Candidates On The Issues

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Hillary Clinton Barack Obama John Edwards

Immigration Calls for comprehensive Supports a pathway to Supports

immigration reform that citizenship. Voted in comprehensive
includes a guest worker favor of the 700-mile immigration reform
program and a pathway to fence along the U.S. that provides illegal
citizenship. Also voted in Mexico border. Said the immigrants a way to
favor of a 700-mile fence ICE raids should target earn citizenship. Does
along the U.S. Mexico border. employers who are not believe illegal
Spoke out against the ICE abusing illegal immigrants should be
raids as a way to deal with immigrants. “We’re not entitled to in-state
the problem of illegal going to solve a problem tuition or driver’s
immigration. with 12 million licenses.
immigrants here, 50
immigrants at a time.”
Economy Has called for a 90-day Has proposed offering Wants to create a
moratorium on foreclosures bridge financing through federal home-rescue
and a five-year rate freeze for Freddie Mac and Fannie fund to help with
homeowners with risky sub- Mae to help transitional financing
prime loans. homeowners avoid and counseling, create
foreclosure or help more refinancing
homeowners get a options and pressure
decent selling price for lenders to do more.
their house.

Health Care Carries with her the failure of His plan does not Would require all
the Clinton administration’s require Americans to Americans to carry
health care reform efforts in carry health insurance. health insurance.
the 1990s. Under her current Rather, Obama focuses Affordable plans would
plan, Americans would be on making insurance be made available
required to carry health more affordable by through “regional
insurance. The public would offering plans similar to health care markets,”
be eligible for plans similar to those covering members as well as a Medicare-
those covering federal of Congress and type public plan. Also
employees or a low-cost plan providing tax subsidies requires insurance
similar to Medicare. to the needy. Plan companies to provide
Insurance companies would provides nearly universal coverage regardless of
be required to provide coverage, although pre-existing conditions.
continuous coverage for critics contend it would
mental health and pre- leave about 15 million
existing conditions. people out.
Iraq Voted in favor of authorizing Has positioned himself Opened his campaign
President Bush to invade Iraq as the only consistently for the presidency with
in 2003. She has steadfastly anti-Iraq War candidate an apology to the
refused to apologize for that in the Democratic field. American people for
vote, saying she made the Opposed the war in voting to authorize the
best decisions she could with 2002, but was not in the war in Iraq. Has vowed
the evidence available at the Senate for the vote to to end all combat
time. Has since become a authorize the invasion. operations in Iraq and
vocal critic. One of her most Has called for an end to will not establish a
popular stump speech lines: combat operations by permanent American
“If this president doesn’t end 2008 and would deploy military base there.
this war and bring our troops aggressive diplomatic
home, then as president, I efforts in the region.
John McCain Mitt Romney Mike Huckabee Rudy Giuliani
His support for this He favors a fence He supports a border As a presidential
summer’s along the U.S.- fence and more candidate, he has
immigration reform Mexico border and Border Patrol agents. supported adding
bill nearly killed his said he is opposed He has also said Border Patrol
candidacy. He said to any sort of illegal immigrants agents and building
he advocates amnesty for illegal should have 120 days barriers on the U.S.-
border security immigrants. to leave the country Mexico border. New
before any and could apply for York was
immigration reform re-entry without considered a
can take place. penalty. “sanctuary city”
during his time as

He voted against He wants to make He proposes He said he would

the Bush tax cuts in savings accounts eliminating the federal eliminate the estate
2001 and 2003, but tax free for those income tax and tax, cut capital
also voted to extend earning under replacing it with a 23 gains tax and make
them and says he $200,000. He would percent federal sales the Bush tax cuts
would support also make the Bush tax, which would permanent.
making them tax cuts permanent include exemptions
permanent. and eliminate the for poor and rebates
estate tax. for money spent on
essential goods.

He favors a tax As governor of Wants to expand He proposes an

credit of $2,500 for Massachusetts, he health savings income exclusion of
individuals and instituted a plan that accounts to everyone up to $15,000 for
$5,000 for families all residents buy and make health those without
to purchase health health insurance or insurance tax employer-provided
insurance, whether enroll in Medicaid. deductible for coverage to make
it is through an He supports state individuals and insurance more
employer or a and individual rights families. Low-income affordable. He also
private provider. over federal families would get tax favors a credit for
Said consumers mandates in credits instead of low-income citizens.
should have the providing health deductions.
ultimate choice in care.
where they get
health care and
He supports the war He supported the He supports the war He supports the
but has criticized war and the surge and the surge, but U.S. presence in
the Bush and believes has expressed Iraq and supported
Administration’s country’s active-duty concern about how the surge of troops.
handling of the military should be National Guard troops Said pulling out
conflict. He beefed up. are being relied upon would imperil
advocated a surge in the conflict. security in the U.S.
in troops before it
was proposed.
Clinton Edwards Giuliani Gravel

(D) (D) (R) (D)

Roe v. Wade
Death Penalty
Education No Child Left Behind
Embryonic Stem Cells
Energy & Oil ANWR Drilling
Energy & Oil Kyoto
Guns Assault Weapons Ban
Guns Background Checks
Homeland Security Patriot Act
Homeland Security Guantanamo
Homeland Security Torture
Homeland Security Wiretapping
Immigration Citizenship Path for Illegals
Immigration Border Fence
Internet Neutrality
Iran Sanctions
Iran Military Action as Option
Iraq War Support
Iraq War Troop Surge
Iraq War Withdrawal
Minimum Wage Increase
Same-Sex Marriage
Same-Sex Civil Union
Same-Sex Constitutional Ban
Universal Healthcare

Supported before / Opposes now
Supports phased withdrawal
Huckabee Hunter Kucinich McCain Obama Paul Romney

(R) (R) (D) (R) (D) (R) (R)



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