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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
MEC307 FLUID MACHINERY 16900::Sudhanshu Dogra 3.0 1.0 0.0 4.0
Course Category Courses with numerical and conceptual focus
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
T-1 Fluid mechanics and hydraulic
Sukumar Pati 1st M. G.Hills
Reference Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
R-1 Hydraulic Turbines Daughaty RL 1st M. G.Hills
R-2 Hydraulic Machines Jagdish Lal 1st M.L. Metropolitan Book, Delhi
R-3 Fluid mechanics and hydraulic
R-4 Fluid Mechanics and machinary Modi and Seth 1st New Age Publishers, India.
Other Reading
Sr No Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference)
OR-1 Principles of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by N Narayana Pillai, C R Ramakrishnan ,
Relevant Websites
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
Description of turbomachinary
Detailed Plan For Lectures
LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)
Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 6
Spill Over 2
Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections
of Text/reference
Other Readings,
Websites, Audio
Visual Aids,
software and
Virtual Labs
Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool
Demonstration/ Case
Study / Images /
animation / ppt etc.
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction(Impulse momentum
T-1:chapter 18 Impulse momentum
To learn the basic
principles used in fluid
Lecture 2 Introduction(jet impingement on
stationary and moving flat plates,
and on stationary or moving vanes
with jet striking at the centre and
tangentially at one end of the vane)
T-1:chapter 18 jet impingement on
stationary and moving
flat plates
force exerted by
stationary flat and
curved plates, force
exerted by moving flat
and curved plates
Slide show of jet
Introduction(calculations for force
T-1:chapter 18 Various calculations for
force exerted in jets
calculations of force
Lecture 3 Introduction(work done and
efficiency of jet)
T-1:chapter 18 Efficiency and work
done of jet
To calculate
efficiencies and work
done in jets
Week 2 Lecture 4 General concepts(Basic
components of a turbo machine
and its classification on the basis
of purpose)
R-3:chapter 17 OR-1
Basic components and
classifications of
To study basic
components of
turbomachines their
Lecture 5 General concepts(Fluid dynamic
action and operating principle)
R-3:chapter 17 RW-1 Study of Fluid dynamic
action and operating
To get broad view of
fluid dynamic action,
operating principle
Presentation of fluid
dynamic action
Lecture 6 General concepts(geometrical
features, path followed by the fluid
and the type of fluid)
T-1:chapter 1 Study of various types of
To get brief of
geometrical features
types of fluid
Week 3 Lecture 7 General concepts(Euler's equation
for energy transfer in a
turbomachine and specifying the
energy transfer in terms of fluid
and rotor kinetic energy changes.)
R-3:chapter 6 Study of Eulers equation
for energy transfer in a
To study Eulers
equation energy
Lecture 8 Pelton Turbine(Selection and
classifications of various turbines)
T-1:chapter 19 Study and clssifications
of various type of
To study various type
of turbines
Videos of working of
various types of
Lecture 9 Pelton Turbine(Components and
operation; velocity triangles for
different runners)
T-1:chapter 19 Study of Components
and operation
velocitytriangles for
different runners
To give brief of
components and
operations of pelton
Week 4 Lecture 10 Pelton Turbine(work output;
Effective head, available power
and efficiency)
T-1:chapter 19 Study of work output
Effective head, available
power and efficiency
To study work output,
effective head
associated with turbine
Week 4 Lecture 11 Pelton Turbine(design aspects such
as mean diameter of wheel, jet
ratio, number of jets, number of
buckets with working proportions)
T-1:chapter 19
R-3:chapter 18
description of
designaspects such as
mean diameter of wheel,
jet ratio, number of jets,
number of buckets with
To give brief
description of
designaspects such as
mean diameter of
wheel, jet ratio, number
of jets, number of
buckets with
Lecture 12 Pelton Turbine(Performance
characteristics of pelton turbines)
T-1:chapter 19
R-3:chapter 18
tudy the Performance
characteristics of pelton
To Study the
characteristics of pelton
Slide show of Pelton
Week 5 Lecture 13 Francis and Kaplan Turbines
(Component parts and operation
velocity triangles and work output)
T-1:chapter 19 Analysis of Component
parts and operation
velocitytriangles and
work output of francis
To give brief idea of
Component parts and
velocitytriangles and
work output
Lecture 14 Francis and Kaplan Turbines
(working proportions and design
parameters for the runner and
Degree of reaction)
T-1:chapter 19 Study of Component
parts and operation
velocitytriangles and
work output of kaplan
Analysis of
designparameters for
runner and to study
about degree of reaction
Lecture 15 Test 1
Week 6 Lecture 16 Francis and Kaplan Turbines(Draft
tubes - its function and types)
T-1:chapter 19
R-3:chapter 18
Study of Draft tube To give brief idea of
Draft tubes its function
and types
Slide show
Lecture 17 Francis and Kaplan Turbines
(Function and brief description of
commonly used surge tanks)
R-3:chapter 16 Study of hydroelectric
power plant
To give brief
description of
commonly used surge
Images and videos
regarding use of surge
Lecture 18 Francis and Kaplan Turbines
(Performance characteristics of
Francis and Kaplan turbines)
T-1:chapter 19
R-3:chapter 18
Study of performance
characteristics of francis
and kaplan turbines
To Study the
characteristics of
Francis and Kaplan
Slide show of Francis
Week 7 Lecture 19 Centrifugal Pumps(Layout and
installation; Main elements and
their functions)
T-1:chapter 20 Analysis of centrifugal
To get basic idea of cen
trifugal pump and its
Presentation describing
Kaplan turbine and its
constructional details
Centrifugal Pumps(Various types
and classification)
T-1:chapter 20 To classify centrifugal
To give brief idea of
various types of
centrifugal pumps
Lecture 20 Centrifugal Pumps(Pressure
changes in a pump - suction,
delivery and manometric heads)
T-1:chapter 20 Study of Pressure
changes in a pump
suction,delivery and
manometric heads
To Study Pressure
changes in a pump
suction,delivery and
manometric heads
Lecture 21 Centrifugal Pumps(vane shape and
its effect on head-capacity
T-1:chapter 20 Analysis of vane shape
and its effect
Study of vane shape
and its effect on
Week 8 Lecture 22 Analysis of centrifugal pumps.
(Characteristics diagrams of
centrifugal pumps.)
T-1:chapter 20 Study of Characteristics
diagrams of centrifugal
To give brief idea of
diagrams of centrifugal
Video of working of
centrifugal pump
Analysis of centrifugal pumps.
(Velocity diagrams of centrifugal
T-1:chapter 20 To draw various velocity
Study of Velocity
diagrams of centrifugal
Lecture 23 Analysis of centrifugal pumps.
(Problems encountered.)
T-1:chapter 20 Study of various
problems encountered in
centrifugal pumps
To give brief
description of
encountered in
centrifugal pumps
Lecture 24 Multistage pumps(series and
parallel arrangement)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Series and parallel
To give brief idea of
pumps in series and
Slide show
Week 9 Lecture 25 Multistage pumps(submersible
pumps-Construction and operation)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Various types of pump
Study about
Construction and
Lecture 26 Multistage pumps(Axial and mixed
flow pumps)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Study of Axial and
mixed flow pumps
Study of axial and
mixed flow pumps
Multistage pumps(Trouble
shooting - field problems, causes
and remedies)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Trouble shooting field
problems, causes and
To give brief of Trouble
shooting field
problems, causes and
Lecture 27 Test 2
Week 10 Lecture 28 Similarity Relations and
Performance Characteristics(Unit
quantities, specific speed and
model relationships)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Unit quantities, specific
speed and model
Study of various
parameters and
Similarity Relations and
Performance Characteristics(scale
effect; cavitation, Thoma's
cavitation number and various
ways to prevent cavitation)
T-1:chapter 20
R-3:chapter 19
Cavitation in pumps and
scale effect
To give brief of
problems encountered
due to cavitation
Lecture 29 Similarity Relations and
Performance Characteristics(Net
Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and
its application in determining
turbine / pump setting)
T-1:chapter 20 Net Positive Suction
Head NPSH and its
application in
determining turbine
pump setting
Study of NPSH
Lecture 30 Reciprocating Pumps(Components
parts and working)
T-1:chapter 21 A brief description of
reciprocating pumps
To give brief idea of
Components parts and
working of
reciprocating pumps
Video of working of
reciprocating pump
Week 11 Lecture 31 Reciprocating Pumps(pressure
variations due to piston
acceleration; acceleration effects in
suction and delivery pipes)
T-1:chapter 21 pressure variations due
to piston acceleration
Study of
pressurevariations due
to piston acceleration
acceleration effects in
suction and delivery
Lecture 32 Reciprocating Pumps(work done
against friction; maximum
permissible vacuum during suction
T-1:chapter 21
R-3:chapter 20
Study of work done by
reciprocating pump
To study work done
against friction
vacuum during suction
Lecture 33 Reciprocating Pumps(Air vessels) T-1:chapter 21 Description about air
To give brief idea of air
Week 12 Lecture 34 Test 3
Lecture 35 Reciprocating Pumps(Performance
characteristics of reciprocating
T-1:chapter 21 Performance
characteristics of
reciprocating pumps
Study of Performance
characteristics of
reciprocating pumps
Lecture 36 Hydraulic Devices and Systems
(Construction, operation and utility
of simple and differential
T-1:chapter 22 Analysis and study of
Study of Construction,
operation and utility of
simple and differential
Slide show of various
types of hydraulic
Week 13 Lecture 37 Hydraulic Devices and Systems
(Hydraulic Intensifier)
T-1:chapter 22 Study of Hydraulic
To give brief idea of
Hydraulic Intensifier
Slide show of
hydraulic intensifier
Lecture 38 Hydraulic Devices and Systems
(Fluid coupling and Hydraulic
T-1:chapter 22 Study of Fluid coupling
and Hydraulic RAM
To get broad view of
Fluid coupling and
Hydraulic RAM
Slide show of
hydraulic RAM
Hydraulic Devices and Systems
(Torque convertor)
T-1:chapter 22 Study of Torque
To give idea about
torque convertor
Slide show of Torque
Lecture 39 Hydraulic Devices and Systems
(Air lift and jet pumps; gear, vane
and piston pumps)
T-1:chapter 22 Brief idea about Air lift
and jet pumps gear, vane
and piston pumps
Study of Air lift and jet
pumps gear, vane and
piston pumps
Week 14 Lecture 40 T-1:chapter 18
chapter 19
Revision of various
To revise all turbines
Lecture 41 T-1:chapter 20 21 22 Revision of pumps and
various hydraulic devices
To revise all pumps and
various hydraulic
Scheme for CA:
Component Frequency Out Of Each Marks Total Marks
Test 2 3 10 20
Total :- 10 20
Details of Academic Task(s)
AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task
Evaluation Mode Allottment /
submission Week
Test 1 To prepare students
for MTE
Based on syllabus covered upto 4th week Individual Basic concepts of
the subject
4 / 5
Test 2 To check the
numerical solving
ability of students
Based on syllabus covered after MTE upto 9th week Individual Student
9 / 9
Test 3 To prepare students
for ETE
Continuous assessment of student based on syllabus covered up to
11th week
Individual Student
11 / 11
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)
Tutorial 1 Problems on force exerted by liquid jet on stationary
and moving flat and curved vanes, jet propulsion
Problem solving
Tutorial 2 Problems of pelton turbine: velocity diagrams, work
done and various efficiencies of pelton turbines and
chacteristic curves
Problem solving
Tutorial 3 Problems of Francis turbine: velocity diagrams, work
done and various efficiencies of Francis turbines
Problem solving
Tutorial 4 Problems of Kaplan turbine: velocity diagrams, work
done and various efficiencies of Kaplan turbines
Problem solving
Tutorial 5 Problems of centrifugal pumps: Work done and different
heads of centrifugal pumps
Problem solving
Tutorial 6 Problems over Pressure changes in a pump - suction,
delivery and manometric heads
Problem solving
Tutorial 7 Problems over vane shape and its effect on head-
capacity relationships
Problem solving
After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Characteristic curves of centrifugal pump Problem solving
Tutorial 9 Pumps in series and parallel Problem solving
Tutorial 10 Problems over reciprocating pump: Work done and
different heads of reciprocating pumps
Problem solving
Tutorial 11 Problems of Efficiency and characteristic curve of
reciprocating pumps and air vessels
Problem solving
Tutorial 12 Problems over Hydraulic accumulator, intensifier and
Problem solving
Tutorial 13 Problems over air vessels Problem solving

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