BPM IFMon Capabilities

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Monitoring Interfaces with Business

Process Monitoring
Keep Mission Critical Business Processes Running
Configure Interface
Monitoring in Business
Process Monitoring
As of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 and ST-A/PI 01P
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 3 Customer
Configure Business Process & Interface Monitoring
The BPMon setup tool can be started from Business Process Operations work
center. Choose Setup Business Process Monitoring from the Common Tasks
section. This directly opens the setup tool in a WebGUI environment.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 4 Customer
General Setup Procedure Load Monitoring Objects
Load the monitoring objects from the managed
system. Since two managed systems are involved in
the interface, you should load monitoring objects
from both the sending and the receiving system of
the interface.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 5 Customer
General Setup Procedure Select Interface for Monitoring
In the navigation structure on the left-hand side
navigate to the business process you intend to
monitor and select the appropriate interface.
On the right-hand side you can add a monitoring
object for the selected interface using the Create
button. Two options exist: create the monitoring
object for the sending or the receiving Logical
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 6 Customer
General Setup Procedure Select Monitor
In the pop-up screen restrict the available monitors to
area Interfaces. Use the drop-down menu in field
Monitors to select the appropriate monitoring
object, and provide a speaking name.
Once created you can access the parameter
maintenance screen of the new monitoring object by
clicking its name in the main screen.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 7 Customer
General Setup Procedure Select Key Figures and
Provide Filter Criteria
In tab Monitoring Configuration
of the maintenance screen you
have to provide filter criteria for
the specific monitoring object,
select the key figures you need,
and set the threshold values for
alerting per parameter set.
Each monitoring object has its
own set of filter parameters and
key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 8 Customer
General Setup Procedure Maintain Schedule and
In tab Monitoring Schedule of the
maintenance screen you have to provide
the scheduling information for the specific
monitoring object. You can choose
between a periodic schedule and fix start
and end times for the monitoring, and if
the data collection is to be executed in
dialog or in background.
Further settings can be made in the
additional tabs (like specifying alert
notifications in tab Notification).
When all relevant data is entered you
have to activate the monitoring by
pushing the buttons Generate and
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 9 Customer
Re-Use of Interface Data in Business Process Monitoring
If a technical interface is assigned
to a business process interface it
is possible to load the attribute
values of the technical interface
into the BPMon setup tool to
configure monitoring objects.
In the parameter maintenance
screen you can use button Get
Default Values to load the
attribute data of the technical
interface into the corresponding
BPMon setup parameters.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 10 Customer
Using the Get Default Values Button in BPMon
By clicking on button Get Default
Values all attribute values of the
chosen technical interface are mapped
into the BPMon setup parameters and
are henced used for monitoring.
If more than one technical interface is
assigned to the same business
process interface a selection screen is
shown first when pressing the Get
Default Values button. You can then
decide which of the technical
interfaces you like to map into the
corresponding monitoring object.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 11 Customer
View Alerts in BPO Work Center
Once the monitoring is activated you can display the alerts in Business Process
Operations work centers Alert Inbox (transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER). All
monitoring objects available for your solution are listed together with alerting details.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 12 Customer
View Alert History and Use Detail Display
For each monitoring object you can display the history of the previously created
alerts. Simply mark the line of the monitoring object you are interested in, and the
alert history is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Button Detail Info enables you to jump to the managed system to view further
alerting details.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 13 Customer
Possible Use-case Scenario in BPMon
Create Sales Order
Create Outbound
Delivery (6)
Post Goods Issue
Create Billing
Document (12)
Send Order
Confirmation (4)
Create Sales Order
EDI Subsystem - Z_EDI
Receive Order
Confirmation (5)
Create EDI Order (2)
SAP ERP Warehouse - M60
Create Outbound
Delivery (7)
Create Picking
Transfer Order (8)
Confirm Picking
Transfer Order (9)
Post Goods Issue
mBDocs Monitor on CRM
qRFC Monitor on CRM (qOUT for R3A* queues)
qRFC Monitor on ERP (qIN for CSA* queues)
tRFC Monitor for dest.
IDoc Monitor for Message Type
IDoc Monitor for DESADV
IDocs on WM
Workflow Monitor for
Delivery Creation
IDoc Monitor for
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 14 Customer
List of Available Interface Monitoring Objects
(as of ST-A/PI 01P)
IDoc Monitoring/ IDoc Reporting
BDoc Monitoring/ CRM Middeware Monitoring
Business Workflow Monitoring
RFC Availability Monitoring
tRFC Monitoring/ qRFC Monitoring/ bgRFC Monitoring
File Monitoring
SAP Batch Input Monitoring
ABAP Web Service Monitoring
SAP PI Message Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 15 Customer
Further information on Business Process and Interface
Further Documentation available on SAP Service Marketplace, alias BPM
(www.service.sap.com/bpm), Media Library:
see especially Setup Guide Interface Monitoring
Available class room trainings (details at www.service.sap.com/education) :
SM300 Business Process Monitoring (5 days including certification)
E2E300 E2E Business Process Integration and Automation Management (5 days
including certification)
Best Practice document for Interface Recording to be found at SAP Service
Marketplace (www.service.sap.com/solutionmanagerbp):
Interface Documentation with SAP Solution Manager
ALE / IDoc Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17 Customer
ALE Processing IDoc Statuses
Receiver System (Inbound) Sender System (Outbound)
File tRFC
MC Record
ALE layer +IDoc Basis
ALE layer +IDoc Basis
12 41
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 18 Customer
Availabl e Key Figures for IDoc Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
IDoc Monitoring
(error and backlog monitoring)
Delta monitor number of
suitable IDocs since the last data
Total number monitor number
of suitable IDocs for the last x
On object l evel:
Partner number
Partner type
Partner function
Message type
Basic type
Message code
Message function
On key figure level:
Status number(s)
Status message
Status message ID
Status message number
Max. IDoc Age (in
Count Segment
Segment Field
Names with select
options for Field
Header Field Names
with select options for
Field Values
Min. Status age (in
Status Counter
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 19 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object
In the parameter maintenance
screen first the filter criteria on the
header level have to be filled.
Parameters Direction and Max.
IDoc Age are mandatory.
The parameter values can be
filled in manually, or they can be
taken from the assigned technical
interface as maintained in
Solution Directory (Button Get
Default Values).
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 20 Customer
Set-up Example Selection Parameters for IDoc Contents
Two use-cases exist:
1) Parameter Field Name is filled only: Display all IDoc field contents of specified
field in Detail Display
2) Parameter Field Value is filled in addition: Data collection is restricted to the
specified field contents
Count Segment: Occurenceof selected segment (Example: Number of items in a
Delivery IDoc)
Field Name: Display all field contents of specified field (Example: Display all
partners of alerted IDocs)
Field Value: Restrict data collection on specified field content(s) (Example: Only 5
most important partners should be alerted)
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 21 Customer
Set-up Example Select Key Figures and Set Threshold
There are 2 key figures available:
Delta Number Monitor: Evaluates the IDocs since the last data collector run
Total Number Monitor: Evaluates all IDocs in the system
Per key figure you can again define one or more parameter sets to facilitate
different alerting scenarios (e.g. to distinguish between intermediate and failed
IDocs). Per parameter set you the have to provide threshold values for alerting.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 22 Customer
Set-up Example Define Parameter Set
For each parameter set you have to provide further filter criteria. In contradiction to
the filter criteria on header level which restrict the set of IDocs to be alerted based
on the control record and the data records of the IDoc, the values entered here are
used to filter out the IDocs based on their status records. Parameter Status
Number(s) is mandatory to fill.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 23 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Schedule
In tab Monitoring Schedule
you have to define how often
alerts are going to be created
in the Alert Inbox in the BPO
work center.
Due to the size of the IDoc
tables in most customer
systems the IDoc monitoring
is performance critical. Thus,
IDoc data collection is always
executed via background job,
and it is triggered every 15
minutes independently of the
settings in the Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 24 Customer
Use IDoc Monitoring in BPO Work Center
Once alerts are createdon the IDoc monitoringyou can viewthemin theAlert Inbox
in the BPO work center.
The Detail Info functionality for the IDoc Monitoring provides a list of all affected
IDocs, together with further context information. Two views exist:
Error View: Displays selected error information from the IDocs status records
Content View: Displays selected information on the IDocs payload
In addition, further actions can be started from the detail info screen, such as
displaying the IDoc in the standard transaction WE05, or reprocessing a failed IDoc.
See next slides for further information.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 25 Customer
Detail Info Error View
Generic part:
IDoc number
Message Type
(Current) Status of IDoc on
Traffic Light
Age of current status
Error Resolution Time
Information on current status of IDoc:
Status Message Text
Status Message ID
Status Message Number
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 26 Customer
Detail Info Content View
Information on selected IDoc contents:
Number of segments as specifiedduringBPMon setup(indicatedin fieldCount
Field Names andcorrespondingfieldvalues as specifiedduringBPMon setup
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 27 Customer
Detail Display Additional Features
Additional features:
All IDocs: Display the current status on the database for all IDocs that fit the
WE05 (Display IDocs): Call standard monitoring transaction WE05
Reprocess: Trigger reprocessingof IDocs via standardreport RBDPROCESS
WEINBQUEUE: Display qRFC inbound queue (for IDocs in status 75)
Start Queue: Trigger processing of qRFC inbound queue
Refresh Display
IDoc statistics: Statistical informationon displayedIDocs
Customizing Overview: Display BPMon configuration parameters
Back to overview
IDoc Reporting
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 29 Customer
Available Key Figures for IDoc Reporting
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
IDoc Reporting
Total number of IDocs created
Average time to process IDocs
Maximum time to process IDocs
Percentage of IDocs created
On object l evel:
Partner number
Partner type
Partner function
Message type
Basic type
On key figure level:
Initial Status number
Final Status number
Status message
Status message ID
Message code
Message function
Selected day
Field Names with
select options for
Field Values
Status message
Status Counter
Relevant Status
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 30 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object
The configuration parameters are
basically the same as for the IDoc
Monitoring. Instead of setting a maximum
IDoc age you have to select whether data
is to be evaluated for the current or the
previous day (parameter Selected Day).
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 31 Customer
Set-up Example Define Key Figures
On key figure level you have to
define which IDoc statuses you
want to count (for key figures 01
and 04), or between which
statuses you want to measure the
processing time (for key figures
02 and 03).
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 32 Customer
IDoc Reporting: BW Enablement
Unlike the IDoc Monitoring monitoring object the IDoc Reporting does not offer
a detail information function.
Instead, the measured values of the key figures can be displayed in one of the
reporting tools BPMon offers (Business Process Analytics, Business Process
Operations Dashboards)
Following parameters are enabled for data aggregation:
Partner Number, Message Type, Status Number, Status Message ID, Status
Message Number
Sample use-cases:
report on the distribution of IDoc Status Numbers for all IDocs of Message Type
ORDERS sent by the same partner
aggregate the data by parameter Status Number only
Check which interfaces are affected by IDoc failures in inbound processing (IDocs
running in status 51)
aggregate the data by parameters Partner Number and Message Type, set
parameter Status Number to 51
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 33 Customer
IDoc Reporting: Setup for BW
Technically, if IDoc reporting data
should be made available for the
BPMon reporting tools, the
monitoring object has to be set up
at the Logical Component.
For each parameter the data is to
be aggregated the Group By flag
has to be set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 34 Customer
Display IDoc Data in BP Analytics and BPO Dashboards
Back to overview
BDoc Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 36 Customer
SAP BDoc Monitoring Overview
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 37 Customer
Available Key Figures for BDoc Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
BDoc Monitoring
Messages in error state:
Number of BDoc messages in error state
Age of oldest message in error state
Combination of Messages & Age in error state
Messages in intermediate state:
Number of BDoc messages in intermediate
Age of oldest message in intermediate state
Combination of Messages & Age in intermediate
On object l evel:
BDoc Type
Flow Context
Sender Site Name
Minimum Age (errors)
Minimum Age (intermediate)
Please note that the monitoring of the intermediate states does not include the
erroneous states as well, so you are advised to configure at least one key figure
from both status severity groups.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 38 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 39 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values Per Parameter Set
Per parameter set appropriate threshold values for alerting have to be set. No
further filter criteria can be maintained on key figure level.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 40 Customer
BDoc Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted BDocs you can use button Detail info in BPMon Alert
Inbox. You are led to transaction SMW01 on the managed system which displays
the set of BDocs that suit the used selection criteria.
Back to overview
CRM Middleware Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 42 Customer
CRM Middleware Monitoring Overview
The monitoring object "CRM Middleware Monitoring" checks five commonly used
transactions related to the area of mobile clients:
SMWMQUEUES: Queue Information for Mobile Client Sites
SMWP: MW Cockpit
SMWMFLOW: Message Flow Statistics
CMWQ: Mobile Client Import Failures
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 43 Customer
Available Key Figures for CRM Middleware Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
CRM Middleware Monitoring
Mobile sites with overdue synchronization
Number of R&R Queues in status HOLD
Number of entries in R&R Queue
MW Cockpit
Number of BDoc messages processed
Average processing time for BDoc messages
Number of mobile sites with import failures
On key figure level:
BDoc Type
Site range
Queue names
Older than x days
Maximum Age
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 44 Customer
Set-up Example Select Key Figures
On header evel of this
monitoring object no filter
values have to be provided.
Simply select the appropriate
key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 45 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values and Define
Parameter Sets
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 46 Customer
CRM Middl eware Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted workflows or any errors in the CRM Middleware
environment you can use button Detail info in BPMon Alert Inbox. You are led to
standard transactions of the CRM Middleware environment on the managed
Back to overview
SAP Business Workflow
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 48 Customer
SAP Business Workflow Technology Overview
Workflows can be started
manually by an user or in
background triggered by
an event
They contain one or
several steps to be
conducted in background
or in dialog
Each step triggers a task
which refers to a method
of an object type in the
Business Object
Repository (BOR).
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 49 Customer
Availabl e Key Figures for Workflow Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
Workflow Monitori ng SAP Basis rel ease dependant*
Number of work Items in status error
Number of work Items after system crash
Number of event linkages with status error
Canceled entries in workflow RFC destination
Status of workflow runtime environment
On key figure level:
Collector Mode
Workflow Monitoring general
Number of work Items in specific status
Number of events in backlog
Age of oldest incomplete work Item
Avg. age of incomplete work Item
On key figure level:
Agent assigned
Maximum age (in hours)
Object type
(*Full availability of the functionality as of SAP_BASIS 6.20 SP65, 6.40 SP23, 7.0 SP17, 7.01
SP2 or SAP_BASIS 7.12)
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 50 Customer
Set-up Example Select Key Figures
On header evel of this
monitoring object no filter
values have to be provided.
Simply select the appropriate
key figures.
Note that the screenshot shows
the SAP Basis release-
dependent monitoring object,
offering all 9 available key
figures. Monitoring object
Workflow Monitoring general
only offers the first 5 key
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 51 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values and Define
Parameter Sets
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 52 Customer
Workflow Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted workflows or any errors in the workflow environment you
can use button Detail info in BPMon Alert Inbox. You are led to standard
transactions of the workflow environment on the managed system.
Back to overview
Availability of RFC
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 54 Customer
Remote Function Call (RFC) Principles
Remote call of a function module (RFC)
function ABC
in system XYZ
with parameters
System XYZ
Function ABC
RFC client RFC server
parameter values
1, 2, 3 and
returns results
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 55 Customer
How to Monitor RFC Calls: Error Logging
Errors have to be handled by the calling application for normal sRFC and aRFC
calls. These error situations can be monitored by BPMon usingcustomer exit
functionality. More advanced RFC technologies have their own error logging
mechanisms which are re-used by BPMon.
Sending System ReceivingSystem
Log Error
Send Data
Error Handling
Process Data
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 56 Customer
How to Moni tor RFC Calls: Heartbeat Monitoring
It canhappen that the connectionbetween the systems is unavailable. To verify this,
a PING-like mechanismcan be utilizedby BPMon: the RFC Availability Check.
Sending System ReceivingSystem
Log Error
Send Data
Error Handling
Process Data
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 57 Customer
Available Key Figures for RFC Availabilty Check
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
Evaluate RFC connection Monitoring
Availability of RFC connection
RFC connection
Max wait time in seconds
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 58 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object
The monitoring object
has to be created for
the managed system
where the connection
is setup in SM59. All
connection types are
Only one key figure is
available for which the
threshold values and
the filter values have to
be set.
No Detail Info
functionality exists for
this monitoring object.
Back to overview
tRFC Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 60 Customer
tRFC Technology Overview
Receiver XYR Sender XYS
Call Function 'F1'

Call Function 'F2'


qRFC Scheduler
Call Function 'F1'

Call Function 'F2'


2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 61 Customer
Available Key Figures for tRFC Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
tRFC Monitoring
Entri es in cri tical state:
Number of tRFC entries in critical state
Age of oldest entry in critical state
Combination of Entries & Age in critical
Entri es in i ntermedi ate state:
Number of tRFC entries in interim state
Age of oldest entry in interim state
Combination of Entries & Age in interim
On object l evel
RFC destination
Function module
User name
Minimum Age (critical)
Minimum Age (interim)
Maximum Age (days)
Considered statuses:
Please note that the interim states are not included in the monitoring of critical states. So you
are advised to setup at least one key figure for both critical and interim states, typically with
different thresholds.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 62 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 63 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values Per Parameter Set
Per parameter set appropriate threshold values for alerting have to be set. Some
key figures provide a complex alerting rating strategy, using two pairs of threshold
values (for age and for number) to calculate the rating of the alert.
No further filter criteria can be maintained on key figure level.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 64 Customer
tRFC Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted tRFC entries you can use button Detail info in BPMon
Alert Inbox. You are led to standard transaction SM58 on the managed system.
Back to overview
qRFC Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 66 Customer
qRFC Technology Overview
qRFC allows serialization of tRFC LUWs according to business logic
Data can be queued on sender and receiver side
LUWs are added at the end of the queue in the sequence of creation.
LUW is processed only if it is in first place. If the first queue entry stops the whole
queue is stopped.
Sender Receiver
Outbound Queue(s) Inbound Queue(s)
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 67 Customer
Availabl e Key Figures for qRFC Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
qRFC Monitoring
Status (error) monitori ng
Number of entries with critical status in group
Age of oldest critical status in group
Combination of Entries and Age in critical state
Number of entries with interim status in group
Age of oldest interim status in group
Combination of Entries and Age in interim state
Backlog monitoring
Number of individual queues in group
Total number of entries in all queues of group
Average number of entries per queue in group
Maximum number of entries per queue in group
Age of oldest entry in group
Combination of Total entries and Oldest age
On object l evel:
qRFC direction
RFC destination
Queue group
Command string of SMD qRFC backlog
Command string of SMD qRFC status coll.
Considered statuses:
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 68 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
The key figures are divided into
two sets: Backlog and status
(error) key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 69 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values Per Parameter Set
Per parameter set appropriate threshold values for alerting have to be set. Some
key figures provide a complex alerting rating strategy, using two pairs of threshold
values (for age and for number) to calculate the rating of the alert.
No further filter criteria can be maintained on key figure level.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 70 Customer
qRFC Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted qRFC entries you can use button Detail info in BPMon
Alert Inbox. Depending on the monitored direction you are led to standard
transactions SMQ1 (outbound qRFC) and SMQ2 (inbound qRFC), respectively, on
the managed system.
Back to overview
bgRFC Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 72 Customer
Background RFC (bgRFC) Overview
bgRFC is a superordinateterm for the new version of tRFC and qRFC.
The background RFC (bgRFC) is offered as a replacement for the classic tRFC and
A parallel run of classic tRFC/qRFC and bgRFC is possible.
It is available with SAP NetWeaver 2007 (SAP Basis 7.10).
The background RFC works on the basis of units and performs better
compared to the classic tRFC and qRFC versions.
The bgRFC is based on a scheduler-driven queueing framework. This means
that remote function calls are recorded, and execution takes place at a later point
in time, which is controlled automatically by a scheduler process. Several
schedulers can be started to process bgRFC units.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 73 Customer
bgRFC Scenarios
Outbound -
Depending on the type of
scenario either Outbound
or Inbound Scheduler
controls the bgRFC
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 74 Customer
Available Key Figures for bgRFC Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
bgRFC Monitoring
Backlog monitoring
Number of individual queues/dest.
Total Number of units in all queues/dest.
Age of oldest unit
Status (error) monitori ng
Number of erroneous queues/dest.
Total number of erroneous units
Age of oldest unit in error state
Number of locked queues/destinations
Total number of locked units
Age of oldest unit with a lock
On object l evel
bgRFC Type (QoS)
Queue Name
User Name
Program Name
Transaction Code
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 75 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
The key figures are divided into
two sets: Backlog and status
(error) key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 76 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values Per Parameter Set
Per parameter set appropriate threshold values for alerting have to be set.
No further filter criteria can be maintained on key figure level.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 77 Customer
bgRFC Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted bgRFC entries you can use button Detail info in BPMon
Alert Inbox. Depending on the monitored direction you are led to standard
transaction SBGRFCCONF on the managed system.
Back to overview
File Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 79 Customer
Available Monitoring Functionalities for File Monitoring
Two ways exist to integrate File Monitoring into Business Process Monitoring:
Use the Application Monitor File Monitoring to check files in the file system of
ABAP-based components
Use the SAPCCMSR agent to monitor non-ABAP applications or external
If possible to use, the Application Monitor-based version is the recommended
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 80 Customer
File Monitoring via Application Monitor Overview
Managed System
File System (AL11)
Soluti on Manager
Alert Inbox
BPMon Framework
Store incoming
Application writes
flat or XML files
Run data collector
and build results
Display file
Display due alerts
Call Detail Info
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 81 Customer
Available Key Figures for File Monitoring (Application
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
File Monitoring via Application Monitor
Creation time of file
File size (in kB)
File age (in minutes)
Number of files
Number of lines in file
Number of patterns nonXML
Value nonXML
Pattern XML
Value XML
On object l evel:
File path
File name
User (File Creator)
On key figure level:
Search pattern
Start Pattern
Value after m char.
Value length
Parent tag
Child tag
Pattern is tag name
XML tag name
XML parent tag
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 82 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 83 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values and Define
Parameter Set
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
Some key figures allow to query the content of the file (both flat or XML file type) for
certain patterns which might indicate an error situation.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 84 Customer
File Monitoring (Application Monitor) Detail Info
In order to see the erroneous files you can use button Detail info in BPMon Alert
Inbox. A list is displayed showing all relevant files.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 85 Customer
Available Key Figures for File Monitoring (via CCMS
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
File Monitoring with CCMS agent
File existence (at a certain time)
File age (in min)
File size (in kB)
Count lines in file
Alert on a specified pattern/string
Select options:
File name
Files to be ignored,
Agent scheduling (specified day and time,
specified time-window)
Note that the SAPCCMSR agent is replaced by SAPSTARTSRV agent as of SAP
Netweaver release 7.0 EhP 2. Links on how to install and configure the
SAPSTARTSRV agent can be found in Setup Guide Interface Monitoring.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 86 Customer
File Monitoring Using CCMS Agent Overview
The SAPCCMSR agent is an executable that is installed on the managed system
and reads the file content and its metadata for alerting purpose. The data is
replicated into CCMS and can then be included into Business Process Monitoring
session of SAP Solution Manager.
Managed System (non-SAP)
File System
Soluti on Manager
BPMon Framework /
Alert Inbox
Create alerting
nodes in CCMS
Application writes flat
Run agent periodically
Send results to
registered SAP system
Pick up CCMS
Display due alerts
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 87 Customer
Setup of File Monitoring via SAPCCMSR Agent 1/2
1) Install the SAPCCMSR agent on your managed system. Follow the
installation guide for detailed instruction.
2) Customize the configuration files of the agent. Configuration file sapccmsr.ini
contains the paths to the single configuration files.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 88 Customer
Setup of File Monitoring via SAPCCMSR Agent 2/2
3) Adjust the threshold values in the newly created MTEs in CCMS via push-
button Properties.
4) Include the MTEs into your Business Process Monitoring Session by selecting
CCMS Monitor as monitoring type.
Back to overview
SAP Batch Input Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 90 Customer
SAP Batch Input Overview
Data Collector
Sequential File
Master data
Queue Dataset
Master data
Batch Input Program
Function Batch Input
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 91 Customer
Available Key Figures for SAP Batch Input Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
Batch Input Monitoring
Number of queues in specified status(es)
Number of errors per session
Number of transactions processed per session
Number of transactions in specified status(es)
J ob cancellation
On object l evel:
Session name
Creating program
Created by
On key figure level:
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 92 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the
monitoring object and select the
appropriate key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 93 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values and Define
Parameter Sets
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 94 Customer
Batch Input Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted Batch Input session entries you can use button Detail
info in BPMon Alert Inbox. You are led to standard transaction SM35 on the
managed system.
Back to overview
ABAP WebService
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 96 Customer
ABAP WebService Monitoring Overview
Managed System
Data Collector
Soluti on Manager
Alert Inbox
BPMon Framework
Configure ABAP
WS monitoring
Determine required time
Receive list of failed calls
incl transaction GUIDs
Display due alerts
Call Detail Info Create alert records
Call data collector
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 97 Customer
Available Key Figures for ABAP WebService Monitoring
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
ABAP WebService Monitori ng
Delta (evaluates all WebService calls since the
last data collection)
Total (evaluates all WebService calls for the
specified days in the past)
On object l evel:
Proxy for WebService
On key figure level:
Days in the past
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 98 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values for the monitoring object and select the appropriate key
figures. Both key figures count the number of failed WebService calls, either the
total amount (key figure Total), or since the last data collection (key figure Delta).
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 99 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values Per Parameter Set
Per parameter set appropriate threshold values for alerting have to be set.
No further filter criteria can be maintained on key figure level.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 100 Customer
ABAP WebService Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted Batch Input session entries you can use button Detail
info in BPMon Alert Inbox. This open report SRT_UTIL_LOG on the managed
Back to overview
SAP PI Message Monitoring
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 102 Customer
Possible PI Integration Scenarios
Receiver System(s)
Integration Server
Sender System(s)
... and more
File /
... and more
File /
IDoc Sender
J 2EE Adapter Engine
J 2EE Adapter Engine
PI Integration Engine
ABAP Proxy
Business Process Engine
ABAP Proxy
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 103 Customer
Components Included into Business Process Monitoring
With Business Process Monitoring it is possible to monitor specific messages on the
Integration Server running into an error status (messages of a certain type,
exchanged between a certain sender and a certain receiver combination). However,
failures in the Business Process Engine can not be detected with BPMon.
Integration Server
J 2EE Adapter Engine
J 2EE Adapter Engine
PI Integration Engine
ABAP Proxy
Business Process Engine
ABAP Proxy
Monitoring possible with
Business Process
No Monitoring possible
with Business Process
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 104 Customer
Comparison of Available Monitoring Capabilities
Method Advantages / Disadvantages Use-cases
Integration of
+ All components (ABAP- and J AVA-
based) can be monitored
- Many setup steps in different
- Only summary alerts
- No detail display
Easy to use if Message-based
Alerting already set up on PI
If system prerequisites not yet
fulfilled for BPMonApplication
ABAP stack
+ Only BPMon framework used
+ Detail display available
Only Integration Engine can be
Purely ABAP-based scenarios (no
Adapter Engine involved)
Monitoring of Local Integration
stack Application
+ Only BPMon framework used
+ Detail display available
+ Covers Integration Engine and
Adapter Engine(s)
- Time-Bucket based
- J AVA API is based on message
creation time difficult
interpretation of the detail display
Recommended Monitoring Object
if all system prerequisites are
SAP PI Message Monitoring
ABAP and JAVA Stack
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 106 Customer
PI Message Monitoring (ABAP & JAVA Stack) Overview
Set up a master data collector which retrieves aggregated message data from the
managed PI system
Set up a dependent data collector which builds the alerts for each interface
separately using the aggregated message data
Managed System (PI)
Runtime Workbench (Message Display
PI Framework
Soluti on Manager
Dependent Data Collector
Master Data Collector
Evaluate Data per
Time Bucket
Collect Data
Display alerted
Evaluate result
when alert is due
Display alerts / pro-
active alerting
Aggregate data and
store it into time buckets
Store result into ST-
A/PI cluster table
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 107 Customer
Available Key Figures for PI Message Monitoring (ABAP
and JAVA Stack)
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
Master Collector for PI incl . JAVA
Selection of Time Bucket
On key figure level:
Time Bucket (available time buckets: Current
Hour, Last Hour, Current +Last Hour, Today,
Yesterday, Current Week, Last 7 days
Dependent Collector for PI incl. JAVA
On object l evel:
Time Bucket
Logical Port to Adapter Engine
Sender Party
Sender Service
Sender IF Namespace
Sender IF Name
Receiver Party
Receiver Service
Receiver IF Name
URL to Message Display Tool
On key figure level:
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 108 Customer
Set-up Example Define Master Collector
First the so-called master collector has to be set up at the Logical Component of the
managed (PI) system. The only setting which takes place here is the selection of
the Time Bucket.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 109 Customer
Set-up Example Define Dependent Collector and Select
Key Figures
Next the so-called
dependent collector has to
be configured at the
business process interface.
Provide the PI interface
parameters, the relevant
time bucket and the name
of the Logical Port.
Select the appropriate key
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 110 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threshold Values and Define
Parameter Set
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 111 Customer
Set-up Example Create Logical Port
In order to get alerting data
from PI Adapter Engine
(J AVA stack) a Logical Port
has to be created in SAP
Solution Managers
instance of consumer proxy
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 112 Customer
PI Message Monitoring Detail Info
In order to see the alerted PI messages you can use button Detail info in BPMon
Alert Inbox. First an overview screen opens showing the affected PI messages and
their current status. From there you can jump directly into the corresponding
standard monitoring tools (transaction SXI_MONITOR for ABAP stack, Message
Display Tool for J AVA stack).
SAP PI Message Monitoring
ABAP Stack Only
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 114 Customer
Available Key Figures for PI Message Monitoring (ABAP
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
PI Message Monitori ng
Delta Message Monitoring
Total Message Monitoring
On object l evel:
Sender Communication Party
Sender Service
Sender Interface Namespace
Sender Interface Name
Receiver Communication Party
Receiver Service
Receiver Interface Namespace
Receiver Interface Name
Number of messages
On key figure level:
Status Group or Status
Number of days (initial)
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 115 Customer
Set-up Example Define Monitoring Object and Select
Key Figures
Provide the filter values
for the monitoring
object and select the
appropriate key figures.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 116 Customer
Set-up Example Set Threhold Values and Define
Parameter Sets
On key figure level filter values have to be provided, and the threshold values for
alerting have to be set per parameter set.
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 117 Customer
PI Message Monitoring (ABAP Stack) Detail Info
In order to see the alerted PI messages you can use button Detail info in BPMon
Alert Inbox. You are led to standard transaction SXI_MONITOR on the managed
SAP PI Message Monitoring
Re-use of PI Message-
Based Alerting
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 119 Customer
Integration of Message-based Alerting into SAP Solution
SAP XI Engine
SAP Solution Manager
Category 1
Category 2
Category xy
step 1
Alert 1
Alert 2
Alert n
Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule xy
step 2
step 3
step xy
Category 1 =2
Category 2 =12
Category xy =5
Alert Categories
Assign Rules
Alert Frame-
work (ALM)
J ob
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 120 Customer
Available Key Figures for PI Message Monitoring (via
Message-Based Alerting)
Monitoring Object / Key Figure Select Options
SAP XI/PI Monitoring
Integration of the Message-Based Alerting
/ error monitoring on adapter
framework(s) and integration engine
On SAP XI/PI per rule:
Sender Party
Sender Service
Sender interface
Sender Namespace
Receiver party
Receiver Service
Receiver Interface
Receiver Namespace
On SAP Solution Manager per alert
Threshold values for the number of alerts
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 121 Customer
Setup Steps for Message-based Alerting
The following steps need to be performed for setting up Message-based Alerting on
the PI system:
Create one or more alert categories in transaction /nALRTCATDEF
Create alert rules in tab Alert Configuration of Runtime Workbench for the
different interfaces to be monitored
Assign the alert rules to previously created alert categories
Enable the transfer of alerting data to PIs CCMS (one MTE per alert category)
On SAP Solution Manager side, the content of the MTEs can be included in BPMon
using the Other CCMS Monitoring functionality.
Back to overview
Thank You!
Contact information:
BPI&AM, Business Process Integration
2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 123 Customer
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