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Phrase of the day(quotes)

1. Life isnt about getting and having, its about giving and being. Kevin Kruse
2. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon
. !trive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. "lbert #instein
$. %&o roads diverged in a &ood, and '(' too) the one less traveled b*, "nd that
has made all the difference. +obert ,rost
-. ' attribute m* success to this. ' never gave or too) an* e/cuse. ,lorence
0. 1ou miss 1223 of the shots *ou dont ta)e. Wa*ne 4ret5)*
6. 've missed more than 7222 shots in m* career. 've lost almost 22 games. 20
times 've been trusted to ta)e the game &inning shot and missed. 've failed over
and over and over again in m* life. "nd that is &h* ' succeed. 8ichael 9ordan
:. %he most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merel* tenacit*. "melia
7. #ver* stri)e brings me closer to the ne/t home run. ;abe +uth
12. <efiniteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. W. =lement
11. We must balance conspicuous consumption &ith conscious capitalism. Kevin
12. Life is &hat happens to *ou &hile *oure bus* ma)ing other plans. 9ohn
1. We become &hat &e thin) about. #arl Nightingale
1$.%&ent* *ears from no& *ou &ill be more disappointed b* the things that *ou
didnt do than b* the ones *ou did do, so thro& off the bo&lines, sail a&a* from safe
harbor, catch the trade &inds in *our sails. #/plore, <ream, <iscover. 8ar) %&ain
1-.Life is 123 &hat happens to me and 723 of ho& ' react to it. =harles !&indoll
10. %he most common &a* people give up their po&er is b* thin)ing the* dont have
an*. "lice Wal)er
16. %he mind is ever*thing. What *ou thin) *ou become. ;uddha
1:. %he best time to plant a tree &as 22 *ears ago. %he second best time is no&.
=hinese >roverb
17. "n une/amined life is not &orth living. !ocrates
22. #ight* percent of success is sho&ing up. Wood* "llen
21. 1our time is limited, so dont &aste it living someone elses life. !teve 9obs
22. Winning isnt ever*thing, but &anting to &in is. ?ince Lombardi
2. ' am not a product of m* circumstances. ' am a product of m* decisions.
!tephen =ove*
2$. #ver* child is an artist. %he problem is ho& to remain an artist once he gro&s
up. >ablo >icasso
2-. 1ou can never cross the ocean until *ou have the courage to lose sight of the
shore. =hristopher =olumbus
20. 've learned that people &ill forget &hat *ou said, people &ill forget &hat *ou
did, but people &ill never forget ho& *ou made them feel. 8a*a "ngelou
26. #ither *ou run the da*, or the da* runs *ou. 9im +ohn
2:. Whether *ou thin) *ou can or *ou thin) *ou cant, *oure right. Henr* ,ord
27. %he t&o most important da*s in *our life are the da* *ou are born and the da*
*ou find out &h*. 8ar) %&ain
2. Whatever *ou can do, or dream *ou can, begin it. ;oldness has genius, po&er
and magic in it. 9ohann Wolfgang von 4oethe
1. %he best revenge is massive success. ,ran) !inatra
2. >eople often sa* that motivation doesnt last. Well, neither does bathing. %hats
&h* &e recommend it dail*. @ig @iglar
. Life shrin)s or e/pands in proportion to ones courage. "nais Nin
$. 'f *ou hear a voice &ithin *ou sa* A*ou cannot paint,B then b* all means paint
and that voice &ill be silenced. ?incent ?an 4ogh
-. %here is onl* one &a* to avoid criticism. do nothing, sa* nothing, and be
nothing. "ristotle
0. "s) and it &ill be given to *ouC search, and *ou &ill findC )noc) and the door
&ill be opened for *ou. 9esus
6. %he onl* person *ou are destined to become is the person *ou decide to be.
+alph Waldo #merson
:. 4o confidentl* in the direction of *our dreams. Live the life *ou have imagined.
Henr* <avid %horeau
7. When ' stand before 4od at the end of m* life, ' &ould hope that ' &ould not
have a single bit of talent left and could sa*, ' used ever*thing *ou gave me. #rma
$2. ,e& things can help an individual more than to place responsibilit* on him, and
to let him )no& that *ou trust him. ;oo)er %. Washington
$1. =ertain things catch *our e*e, but pursue onl* those that capture the heart.
"ncient 'ndian >roverb
$2. ;elieve *ou can and *oure half&a* there. %heodore +oosevelt
$. #ver*thing *ouve ever &anted is on the other side of fear. 4eorge "ddair
$$. We can easil* forgive a child &ho is afraid of the dar)C the real traged* of life is
&hen men are afraid of the light. >lato
$-. %each th* tongue to sa*, A' do not )no&,B and thous shalt progress. 8aimonides
$0. !tart &here *ou are. Dse &hat *ou have. <o &hat *ou can. "rthur "she
$6. ,all seven times and stand up eight. 9apanese >roverb
$:. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often &e loo) so long at
the closed door that &e do not see the one that has been opened for us. Helen Keller
$7. #ver*thing has beaut*, but not ever*one can see. =onfucius
-2.When ' let go of &hat ' am, ' become &hat ' might be. Lao %5u

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