The Joint Committee Standards For Educational Evaluation JCSEE

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Joint Committee on Educational Evaluation ( JCSEE)
Program Evaluation Standard Statements
In order to gain amiliarit! with the conceptual and practical oundations o
these standards and their applications to e"tended cases# the JCSEE strongl!
encourages all evaluators and evaluation users to read the complete $oo%#
availa$le or purchase at
prodId=ook!"#$%&' and reerenced as ollows:
&ar$rough# '. (.# Shulha# ). *.# +opson# ,. -.# and Caruthers# .. /.
(0122). The program evaluation standards: A guide for evaluators and
evaluation users (3rd ed.). 4housand 5a%s# C/: Sage
4he standard names and statements# as reproduced $elow# are under
cop!right to the JCSEE and are approved as an /merican 6ational Standard.
7ermission is reel! given or sta%eholders to use them or educational and
scholarl! purposes with attri$ution to the JCSEE. /uthors wishing to
reproduce the standard names and standard statements with attri$ution to
the JCSEE ma! do so ater noti!ing the JCSEE o the speci8c pu$lication or

(tilit) Standards
4he utilit! standards are intended to increase the e"tent to which program sta%eholders 8nd evaluation processes
and products valua$le in meeting their needs.
(* Evaluator +redibilit) Evaluations should $e conducted $! 9uali8ed people who esta$lish and
maintain credi$ilit! in the evaluation conte"t.
(! ,ttention to Stakeholders Evaluations should devote attention to the ull range o individuals and
groups invested in the program and a:ected $! its evaluation.
(" -egotiated Purposes Evaluation purposes should $e identi8ed and continuall! negotiated $ased on
the needs o sta%eholders.
(. E/plicit 0alues Evaluations should clari! and speci! the individual and cultural values underpinning
purposes# processes# and judgments.
($ 1elevant In2ormation Evaluation inormation should serve the identi8ed and emergent needs o
(3 4eaning2ul Processes and Products Evaluations should construct activities# descriptions# and
judgments in wa!s that encourage participants to rediscover# reinterpret# or revise their understandings
and $ehaviors.
(& 5imel) and ,ppropriate +ommunicating and 1eporting Evaluations should attend to the
continuing inormation needs o their multiple audiences.
(6 +oncern 2or +onse7uences and In8uence Evaluations should promote responsi$le and adaptive
use while guarding against unintended negative conse9uences and misuse.
9easibilit) Standards
4he easi$ilit! standards are intended to increase evaluation e:ectiveness and e;cienc!.
9* Pro:ect 4anagement Evaluations should use e:ective project management strategies.
9! Practical Procedures Evaluation procedures should $e practical and responsive to the wa! the
program operates.
9" +onte/tual 0iabilit) Evaluations should recogni<e# monitor# and $alance the cultural and
political interests and needs o individuals and groups.
9. 1esource (se Evaluations should use resources e:ectivel! and e;cientl!.
Propriet) Standards
4he propriet! standards support what is proper# air# legal# right and just in evaluations.
P* 1esponsive and Inclusive ;rientation Evaluations should $e responsive to sta%eholders and their
P! 9ormal ,greements Evaluation agreements should $e negotiated to ma%e o$ligations e"plicit and
ta%e into account the needs# e"pectations# and cultural conte"ts o clients and other sta%eholders.
P" <uman 1ights and 1espect Evaluations should $e designed and conducted to protect human and
legal rights and maintain the dignit! o participants and other sta%eholders.
P. +larit) and 9airness Evaluations should $e understanda$le and air in addressing sta%eholder needs
and purposes.
P$ 5ransparenc) and Disclosure Evaluations should provide complete descriptions o 8ndings#
limitations# and conclusions to all sta%eholders# unless doing so would violate legal and propriet!
P3 +on8icts o2 Interests Evaluations should openl! and honestl! identi! and address real or perceived
con=icts o interests that ma! compromise the evaluation.
P& 9iscal 1esponsibilit) Evaluations should account or all e"pended resources and compl! with sound
8scal procedures and processes.
,ccurac) Standards
4he accurac! standards are intended to increase the dependa$ilit! and truthulness o evaluation representations#
propositions# and 8ndings# especiall! those that support interpretations and judgments a$out 9ualit!.
,* =usti>ed +onclusions and Decisions Evaluation conclusions and decisions should $e e"plicitl!
justi8ed in the cultures and conte"ts where the! have conse9uences.
,! 0alid In2ormation Evaluation inormation should serve the intended purposes and support valid
," 1eliable In2ormation Evaluation procedures should !ield su;cientl! dependa$le and consistent
inormation or the intended uses.
,. E/plicit Program and +onte/t Descriptions Evaluations should document programs and their
conte"ts with appropriate detail and scope or the evaluation purposes.
,$ In2ormation 4anagement Evaluations should emplo! s!stematic inormation collection# review#
veri8cation# and storage methods.
,3 Sound Designs and ,nal)ses Evaluations should emplo! technicall! ade9uate designs and anal!ses
that are appropriate or the evaluation purposes.
,& E/plicit Evaluation 1easoning Evaluation reasoning leading rom inormation and anal!ses to
8ndings# interpretations# conclusions# and judgments should $e clearl! and completel! documented.
,6 +ommunication and 1eporting Evaluation communications should have ade9uate scope and guard
against misconceptions# $iases# distortions# and errors.
Evaluation ,ccountabilit) Standards
4he evaluation accounta$ilit! standards encourage ade9uate documentation o evaluations and a metaevaluative
perspective ocused on improvement and accounta$ilit! or evaluation processes and products.
E* Evaluation Documentation Evaluations should ull! document their negotiated purposes and
implemented designs# procedures# data# and outcomes.
E! Internal 4etaevaluation Evaluators should use these and other applica$le standards to e"amine the
accounta$ilit! o the evaluation design# procedures emplo!ed# inormation collected# and outcomes.
E" E/ternal 4etaevaluation 7rogram evaluation sponsors# clients# evaluators# and other sta%eholders
should encourage the conduct o e"ternal metaevaluations using these and other applica$le standards.

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