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Dear Sir or Madam (ya no se usa Dr. Sirs, se prefiere esta frmula)
Dear Mr. XXX:
Dear Mrs. XXX
Dear Ms. XXX: (ya no se hace distincin de estado civil de una mujer, por lo
que siempre se opta por Ms.)
e learnt from ...
! have read in .....
"our name #as $iven to us %y XXX (and #e should li&e to enquire #hether ..)
XX .. has advised us to $et into touch #ith you concernin$ ...
XXX have recommended you to us and #e #ish to &no#...
e #ere very $lad to receive your order for...
e have seen your advertisement in ..
'eferrin$ to your advertisement in ...
"our advertisement in the issue of XX
e are #ritin$ in connection to ...
Many than&s for your inquiry of (pril ).....
*han& you for your letter of +anuary ,-, in #hich you sent us details of ....
Many than&s for your prompt reply of .... to our inquiry for ...
e than& you for your interest in ...
e than& you for your letter of May )...
*han& you for informin$.advisin$ us on ...
/ery many than&s for your letter of yesterday, enclosin$ ...
e are pleased to have your inquiry ...
e are pleased to receive your inquiry
e are pleased to ans#er your inquiry
e are o%li$ed to you for your inquiry of -,
+une, ... (0o%li$ed1 en este
conte2to es sinnimo de 0than&ful1)
!n your letter of.dated ............ you inquire a%out our...
'eplyin$ to your inquiry of.dated ...
'eferrin$ to your letter of.dated, #e ...
ith reference to your inquiry ...
e #elcome your inquiry of ........., to #hich #e are $ivin$ our foremost
attention ...
(s #e mentioned in our previous letter,
(s you may recall, you provided us #ith advice and a le$al opinion
"ou as&ed us to advise you ...
'eferrin$ to our letter of ..., #e are surprised that ...
'eplyin$ to your letter of ..., #e can $ive you the follo#in$ information.
!t #as a pleasure to receive ...
:ollo#in$ to our conversation...
e are #ritin$ in connection to
e are interested in ...
e are #ritin$ to inform you.advise you
:urther to ...., #e are pleased to inform you that ...
! have $iven your letter careful consideration and a$ree...
e than& you for your letter of ... in #hich you dra# our attention to an apparent
error in ...
!n reply to your letter of ...
e have received your letter of ... as&in$ us to allo# ....
(s you requested on the phone today, #e...
(s per your request...
!n reply to ...
!n reply to your telephone inquiry of this mornin$, ...
6onfirmin$ our telephone conversation of this mornin$...
(s #e discussed today, attached are...
... #e are $lad to inform you that ...
... #e are happy to advise you that....
... #e are pleased to confirm that...
... #e confirm that #e can ...
e are #ritin$ to advise you ...
e hope this information #ill %e of assistance to you
*his information is strictly for you and is $iven #ithout responsi%ility on our part.
*his information is strictly confidential and is $iven #ithout responsi%ility on our
e are as&in$ that you revie# and convey final comments on ...
*his is, of course, in strict confidence.
(t the same time, please advise us to #hat address you #ish us to ...
! #ill raise specific questions in a later letter if ! have pro%lems or need futher
! #ould li&e your assistance on the follo#in$ le$al issues.
!f you require any further information in this re$ard...
Many than&s for your inquiry. e loo& for#ard to receivin$ your order in the
near future and put our e2perience at your service.
e should appreciate the opportunity of sho#in$ you ho# efficiently #e can
serve you.
e appreciate your cooperation and support in this matter and are #illin$ to
meet at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further.
Should you have any questions or #ish to discuss this matter further, please do
not hesitate to call.
Should you #ish to discuss this matter further, please call at your convenience.
Should you have any questions, comments, su$$estions or #ish to discuss this
matter further,
"ou may rely on us to $ive your requirements immediate attention.
3ur services are at your disposal
"ou may %e sure of immediate attention to your order, #hich #e loo& for#ard to
e shall %e pleased to hear ...
e than& you for your courtesy and assure you of strict confidence.
e loo& for#ard to receivin$ your reply.
e loo& for#ard to hearin$ from you very soon on this su%ject, and #e than&
you in advance.
! hope that you #ill %e a%le to assist me.
e than& you very much for your assistance.
e than& you in anticipation of your reply...
*han&s for your help in #indin$ this matter up.
(ny other information you may %e a%le to pass on to us #ill %e treated as
*han& you for the attention to this matter.
! #ill %e happy to cooperate fully #ith you in any dili$ence
!f there is anythin$ also you may need, please advise
*han& you for your continued assistance on this matter.
e very much loo& for#ard to #or&in$ #ith you for many years to come.
! loo& for#ard to doin$ %usiness #ith you...
!f #e can at any time render you a similar service, #e shall %e $lad to do so.
e a#ait your esteemed instructions, #hich shall have our careful attention.
e than& you for your assistance in the matter.
e a#ait your reply in due course.
ith our %est than&s,
e remain, dear Sirs, ...yours faithfully
ith compliments,
!f you require any further information in this re$ard...
e #ill do our very %est for you.
!t #ill %e a pleasure that #e advise you of ....
"ou may rely on us al#ays to $ive you prompt attention.
e appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and assure you that our
aim is to serve you #ell.
e loo& for#ard to the opportunity of %ein$ of service to you.
e loo& for#ard to servin$ you.
e shall loo& for#ard to hearin$ from you.
"ou may rely on our continued co7operation and attention.
!t #ill %e a pleasure to serve you.
e are at your service at all times.
6all me if you need further $uidance.
;lease call me at the direct dial num%er a%ove if you have any questions.
e should appreciate a prompt reply.
( prompt reply #ould %e appreciated.
! loo& for#ard to an early reply.
<opin$ for the favour of an early reply, #e remain. "ours faithfully,
(s time is of the essence, ! #ould appreciate it if you could $et %ac& to me
!t is very important that ! receive your response today if at all possi%le.
"our reply %y telephone #ould %e appreciated.
ill you &indly let us have an early decision.
;lease send us your instructions %y ......
=indly confirm your order....
ill you please let us have your comments. "ours faithfully.
e a#ait your instructions %y return.
"our reply %y return #ould %e appreciated.
!t is therefore imperative that #e learn from you #hether there are any
impediments to finali>in$ this transaction.
!f you accept ..., please advise us %y ....
!f you let us have your instructions %y midday *hursday, ...
ill you &indly quote us ..
;lease let me &no# your thou$hts as soon as you have had a chance to loo& at
;lease advise if our outline of the understandin$ a%ove differs from that of ...
e also loo& for#ard to discussin$ the a%ove matters, and any questions you
may have at your convenience
;lease advise us #hether ... #ill %e a%le to meet this requirement..
;lease advise if there is anythin$ further you may need.
;lease let me &no# your thou$hts as soon as you have had a chance to loo&
;lease let us have your comment...
e shall %e $lad to &no#
e shall %e pleased to have ...
;lease ta&e your time to revie# these provisions...
"our instructions have %een noted...
=indly $ive us details of ...
ill you please inform us #hat from ...
ill you please for#ard ... to me for my safe&eepin$.
e have received instructions ...
ith this letter #e enclose full details of ....
e enclose our official 3rder...
e have pleasure in sendin$.enclosin$ you a...
( copy of the ... is enclosed.
ith this letter #e are sendin$ you ...
(ttached to this letter you #ill find ...
e have the pleasure to sendin$ you here#ith our ...
4nclosed for your files is a set of ori$inal documents in connection #ith the
e apolo$i>e for this unfortunate delay and are doin$ our utmost to $et ....
e are very sorry indeed to have to advise you of a delay in e2ecutin$ ...
Mean#hile, please accept our apolo$ies for the inconvenience caused.
e re$ret %ein$ una%le to e2ecute ...
e are very sorry indeed that you have %een trou%led and #e as& ....
e apolo$i>e for the inconvenience caused and loo& for#ard to doin$ further
%usiness #ith you.
;lease accept our apolo$ies for the delay ...and the trou%le this may have
caused to ...
e re$ret #e are una%le to help you very much #ith re$ard to the firm
mentioned in your letter of ...
e than& you for your letter of .... in #hich you dra# our attention to an
apparent error in ...
e are a$reea%le to your includin$ this amount #ith your ne2t payment, and
hope you #ill accept this proposal.
*he matter is no# correctly adjusted and #e appreciate your co7operation.
e are very sorry to &eep you #aitin$, %ut hope you #ill reali>e that #e are
doin$ our %est under difficult circumstances.
e re$ret to have to tell you that ...
8o reply appears to have %een received to our letter of ... as&in$ for ...
! should li&e to have the opportunity of a personal meetin$ #ith you #hile ! am
in ..., and shall much appreciate it if you can spare me a fe# minutes some time
durin$ the ne2t days.
! should much appreciate the opportunity of tal&in$ thin$s over #ith you
personally, as ! thin& the various points can %e settled more speedily at a
!f you need to reach me on M. *ry me at the office or at my home num%er.
e shall %e very $lad to see you #hen in a visit...
;lease let me &no# if you #ill %e availa%le for a conference call tomorro#. !f
possi%le, #e #ould li&e to %e$in the call at ... (8e# "or& time). !f this is not
convenient, please su$$est an alternate time.
!t #as #ith $reat pleasure that #e learnt of ...
May #e con$ratulate you on ...
e #ish to e2press our $reat pleasure on hearin$ of your...
!t #as #ith $reat pleasure that #e read in the papers that you had a received
the ... and #e #ant to con$ratulate you at once.
e #ant to send you our very $ood #ishes.
May #e e2press our sincere $ood #ishes.

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