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AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:

Akademie fr Internationale Bildung (AIB)
Bonn, Germany

Accommodation Form
Sustainable Communities ( )
Last Name:
Please upload your photo
(click the image above)
1. Personal Data
First Name:
Middle Name:
Male Female
Date of birth:
Citizenship: US
Permanent Address:
Home phone:
Cell phone:
School e-mail:
Private e-mail:
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Ve n k a ta se tty
S h i v
C h e m i ca l E n g i n e e ri n g
0 7 /0 5 /1 9 9 0
p le a se sp e ci fy
5 2 2 8 T e n n i n g to n L n
D a lla s
T e xa s, 7 5 2 8 7
2 1 4 -7 8 9 -4 3 8 8
sh i vh v@ ta m u . e d u
2 0 1 3
AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:
Do you play an instrument?
No Yes what kind
Do you play sports?
Would you like a family with pets?
Would you like a family with children?
Do you smoke?
Would you like to live with smokers?
International travels:
How would you describe yourself?
Athletic Shy
Musical Sociable
2. Interests/Activities/Hobbies (please fill in)
I 'm a lle rg i c to ca ts, so a n y p e ts e xce p t fo r th e m
An y a g e , b u t n o t to o yo u n g
Costa R ica, B elize, India, H ong Kong, Japan, Argentina, England, France, Spain, M exico, Canada, Caym an Islands,
Curacao, Sri Lanka, Scotland
Q uiet, curious, introspective, trusting
I like m ovies, video gam es, lifting w eights, running, volunteering, trying new things (especially new restaurants),
reading, riding bikes, etc. I am interested in everything, and I am w illing to try anything.
AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:
4. German Proficiency
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
GER 102
GER 201
GER 101
German language classes taken:
GER 202
Higher (please specify)
Other languages:
3. Diets/Allergies/Illnesses/Other needs
yes no Are you a vegetarian?
Do you have any special dietary requirements, allergies or medical problems that might influence your placement
or stay abroad?
yes no
If yes please specify:
I to o k a cla ss i n h i g h sch o o l
S p a n i sh
AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:
5. Accommodation
Living with host family
Participation in family life
Breakfast and one meal included
Room of your own
single placement in family
Traditional Homestay
placement in the family with a friend Friends name: F a i sa l R a jk o twa la
AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:
6. Letter about yourself (addressed to your host family/roommate)
This letter is very important and has to be filled out!
The letter should include information about your family, your hobbies and what you expect to learn in Germany.

M y nam e is Shiv, and I'm a senior chem ical engineering m ajor at Texas A& M U niversity. I w as born in D allas,
Texas, and have lived here m y entire life. H ow ever, both of m y parents w ere born in India and im m igrated to
the U nited States w hen they w ere young. M y fam ily is very Am erican, but our Indian roots and culture are
extrem ely im portant to us. M y m other, father, tw o sisters, and I all visit our fam ily back in India every few
years. Although I bleed red, w hite, and blue and cannot im agine living anyw here else in the w orld but the
U nited States of Am erica, I am very proud of m y Indian heritage.

As I m entioned above, I have tw o sisters-- one younger and one older. Fam ily is very im portant to m e, and
w ithout a doubt m y greatest asset in life is m y fam ily. I am so thankful to have a supportive fam ily that I trust
and love unconditionally.

Anyw ays, I feel that I have pretty standard interests for m ale, college students m y age. I enjoy lifting w eights,
running, hiking, and cycling. I believe that there are few pleasures in life better than a bike ride on a sunny,
clear day. I enjoy spending tim e outdoors, and could go hiking and fishing and sw im m ing all day as long as I
could com e hom e at the end of the day and curl up in m y ow n bed. I also enjoy m ore passive activities, like
w atching m ovies and listening to m usic. Eating out and finding new restaurants has been a hobby of m ine, and
I rarely eat at the sam e place tw ice. I'd rather take a chance on som e place new than settle on the "sam e old".
I love reading, w hether it's light novels, new s journals, or non-fiction books. I really enjoy reading the new s--
stum bling onto an interesting article about the goings-on in faraw ay lands has given m e m y love of travel.

I've had the opportunity to visit over a dozen countries, including Argentina, B elize, M exico, Japan, France,
Spain, India, and a few others. Except for a few layovers in Frankfurt, I've never had the opportunity to visit
G erm any. I've alw ays been fascinated w ith G erm an culture and history, though, and I've been w aiting
anxiously for a chance to visit. Like m ost w estern European countries, G erm any seem s so m odern and
forw ard-thinking, progressive and intelligent. At the sam e tim e though, the culture is rooted in tradition and
history. The G erm anic culture is one that spans m illennia, but the G erm ans have still m anaged to em erge as
the m ost technologically advanced civilization in Europe. G erm any's engineers, doctors, and technicians are
the envy of the w orld. As an engineer here in the U nited States, I cannot go one day w ithout hearing about the
innovations given to us by G erm an engineers of past. I w ould love to visit the m useum s of G erm any and see
the cultural treasures that I have heard about for years.

I w ould also be rem iss not to m ention m y love of G erm an food and beer. The G erm an's have passed on their
love of sausage and good beer to Am erica, so I've spent the last few w eeks getting giddy thinking about all the
B iergartens and B ratw urst that aw ait m e if I get the opportunity to com e visit G erm any.

Although it's already listed above, I'd like to m ention a few of m y housing preferences again. I love dogs, but
I'm horribly allergic to cats. I w ould love to live w ith a fam ily that has a dog, so I could have a com panion on
m y evening runs and w alks. I also enjoy spending tim e w ith children. I volunteer regularly at the B oys and
G irls Club, an after school program for elem entary school-aged students. H orsing around and playing w ith
young kids w ould be a past tim e that I w ould greatly m iss in G erm any if I w as not able to live w ith a fam ily.
H ow ever, I'm also pretty quiet and have no problem being alone w ith a good book, so I w ouldn't m ind a m ore
laid back, reserved atm osphere either. I'm very open to just about any living situation, and I w ant to reiterate
that above all, I am sim ply excited to be given this opportunity to visit G erm any.
AIB gGmbH, Adenauerallee 7, D-53111 Bonn // Tel: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10 // Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37 // Email:
7. Additional Comments
Adenauerallee 7
D-53111 Bonn

Main line: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 10
Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37
Housing Manager /
German Language Instructor

Direct Line: +49 (0) 228 - 33 88 39 - 23
Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 242 02 37
Please do not hesitate to contact our housing manager in case you have any questions:
www. a i b -stu d ya b ro a d . o rg
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