Pricing Model Working

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Abdur Rahman Corporation

Processing Charges Pricing Model

Days in year 365
Gas days 185
Non gas holidays 52
Dec Jan 50
Electricty consumption per day 18,500 kWh
Average load shedding 7 hrs/non gas day
Total hours per day 24
Rented Diesel Power Dec-Jan % 33%
Energy Used Jan-Oct 2012
Fuel Department MMBTU Per gas day Per Non Gas day
Gas Canteen 259
Canteen Total 259 1.10 -
Gas IR 2,673
LPG IR 174
IR Total 2,847 25.00 21.00
Coal Oil Heater 135
Gas Oil Heater 40,871
LDO Oil Heater 6,087
Saw Dust Oil Heater 106
Wood Oil Heater 29,137
Oil Heater Total 76,335 300.00 464.00
Gas Singeing 3,990
LPG Singeing 1,777
Singeing Total 5,767 25.00 25.00
Gas Steam Boiler 40,304
Wood Steam Boiler 30,778
Steam Boiler Total 71,082 246.00 319.00
Grand Total 156,291 597.10 829.00
Energy Prices Unit Price Factor Rs./MMBTU
Gas MMBTU 560 1.00 560.00
LPG kg 125 0.04730 2,642.71
Wood kg 8 0.01293 580.05
Diesel Liter 110
Cost of Electricty Rs./kWh
Purchased FESCO 12.00
Rented Diesel Power 30.00
Grams/ton 1,000,000.00
Inches/M 39.37
Production Tons per day
Grey 25
Bleaching 25
Kier PFD/PFP 16
Jumbo Bleaching 7
Kier Bleaching 2
Jigger Dyeing 1
IR Dyeing 1
Engraving 14
Design Studio 14
Printing 14
Printing Store 14
Finishing 25
Folding/Packing 25
Rotary set up (screens per hour) 6
Mill Investment Rs 1,100,000,000
Desired Return % 20%
Desired Return Rs. 220,000,000
Working days 237
Return/ton 37,130.80
Steam Consumption 01 Nov to 30 Nov
Machine Name Consumed (tons) Fabric tons
Singeing 83
Transfer to Kiers (59)
Transfer to Jumbos (24)
Kier Bleach
Transfer from singeing 59
Soaper (main) 451
Soaper Drying 434
Kiers 494
Sub-total Kiers 1,438
Jumbo Bleach
Transfer from singeing 24
Bleaching Drying 411
Jumbo Jigger #1 68
Jumbo Jigger # 2 97
Jumbo Jigger # 3 106
Sub-total Jumbos 706
Dyeing 248
Dyeing Drying 54
Causticize -
Open jigger 16
Pressure Jigger 26
Sub-total Dyeing 344
Mandi 155
Sub-total Finishing 155
Total 2,643
Cost of Oil Heater on Gas days
MMBTU 1-13 Nov
Gas 2,582.00
Working days 8.00
mmbtu/day 322.75
Cost/mmbtu 560.00
Cost/day 180,740.00
Distribution: Per pass Batch/Stretch
Stenters 3.00 120,493 40,164.44 40,164.44
Rotary 1.00 40,164 40,164.44
Curing 0.50 20,082 20,082.22
Total 4.50 180,740
% 22.22%
Cost of Oil Heater on Non Gas days
MMBTU 1-13 Nov
Wood 4,180.00
Working days 9.00
mmbtu/day 464.44
Cost/mmbtu 580.05
Cost/day 269,399.33
Distribution: Per pass Batch/Stretch
Stenters 3.00 179,600 59,866.52 59,866.52
Rotary 1.00 59,867 59,866.52
Curing 0.50 29,933 29,933.26
Total 4.50 269,399
% 22.22%
Avg Rs/day 44,487.26
Batch 11.00
Stretch 1.00
Print 11.00
Finish 24.00
Cost of Self Generated Electricity
Guascor Rate
Gas per hour 5.83 MMBTU
Maintenance 2,500,000 Rs
Hours 25,000
Output 660 kW
Waukesha Rate
Gas per hour 3.75 MMBTU
Maintenance 1,200,000 Rs
Hours 20,000
Output 350 kW
CAT Diesel Rate Cost
Diesel 123 Liters
Maintenance 600,000 Rs
Hours 5,000 120.00
Output 660 kW
Cummins Diesel Rate Cost
Diesel 77 Liters
Maintenance 450,000 Rs
Hours 5,000 90.00
Output 350 kW
Average Daily Electricity Consumption in kWh
Department Gas day Non-Gas day
Bleaching 3547 2650
Kier bleach
Jumbo Bleach
Dyeing 580 480
Printing 3170 2400
Finishing 9723 8370
Folding 1080 900
Total 18100 14800
Power House Labor
Total Direct Labor per month -
Average working days 25
Labor per day -
Hours per day 24
Labor cost Rs. per hour -
CAT/Guascor % 65%
Cummins/Waukesha % 35%
CAT/Guascor Rs/hr 117,481.00
Cummins/Waukesha Rs/hr 63,259.00
Power House Stores/month 24,850
Average working days 25
Stores per day 994.00
Hours per day 24
Labor cost Rs. per hour 41.42
CAT/Guascor % 65%
Cummins/Waukesha % 35%
CAT/Guascor Rs/hr -
Cummins/Waukesha Rs/hr -
Department wise Store Consumption
M/O Nov-2012
Department Direct type
Grey Depart 17,982 1
Bleaching Depart 15,871 2
Dyeing 2,698 3
Printing 57,483 4
Engraving Screen etc. 1,192,475 5
Finishing 17,432 6
Folding 14,570 7
Electric 418,001
Mechanical 505,230
PPC 110
HR Department & Admin. 38,031
Information Technology 11,670
Lab 65,298
Main Store 1,257
Purchase 173
Quality Assurance 152
Sub Store 1,842
Utility 133,734
Waste store 89
Sub-total 1,175,587
P-House 24,850
Grand Total 2,518,948
Salary Data For M/o November-2012
Direct Labor Headcount Pay/mth Overtime Total cost/month
Grey 14 170,550 4,569 175,119
Bleaching 51 558,140 187,435 745,575
Dyeing 20 289,855 76,734 366,589
Engraving 12 152,450 52,164 204,614
Design Studio 8 161,800 18,631 180,431
Printing 49 654,250 190,465 844,715
Printing Store 2 20,950 9,645 30,595
Finishing 53 607,600 243,244 850,844
Folding/Packing 76 803,300 244,736 1,048,036
Sub-total Direct Labor 285 3,418,895 1,027,623 4,446,518
Indirect Labor Cost Estimates Headcount Pay/mth Overtime Total cost/month
Production 1 55,000 55,000
Civil 10 117,600 3,549 121,149
Commercial Marketing 2 85,000 85,000
Costing 9 154,400 20,404 174,804
Electrical 16 248,350 43,897 292,247
HR & Administration 15 229,150 11,223 240,373
House Keeping 20 193,200 6,726 199,926
Information Technology 3 80,000 25,463 105,463
Laboratory 10 133,900 133,900
Main Store 4 77,900 3,578 81,478
Management & Finance 1 10,500 10,500
Mechanical 19 299,050 77,272 376,322
PPC 5 109,800 458 110,258
Purchase 4 95,000 95,000
Quality Assurance 10 146,900 41,699 188,599
Security 20 203,000 63,426 266,426
Sub-Store 4 51,250 16,899 68,149
Sub-total Indirect Labor 153 2,290,000 314,594 2,604,594
Utility 16 285,200 53,975 339,175
Power House 6 116,300 39,328 155,628
Sub-total Heat, Steam and Power 22 401,500 93,303 494,803
Total Labor 460 6,110,395 1,435,520 7,545,915
Permanent 375 5,252,045 1,271,667 6,523,712
Temporary 85 858,350 163,853 1,022,203
Total 460 6,110,395 1,435,520 7,545,915
Contract Utility Labor per day 15000
Steam consumption per day 100 tons
Finish Print Cure Total
80,328.89 120,493
40,164.44 40,164
20,082.22 20,082
80,328.89 40,164.44 20,082.22 180,740
0.44 22.22% 11.11% 100.00%
Days 185
Annual 33,436,900
Finish Print Cure Total
119,733.04 179,600
59,866.52 59,867
29,933.26 29,933
119,733.04 59,866.52 29,933.26 269,399
44.44% 22.22% 11.11% 100.00%
Days 52
Annual 14,008,765
Annual Gas + Non Gas 47,445,665
Avge/day 200,193
88,974.52 44,487.26 22,243.63 200,192.68
Abdur Rahman Corporation
Processing Charges Pricing Model
Days in year 365
Gas days 185
Non gas days 180
Non gas holidays 52
Non gas working days 128
Dec Jan 50
Feb-Nov 78
Electricty consumption per day 18,500 kWh
Avergae load shedding 7 hrs/non gas day
Total hours per day 24
Energy Used Jan-Oct 20112
Fuel Department MMBTU Per gas day Per Non Gas day
Gas Canteen 259
Canteen Total 259 1.10 -
Gas IR 2,673
LPG IR 174
IR Total 2,847 25.00 21.00
Coal Oil Heater 135
Gas Oil Heater 40,871
LDO Oil Heater 6,087
Saw Dust Oil Heater 106
Wood Oil Heater 29,137
Oil Heater Total 76,335 300.00 464.00
Gas Singeing 3,990
LPG Singeing 1,777
Singeing Total 5,767 25.00 25.00
Gas Steam Boiler 40,304
Wood Steam Boiler 30,778
Steam Boiler Total 71,082 246.00 319.00
Grand Total 156,291 597.10 829.00
Energy Prices Unit Price Factor Rs./MMBTU
Gas MMBTU 560 1.00 560.00
LPG kg 125 0.04730 2,642.71
Wood kg 8 0.01293 580.05
Diesel Liter 110
Cost of Electricty Rs./kWh hrs/non gas day Weighted
Purchased FESCO 12.00 17 204.56
Diesel Power 22.07 7 153.46
24 358.02
Grams/ton 1,000,000.00
Inches/M 39.37
Production Tons per day
Grey 25
Bleaching 25
Kier PFD/PFP 16
Jumbo Bleaching 7
Kier Bleaching 2
Jigger Dyeing 1
IR Dyeing 1
Cost/kWh Non gas Feb-Nov
Engraving 14
Design Studio 14
Printing 14
Printing Store 14
Finishing 25
Folding/Packing 25
Rotary set up (screens per hour) 6
Mill Investment Rs 1,100,000,000
Desired Return % 20%
Desired Return Rs. 220,000,000
Working days 237
Return/day 37,130.80
Steam Consumption 01 Nov to 30 Nov
Machine Name Consumed (tons) % of total Fabric tons Steam/ton of fabric
Soaper (main) 451 0 367.00 1.23
Soaper Drying 434 0 367.00 1.18
Singeing 83 0 613.00 0.14
Kiers 494 0 487.00 1.01
Sub-total Bleaching
Dyeing 248 0 31.00 8.00
Dyeing Drying 54 0 32.00 1.69
Open jigger 16 0 31.00 0.52
Pressure Jigger 26 0 8.00 3.25
Causticize 0 - 9.60 -
Sub-total Dyeing
Jumbo Jigger #1 68 0 141.67 0.48
Jumbo Jigger # 2 97 0 141.67 0.68
Jumbo Jigger # 3 106 0 141.67 0.75
Bleaching Drying 411 0 282.00 1.46
Sub-total Jigger Bleach
Mandi 155 0 613.00 0.25
Total 2077 1
Cost of Oil Heater on Gas days
MMBTU 1-13 Nov
Gas 2582
Working days 8
mmbtu/day 322.75
Cost/mmbtu 560
Cost/day 180,740
Distribution: Per pass Batch/Stretch
Stenters 3.0 120,493 40,164.44 40,164.44
Rotary 1.0 40,164 40,164.44
Curing 0.5 20,082 20,082.22
Total 4.5 180,740
% 22.22%
Cost of Oil Heater on Non Gas days
MMBTU 1-13 Nov
Wood 4180
Working days 9
mmbtu/day 464
Cost/mmbtu 580.05
Cost/day 269,399
Distribution: Per pass Batch/Stretch
Stenters 3.0 179,600 59,866.52 59,866.52
Rotary 1.0 59,867 59,866.52
Curing 0.5 29,933 29,933.26
Total 4.5 269,399
% 22.22%
Avg Rs/day 44,487.26
Batch 11.00
Stretch 1.00
Print 11.00
Finish 24.00
Finish Print Cure Total
80,328.89 120,493
40,164.44 40,164
20,082.22 20,082
80,328.89 40,164.44 20,082.22 180,740
0.44 22.22% 11.11% 100.00%
Days 185
Annual 33,436,900
Finish Print Cure Total
119,733.04 179,600
59,866.52 59,867
29,933.26 29,933
119,733.04 59,866.52 29,933.26 269,399
44.44% 22.22% 11.11% 100.00%
Days 52
Annual 14,008,765
Annual Gas + Non Gas 47,445,665
Avge/day 200,193
88,974.52 44,487.26 22,243.63 200,192.68
Salary Cost Redistribution 26
Direct Labor Cost Rs. Indirect Dir + Ind. Tons/day Tons/mth Rs/ton
Grey 175,119 102,578 277,697 25 650 427
Bleaching 745,575 436,728 1,182,303 25 650 1,819
Jumbo Bleaching 331,045 7 182 1,819
Kier Bleaching 94,584 2 52 1,819
PFD/PFP 756,674 16 416 1,819
Dyeing 366,589 214,733 581,322 2 52 11,179
Engraving 204,614 119,855 324,469 14 364 891
Design Studio 180,431 105,689 286,120 14 364 786
Printing 844,715 494,801 1,339,516 14 364 3,680
Printing Store 30,595 17,921 48,516 14 364 133
Finishing 850,844 498,391 1,349,235 25 650 2,076
Folding/Packing 1,048,036 613,898 1,661,934 25 650 2,557
Total 4,446,518 2,604,594 7,051,112
Working days/month
Department wise Store Consumption
M/O Nov-2012
type Department Direct Indirect Dir + Ind Tons/day Tons/mth Rs/ton
1 Grey Depart 17,982 9,178.84 27,160.84 25 650 42
2 Bleaching Depart 15,871 8,101.29 23,972.29 25 650 37
3 Dyeing 2,698 1,377.18 4,075.18 2 52 78
4 Printing 57,483 29,341.98 86,824.98 14 364 239
5 Engraving Screen etc. 1,192,475 608,694.40 583,780.60 14 364 1,604
6 Finishing 17,432 8,898.10 26,330.10 25 650 41
7 Folding 14,570 7,437.20 22,007.20 25 650 34
1,318,511 673,029.00 1,991,540.00
Total Capital Expense
Electric 418,001 246,806.00 171,195.00
Mechanical 505,230 161,049.00 344,181.00
PPC 110 - 110.00
HR Department & Admin. 38,031 38,031.00
Information Technology 11,670 11,670.00
Lab 65,298 65,298.00
Main Store 1,257 1,257.00
Purchase 173 173.00
Quality Assurance 152 152.00
Sub Store 1,842 1,842.00
Utility 133,734 94,703.00 39,031.00
Waste store 89
Sub-total 1,175,587 502,558.00 673,029.00
P-House 24,850 24,850.00
Grand Total 2,518,948
Cost of Self Generated Electricity
Guascor Rate Cost
Gas per hour 5.83 MMBTU
Price 560.00 3,264.80
Maintenance 2,500,000 Rs
Hours 25,000 100.00
Spares and Lubes 27.06 Rs/hr 27.06
Labor 26.02 26.02
Total Cost/hr 3,417.89
Output 660 kW
Cost per kWh 5.18
Waukesha Rate Cost
Gas per hour 3.75 MMBTU
Price 560.00 2,100.00
Maintenance 1,200,000 Rs
Hours 20,000 60.00
Spares and Lubes 14.35 Rs/hr 14.35
Labor 13.80 13.80
Total Cost/hr 2,188.15
Output 350 kW
Cost per kWh 6.25
Average (Guascor + Waukesha) 5.55
CAT Diesel Rate Cost
Diesel 123 Liters
Price 110.00 13,530.00
Maintenance 600,000 Rs
Hours 5,000 120.00
Spares and Lubes 27.06 Rs/hr 27.06
Labor 26.02 26.02
Total Cost/hr 13,703.09
Output 660 kW
Cost per kWh 20.76
Cummins Diesel Rate Cost
Diesel 77 Liters
Price 110.00 8,470.00
Maintenance 450,000 Rs
Hours 5,000 90.00
Spares and Lubes 14.35 Rs/hr 14.35
Labor 13.80 13.80
Total Cost/hr 8,588.15
Output 350 kW
Cost per kWh 24.54
Average (CAT + Cummins) 22.07
Electricity (kWh) Per gas day Feb-Nov Non Gas Dec-Jan
FESCO - 13,140 -
Captive 18,500 - -
Diesel Rental 6,105
Diesel Own - 5,360 12,395
Total 18,500 18,500 18,500
Electricty Cost Rs. per day Rate Per gas day Nov-Feb Non Gas Dec-Jan
FESCO 12.00 - 157,683.59 -
Captive 5.55 102,684.90 - -
Diesel Own 22.07 - - 134,740.62
Diesel Rental 30.00 - 160,791.02 371,850.00
Total 102,684.90 318,474.61 506,590.62
Working days 185 78 50
Annual Rs. 18,996,706.15 24,841,019.53 25,329,530.82
Average 5.55 17.21 27.38
Average per kWh
Average Daily Electricity Consumption in kWh Rs/day Tons/day Rs/ton
Department Gas day
Bleaching 3547 42,368.75 25 1,695
Kier bleach 0 3,389.50 2 1,695
PFD/PFP 0 27,116.00 16 1,695
Jumbo Bleach 0 11,863.25 7 1,695
Dyeing 580 6,928.07 2 3,464
Printing 3170 37,865.50 14 2,705
Finishing 9723 116,140.79 25 4,646
Folding 1080 12,900.55 25 516
Total 18100 216,203.67
Power House Labor
Total Direct Labor per month 24,850
Average working days 26
Labor per day 955.77
Hours per day 24
Labor cost Rs. per hour 39.82
CAT/Guascor % 65%
Cummins/Waukesha % 35%
CAT/Guascor Rs/hr 26.02
Cummins/Waukesha Rs/hr 13.80
Power House Stores/month 24,850
Average working days 25
Stores per day 994.00
Hours per day 24
Spares cost Rs. per hour 41.42
CAT/Guascor % 65%
Cummins/Waukesha % 35%
CAT/Guascor Rs/hr 27.06
Cummins/Waukesha Rs/hr 14.35
Cost of Steam Monthly Daily Per gas day Per Non Gas day
Utility Labor 339,175 13,045 13,045 13,045
Contract Labor 390,000 15,000 - 15,000
Spares 19,516 781 781 781
Wood - 185,035
Gas 137,760 -
Total 151,586 213,861
100 Total
Steam cost/ton 1,516 2,139
Days 185 128 313
Tons/day 100 100
Annual 28,043,375 27,374,159 55,417,534
Tons/yr 18,500 12,800 31,300
Avge Rs/ton 1,771
Utility Stores Cost Apportioned
Stores cost for month 39,031.00
Wood Steam % 25% 9,757.75
DDFC % 25% 9,757.75
Sub- total Steam 19,515.50
Gas Oil Heater % 25% 9,757.75
Wood Oil Heater % 25% 9,757.75
Sub total Oil Heater 19,515.50
Total 100% 39,031.00
Steam Consumption 01 Nov to 30 Nov 100
Machine Name Consumed (tons) % Rs @ 100 ton Fabric tons Rs/ton
Singeing 83 3.14%
Transfer to Kiers (59) -2.22%
Transfer to Jumbos (24) -0.92%
Sub-total Singeing -
Kier Bleach -
Transfer from singeing 59 2.22%
Soaper (main) 451 17.06%
Soaper Drying 434 16.42%
Kiers 494 18.69%
Sub-total Kiers 1,438 54.40% 2,545,650.75 468 5,439.42
Jumbo Bleach -
Transfer from singeing 24 0.92%
Bleaching Drying 411 15.55%
Jumbo Jigger #1 68 2.57%
Jumbo Jigger # 2 97 3.67%
Jumbo Jigger # 3 106 4.01%
Sub-total Jumbos 706 26.72% 1,250,361.80 182 6,870.12
Dyeing 248 9.38%
Dyeing Drying 54 2.04%
Causticize - -
Open jigger 16 0.61%
Pressure Jigger 26 0.98%
Sub-total Dyeing 344 13.02% 609,061.72 26 23,425.45
Mandi 155 5.86%
Sub-total Finishing 155 5.86% 274,431.88 650 422.20
Total 2,643 100.00%
Steam (tons)
Fuel Department MMBTU Per gas day Per Non Gas day
Coal Oil Heater 135 - 135
Gas Oil Heater 40,871 40,871 -
LDO Oil Heater 6,087 - 6,087
Saw Dust Oil Heater 106 - 106
Wood Oil Heater 29,137 - 29,137
76,335 300 464
Energy Prices Unit Price Factor Rs./MMBTU
Gas MMBTU 488.23 1 488.23
LPG kg 125 0.0473 2,642.71
Wood kg 7.5 0.01293 580.05
Diesel Liter 110
Utility Stores Cost Apportioned
Stores cost for month 39,031.00
Wood Steam % 25% 9,757.75
DDFC % 25% 9,757.75
Sub- total Steam 19,515.50
Gas Oil Heater % 25% 9,757.75
Wood Oil Heater % 25% 9,757.75
Sub total Oil Heater 19,515.50
Total 100% 39,031.00
Labour Cost
Total Utility 339,175.00
Steam 50% 169,587.50
Oil Heater 50% 169,587.50
Cost of Thermal Oil Gas day Non-gas day Total
Gas 168,000 -
Wood - 269,142
Stores 750.60 751
Labour 6,523 6,523
Rs/day 175,273 276,415
Days 185 128 313
Annual 32,425,540.58 35,381,084.62 67,806,625.20
Avge/day 216,634.59
Allocation of cost Stenter # 1 Stenter # 2 Stenter # 3 Rotary Curing
Ratio 1 1 1 1 0.5
Rupees/day 48,141.02 48,141.02 48,141.02 48,141.02 24,070.51
Process tons
Kier White 0 2 0 0 0
Jumbo Bleach 0 7 0 0 0
Dyeing 2 0 2 0 0
Printing 14 0 14 14 14
Total 16 9 16 14 14
Process cost Rs. Stenter # 1 Stenter # 2 Stenter # 3 Rotary Curing
Kier White - 10,698.00 - - -
Jumbo Bleach - 37,443.01 - - -
Oil Heater Total
Dyeing 6,017.63 - 6,017.63 - -
Printing 42,123.39 - 42,123.39 48,141.02 24,070.51
Total 48,141.02 48,141.02 48,141.02 48,141.02 24,070.51
Total Rs/ton
10,698.00 5,349.00
37,443.01 5,349.00
12,035.25 6,017.63
156,458.31 11,175.59
216,634.59 8,665.38
Department Wise Costs in Rupees per ton
Department Tons/day Labor Stores Electricity Steam Oil Heater*
Grey 25 427 42 - - -
Kier Bleach 2 1,819 37 1,695 5,439 5,349
PFD/PFP 16 1,819 37 1,695 5,439 -
Jumbo Bleach 7 1,819 37 1,695 6,870 5,349
Dyeing 2 11,179 78 3,464 23,425 6,018
Printing 14 5,491 239 2,705 11,176
Finishing 14 2,076 41 4,646 422
Folding/Packing 14 2,557 34 516
27,187 544 16,415 41,597 27,891
*Oil Heater cost includes finishing
Reallocation of Grey, Finish & Folding
Own Grey Finish Fold PFD/PFP Total
Kier Bleach 14,339 469 7,184 3,107 - 25,099
Jumbo Bleach 15,770 469 7,184 3,107 - 26,529
Dyeing 44,165 469 7,184 3,107 8,271 63,195
Printing 19,610 469 7,184 3,107 719 31,089
Jumbo Bleaching Jigger Dyeing IR Dyeing
Standard tons 7 1 1
Warp 40 40 40
Weft 40 40 40
Ends 100 100 100
Pick 80 80 80
Width 112 112 112 2.84 Meters
Grey gsm 114 114 114
Grams 7,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Square Meters 61,671 8,810 8,810
Linear Meters 21,679 3,097 3,097
Cost Including Dyes & Chemicals
Process Dye+Chem Margin Total/ton Meters/ton Rs/Meter
Jumbo Bleach 26,529 3,751 37,131 67,411 3,097 21.77
Kier Bleach 25,099 3,751 37,131 65,981 3,097 21.31
IR Dyeing Meters/ton Rs/Meter
Dye Light 31,089 10,418 37,131 78,637 3,097 25.39
Dye Medium 31,089 14,142 37,131 82,361 3,097 26.59
Dye Dark 31,089 18,529 37,131 86,748 3,097 28.01
Jigger Dyeing Process Dye+Chem Margin Total/ton Meters/ton Rs/Meter
Medium 63,195 8,828 37,131 109,154 3,097 35.25
Dark 63,195 15,899 37,131 116,225 3,097 37.53
Extra Dark 63,195 38,105 37,131 138,431 3,097 44.70
Warp 30
Weft 30
Ends 76
Pick 66
Width 87 2.21 Meters
Grey gsm 119
Full speed 37 Mtr/minute
Screens 8
Standard tons 14
Grams 14,000,000
Square Meters 117,396
Linear Meters 53,125
25% Coverage Process Dye+Chem Screens Margin Total/ton Rate/inch
Light-Med 31,089 10,583 16,829 37,131 95,632 0.29
Dark 31,089 14,111 16,829 37,131 99,159 0.30
Extra Dark 31,089 21,167 16,829 37,131 106,215 0.32
50% Coverage
Light-Med 31,089 21,167 16,829 37,131 106,215 0.32
Dark 31,089 28,222 16,829 37,131 113,271 0.34
Extra Dark 31,089 35,278 16,829 37,131 120,326 0.36
75% Coverage
Light-Med 31,089 28,222 16,829 37,131 113,271 0.34
Dark 31,089 35,278 16,829 37,131 120,326 0.36
Extra Dark 31,089 49,389 16,829 37,131 134,437 0.41
100% Coverage
Light-Med 31,089 35,278 16,829 37,131 120,326 0.36
Dark 31,089 42,333 16,829 37,131 127,382 0.39
Extra Dark 31,089 63,500 16,829 37,131 148,548 0.45
Average ARC gsm gms/inch gms/93 inch
120 3.048006096 283.4645669
State Cost/283gm Cost/kg Cost/ton
L-M 25% 3 10.58 10,583
L-M 50% 6 21.17 21,167
L-M 75% 8 28.22 28,222
L-M 100% 10 35.28 35,278
D 25% 4 14.11 14,111
D 50% 8 28.22 28,222
D 75% 10 35.28 35,278
D 100% 12 42.33 42,333
ED 25% 6 21.17 21,167
ED 50% 10 35.28 35,278
ED 75% 14 49.39 49,389
ED 100% 18 63.50 63,500
Cost of New Screen 7,500
Average Designing Cost
per Rotary position 200
Average Engraving Cost
per Screen 500
Total cost of designed
screen 8,200
Scrap Value 2,200
Net Cost per screen 6,000
Average re-use (times) 3
Cost/screen 2000
Set up Time
Screens per hour 25
Set up costs/screen 103.63
Total cost/screen 2,103.63
Also the Screens, Designing and Engraving Cost
Hours Cost/hour
24 1,045.78
24 1,105.40
24 2,633.14
24 1,295.35

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