Name: Luis Alfonso Carrizales Almaral Registration: 2685695 Course Title: Teacher's Name

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Name: Luis Alfonso Carrizales Almaral Registration: 2685695
Course title:
English VIII
Teacher's name:
ais! Lisstte "l#era Ro$r%guez&
2& Li#ing a 'ulti(ultural )o(iet!&
8& *a+les an$ Illustrations&
Date: *ues$a!, 'ar(h -2th, 2.-/&
Pa0enham, 1&E& 2-9983& 'a0ing Conne(tions 4igh Interme$iate& 22n$ e$&3&
Cam+ri$ge 5ni#ersit! Press&
I)67: 988.52-5/28/5
:in$ main i$eas of a te;t&
*o re#ise the re$u(e$ relati#e (lauses&
*o e;pan$ in the $ifferent topi(s $oing a resear(h a+out aspe(ts that <ere
a$$resse$ in the arti(les
Learn things relate$ to the #ariation in language&
:irst I (he(0e$ on +la(0+oar$ <hat I ha$ to $o, after that I rea$ the a(ti#it! an$
then I foun$ a te;t a+out language a(=uisition& 5sing the s0ills an$ strategies
seen $uring this mo$ule i$entif!ing the $ifferent i$eas <ithin the te;t <hen I
$e(i$e$ <hat I <as going to $o I e;plaine$ <h! the strategies an$ s0ills are
useful to un$erstan$ the te;t, <hen I finishe$, I pro(ee$e$ to ma0e the report of
the home<or0&
A((or$ing to the te;t I rea$ >Learning )trategies in )e(on$ Language
A(=uisition A Resear(h on ";for$?s *a;onom!@, se(on$ language a(=uisition
has +e(ome into a phenomenon +e(ause of a #ariet! of e;ternal fa(tors li0e
frien$s, te;t+oo0s, an$ +asi(all! glo+alization, ho< this fa(tors (oul$ ma0e
someone $e(i$e to learn another languageA, this is simple, naturall!, people
has the nee$ to learn ne< things, an$ this te;t tell us ho< people (an +e
influen(e$ to a se(on$ language a(=uisition&
A(=uire a ne< language is <a! to personal gro<th, learning a ne< language
ma! +e $iffi(ult to ol$ people +ut <hen !ou are !oung is easier +e(ause, the
(hil$ren?s min$ is open to ne< things an$ <or0s li0e a sponge the! a+sor+
e#er!thing !ou taught to them&
uring this 5nit <e ha$ the opportunit! to rea$ a te;t <hi(h e;plaine$ man!
things a+out the Language a(=uisition& Be <ere a+le to thin0 a+out the
$ifferen(es of language a(=uisition stages an$ ho< is language affe(te$ <hile
<eCre gro<ing up& Rea$ing a(a$emi( te;ts (an +e re<ar$ing, not onl! +e(ause
it sho<s the le#el of (omprehension that <e ha#e as stu$ents&
A+out the home<or0 <e use$ the s0ills an$ strategies seen $uring this mo$ule
i$entif!ing the $ifferent i$eas <ithin the te;t&
ItCs #er! important to pra(ti(e these s0ills an$ strategies, +e(ause it gi#es a
higher le#el of english, rea$ing, <riting an$ also spea0ing

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