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Mat-teh', mat-taw' comes from
Strongs H5186, the word
natah, meaning a branch, a tribe; also
a rod, whether for chastising
(figuratively correction), ruling (a sceptre), throwing (a lance), or walking (a staff;
figuratively a support of life, for example bread): - rod, staff, tribe. Also carries the
meaning to stretch or spread out; to bend away, spread (out), stretch (forth, out),
take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield. In the
H4294 Strongs #4294: AHLB#: 1285-H (N)
1285) ( MTh) ac: Shake co:
Branch. The pictograph is a picture of
water, the is a picture of a basket which
contains objects. Combined these mean
"liquid contained". A green branch still
contains water allowing the branch to be
flexible. A green branch can then be bent to the desired shape and left to dry.

This weeks parasha is called HaMattot,
or Tribes. We need to maintain presence of mind
that the title for each parsha has special meaning.
Sometimes we may think theyre random, but
The Father is very specific, very ordered and is
always conveying something about His character
to us if we will take the time to mine the gold.
After studying in the aforementioned definitions,
here we have a word that means tribes, or
branch, and as a verb meaning to
shake. It also means a
branch. As we continue our
celebration of Gods appointed
times, we know there are wave
offerings that are shaken on His
Feast days
. Even the Levites
themselves were presented as a
wave offering before The
LORD, shaken, or waved in
order for them to qualify as cohanim for Temple service
. In the
book of John we read "I am the vine and you are the branches.
Those who stay united with me, and I with them, are the ones who bear much fruit;
because apart from me you can't do a thing
. Like priests that make up the tribes,
YHVH is communicating His hearts cry for unity
Unity is essential for relationship to function properly. Marriage is the
primary example of relationship. Two people come together, make vows to one
another entering into covenant together, and begin a familyor a tribe. And the
Husband is to be the leader, and the example of Abbahe holds the mattah, not to
exercise a position, title or ego, but to learn that this is a high calling, a
responsibility given to teach every member of the tribe that in order to be a good
leader, they must lay their life down and be a servant of all in order to effectively

Lev.23:11, 15

teach that to everyone else, The way that we have come to know love is through
his (speaking of Yeshua) having laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down
our lives for the brothers
In the book of Tehillim (Psalms) we read that one who delights in Gods
Torah is likened to a tree planted by streams of water yielding its fruit in season
. If
we examine the word for Tribes it means
branch, staff, or rod. Its the same word
used to establish who in Gods economy
the active High Priest is. It was Aarons
rod with His tribal name inscribed upon it
which bore fruit when all others did not. In
ruling the nations we read of Messiah that
He will rule them with a rod of iron
. In
Torah we read Moses had a staff as well.
Gods man, the most humble man ever; but
even the most humble person on earth struggled with that relentless mob of
murmuring Israelites. In a moment of rage, rather than speaking to the rock, he
struck it using his rodthe symbol of his authority, but also a symbol of unity. The
water flowed, but the lesson had been lost. Two important meanings lost that day
about tribes and staffs were that the tribe is supposed to support of life, and they
are to yield to the tribal leaderand the tribal leader is to be yielded to God. The
LORD has a marvelous plan for your life to bring glory to Him, but a staff of
authority struck in rage sends conflicting signals. Moses forfeited a priceless
opportunity that would have allowed The Father once again to reveal to His people
the POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD! Meditate on that beloved.


H5186 Strongs #5186: AHLB#: 1308-H (V) (from H4294)
1308) ( NTh) ac: Spread co: Squash ab: ?: The pictograph is a picture
of a seed, the is a picture of a basket. Combined
these mean "seed basket". Squash seeds were
planted along the routes of the travelers and
nomads for future use by themselves and
other travelers. The squash plant spreads out
over a large area forming varied sizes and
shapes of squash fruit. Dried squash fruit becomes a hard hollow shell (seed
basket) with the seeds inside and when shaken they rattle inside. H) (
NThH) ac: Spread co: ? ab: ?: The spreading growth of the squash plant.

This is just a beautiful picture of Proverbs 4:23 that says, Watch over your
heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Whether its the nun,
or seed of the woman in Genesis God uses to establish His covenant, or the mem,
which is the water, or bloodthe blood of Yeshua our Passover Lamb smeared
with Hyssop on the doorposts and lintel or our heart, God is telling us to guard our
heart because it is here that we must guard it. And not just our heart, because out of
the mouth comes the overflow of the heart, but the hearts of the members of the
tribe! Living Water can make us clean, pure, and holy. And when analyzed
pictographically it expresses that we are but clay baskets, inside which HaShem
has planted His seed of continual life!
Behold; stand in awe (HEH) of the fact
that God created us to be His tribe (natah),
spread across the land multiplying His
seed to reflect His life (NUN) back to him
in vessels of clay (TET)!
Good Counsel, Wise
Advice, & Sticks & Stones
Fear of sounding redundant pushed
aside, this parashaTribes, really is all
about determining your character by your
words. Weve been in Torah all this time following along with our Israelite

ancestors and much of the long and the short of it has been HaShems patient but
measured tests to draw the dross off the top and to refine His people into a more
accurate reflection of Him. Weve been studying His Word and we know it
teaches us about YHVHs character. But do we really allow His Word to get inside
us? Question; if we say were going to do something, but dont do it, can we really
justify the excuse of I meant to do it, or I was going to do it? Honestly, these are
things we say as a form of damage control to the person weve hurt. Torah tells
us even a child is known by his doings
, which is why we read in the same
passage that Wise words are more valuable than much gold and many rubies
Plans succeed through good counsel; don't go to war without wise advice
. The
point being is God is teaching the leaders of the sons of Israel of each tribe a lesson
in the power of words as witnessed under their roof in the
form of the spoken vow and oath. We are learning the weight
of our words. Words win and lose wars. After Midian
infiltrated the tribes through immoral behavior, we must
reflect back upon that scalawag of a religious mercenary
found in Balaam, who finally got what was coming to him
by the way. We read after Israel had returned from conquering
Midian, "Behold, these [Midianite women who originally
were used to break into the tribes of Israel and compromise
their devotion to YHVH] caused the sons of Israel, through
the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the LORD in the
matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of
the LORD. (Num 31:16 NAS) Read this very carefully, I am
going to distill it for you like cold, strong moonshine. It was
Balaams words that caused Israel to break faith with YHVH, which in turn caused
a plague to break out within the tribes of Israel. Words can doom or save a
marriage. Words can restore or repulse a child. Words can reveal truth or cause one
to walk away. The power of our wordsSticks & stones break bones, yes; but
words wipe out entire nations.


Binding & L o o s i n g
Much like our ancestors who had to discover the hard way, we too think
ourselves cleverbut miserably fail to filter our words through the gate of
purpose. What was my reasoning for saying that? How many times have I bound
something, only to realize it was immeasurably more perfect while loose?
"You shall be careful to perform what goes out from your lips, just as you have
voluntarily vowed to the LORD your God, what you have promised.
(Deu 23:23 NAS)
Edersheim states, How carefully the law guarded against all profanity, or
from the attempt to make merit out of what should have been the free outgoing of
believing hearts, appears from such statements as Proverbs 20:25
It is a snare to dedicate a gift to God rashly and reflect on the vows only
afterwards. (Pro 20:25 CJB)
In other words, vows and oaths are not to be treated with such disregard or
capriciousness, but we are to count the cost when preparing to make that vow. We
read in Bmidbar chapter 30 verse two,
"If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or takes an oath to bind himself with a
binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that
proceeds out of his mouth.
When we vow a vow, orki-yidor neder, or if we swear an oath, that is
too-hishava shvooah, it binds our soul with a bond. We are committed to
the words that come from our lips. So it is with great care we should consider them
before speaking.
Taken from Strongs Number H7621 is the Hebrew word for oath, or
buah, and it means something sworn. Per Websters dictionary the word swear
means 1. To affirm or utter a solemn declaration, with an appeal to God for the
truth of what is affirmed, and 2. To promise upon oath. Taken from Strongs
H5088 the word for vow is neder (nay'-der), and it means a promise, or where

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services, Alfred Edersheim, p.296.

one promises to perform an act if another performs a certain act. It reminds me of
another promise made on a mountain long ago.
A blood covenant between two parties is the closest, the most enduring, the
most solemn and the most sacred of all contracts. It absolutely cannot be broken.
When you enter into blood covenant with someone, you promise to give them
your life, your love, and your protection forevertill death do you part. Marriage
is a blood covenant but God says it is. (See Malachi 2:14; Prov. 2:17)

When you said I do, you entered into a holy covenant with your spouse.
When you received Messiah as your Master and King, you said I do. You entered
into covenant with YHVH, For I am ADONAI, who brought you up out of the land
of Egypt to be your God. Therefore you are to be holy, because I am holy
. So if
we are to be a strong tribe of YHVH, then let our hearts be guarded and well-
watered with Torah, and may we also guard one another through acts of service to
lead one another in The Way of Messiah, Ahmein.

The Miracle of The Scarlet Thread, Booker, Dr. Richard, p.34.

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