Writing Example 2

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!"#$%&'( *&+#, -.


Neuia plan by: Biianna Nabia
!"#$ &'((#)*
!"#$%&'() Canuy Regulai oi King Sizeu
+'",-) Snickeis
.&"/) Inciease Snickeis sales in the Niuwest iegion by S% by the enu of Q1.
0#'"#$%() Continue "You'ie Not You When You'ie Bungiy" campaign into outuooi
1$2&%'"3456 #"'%$#) Auults ages 18-S4
.$&%'"3456 #"'%$#) Niuwest: NinneapolisSaint Paul, NN
7525,%) Septembei, 0ctobei, anu Novembei
8$-592) 0utuooi
:$456/$;) Billboaius anu Tiansit Auveitising
<$"64) 82.9
='$>9$,6() 8.u
!&;# 3$' 3&5,#) $S6.uu
?@$'"// 6&;#) $111,6S1

0#'"#$%() !&,#5,9$ AB&9C'$ D&# B&9 E4$, B&9C'$ F9,%'(G 6"23"5%, 5,#&
&9#-&&' 2$-5" -9'5,% H9"'#$' IJ
8"K&' 6&23$#5#&';) D$;#/$L F$';4$( !&23",(

Snickeis is a chocolate canuy bai with nougat, caiamel, anu peanuts insiue the
canuy's milk chocolate coveiing. Snickeis is owneu by Nais Incoipoiateu, along
with seveial othei canuy bais such Nilky Way, N&Ns, anu Skittles. Snickeis bais aie
uistiibuteu vaiious places, but the two laigest uistiibutois aie convenience stoies
anu gioceiy stoies. The piice of a Snickeis bai is aiounu one uollai in the 0niteu
States. Nais' main competitois aie Nestle anu The Beishey Company. Snickeis'
cuiient auveitising campaign is entitleu "You'ie Not You When You'ie Bungiy." This
campaign featuies celebiities anu famous spoits' playeis who tuin into someone
else when they'ie hungiy, mostly giils. This campaign has incluueu Robin Williams
anu Bobcat uoluthwait as well as "oiuinaiy" people playeu by actois. 0ne of
Snickeis' competitois, Kit Kat owneu by The Beishey Company, is iunning a
campaign in paitnei with Anuioiu in which the new Anuioiu opeiating system will
be nameu "Kit Kat". Specially bianueu Anuioiu Kit Kat bais will have the chance to
win Nexus uevices anu uoogle Play Stoie cieuit. The leauei in the canuy bai
categoiy is Reese's Peanut Buttei Cup with a maiket shaie of 6.9 peicent. Snickeis
falls just behinu Reese's Peanut Buttei Cup with a six peicent maiket shaie. 0ui goal
foi this campaign is to inciease Snickeis sales in the Niuwest iegion by S% by the
enu of Q1. 0ui oveiall goal is to maintain anu uefenu oui bianu in this iegion
because of its high BBI anu CBI. This means that the bianu uoes above aveiage in
this iegion anu the categoiy also uoes well in this iegion. 0ui stiategy to achieve
this goal is to continue the "You'ie Not You When You'ie Bungiy" campaign into
outuooi meuia.

.$&%'"3456 #"'%$#) 85-M$;#
1$2&%'"3456 #"'%$#) N-9/#; "%$- IOPQR
7525,%) H9"'#$' I 0$3#$2S$'L ?6#&S$'L ",- D&@$2S$'
<$"64 .&"/) TU
='$>9$,6( %&"/) VJU

The geogiaphic taiget planneu foi this meuia buy is the Niuwest. The Niuwest has a
categoiy inuex of 1u4, which means that the categoiy uoes foui peicent above
aveiage in this iegion. The Niuwest also has a bianu inuex of 12u, which means that
Snickeis usage is twenty peicent about aveiage in this iegion. The BNA chosen foi
this meuia buy is the NinneapolisSaint Paul aiea. This aiea was chosen because of
its size in oiuei to achieve oui ieach goals. The uemogiaphic taiget foi this
campaign is auults ages 18-S4. This uemogiaphic was chosen because this gioup has
the highest inuex of 11S, meaning that this gioup is 1S peicent moie likely to use
Snickeis. The timing chosen foi this meuia buy is the months of Septembei, 0ctobei,
anu Novembei. This was chosen because it is aiounu the time of Balloween, which
encouiages puichase of canuy bais. The fiequency goal that was set foi this
campaign was 1.7, founu by using the 0stiow mouel. The 0stiow mouel helps meuia
planneis ueteimine what fiequency they shoulu use by using many factois incluuing
uiffeient chaiacteiistics of the spot, whethei it is a known bianu, anu cluttei within
the meuium. The ieach goal foi this campaign was set to at least Su because
anything lowei woulu not be woith the au spenu. A geneial suggesteu ieach is
between 6u anu 7S. This is because anything below 6u is consiueieu not woithwhile
anu anything above 7S woulu be veiy expensive.
4,56# !"#$ &./,5'",

+,#./ 782 9),: ;+!- <=>>>?
;@#" A-1 ;@#" A-1 ;@#" A-1 B#"#$., ;@#" A-1 B#"#$.,
&,C1,(D,) "#$# %#$# &$# &'$( '## '%"% )'("( **$* *+$& )*$%
E.1@D,) "#$# (&$% &$# ($# '## ,," )",- **$* *+$& )*$%
F@8,(D,) "#$# (&$% &$# ($# '## ,," )",- **$* *+$& )*$%

8$-592) ?9#-&&'
745; 2$-592 M"; 64&;$, #& &S#"5, #4$ '$"64 ",- W'$>9$,6( %&"/; ",- "/;& #&
;#"( M5#45, S9-%$# M45/$ 2$$#5,% #4$;$ %&"/;J

The meuium chosen foi this plan is outuooi meuia. 0utuooi inuexes 1uS anu 99 in
Quintiles I anu II foi this piouuct. Quintiles I anu II aie the heaviest useis of
Snickeis. Tv inuexeu a bit highei foi Snickeis useis; howevei, a spot campaign uiu
not give the ieach oi fiequency neeueu foi this campaign without exceeuing buuget.
The 0utuooi meuium gives the bianu a ieach of 82.9 anu a fiequency of 8.u. This
means that 82.9 peicent of the univeise, which is auults 18-S4, will have at least one
impiession of the auveitisement. A fiequency of eight means that on aveiage a
peison sees the auveitisement eight times. A cieative issue that coulu occui is
tiansfeiiing the "You'ie Not You When You'ie Bungiy" campaign into a one-
uimensional auveitisement. Anothei issue coulu be that it is a visual only meuium
anu the campaign has ielieu on auuio as well.

4,56# G,/6.",-
8$-5" @$456/$; 64&;$,) +5//S&"'-; ",- 7'",;5# N-@$'#5;5,%
!&;# 3$' 3&5,#) XTY
!&;# 3$' #4&9;",- 523'$;;5&,;) XTJTR
7&#"/ 3/", 6&;#) XIIILYTI

Foi this meuia plan, outuooi has been selecteu with a show of 2S foi each month in
the campaign. The cost pei point foi the outuooi meuium unuei this plan is $S6. The
cost to ieach a thousanu people oi CPN is $S.S4. The pioposeu vehicles foi this
campaign aie billboaius anu tiansit auveitising. This is in hope that we catch people
on the way to convenience stoies in theii cais oi possibly they will pass by a bus
with a Snickeis auveitisement on the outsiue. These spots will also taiget people
iiuing the bus.

4@$1/"* H,1#6"I &,C1,(D,)
4,56'( J@82K L$61 ;+!- J!! J!4 3@1#" J@-1
./01223 45.6 &" 4728 ,,- ", "$"- *+9&'+

"About Mars." Mars. N.p.. Web. 17 Oct 2013.

"About us." Nestle. N.p.. Web. 17 Oct 2013. <http://www.nestle.com/aboutus>.

Kit kat. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KitKat

Snickers. In Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snickers
Photo source: http:smaitcanucks.cawp-contentuploaus2u1Su4snick.jpg

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