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Buddhiya Kabaddi (Salle-Maan-Chi)

History of the game

Kabaddi in Hindi means holding of Breath. Modern Kabaddi is a synthesis of the game played in
various forms under different names throughout South Asia. Buddhiya Kabaddi is one such ancient
sport which has its origin in Magadh region and is still a popular sport among the rural youth. It was
probably invented to ward off the group attacks. History reveals that princes played to display their
strength and win their brides. The game has many popular local versions. Salle-Maan-Chi is a
popular chant for the raiders in the game and the game therefore is also locally popular by name

Skill required
Running, Quickness, Observation

About the game

The game consists of two teams the Raider and the Defender with 9 players each in the field.
There are two circular posts called “castle” and “outpost” at the opposite ends inside the bigger
oval field. Dimensions of the ground are fixed on mutual agreement. Raiders are occupants of the
caste and the outpost while the Defenders occupy the outfield. The raiders have 8 players in the
castle and one Buddhiya trapped in the outpost. The defender/raider that is “OUT” shall be sent off
the field. Raiders’ objective is to facilitate escape of the Buddhiya trapped at the outpost; they do
this by raiding the defenders and “OUT” them. A player can also get “OUT” by going over a
boundary line or part of the body touches the ground outside the boundary.Defenders are spread in
the field preventing escape of the Buddhiya. The raiders win if the Buddhiya successfully joins
them at castle without being touched by the defenders. Defenders win if they prevent the escape of
the Buddhiya in the stipulated time or they touch the Buddhiya while she is on her escape run
towards the castle. The match has two half of 20 minutes and the raider in 1st half becomes
defender in the 2nd half. The match revolves around the Buddhiya the Buddhiya has to escape from
the outpost for castle in the stipulated time. In the respective “half” if the Buddhiya is successful or
unsuccessful in her escape from outpost to the castle the “half” is complete. The team winning the
toss shall choose to either raid or defend in the first half.

How to play
1. At one time only one raider can go for raid
2. Raider shall chant “Salle-Maan-Chi” without breaking the breath while raiding. The chant
shall be loud enough and audible.
3. A raider can stay at the outpost while raiding but can not go for the raid from the outpost.
Raiders staying at outpost are called “Dead” raiders till they reach back successfully to the
4. Raider(s) at the outpost can return back to the castle if one of the raider (Carrier) goes to
pick them and successfully (holding the breath) returns back. If the “Carrier” breaks the
breath and is touched by the defender then all picked “Dead” raiders and the “Carrier” are
5. A “Dead” raider can risk escaping (without help of the “Carrier”) from the outpost for the
castle without getting touched by the defenders
6. At any time no more than two raiders can be outside the Castle and Outpost. In such case
if a defender touches them one (first to be touched) of them shall be “OUT”
7. Raider has to chant “Salle-Man-Chi” while raiding and shall not break the breath while
outside the Castle or Outpost. If the raider breaks the breath and is touched by the
defender then he is “OUT”
8. If raider touches the defenders while raiding and successfully returns into the castle or
outpost then the defender(s) is “OUT”.


1. Defenders shall occupy the outfield divided in six cells

2. No more than 2 players shall ever occupy one cell during a raid
3. In case any third player enters the cell then the last player to occupy shall be declared
4. Objective of the defending team is to prevent a successful escape of Buddhiya in
stipulated time period

1. Each raider (except Buddhiya) and the defender has 10 points on one’s head
2. For each “OUT” defender or the raider the respective team loses 10 points
3. For a successful escape of Buddhiya the Raider team gets 50 points
4. For the unsuccessful attempt by Buddhiya the Defender shall get 50 points
5. If the Defenders successfully prevent the escape of the Buddhiya in the stipulated time
then the Defender get 30 points
6. An individual player shall get 10 points for each player he “out”
7. The player who “OUT” Buddhiya shall gain 50 points
8. Buddhiya shall gain individual 50 points for successful escape
9. Maximum points the raider team can accumulate is 130
10. Maximum points a defender team can accumulate is 140
11. Maximum point an individual raider can accumulate is 90
12. Maximum point an individual defender can accumulate is 130
13. Maximum points a individual can accumulate as defender and raider is 220
2 2
150 Ft

75 Ft
2 2

2 2

The Castle
Maximum 2 Defenders
in a cell

100 FT

Dimensions of the ground

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