Mary Stuart Timeline

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Mary Stuart Timeline

December 7 or 8 1542
Mary Stuart was born , the only child of James V, King of Scotland and his queen, Marie de
Guise, widow of Charles d’Orleans, Duc de Longueville. Her father was the only child of James
IV, King of Scotland by Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII, so that he was first cousin to
Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth , failing whom and their issue Mary Stuart was the next heir to
the throne of England. Her mother was the daughter of Claude de Lorraine , Duc de Guise, by his
wife Antionette de Bourbon, and sister to the famous Francois de Lorraine, Duc de Guise, and
Charles, Cardinal de Guise, the most famous among Mary Stuart’s six uncles on her mother’s
side. Amongst her first cousins , were the famous brothers , Henri, Duc de Guise and Charles,
Cardinal de Lorraine, who were assassinated at Blois in 1588.

December 14
James V, father of Mary Stuart died, so that his infant daughter Mary Stuart succeeded to the
throne of Scotland at the age of only six days.

September 9 1543
Mary Stuart was crowned Queen of Scotland at Stirling Castle by Cardinal Beaton.

January 28 1546
Henry VIII, King of England died and was succeeded by Edward VI

March 31 1547
Francois I, King of France died and was succeeded by Henri II

August 13 1548
Mary Stuart aged five years and eight months , landed in France , having been affianced to the
dauphin, Francois, and there she was brought up with the royal children at the Court of Henri II
and Catherine de Medicis

July 6 1553
Edward VI died and was succeeded by Mary Tudor

April 24 1558
Mary Stuart was married at Notre damn in Paris , to the dauphin Francois, who in the following
year received the title of King of Scotland

November 17 1558
Mary, Queen of England died and was succeeded by Elizabeth. Mary Stuart and Francois
assumed the titles of King and Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland.

July 10 1559
Henri II , King of France died and was succeeded by Francois II , husband of Mary Stuart

June 11 1560
Mary Stuarts mother , Marie de Guise, Regent of Scotland died at Edinburgh

December 5 1560
Francois II died, and was succeeded by Charles XI under the regency of Catherine de Medicis

March 1561
Mary Stuart , determined to return to Scotland at the request and suit of her subjects. She resided
for a time with her uncles at Joinville and Nancy, who endeavoured to negotiate a marriage
between Mary and Don Carlos of Spain.

May 15 1561
Mary Stuart attended the coronation of Charles IX at Reims.

July 21 1561
Mary Stuart left Paris for ever for S. Germain and starting on July 25 journeyed by Beauvais and
Abbeyville to Calais , whence she sailed for Scotland on August 15

August 19 1561
Mary Stuart landed at Leith.

August 19 1561
Mary Stuart arrived at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh

September 11 1562
Mary Stuart arrived at Inverness

November 21 1562
Mary Stuart returned to Edinburgh and fell ill.

July 1564
Journey of Mary Stuart to the north of Scotland

September 1564
Mary Stuart returned to Edinburgh.

February 13 1565
Henry, Lord Darnley arrived in Edinburgh

July 29 1565
Mary Stuart married to Lord Darnley at Edinburgh

March 9 1566
Murder of Riccio at Holyrood.

June 19 1566
Birth of James I at Edinburgh Castle
October 8-28 1566
Mary Stuart was dangerously ill from fever at Jedburgh

November 26 to January 1567

Mary Stuart was at Craigmillar

February 1567
Murder of Darnley

April 24 1567
Mary Stuart carried off by Bothwell to Dunbar

May 3 1567
Mary Stuart brought prisoner to Edinburgh

May 7 1567
Bothwell divorced from his wife

May 15 1567
Mary Stuart married Bothwell at Holyrood

June 15 1567
Battle at Carberry Hill. Mary Stuart brought captive to Edinburgh

June 17 1567
Mary Stuart imprisoned at Loch Leven castle

July 24 1567
Abdication of Mary Stuart

July 29 1567
Coronation of James VI at Stirling Castle

August 22 1567
The Earl of Moray appointed Regent of Scotland

May 2 1568
Escape of Mary Stuart from Loch Leven and arrival at Hamilton Castle

May 13 1568
Battle at Langside

May 16 1568
Mary Stuart took refuge in England
May 18 1568
Mary Stuart taken captive to Carlisle

July 16 1568
Mary Stuart taken prisoner to Bolton Castle

February 1569
Mary Stuart placed under the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury and removed to Tutbury, by
Ripon, Pontefract, Rotherham and Chesterfield

April 1569
Mary Stuart removed to Wingfield

May 15 1569
Mary Stuart removed to Chatsworth

June 1 1569
Mary Stuart returned to Wingfield

September 21 1569
Mary Stuart returned to Tutbury

November 14 1569
Mary Stuart removed to Coventry

January 2 1570
Mary Stuart returned to Tutbury

May 1570
Mary Stuart removed to Chatsworth

November 28 1570
Mary Stuart removed to Sheffield Castle , where she remained , either there or at Sheffield
Manor House, for fourteen years, with occasional visits to Chatsworth, Buxton and Worksop.

September 3 1584
Mary Stuart removed to Wingfield

January 13 1585
Mary Stuart removed by Derby to Tutbury

April 17 1585
Sir Amias Paulet appointed gaoler to Mary Stuart.

December 24 1585
Mary Stuart removed to Chartley
August 8 1586
Mary Stuart removed to Tixall

August 30 1586
Mary Stuart returned to Chartley

September 25 1586
Mary Stuart removed to Fotheringhay

February 8 1587
Mary Stuart beheaded at Fotheringhay

July 29 1587
Funeral of Mary Stuart at Peterborough

April 3 1603
Death of Elizabeth

October 11 1603
Mary Stuarts body removed by James I to Westminster Abbey

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