on
Ihe borders hen slng Ihe IubleI, bI
Ihe screen ls cleer enogh Io recognlse
IhuI or Ihmbs ure pussle, ruIher Ihun
ucIlel presslng onscreen conIrols, und
Ihs lI lgnores Ihem. II`s noI perecI, bI
lI elI less errorprone Ihun Ihe lFud
Mlnl`s IhmbrejecIlon Iechnolog.
We ere greuIl lmpressed b Ihe
screen`s lmuge qullI. 1e screen
lIsel ls ulmosI bllndlngl brlghI uI lIs
hlghesI seIIlng, hlle IeI looks er
crlsp, Ihunks Io lIs hlgh resolIlon o
U4SIS86 plels. ConIrusI und color
uccruc ere so good IhuI e cold
spoI us ln or phoIos IhuI e`d
mlssed on oIher delces` screens.
1e Alr doesn`I hue u nngerprlnI
sensor llke Ihe lFhone Ss, bI lI comes
lIh Ihe sume A7 processor us Ihe Ss,
hlch helps Io muke lI one o Ihe usIesI
IubleIs e`e seen. II breezed Ihrogh
or demundlng 8Dgruphlcs IesIs und
louded und scrolled Ihrogh comple
ebslIes qlckl und smooIhl. 1e lOS 7
operuIlng ssIemund urlos upps rurel,
l eer, becume slgglsh or nresponsle.
1e Alr, hoeer, lucks Ihe Ss`s
ecellenI cumeru. ShoIs Iuken ln brlghI
dullghI ere qlIe good lIh reusonubl
uccruIe colors und shurp deIulls, bI
lollI shoIs ere Ioo blrr und nols.
We don`I recommend rellng on Ihe Alr
us or muln cumeru.
We`e ulreud coered some o or
uorlIe lOS 7 euIres us ell us Ihose
uspecIs IhuI lrrlIuIed s) ln or lFhone Ss
und Sc reles see Isses 4US und 4U9
respecIlel). 1ese pros und cons ure
repllcuIed ln Ihe lFud Alr. Llke Ihe Io
nelFhones, Ihe Alr comes lIh u sel
crop o srprlslngl sophlsIlcuIed upps
Ihe MlcrosoI OmcecompuIlble lWork
slIe und Ihe lLle slIe or edlIlng
TLT 399 (16C, W|-F| enl)
helsedses l veh, o nnel s e
phoIos, mslc und ldeos. FrojecIs o
creuIe ln Ihese upps, upurI rommslc
und ldeos, cun ulso be orked on ln Ihe
Muc erslons o Ihe sume upps, hlch ure
lnclded ree lIh neMucs.
1ere ure u edenclencles ln Ihe
lFud Alr IhuI lI`s lnherlIed romolder
lFud models Ihere`s no SDcurd sloI
und no opIlon Io sup Ihe onscreen
kebourd or one o or on chooslng,
us o cun lIh Androld delces.
Hoeer, Ihere ure louds more qullI
upps opIlmlsed or Ihe lFud Ihun Ihere
ure or Androld IubleIs. I un SDcurd
sloI und u greuIer scope Io Ieuk Ihe
operuIlng ssIemure lmporIunI Io o
Ihen o shold b Ihe Son Xperlu
1ubleI Z. OIherlse, Ihe lFud Alr ls Ihe
beIIer blgscreen IubleI Ihunks Io lIs
ecellenI buIIer lle, llghIer elghI,
sIrd blld qullI und sperb
hlghresolIlon screen.
BxJ536-p|xe| touchscreen J.3CHz 7
dua|-core processor JCmemory J6Cstorage
|5 7 469g 240xJ70x7.5mmHxWx0I
ne-year warranty|
VRlT: Qu|te s|mp|y the best J0|n
tab|et ava||ab|e

5ony Xper|a
1ab|et Z E3B0
Te best J0|n
ndro|d tab|et
|s of a s|m||ar we|ght and |s a|so water-
and dust-res|stant, but has an |nfer|or
screen and app se|ect|on

Lh veh, n
oerle, srd
od, serosreen
7 Ncbr J00cbr 0J

e Klndle FupervhlIe ls 4U more
expenslve Ihun Ihe buslc Klndle, buI
lI`s sIlll greuI vulue or money. 1e
exIru expendlIure geIs you u hlgher
quullIy Iouchscreen, vhlch mukes
nuvlguIlng uround ebooks qulck und
eusy, und un excellenI buckllghI.
1e luIesI Klndle FupervhlIe euIures
noIlceuble lmprovemenIs on Ihe nrsI
FupervhlIe see our revlev, Issue 8SS).
Amuzon hus lmproved Ihe buckllghI
so Ihe screen ls novmore evenly
lllumlnuIed, muklng IexI shurper. 1e
llghI ls ulso brlghIer Ihun beore, vhlch
mukes reudlng uI nlghI less o u chore.
1e processor hus been upgruded so
Iurnlng puges und nuvlguIlng menus
1e Sumsung S24C6SUFL ls, uI nrsI
glunce, un unremurkuble monlIor vlIh
u pluln bluck uppeurunce, buI vhuI lI
lucks ln sIyle, lI mukes up or ln subsIunce.
1e 28.6ln screen hus u I92UxIUSU
plxel resoluIlon. 1e lmuge quullIy ls
generully on u pur vlIh oIher monlIors
ve`ve seen uI Ihls prlce, ulIhough durk
scenes ln nlms dldn`I look us deIulled us
on Ihe Dell UlIruShurp U24I2Msee our
revlev, Issue 87S). 1e S24C6SUFL ulso
suered rombuckllghI leuklng ouI uI Ihe
boIIomedge und noIlceuble dlps ln
brlghIness und conIrusI uI very vlde
vlevlng ungles, buI Ihese uvs von`I
lmpucI on everyduy use.
ls sllcker, vlIh less deluy beIveen
Iupplng Ihe screen und someIhlng
huppenlng. 1ere ure novmore vuys
Ihun ever Io lck Ihrough ebooks: svlpe
upvurds romu puge Io see u prevlev
o Ihe nexI puge, or drug Ihe sllder uI
Ihe boIIomIo qulckly scroll Ihrough
Ihe enIlre book.
When you svlIch Ihe FupervhlIe on or
Ihe nrsI Ilme, you`ll see un lnIerucIlve
gulde IhuI Iells you hovIo Iurn puges
und chunge seIIlngs, vhlch ls very hundy
or Klndle novlces. AnoIher greuI nev
uddlIlon ls Vocubulury Bullder. Almed
prlmurlly uI chlldren und sIudenIs, lI
keeps u record o every vord you look up
ln Ihe Klndle`s dlcIlonury. You cun Ihen
reer Io Ihls llsI und vlevushcurds Io
help you remember vhuI Ihe vords meun.
1e FupervhlIe hus excellenI conIrols
buI beur ln mlnd you cun only buy
ebooks or Ihe FupervhlIe romAmuzon.
You cun euslly roIuIe, svlvel und udjusI
Ihe helghI o Ihe screen, vhlch ls rure ln
monlIors. Sudly, Ihe IvoporI USB hub ls
USB2, so usIer USB8 devlces von`I
uchleve Ihelr muxlmumspeeds, buI uI
leusI Ihe porIs ure convenlenIly locuIed
on Ihe slde o Ihe buse. 1e sIund ls
unsIuble und uny robusI use o Ihe
keybourd or exumple, Iupplng Ihe
spucebur repeuIedly cuuses lI Io vobble.
You connecI your compuIer vlu VGA,
DlspluyForI or HDMI. 1ere ure bullIln
speukers, buI us you mlghI expecI Ihe
sound quullIy ls no muIch or even u
buslc seI o deskIop speukers.
1e Sumsung S24C6SUFL ls u good
monlIor und ls 48 cheuper Ihun Dell`s
UlIruShurp U24I2m, buI Ihe luIIer ls Ihe
beIIer buy us lI hus even beIIer lmuge
quullIy. I your budgeI doesn`I sIreIch IhuI
ur, hovever, Ihe S24C6SUFL ls u preIIy
-RDR 109
M0NT0R 181
azons excellen! e-reader e!s evenoe!!er
ood-qual!ymon!or lor under 00
6n ochscrn 75 rsoon
sor 67 6
ors k|nd|e books, and non-copy protected
MD| and P0P ebooks|pca.comJ0532
23.6|n w|descreen J920xJ0B0-p|xe| reso|ut|on
J000:J contrast rat|o 250cdm2 br|ghtness H0M|
0|sp|ayport and VCports 1wo-year warranty|pca.comJ0469
VRDCT: r|ghter, faster and w|th great
newfeatures - the Paperwh|te|s the
best k|nd|emoneycanbuy

LTRNTV: kobo ura

EJ20|f you want to buy your
ebooks fromstores other
than mazon, then the kobo
ura |s a br||||ant a|ternat|ve
VRDCT: Cood|magequa||ty andhe|ght
adjustment make th|s worth buy|ng

LTRNTV: 0e|| U|tra5harp U24J2m

E224 b|t more expens|ve,
but |t has even better |mage
qua||ty and a s||ght|y
h|gher reso|ut|on
good ulIernuIlve. IIs lmuge quullIy lsn`I
perecI, buI lI`s sIlll good und lI hus Ihe
benenI o eusy helghI udjusImenI.
I you huve quulms vlIh Ihls llmlIuIlon,
Ihe Kobo Auru see Issue 4IU) ls Ihe beIIer
ereuder becuuse you cun buy ebooks or
lI romunyvhere.

mbr - J00cmbr 20J3

m lo o
o on n o non
o n ll n pn n o
pon on n n olon
ok l n op o om
ok n p
n mo no o ln oom.
p ol n non
mnl o o po
l llon. o o
onn ok o o n
DM l lo n on
nl n o. B ln o
mo om nn ok
B po n mo D
lo o o n lo pl o o on
B n mo D.
Dp ol lm pomn o
4SU upps, Ihe Roku sIlll lucks servlces
IhuI mosI people vlll expecI Io nnd.
Chunnel 4`s 4oD, I1V Fluyer und
Amuzon`s Lovenlmuren`I uvulluble,
vhlch ls somevhuI dlsuppolnIlng. O Ihe
upps uvulluble, BBC lFluyer ls Ihe besI by
ur, Ihunks Io lIs sllck, eusyIouse
lnIeruce und Ihe excepIlonul quullIy o lIs
HDvldeo. Chunnel S`s Demund S servlce
ls ulso presenI. I you huve u NeIlx
subscrlpIlon, vhlch cosIs
S.99 u monIh, Ihen you cun use Ihe
Roku upp Io vuIch Ihe luIesI nlms und 1V
shovs. 1ere`s ulso un upp or Sky`s Nov
1V servlce, ulIhough you`ll huve Io sIump
up or u subscrlpIlon. Sky Movles cosIs
S.99 per monIh und Sky SporIs ls u
vhopplng 9.99 u duy.
1e Roku 8 ulso hus upps IhuI leI
you llsIen Io muslc on SpoIly, brovse
phoIos on Fucebook, und vuIch vldeo
nevs heudllnes romBBC und Sky. And
l you huve nlms und 1V shovs sIored on
u NAS, you cun use Ihe excellenI Flex upp
Io sIreumIhemIo your 1V.
1e remulnlng upps ure u moIley
collecIlon, vlIh evsIundouIs. Fremler
und CurIoon Club provlde un odd mlx
o Ihe old und Ihe obscure romuvul
1V movles Io Ihe I989 nlmverslon o
. 1e quullIy o vldeo
sIreumed on such upps ls poor.
NuvlguIlng Ihe excellenI Roku lnIeruce
ls u breeze und Ihe remoIe conIrol ls eusy
Io use. Ingenlously, you cun plug u pulr o
heudphones lnIo Ihe remoIe conIrol so
only you vlll heur vhuIever lI ls you`re
vuIchlng hundy l you don`I vunI Io
dlsIurb oIhers ln Ihe room. 1e remoIe
conIrol ulso serves us u conIroller or Ihe
buslc gumes uvulluble on Ihe Roku 8, vlIh
Angry Blrds Spuce Ihrovn ln or ree.
X 100 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J0479
Vsmar! v!h!hs !nyooxol !rcks
x HM| x UB x tht x |o ot
xx2HxxI 0g Dne-year warranty
VRlT: Very s|mp|e to use, but the
Roku 3 |acks a |ot of v|deo serv|ces

5ky Now
1VBox EJ0A
r|d|cu|ous|y cheap set-top
box for watch|ng BBC|P|ayer, 0emand
5 and 5ky Mov|es, but |acks other apps
1e Roku 8 ls un eusyIouse und
generully vell deslgned seIIop box, buI
lI`s dlsuppolnIlng IhuI Ihe llkes o I1V
Fluyer, 4oDund Lovenlmuren`I uvulluble.
I you`re huppy vlIh BBC lFluyer, NeIlx,
SpoIly und NASsIreumlng Ihough, lI`s
u good buy.

I ofIcn prinI phoIos vhich arc

IaminaIcd and uscd ouIdoors.
PrinI quaIiIy docsn`I nccd Io
bc Iop noIch, buI Ihc ink docs nccd Io
bc modcraIcIy vaIcr and fadc
rcsisIanI. I`m aIso conccrncd abouI
opcraIing cosIs. WouId a dyc
subIimaIion prinIcr bc suiIabIc?
Bart ke||y

For vuIer und udereslsIunI

prlnIs, you`ll need u prlnIer
IhuI uses plgmenIbused lnks
What's the best prInter !or materIal usedoutdoors7
ruIher Ihun Ihe more common dyebused
lnks. BuI such prlnIers ure expenslve Io
buy und run Ihe Epson SIylus FhoIo
R2UUU ubove) ls u purIlculurly good
prlnIer und cosIs 4IS romvvv.snlpcu.
comIU4SU. Be uvure IhuI cheuper
prlnIers oIen use plgmenIbused lnks
only or cerIuln colours, usuully bluck.
DyesubllmuIlon prlnIers ure
lncreuslngly uncommon. AlIhough dye
subllmuIlon prlnIs ure vuIerreslsIunI,
Ihey uren`I usuully udereslsIunI. On
Iop o IhuI, mosI o Ihese prlnIers ure
deslgned or prlnIlng smull 6x4ln
prlnIs, vhlch muy noI sulI your needs.

0c ycu nd advlc cn what ycu shcu|d buy7
Fmal| us at |
We so|ve your buy|ng d||emmas
mbr - J00cmbr 20J3

TLVl5l0N 680 frcmwww.snlpca.ccm/J0J07
Vapps, but th|s p|asma 1V's p|cture
qua||ty |s on|y good |n the dark

LTRNTlV: Panason|c V|era

1X-L50L6EB29 more
expens|ve 50|n smart 1V
but has better |mage qua||ty|
J920xJ0B0p|xe|s Contrast rat|o not stated
r|ghtness |eve| not stated 3xH0M| Jx 5cart Jx
Component Jx Compos|te Jx Common |nterface
s|ot Dne-year warranty|
SIln FSSIFSS ls Sumsng`s
cheupesI und smullesI smurI 1V IhuI ses
plusmu Iechnolog. II mu noI seem
cheup, bI lIs prlce ls remurkuble glen
oIher, udmlIIedl lurger, plusmu 1Vs
cun cosI Ihosunds.
Whlle lI mu be Sumsng`s smullesI
plusmu smurI 1V, uI SIln lI`s ucIull
preII lmposlng. Yo on`I be uble Io nI u
sond bur dlrecIl beneuIh lI becuse lIs
orlegged sIund eIends oI Iourd Ihe
ronI o Ihe 1V. BI lnor IesI Ihe lnIegruIed
speukers sonded respecIuble enogh,
prodclng u good leel o buss und plenI
o olme. Hoeer, o`ll sIlll unI Io
connecI u sond bur or srrondsond
ssIemIo geI Ihe besI oI o nlms.
Once o`e connecIed Ihe FSSIFSS
Io or home neIork lu EIherneI or lIs
bllIln WlFl, o cun uccess Ihe
eIensle runge o smurI 1V euIres
Ihrogh Ihe SmurI Hb lnIeruce. 1ere
ure upps or ull Ihe mujor cuIchp 1V
chunnels BBC lFluer, I1V Fluer, 4oD
und Demund S us ell us ondemund
nlmserlces romNeIl, Loenlm,
Bllnkbo und KnohoMoles. Yo cun
udd more upps, sch us SpoIl, Ihrogh
Sumsng`s onllne sIore.
Apps or Fucebook, 1lIIer, Yo1be
und Skpe us ell us u eb broser come
prelnsIulled, bI o`ll unI Io connecI u
kebourd Io one o Ihe USB porIs l o
plun on slng Ihese us nelIher o Ihe Io
spplled remoIe conIrols ure slIuble or
Iplng. One o Ihese ls no dlerenI rom
un oIher 1V remoIe, hlle Ihe second
hus u lurge Iochpud. IIs slmpllsIlc deslgn
looks odd, bI lI hus ull Ihe essenIlul
conIrols und e ond Ihe Iochpud
responsle enogh Io nulguIe ebpuges
und urlos upp mens.
1e FSSIFSS cun plu medlu nles
sIored on u NAS or USB drle. 1e 1V`s
ormuI spporI ls ecellenI. We ere
uble Io plu ull o or IesI ldeo cllps
und mslc nles. II dldn`I recognlse or
1IFF or GIF lmuge nles, bI e ere
uble Io leor JFEG, FNG und BMF
nles lIhoI un problem.
We ere lmpressed b Ihe 1V uI Ihls
polnI, bI Ihe shorI cIs Sumsng Iook Io
prodce Ihls locosI plusmu 1V begun
Io shoIhemseles hen e sIurIed
uIchlng nlms. 1e 1V`s conIrusI und
bluck leels leI u loI Io be deslred hen
e uIched Blru lIh Ihe llghIs on.
Blucks ere poslIlel ellound leI s
nuble Io see unIhlng uI ull ln durk
nlghIIlme scenes, nless e slIched
Ihe llghIs o. Flddllng lIh Ihe releunI
seIIlngs ulled Io recIl Ihls. We`d
Ihereore recommend uIchlng nlms ln
Ihe durk, us colors uppeur mch rlcher
hlle conIrusI und bluck leels benenI
romloslng Ihe llghI.
AnoIher lrrlIuIlon ls IhuI ln hlgh
dennlIlon usIpuced ucIlon seqences
oIen sIIIer qlIe budl us Ihe cumeru
puns ucross Ihe screen, und Ihere`s no
seIIlng Io compensuIe or Ihls. Een slo
puns ure qlIe jerk uI Ilmes, hlch pIs
Ihe FSSIFSS uI u slgnlncunI dlsudunIuge
ugulnsI oIher slmllurprlced 1Vs IhuI do
compensuIe or jdderlng.
Lckll, Ihls lsn`I u problemlIh
sIundurddennlIlon conIenI. Colors look
good und pscule Io ISp ell, bI Ihere
ls sIlll u noIlceuble umonI o nolse und
plelluIlon, purIlclurl on loerqullI
Freelechunnels llke BBC Nes. 1e
nolseredcIlon seIIlngs help u llIIle, bI
oIher 1Vs ln Ihls prlce runge hue mch
beIIer nolseredcIlon seIIlngs.
1e FSSIFSS ls cheup or u SIln 1V
und hus good smurI1V euIres, bI lIs
lnconslsIenI plcIre qullI ull Ihe more
dlsuppolnIlng. 1e Funusonlc Vleru
1XLSE6B, Ihe Sln erslon o Ihe
ecellenI 1XLE6B see rele, Isse
97), ls u beIIer b Ihunks Io lIs
sperlor lmuge qullI.

Va alovpce, vhall hecach-upTVsevces

sequences olen
sue queoadl
27 Ncvbr J00cbr 20J3

gI l n Ih
mI rlnl nIlng rgrm
v` r n n m vlIh lI vn
nnlllnnlng hllh gl l
I rrgnl r nn ln v IhI
lI ll Ih rl mnIh`
lnm rIhr Ihn rllng n r lII
hque, glvlng yu u buer ugulnsI
uny sudden und unexpecIed uIluys.
Yu cun lnsIull YNAB n mulIlple
cmpuIers vlIhuI buylng exIru cples,
s everyne ln yur husehld cun
munuge Ihelr vn budgeIs. NevI Ihls
versln ls Drpbx supprI, s yu cun
uccess yur budgeI rmuny number
cmpuIers, us vell us vlu lOS vvv.
snlpcu.cmIUS6S), Andrld und Klndle
Flre vvv.snlpcu.cmIUS66) upps.
1e prgrumhus u cleur, eusyI
undersIund lnIeruce und yu cun munuge
everyIhlng rmjusI u cuple screens.
1e nrsI Ilme yu use YNAB, yu musI
enIer yur currenI nnunclul duIu. 1ere`s
u greuI IuIrlul n hvI prvlde yur
bunk uccunI deIulls und cusImlse Ihe
enIrles r exumple, renI, mrIguge,
grcerles, suvlngs ln yur BudgeI screen.
Yu enIer lncme und uIglngs ln Ihe
AccunI screen. Any recurrlng IrunsucIlns
cun be murked 'uncleured` unIll yu
upprve Ihem Ihls encuruges yu
I keep u clse eye n everyduy uIglngs.
Scheduled IrunsucIlns ure dlspluyed
ln Ihelr vn rume uI Ihe bIIm
Ihe uccunI vlndv.
Euch IrunsucIln yu enIer shuld
crrespnd vlIh un enIry n yur BudgeI
screen. 1ls ls vhere yu plun yur
uIglngs r Ihe mnIh und crsscheck
hvyur plunned budgeI Iullles vlIh
yur ucIuul spendlng. 1ere ure sepuruIe
clumns r euch mnIh`s plunned
budgeI, ucIuul expendlIure und Ihe
dlerence beIveen Ihe Iv, shvlng
vheIher yu`ve spenI mre r less Ihun
yu budgeIed r.
1e BudgeI screen vrks very vell r
Irucklng exucIly hvmuch yu spend n
speclnc lIems. I yu`re cncerned ubuI
Ihe umunI yu spend n cee euch
mnIh, r exumple, yu culd creuIe u
speclnc neld r cee.
Yu seI yur budgeI n u mnIhby
mnIh busls. 1e ulmls IhuI yu uccunI
r every pund yu spend ln udvunce,
und ure Iherere less lncllned I spend
mney n u vhlmslmply becuuse lI`s
lylng ln yur uccunI r velghlng dvn
yur vulleI. 1ls cun ull eel u llIIle dd
l yu`re nI used I cnIrlllng yur
spendlng ln Ihls vuy.
Over Ihe Ihree mnIhs ve budgeIed,
ur uIluy ucrss vurlus cuIegrles
dldn`I ulvuys Iully vlIh Ihe budgeI.
One mnIh ve spenI mre n bks Ihun
ve expecIed und much less Ihun
unIlclpuIed n grcerles, r exumple.
Hvever, yu`re encuruged I udjusI
euch mnIh`s budgeI us yu g, s Ihere`s
ulvuys scpe I brlng yur budgeI ln llne
vlIh yur ucIuul spendlng.
1rugh cureul budgeIlng und u
grvlng uvureness vhere ur mney
venI, ve und ve vere n lnger
spendlng beynd ur meuns r lmpulse
buylng. We qulckly gI lnI Ihe hublI
enIerlng ur expendlIure uI Ihe
end euch duy r even vhlle n Ihe
mve vlu Ihe Andrld upp. I yu cme

uI ln u cld sveuI uI Ihe IhughI
numerlcul Iubles, Ihe lmprved ReprIs
euIure prvldes un vervlev yur
nnunces ln u serles uIIrucIlve churIs
und gruphs.
Unllke lder verslns YNAB yu
cun nvlmprI msI cmmn nnunclul
duIu nle rmuIs, lncludlng CSV und
Qulcken nles. Yu cun even muIch
lmprIed IrunsucIlns vlIh Ihse
yu`ve enIered munuully.
YNAB`s uppeul ls lIs slmpllclIy und
Ihe vuy lI enrces u sIrucIured uppruch
I budgeIlng. Yu dn`I need uny
purIlculur experIlse ln nnunclul plunnlng
ve und lI bIh cleur und lnrmuIlve.
AIer Ihree mnIhs use, ve vere
rlghI n Ip ur uIglngs und beIIer
uble I unIlclpuIe mnIhly expendlIure.
YNAB ls u brllllunI prgrumvhlch
shvs IhuI nnunclul munugemenI
desn`I huve I be cnuslng, Iedlus
r Ilmecnsumlng.
cessor or faster 5J2MBof memory
W|ndows XPor |ater|
VRlT: Ac|ear |nterface and an
adm|rab|e hnanc|a|-p|ann|ng ph||osophy
make |t easy to get even the most
unru|y hnances |n order

LTRNTlV: Xero EJ4.40per month

|f you need to keep the
books for a sma|| bus|ness,
th|s we||-des|gned web-
based program|s every
bean-counter's dream

mbr - J00cmbr 20J3

SIopoIlo uluIlo u ude
uo b Ru uhue l nl
ch u 1oson ond hc Agonos,
ud oe eceIl b Audu
AluIlo ulluce ud olI I
lole Iulg u lgle phoIoguph
o u becI oIe ude o clu
olg lI u ucIlo, Ihe
phoIoguphlg lI ugul, olg lI
u blI oe, phoIoguphlg lI ugul,
ud o o Flu Ihe phoIo lcl l
eece ud o ceuIe Ihe llllo
o oeeI l o becI ud o
e o uluIlo SIopoIlo SIdlo
4, pelol o u CluuIlo
SIdlo, leI o do Ihl
lg u cueu coecIed Io o FC
o cu e u SB ebcu, u oe
epele Fleleelpped cucode,
o u Cuo o lo DSR
eIIlg IuIed l lple SelecI o
cueu odel ou dopdo e,
chooe o deled eolIlo ud ue
uIe, ud oe eud Io go o cu up
euch ue uull o eI Ihe pogu
Io Iue plcIe uIouIlcull
uI pedeIeled lIeul e luIIe
opIlo peed p Ihe poce ud ue
lI oe lIeeIlg o lpuIleI ld
ulg bulc IopoIlo uluIlo l
lc ud eu o cu udd bucgod
lc, u olceoe ud ulo od
eecI ee ue ulo uduced euIe
o ceuIlg u poeloul loo Fo
euple, o cu pluce u gld oe Ihe
peleo huI o cueu ee Io help
o eglee oeeI oe peclel
AoIhe el Iool l Ihe olo l
euIe hlch leI o oelu Ihe
pelo phoIo oe Ihe pele
e edlIlg Iool hee ue oe
ophlIlcuIed Ihu Ihoe l CluuIlo
SIdlo o cu euuge ldlldul
hoI l o uluIlo lpl b
dugglg ud dopplg IhelIo Ihe
SIoboud oeleode ee ue
oe lple eecI, ch u ebo,
bulc dulg ud ulbhlg Iool, ud
Ihe ublllI Io udd IlIle ud cedlI
ee u lpele eoe Ilg
Iool IhuI leI o eue pop oo
uluIlo, o euple u nhlg lle
ed Io ue u chuucIe ee
ee u ble cee euIe IhuI leI o
epluce Ihe bucgod o o
uluIlo lIh u copleIel dleeI
oe l euIe l pool epluled b
huI l oIhele u deceI uul, o
oll eed Io epeleI Io geI lI lghI
o cu epoI o nlhed
uluIlo u ldeo Io plu o delce
ch u lFhoe ud lFod, o ue Ihe
u FE, V o FE4 ldeo ud
ploud IheIo ocluledlu lIe o
cu ee Ihe bulc uluIlo e ude
uI lpcucoIUS4
SIopoIlo SIdlo l geuI e
eedlIlg euIe ud boude cueu
ppoI ue u boo o ublIlo e
oee, l o I uI Io dubble ud
uleud hue Ihe olde CluuIlo SIdlo
Ihe IhuI pogul oe Ihu good
eogh, o Ihee llIIle euo Io pgude
reaesop-moonmoves onyour compuer
|at|on that
5amung w||| |aunch the Ca|axy 55
w|th a
p|xe| creen
a hown |n
th| art|t'
RLY2014 Rumour of a 7.5|n
5urface M|n| W|ndow Btab|et from
M|crooft have tarted c|rcu|at|ng, w|th
a pecu|ated re|eae date of ear|y 20J4.
2014 ccord|ng to rumour Coog|e |
bu||d|ng |t own martwatch w|th qu|ck
acce to Coog|e|e.|and|ng/nowI a the ma|n feature.
2014 mazon' rumoured ndro|d-
baed et-top box for tream|ng v|deo
ha been puhed back to next year.
Nexus 5
Coog|e' new
w|th the |atet
ver|on of ndro|d
dcbe Prem|ere
|ements 12
Ld|t your home
v|deo better than
VRDCT: n eay-to-ue top-mot|on
programw|th a w|de range of feature
and export opt|on

dobe Prem|ere
L|ement J2 E63
T| genera|-
purpoe v|deo-
ed|t|ng program
a|o ha a top-mot|on an|mat|on mode
J.BCHz Pent|um4 proceor or fater 256Mof
memory W|ndow XP5P2 or |ater 50Mof hard-
dr|ve pace W|ndow Med|a P|ayer 7 or |ater U5
webcam, or P|rew|re camcorder, or Canon or N|kon
05LRw|th L|veV|ewupport www.n|



mbr - J00cmbr 20J3

Tbst prcducts basdcnththcusands cf tsts

Computcrcctivcandcur slstr tlt|s carry cut vry yar
eMacookIr i3In
Tested |ssu 402
549 (w|theut entrat)|
Tested |ssu 40
Tested |ssu 405
PanasonicSmart VIeraLE
Tested |ssu 397
Tested |ssu 40
pp|'s |atst acook |r |sn't chap
but |t's th bst ||ghtw|ght |aptop
ava||ab|. |t has xc||nt battry ||f a
comfortab| kyboar a sns|b|y s|z
scrn an grat bun| softwar.
ALTRNATlV: 5amsung 5er|es 5 Ultra
NP540U3C-A02Ukchapr u|tra-
portab| w|th mor storag but th
scrn an battry ||f arn't as goo.|
pp|'s agsh|p smartphon gts a
convn|nt hngrpr|nt scannr an vn
bttr camra an fastr prformanc.
bag but ovra|| th|s |s an xc||nt
smartphon that xc|s |n vry way.
n nro| phon w|th a sns|b|y s|z
scrn xc||nt bu|| qua||ty an a
goo camra. E35J w|thout a contract|
T|s compact |ntrchangab| |ns
camra |s sma|| an rasonab|y pr|c
yt |t has w||-s|gn contro|s a
w| rang of ava||ab| |nss an
shoots xc||nt qua||ty photos.
|f you on't n th x|b|||ty of
rmovab| |nss th|s s||m rtro-
sty| compact |s a grat cho|c. E209|
fast Cw|th a powrfu| graph|cs
car that's nonth|ss qu|t so |t's
unobtrus|v. |us |t coms |n a sty||sh|y
co|ourfu| an compact cas. ar
|n m|n that |t osn't com w|th a
kyboar mous or mon|tor.
ALTRNATlV: CCL Alha XM-2 t|ny
spac-sav|ng Cthat's a|so goo va|u.|
n xc||nt bugt 7|n nro| tab|t
w|th a h|gh-rso|ut|on scrn an goo
battry ||f. |t's not qu|t as chap as th
or|g|na| Nxus 7 an nro| st||| ns
mor h|gh-qua||ty tab|t apps but |t's
st||| fantast|c va|u.
ALTRNATlV: 5eny Xer|a Tablet Z
n nro| tab|t that's ||ghtw|ght for
a J0|n mo| an has a goo scrn.|
|f |mag qua||ty rathr than 1Vcatch-up
srv|cs |s paramount thn th|s kn|y
pr|c smart 1V|s th b's kns.
|t's a|so got |ots of ports an a w||-
s|gn rspons|v usr |ntrfac.
ALTRNATlV: 5amsung U42F5500
|mag qua||ty |sn't as goo as th
V|ra's but th|s smart 1Vos hav a||
th trrstr|a| 1Vcatch-up srv|cs.
Tested: |ssu 407
Tesed: |ss 4J
Tesed: |ss 37
Dell UltraSharpUZ4iZM
Tesed: |ss 37
Tesed: |ss 39
Tesed: |ss 4
Tesed: |ss 42
s sccssor to t obo C|o s n
sy-to-rd |t tocscrn tt cn b
twkd tro ts sttns. r's no
3Cvrson for down|odn books on
t o, bt, n|k t mzon nd|,
yo cn by books fromndpndnt
rt|rs tt s t formt.
LTRNTlV: mazen kndle
Paerwe (2013) n -rdr wt
br||nt scrn nd s|ck ntrfc
nd som sf| ftrs. J9from
bst m|wr-protcton st
v|b| |so s vry ood prnt|
contro|s, n xc||nt rn of dvncd
sttns nd t b|ty to crt
rsc dsc for mrncs.
LTRNTlV: 5T 5mar 5eury 6
LL sccssf||y b|ockd most of t
m|wr w trwt t, nd ||owd
|tmt softwr. 59.99from
n xqst montor wt sprb m
q|ty, n dstb| stnd,
rso|ton nd vn b|t-n b.
|t's s|y t bst v| montor w'v
sn nd s t on by wc || otr
montors r dd.
LTRNTlV: ze Fers F52333
rcy, bt ts montor s vn
bttr m q|ty nd cn b
xtnsv|y twkd too f yo ws.
|to tsppsr|mtdndt's |tt|
xpnsv comprd to otr scrty
cmrs, t -cmsts ts prc
wt ts s of s nd ood q|ty
foot stord convnnt|y on|n. |f
yo wnt pc of mnd w| yo'r
wy, tn t's rt coc.
LTRNTlV: DLn reless NDay
N Camera ood-v| scrty
cmr wt xc||nt nt vson.
Ltrooms consstnt|y |nt,
powrf| nd fst poto-mnmnt
prormpckd wt sopstctd
ftrs. |f yo wnt to kp on top of
yor potos nd mk tm|ook tr
bst, tr's notn bttr.
LTRNTlV: debe Peese
lemens 12 fst, po|sd poto-
dtn prormwt dvncd dtn
too|s. 62
|to ts rotr dosn't v |ot of
xtr ftrs nd s comprtv|y
|owspccton, ts tocscrn nd
s of s mk t ood coc for
novcs. o don't v to comproms
on prformnc to - t's fst.
LTRNTlV: Neear R6300
|f yo'r rdy to nvst n 2.JJc
nd mony s no obct, tn ts s t
rotr to t - t's stpndos|y fst.

160 |
ested: |ssue 44
ested: |ssue 39B
ested: |ssue 3B2
ested: |ssue 42
PoverlInedapter Starter KIt
ested: |ssue 395
MyPassport UltraiT
ested: |ssue 37, Computer 5hopper
T|s N5 enc|osure has |t a|| - fast
performance, easy conhgurat|on and
p|enty of features. |t's not perfect - d|sk
|nsta||at|on |s hdd|y - but there are few
other N5 dev|ces we'd rather buy.
ALTRNATlV: Na T5-221 0|sks are
eas|er to |nsta|| |n th|s N5 and |t has
just as many usefu| features, but
|t's more expens|ve and not as fast.
Tere are |ots of web-des|gn programs,
but Xara's |s easy to use and aordab|e,
and |s packed w|th |ots of features.
Tere's a|so a good se|ect|on of h|gh-
qua||ty temp|ates and graph|cs.
ALTRNATlV: I|mdePre T|s browser-
based programfor creat|ng webs|tes
|s s||ck and feature-packed, but |ack|ng
|n h|gh-qua||ty temp|ates. E6a year
T|s budget mu|t|funct|on pr|nter MPPI
|sn't the fastest ava||ab|e, but |t's cheap
to buy and |nexpens|ve to run. !ust as
|mportant, pr|nts and scans |ook great.
T|s great va|ue MPP|s the one to buy.
ALTRNATlV: sen WerkFerce Pre
4015DNT|s standa|one pr|nter |s an
exce||ent a|ternat|ve to a |aser pr|nter
for a sma|| omce. EJ42 fromwww.
b||nd|ng|y fast 550that's good va|ue
and ava||ab|e |n a var|ety of capac|t|es
- J2, 24, 4Band96C. part from
htt|ngmorememory, |t's thes|ng|ebest
upgradeyoucandoonyour PCor |aptop.
ALTRNATlV: 5anD|sk xtreme
ll 240CT|s fast 550was far too
expens|ve when we rev|ewed |t
or|g|na||y, but |t's nowmuch cheaper.|
T|s very fast U53 portab|e hard dr|ve
|s very keen|y pr|ced. |t comes bund|ed
w|th backup software, but |t's a ||tt|e
c|unky to use.
ALTRNATlV: Tesh|ba 5ter Canv|e
500CNot as good va|ue or as fast,
but |t does come w|th better bund|ed
software. E45|pca.
1P-L|nk's t|ny Homep|ug adaptors are a
great cho|ce, espec|a||y |f socket space
|s at a prem|umor you don't want to
b|ock an adjacent socket. 0esp|te the|r
|owpr|ce, they're a|so very fast.
ALTRNATlV: Devele dLAN500
AVPlus 5tarter k|t Tese fast HomeP|ug
adaptors can b|ock adjacent sockets,
but they do have a pass through socket.


e 57 fer 6 mere meneysav|ng effers
F|nd these effers and mere at
ll effers ex|re 31 December, 2013
cvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

ou ollovour sIeps closely you

shouldn`I huve uny problems. BuI Io be
on Ihe sue slde, ve recommend you use
Wlndovs S`s dlsklmuglng Iool Io muke u ull buckup
o your FC beore you proceed. 1o do Ihls, press Ihe
Wlndovs key Ihen Iype buckup. Cllck SeIIlngs on
Ihe rlghI, Ihen 'Suve buckup coples o your nles` on
Ihe leI. ConnecI un udequuIely slzed exIernul hurd
drlve SUUGB should be enough), Ihen cllck
Wlndovs 7 Flle Recovery ln Ihe boIIomo Ihe Flle
HlsIory vlndov. NexI, cllck 'CreuIe u sysIemlmuge`
und ollovIhe onscreen lnsIrucIlons Io muke
your buckup. You should ulso cllck 'CreuIe u sysIem
repulr dlsc` uI Ihls polnI, Io muke un emergency
booIuble DVDIo resIore your FC.

Once your buckup ls compleIe, muke sure

your compuIer ls bung up Io duIe. Fress Ihe
Wlndovs key und Iype vlndovs upduIe.
Cllck SeIIlngs on Ihe rlghI, Ihen Wlndovs UpduIe on
Ihe leI. NexI, cllck 'Check or upduIes` und, l
necessury, InsIull Io dovnloud uny requlred
upduIes. You muy need Io resIurI your FC Io
compleIe uny upduIes.

inovs 8.I ocrs IoIs of

improvcmcnIs ovcr Windovs
8, incIuding a SIarI buIIon and Ihc
abiIiIy Io booI sIraighI Io your
DcskIop. Upgrading fromWindovs
8 is frcc and shouId bc prcIIy
sIraighIforvard. And ycI, vc`vc
hcard Ioads of horror sIorics abouI
upgradcs IhaI vcnI horribIy vrong.
So hcrc`s a fooIproof guidc Io
compIcIing Ihc proccss gIiIchfrcc.
And Windovs 7 uscrs, vc`II shov
you a cIcvcr Irick IhaI`II makc surc
you kccp aII your pcrsonaI Ics,
programs and scIIings vhcn you
upgradc Io Windovs 8.I.
Ugade Id .
Iu le
J4pages of eastofo||oor|shops andexpert t|ps
Ugade Id
. Iu le
MedIa ee V
DrganIse our !amIl
hIstor!or !ree
dd mIssIng tools to
CmaIl Ithoomerang
Readers' TIps
Tablet &Phone TIps
Make WIndos etter
Make D!!Ice etter
Secret TIps For...

need: Wlndcws 7 cr B T|me requ|red: 60 mlns

s andexpert t|ps

yu sIl cu`I brlg u Ih uI I lvs

r r` Il r l yu` rr I lsIu lvs
ru lsc Ihr`s u cvr vuy I vu u
bur u SO I V Mu u I yur lvs
rucI y yu` Ihls u ub svhr yur F
r lvs lsIuuIl Vsv u g I vvvslcu
cUSU lc sIu lvs I Ih uvlg
yur brvsr ru Ih vu sIu 1y yur
rucI y l Ih lvs SIu vlv u clc NxI
Ih NxI ugul s s us lvs sIurIs vulg
cs Ih SIu vlv Ih clc s

RIur I yur brvsr clc sIu lvs

Ih ru Ih vsIu u lvs vl
bgl I vu 1 ls 8 s lI cu Iu
u hur r r lg yur brubu s Oc
Ih hus vu scI sIu by cruIlg lu`
Ih clc NxI ScI lIhr S ush rlv` r SO`
rc Ih SOIl Suv Ih SO I yur
sI lsrI u bu V Ih clc O Vburr`
vh rI lc ur I cruI u lvs
lsIuuIl V lc s llsh Ih ubclc Ih
lsc lc l lvs xrr I bgl Ih lvs

lc uI I lvs r r` l
Ih lvs SIr Ih vu
yu`r uslg u uI r rIub F u
sur lI`s ugg lI Ih uls us Ihls uy Iu
s Il vIuuy yu` s u ssug Ilg
yu I rsIurI yur F u suv uy vr lc
RsIurI Nv yu`v I yur F uuII lI
vl rsIurI uuIuIlcuy vlIhl u vluIs 1
rsIurI rcss vl Iu gr Ihu usuu vhl
lvs ls sI u

u cu`I uuI I lvs vlu lvs

uI sIu l Ih SIurI scr clc Ih SIr Il
u shu s u ssug:'UpduIe Io Wlndovs S.I or
ree` on Ihe muln SIore puge . I you don`I see Ihls messuge,
check Wlndovs UpduIes see SIep 2). I IhuI doesn`I brlng up
Ihe messuge, you muy need Io munuully reresh Ihe Wlndovs
SIore. 1o do Ihls, press Ihe Wlndovs key und Iype run, Ihen
cllck Run on Ihe leI. In Ihe box IhuI uppeurs, Iype vsreseI.exe
Ihen cllck OK. NexI, resIurI your FC und check Ihe Wlndovs
SIore uguln. I you see Ihe Wlndovs S.I upduIe noIlce, go Io
SIep 6, l noI go Io SIep 4.

hen glve you lnormuIlon

ubouI SkyDrlve MlcrosoI`s cloud sIoruge servlce),
vhlch ls closely lnIegruIed vlIh Wlndovs S.I und
leIs you sync phoIos, documenIs und FC seIIlngs. You cun opI
ouI o SkyDrlve`s euIures by cllcklng '1urn o Ihese SkyDrlve
seIIlngs` , buI ve recommend you leuve Ihe euIures on,
Ihen cllck NexI . Your FC vlll relnsIull ull your upps und
nnlsh seIIlng lIsel up. Once lI hus nnlshed, you`ll see Ihe
SIurI screen uguln.

You muy nnd IhuI some progrums no longer

vork uIer your upgrude. In mosI cuses you cun
nx Ihls by relnsIulllng Ihe progrumln quesIlon.
I you lnsIulled Clusslc Shell Io repluce Ihe SIurI buIIon
ln Wlndovs S, or exumple, you`ll nnd Ihe Iool no longer
uncIlons. And, becuuse Ihe nevWlndovs S.I SIurI buIIon
doesn`I vork us lI used Io, you muy preer Ihe Clusslc
Shell ulIernuIlve. 1o muke lI vork uguln, doublecllck
your orlglnul Clusslc Shell seIup nle dovnloud rom
vvv.clusslcshell.neI l you no longer huve lI), cllck
Repulr vhen prompIed, ollovIhe remulnlng sIeps,
Ihen cllck Flnlsh.

Wlndovs 7 users cun upgrude dlrecIly Io Wlndovs

S.I or IUU vvv.snlpcu.comIUS2I), buI Ihe
process only leIs you keep personul nles. I you ulso
vunI Io keep your seIIlngs und progrums, you cun do lI by
lnsIulllng Wlndovs S vvv.snlpcu.comIUS2U) nrsI. Wlndovs
S ulso cosIs IUU buI, unllke Wlndovs S.I, lI leIs you reIuln
your Wlndovs seIIlngs, personul nles und upps ln Ihe
'Choose vhuI Io keep` screen durlng seIup. Once Wlndovs S ls
lnsIulled, go buck Io SIep I Io upgrude Io Wlndovs S.I or ree,
keeplng ull your seIIlngs und progrums lnIucI.

Once your FC hus rebooIed, you`ll need Io negoIluIe u

shorI serles o seIup screens. Cllck 'I uccepI` on Ihe
llcence screen, Ihen 'Use express seIIlngs` unless you
huve u speclnc reuson or chooslng Ihe CusIomopIlon). On Ihe
nexI screen, slgn lnIo your uccounI, Ihen cllck NexI. I you`re
slgnlng ln vlu u MlcrosoI uccounI, you muy be usked Io enIer u
code. SelecI hovyou vunI Io recelve Ihe code or exumple, by
IexI messuge uslng Ihe dropdovn menu , Ihen cllck NexI .
EnIer Ihe code MlcrosoI sends you lnIo Ihe box, Ihen cllck
Upra !o \novs 8.I v!hou! proolms

sIull Ihe luIesI verslon o MCEBuddy currenIly

2.8.I2), muklng sure sure you geI Ihe correcI verslon or your
edlIlon o Wlndovs 82 blI or 64 blI). Durlng seIup, cllck OK Io
ull Ihe suggesIed opIlons, excepI Ihe sepuruIe ShovAnulyzer udremovul
progrum, vhlch you von`I need und lsn`I ree. Cllck Cuncel vhen Ihls ls
oered. We`ll expluln u ree vuy Io lmprove udverIremovul seIIlngs luIer.
Once seIup ls compleIe, luunch MCEBuddy und cllck SeIIlngs .

You cun seI up MCEBuddy Io monlIor Ihe olders vhere

you sIore your recorded 1V nles und uuIomuIlcully converI
uny nevrecordlngs lI nnds Io your preerred ormuI.
Go Io Ihe SeIIlngs screen, Ihen look ln Ihe 'MonlIor locuIlons`
box Io muke sure IhuI Ihe olders used Io sIore your Wlndovs
Medlu CenIer recorded 1V ure llsIed. I noI, cllck Ihe locuIlon
llsIed, Ihen cllck Chunge . NexI, cllck Ihe buIIon vlIh Ihe Ihree
doIs und brovse Io Ihe relevunI older, cllck lI, Ihen cllck
OK und OK uguln.
ovs Mcdia CcnIcr (WMC)
has a grcaI pcrsonaI vidco
rccordcr (PVR) for rccording
your favouriIc TV programmcs.
AnnoyingIy, Ihough, Ihc WTV vidco
Ic formaI iI uscs is incompaIibIc
viIh mosI oIhcr dcviccs, making iI
aII buI impossibIc for you Io Iransfcr,
sIrcamor pIay your rccordings on
anyIhing oIhcr Ihan your PC.
TankfuIIy, Ihcrc`s a grcaI frcc IooI
caIIcd MCEBuddy (vvv.snipca.
comI0SI8), vhich convcrIs WTV
Ics Io morc univcrsaI Ic formaIs.
II aIso shrinks Ics sizcs and cuIs
ouI unvanIcd advcrIs.
WatchWIndovs MedIa
Center TVonanydevIce

NexI, doublecllck 'ConverI Io MF4` ln Ihe

'Converslon Iusks` box. MF4 Normul ls Ihe
deuulI converslon ormuI und oers Ihe vldesI
compuIlblllIy vlIh oIher devlces, us vell us hlghquullIy
lmuge und sound, so leuve Ihls seIIlng unchunged or nov.
NexI Io DesIlnuIlon, cllck Ihe buIIon vlIh Ihree doIs nexI Io
Ihe older llsIed here , Ihen brovse Io Ihe older vhere you
vunI Io sIore your converIed vldeos und cllck OK, Ihen OK,
Ihen OK uguln Io reIurn Io Ihe muln MCEBuddy vlndov.
t yeu need: Vlsta, 7 cr B T|me requ|red: 30 mlnuts

I yue I hy vIh Ihe Iue su uIy yu veIe

ves SeIIs Ihe MCEBuy vv Ihe ue
CveI I MF ue Cves Iss hse IeIve ne
I Ihe Fne v eu u y ee I exeeI I n Ihe
I I yu ees ve suggesI Irylng AVI MFEG2 Unprocessed . 1ls
von`I shrlnk Ihe nle slze llke MF4 does, buI lI vlll creuIe u movle nle IhuI pluys buck
on Androld devlces uslng Ihe ree MX Fluyer upp vvv.snlpcu.comIUS22) or ln lOS
uslng Ihe ree MollFluyer upp vvv.snlpcu.comIUS28), vhlle mulnIulnlng Ihe orlglnul
lmuge und uudlo quullIy.

Cllck Ihe SIurI buIIon und Ihe nles Io be converIed vlll

populuIe Ihe muln secIlon. 1e converslon process beglns
uuIomuIlcully und you`ll see Ihe progress o euch nle us lI`s
converIed. I you`ve loIs o recorded 1V nles, Ihls buIch converslon cun
Iuke u vhlle Io compleIe. You cun puuse or sIop Ihe process uI uny Ilme
uslng Ihe buIIons beneuIh . I you cllck Close MCEBuddy vlll
conIlnue lIs converslons ln Ihe buckground.

When MCEBuddy hus nnlshed converIlng your

nles, open Ihe older you speclned ln SIep 8
und pluy one o your converIed recordlngs Io
IesI lI ouI. I you`re huppy vlIh Ihe resulIs, you cun Ihen
Irunser or sIreumIhemIo your IubleI or phone. You
cun ulso seI up MCEBuddy Io uuIomuIlcully converI nev
recordlngs Io u schedule. Cllck SeIIlngs, Ihen cllck Ihe
urrovbuIIons nexI Io Advunced SeIIlngs . 1lck SIurI
uI` Ihen ln Ihe dropdovn menus selecI sIurI und sIop
Ilmes Io curry ouI converslons und remove Ilcks rom
duys o Ihe veek you don`I vunI converslons Io run.
Cllck OK, Ihen SIurI Io begln runnlng Ihe schedule.

I udremovul husn`I vorked properly, open un

Explorer vlndovWlnE) und nuvlguIe Io C:
FrogrumFllesMCEBuddy2xcomsklp, Ihen double
cllck Ihe comsklp.lnl nle Io open lI ln NoIepud. In Ihe IexI,
nexI Io deIecImeIhod` , chunge Ihe vulue rom48 Io III.
Suve Ihe nle Io your DeskIop, Ihen drop lI ln Ihe comsklp
older und cllck Repluce Io overvrlIe prevlous verslon vhen
prompIed. NexI, Iry converIlng u recordlng Io see l uds huve
been removed. MCEBuddy Irles Io cuI udverIs by deuulI.
I lIs uIIempIs Io do so ure cuuslng problems, Iurn udremovul
o by cllcklng SeIIlngs, doublecllcklng ConverI Io MF4` und
chooslng No romIhe Remove uds` menu.

neNIe cmes vlIh MlcrsI Omce, buI yu

dn`I huve I puy r Omce ln rder I use lI.
We`re glng I demnsIruIe hvI use OneNIe
r ree, vlu u ree SkyDrlve veb Il und ree upps r
lFhne vvv.snlpcu.cmIUS2S), lFud vvv.snlpcu.
cmIUS29) und Andrld vvv.snlpcu.cmIUS8U).
1ere`s uls u ree OneNIe upp r Wlndvs S
vvv.snlpcu.cmIUS8I). Dvnlud Ihe mblle
upps relevunI I yur devlces, Ihen g I hIIps:skydrlve.
llve.cmn yur FC und slgn ln uslng yur MlcrsI
uccunI r slgn up r un uccunI l yu dn`I ulreudy
huve ne). We recmmend uslng InIerneI Explrer us yur
brvser, becuuse lI ully supprIs cpylng und pusIlng.

Cllck CreuIe, selecI 'OneNIe nIebk`, Ihen Iype u

nume und cllck CreuIe. 1ype u IlIle, press EnIer und
sIurI Iyplng Ihe nIe. OneNIe puges ure slmllur I
Wrd dcumenIs ln IhuI yu cun udd llnks r pusIe lmuges lnI
Ihe puge. LeI`s suy yu`re plunnlng u ucInndlng Irlp I see u
dlsIunI reluIlve vh hus senI yu u llnk I vhere he llves ln
Ggle Mups. Open Ihe mup, Ihen press Ihe Wlndvs key, Iype
snlpplng und press EnIer I pen Ihe Wlndvs Snlpplng 1l.
Cllck Nev 1 , drug u bx urund Ihe ureu Ihe mup yu need,
Ihen reIurn I OneNIe, rlghIcllck ln un empIy spuce und
selecI FusIe 2 .

c o cc okcd on g
rcscarch projccI, Iikc your famiIy
Ircc, and vishcd Ihcrc vas a vay Io
group your noIcs, scans, phoIos and
idcas inIo onc IocaIion so you couId
ordcr aII your randomIhoughIs and
acccss Ihcmfromyour PC, smarIphonc
or IabIcI aI any Iimc? MicrosofI
OncNoIc providcs a vay Io do prcciscIy
IhaI. II`s a noIcIaking appIicaIion IhaI
IcIs you gaIhcr, organisc, synchronisc,
scarch and sharc dicrcnI Iypcs of
informaIion, such as IisIs, maps,
imagcs, audio rccordings and morc.

!amIlyhIstory!or !ree

Cllck Ihe bur uI Ihe Ip un lmuge und drug I mve

lI, r rlghIcllck und selecI Grvr Shrlnk I reslze lI.
AlIernuIlvely, cllck Ihe plcIure, Ihen FrmuI ln Ihe
Ilbur, Iype u percenIuge ln Ihe Scule bx, Ihen press EnIer.
Cllck Hme 1 I brlng up u seI IexI Ils, lncludlng nIs,
rmuIIlng, sIyles und u spellchecker. Yu cun udd Iugs I
lndlvlduul elemenIs ln yur nIe. Cllck Ihe mup, r exumple,
Ihen cllck 1ug 2 und selecI u relevunI keyvrd. In ur cuse, IhuI
mlghI be Address 3. Yu`ll see u smull huse lcn uppeur by Ihe
lmuge. 1ype u descrlpIln here, l necessury.
ht yeu need: XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B, lOS cr ndrcld T|me requ|red: 30 mlnuts

no need Io cllck u 'suve` buIIon, us ull your

chunges ure suved onllne us you muke Ihem, und your
noIes vlll be lnsIunIly uvulluble on ull your oIher
devlces. Open Ihe OneNoIe upp on your IubleI or phone. 1up
Ihrough Ihe lnlIlul IuIorlul screens und slgn ln uslng Ihe sume
SkyDrlve credenIluls you used ln SIep I. You should be oered
Ihe opIlon o openlng Ihe noIebook you creuIed ln SIep 2.
I noI, Iup Ihe buck urrovbuIIon Iop leI) unIll you see
'Open noIebook` Androld) or NoIebooks lOS) , Ihen Iup
Ihls und Iup Ihe nume o Ihe noIebook you`re vorklng on.

1e phone und
IubleI upps
vork ln u
slmllur vuy Io Ihe
SkyDrlve veb upp, buI
Ihey huve some useul
uddlIlonul euIures.
LeI`s suy, or exumple,
you urrlve uI your
reluIlve`s house und
dlscover purklng
resIrlcIlons IhuI you
vunI Io remember or
your nexI vlslI. I you`re
uslng OneNoIe on un
lFud, Iup u blunk spuce
on Ihe puge, Ihen Iup
Ihe InserI Iub . 1up
Ihe cumeru buIIon
und Iuke u shoI o Ihe purklng noIlce, Ihen Iup Use FhoIo Io
lnclude Ihe phoIo ln your noIe. I you huve un Androld devlce,
Iup ln your noIe, Ihen Iup Ihe cumeru lcon on Ihe Iop Ioolbur.

1e Androld verslon even leIs you udd

uudlo recordlngs Io your noIes dlrecIly rom
your devlce`s mlcrophone. Ferhups you
vunI Io muke u qulck volce noIe Io remlnd yoursel
o someIhlng luIer or record un lnIervlevvlIh your
reluIlve or your umlly hlsIory projecI. I so, Iup ln
your noIe, Ihen Iup Ihe mlcrophone lcon ln Ihe Iop
Ioolbur. When Ihe recordlng ls nnlshed, Iup SIop und
Iype u nume or Ihe recordlng. Be uvure IhuI OneNoIe
llmlIs you Io Ihree mlnuIes o recordlng Ilme.

As you bulld your projecI you`ll nnd lI eusler Io orgunlse your

ldeus by spllIIlng your noIes lnIo secIlons. 1o udd urIher secIlons,
cllck Ihe plus ) slgn on Ihe Iop Ioolbur. You cun ulso shure
OneNoIe documenIs vlIh oIher people, so Ihey cun vlevor udd noIes o
Ihelr ovn. In Ihe SkyDrlve verslon, or exumple, cllck Flle, Shure, Ihen
'Shure vlIh Feople`. 1ype Ihe emull uddress o Ihe person you vunI Io
shure Ihe noIe vlIh ln Ihe 1o box . 1ype u messuge und, l you vunI oIhers
Io be uble Io udd Ihelr ovn noIes, Ilck Ihe 'ReclplenIs cun edlI` box und
cllck Shure .

u brovser vlndov ve`ll be uslng Chrome), slgn ln Io
your Gmull uccounI, Ihen go Io
und cllck InsIull Boomerung, Ihen Add. Your Gmull lnbox vlll
reloud vlIh u brle Iour o Boomerung`s muln euIures. You cun nov
use your nev uddon Io cleur ouI emulls clogglng up your lnbox IhuI
you huven`I deleIed or urchlved becuuse you`re noI sure vheIher you
muy sIlll need Ihem ln Ihe uIure. Boomerung cun remove Ihese rom
your lnbox und Ihen reIurn Ihem uI luIer duIe so you don`I lose Iruck o
Ihem. Open one und cllck Ihe Boomerung buIIon 1 ln Ihe Ioolbur und
selecI rom Ihe dropdovn menu vhen you vunI Ihe messuge Io
reuppeur ln your lnbox.
You cun ullov popups or Gmull so you recelve nev messuge
ulerIs ln your brovser. 1o do so ln Chrome, cllck Ihe blocked
popup lcon 1 ln Ihe uddress bur, selecI 'Alvuys ullov popups
rom` 2 , Ihen cllck Done. NexI, cllck Reresh 3 und
Gmull vlll reloud. RepeuI SIep I, cllcklng Ihe Boomerung buIIon ln
your messuge und selecIlng vhen you vunI lI reIurned Io your lnbox.
You vlll nov see u popup rom Boomerung)
requesIlng permlsslon Io uccess your Gmull uccounI. Cllck AccepI.
Boomerung ls nov ully seI up und your messuge vlll move Io u nev
Boomerung older unIll Ihe duIe you speclned.

gIc paks a IoI o uscuI

caIurcs inIo CmaiI, vhih is onc
o Ihc rcasons Ihc vcmaiI scrvic is
so popuIar. BuI Ihcrc arc a oupIc o
kcy unIions missing romCmaiI`s
IooIscI. CurrcnIIy, you an`I shcduIc
mcssagcs Io c scnI aI a IaIcr Iimc
and Ihcrc`s no vay Io scI rcmindcrs
Io oIIovup imporIanI mcssagcs.
ForIunaIcIy, Ihcrc`s an casy vay Io
add oIh o Ihcsc caIurcs Io your
inox y insIaIIing a rcc addon
or Chromc, Fircox and Saari
aIIcd Boomcrang.
gtools to
CmaIl vIthoomerang
1o schedule sendlng un emull uI u speclnc Ilme und duIe on
someone`s blrIhduy, or exumple cllck Compose Ihen Iype
your emull. When you`ve nnlshed Iyplng, cllck Ihe Send LuIer
buIIon uI Ihe boIIom o Ihe Compose vlndov. 1en, ln Ihe box belov
'AI u speclnc Ilme`, Iype Ihe duIe und Ilme you vunI Ihe emull Io be
senI, Ihen cllck Connrm. NoIe IhuI Boomerung uses Amerlcun duIe
convenIlons monIhduyyeur). 1ere`s ulso u ree Androld upp
vvv.snlpcu.comIUS4S) und you cun use Boomerung on uny
smurIphone or IubleI by vlslIlng
ln your devlce`s veb brovser.
ht yeu need: XP, Vlsta, 7 cr B T|me requ|red: J5 mlnuts
Makycur PCstart lnsccnds
Ccntrc| a s|ldshcwfrcmycur phcn
Sync ycur tab|t wlthycur PC
UpgradtcWlndcws B.J frcmthPrvlw vlw
- J00cmbr 20J3

Ien need Io cllp ouI und converI
shorI secIlons o vldeo und lnserI Ihem
lnIo presenIuIlons. UnIll recenIly, I`d
hud Io use u number o dlerenI
progrums, dependlng on vhlch
vldeo ormuI I vus vorklng
on, und Ihe process vus
ulvuys Iedlous und Ilme
consumlng. AIer some
reseurch, hovever, I ound ouI
IhuI Ihe ree VLC medlu pluyer hus Ihe
uclllIy Io muke cllps rom
prucIlcully uny Iype o vldeo.
Open VLC und pluy Ihe
vldeo romvhlch you lnIend
Io exIrucI u cllp. Cllck Vlevln
Ihe Ioolbur Ihen Advunced
ConIrols. 1ls udds our
buIIons ln Ihe boIIomleI
corner o Ihe VLC vlndov. Novull you
huve Io do ls geI Ihe vldeo Io Ihe polnI
you vunI Io sIurI your cllp by drugglng
Ihe sllder underneuIh Ihe pluybuck
screen, Ihen cllck Ihe red record buIIon.
LeI Ihe vldeo pluy, Ihen cllck Ihe red
buIIon uguln uI Ihe polnI you vunI Io
end Ihe cllp.
II`s us slmple us IhuI! As long us VLC
cun pluy lI, even dlrecI romu DVD, you
cun cllp romlI. II`ll suve
your cllps ln your user
vldeo older ln my cuse
us un MF4 nle vlIh u
ruIher lengIhy nlenume.
I MF4 ls noI sulIuble
or your needs you cun
euslly converI Ihe cllps
Io unoIher ormuI
uslng Ihe excellenI
ree FormuI FucIory
Iool vvv.pcree

!romvIdeo!Iles vIthVLC's hIddentools

v stur v|russ
My ISF ls B1 Yuhoo und I use Ihe
McAee InIerneI SecurlIy Iool
provlded vlIh my subscrlpIlon. I ulso
run MulvurebyIes AnIlMulvure vvv. und SpyboI Seurch &
once u monIh or vhenever u problem
urlses. RecenIly SpyboI ugged up u vlrus
culled Wln82.Dovnlouder.gen. When I
Irled Io nx lI, SpyboI cume up vlIh un
error messuge. I run SpyboI Ivlce more
vlIh Ihe sume resulI.
I seurched on Google or 'Wln82.
Dovnlouder.gen` und ound puges o dlre
vurnlngs ubouI vhuI Ihls vlrus mlghI
do. I Ihen Irled Io nnd ouI hovIo remove
Ihe vlrus und uncovered puges o
complex soluIlons, vhlch mosIly
lnvolved edlIlng Ihe Wlndovs ReglsIry
nle. I dldn`I eel conndenI enough Io
curry ouI Ihese procedures und vus ubouI
Io seek proesslonul help vhen I sIumbled
upon u SpyboI orumln vhlch someone
else vunIed Io knovhovIo remove Ihe
vlrus. One reply suggesIed runnlng
SpyboI us un udmlnlsIruIor. 1ls ls u
reluIlvely slmple procedure rlghIcllck
Ihe lcon und selecI 'Run us udmlnlsIruIor`
und lI solved Ihe problem.
ert Crant
t yur wk|ng u fer
ne reasen
Huve you ever senI your FC Io sleep
vhen you`re noI uslng lI, only or
lI Io vuke up or no uppurenI reuson,
usuully ln Ihe mlddle o Ihe nlghI` In
my experlence, Ihe mouse ls Io blume.
Wlndovs deuulI seIIlngs muke lI posslble
or Ihe mouse Io vuke Ihe FC und uny
mlnor vlbruIlon cun ucIlvuIe Ihls.
1o Iurn Ihls uncIlon o ln Wlndovs S,
press Ihe Wlndovs buIIonFuuseBreuk
key, Ihen cllck Devlce Munuger ln Ihe
vlndovIhuI opens. Novcllck Mlce,
rlghIcllck on your mouse und choose
FroperIles. SelecI Ihe Fover MunugemenI
Iub, unIlck Ihe box IhuI suys 'AllovIhls
devlce Io vuke Ihe compuIer`, Ihen cllck
OK. 1uI should solve Ihe problem.
Br|an McC|nty
F|x reblems w|th W|ndews 8
l|ve t|les
I`ve been huvlng Irouble vlIh Ihe
WeuIher upp ln Wlndovs S or
some reuson lI doesn`I ulvuys seemIo
upduIe und Ihe llve Ille on my SIurI
screen ls oIen blunk. I oIen need Io
reer Io Ihe veuIher orecusI or my
job, so lI`s mosI lnconvenlenI.
I Irled unlnsIulllng und relnsIulllng
lI romIhe Wlndovs SIore und Ihls
seemed Io vork uI nrsI, buI soon
Ihe problemreIurned. AIer some
reseurch, hovever, I ound u useul
Iool romMlcrosoI culled Ihe Apps
1roubleshooIer vvv.snlpcu.
comIUSS8). Cllck Ihe 'Apps
IroubleshooIer` llnk second llne o
IexI romIhe Iop) Io dovnloud Ihe
AppsDlugnosIlc.dlugcub nle Io your FC.
Doublecllck Ihls Io run lI, Ihen cllck
NexI und ollovIhe onscreen sIeps.
In my cuse, Ihe IroubleshooIer ound
some mlsslng securlIy seIIlngs. I cllcked
'VlevdeIulled lnormuIlon` und suv
IhuI Ihe Iool hud reseI Ihese securlIy
seIIlngs. So on Ihe SIurI screen, I rlghI
cllcked Ihe WeuIher upp, Iurned Ihe llve
Ille o und on uguln und I huven`I hud
Ihe problemslnce.
!ames Chesh|re
1he w|nner of every 1|p of the Portn|ght w|ns th|s exc|us|ve Computeract|ve mug|

landy h|nts andt|s fromyour fe||owreaders
Lma|| us your t|ps: |
br - J00cmbr 20J3
r||||at th|g todooour de|e
battery l|fe |n |05 7
or ull lIs nevrllls und euIures,
Apple`s nevlOS 7 operuIlng
sysIemhus u nusIy hublI o
drulnlng your lFhone or lFud buIIery
usIer Ihun prevlous verslons. BuI, by
svlIchlng o euIures you don`I use, you
cun conserve pover usuge und sIop Ihe
buIIery drulnlng us qulckly. AlrDrop, or
exumple, ls u greuI nevvuy Io shure
phoIos, llnks und more vlIh oIher lOS 7
users, buI lI runs ln Ihe buckground ull
Ihe Ilme so svlIchlng lI o vlll suve
pover. Svlpe upvurds romIhe boIIom
o Ihe screen Io reveul ConIrol CenIre, Iup
AlrDrop, Ihen Iup O. You cun ulvuys
Iurn lI buck on vhen you need lI. You
should ulso conslder Iupplng SeIIlngs,
Generul Ihen Buckground App Reresh
und Iurnlng o uny upps you don`I need
runnlng ln Ihe buckground.
SvlIchlng o Ihe 8Dlook o your
buckground lmuge und oIher moIlon
eecIs vlll ulso prolong buIIery lle
do Ihls by Iupplng SeIIlngs, Generul,
AccesslblllIy, Ihen Reduce MoIlon und
svlIch Ihe sllder Io On.
Flnully, lI`s novvery eusy Io
uccldenIully svlIch on BlueIooIh vhen
slldlng ConIrol CenIre ln or ouI. I your
buIIery ls sIlll drulnlng usI, sllde Ihe
ConIrol CenIre up romIhe boIIomo Ihe
screen und muke sure BlueIooIh lsn`I
svlIched on unnecessurlly.
Use yeur landl|ne lan en yeur
smarthene t
I you`re u Vlrgln Medlu
cusIomer, Ihen you muy
be lnIeresIed ln u nevree
upp culled SmurICull or boIh Androld
vvv.snlpcu.comIUS94) und lOS
devlces vvv.snlpcu.comIUS98), vhlch
leIs you muke culls romyour moblle
uslng your home phone Iulk plun. II
vorks over WlFl, meunlng IhuI you cun
bypuss your moblle neIvork ulIogeIher
und muke oIen much cheuper culls
bused on Ihe Iurl you use or your Vlrgln
lundllne phone Iulk plun, lncludlng uny
lncluslve mlnuIes you muy huve. 1e
person you`re culllng doesn`I need Io be
on u Vlrgln phone or lI Io vork und, besI
o ull, SmurICull vorks vhen you`re
ubroud Ioo, poIenIlully suvlng you u
lurge umounI ln roumlng churges.
Create a w|sh l|st
1ere ure Ilmes vhen you
dlscover u nevupp or u rlend
recommends one Io you buI you
don`I huve Ihe Ilme Io ully reseurch
vheIher or noI you vunI Io dovnloud lI.
In lOS 7, Ihere`s u hundy neveuIure IhuI
ullovs you Io suve upps und gumes you`re
lnIeresIed ln so IhuI you don`I lose Iruck
o Ihem. Whlle brovslng ln Ihe App SIore,
Iup Ihe shure lcon u squure vlIh un urrov
polnIlng upvurds), Ihen Iup 'Add Io Wlsh
LlsI`. 1o vlevlIems on your vlsh llsI, Iup
Ihe lcon vlIh Ihree doIs und Ihree llnes ln
Ihe IoprlghI corner. CurrenIly, lI`s only
posslble Io udd puld upps, noI ree ones.
1e Wlsh LlsI Iool ls ulso uvulluble ln Ihe
l1unes SIore upp.
Cet a better Calendar a
All Androld devlces come vlIh
u Culendur upp bullI ln buI lI`s
u somevhuI llmlIed Iool,
purIlculurly vhere vldgeIs ure
0lym|c thletes' Hub
th|ts frcma|| cvr th wcr|d ar
garlng up fcr th 20J4 Wlntr O|ymplcs
ln Scchl, Russla.
Tls cmcla| app |ts
ycu fc||cwthlr
prparatlcns vla
pcsts shard cn th
ntwcrk. Ycu can
sarch fcr updats
by spcrt, ath|t
and ccuntry and gt
a prscna| lnslght
lntc thlr |lvs.

M|creseft Remete Deskte
|f ycu'r cut and abcut and nd tc ccnnct
tc ycur wcrk cr hcm PC, thls app maks
lt asy. 0v|cpd by Mlcrcscft lt crats a
dlrct |lnk btwn ycur mcbl| dvlc and
ycur ccmputr vla th lntrnt.
Pcp| wlth ndrcld tab|ts nna||y hav
a Skyp app that ls nt fcr purpcs. nw
vrslcn cf Skyp mad spclnca||y fcr
ndrcld tab|ts ls ncwaval|ab|, wlth an
lmprcvd lntrfac and |aycut.
What ouhou|d|ta|| th|fort|ght
mbr - J00cmbr 20J3
eeleg|st - Iurass|c L|fe
|ree|pca.ccm/10591 (|D5}
|f ycu kncwa |ltt| prscn whc's currnt|y
lnfatuatd by 1-rx and 1rlcratcps, thls
fr app ls fcr thm. |t c|vr|y ccmblns
slmp| puzz|s wlth a |ltt| ducatlcn. Klds
can nnd cut abcut archac|cgy by dlgglng
fcr bcns, puttlng tcgthr thlr cwn
dlncsaur sk|tcns, cc|curlng ln and mcr.
C5 6-10
Rayman F|esta Run|pca.ccm/10587 (ndrc|d}|pca.ccm/10586(|D5}
Rayman, th |lmb|ss hrc, rturns fcr
thls p|atfcrmgam. Prmannt|y mcvlng
fcrward, ycu must navlgat varlcus |v|s
uslng jumps, punchs and klcks. Klds and
grcwn-ups can h|p ach cthr un|cck
prlzs cr ccmpt agalnst ach cthr.
C5 11-16
T|ny Death 5tar
|| klds |cv (as dc many
grcwn-up kldsl, and wlth 1lny 0ath Star
ycu'|| nna||y gt th chanc tc bul|d ycur
vry cwn batt| statlcn, ccmp|t wlth
rstaurants, cantlnas and gyms. Tcugh
fr, ycu can pay fcr ln-gam currncy lf
ycu want tc spd up ycur prcgrss.

t top|aytogthr onyor phonandtab|t

d. 1unkully, Ihere`s u greuI
nevulIernuIlve uvulluble culled DlglCul,
vhlch udds muny useul euIures,
lncludlng cusIomlsuble vldgeIs IhuI
ullovduy, monIh, grld or llsI vlevs
und more, rlghI romIhe home screen.
1e culendur lIsel syncs vlIh Google,
OuIlook und Exchunge culendurs und hus
u bullIln locuIlon seurch Io help you geI
Io Ihe rlghI pluce uI Ihe rlghI Ilme.
DlglCul ls ree vvv.snlpcu.comIUS9S)
buI Ihe premlumverslon, DlglCul 4.2S
romvvv.snlpcu.comIUS96) removes
udverIs und udds urIher Iools, lncludlng
u smurIlooklng buckground Irunspurency
und cusIomonIs und colours.
5ave a ma fer em|ne use
Mup upps, such us Google Mups,
ure greuI or nuvlguIlng Io pluces
vhlle you`re ouI und ubouI. BuI
neIvork uccess ls requlred Io use Ihem,
und lI lsn`I ulvuys posslble Io guurunIee
u moblle or WlFl slgnul vhlle you`re
on Ihe roud. InsIeud, you could use
Ihls Irlck Io dovnloud u copy o u
purIlculur mup Io your devlce beore you
leuve, so IhuI you cun conIlnue Io reer Io
lI even vhen you`re omlne. 1o do Ihls,
muke sure you`re connecIed Io u neIvork,
Ihen open Google Mups und Iype Ihe
uddress you vunI. Once Ihe mup hus
louded, Iup ln Ihe Seurch box uguln,
Ihen Iup Ihe cross Io remove uny
suggesIed locuIlons. Flnully, Iup 'Muke
Ihls mup ureu uvulluble omlne` Io
muke Google Mups suve Ihe onscreen
mup ureu.
dd werds te yeur d|ct|enary
Androld mukes helpul
suggesIlons ln u IexI box ubove
Ihe keybourd vhen you Iype, buI
Ihese cun oIen be u llIIle hlI und mlss.
One vuy Io bulld up u more relevunI seI
o suggesIed vords ls Io udd IhemIo
your devlce`s bullIln dlcIlonury. Suy
Ihere`s u purIlculur vord or un unusuully
spelled nume IhuI you oIen use nexI
Ilme you Iype lI ln un emull or IexI
messuge, or exumple), hold your nnger
dovn on Ihe vord or u long Iup, Ihen
selecI Repluce romIhe menu IhuI pops
up und Iup 'Add Io dlcIlonury` uI Ihe
boIIomo Ihe llsI.

Maknovs Br
I lnklng
ulng u u l
blgg un 1
u nnd your compuIer hus problems
recognlslng lIs ull cupuclIy. 1ere ure
u number o reusons or Ihls und
dlerenI soluIlons, dependlng on your
hurdvure und Wlndovs verslon.
On FCs runnlng 64blI verslons o
Wlndovs und u never UEFI Blos you
should be uble Io lnsIull u hurd drlve
lurger Ihun 21B vlIhouI problems.
On FCs runnlng Ihe 64blI verslon o
Wlndovs 7 vlIh un older nonUEFI
Blos vhlch meuns mosI FCs more Ihun
IS monIhs old), you muy be uble Io
lnsIull u drlve IhuI`s lurger Ihun 21B by
cllcklng SIurI, rlghIcllcklng CompuIer
und selecIlng Munuge. NexI, cllck Dlsk
MunugemenI on Ihe leI un InlIlullze
Dlsk messuge should uppeur l noI,
rlghIcllck Ihe nevdrlve und selecI
InlIlullze Dlsk). Check Ihe GF1 opIlon
und cllck OK. WlIh Ihls done, rlghI
cllck Ihe drlve uguln und selecI Nev
Slmple Volume und ollovIhe sIeps
Io ormuI Ihe drlve
us normul.
I Ihls doesn`I vork,
or l you`re uslng
u 82blI verslon o
Wlndovs, you muy
need Io rely on
your hurddrlve
soIvure Io provlde
supporI or cupuclIles
beyond 2.I1B. SeuguIe,
or exumple, provldes
u ree dovnlouduble
Iool vvv.snlpcu.
comIUS67) or lIs lurge
drlves IhuI unlocks
Ihe ull cupuclIy.
W|NDDW5 XP, V|57, 7, 8, 8.1
Cet Idovs tosot bIarddrIves
W|NDDW5 8.1
ccess yeur camera fremthe
leck screen
MlcrosoI`s mujor upduIe Io
Wlndovs S cume vlIh loIs o
neveuIures, buI lI`s eusy Io mlss
some o Ihe mosI useul enhuncemenIs,
lncludlng Ihe operuIlng sysIem`s nev
ublllIy Io ullovcumeru uccess romIhe
lock screen. You`ll need u devlce vlIh u
vebcumor cumeru uIIuched or bullI ln.
1o enuble Ihe euIure, press Ihe
Wlndovs keyI und cllck 'Chunge FC
seIIlngs`. NexI, cllck 'FC und devlces`,
Ihen 'Lock screen` und scroll dovn Io
Ihe Cumeru heudlng. Cllck Ihe sllder
under 'Svlpe dovn on Ihe lock screen
Io use Ihe cumeru` Io svlIch Ihe euIure
on. NexI Ilme your FC or IubleI ls
shovlng Ihe lock screen, Iry svlplng
dovn or cllcklng und drugglng) rom
Ihe Iop o Ihe screen Io reveul Ihe
cumeru conIrols.
W|NDDW5 8, 8.1
Cet a CPUand memery meter
en yeur deskte
I you`ve upgruded Io Wlndovs S
or S.I und you mlss GudgeIs
such us CFUMeIer), Ihere ure
unomclul vuys Io geI Ihembuck by
lnsIulllng ree Iools Ihough you should
be uvure IhuI by dolng so you muy expose
your FC Io Ihe Iype o securlIy IhreuIs
IhuI MlcrosoI ls Irylng Io uvold. InsIeud,
Ihere`s u sue vuy Io geI u resource meIer
on your DeskIop vhen you need lI
und IhuI`s by uslng Ihe 1usk Munuger.
RlghIcllck on your 1uskbur und selecI
1usk Munuger. 1e deuulI vlevjusI Iells
you vhuI progrums ure runnlng, buI l
you cllck 'More deIulls` Ihen Ferormunce
you`ll see u vlndovdlspluylng loIs o
deIulls ubouI your vurlous sysIem
resources. 1ls vlll probubly be Ioo much
lnormuIlon or your needs, buI l you
rlghIcllck Ihe leIhund column und
selecI 'Summury vlev`, you`ll geI u
GudgeIllke compucI summury o your
FC`s reulIlme CFU, memory, hurd drlve
und neIvork usuge.
5queeze mere ewer frem
yeur eld PC
I you`re runnlng un old
Wlndovs XF compuIer, Ihe
chunces ure lI probubly sIruggles
Io keep up vlIh cerIuln Iusks even
everyduy ucIlvlIles, such us pluylng
You1ube vldeos or DVDs muy prove Ioo
dlmculI. I Ihls ls Ihe cuse, you muy be
uble Io uble Io solve Ihese problems by
creuIlng und uslng u cusIomhurdvure
pronle IhuI llmlIs Ihe devlces runnlng
on your FC, leIIlng you reclulmvuluuble
sysIemresources. 1o seI up u nev
hurdvure pronle, rlghIcllck My
CompuIer und selecI FroperIles. NexI,
cllck Ihe Hurdvure Iub Ihen Ihe Hurdvure
Fronles buIIon. In Ihe vlndovIhuI
opens, cllck Io hlghllghI vhere lI suys
Fronle I CurrenI, Ihen cllck Copy
underneuIh. Glve your nevpronle u nume
und cllck OK, Ihen OK, Ihen OK uguln.
NovresIurI your FC. Beore Wlndovs
sIurIs you vlll see u screen usklng you Io
selecI u pronle. Uslng Ihe urrovkeys,
hlghllghI your nevpronle, Ihen press
EnIer on your keybourd. Log lnIo
Wlndovs us normul und Ihen rlghIcllck
My CompuIer uguln und selecI Munuge.
Cllck Devlce Munuger on Ihe leI und
Ihen cllck Ihe plus slgn ) nexI Io Ihe
hurdvure Iypes on Ihe rlghI ForIs,
NeIvork AdupIers, und so on Ihen
rlghIcllck on uny speclnc devlces you
don`I need or Ihls pronle und selecI
Dlsuble. Nov, vhenever you vunI u blI
more memory und processlng pover
uI your dlsposul, sIurI your FC uslng
your nevllmlIed pronle lnsIeud o
Ihe normul one.
ever t|p for every ver|on

pert t|ps fr every prgram

e text vIthor vIthout orIgInal !ormattIng
led IexI rom
unoIher documenI, progrumor
vebpuge und pusIed lI lnIo your
Word documenI, you`ll noIlce IhuI lI
usuully brlngs vlIh lI ull lIs orlglnul
ormuIIlng onIs, colours, lndenIuIlons
und so on vhlch lsn`I ulvuys vhuI you
vunI. BuI Ihere ure severul eusy vuys
uround Ihls. FlrsI, Iry Word`s ulIernuIlve
pusIe opIlons romIhe rlghIcllck
menu. Copy your IexI us normul, Ihen
rlghIcllck vhere you vunI Ihe IexI Io
go ln your documenI und, ln Ihe FusIe
OpIlons secIlon, selecI elIher Merge
FormuIIlng un lcon o u cllpbourd
vlIh un urrov) or Keep 1exI Only u
cllpbourd vlIh Ihe leIIer A). Use Ihe
ormer Io reIuln some ormuIIlng
elemenIs o Ihe orlglnul IexI, such us
bold und lIullclsed vords. Use Ihe luIIer
l you vunI Io use Ihe ormuIIlng o Ihe
documenI lI`s belng pusIed Io.
AlIernuIlvely, l you preer uslng
keybourd shorIcuIs, you could use
C1RLAL1V lnsIeud o C1RLV Io
pusIe. 1ls brlngs up Ihe FusIe Speclul
vlndov. Use Ihe urrovkeys Io hlghllghI
UnormuIIed 1exI, Ihen press EnIer.
Flnully, you cun opI Io permunenIly
chunge vhuI Ihe C1RLV shorIcuI does
by cllcklng Flle, OpIlons, Ihen Ihe
Advunced Iub on Ihe leI. Scroll dovn Io
Ihe 'CuI, copy und pusIe` secIlon. Here
you cun choose Ihe deuulI ormuIIlng
opIlons or pusIlng beIveen documenIs
und oIher progrums. SelecI Merge
FormuIIlng or Keep 1exI Only us
requlred, Ihen cllck OK.
Excel comes vlIh some useul
hldden Iools IhuI uren`I lnsIulled
by deuulI. 1e Anulysls 1oolpuk
cun slmplly complex duIu unulysls ucross
un enIlre vorksheeI or speclnc secIlons.
1e Solver Iool helps you esIubllsh Ihe
opIlmul vulue or u ormulu ln one cell
bused on u vurleIy o dlerenI dennlng
ucIors ln your vorksheeI. And Ihe Euro
Currency 1ools provlde u selecIlon o
hundy converslon uncIlons or Europeun
currencles. 1o ucIlvuIe Ihese Iools, cllck
Flle, OpIlons und selecI AddIns romIhe
leIhund pune. In Ihe rlghIhund pune,
muke sure 'Excel Addlns` ls selecIed nexI
Io Munuge, Ihen cllck Ihe Go buIIon. In
Ihe vlndovIhuI opens, puI u Ilck nexI Io
Ihe Iool you vunI Io udd und cllck OK.
Flnd ouI more uI vvv.snlpcu.
comIUSS2. FurIher useul uddlns
und upps or Excel und oIher Omce
uppllcuIlons cun be dovnlouded rom
5elect a sec|c range ef text
Normully vhen you cllck und drug
vlIh your mouse over IexI ln
Word or OuIlook, you cun only
selecI IexI ln sequenIlul blocks or llnes.
Hovever, l you hold dovn Ihe AL1 key
Ihen cllck und drug, you cun selecI u
cusIomblock o IexI unyvhere ln your
documenI. For exumple, you cun drug u
selecIlon box uround Ihe mlddle secIlon
o u purugruph und upply cusIomsIyles,
ormuIIlng und colours Io ull o Ihe IexI lI
conIulns. NoIe IhuI holdlng dovn AL1
und cllcklng vlIhouI drugglng vlll brlng
up Ihe Reseurch bur lnsIeud.
Cellaberate |n real-t|me w|th
0mce Web s
MlcrosoI hus upduIed lIs ree Web
App verslons o Word, Excel und
FoverFolnI, uddlng Ihe ublllIy Io
edlI documenIs ln reul Ilme. Access Ihem
by logglng ln uI
vlIh your MlcrosoI uccounI Ihen
selecIlng Ihe relevunI opIlon romIhe
CreuIe menu. 1ey vork ln u slmllur vuy
Io Ihe ull verslons o Omce 2UI8 und
Omce 86S progrums buI oer u more
cuIdovn selecIlon o Iools und euIures.
UnIll recenIly, reulIlme edlIlng vusn`I
posslble, muklng lI hurd or severul users
Io colluboruIe on Ihe sume documenI uI
Ihe sume Ilme. Novyou no longer need
Io cllck Suve ln order Io upply chunges Io
your documenIs ln ucI, Ihe Suve buIIon
hus gone ulIogeIher und edlIs ure upplled
lnsIunIly. 1o lnvlIe oIhers Io vork on u
documenI vlIh you, cllck Ihe Shure
buIIon on Ihe rlbbon, udd your lnvlIees`
emull uddresses, Ilck 'ReclplenIs cun edlI`
und cllck Shure.
0t eut ef an ema|l cenversat|en
Huve you ever been lncluded ln
un emull conversuIlon IhuI you`d
ruIher drop ouI o` You could
usk Io be removed romIhe mulllng llsI
buI you mlghI rlsk oendlng someone.
InsIeud you cun use OuIlook`s Ignore
Iool Io pollIely dlsregurd uIure emulls
ln Ihe sume Ihreud. Cllck un unvunIed
messuge, Ihen cllck Ignore ln Ihe DeleIe
secIlon o Ihe Home Ioolbur. Cllck Ignore
ConversuIlon und uny messuges vlIh Ihe
sume subjecI llne vlll be senI sIrulghI Io
Ihe DeleIed IIems older.

Ne ie 5ecre Ti jcr.5iri
1 vv Fx
II vy I
I I u I
vv Fx
I A y
y v I I
I Ev Iu I
y I u
I I Iy I
v u I
v Fx G I
I I v I I FC v 1 v Fx BI A
vI vvvUU6 1 A I v v
v I I I v yu u
y v u u v v
latest FIre!oxbe!ore everyone else
Uncover neas toma|eebbros|ng
eas|er andsafer on our lCor tab|et
hare eur dev|ce safel
D yu v I u
uI u yu II I
I I yu u
v v v Iy
v yu I vI I
I II v Fx A
vvvUU yu
uy u GuI S II
yu v I
vI v u yu
v O I Fx I I
I 1 NvGuI S I
CIu 1 I Iy
vv v
yu I I
et Facebeek udates
all the t|me
v yu v I I 1
y F M
Fx v I O
yu I FC I vvv
U8 Fx 1u O
A F M v
I I I u yu
F I R v
vI yu yu I I
vI y II
1 Iu I , go Io Flreox, OpIlons,
Addons, Servlces und cllck Dlsuble or
Remove nexI Io Fucebook Messenger.
Change eur default hemeage
en ndre|d
Annoylngly, Flreox or Androld doesn`I
leI you seI u cusIom homepuge, so you`re
sIuck vlIh Ihe deuulI one. 1unkully,
Ihere`s un uddon culled Home Chunger
IhuI leIs you seI vhuIever homepuge you
vunI. In Flreox or Androld go Io vvv.
snlpcu.comIU4S2, Iup 'Add Io Flreox`,
Ihen InsIull. 1en Iup Ihe opIlons lcon,
1ools, Addons, Home Chunger und, nexI
Io Freerences, Iup Open. EnIer Ihe veb
uddress o Ihe slIe you vunI us your home
puge lncludlng hIIp:) ln Ihe IexI box.
Nov, vhen you sIurI Flreox Ihe nrsI Iub
vlll dlspluy your homepuge.
Make webages eas|er te read
1e luIesI verslon o Flreox or Androld
cun muke long urIlcles eusler Io reud on
your phone und IubleI. NuvlguIe Io u sIory,
Ihen Iup Ihe smull lcon ln Ihe uddress
bur IhuI resembles un open book Io geI
rld o ull Ihe cluIIer on Ihe vebpuge. You
cun chunge Ihe onI slze by Iupplng Ihe
Au lcon uI Ihe boIIom o Ihe screen. 1up
Durk Io chunge Ihe puge Io vhlIe IexI on
u bluck buckground, Iup LlghI Io muke lI
durk IexI on u llghI buckground.
et a brewser health reert
Flreox keeps u record o jusI ubouI
everyIhlng you do, so you cun nnd
ouI some lnIeresIlng ucIs ubouI your
brovslng hublIs. 1ype ubouI:heulIhreporI
lnIo Ihe uddress bur und press EnIer.
You cun see Ihe umounI o Ilme you`ve
spenI uslng Flreox IhuI monIh, hov
muny Ilmes lI`s crushed und Ihe number
o uddons you`ve enubled und dlsubled.
1ere`s ulso u gruph IhuI shovs you hov
long lI Iook Flreox Io sIurI up euch Ilme
you opened lI. I you`re noI huppy vlIh
Flreox collecIlng Ihls lnormuIlon, cllck
Ihe green buIIon ln Ihe IoprlghI corner
nexI Io DuIu Shurlng ON Io Iurn Ihe
euIure o. HeulIh ReporI ls ulso uvulluble
on Flreox or Androld Iup opIlons,
Mozlllu Ihen 'Vlev my HeulIh ReporI`.
beta vers|cns cf ||refcx befcre they're re|eased
keep ycur brcws|ng deta||s pr|vate by us|ng
||refcx's NewCuest 5ess|cn tcc|
Check cut ycur brcws|ng hab|ts and the state
cf ycur brcwser w|th ||refcx's hea|th repcrt

a!s ll !he uss oou!...

hnc|cgy |ets ycur hcusehc|d cb[ects 'ta|k' tc each cther
l! mh! soundconlusnlaue, ou! !heln!erne! ol Thns couldsoonsee
oulnnasuper-lu!urs!c home. Heres ho! orks
nternet o! ThIngs
nn e
Inrn lns I vlc v ur
ls un unnylnly ubsruc rus bu
cnly bln l ls bruukln
lu ls sln bjcs s y
cun cnnc vb ullvln m
uumulcully sn un rcl uu
vlu uny lnu rmumuns s
bjcs n rsn ls uu by
ulrln lr bulur svlcln
n r r uml
Hewwel bn emha
In ls vuys sclully urun
m r u vrk ullmu ulmls
cnnc ull yur lcs s y cun ulk
uc r U cmuny Clsc vlc
muks nvrkln ulmn uss
uml u vrk mly v
rnl rcls un mull suyln
u u mrnln mln us bn
us buck mlys ulurm
clck rsns ls lnrmuln by
uumulcully usln buck lm
ls s lln vrkr mr
lm ln b Wn clck s rln
l vlll ll c mukr ln klcn
sur vrk n mrnln cuuccln
un rr cur rs ls vlnvs
I vlll rlulnls v v us muny
usl bjcs brlnln us clsr
home o Ihe uIure us deplcIed ln
Ihose ullurlng I9SUs documenIurles.
en lel b |n ha
all a b| a-ch
II`s cerIulnly u uIurlsIlc vlslon, und
ussumes everyIhlng vlll vork perecIly.
BuI lI could become reullIy sooner Ihun
you Ihlnk. You muy even be uslng Ihe
lnIerneI o Ihlngs vlIhouI reullslng
lI. For exumple, you muy ulreudy be
conIrolllng your energy or llghIlng
Ihrough un upp. BrlIlsh Gus`s nev
smurI meIer see phoIo rlghI) ls u greuI
exumple o hovIhe Io1 vlll soon lmpucI
on our home lle. II uuIomuIlcully sends
your energy usuge Io your suppller, so
you von`I need Io reud your meIer. Leurn
more ubouI lI uI vvv.snlpcu.comIU6SI.
OIher uses o Ihe Io1 could be u muIIer
o lle und deuIh. Fucemukers cun nov
be monlIored by hosplIul compuIers,
ulerIlng sIu Io poIenIlul problems.
ew| |ng a bll Han e
bn aen e a wh|l
Yes, slnce I999, vhen Ihe Iermvus
colned by BrlIlsh Iechnology englneer
Kevln AshIon. BuI lI`s become u blI o
u runnlng joke promlslng much buI
dellverlng llIIle. Nobody vus ever golng
Io geI Ioo exclIed ubouI expenslve rldges
IhuI connecIed Io Ihe lnIerneI.
Hovever, Io1 recenIly hlI Ihe nevs
uguln vhen InIel suld lI vus seIIlng up u
buslness dlvlslon ulmed uI generuIlng
revenue romIhls nevIechnology. 1ls
should meun smurIer, cheuper devlces.
| all a
Very good quesIlon. AIer ull, Ihe more
devlces IhuI ure connecIed, Ihe more
lnormuIlon huckers could sIeul. And
us governmenIs sIurI Io use Io1 Io
conIrol lnrusIrucIure such us energy
use, vuIer levels und Irumc, Ihey`ll
become lncreuslngly vulneruble Io
cyberIerrorlsm. ForIunuIely, securlIy
experIs ure beglnnlng Io
Iuke Ihe IhreuI serlously,
huvlng dlscussed Ihe
dungers uI Ihe Securlng
Ihe InIerneI o 1lngs
conerence ln Sun Frunclsco
ln OcIober vvv.snlpcu.
comIU682). WlIh sumclenI
securlIy meusures you
cun sleep soundly ln Ihe
knovledge your ulurm
clock und coee muchlne
von`I be hucked. 5mart meters send ycur energy usage tc ycur supp||er

I`s u Ilme o chunge or Wlndovs

users. On S Aprll 2UI4 MlcrosoI vlll
sIop provldlng Iechnlcul usslsIunce,
securlIy puIches und oIher upduIes
or Wlndovs XF und omclully reIlre Ihe
operuIlng sysIem IhuI`s been uI Ihe core
o mllllons o FCs slnce 2UUI. For muny
people, XF ls Ihe only operuIlng sysIem
Ihey`ve ever used or elI Ihe need Io use.
BuI lI`s shovlng lIs uge nov.
Meunvhlle, Wlndovs S hus jusI
recelved lIs nrsI blg upduIe vlIh Ihe
luunch o S.I. I you`re huppy vlIh
Wlndovs 7, buI ure conslderlng u nev
compuIer, you`d probubly llke Io knov
hov S.I compures Io your exlsIlng seIup.
Wlndovs S hus ulled Io convlnce muny
Io upgrude rom XF, VlsIu or 7. BuI Ihose
sIlll uslng XF should serlously conslder
vhuI Ihey do vhen MlcrosoI sIops
supporIlng lI. Is lI Ilme Io Iry Wlndovs S`
MosI operuIlng sysIems Iuke u vhlle Io
bed ln XF vus u cuse ln polnI, huvlng
been lurgely derlded unIll MlcrosoI
uddressed vulld concerns ubouI lIs sluck
securlIy und overhuuled mosI o Ihe
operuIlng sysIemlnServlce Fuck 2. Ferhups
Wlndovs S vlll evenIuully come good Ioo.
As MlcrosoI celebruIes Ihe 8UIh
unnlversury o Wlndovs belng
unnounced, ve compure euch verslon us
Ihey vere ln Ihelr heyduy, und Ihen muke
Ihe cuse or Ihe besI ever Wlndovs
sysIem. We provlde roundbyround
scores or euch Wlndovs verslon Ihen
vhlIIle Ihem dovn Io Ihe besI Ivo. We`ve
sIuck Io Ihose verslons IhuI ure currenIly
supporIed und IhuI you`re llkely Io be
uslng. And ruIher Ihun nlggle ubouI
shorIcomlngs IhuI goI lroned ouI, ve`ve
ocussed on Ihe purIs o euch verslon IhuI
mude lI sIund ouI und perhups puved Ihe
vuy or uIure edlIlons.
AI Ihe end, ve`ll crovn Ihe dennlIlve
vlnner. WheIher or noI your uvourlIe
vlns, you cun huve your suy ubouI Ihe
besI ever Wlndovs operuIlng sysIem.
momn oucnrunono our \ndos oprnssms u
cons s/ \lou csor Vs /nd8
P|nd out wh|ch vers|on of W|ndows
|s the best
0|scover featuresyoud|dn't know
Learn howW|ndows B.J compares
w|th W|ndows 7
Howto upgrade fromXPor V|sta to
W|ndows 7 or W|ndows B
0|scover your fe||owreaders' favour|te
Nhat's the best 0S ever7
w|ndows XP? w|ndows 7? w|ndows 8? w|ndows v|sta?

ln m hmmplng
l ll n ln
l ln l
ln mk. l n m
l h hlln lng hm
mp mh hl pn.
l mn h n nl
h l n h lng
p n ln .
n ln 9 n 9 l
n pl l lll
h ppl l. XF lmproved
Ihlngs by keeplng nles sepuruIe ln euch
uccounI. I you vunIed Io shure
someIhlng, you hud Io puI lI ln u publlc
older u clunky buI suer opIlon.
1o bolsIer securlIy, MlcrosoI creuIed
AdmlnlsIruIor uccounIs ln vhlch Ihe
user could lnsIull und remove progrums,
reud und edlI documenIs und look
uIer oIher uccounIs. AdmlnlsIruIors
could seI up u LlmlIed user uccounI
IhuI only run exlsIlng progrums und only
leI Ihe user chunge Ihelr ovn pussvord.
An even more lockeddovn GuesI
user opIlon only leIs Ihe user run
lnsIulled progrums.
In Wlndovs 7 und S SIundurd uccounIs
ure Ihe equlvulenI o XF und VlsIu`s
LlmlIed uccounIs. Wlndovs 7 provldes
sllghIly more opIlons und Wlndovs S
conuses Ihlngs by muklng you use
boIh u MlcrosoI uccounI und u 'locul`
uccounI. You need u MlcrosoI uccounI
Io dovnloud upps even ree ones) rom
Ihe Wlndovs SIore, buI uI leusI
uccounIs novsynchronlse ucross uny
ussocluIed devlces, lncludlng Wlndovs
Fhones und IubleIs.
One blg lmprovemenI ln VlsIu vus IhuI
lI lnIroduced FurenIul ConIrols. 1ese
ullovIhe AdmlnlsIruIor Io lmpose Ilme
und conIenI resIrlcIlons on vhuI u
purIlculur user uccounI cun uccess.
MlcrosoI lncluded recommended
seIIlngs dependlng on Ihe user`s uge,
plus Ihe ublllIy Io nlIer porn und
sveurlng. Access Io vebslIes could ulso
be nlIered lndlvlduully, vhlle Ihe ublllIy
Io run FC gumes could be conIrolled
bused on gumeslndusIry uge ruIlngs.
Wlndovs 7 shlIed vebnlIerlng und
ucIlvlIy reporIlng Io lIs ree Wlndovs
Llve Fumlly SueIy dovnloud buI ulso
mude Ihemmore rlgorous. Wlndovs S
Iook everyIhlng onIo Ihe veb und udded
gume resIrlcIlons or Ihe Wlndovs SIore.
UND1 5C0R5
W|ndews XP

W|ndews V|sta
Usefu| compat|b|||ty mode for
o|der programs, but had prob|ems
work|ng w|th other hardware
W|ndews 7
Runs many o|der programs eas||y,
some |n 'XPmode', and there are few
compat|b|||ty prob|ems w|th dev|ces
W|ndews 8
Works w|th o|der programs - handy
as fewprograms use B's t||e |nterface
R0UND2 5C0R5
W|ndews XP
|nc|udes standard and ||m|ted user
accounts but no parenta| contro|s
W|ndews V|sta
Cood support for mu|t|p|e users
|nc|ud|ng fantast|c parenta| contro|s
W|ndews 7
am||y 5afety sett|ngs are managed
on||ne wh||e other sett|ngs match
V|sta's |mpress|ve account contro|s
W|ndews 8
Useof bothM|crosoft andLoca| accounts
|s confus|ng, but |t's easy tosharea PC
W|ndcws 8, but sc far
fewuse the Mcdern t||e |nterface
|n XP's L|m|ted user acccunts ycu can't |nsta||
prcgrams w|thcut an adm|n|stratcr's perm|ss|cn
Broudly speuklng, XF cun run uny
progrumcreuIed or Wlndovs 9S und 9S
und muny deslgned or VlsIu, vlIhouI
uny need or you Io use lIs bullIln
CompuIlblllIy mode. MosI modern
progrums run smooIhly on XF und
perormunce ls generully usI, even
on older muchlnes.
VlsIu, Wlndovs 7 und S cun ulso run
older progrums, Ihough you need
Wlndovs 7 Froesslonul or UlIlmuIe Io
muke use o Ihe speclul XF Mode or
MlcrosoI`s ree VlrIuul FC vvv.snlpcu.
comIU6S8), vhlch leIs you run XF
progrums lnslde Wlndovs 7.
XF ls vldely supporIed by hurdvure
developers so you should euslly nnd
drlvers or uny prlnIer, cumeru or rouIer.
1ls vusn`I Ihe cuse vhen XF luunched
buck ln 2UUI. II vus very common Io geI
un 'Unknovn Devlce` messuge vhen
you plugged ln nevhurdvure, beore
huvlng Io hunI dovn compuIlble drlvers.
Upgrudlng Io XF romWlndovs 9S or
9S vus eusy, becuuse lIs 'Flle und SeIIlngs
1runser Wlzurd` copled InIerneI Explorer
und OuIlook Express seIIlngs, ulong
vlIh Ihe DeskIop, dlspluy lnormuIlon
und dlulup connecIlon duIu romIhe
old OS Io XF. In VlsIu Ihls evolved lnIo
Ihe clever Wlndovs Eusy 1runser Iool
vhlch coples ucross user uccounIs, us
vell us nles, olders und seIIlngs.
VlsIu vus lnlIlully dogged by u luck
o compuIlble drlvers und vurnlngs
IhuI no dlglIully slgned drlver vus
uvulluble. 1ese duys you cun use ulmosI
uny devlce vlIh VlsIu. Wlndovs 7 hus no
slgnlncunI devlcedrlver problems buI
compunles huve been slovIo releuse
Wlndovs S drlvers or progrums or
lIs Modern lnIeruce.
Webbrovslng ls u rosler plcIure.
Wlndovs S users geI Ihe H1MLS
compllunI InIerneI Explorer II vlIh Ihelr
OS. I you`re runnlng Wlndovs 7 you cun
novdovnloud IEII romvvv.snlpcu.
comIU6SU. MlcrosoI sIopped lssulng
verslons o InIerneI Explorer or Wlndovs
XF uI IES und VlsIu uI IE9, buI Ihe luIesI
verslons o Chrome und Flreox hupplly
run on XF und VlsIu us vell us 7 und S.

ll eln Wlnd ue lmle
e und e, hh Wlnd u
he lnl hue u Wlnd
uccn hu cnl ucce
Wlnd unmed he Dek
und mude eu e he Su men,
hlch becume u mchled elemen
ccele eln Wlnd nll
lc cued un c b emln
l ln Wlnd ne Wlnd
m lu chune l hu l
elnue he Su bn
NIlncuIln Areu und 1uskbur udd
useul sIuIus lnrmuIln. 1ese vere uls
ppulur und vere renned ln VlsIu und 7.
XF uls euIured bullIln helpers knvn
us vlzurds IhuI slmpllned lnsIulluIln und
cusImlsuIln Iusks. Useul menus, such
us IhuI r AccesslblllIy, leI yu udjusI
hvusI Ihe cursr mved, Ihe clur
scheme und Ihe slze nscreen plnIers,
IexI und lcns. XF`s Dlspluy FrperIles
uls mude lI eusy I lncreuse Ihe nI slze.
VlsIu mude mre Ihe Explrer
uddress bur by uddlng drpdvn lcuIln
llsIs und FuvrlIe Llnks. 1ese luIer
becume Wlndvs 7`s FuvrlIes. VlsIu uls
lnIrduced Ihe Explrer Frevlevpune
und 1uskbur Ihumbnulls r pen
vlndvs und prgrums. UnrIunuIely,
VlsIu`s uIIrucIlve Aer 8DlnIeruce
hlnders perrmunce und muny users
slmply svlIch lI . Muny VlsIu`s sIyle
ldeus, such us sIucked dcumenI llsIs, cun
be und ln Wlndvs 7, vhere lIs mre
emclenI prcessrs cunrunIhemsmIhly.
VlsIu uls brughI ln User AccunI
CnIrl UAC), vhlch mukes yu cnnrm
yu vunI I lnsIull every prgrum. UAC
vus meunI I lmprve securlIy, buI lI
prved s lrrlIuIlng, muny users svlIched
lI . Wlndvs 7 uls euIures UAC buI
glves users cnIrl ver vhen lI uppeurs.
Wlndvs S eels cmpleIely dlerenI I
Iher verslns becuuse lI luunches Ihe
Illebused MeIr r 'Mdern` lnIeruce
deslgned r Iuch cnIrl n IubleIs,
smurIphnes und Iuchscreen FCs.
1unkully, lI`s u duullnIeruce OS, s
presslng Ihe Wlndvs key Iukes yu I
Ihe ur mre umlllur DeskIp versln,
vhlch lurgely dupllcuIes Wlndvs 7.
XF lnIrduced u NevCnnecIln
Wlzurd IhuI helped muny peple geI
nllne r Ihe nrsI Ilme. 1e luunch
hme brudbund und WlFl n lupIps
mude veb cnnecIlvlIy purI und purcel
uslng u cmpuIer rmVlsIu nvurds.
All ur verslns Wlndvs huve
Ihelr vn emull sIvure. XF`s OuIlk
Express vus u decenI emull prgrum
und nevsreuder IhuI reuppeured us VlsIu`s
Wlndvs Mull. Wlndvs 7 users gI Llve
Mull vhlch ls uls eusy I use, vhlle
Wlndvs S Mull ls mre sIrlpped dvn.
II`s eusy I cusImlse XF und VlsIu,
Ihugh Wlndvs 7 hus Ihe besI
selecIln Ihemes und clur schemes.
II`s mre cmpllcuIed ln Wlndvs S
becuuse yu need I g lnI SeIIlngs,
Fersnullze I chunge Wlndvs S`s
mdern screen, vhereus yu cun
rlghIcllck Ihe DeskIp I luunch Ihe
Fersnullze menu ln Wlndvs 7.
XF`s lnIrducIln Ihe Euse Access
CenIer ls ne lIs msI lmpresslve
uddlIlns. II ullvs Ihe user I chunge
ulmsI every uspecI hvIhey use Ihelr
cmpuIer, lncludlng vheIher IexI
dcumenIs und vebpuges ure reud ulud
und vheIher un ulIernuIlve lnpuI devlce
ls I be used. AccesslblllIy euIures ure
sIrng ln ull ur verslns Wlndvs.
I.0 Z.0 3.I 95 98 e
Abuslc lnIeruce
MlcrsI unIll 2UUI
1e lusI versln
Wlndvs IhuI run
vlIhuI u hurddrlve
Drugglng und
drpplngr nles und
lders ls lnIrduced
mukes FCs eusy I
cnnecI. IE debuIs
InIrduced lnIerneI
ucrss cmpuIers
SysIemResIre udded
I prIecI rmbud

V|sta's |ccat|cn ||sts |et ycu mcve arcund
ycur fc|ders qu|ck|y and eas||y
XP's 5tart menu became a must-have feature
|n subsequent vers|cns cf W|ndcws
W|ndcws' ase cf ccess enter |ets ycu set
|ccn and text s|zes and screen sett|ngs
W|nde XP
User-fr|end|y and easy to custom|se
w|th good ccess|b|||ty opt|ons
W|nde V|ta
Usefu| nav|gat|on add|t|ons outwe|ghed
by annoy|ng User ccount Contro|
ero Peek and 1askbar p|nn|ng rehne
V|sta's nav|gat|on |mprovements
W|nde 8
change but B.J makes |t eas|er to use

ne o e mn elln pon o X
ome v bly o ply vdeo lp,
nd veb do. om pon on,
Wndov v mu bou ome
enenmen nd ompun leue
vy v bou bune eue.
Wle 8me nd dennon
vdeo me le, X even nov ll ble
o pu on ood ov, un ee med
plye u V lye vvv.
vdeoln.o, v e ound X
lk o Vode uppo.
pln on e ovn demnd
o ome enenmen yem,
oo luned ed ene
don o X n 2UU2 me v one
o vo 1V une, ou vn unl
e 2UU veon o V
eodn pble vee nluded.
V me v b Vuppo
nd le you p 8.
Ap ome bune edon, ll
veon o V me v Wndov
ed ene. y me, 1V une
vee ommonly nluded on p
d. ed ene oed eodn
e n oo .W1V om, v
neve elly ook o. 1 ould men
eodn e lkely o lnu unplyed
unle youve ll o ed ene.
oveve, youve ll o eodn
omV nd ed ene
eydy, you n ll v em
beue Wndov n onve
emno VRS om nd
ply em. you don ve
ed lye on you uen
ju lk e vdeo nle nd
lk onve o .dvm om.
n 2UU, ou vevn b
ned ven ome bodbnd
ook o nd ou1ube luned.
ov ve vee vn nd
dovnlodn onlne vdeo nd
1V ned o ou peonl
lbe, o ed ene
beme lely edundn.
Unlke vl, Wndov vok
v lmo ny vdeo nd mu om.
mpoved Wndov ed lye
lo dd ly 1o opon em
mu nd vdeo o oe on you
ome nevok o o n Xbox.
Unounely, e ly 1o onep ddn
elly ke o beue voked v o
ev deve. 1e ome emumnd
Ume veon o Wndov lo
nlude Remoe ed Semn, v
le you v o len o nyn
oed n Wndov ed lye
ou veb onneon.
Wndov S nlude e exellen
ed lye I2, bu ed
ene nov dovnlod on
. e Wndov Soe.
Woe ll, you n ply V n
Wndov S unle you dovnlod
epe pom deon
pobbly ee oo
ou on onneed deve
ply dl onen you
dovnlod o em.
Wndov X uppo eX
nd ply olde me upnly
vell, bu V v nlly
ed o poo mn. 1
v dve poblem ne been
eolved. Wle V love n
Wndov , nov ply mo me
nd V peely vell. Addn moe
RAnd unn o e ny Aeo 8
ee n ply vll elp.
Wndov nd S uppo eX II
nd u muloe poeo, ny
dn nd lelke 8nmon nd
p. e S nne o me.

4 5C0R5
W|ndews XP

W|ndews V|sta
t|mate are
best for mus|c, v|deos and gam|ng,
but |sta doesn't a|ways run smooth|y
W|ndews 7
5o||d gam|ng, mus|c, rad|o and v|deo
opt|ons but the ||m|ted ways to use
P|ay 1o don't |mpress
W|ndews 8
P|ays and streams H0v|deos
but you have to pay to use Med|a
Center and 00s can't be p|ayed
dcws Med|a Center |ets ycu reccrd 7V prcgrammes
and reccrd DVDs
|t's easy tc share and streammus|c |n W|ndcws 7

u ve Wdv ee
uI UB 2 UB 8 vu Iduced
I 2 ud, Iey, VIu, ud S FC
cu u cecI I UB 8 devce I
ucIce, Iey v Iue nles uI USB 2.U
speeds unless you nI u USB 8.U uddln
curd so you`ve goI u USB 8.U porI.
Euch verslon ulso vorks vlIh EIherneI,
vhlch leIs you connecI your muln FC Io u
rouIer Ihen uIIuch oIher devlces vlrelessly.
Wlndovs 7 und S uuIomuIlcully ldenIly
your vlreless neIvork durlng
lnsIulluIlon. In XF und VlsIu you huve
Io seI up und shure u vorkgroup l you
vunI Io shure devlces or nles on your
hurd drlve vlIh oIher FCs on your
home neIvork. Wlndovs 7 lnIroduced
HomeGroups, vhlch ure 'IrusIed` home
neIvorks requlrlng less sIrlngenI securlIy
conIrols. HomeGroups muke lI slmpler Io
shure phoIos, muslc, vldeos, documenIs
und prlnIers. Wlndovs 7 und S cun ulso
shure nles und olders vlIh Apple
compuIers over vlreless neIvorks uslng
Ihe SMB server messuge block) proIocol.
All verslons o Wlndovs vork vlIh
Google servlces und leI you synchronlse
documenIs Ihrough Google Drlve. You
cun ulso euslly synchronlse lIems suved ln
Wlndovs Io un Androld devlce. Hovever,
only Wlndovs 7 und S vork vlIh Apple
lCloud, vhlch you cun use Io synchronlse
vlIh un lFhone or lFud. In Wlndovs S
you huve Io log lnIo your FC, vhlch
ensures your FC`s DeskIop und ull your
seIIlngs ure uvulluble on vhlchever
Wlndovs compuIer you log lnIo.
BlueIooIh supporI ls common Io ull
verslons o Wlndovs und cun be used Io
sync documenIs und phoIos und exchunge
Ihemvlrelessly vlIh u devlce or FC ln
Ihe sume room. Wlndovs 7 und S muke
lI slmpler Io ldenIly und pulr devlces
uslng BlueIooIh. All verslons o
Wlndovs cun use WlFl, buI you`ll
only nnd Ihe usIer SU2.IIg und
SU2.IIn on Wlndovs 7 und S lupIops.
VlsIu und 7 supporI 2S6blI WFA2 WlFl
encrypIlon buI XF only vorks vlIh
WFA, vhlch ls less secure.


UND5 5C0R5
W|ndews XP
U52.0, bas|c
|uetooth and W|-P|, XP's connect|ons
are a|most on a par w|th newer vers|ons
W|ndews V|sta
Cood overa|| connect|v|ty and better
network|ng than XP, |nc|ud|ng WP2
W|-P| secur|ty support
W|ndews 7
HomeCroups make home-network
shar|ng eas|er, wh||e good sync|ng too|s
work smooth|y w|th dev|ces and Macs
W|ndews 8
s we||-connected as W|ndows 7 and
syncs documents across user accounts
W|ndews XP
5tarts up s|ow|y but puts |n a
snappy performance and has a
usefu| 5ystemRestore too|
W|ndews V|sta
V|sta |s not|ceab|y s|ower than
other vers|ons. Lven w|th V|sta 5PJ
|nsta||ed |t |ags beh|nd W|ndows 7
W|ndews 7
|t |aunches qu|ck|y, comes |n 64b|t
as we|| as 32b|t vers|ons, and |s
smart and easy to use
W|ndews 8
5tarts |n seconds but |aunches to the
unpopu|ar Modern |nterface un|ess
you upgrade to B.J and opt to sk|p |t
W|ndews XP 22/3
W|ndews V|sta 1 9/3
W|ndews 7 24/3
W|ndews 8 1 9/3
5o W|ndows XPand 7 are the c|ear
w|nners when |t comes to features, but
wh|ch D5 do our wr|ters and readers
prefer us|ng7 Read on to hnd out.
II comes us no surprlse IhuI Wlndovs 7
und S users enjoy beIIer perormunce
Ihun XF und VlsIu users. NoI only ure
Ihe processors ln Ioduy`s compuIers
muny Ilmes usIer Ihun Ihose housed ln
XF und VlsIu sysIems, buI Wlndovs 7
und S come ln 64blI edlIlons. Unllke Ihe
82blI processors used ln Ihe home
edlIlons o XF und VlsIu, 64blI processors
ure uble Io recognlse und use more Ihun
4GB o RAMund huve much usIer duIu
buses. BoIh Ihese developmenIs rudlcully
lmprove hovvell Wlndovs 7 und S
hundle vldeo processlng, vhlch ls
lmporIunI l you vunI Io vuIch DVDs,
sIreumlFluyer, pluy gumes or edlI vldeo.
Luunchlng progrums, movlng und
copylng nles und vorklng vlIh severul
open progrums uI Ihe sume Ilme ull eel
usIer ln Wlndovs 7 und S.
BoIh VlsIu und 7 use SuperFeIch,
vhlch louds progrums you use regulurly
lnIo your FC`s memory so Ihey luunch
usIer. VlsIu ulso lnIroduced ReudyBoosI,
vhlch uses uvulluble ush memory on un
uIIuched USB drlve Io cuche requenIly
used nles und muke Ihe compuIer
mulIlIusk more emclenIly.
Wlndovs 7 booIs much usIer Ihun
VlsIu or XF becuuse lIs drlvers ure louded
ln purullel ruIher Ihun one uI u Ilme.
1ls ensures IhuI l one drlver doesn`I
loud properly, oIher drlvers conIlnue Io
do so. Wlndovs 7 dlspensed vlIh Ihe
unnecessury 'servlces` IhuI louded uI
sIurIup ln XF und VlsIu, vhlch ulso
reduces lIs sIurIup Ilme.
Wlndovs S sIurIs up much usIer
Ihun oIher verslons becuuse, vhen
you shuI lI dovn, lI sIores lnormuIlon
ubouI IhuI vork sesslon ln u smull
sysIemnle und slmply resIores Ihe
compuIer uslng IhuI nle Ihe nexI Ilme
Wlndovs booIs up.
Wlndovs XF udded lmporIunI under
IhebonneI enhuncemenIs, such us
FroIecIed Memory MunugemenI vhlch
helps llmlI Ihe number o crushes. II ulso
lnIroduced SysIemResIore, vhlch mukes
lI much qulcker Io geI your compuIer
buck up und runnlng l u budly vrlIIen
progrumbrlngs lI Io u sIundsIlll.
Wlndovs S luunches Io Ihe Illebused
Modern lnIeruce, lnsIeud o Ihe more
IrudlIlonul DeskIop, uddlng vuluuble
seconds Io hovlong lI Iukes beore you
cun sIurI uslng your compuIer. Wlndovs
S.I glves you Ihe opIlon o sklpplng Ihls.
dcws 7's HcmeCrcups make |t easy fcr
netwcrked PCs tc share mus|c, phctcs and f||es

Why XP |s the best...
Whe Wldo XF uched l I, I u ceplcu,
o eu becue Mlcoo eeed o hue lgoed
ecl coce ubo Wldo ud ole ubo
XF ecl u ee upu. 1u, Selce
Fuc uched l Ag ) lodced u
dedlcued Secl Cee, udded u neu ud e
o uuge ucce o e ucco.
FC becue eule o e hu o XF SF.
1e Su e lh l dlec ucce o eqe
ed pogu ud ucceole, ch u he cucuo
oo becue ecod ue, hle he Epoe
eu odeed u phoo, ldeo ud doce.
1bul pele ud he eFllp le
ude lclg hogh phoo ud ndlg
peclnc plce u beee. Yo cod pl
heo ledlue lu he
Wldo Flce ud Fu Vlee,
o b heulgh o CDb
dugglg heo he CDlco.
Whu I eu led ubo XF l
hu uo eehlg o ued
o do, olpolg dlglu phoo
ud lpplg lc o Medlu Fue,
u hee. Ad hu o USB .,
ucce o boudbud, ud eu pgudpu hoe
eolg, XF u he n eu lecoeced OS
ud he n oe. Fo u hle l hoe e
hud o e, b l dld ue e cod uch le
1V becue o XF FC hud u 1V e cud.
Wldo XF u popu lh odlu FC e.
Becue o hl, deeope uo eu go behld XF
ud ceued houd o ee ud puldo pogu
o dooud o lu oCD. Wldo Vlu ud S
elhe uc pogu o do o lh pulcu
ple, cueu ud o o, b eehlg o
lh XF. I u u u o ubo ho good XF l
hu Mlcoo ed l u l epue o Wldo .
Res|e Hattersley, Features d|ter
Why 7 |s the best...
Hulg ed Wldo XF o eu I u ulo
ubo pgudlg o Wldo , b l becue
uole opeulg euo ledlue.
1u u oe hu o eu ugo, ud Ie ee
ooed buc. Wlho u dob Wldo l
uole eud he oe I l e o hl du.
Fo ue, Wldo u bl o he lee.
Gelg ole l eu ud och ood)
cope hu ee hud u l. HoeGop ue
u eu deued eue ud hulg edlu u
uod he hoe l eee eu. I cu uo coec
ubo uhlg o l ud I o l o ud
c coec o ceulg od Epo ple
o bud e Sug ube.
I ue u o o phoo o I oe Wldo bllu
bll eue o ogullg,
cuegollg ud lelg
plce. 1e ue goe o
Llbule I cu p l
doce, phoo ud ldeo
ou oe cope ud
ee heu l oe puce.
Ee he l coe o oo,
Wldo l he le.
Deple l uge, l l oo ode ud eh. Belg
ube o eul cole hee ud coo uo
eu I cu ge cope oolg euc hoI
u. B copulo Wldo XF oo od ud led.
Ie go oud o lco pled o he 1ubu, o I
cu qlc ope he doce I e o eqe
ud go ulgh o uole eble. 1e Seuch
ucll l Wldo l uo bllu le ohe
elo o Wldo hu ue ndlg hu I u u
choe. I I cu nd hlg ledlue.
Wldo l copulbe lh ubo uhlg I
hou l, hlch l geu u I cu l
uole oue hle uo pulg he ue gue.
Iames Temerten, 5en|er 5taff Wr|ter
't be fa|r to exc|ude
omputercctive readers from
a debate on wh|ch vers|on of
W|ndows |s the best ever. We asked
you to name your favour|te W|ndows
D5 |n a qu|ck on||ne quest|onna|re.
Tanks to a|| of you who answered.


XPand/havemade! !o!helnal n!heoa!!lelor !heoes! \ndovs

DScrovn. Compu!erac!ves vr!ers make!hecaselor !her lavour!e
windowsXP windows7
l canconnec! |us! aoou!
an!hnn\ndovs /and
l knov!ll vork andsnc
windows7 55%
windowsXP Z9%
windows8 i3%
windowsVista 3%
Your quest|onna|reresu|ts
echoour ownana|ys|s of how
eachvers|onof W|ndows rates.
br - J00cmbr 20J3
or oIsI s yo rosr
I vrso o Wovs yo`r rrIy
r yo`r ry Io svI r
r yor pr opIos.

o `I y vopy o XF y or.
yo vI Io s XF o`I v
rrI sIIo I yo v oI
Wovs Frosso or UII yo
sI s XF o vvv.
sp.oIU62 y s
Io vrso o I OS.
Wovs VsI srs
ovo 'vrI` vrso o XF or U
ys y s r vrI o
Ir FC. Us Ir rosoI`s VrIFC
vvv.sp.oIU6 or Or`s
VrIBox vvv.vrIox.or.
yo`v oI or XF sIIo s
yo s Is. yo o`I v s
ovo I vrI vrso o XF ro
As vI XF VsI s o or oy
so so yo oy ry s I s
vrI FC s sr ov or XF or
y so opIr r I.
B r vI ops o VsI so
o v Iro sy II
s. W`v s sIs or ox
ovo vrsos so o
Azo. WI Is Ir`s o rI
yo` I yI I or yor oy.
W|ndews 7
yo`r rrIy r XF or VsI
yo pr Io Wovs o
Fror I2U. roFC Wor
vvv.pvor.o.. yor opIr
Is I rvr
rrIs v ro yo sI
I 6I vrso s yo` I
IIr pror.
yo`r pr roXF yo`
os yor ns sIIs I pross
so sr yo Ip nrsI
s rosoI`s r Esy 1rsr
pror v yo ovo
roI rosoI Dovo CIr
A IrIv opIo s Io y v
opIr vI Wovs o I. jor
Irrs s s D sI s
Wovs FCs. sI sr or 'Wovs
` o Ir sI or oo Iro Ir sI
o sss os.
W|ndews 8
yo`r y vopIr I v
proy o vI Wovs or .I.
yo spy vI Io pr ro
rr vrso o Wovs y I
pr soIvr Iro Azo or
o o I Iooy rIrs or
ro . o I Wovs .I
s r pI roI Wovs SIor.
S or Worsop o p or
pr sIrIos.
Oy y opy o Wovs ro
rpI sIrIor s s FC Wor
Ds.oor Azo. Ev I sr
Io II yo`r II pys
s ox rIr I Ir
ovo I vor`s
. A opy o Wovs
prsI o FC v v
2rIr proI y. A opy
ox or sv v v proo o s
vI I proI y o I. A
Wovs ss o vI Io
oorII os`I o o.

WI Io o! Jumes und Rosle euch urgue Ihelr cuse
vell, und remlnd me hov much I used Io enjoy XF, undhov
muchI currenIly enjoy Wlndovs 7.
I lI`s u cuse o decldlng vhlch I`d ruIher use Ioduy,
Wlndovs 7 euslly vlns. BuI vus XF beIIer ln lIs Ilme Ihun
Wlndovs 7` 1uI`s u Iougher quesIlon.
Rosle`s rlghI Io hlghllghI Ihe urrlvul o Ihe SecurlIy CenIer
ln Servlce Fuck 2 us cruclul Io XF`s populurlIy. 1uI`s vhen
u loI o people sIurIed Io belleve IhuI MlcrosoI Iook Ihelr
FC`s securlIy serlously. And XF hus proved surprlslngly
reslllenI, vlIh muny people sIlll huppy Io use lI. When I lusI
used XF u ev monIhs ugo, I vus surprlsed by hov euslly I
could plck lI up uguln. BuI ve llve ln Ihe uge o Ihe lnIerneI,
und Wlndovs 7 vus MlcrosoI`s nrsI operuIlng sysIem IhuI
pluced veb use uI Ihe cenIre o home compuIlng. Wlndovs
7 shoved IhuI MlcrosoI undersIood vhuI people reully
vunIed rom Ihelr compuIers. As Jumes polnIs ouI, IhuI`s
shurlng medlu uround Ihe home, und keeplng everyIhlng
ve creuIe or dovnloud on lI synchronlsed. Wlndovs 7`s
ullround excellence ls one o Ihe reusons muny people ure
relucIunI Io svlIch Io Wlndovs S.
So lI`s u phoIo nnlsh, buI Wlndovs 7 jusI plps lI.
Dan|el eeth, d|ter
Did c gc i righ? TcII ha o hink of or crdic
and hich crion of Windo i or faoric a

Nvr pay fcr a phcn

ca|| agaln
Bst kybcardshcrtcuts
fcr ycur favcurltslts
Makeyour PC

Nwways tckpycur PCrunnlngprfct|y
ll effers ex|re 1 ecember, 1
rn e ge fer ffer ef he Fern|gh
F|nd hese effers nd mere :

you`re eellng unvell, lI n e

IempIlng Io look onllne Io nnd ouI
vhI Ihe sympIoms men. BuI
unoused ve reserh n e
lrmlng. Cllklng llnks ln serh resulIs ls
very unslenIln meIhod o vorklng ouI
vhI`s vrong vlIh you. AIer ll, serh
englnes slmply glve you llsI o pges IhI
losely mIh Ihe keyvords you enIered.
I you Iype 'ouI o reIh`, 'hedhe`
nd 'upseI sIomh` lnIo Google, Ihe nrsI
Ihree resulIs suggesI 'pepIl uler`,
'pregnny` nd Ienslon hedhe, vlIh
neml nd ood llergy lso pperlng
on Ihe nrsI resulIs pge. O ourse, mosI
people Googllng Ihese sympIoms von`I
hve hne o elng pregnnI.
For proper dlgnosls, you should
relly see doIor or Ilk Io phrmlsI.
I Ihls lsn`I posslle, you`ll nnd plenIy o
dvle on Ihe NHS Choles veslIe 1o nnd ouI ouI
prIlulr llmenIs, go Io Ihe CondlIlons
pge vvv.snlp.omI667). I you
need Io hek Ihe sympIoms you`ve goI,
don`I e lrmed l Ihe slIe suggesIs you
go Io hosplIl. 1e slIe n only respond
Io Ihe sympIoms you desrle nd slne
Ihese n lndlIe mny dlerenI
lllnesses, lI errs on Ihe slde o uIlon.
OIen, heklng Ihrough Ihe nsvers
you`ve provlded vhlh Ihe slIe suggesIs)
or hIIlng Io n dvlser y lllng III,
vlll help lly your ers.
free l|festyle check-u
Bup`s veslIe vvv.up.o.ukhelIh
lnormIlon) onIlns loIs o helIh dvle,
vlIh llmenIs Iegorlsed lpheIllly.
1e slIe lso lnludes IesIs you n Ike Io
help you vork ouI your BMI ody mss
lnde), vheIher you drlnk Ioo muh, nd
so on. For some IesIs, you need Io glve
your emll ddress nd reglsIer I Ihe slIe,
vhlle oIhers n e Iken onllne. Hovever,
Ihe IesIs ren`I lvys very helpul. For
emple, Ihe helIhge IesI Iold us
ve ould redue our 'ge` y sIopplng
smoklng even Ihough ve don`I smoke.
F|nd eut yeur d|abetes r|sk
I you`re eIveen 4 nd 74 yers old
nd llve ln Englnd, you`ll geI leIIer
romyour GF every nve yers lnvlIlng
you or ree helIh hek. 1ls lnludes
lood pressure, dleIes, holesIerol
nd BMI IesIs. ou n`I slmply requesI
n ppolnImenI l you hven`I reelved
leIIer. Hovever, you n hek mny
helIh rlsks yoursel onllne.
ou n nnd ouI vheIher you`re llkely
Io develop dleIes uslng 1e Rlsk
IndlIor on Ihe DleIes UK veslIe
vvv.snlp.omI677). 1e slIe lso
glves eellenI lnormIlon ouI dleIes
sympIoms. I, hvlng red Ihese, you Ihlnk
you my hve dleIes, you n geI ree
dleIes IesI I Lloyds Fhrmy. 1o nnd
sIore nery IhI oers IesIs, go Io Ihe
SIore LoIor pge on Ihe Lloyds
Fhrmy slIe vvv.snlp.omI6SS),
Ilk DleIes 1esIlng ln Ihe OpIlonl SIore
Servles llsI, Ihen Iype your Iovn or
posIode Io nnd Ihe ddress nd phone
numer o nery sIore vhere you n
ook n eye IesI ppolnImenI.
F|nd eut whether yeu
need an eye test
I you oIen geI hedhes or squlnI I
Ihe sreen vhen uslng your ompuIer,
you my need n eye IesI. lslon Epress`
ree onllne eye hek vvv.snlp.
nyol s !rn!o!hn!rn! !ono! h! hl!hsym!oms mn
osIeHattersleynon!s !hmos! nlsors
Ce! relaole

Bupa's cn||n a|t av|c |s usu| but
|ts rsu|ts arn't a|ways accurat
|abts wbs|t as xc||nt
|ncrmat|cn abcut symptcms an a r|sk
NH wbs|t's symptcmcckr t||s
ycu | ycu scu| s a cctcr urnt|y

co6) e o o r ur e
o oe opoer e Yo` eed
peuer or eudpoe becue e e
e poe rco
e e e o o pe e eer o
cu ee ud dcue eer eer o
ree bucrod ceurer u u o
red bucrod Yo` e be od
o`re o or ored ud eer
o od boo u ee e
e en |n-stere eye tests
o eed u ee e, o u o
eed o pu or co rede ure
eed o u ree coud ee e
roe o e, opcu oer ree
eye IesIs. Look ouI or voucher codes
romOpIlcul Express und Specsuvers.
BooIs regulurly oers hulprlce eye IesIs.
JusI prlnI Ihe 'Eye check Oer` voucher
vvv.snlpcu.comIU664) und glve lI Io
Ihe BooIs opIlclun und you`ll puy I2.SU
ruIher Ihun 2S. 1esIs lnclude u check or
gluucomu, l your umlly hlsIory suggesIs
you`re uI rlsk. You need Io book Ihe
uppolnImenI by culllng US4S I2S 87S2.
I you`re purI o BooIs` Over 6Us Club
vvv.booIs.comenOver6Us), you cun
geI 2S per cenI o glusses. Hovever,
beore you order uny, lI`s vorIh checklng
LensIore vvv.snlpcu.comIU66S) Io see
vheIher you cun geI your lenses or
conIucI lenses even cheuper.
Cet d|sceunts en
med|cal equ|ment
I you`re uged 6U or over, you cun geI u
ISpercenI dlscounI on heurlng ulds by
jolnlng Ihe BooIs Over 6Us Club vvv.
snlpcu.comIU6S2). I you need regulur
prescrlpIlons und usuully puy or Ihem
you cun suve money by upplylng or u
FrescrlpIlon FrepuymenI CerIlncuIe uI
vvv.snlpcu.comIU8U4 or by culllng
U8UU 88U I84I. II cosIs IU4 u yeur or Ihe
cerIlncuIe, buI vlll suve you money l you
need Io buy uI leusI I8 prescrlpIlon lIems
per yeur.
For occuslonul prescrlpIlon lIems look
or deuls uI Ihe vebslIe o vellknovn
phurmucles. By dolng Ihls ve vere uble
Io suve 7 on u prescrlpIlon IhuI vould
huve cosI us 42 l ve`d gone Io u Lloyds
Fhurmucy shop.
Men|ter yeur da|ly
act|v|ty levels fer free
1ere ure gudgeIs you cun buy IhuI vlll
monlIor hovusI you run or cycle, buI
you don`I need Io spend unyIhlng jusI Io
nnd ouI vheIher you`re ucIlve enough.
I you`ve goI u phone or IubleI IhuI you
usuully curry vlIh you, you cun use Ihe
Google NoveuIures bullI lnIo Ihe
upduIed ree Google Seurch upp or
Androld vvv.snlpcu.comIU676) und
lOS vvv.snlpcu.comIU66U) Io Iruck
hovur you`ve Iruvelled und hovmuny
sIeps you`ve Iuken. II cleverly vorks ouI l
you`re golng uI vulklng puce or ure
movlng so usI you musI be drlvlng. You
don`I need Io do unyIhlng Io geI Google
Seurch Io meusure your ucIlvlIy levels, buI
you need Io huve locuIlon servlces
svlIched on. II`s only eecIlve l you
rouIlnely Iuke your phone or IubleI vlIh
you. I you don`I, lI vlll shovun uvul
loI o ldle Ilme.
HeulIh udvlsers recommend people
Iuke uI leusI S,UUU sIeps u duy ln order Io
keep jolnIs movlng und prevenI bud
posIure. 1o check IhuI you`re dolng so,
Iry u ree pedomeIer upp such us Moves
or Androld vvv.snlpcu.comIU662) or
lOS vvv.snlpcu.comIU668), vhlch
cosIs I.49, or Ihe ree Accupedo or
Androld vvv.snlpcu.comIU6S6) or
lFhone vvv.snlpcu.comIU66I).
Cet a free qu|t-smek|ng k|t
I you`re deIermlned Io sIop smoklng Io
lmprove your heulIh und suve money,
you cun geI u ree klI conIulnlng
udvlce und moIlvuIlon Ilps Io keep
you on course. JusI go Io Ihe QulI KlI
puge vvv.snlpcu.comIU667) on Ihe
Smokeree NHS vebslIe Io upply.
Check yeur hear|ng
enl|ne fer free
AcIlon on Heurlng Loss hus u ree onllne
IesI uI vvv.snlpcu.comIU6SS vhere
you cun nnd ouI l your heurlng ls
lmpulred. You cun Iuke Ihe IesI onllne or
on un Androld devlce vvv.snlpcu.
comIU6S7) or cull Ihe Heurlng Check on
US44 SUU 8S8S und Iuke Ihe IesI over Ihe
phone. 1e cull vlll cosI you Sp per
mlnuIe romu home phone.
1e IesI conslsIs o u serles o numbers
IhuI ure reud ouI, buI ure dlsgulsed by
vurylng umounIs o lnIererence. You
musI Iype or cllck Ihe numbers onscreen
IhuI correspond Io Ihe sequence reud ouI.
You cun udjusI Ihe volume und use
heudphones or speukers. Euch eur ls
IesIed sepuruIely. AI Ihe end you need Io
provlde your emull uddress. You Ihen geI
u messuge sIuIlng vheIher Ihe IesI
shovs your heurlng ls poor, plus llnks Io
sources o udvlce.
Cet free everseas
med|cal treatment
GeIIlng medlcul IreuImenI vhlle you`re
overseus ls expenslve, und you usuully
huve Io puy ln udvunce und Ihen muke
u clulmvhen you geI buck Io Ihe UK.
I you`re Iruvelllng Io Europe, you muy
noI huve Io puy upronI Io see u docIor
or geI buslc hosplIul IreuImenI l you
huve un EHIC Europeun HeulIh Insurunce
Curd). 1e rules depend on vheIher
you`d huve Io puy or IreuImenI ln
u counIry l you vere u resldenI.
1ere`s u counIryby counIry gulde uI
vvv.snlpcu.comIU6S9. You`ll ulso be
covered l you need IreuImenI or u vhlle
beore you`re vell enough Io Iruvel.
1o upply, go Io vvv.snlpcu.comIU666
und cllck 'Apply or your EHIC nov`.
You musI be uI leusI I6 yeurs old und be
BrlIlsh, Svlss or romIhe EUor Europeun
Economlc Areu. You`ll need Io knovyour
NHS number.
d|ca| treatment |n the
U by carry|ng an H|C card
Cet a free u|t k|t frcm5mckefree NH5 tc
he|p ycu stcp smck|ng
Use V|s|cn xpress' cn||ne eye check tc see
whether ycu're |cng- cr shcrt-s|ghted
! mus yur yu!
Mus dvnlads!s manlya!r !!la!s! ar! !uns, ou! !vo
lds pln!y ldr audms. RosIeHattersleyunar!s !m
l l lnll ol
lnnl npolng o o
pll lm o pl.
B l no l h
o nn h ong h m p n
. I o h o ln .ppl.
omkln) o Googl l Ml
.nlp.omIUSU) oll nn
h mlnl plg h l h hl.
Ml lplon l lnl ol
k mo on o goo jo
o gollng l. Conlngl ol n
l lllng ll lnl h l
pop ll h mo llonl
l o p.
h k o mll
mmol h h h l om
o nn h pln ong o n
m lh o poln oll l o
nh om onl gm om
njey eld mus|c fer free
L.m.l.m) o mllllon o
k onlln h o n pl
lnllll o lo pl. I h
hn o lo lon o o
ol ml. g mk l o nn
omhlng o n o lln o j
p o hn llk lo
lon o lmol lh h g.
g go ll h k o h I9UU.
A o onlo o o h
o nn k o n onlo.
L.mpp o lhon
.nlp.omIU4) n Anol
.nlp.omIUS) oo.
Anoh lo pl BloomFM
.loom.m) l o lln o
mh ml o lh o on
o lhon o Anol l. Log ln
hn p n hoo on om
h I9SU on o hoo gn
omBloom mlllon hl.
hn k pllng oll
om ll h ooml. p l o
nn lmll l. Fo I monh o
n oo U k lm o pl
on o phon o l n hn
h no lFl o G lll hll
S lplon g o UU k o
lln o omlne.
AnoIher good slIe ls SIrucks Here, users creuIe
pluyllsIs conslsIlng o elghI songs und suve
Ihem onllne or unyone Io enjoy. JusI heud
Io Ihe slIe und Iype un urIlsI`s nume Io see
l Ihey euIure on uny pluyllsIs.
Custem|se a rad|e layer
fer yeur era
InIerneI rudlo sIuIlons don`I cosI unyIhlng
Io Iune lnIo und Ihere ure dozens o
sIuIlons devoIed Io older muslc. 1o nnd
u sIuIlon, you cun seurch by muslc Iype
uI, buI lI`s euslesI Io
nnd vhuI you`re uIer uslng elIher 1uneIn
Rudlo or Llve86S vvv. 1ype un urIlsI, eru or muslcul
genre lnIo Ihe seurch uI elIher o Ihese
slIes Io nnd some greuI onllne sIuIlons. For
exumple, 1uneIn Rudlo hus u I9SUs shov
uI vvv.snlpcu.comIU644. We ulso llke user Dlune`s I9SUs und `6Us
rudlo shov vvv.snlpcu.comIU642).
You cun creuIe your ovn rudlo pluyer
conslsIlng o sIuIlons, lncludlng AbsoluIe
Rudlo 6Us und AbsoluIe Rudlo 7Us. You
cun udd uny sIuIlon IhuI vorks vlIh
mosI UKbused FM und DAB sIuIlons do.
8tracks.ccmycu can en[cy cther pecp|e's
p|ay||sts frcmycur favcur|te era

dscover !he musc ol your you!h
G s y s
s Ls Nx
My ss s
ys x K s
y s A D
s ss
s s ss s ss
K ss s
y As Css
S sUSU),
AbsoluIe Rudlo 6Us or Androld vvv.
snlpcu.comIU64S) or AbsoluIe Rudlo or
lOS vvv.snlpcu.comIU649).
acks threugh
yeur mus|c layer
Freemuke Muslc Box vvv.snlpcu.
comIU686) ls u greuI ree muslc pluyer
IhuI ulso seurches or songs und urIlsIs
onllne und Ihen suves Ihemus pluyllsIs.
We uneurIhed some rure I96Us und 7Us
muslcul colluboruIlons und llve shovs
uslng lIs excellenI seurch Iools. Muslc
Box ls even uble Io comblne Irucks sIored
onllne vlIh ones ln your muslc collecIlon
Io creuIe u pluyllsI rommlxed sources.
Cet a nestalg|c mus|c a
Muny onllne rudlo sIuIlons ocus on old
US hlIs, buI Ihere ure some good upps or
Androld und lOS IhuI huve u more BrlIlsh
eel. In purIlculur ve llke Oldles Rudlo
vvv.snlpcu.comIU62U) u greuI lFhone
upp IhuI`s vell vorIh puylng 69p or.
1e slmllur Free Oldles Rudlo upp or
Androld vvv.snlpcu.comIU62I) ls
good Ioo, buI doesn`I ulvuys lnclude Iruck
lnormuIlon. Hovever, you cun geI urIlsI
und song deIulls Ihrough Shuzumvvv.
snlpcu.comIU64S), vhlch you cun huve
runnlng uI Ihe sume Ilme.
5earch h|ster|cal s|tes
I you`re lnIeresIed ln u purIlculur eru,
slIes dedlcuIed Io IhuI perlod cun ulso
conIuln muslcul gems IhuI uren`I llsIed
elsevhere so Iry seurchlng u hlsIory slIe
romIhuI eru. For exumple, ve ound
IhuI 1e I94Us SocleIy
sells CDs romIhuI eru. Go Io vvv.
snlpcu.comIU64U Io brovse Ihelr
muslc collecIlon.
Clusslcs Onllne`s vvv.clusslcsonllne.
com) NosIulglu secIlon ocuses on juzz
und blg bund romIhe I92Us up Io Ihe
I9SUs. You cun buy muslc us MF8 ulbums
or lndlvlduul Irucks. I you slgn up Io Ihe
S monIhly subscrlpIlon, you geI
unllmlIed muslc sIreumlng und IU per
cenI o ull purchuses. 1ere`s u sevenduy
Irlul, buI you huve Io provlde your
curd deIulls upronI.
Track dewn sengs whese
names yeu can't remember
I you cun`I remember u song`s nume,
Iry uslng Ihe ree SoundHound upp
Io vork ouI vhuI lI ls. You`ll need Io
Iup ouI Ihe rhyIhmor humIhe Iune.
In boIh SoundHound or Androld
vvv.snlpcu.comIU62S) und lOS
vvv.snlpcu.comIU626) you need
Io ullovlI uccess Io your compuIer
or IubleI`s mlcrophone. NexI, Iup Ihe
IopleI orunge buIIon und humor Iup
ouI Ihe song. I u song you llke comes
on Ihe rudlo, SoundHound vlll be uble
Io recognlse Ihls Ioo. SoundHound suys lI
needs Io heur IU seconds o u Iruck Io be
uble Io ldenIly lI, buI ve ound lI oIen
Iook much less Ilme Ihun Ihls. Where
uvulluble, lI vlll shovyou Ihe song lyrlcs
und glve you Ihe opIlon Io pluy Ihe Iruck
on SpoIly or Rdlo.
D|scever eld TV themes
and rad|e j|ngles
1V Ihemes ure every blI us remlnlscenI
o un eru us songs. 1ere ure loIs o old
1V progrummes on You1ube. You von`I
ulvuys only nnd Ihe muslc on lIs ovn
buI, l Ihe progrumme ls onllne, you cun
record lIs uudlo und suve Ihls sepuruIely.
1e sume upplles Io 1V perormunces by
muslcluns you cun record Ihe muslc
vlIhouI Ihe vldeo und suve lI us un MF8.
You cun use Ihe ree MF8Jumvvv. progrumIo geI muslc you
vunI Io suve jusI pusIe Ihe vebllnk or
Ihe You1ube vldeo lnIo Ihe seurch neld
und leI MF8Jumdovnloud lI. 1o IrlmIhe
Iruck romIhe 1V progrumme, use Ihe ree
uudlo edlIor AcousIlcu Buslc 6 vvv.
AI SoundCloud vvv.soundcloud.
com) Ihere`s u secIlon or old rudlo
jlngles vvv.snlpcu.comIU688) vhere
you`ll nnd Ihe lnIro muslc or Rudlo
Curollne, or exumple. I youllsIenedIo
Rudlo I us u kld, Ihe BBC`s Jlngle Muchlne
uI vvv.snlpcu.comIU684 should sIlr
up u evmemorles.
um s t yur vs m
uu w ttmt t ty t

you can't nd a or dgta| verson
o the tracks you want, try a dedcated
musc webste such as
www.gemm.comI. T|s ho|ds a vast
co||ect|on of hard-to-hnd and co||ect|b|e
v|ny| records as we|| as C0s. You can
browse, buy and se|| records of any
v|ntage. Cemm's genre ||st |s qu|te
genera|, but |f you c||ck rowse Cenres
at the bottom, you'|| see sub-categor|es
for each one. Por examp|e, |ues and
|uegrass have separate ||st|ngs.
1o search eect|ve|y c||ck 'User too|s',
then t|ck 'Mus|c on|y' and, |f you w|sh,
'C0on|y', then type the art|st's name.
You can rehne the search further by
search|ng on|y for se||ers |n the Ukand
Mus|c5tack www.mus|cstack.comI |s
another s|te that spec|a||ses |n hard-to-
hnd mus|c. || the search sett|ngs you
need are on the |eft and you can spec|fy
a max|mumpr|ce you're w||||ng to pay
and whether you on|y want to buy from
se||ers w|th|n the Uk. Usefu||y, you can
set an a|ert so you get an ema|| |f new
||st|ngs fromyour chosen art|st are
added to the s|te. 1o do th|s, reg|ster at
the s|te and |og |n then c||ck dd |ert.

r mms rmus st
C vy sstts mus s
t rt t Mus|c5tack tc get an ema||
abcut new||st|ngs frcman art|st

I get IDS7apps !or myIPhone 4s7

ad viIh inIcrcsI your

rcccnI arIicIc abouI
EvcrnoIc and insIaIIcd iI
on boIh my Windovs 8 IapIop
and Windovs 7 PC. Hovcvcr,
vhcn I Iricd Io dovnIoad Ihc app
for my iPhonc 4s Ihc App SIorc
said iI onIy supporIs Ihc iPhonc S.
In facI, I`vc noIiccd IhaI nonc of
Ihc apps in Ihc App SIorc arc
compaIibIc viIh my `oId` phonc.
Is Ihis AppIc Irying Io gcI mc Io
buy a ncvphonc? Is Ihcrc any
vay Io usc Ihcsc noncompaIibIc
apps? Or is Ihcrc a vay IhaI I can
ciIhcr upgradc my iPhonc or gcI
an oIdcr vcrsion of EvcrnoIc?
r|s Morr|s

s r ro
oI Ih your
operuIlng sysIemruIher
Ihun your phone. 1e luIesI
verslon o Ihe EvernoIe upp
requlres you Io lnsIull lOS 7 on
your devlce. 1ls luIesI verslon o
lOS ls uvulluble or every lFhone
romIhe lFhone 4 onvurds, so you
cun lnsIull lOS 7 on your lFhone 4s
l you choose buI noIe Ihe cuveuI,
uI Ihe end o our unsver). 1o do
Ihls, Iup SeIIlngs olloved by Generul
und Ihen SoIvure UpduIe und ollov
Ihe prompIs.
Once you`ve lnsIulled lOS 7 you`ll be
uble Io lnsIull EvernoIe, und preIIy much
uny oIher recenI upp or IhuI muIIer. We
Ihlnk muny people huve been conused
by Ihe vordlng some upp developers use
ln Ihelr producI descrlpIlons. EvernoIe,
or exumple, sIuIes IhuI lI ls opIlmlzed
or lFhone S. II`s Irue Ihe upp hus
been deslgned Io vork Io muxlmum
eecI vlIh Ihe lFhone S`s lurger dlspluy.
Hovever, lI`s ulso compuIlble vlIh older
devlces vlIh screens o dlerenI slzes,
lncludlng Ihe lFhone 4s und older lFuds
buI Ihey run lOS 7.
Be vurned, Ihough, some upps mlghI
noI huve been upduIed Io vork vlIh
lOS 7 yeI. In shorI, lnsIulllng Ihe nev
operuIlng sysIemcould ucIuully cuuse
problems or u evo your exlsIlng
upps, vhlle oIhers mlghI noI run uI
ull. 1ls hus noIhlng Io do vlIh Apple
lI`s dovn Io upp developers Io declde
vheIher Ihey upduIe Ihelr upps Io vork
vlIh lOS 7 or noI. II`s ulso up Io you
vheIher you vunI Io upgrude Io lOS 7.
Whlle ln some clrcumsIunces lI
mlghI be posslble Io reverI un lFhone
runnlng lOS 7 Io un older verslon o Ihe
operuIlng sysIem, lI`s nelIher very eusy
nor very vlse or Ihe uveruge user Io do
Ihls Io nnd ouI vhy, reud our unsver
Io SIeve Mudsen`s quesIlon on puge
6S). WlIh Ihls ln mlnd, ve`d suggesI
noIlng dovn your uvourlIe upps beore
upgrudlng und Ihen checklng euch
one ln Ihe App SIore Io see l lI`s been
upduIed Io vork vlIh lOS 7.
age XML tc create |mage f||es cf
ycur hard dr|ve

Bccausc I run Windovs XP I vas

inIcrcsIcd in Ihc `Hovyou can
run XP forcvcr` arIicIc in Issuc
47. I dovnIoadcd Ihc rccommcndcd
DrivcImagc XML fromvvv.snipca.
com9989 and I vas imprcsscd by Ihc
spccd and simpIiciIy of Ihc program.
Hovcvcr, I can`I nd a vay Io burn Ihc
drivc imagcs Io DVD. Tc arIicIc did
noI givc any hcIp in Ihis parI of Ihc
opcraIion. My DVDrccordcr is drivc H
on my sysIcmbuI DrivcImagc XML IcIIs
mc IhaI Ihis is noI a vaIid drivc. Why is
Ihis? And hovdo I burn my backup
imagc Io DVD?
Nea| Ba|dw|ck

1ere ure u couple o problems

here. DrlveImuge creuIes lmuge
nles o hurd drlves, buI lI cun`I
burn Ihose lmuge nles Io DVDlIsel. For
IhuI you need DVDburnlng soIvure.
FlrsI, Ihough, you need Io seI up
DrlveImuge Io 'spllI` Ihe drlve lmuge lnIo
chunks IhuI ure smull enough Io be
burned Io DVD. 1o do Ihls, Ilck Ihe 'SpllI
lurge nles` box on Ihe Buckup dlulogue
box. We`re ussumlng you huve DVD
burnlng soIvure lnsIulled us your FC
hus u DVDrecorder drlve nIIed so use
Ihls Io burn Ihe mulIlple lmuge nles Io
DVD. I noI, Ihen use CDBurnerXF
u ree dovnloud
HovdoI burn
drIve Images
Make sure ycur apps are ccmpat|b|e w|th |D5 7 |n
the pp 5tcre befcre updat|ng
2 Nmb - cmb 23
o|a|| or th prob|ms
a cr rcbean we tr tc e b|mQcmutactlcuk
oo rturnmyItoI6

IapIop running Windovs
8. I`vc ovcrcomc scvcraI
probIcms viIh Windovs,
buI Ihcrc`s onc
parIicuIar probIcmI jusI
can`I sccmIo soIvc. On
four scparaIc occasions
my PC scrccn has scizcd
up, Icaving Ihc
appIicaIion I vas using
in pIacc buI my PC
rcfusing Io rcspond Io
mousc cIicks. Tc cursor
foIIovs Ihc mousc movcmcnIs, buI Ihc
scrccn docsn`I changc. Each Iimc, I`vc
had Io rcmovc and rcpIacc Ihc baIIcry,
usuaIIy Iosing vork in Ihc proccss. Can
you suggcsI a rcmcdy?

nrln rs hls
ln r ry l s
n hlng h n h ls
Wlns EvenI Vlever. II von`I nx Ihe
problem, buI Ihe nexI Ilme lI huppens,
you cun use lI Io dlugnose Ihe cuuse. I
you remember vhen
Ihe prevlous our
ullures occurred,
EvenI Vlever mlghI
ulreudy conIuln useul
1o luunch lI ln
Wlndovs S, Iype
EvenI Ihen cllck
'Vlev evenI logs`.
Cllck Io expund
Wlndovs Logs.
NexI, ln Ihe
AppllcuIlon und
SysIemsecIlons, scroll
Ihrough Ihe evenI llsI
looklng or 'Error`
enIrles IhuI Iully vlIh Ihe crushes you`ve
experlenced. I lI`s u purIlculur progrum
IhuI`s cuuslng Ihe problem, unlnsIull lI
or noIe dovn Ihe deIulls ln Ihe EvenI
vlndov belov und use Google Io
hunI or u soluIlon.

I havc Io admiI I goI caughI up

in AppIc`s hypc and dccidcd Io
upgradc my iPad 2 Io iOS 7. I
novrcaIisc Ihis vas a big misIakc. I haIc
Ihc ncvIook. I aIso nd many Ihings
morc dimcuII Io usc and my iPad nov
sccms Io run sIovIy, vhcrcas bcforc iI
ran quiIc vcII. I rcaIIy rcgrcI upgrading
and dcspcraIcIy vanI Io go back Io iOS 6.
Is Ihis possibIc? I supposc I shouId admiI
IhaI I didn`I back up bcforc upgrading,
vhich vas obviousIy sIupid of mc.
5teve Madsen

We huve some bud nevs

currenIly, lI`s lmposslble Io
dovngrude rom lOS . 1ls
vould huve been Ihe cuse even l you
hud bucked up beore upgrudlng, so
don`I eel Ioo bud ubouI IhuI.
Apple generully ullovs people Io
'dovngrude` rom u nev lOS verslon
or u shorI vhlle buI only Io verslons
'slgned` by Apple servers. 1ls vus ulso
Irue or lOS . For u ev veeks, Apple`s
servers vould upprove verslon 6.I.8 or
6.I.4 or lFhone S) Ihe nnul verslons o
lOS 6. Hovever, Ihe compuny hus recenIly
dlsubled Ihls opIlon, meunlng Ihere ls no
leglIlmuIe vuy Io puI lOS 6 buck on Io un
upgruded devlce.
Unless Apple chunges lIs mlnd ubouI
ullovlng dovngrudes und ve Ihlnk
IhuI`s noI golng Io huppen Ihen Ihe
only prospecI ls Io 'jullbreuk` your lFud.
1ls meuns breuklng Apple`s securlIy so
IhuI you cun do vhuIever you
llke vlIh Ihe devlce lncludlng
lnsIulllng older verslons o lOS.
Hovever, you should undersIund
IhuI jullbreuklng lsn`I or Ihe
lnexperlenced. II removes Apple`s
securlIy meusures, leuvlng your
lFud much more exposed Io
lnecIlon or uIIuck.
Whlle plenIy o benevolenI
huckers ure busy Irylng Io cruck
lOS `s securlIy, uI Ihe Ilme o
vrlIlng Apple`s locks remuln lnIucI so
jullbreuklng lsn`I yeI posslble. HlsIory
suggesIs IhuI Ihe huckers vlll evenIuully
succeed, und uI IhuI polnI you should
be uble Io resIore lOS 6 vlIhouI Ihe
permlsslon o Apple`s servers. For Ihe
luIesI on Ihe sIuIus o lOS jullbreuklng,
vlslI, und vlslI JusI
u Fenguln vvv.snlpcu.comIU4S2) or
dovnloud llnks Io older verslons o lOS.
WhyIs mycomputer screen!reezIng7
e ncw vent ewer tc e ance ccn rcbe
cwnca cer vercn c at Jt a enn

5et a type cf f||e tc cpen w|th a part|cu|ar

prcgramv|a ycur cntrc| Pane|
vc|d sav|ng ycur Wcrd dccuments |n 'read-cn|y' fcrmat
by chang|ng the sett|ngs |n the 5ave s d|a|cgue bcx

incc buying my Accr Aspirc

S882 IapIop ovcr Ihrcc ycars ago,
I`vc uscd a USB mousc insIcad of
Ihc buiIIin Iouchpad. Hovcvcr, vhcn I
Iricd Io usc Ihc Iouchpad rcccnIIy I found
iI no Iongcr vorks. Why is Ihc
Iouchpad faiIing Io rcspond
afIcr aII Ihis Iimc?
1ony Baker

, cd
be u ee,
u ee e ecd,
e de cd ue bece
c e eu
eed be, dud e ue
de cu
e, ,
e ue c
u ue e
u cu e
e e b
udee e
u u b ude e e
b b dube eube
e cud , u b ud
ee e e be ,
bub e e e
Wh uhadk

I usc Omcc 20I8.

Of IaIc, my savcd
Word documcnIs
havc sIarIcd Iransforming
IhcmscIvcs inIo `rcad onIy`
formaI. I can`I Ihink of any
changcs I`vc madc IhaI mighI
havc causcd Ihis. Can you ocr
a simpIc soIuIion? If noI, vhcrc
do I buy a ribbon for my I9S0s
IypcvriIcr IhaI`s somcvhcrc
in my IofI?
Bernard Pratt

ee u
Wd u, e e,
e dce eud de
ue dceed, d ue
udce cc e
e e be eed u u u,
edube dce
Y cu eube udee
e u dce, ud e
u ueed 1 ,
u u dce e ue
e, e ue due b,
cc e d uude 1 ud
eec eeu Uc e Reud
eceded , e cc
e b u Wd
ub de 1 cec
, Wd e uue e
ce de e euc cu
u deed ce ud
ce u ued, e e u
e euc bu d e de e,
cc e Wdee e ud,
eceu, c e R u
ub de b c ud
eu Wd
WhaWdd avda ad
Wha I

AbouI Ihrcc vccks ago Ihc

hypcrIinks in my cmaiIs
rcfuscd Io opcn, dispIaying
Ihc foIIoving mcssagc: Tis Ic docs
noI havc a programassociaIcd viIh iI
for pcrforming Ihis acIion. PIcasc
insIaII a programor, if onc is aIrcady
insIaIIcd crcaIc an associaIion in Ihc
DcfauII ProgramconIroI pancI. WhaI
programis rcquircd Io opcn Ihcsc
Iinks? I can onIy Ihink IhaI Ihc
programhas accidcnIaIIy bccn
rcmovcd or Ihc associaIion corrupIcd.
Is Ihcrc a vay Io x iI?

e ue
e u e
e u eb be
c u ee e Ye
bub u
u e ucu u bee eed
bece ced be
ued, ed ud e eed
u ueue eb be, c u
e e
eu c u,
ue, eu u, e
cue u e e c
u u c e e,
cc ue u, ce
eeed eb be ud cc
Reeu e e
e u e ucu u
u ue cued u
e be buc cue
ee ucu cu ude
e e , cc u, eu
u e e deu
u eec e eb be
e u e cc e
uu e deu c


heck ycu haven't acc|denta||y d|sab|ed the tcuchpad cn ycur
cer sp|re 5332 by press|ng a sma|| buttcn cn the s|de

havc a Tshiba SaIcIIiIc IapIp

vhich had pcrfrmcd
fauIIIcssIy frmday nc.
Hvcvcr, afIcr smc rcccnI Windvs
updaIcs, I fund Ihc musc pinIcr
bcgan I sIick n a rcguIar basis. My
sIuIin vas I g inI Dcvicc Managcr
and rII back Ihc drivcr fr Ihc
Iuchpad, vhich srIcd uI Ihc prbIcm.
UnfrIunaIcIy, vhcncvcr I rcsIarI, Ihc
auImaIic updaIc IhaI causcd Ihc
prbIcmin Ihc rsI pIacc simpIy
rcinsIaIIs iIscIf. Hvd I sIp Ihis?
n Rhodes

X lmporIunI
upduIes ure uvulluble` llnk under Ihe
'Dovnloud und lnsIull upduIes or your
compuIer` heudlng Io see Ihe uvulluble
upduIes: Ilck only Ihose IhuI you vlsh Io
lnsIull, Ihen cllck OK. RepeuI or Ihe 'X
opIlonul upduIes ure uvulluble llnk`.
NexI, cllck Ihe 'InsIull upduIes` buIIon.
do I stop
Whycan't I actIvate myold dobe Photoshopso!tvare7
dcbe has re|eased rev|sed vers|cns cf c|der scftware app||cat|cns that nc |cnger
requ|re act|vat|cn

I`vc jusI upgradcd

my cmpuIcr and
vas happiIy
rcinsIaIIing my appIicaIins
unIiI I camc I PhIshp
and CrcaIivc SuiIc 4 (CS4)
Upgradc EdiIin. II sccms
Adbc has sviIchcd iIs
scrvcrs s nvI can`I
rcgisIcr Ihc scriaI numbcrs
fr Ihc prgramn my ncv
cmpuIcr. Tis sccms dafI
as I aIrcady havc Ihc scriaI
numbcrs rcgisIcrcd n my
accunI viIh Adbc, and I
can`I ard Ihc ncvcIud
vcrsins. Is Ihcrc anyIhing
I can d?

1e problemhere ls Adobe hus

dlsubled lIs ucIlvuIlon servers or
older verslons o lIs soIvure.
Whlle Ihe ucIlvuIlon server sIlll vorks or
CS4, lI von`I vork or CS2 producIs. You
prevlously upgruded un older verslon o
FhoIoshop vlIh CS4 Upgrude EdlIlon.
Hovever, Io lnsIull CS4 Upgrude EdlIlon
on your nevFC, you nrsI need Io lnsIull
und ucIlvuIe Ihe older verslon o
FhoIoshop, vhlch you
cun`I do un uppurenI
CuIch 22 slIuuIlon.
1e good nevs ls
IhuI Adobe ls ully
uvure o Ihls
quundury und hus
releused revlsed
verslons o older
uppllcuIlons IhuI
no longer requlre
ucIlvuIlon und IhuI`s
Ihe vuy ouI o your
sIlcky slIuuIlon.
You`ll nrsI need Io
unlnsIull your old
progrum, Ihen log
lnIo Ihe Adobe vebslIe
Io dovnloud Ihe revlsed
verslon. You`ll nnd ull
deIulls uI vvv.snlpcu.comIU8II.
You`ll be uble Io lnsIull Ihls revlsed
verslon o FhoIoshop vlIh your exlsIlng
serlul number und Ihen upgrude lI uslng
your CS4 Upgrude EdlIlon.
hange the way W|ndcws |nsta||s ycur updates |n the W|ndcws Update sett|ngs

ders' prob|ems at forums.computeract| co.u .uk

s rst's r ssstt t sur yur s t| wt .

g Windovs 8 on a
64biI Accr Aspirc IapIop
vhich is brand ncv. I`vc Ivicc
Iricd Io insIaII 8.I fromIhc Windovs
SIorc buI on boIh occasions I rcccivcd
Ihis crror mcssagc: UnabIc Io insIaII
OxCI9II Ox8I8. Tc various
MicrosofI and Windovs 8
forums arc unabIc Io soIvc
Ihis probIcm. Fingcrs crosscd
somconc hcrc viII havc an
kMD, Computeract|ve

mno h
h co mn b
h h m
poblm. Ier reseurch, I
ound IhuI people hud
vurylng degrees o success
vlIh uny o Ihe ollovlng:
dlsconnecI ull exIernul
my FCs vlIh 1uneUp 2UI4 Io Wlndovs
S.I, so I dldn`I expecI Ihls Io uecI my
oIher FC, buI unlnsIulllng lI leI me
lnsIull Ihe S.I upduIe.
1ls vus connrmed by u posI I reud
elsevhere, vhlch sIuIed: I jusI culled
MlcrosoI supporI. 1e Iechnlcul
supporI person Iold me
Ihls error ls cuused by
IhlrdpurIy buckground
soIvure. II`s noI u
MlcrosoI error.
II mlghI ulso help l
you check Io muke sure
your muchlne ls ucIuully
compuIlble vlIh Wlndovs
S.I. Use MlcrosoI`s ree
Upgrude AsslsIunI Iool
or Ihls, vhlch hus been
upduIed or Wlndovs S.I
Computeract|ve Porums
B.i InstallatIonerror7

I ovn a Ncxus 7
IabIcI running
Android 4.2. I
vouId Iikc Io puI somc of my
DVDs onIo iI so I can vaIch
IhcmvhiIc avay fromhomc.
AII Ihc Ims havc bccn
IcgaIIy purchascd and arcn`I
piraIcd, vhiIc oIhcrs arc my
ovn vork burncd frommy
ovn vidco camcra fooIagc.
Is Ihis possibIc? I havc a
dcskIop PC running
Windovs XP ProfcssionaI
Scrvicc Pack 8 viIh a I6CB
hard drivc.
C McLr|a|n

Yes, Ihls ls posslble

Ihough you musI
be uvure o Ihe luv. Muny
commerclul DVDreleuses ure copy
proIecIed uslng dlglIulrlghIs
munugemenI DRM) sysIems such
us Ihe ConIenI Scrumble SysIemCSS).
1ese duys lI`s reluIlvely slmple Io
cruck Ihls und oIher slmllur encrypIlon
meIhods, buI IhuI doesn`I muke lI legul.
1e UK GovernmenI ls vorklng on
leglsluIlve chunges IhuI`ll leI lndlvlduuls
creuIe coples o copyrlghIed muIerlul or
personul use, vhlch mlghI leud you Io
belleve IhuI lI`s okuy Io copy commerclul
DVDs. Hovever, Ihe nevluvls unllkely Io
ullovIhe crucklng o DRM. You cun leurn
more ubouI Ihe evolvlng legul slIuuIlon uI
NeverIheless, Iurnlng your DVDs lnIo
dlglIul nles IhuI you cun
pluy on your Nexus ls
preIIy sIrulghIorvurd
uslng ree soIvure.
FlrsI, dovnloud und
lnsIull Ihe ree verslon
o WlnX DVDRlpper,
comIU427. NexI,
cllck Ihe Dlsc buIIon
ln WlnX DVDRlpper
und selecI Ihe relevunI
DVDdrlve. NexI, cllck
Ihe MF4 Iub, Iveuk Ihe
vldeoquullIy seIIlngs
l you vunI u smuller
nle, Ihen cllck Ihe lurge
blue SIurI buIIon Io
rlp Ihe dlsc.
You cun Ihen
Irunser Ihe resulIlng MF4 nle Io your
Nexus 7 uslng your Nexus`s supplled USB
cuble. Once lI`s connecIed, open Wlndovs
Explorer und drug und drop Ihe MF4 nle
onIo Ihe devlce, puIIlng lI ln Ihe Nexus`s
Vldeos older. You cun pluy MF4 vldeos
uslng Ihe deuulI vldeo pluyer: slmply
Iup Ihe Fluy Muslc &1V upp lcon, Ihen
Fersonul Vldeos.
HovdoI put myDVDmovIes onto myNexus 77
devlces, cleun booI, remove or dlsuble Ihe
neIvork udupIer, remove or dlsuble WlFl
especlully vlIh Asus muchlnes), und
upduIe vldeocurd drlvers. None o Ihese
vorked or me, buI Ihen I reculled urIlcles
IhuI suggesIed removlng 1uneUp UIlllIles
2UI8 or 2UI4. I`d ulreudy upduIed one o

s W|nX V R|pper tc ccnvert ycur Vs sc ycu can watch themcn ycur tab|et
9Ncvmbr - J00cmbr 20J3

Ne isse lcs lies jcr.lnerne crer

le|nstatem|ss|ngfeatures andma|eWord2J3wor| on an o|der lC

lder vers|en ef Werd
een newWerd decuments
In me lrosoI lnIroue
nev eulI ormI lle .DC IhI
nI e opene y erller erslons o
or. hIs more oler erslons o
lnovs vonI run Ihe lIesI erslon
o me so you nI sole Ihe prolem
y upgrlng Io me .
Hoveer you n open .o nle
eIenslons uslng Ihe ree lrosoI me
CompIllllIy k llle romIhe
lrosoI Dovnlo CenIer vvv.
snlp.omS4. II shoul lnsIll
uIomIllly uI youll nee Io qulI
Word und uny oIher Omce progrums nrsI.
5te decuments runn|ng |n
Pretected V|ew
In Omce 2UIU und 2UI8 documenIs ure
opened ln FroIecIed Vlevmode vlIh u
yellovvurnlng bur dlspluyed uI Ihe Iop
vhen Ihey huve prevlously been suved on
unoIher drlve or huve been dovnlouded.
FroIecIed Vlevls llIIle more Ihun u
reudonly verslon o u documenI, so
you cun`I muke chunges Io lI.
I you knovIhe documenI ls sue
perhups becuuse you creuIed und suved
lI yoursel cllck Enuble EdlIlng ln Ihe
vurnlng box IhuI uppeurs, Ihen suve lI
Io u locul drlve so you don`I geI Ihe
vurnlng messuge uguln.
You cun chunge your FroIecIed Vlev
seIIlngs by golng Io Flle, OpIlons, 1rusI
CenIer und unIlcklng euch opIlon ln
Ihe FroIecIed VlevllsI.
Cet r|d ef Werd 213's
anney|ng an|mated v|ew
Word 2UI8 und Omce 86S huve u curlous
unlmuIed eel Io Iyplng. Some users
huve complulned IhuI Ihey nnd lI
dlsorlenIuIlng und unorIunuIely
Ihere`s no slmple vuy Io Iurn lI o.
Hovever, l you`re conndenI enough
Io delve lnIo Ihe ReglsIry you cun
geI Ihlngs buck Io normul.
Cllck SIurI, Run or press WlnR ln
Wlndovs S), Ihen Iype regedlI. Cllck Yes
vhen User AccounI ConIrol uppeurs
Io connrmyou vunI Io muke chunges
Io Ihe compuIer`s ReglsIry. Novcllck
Ihe urrovnexI Io euch o Ihe ollovlng
lIems Io expund euch enIry. HKEY
CURREN1USER, SoIvure, MlcrosoI,
Omce, IS.U, Common.
NexI, expund Gruphlcs or, l Ihere`s
no Gruphlcs enIry, creuIe one by rlghI
cllcklng Common und cllcklng Nev,
Key. 1ype Gruphlcs und, once Ihls
enIry hus been creuIed, cllck lI Ihen
rlghIcllck ln Ihe pune Io Ihe rlghI.
Novcllck Nev, DWORDvulue und Iype
DlsubleAnlmuIlon. Flnully, doublecllck
DlsubleAnlmuIlon und, ln Ihe 'EdlI
DWORDvulue` box, chunge lIs vulue
Io I und cllck OK.
Make Werd 21 remember
wh|ch features yeu want te use
Omce 2UIU Servlce Fuck 2 cun muke u
evunexpecIed chunges Io your exlsIlng
Word seIIlngs. In purIlculur, vhen you
lnsIull Ihe SF2 upgrude lI cun overrlde
your exlsIlng seIIlngs und enuble or
dlsuble u number o euIures ln Word.
1o muke sure Word remembers your
preerences, dovnloud und lnsIull Ihe
upduIe MlcrosoI lssued ln OcIober
1o check Ihe upduIe hus lnsIulled,
cllck SIurI, Run, Ihen Iype Appvlz.cpl
und cllck OK.
Re|nstate Werd's d|ct|enary
For reusons besI knovn Io MlcrosoI,
Ihe dlcIlonury doesn`I come prelnsIulled
ln Ihe nevesI verslons o Word. 1o use
dlcIlonurles ln Word 2UI8 you huve Io
dovnloud und lnsIull u ree one rom
Ihe Omce SIore.
FlrsI selecI und rlghIcllck some IexI
ln Word Ihen cllck Denne. I you huven`I
prevlously done so, you`ll novneed Io
seI up your Omce SIore uccounI onllne.
1o do Ihls, cllck Ihe user lcon uI Ihe
Iop rlghI und cllck 'AccounI seIIlngs`.
Under ConnecIed Servlces, cllck Omce
SIore, 'Add u servlce` und slgn lnIo your
MlcrosoI uccounI Io go Io Ihe SIore.
Cllck Ihe dlcIlonury you vunI Io use
romIhe llsI provlded. 1e dlcIlonury
vlll novlnsIull und you`ll be uble Io
use lI by cllcklng Revlev, Denne.
a|| a d|ct|cnary |n Wcrd 2013 by
dcwn|cad|ng cne frcmthe Dff|ce 5tcre
hange Prctected V|ewsett|ngs |n the 7rust
enter tc ed|t dcwn|caded Wcrd dccuments
Cet r|d cf the anncy|ng typ|ng an|mat|cn |n
Wcrd 2013 by creat|ng a |sab|en|mat|cn
entry |n the Reg|stry

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J2 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
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(HL PR| fcr
6 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
Sky. rcadband &a||s
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(HL PR| fcr
J2 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
. rcadband &a||s
l0.00 l2 l6Mb = E60.00
(HL PR| fcr
J2 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
1a|k1a|k. 1V, rcadband
7.50 l8 l6Mb = E90.00
pr mcnth mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
Prlmus. lbr rcadband
l6.00 l8 38Mb = EJ6B.00
(HL PR| fcr
3 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
Sky. lbr rcadband &
20.00 l2 38Mb = EJB0.00
(HL PR| fcr
6 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
Vlrgln. rcadband
22.50 l8 30Mb =
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3 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd
P|usnt. lbr rcadband
24.99 l8 76Mb =
(EJ7.75 fcr
4 mcnthsl
mcnths ma spd un|lmltd

72 27 Ncvmbr - J0cmbr 20J3

N 00 0
I080p Of th ccmmcn typs cf
hlgh-dnnltlcn vldc, thls ls th
bst qua|lty. J920xJ0B0plx|s.
82it Amasur cf hcwmuch
lnfcrmatlcn a ccmputr can prccss
at cnc. Mcst c|dr ccmputrs ar
32blt, mcr mcdrn cns ar 64blt.
64it Atchnc|cgy that prccsss
lnfcrmatlcn ln |argr chunks.
802.II Astandard fcr wlr|ss
ntwcrks that a||cws fcr much
hlghr transfr spds.
802.IIn Astandard fcr wlr|ss
ntwcrks that a||cws fcr hlghr
transfr spds.
.AZWFbcck n|s that can cn|y b
rad cn an Amazcn Klnd|.
BootabIc DVDA0V0wlth systm
n|s cn lt sc lt can b usd tc start
up ycur ccmputr.
Codcc Shcrt fcr Ccmprsscr/
0ccmprsscr. An| that t||s a
ccmputr hcwtc rccrd cr p|ay a
typ cf mdla n|.
CPUCntra| Prccsslng Unlt. A
trmfcr a ccmputr prccsscr.
CSS Ccntnt Scramb| Systm. A
dlglta| rlghts managmnt (0RMI
systmusd cn 0V0s.
CSV Ccmma Sparatd Va|u.
Astandard n| fcrmat, usd fcr
stcrlng tabu|atd lnfcrmatlcn,
that can b cpnd by mcst
spradsht app|lcatlcns.
Data bus Accmmunlcatlcns
systmthat's part cf th
ccmputr's mcthrbcard and
usd tc transfr lnfcrmatlcn
btwn th ccmputr's varlcus
DircctXAMlcrcscft tchnc|cgy
rqulrd tc run many gams ln
DispIayport Anwscckt fcr
ccnnctlng mcnltcrs that's stl||
r|atlv|y rar.
.DOCXT dfau|t n| fcrmat
usd by Wcrd 2007 and |atr.
DRM0lglta| Rlghts Managmnt.
Scftwar that |lmlts th ccpylng
cf a n|.
DSIR0lglta| Slng| Lns Rx. A
dlglta| camra that uss a mcvlng
mlrrcr sc lts vlwnndr |ccks cut
thrcugh th |ns.
DVRMS Avldc and audlc n|
fcrmat usd by Wlndcws Mdla
tchnc|cgy usd ln sma|| phctc
FPUBAn| fcrmat usd by many
pcpu|ar bcck radrs.
FircWirc An a|trnatlv tc USB.
|ncraslng|y unccmmcn, but stl||
fcund cn vldc camras and
xtrna| hard drlvs.
Framc ratc T numbr cf stl||
lmags, cr frams, shcwn pr
sccnd tc crat a mcvlng lmag.
Hlghr fram rats mak gams
appar smccthr and mcr ra|lstlc.
HDMI Hlgh dnnltlcn mdla
lntrfac. Atyp cf ccnnctlcn that
transmlts hlgh-dnnltlcn vldc and
audlc slgna|s. |t ls fcund cn many
nw1Vs, mdla PCs and hlgh-
dnnltlcn prcducts such as B|u-ray
dlsc p|ayrs and gams ccnsc|s.
HTMIS T |atst vrslcn cf th
Hyprtxt Markup Languag usd
tc crat mcst wb pags. H1ML5
lnc|uds xtra ccmmands that
a||cwfcr mcr ccmp|x dslgns.
Intcgratcd graphics chip
Advlc that has a chlp fcr
prccsslng graphlcs data bul|t cn
tc lts mcthrbcard, rathr than
havlng a sparat graphlcs card.
ISOIc Atyp cf lmag n| that
ccntalns th data frcma C0cr 0V0.
MBs Mgabyts pr sccnd.
Micro HDMI Amlnlatur
vrslcn cf H0M| cftn fcund cn
smartphcns and tab|s.
Micro SDAsma|| typ cf mmcry
card. Can b ccnvrtd tc S0slz
uslng an adaptr.
Micro USBAmlnlatur vrslcn cf
USB, cftn fcund cn smartphcns,
tab|ts and pcrtab| hard drlvs.
MP4 Atyp cf dlglta| mcvl n|
cftn usd fcr pcrtab| p|ayrs.
MPFG2 Mctlcn Plctur Fxprts
Crcup 2. 0scrlbs a mthcd cf
ccmprsslng dlglta| vldc. MPFCJ
ccmprsslcn glvs VHS-qua|lty
vldc, whl| MPFC2 glvs hlgh-
qua|lty vldc wlth C0-qua|lty
scund. |s usd fcr 0V0mcvls.
MPFG4 Astandard fcr
ccmprsslng dlglta| ccntnt that
malntalns vry hlgh qua|lty.
NAS Ntwcrk-attachd stcrag. A
hard drlv attachd tc a ntwcrk
that can b shard by cthr PCs.
Noisc Vlslb| dust-|lk spck|s
that appar ln scm camra and
1Vlmags. |n phctcs, thy ar
causd by th camra's cwn
snscr. |n 1Vlmags, thy can b
causd by th 1V's prccsscr cr b
a awln th brcadcast slgna| lts|f.
Pivot TabIc Abul|t-ln Fxc|
macrc, cr mlnl prcgram, whlch
summarlss |arg amcunts cf data.
Proccssor T prccsscr - cr
cntra| prccsslng unlt - ls th
braln cf a ccmputr.
Quadcorc proccssor A
ccmputr that has fcur prccsscrs
cn a slng| chlp, whlch a||cws lt
tc cprat fastr than standard
(slng|-ccrI ccmputrs.
Quickcn Ics T n| fcrmat usd
by ulckn, a budgtlng prcgramnc
|cngr sc|d cr suppcrtd ln th UK.
Ransomwarc Ma|war run by
hackrs whc tak cvr ycur PCand
dmand a paymnt tc r|as lt.
RcsoIution T amcunt cf dtal|
shcwn ln an lmag, whthr cn
scrn cr prlntd.
SDcard Scur 0lglta| card. A
pcpu|ar typ cf mmcry card.
Scrvicc Pack A|arg dcwn|cad
that ccntalns nxs and updats fcr
Wlndcws cr cthr prcgrams.
SSDSc|ld-stat drlv. Stcrag that,
un|lk a hard drlv, uss nc mcvlng
parts. Pastr but mcr xpnslv
than ccnvntlcna| hard drlvs.
TundcrboIt Avry fast pcrt fcr
ccnnctlng xtrna| stcrag tc a
ccmputr. Can b usd tc ccnnct
mcnltcrs, a ntwcrk and mcr.
TIFF 1aggd |mag Pl| Pcrmat. A
standard n| fcrmat usd tc stcr
graphlcs lmags.
TravcI T dlstanc th kys cf a
kybcard hav tc b prssd dcwn
bfcr th kystrck ls rccgnlsd.
TV Tuncr Advlc fcr tunlng lntc
t|vlslcn ln ccmputrs, usua||y
fcund ln a 1Vtunr card that
a||cws th ccmputr tc shcwand
rccrd t|vlslcn prcgramms.
UFFI Unlnd Fxtnslb| Plrmwar
|ntrfac. Amcdrn rp|acmnt
fcr th B|OS, dslgnd tc gt a PC
lntc a stat whr lt can |aunch an
cpratlng systm.
USB wcbcamAcamra ccnnctd
tc ycur ccmputr vla USB, typlca||y
fcr us ln vldc chats.
USB2 Pastr succsscr tc USB
that's usd by such thlngs as
xtrna| dlsk drlvs.
USB8 Afastr vrslcn cf th USB
standard usd tc ccnnct dvlcs
tc a ccmputr.
Uscr Account ControI Ascurlty
systmthat's bn part cf
Wlndcws slnc Vlsta.
VGAVldc Craphlcs Array. A
standard scckt fcr ccnnctlng a
mcnltcr tc a ccmputr.
VirtuaI machincs Ascftwar-
basd ccmputr runnlng lnsld
ancthr ccmputr. Oftn usd tc
mu|at ancthr cpratlng systm.
WMVWlndcws Mdla Vldc. A
Mlcrcscft n| fcrmat fcr vldc.
Workgroup Atamcf pcp| whc
wcrk tcgthr cn a task. A|| th
mmbrs us PCs ccnnctd tc
a ntwcrk, whlch a||cws thmtc
shar n|s, schdu| mtlngs and
snd mal|s btwn thlr PCs.
WPA2 Wl-Pl Prctctd Accss. A
mcr scur varlant cf th scurlty
standard fcr wlr|ss ntwcrks.
WTVWlndcws Rccrdd 1V
Shcw. Vldc n| fcrmat usd by
Wlndcws Mdla Cntr.
Zcroday attackAma|war cr
scurlty xp|clt that dpnds cn a
prvlcus|y unkncwn scftwar aw.
|s |ssueStuart Andrews wants tounfr|end
eople belng people, ull soclul
neIvorks huve Ihelr problems.
1vlIIer mlghI help some chunge
Ihe vorld, buI mosI jusI spend Ihelr Ilme
muklng snurky commenIs ubouI reullIy
1V conIesIunIs. lnkedn someIlmes eels
more llke u muIuul buckslupplng socleIy
Ihun u serlous buslness neIvork, vhlle
oogle eels llke u purIy vhere hul Ihe
guesIs huven`I Iurned up und Ihe resI ure
looklng or Ihelr couIs. uI ucebook ls
Ihe vorsI. No oIher soclul neIvork
mukes me eel so unIlsoclul.
don`I ucIuully huIe ucebook. I keeps
me ln Iouch vlIh un exIended umlly
don`I see oIen enough und vlIh rlends
`d love Io spend u ev hours dovn Ihe
pub vlIh. uI lI ulso drlves me up Ihe
vull. Muybe IhuI`s becuuse you cun`I use
ucebook vlIhouI guIherlng 'rlends`
you`d move house Io uvold. Or muybe lI`s
becuuse Ihere`s someIhlng ubouI
ucebook IhuI mukes lI purIlculurly
uppeullng Io Ihe selobsessed. MurkeIlng
Iypes llke Io suy IhuI Iechnology ls u greuI
enubler. n Ihe cuse o ucebook, lI`s
pluce vhere people could shure Ihelr
lnIeresIs und Ihelr nevs, buI lI`s become
u vehlcle or nurclsslsIs und neuroIlc
nuvelguzers vho cun`I lmuglne Ihey`re
noI Ihe cenIre o Ihe vorld. nd lI`s
geIIlng vorse. 1e more ebook sIores,
muslcsIreumlng servlces und onllne
movle emporlums hook ln, Ihe more
leurn IhuI erek hus jusI vuIched
vhlle eun hus jusI nnlshed reudlng Ij
Shodc oj Cc. My one consoluIlon
comes vhen lI`s lnudverIenIly reveuled
IhuI, vhlle eun vus ouI shopplng, erek
vus home ulone vuIchlng someIhlng he
shouldn`I huve been. e reully should
huve logged ouI o ucebook.
YeI, Io be honesI, Ihe Ihlng huIe mosI
ls Ihe eecI ucebook hus on me. come
Io lI meek und huppy us u chlld, Ihen
leuve nve mlnuIes luIer ln u muss o envy,
conIempI und lnconIlnenI ruge. ronlcully,
u servlce IhuI`s supposed Io brlng us
closer IogeIher mukes me eel even more
mlsunIhroplc Ihun usuul. o you ugree`
so, pleuse, coc 'llke` Ihls column. I`s
Ihe only vuy cun be sure, you see.
enubllng ucebook uddlcIs Io reuch Ihelr
mosI unbeuruble poIenIlul.
You knov vho `m Iulklng ubouI. 1e
bousIers Ihe ones vho eel IhuI Ihe
smullesI uchlevemenI cun`I go by vlIhouI
u ucebook posI. 1ey jusI vunI everyone
Io 'llke` vhuI Ihey`ve done, rom budly
cooked rousI dlnners Io lnepIly ussembled
uIpuck urnlIure. 1en ve geI Ihe
broudcusIers, Ihose vho eel Ihe vorld ls
on IenIerhooks, uvulIlng un upduIe on
every emoIlon, every ucIlon, every slngle
pusslng IhoughI. nd ve`re meunI Io
'llke` Ihese commenIs` un ve huve
unoIher buIIon or vho cures`
1en Ihere ure Ihe unglers. 1ese
people klck o vlIh u shorI, opuque
commenI llke lsu ls ubsoluIely llvld!
Ihen slI by Ihe ucebook rlver, llne ln Ihe
vuIer, vulIlng or u blIe rom unyone
dumb enough Io usk Ihem vhy. When
one comes, Ihe seusoned ungler sIlll
doesn`I reveul ull, buI prolongs Ihe drumu
vlIh unoIher IunIullslng commenI lsu
ls even more llvld, perhups`). I Iukes un
hour und orIy commenIs Io dlscover Ihe
eurIhshuIIerlng nevs IhuI Nlgel
rom uccounIs lmplled lsu vus
vorkshy, vhlle leuvlng u coee cup
rlng on her desk.
Fersonully, cun`I sIund Ihe
explorers, sporIsmen, nne dlners
und soclullIes, consIunIly udverIlslng
every vulk vulked, every round o
gol, every pub, bur und resIuurunI
vlslIed, und every orelgn clIy
conquered. NovIhere`s noIhlng
vrong vlIh shurlng, buI vhy do
some ucebook uddlcIs huve Io be
so exhuusIlve` `ve begun Io suspecI
IhuI some plun Ihelr veekends
vlIh ucebook ln mlnd, desperuIely
Irylng Io velgh up vheIher dlnlng
uI Rosslnl`s vlIh eun und erek
vlll gurner more 'llkes` Ihun u
slxmlle cousIul hlke Io u pub IhuI
serves hundcruIed clder und
pulledpork rolls.
ucebook muy huve begun us u
gree w|th 5tuart7
Let us knowat |ettersQcomputeract|
has oece
avehcelr arcsss!s
adeur!c ave-
azers vhca!
ae!heyre! !he
ce!rel !hevrd
omputercctive's Mr ngry
TheFa S!rav
7 Ncmb - J0cmb J3 crt gets cngr cbcut misecuing cuverts

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