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THE STAR Sunday 18 May 2014

Thrills and spills in Tambun > 4 Activities at hillside escape > 7
Schools out!
Fun and exploration await.
2 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014
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We lay down the options for your first set of wheels.
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Quality, affordable international education > 5
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Getting the best out of your holiday
CHOOLS out and the holidays
are in. After months of having
to wake up early for classes,
sitting through long days at
school and sacricing TV time for
homework, students will be raring
to take a break and have some fun.
These days, entertainment has
been made convenient for the
busy parent and child. It is not
uncommon for families to go for
a movie or to take their kids to a
play centre on the weekend amid
a busy school semester period.
But since holidays do not come
around that often, why not make
this one special?
Having a holiday should mean
more than just watching TV all
day or making another trip to a
nearby shopping mall.
There are several things to
do that will give kids a holiday
experience to remember as well
as be both educational and fun for
the family.
The subjects students learn
at school history, geography,
mathematics, science, music and
art could mean more than just
words on a page or a collection
of pictures if they actually get to
experience it all for themselves.
Parents can help children
gain exposure to these concepts
through activities that build on
their knowledge.
Experiencing mother nature
For example, places such as
petting zoos, national parks,
vegetable and fruit farms give
children the chance to engage
with nature and explore their
environment. Giving children
the chance to identify, see and
touch the animals they have
learnt about in school will enrich
their knowledge and give them
an experience to share with their
The petting zoo offers visitors
the chance to get close to and
touch giant tortoises, have a ock
of birds eat food from their hands,
hold cute rabbits and much more.
They can tell what the shell, skin
or fur of an animal feels like,
encouraging them to learn and
understand animals more, says
Allan Phoon, chief executive
ocer of Farm in the City, a
Malaysian petting zoo.
Alternatively, a trip to Taman
Negara (National Park) in Pahang
to embark on a jungle trekking
trail, attempt white-water rafting
or shing will give you some fresh
air and good physical activity.
For adrenaline junkies, Skytrex
in Selangor features aerial
activities where participants can
test their agility and challenge
their fear of heights amid the
wonders of a Malaysian tropical
There are also safaris at
Taman Negara for visitors
to observe animals in their
natural environment, but a truly
unforgettable experience would
involve a boat ride down the
Selangor River that runs through
Kuala Selangor to spot one of
the biggest rey colonies in the
With animal education out
of the way, a trip to a vegetable
or fruit farm will help children
identify the kind of plants that
vegetables and fruits come from.
In the TV series Food Revolution
and its campaign in the US and the
UK, chef Jamie Oliver found that
many children do not know what
whole foods look like or where
they come from.
This is unsurprising considering
urban kids are likely to only see
fruits and vegetables packaged in
grocery stores or chopped up and
cooked on the dinner table.
A trip to Cameron Highlands in
Pahang is a prime spot for children
to discover ower farms, vegetable
farms, tea plantations and even
strawberry elds where they
can pick their own strawberries
to take home, allowing them to
smell, taste and see nature in a
whole different light.
Allowing children to get close and touch animals will encourage their learning experience of nature.
There are a variety of animals to see at petting zoos.
Touch me if you dare.
Engage your analytical and
creative side
Science enthusiasts can choose
to explore the scientic realms
at centres such as Petrosains and
Pusat Sains Negara (National
Science Centre) in Kuala Lumpur.
These centres offer interactive
exhibits where visitors can touch,
feel and manipulate objects,
allowing them to experience
scientic concepts in motion.
Featuring theatrical, futuristic
and fun elements, Petrosains
highlights the science behind
the processes of the petroleum
industry and Pusat Sains Negara
sports a two-level gallery
of exhibitions as well as an
educational park called Science
Wonderland, which encompasses
several aspects of science,
specialised arts centres to do
some painting or drama classes.
For example, The Studio@KL offers
fun and professional art classes
for all ages and all levels where
participants get the chance to
use different medium of paint,
produce mixed media art and
have fun exploring their creativity.
Alternatively, arts classes such
as those offered at Kuala Lumpur
Performing Arts Centre (KLPac)
will give children a chance to pick
up acting, scriptwriting, dancing
or enjoy theatre and orchestra
performances where they can
immerse themselves in the
creative arts.
For aspiring chefs, the school
holiday is a good time to try new
recipes and pick up some cooking
skills. There are various cooking
schools available such as the
Young Chefs Academy Malaysia,
which is a cooking school catered
specically to young children
that teaches children the joy of
technology and innovation.
There are activities for visitors
of all ages at these centres that
build on your understanding
of scientic facts in a fun and
exciting way.
On the other hand, creative
individuals can check out some
Make exploring
science a fun activity
to do these holidays.
StarSpecial 3
Sunday 18 May 2014
4 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014
Thrills and spills in Tambun
HE Lost World of Tambun is
an action-packed, exciting
theme park with thrilling
rides and other attractions in Ipoh,
Ipoh is located in the middle
of the Northern Corridor and the
theme park is set among the citys
natural landscapes, surrounded
by exquisitely breath-taking
limestone features.
The attractions at the Lost
World of Tambun will denitely
thrill both children and adults
alike whether it is just for a
weekend getaway or for the school
Seven main elements make
up this world of adventure the
Water Park, the Amusement
Park, Lost World Hot Springs and
Spa, the Tiger Valley, Lost World
Petting Zoo, the Lost World Tin
Valley and Lost World Team
Building Park.
Water Park
At the River and Beach
garden, you will nd a perfectly
landscaped beach, surrounded
by 20-feet twin waterfalls that
ow into a pool. You will be
mesmerised by a white sandy
beach, complemented by lush
tropical gardens and majestic rock
Surfers can hit the waves at
Malaysias biggest wave pool at the
Jungle Wave Bay, where waves can
get as high as three feet. At Sandy
Bay, guests can enjoy a game of
Explorabay is specically
designed for children. It boasts
special small slides and a large,
wet, interactive play area with
giant tipping buckets, water
cannons, spraying elephants,
water curtains and fountains.
It is also completely supervised
and children are given special
While at the wet park, do not
miss the opportunity to go on
the longest inatable tube ride
in Malaysia. With four different
slides to try, the Tube Raiders is a
family-favourite, where you make
your way down from the top of
giant slides.
Amusement Park
Thrill-seekers will take delight
in the rst roller coaster ride in
Perak. With a seating capacity of
24, this ride sits 25 feet above the
ground and has two circuits that
are 360m long.
On the Dragon Flights ride
you get swung in the air in
swing-chairs. Then head on to
the Stormrider, a pirate boat that
will swing you 180 for some
Children will enjoy the Perak
Parade carousel and the Giddy
Galleon is a perfect family ride.
On the Adventure Express, you
can sit back and let this ancient
locomotive take you and your
family on a journey past majestic
ruins, surging waters and wild
Lost World Hot Springs and
The Lost World Hot Springs and
Spa is the latest addition to the
theme park. Covering an area of
80,000sq ft (0.7ha), the unique spa
has been created as a sanctuary
for visitors to relax and enjoy the
hot springs. The water in the hot
springs comes from a natural
source and the thermal water in
the pool is not recycled.
The hot springs and spa is
made up of the Innity Pool, the
Lost World Steam Cave, the Foot
Spa, the Crystal Spa, the Top of
the World Pool, The Geyser of
Tambun, the Crystal Pool and
Saphiras Bistro.
Tiger Valley
At the Tiger Valley you will
meet Sultan, Raima, Putra, Jazz
and Azian, the Lost World of
Tambuns very own Siberian
tigers. Here you can watch them
and their handlers at play and
observe their agility and strength
as they jump over rocks and logs
to get to their food during the
feeding shows. Tiger Valley also
has an educational programme
that teaches visitors how these
majestic creatures are cared for.
Lost World Petting Zoo
At the Lost World Petting
Zoo you will be able to get close
with some of the zoos favourite
inhabitants, including Ruby the
raccoon, Nia the python and Wira
the green macaw.
At the different areas of the
zoo you will be able to feed, touch
and observe these animals in their
natural habitats.
The zoo features a large
variety of exotic animals in an
environment created to be as close
to nature as possible. Apart from
being a fun activity that families
can do together, it also serves as
an education platform for both
children and adults.
The 100,000sq ft (0.92ha)
petting area houses a combination
of domesticated and non-
domesticated animals that are
tame enough to be handled by
Children can look forward
to playing with rabbits, guinea
pigs, tortoises, African dwarf
goats, deer and the white-eared
and black-eared marmosets and
The aviary houses more
than 500 birds from 18 species,
including favourites such as
cockatoos, mandarin ducks and
peacocks. The serpentarium
features a host of reptiles such as
reticulated pythons, mangrove
snakes and giant monitor lizards.
Children and adults can also
pose for pictures with the ferrets,
wallabies, sugar gliders, Blue-and-
gold macaws and giant iguanas.
Lost World Tin Valley
In the mid-19th century,
the Kinta Valley was one of the
most active tin mining areas,
with towns like Ipoh, Kampar
and Tambun known for their tin
mining history.
The Tin Valley at the Lost World
of Tambun takes guests back to
the past, when people used to
carry out dulang washing (tin ore
panning) to earn a living.
Children can learn about the
history and see real artefacts at
the galleria. They can also try their
hand at dulang washing activities.
Lost World Team Building
The team building park
features a series of unique high
rope elements that are designed
to showcase the limestones at the
Lost World of Tambun. The setting
is not just the backdrop but rather
an integral part of the activities.
The 13 High Rope Course will
challenge your self-condence,
endurance and denitely build
your character.
The Leap of Faith is Malaysias
rst and highest para jump. At
a height of 65 feet, this extreme
activity will rid you of your fear
of heights and give you a sense of
In Wild Woosey, partners have
to lean against each other while
being supported by the rest of
their team mates who belay them
from below. This activity aims
to foster trust and break down
communication barriers. The rock
climbing activity will build your
endurance and condence. It is
exciting as you climb upwards
along the scenic parts of the
limestone hill. In zip lining, you
will enjoy the thrill of ying at
adrenaline pumping speeds, as
you zip across a 120m cable over
Tasik Cermin.
With all these exciting
activities and more, the time is
now for you to book your tickets
to the Lost World of Tambun.
n For more information, call
05-542 8888 or visit www.
Check out the Petting Zoo and befriend some of the cute animals.
Visitors trying their hands at dulang washing.
Siberian tigers at Tiger Valley. The Foot Spa.
StarSpecial 5
Sunday 18 May 2014
6 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014
Take a road trip
If you are feeling a little
adventurous, why not take a road
trip across the states? Most kids
do not get the chance to spend
time outstation or explore places
beyond the concrete jungles of the
Places such as Malacca,
Penang and Ipoh, Perak are
full of historical monuments
and architecture, so instead of
conning childrens knowledge
of history and geography to
textbooks, give them a chance to
see these elements for themselves
and experience the culture of a
different city.
For a different experience, let
your kid explore the countryside
on horseback instead of from the
backseat of a car.
Horse farms such as the Riders
Lodge offer access to miles of
horse riding trails through palm
oil and jungle trails of Malaysia.
Not only will kids enjoy the
natural scenery, they will gain
condence as they learn to take
care of and handle horses on their
For more exciting and wet
activities, you could visit theme
parks such as the Lost World of
Tambun located in Perak.
The Lost World of Tambun, an
amusement park that includes a
Opportunities for fun and learning
water park, a petting zoo and a
tin-mining attraction, provides
a variety of educational and
fun activities that children and
parents can do together, fostering
parent-child relationship.
At Lost World of Tambun,
families experience a fun-lled
destination surrounded by natural
limestone hills with a host of
enjoyable attractions.
Our theme park is the ultimate
excursion that fosters learning in a
natural environment, says Calvin
Ho, general manager of Lost World
of Tambun.
Spend time together
With entertainment being
so conveniently available
and technology making it
increasingly so, it is common to
see individual family members,
especially children, becoming
more engrossed in games on
their tablets and phones rather
than participating in real-life
interactions that foster family
Doing activities together give
parents the chance to interact and
bond with their children through
the sharing of experiences and
It is not too hard to nd
activities to do together with
your child. Sports centres such
as Camp5 at 1 Utama Shopping
Centre a rock climbing activity
centre or Michaels Badminton
Academy encourages sporting
activities that foster the building
of parent-child relationship
as they take part in activities
together while getting some good
workout at the same time.
Perhaps, even try taking part
in some special activity together
such as Wheelies Sundays at
Publika, where people of all
ages can cycle, roller-blade, even
bringing baby prams and scooters
along blocked off, car-free internal
Holidays give parents and
children the chance to relax and
spend quality time together. So
start planning that special activity
you always wanted to do or that
place you always wanted to visit.
With the myriad of attractions
that Malaysia has to offer, there is
no better time than now to get the
best out of your school holidays.
Travelling with your family can be a fun and memorable experience. Take the opportunity to participate in activities that foster parent-child relationship.
StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 7
Activities at hillside escape
ERJAYA Hills is part of a
picturesque mountain
resort located in the state
of Pahang. Spanning across
16,000 acres (6,474ha) amid
lush tropical rainforests and
3,000 feet above sea level,
this resort is just a 45-minute
drive from Kuala Lumpur and
10 kilometres off the Karak
Colmar Tropicale, which is
modelled after a 16th century
village in Alsace, France,
together with other attractions
like the tranquil Japanese
Village and the scenic Berjaya
Hills Golf and Country Club,
make Berjaya Hills a unique
holiday destination.
Colmar Tropicale offers more
than 235 rooms and suites
with a touch of classic Alsace
architecture while the exclusive
Ume Tatami Suite, nestled
within the serene Japanese
Garden, has four bedrooms and
comes complete with butler
service. It is ideal for those
seeking an unforgettable stay
amid the cool and lush tropical
Meetings and conventions
At Colmar Tropicale, there
are ve meeting and banquet
rooms that are equipped with
facilities for conferences and
Colmar Tropicales Le
Chavelier Ballroom can
accommodate up to 1,000
people while LAlsace Ballroom
can accommodate a maximum
of 350 people and can be
divided into three individual
meeting rooms.
The Berjaya Hills Convention
Centre comprises one
multipurpose hall, which can
be divided into two individual
rooms. It can accommodate
approximately 1,200 people.
There are also four individual
meeting rooms, and each room
can accommodate a maximum
of 50 people.

Adventure Park
From the ying fox to
from, including lead rides, escorted
outrides as well as picnic rides.
Guests are also offered horse
riding lessons, horse handling and
management courses and corporate
group dynamic workshops.
Japanese Village
The Japanese Village is a
serene and tranquil retreat. The
perfectly manicured and zen-
inspired gardens were designed by
renowned Japanese architect Kaio
This garden is located within a
lush tropical rainforest and features
attractions such as the Japanese
Tea House, the Tatami Spa, the
Botanical Garden, the Ryo Zan
Tei Japanese Restaurant and the
Ume Tatami Suite. The traditional
Japanese tea ceremony known as
Chanoyu in Japan is practised here
and kimonos are available for rent.
Tatami Spa
Immersed in Japanese culture
and surrounded by lush tropical
rainforest, Tatami Spa is Asias
rst Japanese concept spa outside
of Japan. Indulge in a range of
treatments, including scrubs,
massages and onsen, hot bathing
outdoors. Set in the secluded and
tranquil Japanese Village, Tatami
Spa is a haven of total bliss and
n For more information, visit
Guests feeding the deer at the sanctuary. Horse riding is one of the activities available at Berjaya Hills.
paintball, there is plenty to do
for thrill seekers and adrenaline
They can also engage in abseiling,
rock climbing and various other
exciting activities.
Animal Park
The Animal Park houses more
than 200 rabbits of various species.
Located in the same area is a deer
sanctuary where guests can see the
spotted deer and the Timorensis
deer, which were brought in from
The Netherlands and Indonesia.
Guests will have the opportunity
to pet and feed these animals and
learn about their habitats.
Botanical Garden
Located near the Japanese
Village, the Botanical Garden is a
refuge from the hustle and bustle
of the city. With a variety of exotic
plants, owers, trees and herbs, this
is a horticultural garden of paradise.
Horse Trails
Berjaya Hills Horse Trails is
registered with the Malaysian
Equine Council and is also a
member of the British Pony Club
and Equestrian Australia. Managed
by a professional international
coach as well as experienced
horse trainers, there is an array of
packages that visitors can choose
8 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014
High-quality school supplies
MJ Boutique carries the SWAN brand of
products, which is renowned for its high
quality and contemporary products for
students. School uniforms, shoes and
school bags are necessities in every pupils
check list.
It is therefore vital that these products
are of good quality and last long. SWAN
products have been around for the past
60 years and continue to guarantee
impeccable quality and reliability today.
SWANs range of white school shirts
are made with special textile technology
to ensure that these uniforms do not turn
yellow no matter how frequently they are
washed in a year. In addition, MJ Boutiques
uniforms ensure that children look their
best as the uniforms are made from high-
quality materials.
MJ Boutique also carries a range of
comfortable and easy-to-wear school shoes
for your childs walking comfort.
Your child can choose from the SWAN
Basic Series or the SWAN Exclusive Series.
Both ranges are padded with extra sponge
at the base to protect the soles from injury.
SWAN also offers school bags with
caster wheels and has also introduced its
Airlite range of ergonomic bags that protect
the backs of children. The special design of
the bag keeps children from hunching.
From the Powerpuff Girls to Ultraman,
SWAN offers a wide range of designs and
a remarkable variety of school bags that is
sure to appeal to both children and adults.
MJ Boutique has 29 stores nationwide.
n To nd the nearest store to you and to
see the wide variety of school supplies it
carries, call 1300 886 887,
e-mail or visit
SWAN offers a wide range
of school bag designs.
A great
with the wild
ARM in the City (FITC) is a
unique concept that combines
the elements of wildlife and
nature set in a conservation park
environment in Seri Kembangan.
Designed to resemble a typical
Malaysian kampung, it provides
an opportunity for children and
adults to get close to the animals
and plants that they usually only
read about or see on TV.
As the park is completely free
of cages, all the animals roam
freely in special enclosures that
mimic their natural surroundings.
Visitors can feed, touch and play
with the more than 100 species
of exotic animals, including the
marmoset, the worlds smallest
species of primate, which is just
as a big as a human palm; the rare
white crow and very old turtles.
Spread across the seven acres,
the park is divided into several
sections that provide different
experiences for the visitors. The
sections include the Turtle and
Tortoise Farm, the Reptile Cavern,
the Free-ight Bird Aviary, the
Savannah, the Vegetable and
Fruits Farm, the Pet Village, the
Moods Lake, the Jungle Walk, the
Buttery Garden, the Exhibition
Hall and the Pelican Quay.
Visitors who embark on the
FITC journey will encounter a
wide variety of sea and land
animals, making their walk
an exhilarating one. FITC also
conducts shows and visitors can
come face-to-face with a number
of animals.
Apart from providing a fun-
lled experience, FITC also
carries out various educational
programmes that are targeted
at visitors of all ages. These
programmes are centred on
conservation and preservation. It
is part of FITCs vision to inform
and educate the public about
the habitats, behaviour and
geographical distribution of the
various animals in the world.
FITC is certainly the destination
of choice for families as it provides
an opportunity for children
to enjoy themselves in a safe
environment while their parents
can relax and enjoy the scenery.
FITC also has a restaurant that
serves both local and international
The Jungle Walk.
The Savannah.
Opening hours
Weekdays: 10am to 6pm
Weekends, school and public
holidays: 9.30am to 6pm
FITC is closed on Tuesdays
except during public or school
Entrance fee
Adult: RM48
Child: RM38
For more information, call
03-8941 3099, e-mail pr@tc. or visit www.facebook.
StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 9
Expand your horizons
Make a splash
Did you know that one in six children cannot
swim? In fact, about 54% of the worlds total
population cannot swim and drowning is the third
most common cause of accidental death worldwide.
It is therefore important to take time to learn this
life saving skill. Not only does swimming build up a
strong pair of lungs, it also builds your self-esteem
and independence.
Cook up a storm
Time to raise your culinary game and ll the kitchen
with the scent of freshly baked goods. If you enjoy
cooking or wish to learn, a cooking or
baking class would be an exciting
activity this holiday period. Most
short-duration classes come with a
brief lecture, hands-on production
and lunch session. You may also
get to make new friends who
share your interest in cooking
and baking. If you are an
independent learner, there
are several cookbooks
available at the
bookstore for cooks of
all levels. Parents can
also get involved
in teaching their
children cooking
skills and see
them whip up a
simple dessert
or lunch.
Explore your musicality
A study titled Music Lessons Enhance IQ by
Shellenberg, published in 2004 on the effects
of music lessons on academic performance and
cognitive abilities, revealed that students who
participate in music lessons showed a statistically
higher intelligence quotient. Learning to play music
encourages and motivates you to be successful. So
why not pick up an instrument this holiday period?
There are several music schools that offer lessons
using instruments such as the piano, violin, guitar
and drums.
Volunteer work
Spend some free time this holiday to volunteer on
a project that involves something important to you.
Recognising your own ability to make a difference
does not only empower you and boost your self-
esteem, it also offers lifelong rewards.
Explore the great outdoors
There are benets of being actively involved
in outdoor adventures, including an increase in
physical tness. You could try a sport, do some
jungle trekking or even visit the zoo to get some
fresh air and learn more about nature.
Learn a new language
Learning a new language has become a necessity
as knowing a foreign language expands your
perspective of the world. A foreign language opens
up exciting job opportunities, which could involve
travelling or living overseas. In fact, translators and
interpreters will be one of the 15 fastest growing
occupations between now and 2020. Among the
easiest languages to learn include French, Spanish,
Dutch, Portuguese, Italian and Swedish.
10 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014
A dozen steps to
a wax sculpture
EVELOPED by I-Berhad,
the i-City development
comprises corporate
towers, cyber oce suites,
service apartments, hotels, data
centres and a 1.5 millionsq ft
(13.9ha) shopping mall (a joint
development with Thailands
Central Retail Group that will be
open in 2016).
It is also an MSC Malaysia
Cybercentre certied
development, a world reference
site for Ciscos Smart+Connected
Community, endorsed as a
Tourism Destination by the
Ministry of Tourism and Culture
and it has been declared an
International Park by the Selangor
State Government.
i-Citys tourism component
boasts some main attraction
themes City of Digital Lights,
which has lightscapes made of
more than one million LED lights
and outdoor theme park rides;
Snowalk, a 50,000sq ft Arctic
environment where visitors can
experience temperatures below
C Celsius; Waterworld, which
features the rst tornado ride
in South-East Asia; FunWorld,
where there are family-oriented
activities and games; Malaysias
rst Trick Art Museum; and Red
Carpet, Malaysias rst interactive
wax museum.
Red Carpet, i-Citys latest
attraction, is Malaysias rst
interactive wax museum and
features 100 wax exhibits of
famous people from history as
well as contemporary celebrities.
The 30,000sq ft wax exhibit
has been designated a Visit
Malaysia Year 2014 tourism
product catering to both local and
international visitors.
There are six themes at Red
Carpet World Icons, Celebrities,
Sports Stars, World Book of
Records, Combat and Interactive.
The exhibit is reminiscent of a
star-studded awards ceremony,
such as the Oscars, and the
interactive models are able to
move and speak.
Red Carpet has been very
signicant for i-City in its quest to
boost visitor growth.
With a continuous push to
upgrade and introduce new
attractions, i-City foresees a
30% increase in visitors to its
theme park and various leisure
attractions over this year.
WAX sculptures take a lot of work.
It may take a team of seven or
more talented artists more than
three months to create a life-
like wax gure. Here is what the
process involves:
In this step, all the data
is collected. These are
measurements of the head and
body, taken using tools such as
callipers, a tape measure, spirit
level rulers and a tape measure. As
many as 200 measurements are
taken. The head is always the last
to be measured.
The hair, eyes and skin colour of
the celebrity have to be matched
precisely. It is also essential to
capture the celebritys personality
in the nal sculpt. If the artists
cannot meet the celebrity in
person, they will gather and study
hundreds of photographs instead,
and obtain information about the
celebritys personality from family
Sculpting the head
It is very important for the
artist to know exactly what the
celebrity looks like from all angles,
even from above and below.
Before the sculpting process
begins, a wire frame is built to
support the modelling clay. As the
face comes together, the sculptor
constantly checks measurements
with his calipers. Each head uses
approximately 18kg of clay and
may take ve weeks to complete.
Sculpting the body
This is a complex process
that takes a lot of planning and
preparation. The artist will build
the frame of the various body
parts in the correct sizes, sculpt
them into appropriate postures
(for example, sitting, standing or
dancing), and even incorporate
props such as a microphone or a
tennis racquet.
Casting the hands
Sculpting the hands is time
consuming as they have a lot of
detail to them. To ensure that the
hands are as detailed as possible
and look like the original, a life
cast is often made.
Once the clay head is ready,
plaster moulds are made. Once
all of the sections are lled with
plaster, the whole mould is soaked
in warm water, which allows
the clay to swell, facilitating
the removal of each piece of the
Pouring the wax
The sculptor pours a molten
mixture of natural and petroleum-
based wax into the moulds. The
wax is swirled in layer by layer
until the mould is evenly coated
with two inches of wax. The
mixture is left to thoroughly
harden before the mould encasing
the head is opened to reveal a
rough waxen image.
Cleaning the wax
Once the wax head has set
and cooled, the colourist checks
it to ensure that it is suitable for
colouring. Next, the sculptor will
measure the head to be doubly
sure it has not shrunk or morphed.
The artists then remove any seam
lines, clean up the ears and nose,
create eye holes and burn out
space for teeth. The surface of
the sculpture is smoothed and
then sponges are used to create
appropriate textures. The process
takes about two or three days.
Making the teeth
Generally, all the teeth used are
exactly the same dentures that
one would get from a dentist. They
are secured in place with soft wax
that eventually hardens.
Making the eyes
The eyes are important because
they bring the sculpture to life.
Each eye is unique and it takes a
lot of information to accurately
recreate the size, iris, pupil and
Inserting the hair
This is a tedious process as each
hair is individually inserted into
the head and there can be more
than 10,000 hairs on one head.
The hairs are inserted with a small
tool the size of a normal sewing
needle. The wax head is heated
slowly with a warm lamp to make
insertion easier and neater.
To ensure the wax gures skin
looks like human skin, each head
is coloured with several layers
of oil paint that is absorbed into
the wax, giving it the translucent
quality of human skin. The
colourists colour palette contains
a variety of colours, including
different tones of yellow, brown,
red, purple, blue and green.
Celebrities come
to life in interactive
theme park
Red Carpet in
the record book
IN December last year,
Red Carpet was ocially
acknowledged by the The
Malaysia Book of Records as
the countrys rst and largest
interactive wax museum. We
are constantly on the lookout
for rst-of-its-kind interesting
and creative ideas that can sell
Malaysia to the outside world,
says The Malaysia Book of
Records founder Datuk Danny
Ooi. In this regard, Red Carpet
ts the bill as it has become
a major crowd puller among
both domestic and foreign
tourists. At the presentation
ceremony were Datuk Seri
Ng Yen Yen, chairman of the
Malaysia Tourism Promotion
Board, and Datuk Mirza
Mohammad Taiyab, Tourism
Malaysias director-general.
Space mission.
The Red Carpet.
Creating a life-like wax figure takes time and special skill-sets.
Great savings
at i-City
i-City is running an i-Card
campaign in support of Visit
Malaysia Year 2014. The rst
1,000 visitors can enjoy more
than 50% savings with the
i-Card. They can visit the
Red Carpet, WaterWorld,
SnoWalk, Space Mission and
House of Horror attractions at
only RM50.
This campaign is valid
every day until July 5, from
10am to 6pm, including
school holidays, public
holidays and weekends.
StarSpecial, Sunday 18 May 2014 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 11
Indulge and unwind
The Swiss-Garden Hotel and Residences is located in the heart of Kuala
GET together with your loved
ones over the school holidays
at the Swiss-Garden Hotel and
Residences Kuala Lumpur and
discover culture, historical sites
and recreational and shopping
destinations in vibrant Kuala
Swiss-Garden Hotel and
Residences Kuala Lumpur is a
deluxe four-star property that
is located in the heart of Kuala
Lumpur, amid the citys rich
culture and heritage. The hotel
provides an ideal ambience for
business or leisure and is within
walking distance of Bintang
Walk, Chinatown, Jalan Alor and
other tourist hotspots.
Swiss-Garden is easily
accessible as it is situated in
the city centre. It is 75km
away from the Kuala Lumpur
International Airport (KLIA),
approximately one hour by road
and 28 minutes away by the
Express Rail Link (ERL) from the
Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station.
Swiss-Garden is a 10-minute
drive from the Kuala Lumpur
Railway and KL Sentral Station
and is within walking distance
of the Pudu Central Coach
Terminal, Plaza Rakyat and
Hang Tuah light railway transit
and monorail stations.
In conjunction with the
mid-year school holidays,
Swiss-Garden is offering a
special room rate for families
where they will be able to enjoy
a day of fun by the swimming
pool. Fitness lovers can
enjoy the gym, which is fully
equipped with the latest sports
Guests can indulge in
Balinese massages and
experience a range of highly
effective tropical spa treatments
at the Samsara Spa. Swiss-
Garden also offers an extensive
range of local and international
cuisines through its Taste 6
Restaurant, Flavors Restaurant
and Green Treats Delicatessen.
Guests can then unwind
at the Blue Chip Lounge or at
the Pool Bar, which overlooks
the spectacular Kuala Lumpur
n For more information, call
03-2141 3333, e-mail
or visit
Weaving a good yarn
TORYTELLING is a popular
activity for parents to
entertain, educate and
build relationships with their
children. With so many ranges
of well-written and beautifully
illustrated books available, parents
and kids are spoilt for choice. But
what makes a good storytelling
session? As children tend to
respond better to an engaging and
interactive environment, heres a
list of suggestions to help you get

Pick a good book with
an attractive cover, good
illustrations and good storyline
Kids have a very short attention
span, so it is best to have big
illustrations with lots of colours
Without cutting them off
abruptly, nd an opportunity as
soon as you can to direct them
back to the story. You can use
conversational particles like,
Okay, lets carry on before
continuing with the story.
Dont use books as a threat
Do not use books or
which will teach children the
nature of speech and help them
identify the meaning of sentences
Dont read too fast
Children take a while to
mentally process information, so
give them enough time to build a
mental image. Do not make them
feel hurried. Instead, give them
time to ask questions.
Dont allow your childs
distraction to prolong
Children often ask questions
that are entirely unrelated to the
In this case, answer their
questions patiently and listen
attentively to their conversation.
storytelling to get children to
do or not to do something. For
example, saying something like,
If you dont do your homework,
no storytime tonight.
If they perceive books to be
a weapon, they may develop
a negative association with
reading, making it an unenjoyable
that will interest them and
minimise distractions.
Interact with your child
Ask questions about the story
along the way. These can include
questions about the characters,
storyline or even asking for your
childs interpretation of events.
For example, you could say,
Which one is the princess? Do
you think the frog is sad? Why is
the frog sad?
Adopt different voices for
different characters
Sounds usually get childrens
attention, so using different
voices when reading out (or
creating) characters speech will
give personality to the storys
characters. You can also give
emphasis to certain keywords,
Children respond better to an engaging and interactive environment during
reading activities.
12 SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL StarSpecial, Sunday 18 MAY 2014
A historical retreat
Hotel Equatorial
both leisure
and business
SET in the heart of the historical city of
Malacca, Hotel Equatorial is a ve-star
international business resort with 496
spacious and contemporarily furnished
It is ideally located within walking
distance of historical sites and trails,
shopping complexes, night spots, nancial
institutions and the famous Jonker Street
a local food and antique hunters paradise.
Hotel Equatorial Melaka has a wide range
of room to suit every traveller, from Deluxe
to Presidential Suite.
The Deluxe room exudes a warm, cosy
feeling and features a wooden window
shutter that is unique to Hotel Equatorial
Melaka. There is also a balcony overlooking
Malacca city and a spectacular view of the
Straits of Malacca.
The premier rooms have a built-in day
bed, making the room an excellent choice
for families with children. Hotel Equatorial
Melaka has a well-equipped gym, sauna,
massage parlour, a cold plunge pool, an
indoor Jacuzzi, a tennis court that is oodlit
and four connected swimming pools.
There is even an extensive sundeck for
those who want to get a tan. In addition, the
hotel also provides aerobic classes, standard
training programmes, tness evaluations
and other personal consultation services.
Hotel Equatorial Melaka also has a
wide range of dining and entertainment
outlets. Rest House Cafe offers visitors an
informal dining experience and serves
both international and local cuisine. The
etc... cafe offers freshly baked pastries and
cakes and Kampachi is an award-winning
signature Japanese restaurant of the
Equatorial Group.
With a casual sidewalk-terrace dining
style, K5 offers guests local and western
cuisine. It is also the only bistro in Malacca
that is open 24 hours a day. The Seri Nyonya
Peranakan Restaurants inviting interior
and authentic Peranakan delicacies have
charmed many visitors.
The restaurant also has a private room
that can seat 40 people. The Equatorial
Melakas Flo Lounge with its luxurious
interior offers guests a wide range of
cocktails, wines and champagnes.
n For more information, call 06-282 8333.
Unique offerings at resort city
PRAWLED across 727 acres
(294ha) of lush secondary
jungle, Bukit Gambang Resort
City (BGRC) is an integrated
resort city destination that
offers multiple attractions in
one location, making it a perfect
destination for leisure and
business activities.
Located about 218km from
Kuala Lumpur and 35km from
Kuantan, it is easily accessible by
via the East Coast Expressway.
For those who prefer to y, you
can embark at the Kuala Lumpur
International Airport (KLIA),
Penang International Airport or
Singapores Changi Airport and
take a transit ight to the Sultan
Haji Ahmad Shah Airport in
Kuantan. The resort city is just 30
minutes from the airport.
BGRC has 1,866 rooms of
various categories. These rooms
are available at two themed
resorts the Arabian Bay Resort
(ABR) and Caribbean Bay Resort
(CBR). The two most popular
categories of rooms are the Studio
Suite, which is a one-bedroom
suite with a private balcony
and the Family Suite, which is a
two-bedroom suite with private
bathrooms, a common living room
and a balcony.
The ABR suites offer warm,
cosy and elegant furnishing that
is suitable for both business
and leisure travellers. The CBR
suites provide an elegant and
comfortable ambience with their
timber-strip ooring and cosy
wooden furniture to complement
the natural environment of the
With a 220,000sq ft events
centre dedicated to meetings,
incentives, conferences and
exhibitions conveniently located
between the two themed resorts,
it gives easy access to visitors. The
covered link makes going between
the resorts and the events centre
trouble-free even in bad weather.
The largest ballroom in
Malaysia is located on the top
oor of the events centre and can
accommodate up to 3,100 people
for a sit-down banquet.
Guests will be spoilt for choice
as BGRC offers more than 30
meeting and event halls.
BGRC stands out from other
venues because it offers guests
a unique ambience as it is
surrounded by lush greenery
and is located within minutes
of a safari park with the recent
completion of the Bukit Gambang
Safari Park.
Those who love the outdoors
will take delight in the many
recreational activities available,
including horse-riding, paint
ball target shooting, paint ball
warzone, all-terrain vehicle rides,
off-road rides, and the ying fox
and obstacle course challenges.
Team building and programmes
for companies and families can
be arranged with BGRCs certied
and trained facilitators.
Leisure activities at BGRC
include a water theme park and
safari park located about 250
metres away.
The Bukit Gambang Water Park,
which covers a total area of 45.8
acres (18.5ha), offers several water
attractions that are suitable for the
whole family.
It was also named the best
water park in the country by
the Malaysia Association of
Amusements, Themeparks and
Family Attractions (MAATFA).
The Bukit Gambang Safari Park
is a 138-acre (55.8ha), one-of-a-
kind safari and it is the largest in
the country. Guests at the safari
park will experience a close
encounter with the wildlife. The
safari park is open every day from
2pm to 10pm and offers shows
and activities for children of all
The safari park is divided into
ve districts Simba Hill, Foreign
Village, Forest Land, Night Jungle
and Wild Savannah.
Foreign Village showcases a
collection of animals, including
farm animals and wild animals
from across the world for a see-
touch-learn experience.
Wild Savannah is the drive
through section of the park and
features animals from the African
savannah, tropical rainforests
and the Australian outback. For
a unique dining experience,
guests can dine at the Simba Hill
Gourmet Hall, where they can
experience a spectacular view of
the only white lions in Malaysia.
This outlet also caters for private
For the coming school holidays,
BGRC will be organising its annual
East Coast Discovery.
Visitors should not miss the
opportunity to experience, learn
about and take photos with live
There will also be stalls selling
traditional handicrafts and local
delicacies from the east coast.
n For more information, visit
The Bukit Gambang Safari Park is a one-of-a-kind safari and the largest in Malaysia.
Guests can experience close encounters with the wildlife.

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