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Zeta and the Legacy

Zeta and the Legacy

Q: What's happening, dude?
B: Everything. All at once.
Q: Life, right?
B: Yes.
Q: ey, ! understand that on your planet your people have
"hite#"hitish$gray s%in.
B: Yes.
Q: &%ay. Well, if you'd 'e "illing to share "ith us your spacecraft
B: (o", "e already have, to so)e degree, 'ut as you %no", it is not yet
the right ti)ing.
Q: Well, ! "as going to say, in order to accelerate that ti)ing, "e "ould
'e happy to share our sun$tanning technologies "ith you.
B: (o, than% you.
Q: &%ay. *hat's a +o%e, any"ay.
B: Yes.

Q: !'ve +ust finished reading ,!ntruders,- 'y Bud op%ins, "hich ! 'elieve
you %no" of. A 'oo% "hich tal%s a'out the encounters that several
people on our planet have had "ith e.traterrestrials a'ductions, "here
they have 'een ta%en a'oard the craft...
B: At this ti)e "e "ould suggest a replace)ent for that ter). /ather
than a'ductions, perhaps ... 0detain)ents.0
Zeta and the Legacy
Q: 1etain)ents. &%ay. Any"ay, they under"ent e.a)inations of
various %inds. *he account in the 'oo% indicated that there "as so)e
pain and disco)fort and a lot of fear created on the part of the

B: Yes. 2enerally the fear is "hat creates the pain and disco)fort.
*here usually is no real inherent pain or disco)fort in the interaction $$
e.cept "hat is caused 'y the fear. 3art of the reasons for those
interactions is to release those fears, so there "ill no longer 'e any for)
of fear, pain or disco)fort in your lives. *hat is one of the reasons for
those interactions. *hey are all 'eing )ade 'y agree)ent, even though
your conscious )inds )ay not re)e)'er those agree)ents.

Q: 4o)e of the pain has 'een physical pain, in that there have 'een
pro'es placed up into the nostrils.

B: Yes. 4o)e of this is physical, and so)e of it is not. 4o)e of it is
such a strong telepathic idea that you thin% it is physical.

Q: 5no"ing that these people have agreed to have these interactions,
then, since they have agreed, "hy are they still creating the fear? And
then corollary to that: one of the detainees said, 0We "ouldn't really
)ind it if the aliens "ould +ust co)e out and say, 'ey, "ould you 'e
"illing to do this?6 And "e "ould 'e. *hey don't have to a'duct us. 0 ...
*hat )ade a lot of sense to )e.

B: Yes. 7nderstand, of course, that the agree)ents are usually
unconscious8 that is part of the reason. 9any ti)es, as long as the
agree)ents are unconscious, an individual )ay consciously say, 0&h
"ell, "ouldn't it 'e nice if it "ere to happen this "ay?0 But "hen it
co)es right do"n to it, the fear co)es up any"ay.

Q: Well, if the agree)ents are unconscious, can they not also 'e done

B: &'viously on your 'ehalf, not yet, other"ise there "ould 'e no fear
$$ for the fear is an indication that it cannot yet 'e done consciously.

Zeta and the Legacy
Q: Yet there is this re:uest on the part of at least one of the intervie"ed
detainees that the aliens co)e out and )a%e a conscious re:uest.

B: Yes, 'ut that is after the fact.
Q: *rue. Well, "hat !6) also doing here is suggesting that these
agree)ents start 'eing )ade on a conscious level $$ and perhaps you
can 'e our a)'assador?

B: *hey are doing so )ore and )ore. 1o understand one very
i)portant thing: all the individuals "ho have 'een chosen $$ even those
"ho see) to go through a'+ect terror $$ are actually :uite close to
integrating the last re)nants of their fears. We are choosing all those
"ho are very close indeed to the end of having fear. 4o you )ay
reali;e that "hen you see the) having that )uch fear, if that's an
indication of a s)all part of the total fear that your society has, +ust
i)agine if so)eone "ere to 'e chosen "ho had )ore fears than that<
4o the individuals "e are choosing are the ones, )any ti)es, "ho are
the closest to integration, the closest to conscious recognition. And yet
they still have that a)ount of fear.

Q: ! see. Are these individuals also helping to drain off the fears of the
rest of us through the)selves?

B: Yes< *hey have agreed to do this for all of you. *hat is "hy they are
no" sharing their e.periences $$ so you can vicariously go through their
0ordeal0 "ith the), get in touch "ith the fear left "ithin you and
integrate it. *hen the ne.t series of interactions can 'eco)e )ore and
)ore conscious.

Q: &%ay. ! a) conte)plating sending a copy of this tape to the guy
"ho "rote the 'oo%.
B: By all )eans.

Q: 1o you have any final co))ents that you'd li%e to co))unicate to
hi) and to his people in the 'oo%?

Zeta and the Legacy
B: &nly that "e appreciate that he is doing "hat he agreed to do. And
he is )a%ing a difference in the a'ility of your entire planet to allo" your
society and our respective societies to live in har)ony "ith each other.
Q: !'ve 'een under this dar% cloud after reading a couple of 'oo%s
recently. &ne of the) is a 'rand ne" 'oo% called, ,=o))union,- 'y
Whitley 4trie'er.
B: *hat initial reaction is not unusual for your society8 'ut no need to
fear. All the fear that you )ay e.perience in the idea of those
interactions 'asically ste)s fro) that individual e.periencing those
interactions and allo"ing hi)self to release the fears that have 'een
planted in his life. And also, nothing has happened in those interactions
that the individual did not agree to at so)e point in his life > although,
granted, it is on an unconscious level. Everything is done 'y agree)ent
$ everything<

*hose e.traterrestrials "ere assisting that individual in releasing )uch
of that fear. *hus, at this ti)e he is very )uch a"are of "hat the
purpose of that idea "as. !') not saying he has co)e to ter)s "ith all
of his fears, 'ut he understands that the fear he felt "as 'asically fro)
hi)self, not fro) the).

(o", those 'eings have interacted "ith )any 'eings on your "orld.
&ne of their pri)ary functions, per the agree)ents they have )ade "ith
)any of you, is to assist you in releasing your fear. !t )ay 'e a very
fearful process "hile you go through it, 'ut you agreed to e.perience it.
You %no" "hat you are doing. All you need to do, if you find yourself in
that interaction, is to trust that you %no" "hat you are doing. *he )ore
trust and love you have, the less you "ill feel the interaction in a for)at
of fear. *hat's all it ta%es.

/e)e)'er, a higher vi'ratory state e.posing itself to a lo"er vi'ratory
state "ill raise the vi'ration of the lo"er 'eing to force it to face )any
things it has not 'een "illing to face "ithin itself, and that is "hat the
'eing is terrified of. But that 'eing is dealing "ith it, integrating the fear
and transfor)ing it into positive understanding. *hat has 'een one of
the purposes for those interactions, 'ecause it "as understood that that
Zeta and the Legacy
'eing, that author, "ould co))unicate his e.periences, allo"ing other
individuals to co)e to ter)s "ith their o"n fears, so that 'y the ne.t
"ave of interactions there "ould 'e less fear to integrate.

Q: ! understand that, 'ut )y reaction "as that the 'oo% )ight 'e
scaring )ore people than it is uplifting.

B: *hat's all right, 'ecause it "ill still allo" the) to face certain ideas, to
co)e to ter)s "ith the)8 and again, these things are done "ith
agree)ents, do not forget. Your entire planet, on one level, is agreeing
to this particular type of teaching. !t doesn't have to happen that "ay8
it's co)pletely up to your "orld as to "hether or not it "ill "a%e up or 'e
sha%en a"a%e.

Q: Well, ! thin% that that 'oo% has perhaps dis$advanced the
progression, 'ecause it's sort of creating the opposite effect of, for
instance, your teachings.

B: (o. ! understand "hat you are saying, 'ut there are )any
individuals "ho cannot relate to the idea in any other "ay. *herefore,
they have 'een given the tools that "ill "or% 'est for the). *rue, it isn't
for everyone, 'ut it "ill hit those "ho need it. And do not necessarily
vie" it as a disvalue, 'ecause then you "ill reinforce the ina'ility of
certain people to a'sor' it. 5no" that it "ill evolve "here it needs to. !t
has already a"a%ened )any.

Q: o" does it serve the e.traterrestrials to contact us in "hat appears
to 'e frightening "ays, at least to our conscious )inds?

B: 7nderstand that different individuals in different cultures have
different )ethods8 different cultures thin% and perceive in different "ays.
*he intention is al"ays there to 'e felt for "hat it is, and the ?eta's
intentions can al"ays 'e sensed to 'e loving, in an overall "ay. *he
)ethodology through "hich those intentions are e.pressed, ho"ever,
can and do see) alien to you. *heir thought patterns are alien to yours,
and so there is that fear, that dichoto)y, that often crops up in your
society "hen you see so)ething that is e.tre)ely different fro) you.

!t is not so )uch that they have an a'solute desire to approach you in
specific )ethods that "ill generate fear. !t is +ust that 'ecause of your
Zeta and the Legacy
)ethods, their natural )ethods do in fact generate it. *hey are not
necessarily a'out to alter their entire psychological structure to
acco))odate you 'eyond a certain point. *hey %no" you can handle
it, and they %no" you have agreed to learn ho" to handle it. Learning
to do so is one part of the agree)ent, a part a'out "hich )any of you
are not a"are.

Q: Yes, ! can see that, 'ecause there's a point in the 'oo% at "hich he
says to one of the), 0You have no right. 0 And she says, 0Yes "e do. 0
B: Yes. *he right "as granted 'y the agree)ent that "as )ade. 9any
individuals on your planet do "ish that contact "ith us and other
civili;ations. *hese /eticulu) 'eings are pri)arily doing the +o' of
accli)ati;ing )any individuals on your "orld in "ays that are 'uffered.
Even though the individuals )ay e.perience )any degrees of fear, it is
actually a far s)oother transition than they "ould have e.perienced had
the alien 'eings si)ply co)e to the) straight out, first ti)e full 'lo"n.

Bit$'y$'it these individuals have 'een contacted over long periods of
their lives, )any ti)es fro) "hen they "ere children. And 'it$'y$'it they
are allo"ed to re)e)'er )ore and )ore of the interaction until they get
to a point "here they reali;e there is nothing to fear. *hey can handle
it, and then the contact can occur )ore openly and )ore o'viously.

Q: ! thought it "as very significant that every person to "ho) 4trie'er
tal%ed "ho had had a si)ilar e.perience $$ even though so)e of the)
"ere still frightened, and didn't %no" if they "ere going cra;y, or if it "as
their i)agination or "hat $$ still in spite of all that, they felt love and

B: Yes, at this point in their lives. *o put it si)ply: the aliens are acting
"ithin their integrity to the 'est of their a'ility, 'ut they are not
responsi'le for the "ay you have created your society to 'e, and the
reactions that you often have. You have )ade the agree)ent8 they are
fulfilling the agree)ent. *hey are doing it in the "ay that is easiest for

As "e have said, "hen you encounter those 'eings, for the first ti)e in
your conscious life, perhaps, you "ill actually get a reflection on ho"
po"erful you are. Any fear that )ight co)e fro) that is )erely a
Zeta and the Legacy
reaction to the 'elief that you cannot possi'ly contain that )uch po"er.
And therefore, 0!t isn't co)ing fro) you, and so it )ight destroy you.0
But it can't. !t is an a'solute reflection of you $$ and that is "hat you are
Fear's Message

Q: 4o ho" do you stop letting fear control you and ta%e over your life?
B: 5no" it is your friend. !t is giving you )essages, tap, tap. ,Loo%
here< ere's a part of yourself you didn't %no" e.isted: !') 'ringing it to
your attention. !sn't that "onderful? (o" that you are a"are of it, you
can integrate it into the rest of you and 'e )ore of "ho you are.
aven't ! done you a "onderful service?0 ,(o? What do you )ean you
didn't "ant to see that part of yourself? ! thought you "anted to see
everything there "as to see, e.perience every facet of the
)ultidi)ensional e.istence that you are. 1o you not "ant to integrate it
in yourself so that you can accelerate? ... You're not sure? Well, all
right. !'ll hang around until you are sure, until you allo" )e to deliver
the )essage. &f course, as long as ! hang around, you )ight as "ell
feed )e, pay for )y )eals, allo" )e to gro" and 'eco)e a live$in. !'ll
get stronger and stronger and nag you constantly until you allo" )e to
deliver )y )essage so ! can get out of here.0

*hat is the only reason fear is there $$ 'ecause you do not allo" it to
deliver the )essage it 'rings8 'ecause you atte)pt to re+ect the
)essage, thin%ing it is so)ething not "orth having.

Q: Well, if fear is delivering a )essage, ! don't al"ays %no" "hat the
)essage is. ! "ould rather have the )essage than the fear.

B: Well no", ! a) not saying this is so)ething that carries any )ore
po"er than you do, 'ut )any of you have put )uch stoc% in the 'elief of
ha'its. And so 'ecause you 'elieve things can happen in your lives
ha'itually, as second nature, "ithout even %no"ing you are doing it,
then )any ti)es you do not even reali;e you are re+ecting the )essage
co)ing fro) the fear, and doing so 'efore you can even thin% a'out it.
You do not pay attention :uic%ly enough.

Zeta and the Legacy
*herefore, it is a )atter of allo"ing yourselves to %no" that the
)essages are there, that you can hear the). Even allo"ing yourselves
to 'e fascinated 'y the fact that the fear )ight 'e 'ringing a )essage
can curtail or dull the negativity $$ +ust 'ecause you )ight 'e fascinated
enough to say, 0Well, "hat is the )essage?0 *he )inute you 'eco)e
curious, no )ore fear.
Q: =ould you give )e an e.a)ple of "hat %ind of )essage a fear
"ould 'ring?
B: Well, one such as this: you are "al%ing do"n one of your streets.
4o)eone "al%s up to you, and all of a sudden you are fearful. 0What do
they "ant? What do they "ant? Why are they 'othering )e? ! do not
"ant to 'e accosted. Are they going to ro' )e? What do they "ant?0

0E.cuse )e, do you have the ti)e?0 0&h< Well, yes.0 0*han% you very
)uch. 2ood 'ye.0 0Why "as ! so fearful? Why "as ! so auto)atically
fearful "ithout %no"ing anything at all?0 Assu)ptions and structures
that you 'uild8 ha'its that you 'elieve in. *he )essage is there that lets
you %no" that reaction sho"s you the 'eliefs you have "ithin you,
structures "ithin you that you )ay not prefer.

*hat )ay 'e the )essage. !f you do not prefer to live that "ay, then
you have no" allo"ed yourselves to let the fear sho" you these 'eliefs
are "ithin you. (o" you can change the). *hat is one "ay you can
allo" fear to deliver a )essage.
Q: Yes. &f course, there is a situation "here a guy does have a gun
under his coat...
B: Yes. 4o?
Q: @ear is really telling you to get out of there<

B: All right no", once again, understand that that situation can occur
that "ay, 'ut it also does not have to. *he idea of %no"ing your reality,
and %no"ing it "ithout fear, can give you the cognition that the event is
there. But you %no" it "ill not affect you in any negative "ay. =ognition
of a situation does not have to create fear.

Zeta and the Legacy
Q: *rue. But "hat !') saying is that so)eti)es the sensation of a fear
co)es up, and ! go, 0Well, loo% at that. *hat's neat.0 And ! find that !')
a'le not to feel fearful 'ecause !') in the )o)ent, and ! %no" that there
"ill 'e a positive outco)e. 4o, if that does occur, then "hat is the
)essage? &r have ! +ust )ade the )essage unnecessary?

B: Yes. *he )inute you 'egin to 'eco)e curious, you have gotten the
)essage. *he idea of )any of the fears is to si)ply spur your curiosity
to 'egin e.ploring that facet of yourself. *hat is all. !t is a gentle
re)inder. And the )ore you are "illing to e.plore, the gentler the
nudges 'eco)e, until you +ust do not e.perience that fear any)ore.
Again, it is si)ply the idea of little 'its and pieces of 'eliefs and
re)nants. *hat is all. Little t"inges of old ha'its. But as soon as you
ac%no"ledge that it is so)ething "orth e.ploring... no )ore ha'it.

4o in the case "here the guy does co)e up and he's got a gun, and his
initial intention "as to ro' you or "hatever, you "ill e.perience the fear
and say, 0&%ay, ! can +ust vie" this as a positive thing.0
Q: *hat "ill flip us into the di)ension "here "e co$createA
B: !t can happen that "ay. !t can also allo" you to not co)e any"here
near that individual, and vice versa.
Q: Well, !') saying he's t"o feet in front of )eA
B: But understand: you are )issing the point. (ot that it cannot s"itch
in the )iddle of the idea, 'ut generally spea%ing, you do not usually
need to have that particular type of scenario to %no" that if you create
your reality in a certain vi'ration, you "ill never )eet that ro''er at all.
e "ill ta%e one street, and you "ill ta%e another. You "ill not have to
co)e do"n to the idea of the confrontation at all... although that )ay 'e
one "ay individuals )ay find an e.citing "ay to co)e to ter)s "ith
"hat they 'elieve in the )o)ent. !t is certainly valid, if they create it,
and it has happened.

Q: Well, it sounds li%e "hat you're saying is that in the case of )y
going do"n a street other than the one he goes do"n, !'ve already dealt
"ith )y fears.

Zeta and the Legacy
B: Yes, that is the point. !f you are using the situation to allo" the fear
to 'e there in order to deal "ith it, then yes, you can transfor) the
situation right in the )iddle. *herefore, recogni;e that if that is "hat you
are "illing to do, then the individual you have attracted is so)eone
"illing to change "ith you. And so, in a sense, it has already 'een
The Facilitators
0*he @acilitators0 fro) the ?eta /eticulu).
*he fear "ithin you can 'e a tangi'le thing at ti)es. We e.tend, in
"hatever "ay you "ill perceive it, our than%s for allo"ing us to evo%e
this fear fro) you. @or in evo%ing this fear, you give yourselves the
opportunity to e.perience that "hich you have loc%ed "ithin yourselves,
that "hich creates a vi'ration, "hich is not conducive to our interaction
"ith you in an easy )anner. We than% you for allo"ing us to unloc% this
fear fro) you. @or the te)porary ti)e you feel this fear, there "ill 'e a
greater ti)e of +oy in your futures.

We are *he @acilitators, and "e than% you for allo"ing us the
opportunity to function in this )odality "ith you. We are your friends.
You )ay not %no" us "ell yet, 'ut you are 'eginning to. !t is true that
you have the capa'ility $$ as do all 'eings "ithin creation $$ of
recogni;ing your o"n godhood. We choose to recogni;e our godhood
in our o"n "ay $$ collectively, and you choose to recogni;e your
godhood in your o"n "ay $$ individually. (ot that "e are not individuals8
not that you are not a collective, 'ut "e are )irror e.pressions in )any
"ays of the things that are feared "ithin each other $$ or have 'een
feared until no".

!n allo"ing us to participate in the release of your fear, you give us the
opportunity to give to all things past, "ithin our civili;ation, and all the
ideas of the fears of our o"n individuality that "e have faced. You give
us the opportunity to reali;e ho" that fear can 'e e.pressed in the
individuals you are. As you loo% into our eyes, you "ill recogni;e only
the )irror of your o"n soul and the potential of your o"n godhood.
*here is nothing in this to fear. But "e than% you for allo"ing yourselves
to feel that fear, even te)porarily. @or as you feel it, you "ill o"n it, and
Zeta and the Legacy
as you o"n it, you "ill transfor) it. @or you have 'een told 'y )any
'eings in various "ays that you cannot transfor) "hat you do not o"n.

!n reali;ing the )irrors of your o"n souls that you see in our eyes, allo"
yourselves the opportunity to accept and ac%no"ledge your "illingness
to o"n the very idea, the very core, the vi'ration, that you call fear.
/ecogni;e it as those things you have shunted fro) yourselves in the
)any years you have lived on your planet, and for the various years
and centuries "e have 'een o'serving you.

We than% you for your release8 "e than% you for your 'lending. We
than% you for your agree)ents8 a'ove and 'eyond all that, allo" us to
participate in the )odality "e are used to. We than% you for allo"ing us
to 'e part of the e.ploration and the a"a%ening of your "orld. We than%
you for allo"ing us to help lift your eyelids to a ne" da"n and a ne"
day. We than% you for allo"ing that ne" da"n and that ne" day to 'e
so)ething in "hich "e "ill also participate "ith )any other "orlds $$ in
our o"n good ti)ing.

We than% you for allo"ing us to present to you the calling card of
)e)'ership "ithin *he Association of Worlds. You "ill find it an
e.hilarating e.perience, "e guarantee you. /ecogni;e that all you )ay
'e passing through no", "hat you call fear, is a passing thing $$ truly a
passing thing. 4urely it "ill 'eco)e the stuff of your legends8 surely it
"ill 'e so)ething you "ill not 'e a'le to fatho) as having 'een a'le to
e.perience $$ in a very short ti)e on your "orld. !t "ill 'e the stuff of
night)ares, and it "ill 'e as if you have truly a"a%ened fro) a drea) $$
and into another drea) you prefer to drea).

We than% you for allo"ing us to 'e the "indo"s of the eyes into your
o"n souls, for you are only loo%ing into that "hich is your o"n godhood,
your o"n potential. We than% you for allo"ing us to open your eyes as
"idely. We )eet upon the plane of understanding.
The Zeta Mirror
1ece)'er BCDD:
Q: ! recently had a real interesting )editation, "here ! found )yself
apparently hovering over a planetA
Zeta and the Legacy
B: All right. 1escri'e8 define.

Q: *he people loo%ed si)ilar to Essassanians, 'ut ! got the feeling they
"ere not. *hey "ere a )uch paler "hite, although a'out Essassanian
si;e. But they "ere sic%ly. 4o)ething "as happening to the planet. !t
"as 'eing destroyed and they "ere having to leave, or so)ething of
that nature. And it "as very intense for )e, 'ecause ! felt very )uch
li%e it "as )y people, or ! had 'een there, and )y heart "as aching.

B: All right, let us say this: )ore than the idea that they are your
people, you have very strongly tapped into certain things that are
happening on your planet, certain reasons for "hy these things are
going on. You are very tuned into the transfor)ation that is ta%ing
place8 you %no" the part those people are playing in interacting "ith
your society. *o so)e degree, "hat you are perceiving is the ?eta
society8 you are perceiving, fro) your point of vie", sic%liness $$
'ecause the idea is that they do, in fact, re:uire so)ething fro) your
civili;ation, even as your civili;ation needs so)ething fro) theirs.

*he 'lending that is going on is going on for )any reasons, 'ut one of
the )ost i)portant ones is that in very )any "ays you do need each
other to 'e "hat you are 'eco)ing. You see, they represent one side,
the unified )ind, "hich you do not understand, and you represent the
other side, the individual conviction, "hich they do not understand.

*hey have so)ething li%e a hive )entality, "herein all the 'odies are
representations of a unified lin%ed )ind. *hey are )ore of a )ass
)ind, so)ething )any of you fear greatly. You are far )ore
individualistic, "hich is so)ething they fear greatly. *he sic%liness is
'ecause they %no" that, to so)e degree, they are dying "ithout you.
And that is "hy the interaction is going on. @ro) their point of vie" $$
"ere you to loo% at it the other "ay $$ you )ight see your planet as
har'oring the sa)e %ind of sic%liness.
Q: 1oes this )ean this type of interaction "ill continue?

B: !t "ill continue. And there "ill 'e )ore 'lending, as "e perceive that
idea. 9ore and )ore infor)ation "ill co)e out, )a%ing it that )uch
)ore easy for )ore 'lending to ta%e place, until you allo" yourselves to
Zeta and the Legacy
'eco)e "hole "ithin your o"n 'eings. And then you can allo" each
other to 'e reflections of the "holeness that you have 'eco)e.
Q: 4o, in a sense, they're )irroring us?

B: &h, yes< *hey are polar to you, 'ut they are )irroring you. !t is very
profound $$ all these different levels on "hich your first official encounter
"ith e.traterrestrial consciousness is ta%ing place.

@or you, then, ! "ill si)ply suggest pleasant drea)s, for you are 'eing
of assistance in the drea) level in "ays that you )ay not yet 'e a"are
of, 'ut "hich you )ay 'eco)e a"are of very strongly "ithin the ne.t
three years. *han% you.

Q: *han% you very )uch for 'eing the teacher that you have chosen to
The Legacy
Q: You say you're the channel6s future self?
B: '*is one$"ay of loo%ing at it, yes.

Q: But it see)s li%e you "ould 'e a definition in the channel's
consciousness of his higher self. And then you are created as the
channel's sy)'ols.

B: !n )any "ays that is so. As "e have said, the reality that your "orld
has al"ays called real $$ the physical reality $$ is a particular vi'ratory
"avelength. *he vi'ratory "avelength that your reality has al"ays
considered to 'e unreal is actually the level "e in. *he level of
drea), the level of etheric energy, is our solid reality. *herefore, "e are
very intert"ined "ith your i)agination, your archetypal energy.

You, therefore, have already unveiled a portion of the legacy. We are
very )uch representative of your archetypal strea) of consciousness.
(o", that does not )ean "e do not have our o"n e.istence. !t is only
that your society is 'eginning to truly understand that "hat for you has
'een a fantasy real) is our real su'stantial di)ension of e.istence.
(o" you are accelerating to )eet that di)ension of e.istence, "here
Zeta and the Legacy
you "ill in a sense 'eco)e so)eone else's drea), so)eone else's
fantasy to their reality, respectively.

Yes, ! a) concocted out of all the ideas of the sy)'ology of the
channel's )ind. *hat is ho" you e.perience )e in your "orld. At the
sa)e ti)e, ! have )y o"n e.istence, although it doesn't e.actly parallel
the "ay it happens for you8 in very )any "ays, ! could say that ! %no"
you and your civili;ation are concocted out of )y sy)'ology.
And no" let us the idea to you that "e have ter)ed, 0*he
Legacy.0 Listen to us "ith all the different types of ears you have. *a%e
us on one level literally, and yet ta%e us not literally at all. @or "e are
no" entering a true phase of the construction of drea) ti)e.

As "e have )entioned 'efore, the understanding is that you on an
energy level, +ust as "e do. All things are )ade of the sa)e energy, 'ut
there are different fre:uencies. &ur fre:uency of reality to you is the
idea of drea) reality, etheric reality. 9any individuals on your planet
have referred to e.traterrestrial consciousness as etherean
consciousness. *his is, to so)e degree, :uite accurate. !t is "hy it is
'asically easier for us to co))unicate "ith you in this )anner than it is
to use your physiological radio devices. @or "e operate on that
fre:uency not al all<

Biological senders and receivers are far )ore efficient and usa'le, once
they are trained to identify "ith the energy of love and acceptance. *he
energy of light lin%s all )entality, as you are lin%ed not only to every
)e)'er in your o"n civili;ation, 'ut to all other civili;ations as "ell $$
so)eti)es in very specific "ays, to play out very specific ideas.

We have 'een allo"ed at ti)es to 'riefly discuss "ith you so)e of the
notions for so)e of the interactions ta%ing place on your planet that you
have called a'ductions $$ "hich "e have chosen to call, as "e said,
te)porary detain)ents. We have also re)inded you that these
interactions 'et"een your species and the alien species "e have
referred to as the ?eta /eticuli are all done through a'solute
agree)ent, even though on your part )any of these agree)ents )ay
'e done unconsciously. And they are only 'rought to the surface
reluctantly through the idea of the release of your fear.

Zeta and the Legacy
But you are serving each other in )any "ays. We have 'riefly
discussed the understanding, as )any of you yourselves are no"
'eginning to reali;e, that your species operates on a very highly
individualistic level, that their species operates on a very highly
developed )ass consciousness level8 and that to each other you are
e.tre)ely alien.

Eust as )uch difficulty as you have had understanding the idea of ho" it
is to operate as one consciousness, they have difficulty understanding
"hat it is to operate as a single individual, cut off fro) the "hole. And
although they do not it in e.actly the sa)e "ay, in )any "ays,
they have +ust as )uch fear and uncertainty a'out you as you do a'out

You are learning to understand each other8 and in understanding and
'lending "ith each other, you are perfor)ing services for each other.
You are 'oosting and supporting each other's society, aiding in each
other's transfor)ation. You are giving the) "hat they need8 they are
giving you "hat you need $$ to )ature as a species, even as you allo"
the) to also )ature as a species.

*hey have co)e fro) an evolution that is co)pletely different fro) the
one you have ta%en. You are true polarities on )any different levels.
But no", through these interactions, through these sharings $$ "hether
they are understanda'le on the surface or not $$ you have 'egun the
true 'lending in )any "ays that "ill allo" you 'oth to )ature and
interact. *o 'eco)e fast friends, side$'y$side in your e.pansion and
e.ploration of the universe $$ in )any "ays you cannot yet understand,
'ut "ays you "ill understand in the ti)e to co)e.

We have shared "ith you the ar'itrary no)enclature... that in various
"ays "e have the e.istence of our evolution, appro.i)ately, BFG to HGG
years 'eyond you. We have told you that this is an ar'itrary
no)enclature8 and "e "ill no" endeavor to define and precisely e.plain
the relative fre:uency of the ti)e span of your reality and our reality.
@or there "ill 'e a see)ing ti)e, a te)poral parado., in "hat "e are
a'out to e.plain a'out your connection to us. !t has already occurred to
so)e of you8 it has not occurred, :uite surprisingly, to a lot of you.

Zeta and the Legacy
&nce again, "hat "e are a'out to say you can ta%e in )any "ays and
on )any levels very literally. But understand it is also archetypal
energy, the su' strea) consciousness of your real), of your real) and
of their real), the ?eta /eticuli.

We have told you that "e are the representation of your o"n future
selves, and in )any "ays that is allegorical. And it is also largely :uite
literal, reincarnationally spea%ing. !t is at the sa)e ti)e a
representation of the parallel type of civili;ation you yourselves "ill
create upon Earth.

But there is one other "ay that "e also )ean it, that "e have not really
shared "ith you, and that is this: even as "e have endeavored to
descri'e our physical reality, "e have not 'rought you fully to the
understanding that "e are an e.act cross 'et"een the idea of your
hu)an for) and that of the ?eta /eticuli.

We are the children of the 'lending8 "e are the hy'rids that you are
creating. We are your future selves, and have co)e 'ac% to re)ind you
that there is a )arriage going on that gives us reality, that supports us.
You are in )any "ays our fathers and our )others. And "e are your

We send you our love across the ages. *he idea to understand is that
this 'lending is ta%ing place in your ti)e fra)e8 and that an evolution
does occur "here there is the population of our "orld and another
di)ension 'y the cross'reeding of the /eticuli and the Earth hu)an.
We are that population. And that is "hy "e have re)ained in that other
di)ension: so that "e "ould not interfere "ith the )arriage that is
ta%ing place, so that "e "ould not interfere "ith the consu))ation of
that )arriage. And "e "ould not interfere "ith your right to e.perience
our 'irth fro) your point of vie".

But no", 'ecause of the ti)ing, and 'ecause of the sharing, "e can 'e
allo"ed at this ti)e, "ith great +oy, to share "ith you that "e greet you
as your children. And "e than% you for allo"ing us to reflect 'ac% to
you the 'rilliant trust you have placed in us, the 'rilliant future you have
given yourselves and the 'rilliant present you have 'e:ueathed unto us.
Zeta and the Legacy
*here are )any )ore levels to this idea, and "e "ill share those in ti)e
as "ell. But understand that there is a distinct purpose in the creation
of our species 'y the 'lending of yours and the /eticuli. *o a very large
degree you are creating the future you desire.

And do re)e)'er one other thing, another thing that )any of you
so)eti)es do not stop to reali;e. !n our present ti)e, "e are also side
'y side "ith your future Earth. And "e interact together in +oy, in
har)ony, in love. You are our legacy, as )uch as "e are yours.

&ur love to you8 "e than% you for your 'lessing. We than% you for your
strength< We than% you for your love, and our life and our +oy. We only
give you 'ac% "hat you have given us in allo"ing us to as "e do.
!nfinite =reation drea)s you into ecstatic creations of reality $$ forever
and ever. 4hivai<
A71: 4hivai. 4hivai.

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