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Vol. 16 No.

5, May 2008

from the provincial’s desk...


As the book of Ecclesiastes says so poignantly, “for everything there is a season; and a
time for every matter under heaven… a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to
mourn, and a time to dance” (Ch. 3:1&4). For us in the Goa Province the month of May is
our season for laughter, dance and celebrations. Families travel, friends visit, Jesuits
rediscover companionship while resting and recovering from the labours of the bygone
year. All of this of course serves as a remote preparation to take on the new academic
year with its challenges and surprises, hopes and expectations.

From May 11 to 14, 2008 we look forward with excitement and yearning to the Province
Days. These are days spent in close Jesuit fellowship, praying and sharing, listening and
learning and filling the air with laughter and optimism as we challenge ourselves anew
for the Lord’s mission. I look forward to seeing all of you in Raia where I will also have
the opportunity to share with you the vision and spirit of GC 35. Do make it a point to
attend except for reasons of “greater moment”. It’s always a joy to welcome each of you
to such Province celebrations.

May the ‘Comforter’ promised us at Pentecost be our guide and companion during this
season of renewal and celebrations.

Anthony da Silva SJ


• Br. Victor Campos • Fr. Leslie Francis • Fr. Roland Coelho
Tertianship: Kandy Pastoral ministries: Treasurer: Belgaum Xavier
(September to February) Jesuit House, Panaji Company

• Br. Anthony D’Souza

Minister: St. Paul’s, Belgaum

Sch. Gerard D’Souza and Sch. Jason Pinto have written to the Provincial requesting him to
begin the necessary process to be separated from the Society of Jesus.
• Fr. Alwyn P D’Souza (KAR) • Fr. Jesu Raj (DUM) • Fr. Pravin Severekar (BOM)
ISI, Bangalore Administrator/Treasurer, Spiritual Director, DNC, Pune
• Fr. Anil Gomes (CAL) DNC Pune (From Sept 2008)
Registrar, SN, Chennai (In • Fr. John J Amaladoss (AND) • Fr. Robin Sahayaseelan (MDU)
addition to being Spiritual Guide) Tertian Director, Kandy, Sri Lanka Dongfang University, China
• Fr. Baylon M Perera (SRI) • Fr. Medard Xalxo (RAN) (One year)
Tertian Director, Raia, Goa Spiritual Director, VJ, Delhi • Fr. Thomas Kuriacose (DEL)
• Br. Fulgence Ekka (MAP) (From Sept 2008) JDV / DNC, Pune
Administrator/Asst. JCI • Fr. Michael Alosanai (MDU) • Fr. Valan C. Anthony (CAL)
Treasurer, Jor Bagh, New Delhi Tertian Director, Shembaganur, Tertianship, Raia, Goa
• Fr. George Mlakuzhyil (DEL) Kodaikanal • Sch. Jude S. Shahaya (CAL)
Sabbatical, USA/ Rome/China • Fr. Patras Kujur (MAP) Regency, Afghanistan
• Fr. Henry D’Almeida (KAR) P.G Studies, Sadhana Institute, • Sch. Kanichai L Anto (KER)
JDV / DNC, Pune Lonavla Regency, Afghanistan
• Fr. Lawrence Fernandes (KAR) • Br. Pravin Falcao (GUJ) • Sch M A Leo Anand (MDU)
Post Doctoral Studies, Ireland Administrator, VJ, Delhi Regency, Afghanistan

G C 35 Decrees: Following the directives that the General Congregation 35 gave Fr. General, our
Curia has continued to work on the final version of the documents. The present task is to prepare the
decrees and the complementary documents in three languages (Spanish, English and French). Having
to work in three languages and bringing the different translations into agreement has slowed this
work more than we would have desired. We hope this whole process will be finished in a few weeks.
The order of the six decrees approved by the Congregation is:
1. With Renewed Vigor and Zeal.
2. A Fire that Kindles Other Fires: Rediscovering our Charism.
3. Challenges to our Mission today: Sent to the Frontiers.
4. Obedience in the Life of the Society of Jesus.
5. Governance at the Service of Universal Mission.
6. Collaboration at the Heart of Mission.
Following the example of St. Ignatius, let us ask our Mother to place us with her Son so that our
whole person and the entire Society, our communities and our ministries, be disposed to serve better
in the mission that has been entrusted to us and that has been confirmed by the last Congregation.

Three Books on the Gospel of John By George Mlakuzhiyil SJ, Vidyajyothi, 23 Raj Niwas Marg,
Delhi - 110 054, Email:
1. Initiation to the Gospel of Life: A Guide to John’s Gospel
A short and simple, theologically insightful and spiritually nourishing explanation of the Gospel of
John. (Delhi, 2008) 255 pages. Rs. 100.00 only
2. Abundant Life in the Gospel of John
An insightful book on Johannine theology and spirituality useful for study, personal prayer and
preaching (Delhi, 2007) 390 pages. Rs. 150.00 only
3. The Christocentric Literacy Structure of the Fourth Gospel
Universally acclaimed as an original and path-breaking doctoral dissertation, still in great demand
by Johannine scholars and students but now out of print! (Analecta Biblica 117, Rome 1987) 390
pages, Rs. 1200.00 only. A few copies are still available from the author @ Rs. 400.00 only
Special Offer: All the three books for Rs. 600.00 only ! (Packing & Postage Free) Available from
the author on receipt of MO or DD for Rs. 600.00
The Lights of the World Movement organized two
Leadership Camps for the students who are on the
threshold of their pre-university education. The first one
was at SVD House, Raia from April 14 -17 and the
second was at Monte Guirim from April 21 – 24 April
2008. The camp at Raia saw 57 eager students from 10
different schools in south Goa. While at Guirim, we had
a bunch of 37 enthusiastic students similarly from 10
different schools in north Goa.

The main theme was Leadership and our aim was

Character formation. With this thrust in mind sessions like Self esteem, Belief in oneself, Principles-
centered Leadership, Impact of Media, Healthy Relationships, Group discussion, Etiquette, Dramatics,
and Public speaking were creatively conducted by various animators. Besides the very interactive
sessions there were lively action songs and fun games. With all this fun and games we also kept the
Lord in our presence with prayers and the celebration of the daily Eucharist.

Over all, the camps were very effective. One of the students remarked, “everything was excellent…
The camp cannot get any better than this! Hats off! You (organizers) wrote these four days of my life
in golden letters!” Another camper had this to say, “… I have always been a nervous girl. But I tell
you, this camp has really helped me become more confident and has increased my self esteem. And
not forgetting… I will always follow the ‘win-win’ rule.” A big thanks to Fr. Agnelo Mascarenhas,
Fr. Basil Vago, Sch. Shannon Pereira, Sr. Bobina, Levis
Mendonca, Sarah Tauro, Natan Vaz, Judith D’Cunha,
Basil D’Cunha, Eric Watsa and Tasha D’Souza who
contributed so generously to these camps.

During the last academic year we visited 14 different

Higher Secondary Schools in Goa in order to conduct
sessions of Career Guidance for std. XII and Value
Education for Std. XI. Presently, the animators have their
hands full with a couple follow-up programmes at St.
Britto’s, Mapusa and later at Loyola’s Margao. ‘Let your
light shine for all to see!’
Tasha D’Souza


Taare Zameen Par – The call to be His Stars – was the theme of the Vocation Camps this summer,
from April 2 to 17, at Loyola Hall, Miramar. Approximately 90 boys attend these camps. Most of the
boys were from Loyola, Margao and St. Britto, Mapusa. There were a few from St. Anthony’s, Duler,
and Rosary, Ajra. All of them whole-heartedly participated in the different sessions on the Society
of Jesus, Quiz, life in the pre-Novitiate and the games on the beach. The campers were kept on
their toes right from the moment they arrived till their departure on account of the meticulous
planning by Schs. Vicky Crasto and Cedric Mascarenhas.

A big thank-you to Frs. Alban D’Souza, Agnelo Mascarenhas, Joseph Cardozo, Schs. Shannon
Pereira, Colin D’Costa, Jude Carrasco and the candidates who helped to make this Vocation
Camp a memorable one for the boys.

In June this year two of our candidates, Menoy D’Souza from Ucassaim and Lindsay Lobo from
Corlim, will enter the Novitiate at XTC, Desur.
Jude Carrasco SJ
An English speaking course was conducted for the children of
Mauxi, Sattari from 21-30 April 2008. The main objective of
the course was to help the children learn the basics of
conversational English and to build up their self-confidence
through various activities and games. There were around 32
children from varied age groups who were divided into three
groups. These three groups were guided by three scholastics:
Vicky Crasto, Colin D’Costa and Orville de Silva. The
scholastics were very creative in their teaching methodology
which helped the children grasp what was taught and further
develop an interest for English.

A picnic to the Goa Science Centre, Miramar, on 28

April 2008 turned out to be an unique experience
for the children. Many of them were able to relate
the science exhibits and the 3D science show to what
was taught to them in their science classes. For most
of the children it was their maiden visit to Panaji
city and they returned with loads of stories. The
games at Miramar beach and the visit to Children’s
Park added fun to their learning.

The camp culminated with a mini Sports Day. The children not
only enjoyed themselves but were also able to engage in collective
group activities. For the scholastics, it was a memorable stay in
Valpoi. Their interaction with the rural children and the people
of Mauxi enriched their lives. This will definitely give further
impetus to the new mission that the province has undertaken in

We are grateful to the Fransalian Fathers at Valpoi, Fr Agnelo

Lawrence and Fr Santosh Salve. They were extremely hospitable and very accommodating.

Orville de Silva SJ

A successful year at Milagris High School culminated with a 12-day Summer Camp organised by the
ever enthusiastic Principal, Fr. Cecil Fernandes. One of the teachers who came to teach the
children how to make art pieces with bangles commented on the camp in this way. “How you (Jesuit
Fathers and brothers) come up with these amazing ideas of keeping the children occupied is
amazing…” She then pointed to one of the six standard girls and stated again, “…this girl is such a
mouse in class, but here, she’s as alive as a bubble.”

The camp was just what the kids over there needed; an excuse to go MAD… There were sessions
on etiquette, first aid, cooking, paper bag making, and bangle art. In addition to these there was a
picnic to Vengurla Beach and a hike to Narendra Dongar. But what actually gave the kids that
sparkle in their eye at the end of the day were the water games. With the help of Bro. Richard
Saldanha, pre-novice Menoy D’Souza and Sch. Cedric Mascarenhas the camp was a success
and the Jesuits have another feather to their cap in Sawantwadi.
Cedric Mascarenhas SJ
It’s holiday time. It’s the end of the academic year and
now it’s time for a break. With all academic activities
coming to their fruition, we now have a chance to look
forward to rejuvenating ourselves. Sch Richard
D’Souza brought the curtains down on one year as the
Principal of the Community College on April 19, 2008.
A farewell cum convocation day was organised for the
students who successfully completed the three-month
course. The students put up a cultural programme
wherein they had to draw on their experience of three
months. Sch Felix D’Silva is busy keeping the hostel in shape for the next regent. For the past few
days he has been visiting families of the neighbouring communities and screening possible candidates
for the hostel. Fr. Roland Coelho is busy preparing for his M.A. exams. The collegians, Jeron Cruz,
Nolan Fernandes, John Fernandes and Newton Sequeira have also been infected with the exam
fever. Please keep them in your prayers.

Fr. Mathew Bardeskar organised a summer camp for students of Std. V to VII. This camp was a
huge success as could be ascertained by the beaming faces of the parents and children. It gave
students a chance to develop their interpersonal skills and shed their inhibitions. The camp was a
combination of games ranging from the crazy to highly wacky ones. This kept the children in splits.
Fr. Mathew was assisted by his able animators who kept the group disciplined and lively.

Fr. Gerry Furtado is under house arrest. No! Not because of any crime or criminal activity. The flood
of admission applications has made it virtually impossible for him to step out of the house without
being overwhelmed by people. We are now debating the proposition of building a new wing for the
school to cater to this huge demand. And no I am not serious!
Newton Sequeira SJ

Fr. Matthew Almeida was selected for the Sahitya Proznya Puroskar 2007-
2008 of the Goa Konknni Akademi for his contribution to the Konknni language
and research. The award was conferred on him by the famous thinker and
reviewer in Hindi, Prof. Namvar Singh, in the presence of Mr. Digambar
Kamat the Chief Minister of Goa on April 24, 2008 at a function organized
at the Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa. The award consists of Rs. 25,000/-, a
memento, a certificate and a shawl.

Fr. Pratap Naik has done the Kannada Transliteration of Konknni novel in
Roman script Tichea Mornna Uprant by Bonaventure D’Pietro. It was released
at a function held at Mangalore along with Kon’nodd Lipient Konknni Borounchi
Promann Rit. This book is complied by Fr. Pratap Naik, Fr. Matthew Almeida and Fr. Valerian
Fernandes of the Mangalore Diocese.

At the closing function of TSKK’s Silver Jubilee on March 28, 2008, Eric Ozario, the President of
the Karnataka Konknni Sahitya Academy, released the book “Bhokti Sobhann” (non-denominational
song) by Fr. Pratap Naik. At the same function TSKK Darshan DVD was also released by
Purnanand Chari the President of Konknni Bhasha Mandal.

The Botanical Garden of TSKK has received a special prize in Home Garden competition held by
the Botanical Society of Goa. The prize consists of a certificate and cash of Rs. 1,000/-.
Pratap Naik SJ
50 years in the Society of Jesus
He is charismatic. He is jovial. He is systematic. He is known
for his love for wisdom. He is a thinker. He is a person who is
never satisfied with mediocrity. He is a counsellor and a guide.
He has a deep sense of the presence of God in creation. He is a
true collaborator in God’s saving work. He is a friend. He is
Fermin D’Souza.

In 1958, on 20th June Fermin joined the Novitiate in Vinayalaya,

Bombay. Latin was simple for him as he had 5 years of classical
Latin in school; however, he was allergic to English poetry
although he spoke and wrote it well. The 30-day long retreat
was the biggest influence on him and also the experiments, as
he tried to be a John Berchmans in a hurry. In this endeavour
teaching Catechism seemed to be his second love. After a year
of Marathi were 3 years of Philosophy. His thesis was on Teilhard
de Chardin and Humanism. He was chosen to defend a Thesis
versus the rest of the campus’ representative.

After a year’s Regency in St. Britto’s, Fermin was sent to Innsbruck, Austria to do both
Theology and group Psychology. He was ordained in Germany in 1970. After his return to
India, he was Junior Master, moulding the minds and hearts of the young sons of Ignatius,
and then was asked to be in the Mission of Ahmednagar, followed by his Tertianship in
Gujarat. After his Final Vows he was appointed the Rector of Dnyanamata Agricultural
High School in Sangamner, and did AICUF, retreat work and counselling Seminars. This
gained more impetus in Margao where Fermin fought against the evils of Carnival and the
Freedom of Religion Bill. Both St. Vincent’s High School and St. Xavier’s Parish, Poona, had
left an indelible mark in his quest to serve. Playing Priest
for Fermin was more a know-how of religious life than a
game. In 1988 he was the Director of Xavier Retreat House,
Baga. Later he went to the Missions of Sindhudurg, and BIRTHDAY WISHES
Chiplun, where he was also engaged in inter-religious
Dialogue. A year later he was in Panaji giving retreats and MAY
formation courses for Priests and Nuns. 16 – Santosh Vas
17 – T Jaya Singh
In 2003 Fr. Fermin went to West Africa doing Trauma Healing 18 – Paul Fernandes
and Retreats in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia. He returned 19 – Tony D’Souza
to Goa to begin CLC (Christian Life Community) from scratch Desmond Saldanha
as also retreats, formation courses and counselling. After all 23 – D Prakash
this, this year, “as an offering of greater value,” he says: “I 28 – Motiram Bardezkar
am planning to go to Liberia for Trauma Healing for two years JUNE
and after assessment to continue further.” 01 – Franklin de Sousa
The Society is truly blessed with a person of this calibre who 10 – George Menezes
sees frontiers and boundaries not as obstacles or ends. He Nigel Alphonso
11 – Jacob Chokar
is known to his counselees as a star who fills the dark night
12 – Savio Abreu
of their lives and a flower that brightens their day, never
once falling short of giving his best even to, (as he says),
“the last drop of my blood for a joyous eternity.” • Fr. Berchmans D’Souza
Varun Rodrigues SJ (BOM) 10/04 63/42

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