Ki Haba Sua Poshile

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Ki Haba Sua poshile?(Oriya Language)

What is the use of a pet parrot without Ram chanting(English)
A political article by Kailash Ch Sabat-7207884783

Hon.Modiji came to power with a lot of promise.
1. Uninterrupted power supply
2. Balanced industrial growth
3. Check on inflation
4. Transparent policy
there is no inflation check that everybody knows.
Power cut is disastrous in AP and Telengana after new Govt.
Mr Jaitley in his last budget has not appropriated any Air power generation amount
on coastal area.
road safety is a day dream.Gopinath Munde(MP) was killed on road and
parliament never discussed the issue.Is the life of a ruling MP so unimportant?
Two days before I was driving our car on a crowded market nearby.As I am not
perfect in using both clutch and brake simultaneously, the cabbie was stopping on
intermittently on road due to using of the brake without the clutch.
On road while my cabbie was not in motion another auto kept his vehicle at a
foot distance before me.As I started my car without using the brake and clutch
together the jolted car hit the auto slightly.
That time my car was not in motion.
For that I might have been beaten,I was rigged for 30 -40 minutes and my brothers
office nearby has to pay an extortion money of Rs 500 to repair the fake damage
inspite of my claim immediately to a SI level police on Hyderabad head quarters
who advised me to repair the auto and I was not having any money as I am
unemployed since last two years due to Govts corruption.
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Had the same psychology would have been hardened a little more one may be
killed that happens usually in our roads.
Inspite of I having police men who had been nurturing,pattronising me as long as
since last 30 years as a younger brother I most often claim these to be Govt.under
world who use high level contacts and make fake bonafide mistakes to revenge
against political vendetta by creating ingenuine,tricky and notorious problems.
1. My family
2. My moneytary problems
3. Or such accidents
So when I suggested Gen.Mr VK.Singh as president candidate or Mr Modi as PM
candidate it was on the hope that transparent policy would be implemented for
unemployment to earn money and we shall be safe.

1. The constructed flats are highly priced against poor earnings.
2. School fees are not simplified
3. Contractual workers are not given their rights
4. On price front clean cheating is observed for new and unsourceful business men.
5. Where is the Roti,kapada and makan promise ?
6. Yoga not implemented in schools.
Three days ago a man was beaten in our area and sensing risk to myself I
complainted the Karmanghat police.As the book absolutely effortless
prosperity one has to treat another me nicely to avoid risk and may be due to
that reason I was saved.
Against all these things Mr Modis team seems to be old wine in new bottle.
I may focus the point that no euphoria be created as a frenzied and blinded
franchise had choosen Mr Modi as it is unlikely in that of the real democracies in
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the USA or the UK.A and frenzied franchiseis are like drunken verdict due to
frenzied atomosphere.

If you ask Mr Rahul or Mr Kejriwal as to why Mr Modi won they may reply anything
but the truth is due to him being in a stable opposition ruling Gujarat and
promising a better India to heartbroken Indians.Now the same footing is for the
later two to prove if I am not wrong.
So both Mr Rahul and Mr Kejriwal have to come up and be active for a healthy
democracy.If you remember I suggested a land cost,cost of labour along with Gold
price to be used against purchase parity theory drafted by exploitive British
rulers.So Mr kejriwal and Mr Rahul have to comeup with right kind of improved
policies when they want to criticize the Govt.
If indeed Hon Modi is using his true vision he has to justify his role.
Else it may be told that
Ki heba sua poshile
Rama nama na japile.
A pet parrot without ram name chanting is simply useless.Bjp claiming more areas
will be disastrous as Gujarat is a capitalist supported state fielded Mr Modi as an
icon by private sector and social voice is crushed there to.Bjps worst performance
is also seen in Mr sinha ,Shri Gadkari conflict and Yedurapa case.Better Indian
people understand this sooner than later.
Rahul sir also learnt a great lesson when he drafted
1. Promoting young against old people
2. One job one family
3. Banning politician with criminal background
At last the same trick was used to throw away from power.
If his 70 yr old poor father is taken away his pension due to a false police case 30
yrs back how he will cry.
Let all of us think over this urgently
An article by kailash

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