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2014 SERVI CES/Bi gDat a Congr ess

2014 21
International Conference on Web Services (ICWS)
2014 11
International Conference on Services Computing (SCC)
2014 7
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)
2014 3
International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress)
2014 3
International Conference on Mobile Services (MS)
2014 10
World Congress on Services (SERVICES)

June 27-July 2, 2014
Hilton Anchorage
500 West Third Avenue, Anchorage
Alaska, 99501, USA
Tel: +1 907-272-7411
Twitter: @servicesconfs Topic: SERVICES2014
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA



General Chairs
ICWS 2014 SCC 2014
Jeffrey Tsai, Asia University, Taiwan
Michael Goul, Arizona State University, USA
I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
CLOUD 2014 MS 2014
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
Liana L. Fong, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Michael Melliar-Smith, University of California - Santa
Barbara, USA
BigData Congress 2014 SERVICES 2014
Paul Hofmann, Saffron Technology, USA
Ming-Chien Shan, SAP Research, USA
Wu Chou, Huawei IT Lab, Huawei, USA
Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA
Ephraim Feig, Chair, IEEE TC-SVC

Program Chairs
ICWS 2014 SCC 2014
David De Roure, Oxford University, UK
Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas, Dallas,
Jia Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley,
USA (Vice Chair)
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Ravindran Kaliappa, City University of New York, USA
Patrick C.K. Hung, University of Ontario institute of
Technology, Canada (Vice Chair)
CLOUD 2014 MS 2014
Carl Kesselman, University of Southern California, USA
Rong Chang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Nimish Radia, Ericsson, USA
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
BigData Congress 2014
Peter Chen, Carnegie Mellon University & Louisana State University, USA
Hemant Jain, University of WisconsinMilwaukee, USA

Steering Committee
Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, USA
Ephraim Feig, IEEE TC-SVC, USA
Hemant J ain, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Calton Pu, Georgia Tech, USA
J effrey Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Liang-J ie Zhang (Chair), Kingdee International Software Group CO., Ltd, China
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Tabl e of Cont ent s

Conference Leadership Team ................................................... ...................................................................2
Program Overview ............................. .......................... .................................................................................. ..... 3
J une 27, 2014 (Friday) ..................................................................... .............................................. ... 3
J une 28, 2014 (Saturday) ........ .................... ................................ .................................................. ... 4
J une 29, 2014 (Sunday) .................................. .... ............................. .............. ............................... .. .. 5
J une 30, 2014 (Monday) .......................................... ...................... ................................................. .. . 6
J uly 1, 2014 (Tuesday) .................................. ..................... ................................... ............... 7
J uly 2, 2014 (Wednesday)............................................... ....................................................... .............. 8
CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigDataCongress/MS/SERVICES 2014 Keynotes............. .. ............................ .... ..... 10
CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigDataCongress/MS/SERVICES 2014 Plenary Panels ........ ..................................... 13
CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigDataCongress/MS/SERVICES 2014 Tutorials ................. ..................................... 20

2014 IEEE 21
International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2014) ................................................... 24
Research Track ................................................................................................................................... 25
Applications and Industry Track .......................................................................................... .... 26
Work-in-Progress Track .................... ............................................................................ .... 29

2014 IEEE 7
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2014) ...................................... 31
Research Track ................................................................................. ................................................. 31
Applications and Industry Track ............................................... .......................................... .... 34
Work-in-Progress Track .................... ........................... ................................................ .... 38

2014 IEEE 3
International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2014)......... ............... ........... 41
Research Track ................................................................................................................................... 41
Applications and Industry Track .................................... .... 41
Work-in-Progress Track .................... ................................................................................... .... 42

2014 IEEE 11
International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2014) .. ............................. ........... 43
Research Track ................................................................................................................................... 43
Applications and Industry Track .................................... .... 45
Work-in-Progress Track .................... ................................................................................... .... 50

2014 IEEE 3
International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2014) . ............... ........... 51
Research Track ................................................................................................................................... 51
Applications and Industry Track .................................... .... 54
Work-in-Progress Track .................... ................................................................................... .... 57

2014 IEEE 10
World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2014) ................ .................................................... 59
Applications and Industry Track 59
Workshops ....................................................................... ...................... ............................................ 59

J ournal Support ............................................................... ............................................................. 66
Conference Room Floor Plan ............................................................... ............................................................. 67

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

I EEE 2014
I CWS/SCC/CLOUD/Bi gDat aCongr ess/MS/
SERVI CES Keynot e Sessi ons

Keynote 1: Clouds, Crowds and Provenance (Susan Davidson, University
of Pennsylvania, USA) (SERVICES2014-7002)
(06/28 Saturday, 9:50-12:00; Alaska Ballroom)

Abstract: Harnessing the crowd to collect and/or analyze massive amounts of data (crowdsourcing) has become
increasingly popular. Examples in our culture include Wikipedia, social tagging systems for images, traffic
information aggregators like Waze, citizen science applications such as Galaxy Zoo, and hotel and movie
ratings like TripAdvisor and IMDb. Cloud platforms are also increasingly being explored for hosting
crowdsourcing systems, and for exposing the crowd as a service. In this talk, I give an overview of the
challenges inherent in providing declarative, database-style platforms for supporting crowdsourcing. I then
discuss how to go one step further and enable users to posed general questions to mine the crowd and to receive
concise, relevant answers that represent frequent significant data patterns. Finally, I discuss the importance of
capturing provenance for crowdsourcing applications, and the inherent challenges due to the massive size of
data and complex analytics.

About the Speaker: Susan B. Davidson is the Weiss Professor of Computer and
information Science (CIS) at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). She received her
B.A. degree in Mathematics from Cornell University in 1978, her Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University in 1982, and
joined Penn in 1982. Dr. Davidson was a founding co-Director of the Penn Center for
Bioinformatics as well as the regional Greater Philadelphia Bioinformatics Alliance,
served as the Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, is the
founding Faculty Director of Advancing Women in Engineering at Penn, and recently
stepped down as Chair of CIS. She is an ACM Fellow, a Fulbright scholar, and serves
on the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association and the Executive
Committee of the Computing Community Constorium. Dr. Davidson's research
interests include database systems, database integration, distributed systems, bioinformatics, scientific workflow
systems, provenance, and crowd data-sourcing.

Keynote 2: On Mining Big Data (Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois at
Chicago, USA) (SERVICES2014-7003)
(06/29 Sunday, 9:45-11:00; Alaska Ballroom)

Abstract: The problem of big data has become increasingly important in recent years. On the one hand, the big
data is an asset that potentially can offer tremendous value or reward to the data owner. On the other hand, it
poses tremendous challenges to mine the value out of the big data. The very nature of the big data poses
challenges not only due to its volume, and velocity of being generated, but also its variety. Here variety means
the data can be collected from various sources with have different formats. One of the
most critical big data applications is mining social networks. As social networks
become increasingly popular, not only the scale of the networks grows rapidly, but also
the complexity of the networks increases over time. In this talk, we will discuss these
big data issues and approaches to address them using social networks as an example.

About the Speaker: Dr. Philip S. Yu is a Distinguished Professor and the Wexler
Chair in Information Technology at the Department of Computer Science, University of
Illinois at Chicago. Before joining UIC, he was at the IBM Watson Research Center,
where he built a world-renowned data mining and database department. He is a Fellow
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

of ACM and IEEE. Dr. Yu has been making tremendous, and globally recognized contributions to the principles
of mining big data. He is the recipient of IEEE Computer Societys 2013 Technical Achievement Award for
pioneering and fundamentally innovative contributions to the scalable indexing, querying, searching, mining
and anonymization of big data. Dr. Yu has published more than 800 papers in refereed journals and
conferences, cited by more than 52,000 times with an H-index of 109. He holds or has applied for more than
300 US patents.

Dr. Yu is the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. He is on the steering
committee of the IEEE Conference on Data Mining and ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management, and was a member of the IEEE Data Engineering steering committee. He was the Editor-in-Chief
of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2001-2004). He received a Research Contributions
Award from IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in 2003, the ICDM 2013 10-year Highest-Impact
Paper Award, and the EDBT Test of Time Award (2014). Dr. Yu received his PhD from Stanford University.

Keynote 3: Predictive Analytics Governance in Business: A New Services
Computing Frontier (Michael Goul, Arizona State University, USA)
(06/29 Sunday, 14:30-15:45; Alaska Ballroom)

The proliferation of deployed predictive analytics - all across business service landscapes - will serve to
challenge earlier conceptualizations of services computing and business process management/integration. For
example, monitoring for predictive model decay in embedded Internet of things software services represents a
new governance challenge and opportunity. Big data acquisition and integration for purposes of testing for
predictive model decay will require new insights for SOA platforms. To address this new frontier for services
computing, we will generalize a business perspective to the deployment of predictive analytics, discuss
strategies for predictive analytics governance and demonstrate the pitfalls of failing to implement appropriate
governance mechanisms. Reconciling data scientists current predictive analytics discovery methodologies with
what it takes to deploy analytics into modern IT service systems represents a new corporate balancing act. The
hand-offs between data scientists and services computing developers need to be examined in light of new
compliance realities that impact the services lifecycle. Abstracting from current best practices in companies
like UBS, eHarmony, Linked-in, eBay, American Express and others provides a fresh perspective to predictive
analytics governance. Challenges to be faced are ripe for research innovations by the services computing

About the Speaker: Michael Goul is Professor and Chair of the Department of Information
Systems, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. His research bridges services
computing and analytics. He was Co-PI on grants from Intel and American Express at the intersection
of these areas, and he recently authored a case on eBays approach to experimentation that relies on a
multi-tenant, self-service data warehouse infrastructure. His work in services computing led to a one-
year appointment as a Distinguished University Scholar at the Clinton School of Public Service. Goul is
also on the research faculty of the W.P. Carey Schools Center for Services Leadership.

Keynote 4: Toward a Science of Security (and Governance) in Service
Systems (Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, USA)
(06/30 Monday, 9:45-11:00; Alaska Ballroom)

Abstract: Despite sustained research effort in security, current security practice conveys a decidedly ad hoc
flavor --- find a bug; patch it; find the next bug; and so on. This methodology is sometimes termed
"engineering", using the term in the narrow sense of developing solutions to specific problems. The past few
years have seen a growing push to develop a Science of Security (SoS), viewed as a systematic body of
knowledge with strong theoretical and empirical underpinnings that inform the engineering of secure
information systems.
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


I introduce SoS, briefly describing its key elements. I then motivate some of the foundational challenges of SoS
from the standpoint of systems of autonomous participants, such as cross-organizational service systems. I
describe how security is an element of the governance of such systems. I introduce an approach for governance
based on a new formulation of norms and accountability, showing how it addresses the challenges of security
pertaining to secure collaboration and would facilitate the development of flexible and secure cross-
organizational service engagements.

About the Speaker: Dr. Munindar P. Singh is a professor in the Department of
Computer Science at North Carolina State University. Munindar's research interests
include service-oriented computing, security, and social computing. He addresses the
challenges of trust, norms, requirements modeling, service ecosystems, and business
processes and protocols in large-scale open environments.

Munindar is the editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. From
1999 to 2002, he was the editor-in-chief of IEEE Internet Computing. His current
editorial service includes IEEE Internet Computing, J ournal of Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on
Intelligent Systems and Technology, the J ournal of Artificial Intelligence Research, and the J ournal of Trust
Management. Munindar served on the founding board of directors of IFAAMAS, the International Foundation
for Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems.

Munindar is a Fellow of the IEEE. His research has been recognized with awards and sponsorship by
(alphabetically) Army Research Lab, Army Research Office, Cisco Systems, Consortium for Ocean Leadership,
DARPA, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, and Xerox. Nineteen
students have received PhD degrees and 27 students MS degrees under Munindar's direction.

Keynote 5: Modern Service industry in China: Crossover, Convergence,
and Complex Services (Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, China)
(07/01 Tuesday, 9:45-11:00; Alaska Ballroom)

Abstract: Modern Service industry is not only becoming a leading and pillar industry for economic
development, but also an important indicator of measuring the degree of production socialization and market
economic development. As a matter of course, Service Oriented Computing, as the academic foundation of
Modern Service industry, attracts lots of attention in the last decade. However, the big data and the development
of emerging computing paradigms such as Cloud Computing, internet-Of-Things, and Mobile internet have
made Service Oriented Computing more and more complex. in this talk, we will give the concept and overview
of the development trend of Modern Service industry in the world, especially the development of Modern
Service industry in China. Moreover, we give the concept and the definition of complex service, which has the
characteristics of 3C, i.e., convergence, and complex. Further, a technique architecture for complex service
computing is provided and some case studies of complex services are provided.

About the Speaker: Dr. Zhaohui Wu is a Qiushi Professor of Zhejiang University and the director of the
institute of Computer System and Engineering. He is the committee chair of National
S&T innovation Plan on Modern Service industry (MSCI) and the Distinguished
Young Scholar of China National Science Foundation (NSFC). He is the director of
MOEs Research Center of intelligence Science and Technique and the head of MOEs
R&D Center of High-Performance Embedded Computing. He is the Standing Member
and a fellow of the China Computer Federation (CCF). His research interests include
Service Computing and intelligent systems. Dr. Wu has authored 9 books, more than
200 refereed papers and over 100 invention patents, as well as 2 national S&T progress
prize II. He is the founding editor-in-chief of Elseviers Big Data Research J ournal, the
associated editor of Chinese J ournal of information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
and the founder of three International conferences (ICESS, CPSCom and MSCI).
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

I EEE 2014
I CWS/SCC/CLOUD/Bi gDat aCongr ess/MS/
SERVI CES Pl enar y Panel Sessi ons
Plenary Panel 1: The Next Computing Platform and Cloud Computing
Standards (SERVICES2014-7007)
(06/28 Saturday, 16:45-18:00; Alaska Ballroom)

Moderator: Stephen L. Diamond, Chair, IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, General Manager, Industry
Standards Office and Global Standards Officer, EMC
J oe Weinman, Chair of the IEEE Intercloud Testbed executive committee
J oel J . Fleck II, Senior Standards Architect, HP
J ohn Messina, Senior Member of the Cloud Computing Project, NIST

In only a few years, cloud computing has disrupted computing, impacting everything from governments,
supercomputers, service providers, enterprise data centers, small businesses, to individual consumers. Enabled
by the cloud, big data analytics has disrupted enterprises by giving managers unprecedented insight into their
business. This next platform of computing, building on cloud computing, big data, mobile, social networking,
the Internet of Things, and cyber-physical systems, will compose an infrastructure encompassing billions of
users, millions of applications, exabytes of data creation per day, and ultimately hundreds of billions of
connected things. In parallel many standards organizations are engaged in the development of cloud computing
standards. This panel will examine elements of the cloud standards landscape and discuss directions and gaps.
In addition, we will provide an update on the next phase of the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative.

About the Moderator:
Stephen L. Diamond is Global Standards Officer and General Manager of the Industry Standards
Office at EMC Corporation. He chairs the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative and the IEEE Cloud
Computing Standards Committee. Steve has 30 years of senior management experience in
semiconductors, software, systems, and standards. Prior to EMC, he was Director of Intercloud
Computing at Cisco, where he built what was at the time the largest AWS-compatible cloud outside of
Amazon. Before that he was Vice President of Marketing at Equator Technologies, a digital signal
processing semiconductor startup. Steve has authored more than 20 technical publications. He was the
2003 President of IEEE Computer Society and twice served on the IEEE Board of Directors. Steve was
awarded the IEEE Richard E. Merwin Medal in 2014 and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000.

About the Panelists:
Joe Weinman is currently the chair of the IEEE Intercloud Testbed executive committee, as well as
the author of Cloudonomics: The Business Value of Cloud Computing (Wiley, 2012), and the
forthcoming Digital Disciplines, which focuses on the intersection of IT and business strategy. He is a
former executive with Bell Labs, AT&T, HP, and Telx, and has been awarded 20 U.S. and
International patents in areas including pseudoternary line coding, Monte Carlo simulation, distributed
storage architectures, wireless and IP networks, and homomorphic encryption. He has a B.S. in
Computer Science from Cornell University, an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, and has completed executive education at the International Institute for
Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Joel J. Fleck IIs primary research and standards focus is adaptive management of distributed systems
and policy based management. Prior to joining Hewlett-Packard, he spent 16 years at Bell Laboratories
and Bell Communications Research researching distributed management systems, multimedia networks
and automated test systems to validate digital communications systems, and at Stochos, Inc. as a
software architect and designer. J oel is a frequent speaker at conferences, has published numerous
papers on the subject of distributed architectures, model-driven architectures and management of
distributed architectures and serves on the editorial board of several major journals relating to policy-
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

based and next generation management. J oel serves on the Board of Directors and in lead executive positions for a number
of International standards bodies. J oel graduated from the University of Michigan with a MS in Industrial and Operations
Engineering and the University of Vermont with a BS in Computer Science. He is Distinguished Fellow of the
TeleManagement Forum.
John Messina is a senior member of the Cloud Computing (CC) Project at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). He holds a M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Physics and has
been working at NIST as computer scientist since 1998. He has a distinguished record of scientific
accomplishments, such as publications and industry presentations, and has received several awards,
including NISTs Edward Bennett Rosa Award and the US Department of Commerces Bronze Medal.
Having spent the last few years helping developing data dictionaries and data exchange standards for the
US Electronics Industry, he has been co-leading the NIST CC Reference Architecture working group. His
particular focus has been on leading efforts to create Cloud Computing Ontologies and various

Plenary Panel 2: Real-Time Big Data (SERVICES2014-7008)
(06/29 Sunday, 16:00-17:15; Alaska Ballroom)

Moderator: Tony Shan, Chief Technologist
Eddie Satterly, CTO of CSC BD&A
Hemant J ain, Roger L. Fitzsimonds Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Information Technology
Management, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
J rg Bienert, CTO of ParStream
Srini Srinivasan, Co-founder and VP of Aerospike

Real-time big data represents a convergence of science, engineering, and technology disciplines to collect,
transform, store, process, analyze, and search big data in real time. Analytical processes that used to run long
hours or days are now reduced by an order of magnitude to fractions of seconds. Traditional analytics are
usually a process for generating reports from structured data retrieved from a traditional data warehouse. Real-
time big data takes it to the next level to drive business values by generating insights or recommendations from
different sources of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in real time.

The trend is towards faster, intelligent, highly automated, cost-effective, and high-quality processing of data that
produces insights quickly and offer specific recommendations in the right context, resulting in greater sales and
higher profits. Despite recent progress in the high-performance systems like trading and online advertisements,
there are still a number of issues, barriers, pitfalls, and challenges in this maturing space. The industry gurus and
field practitioners on this panel will share their perspectives, experience and advice with forward-thinking views
and practical forecasts.

About the Moderator: Tony Shan is a renowned thought leader and innovative visionary with decades
of field experience and guru-level expertise on cutting-edge enterprise computing technologies. He has
directed and advised the pragmatic lifecycle design of large-scale award-winning distributed systems on
diverse platforms in Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations like IBM, Apple, Cisco and
Bank of America. He is a regular speaker and organizer in preeminent conferences, a book author, an
editor/editorial advisory board member of IT research journals, and a founder of several user groups and

About the Panelists:
Eddie Satterly has served in a variety of roles including developer, engineer, architect and CTO
over his 25 year career. He spent the early part of his career working with global
Telecommunications companies leveraging big data before the term existed. His current role is CTO
of CSC Big Data & Analytics where he is helping customers to adopt BD&A solutions and drive
internal advancement through R&D and constant review of available OSS options. More recently he
held the title of Chief Evangelist for Splunk where he drove the Big Data strategy that led to
shipping of Hunk and was the public face in the community. Before that he was able to revolutionize
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

the way a leading online travel agency delivers their core web applications using a combination of highly scalable and
flexible, best in breed data tools. He also currently serves as a member of the Apache Cassandra MVP board and on the
advisory boards of 3 startups. Eddie has done guest lectures at Universities and presents at several conferences and
symposiums yearly.
Hemant Jain is serving as interim director of Biomedical and Health Informatics Research Institute. He
specializes in information system agility through web services, service oriented architecture, component
based development, real time enterprises and health care informatics. He is on the Executive Advisory
Board of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing and is Associate Editor of J ournal of AIS.
Additionally, Hemant serves on the editorial board of a number of other highly regarded J ournals. He
received his Ph. D. in information system for Lehigh University, an M. Tech form IIT Kharagpur and B. E.
from University of Indore India.
J rg Bienert is Co-Founder of ParStream, the fastest real-time database for Big Data Analytics (columnar-
store, SQL, in-Memory, shared nothing architecture). Before ParStream he founded Empulse, an IT
consultancy and was COO and Head of Turnaround Team at Framfab, an internet agency. As Manager of
Strategic Consulting Business for Telcos at Accenture Germany, he met Michael Hummel. J rg Bienert
began his career as Head of International IT Project Management at Gerling Insurance. He holds degrees in
computer science and electrical engineering.

Srini Srinivasan has over 20 years of experience designing, developing and operating web
scale infrastructures and holds over a dozen patents in database, internet, mobile and distributed
system technologies. His career includes high-profile technical and executive management
roles at IBM, Liberate and Yahoo!. Srini has degrees in Computer Science from IIT Madras
(B.Tech) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (M.S. and Ph.D).

Plenary Panel 3: Services Computing: Time for the Seventh Inning Stretch
(06/30 Monday, 12:00-13:15; Alaska Ballroom)
Moderator: I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Michael Goul, Arizona State University, USA
Ling Liu, Georgia Tech., USA
Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Liang-J ie (LJ ) Zhang, Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited, China

The IEEE Transactions on Services Computing is currently in its seventh year of existence. In the modern
sports pastime of baseball, fans usually arise from the hard benches somewhere in the middle of the seventh
inning to walk about, extend their arms and legs, and enjoy a moment to relax from the intensity of the game.
Akin to a seventh inning stretch, in this panel, services computing leaders will provide their perspectives on the
first seven years of the Transactions, they will evaluate how far weve progressed in the field, and they will
catalyze your thoughts about what the next seven years might bring.

In 2008s Vol. 1, No. 1, Transactions Editor-in-Chief Liang-J ie (LJ ) Zhang explained that the services
computing discipline addresses a research domain significantly different than what is addressed in similar
disciplines such as Internet and networking, software development, databases and multimedia. He explained
that the technology foundation is different, and the research target is to modernize the traditional software and
services industry while concomitantly creating new generation software and services. Is this still true today?
LJ further discussed the status of the services computing body of knowledge with first-level concepts including
SOA, Web services, service lifecycles, bridging business and IT architectures, etc. Second- and third-level
body of knowledge fine-grained research areas provide ample opportunities for advanced insight. Are these still
the most important research opportunities?

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Our panelists will examine how far we come from Vol. 1, No. 1 of the Transactions. They will elaborate some
of todays most challenging and promising research directions. Example questions that will be debated among
panelists include the following: Where is service computing today and where is it going to be in the next 7 years
as a general field? What roles can and should the IEEE TSC play? What interesting research problems and
challenges do we face in service computing? The panelists are frommulti-disciplinary areas in academia and
industry, including business management, computer science and information technology as well as application
domain scientists and engineers.

About the Moderator:
I-Ling is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas, Dallas. She
received her BS degree from Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, and her MS and PhD degrees from
the University of Houston. Her research interests include service-oriented computing, cloud
computing, and high assurance systems. Dr. Yen has served as program chair and general chair
for many conferences. Currently she is on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Service
Computing, J ournal on Knowledge and Information Systems, and the International J ournal on
Artificial Intelligence Tools.

About the Panelists:

Michael Goul is Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Systems, W.P. Carey School of
Business, Arizona State University. His research bridges services computing and analytics. He was Co-PI
on grants from Intel and American Express at the intersection of these areas, and he recently authored a case
on eBays approach to experimentation that relies on a multi-tenant, self-service data warehouse
infrastructure. His work in services computing led to a one-year appointment as a Distinguished University
Scholar at the Clinton School of Public Service. Goul is also on the research faculty of the W.P. Carey
Schools Center for Services Leadership.

Ling Liu is a Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. There she directs
the Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab, working on systems performance, availability, security and
privacy in data intensive systems, ranging from service oriented computing and architectures, big data
systems and technology, cloud computing, social computing, mobile services, to Internet systems and
services. Professor Liu has published over 300 international journal and conference articles, and her
research group has produced a number of open source software systems. She is a recipient of the IEEE
Computer Society Technical Achievement Award in 2012, an Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Advisor award
from Georgia Institute of Technology and numerous best paper awards, including ICDCS, WWW, ICWS, IEEE Cloud. In
addition to services as General chair and PC Chair of numerous IEEE and ACM conferences, Professor Liu has served on
the editorial boards of many international journals. Currently Professor Liu is the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions
on Service Computing and a member of the steering committee of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE). Professor Liu's current research is primarily sponsored by NSF, IBM and Intel.

Bhavani Thuraisingham is the Louis A. Beecherl, J r. DistinguishedProfessor in the Erik J onsson School of
Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas, Dallas (UTD) and the executive director of
UTDs Cyber Security Research and Education Institute. Her current research is on integrating cyber
security, cloud computing and big data analytics. Prior to joining UTD she worked at the MITRE
Corporation for 16 years including a three year stint as a Program Director at the NSF. She initiated the
Data and Applications Security program at NSF and was part of the Cyber Trust theme. Prior to MITRE,
she worked for the commercial industry for six years. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the IEEE CS 1997
Technical Achievement Award, the ACM SIGSAC 2010 Outstanding Contributions Award, and a 2013 IBM Faculty
Award. She is a Fellow of the IEEE, the AAAS and the British Computer Society. She has published mover than 100 journal
articles, more than 200 conference papers and 12 books and has delivered more than 100 keynote and invited addresses.

Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang is Senior Vice President, Chief Scientist & Director of Research at Kingdee
International Software Group Company Limited. Prior to joining Kingdee, he was a Research Staff
Member and ProgramManager at IBM Thomas J . Watson Research Center. Dr. Zhang has published
more than 160 technical papers in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He has 50 granted
patents. He chaired the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Services Computing from 2003
to 2011. He also chaired the Services Computing Professional Interest Community at IBM Research from
2004 to 2006. Dr. Zhang has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the International J ournal of Web Services
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Research since 2003 and was the founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. He was elected as
an IEEE Fellow in 2011, and in the same year won the Technical Achievement Award "for pioneering contributions to
Application Design Techniques in Services Computing" from IEEE Computer Society.

Plenary Panel 4: Mobile Services: Trends and Challenges (SERVICES2014-7010)
(06/30 Monday, 16:00-17:30; Alaska Ballroom)

Moderator: Steve Yau, Arizona State University, USA
Rong Chang, IBM Research Center, USA and China
Min Luo, Huawei, USA
Michael Melliar-Smith, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Nimish Radia, Ericsson, USA

Innovation in services computing technologies is being driven by the need for high-value business services,
frequently involving the users, their environments, and their academic, commercial and industrial activities.
Some important trends in this global metamorphosis are the mobile cloud, wearable technology and the Internet
of Things.

Market research data on the impact of the changes include, for example, 15 billion devices of more than 200
types will be communicating over the Internet by 2015, and the Internet of Things will reach $4.5 trillion by
2020. Mobile services have broadened rapidly from information sharing to the management and optimization
of cyber-physical activities. They not only enable just-in-time information distribution among human users and
smart devices, but they also provide big data analytics and location-based services. On the other hand, as we
increasingly trust and use these mobile services, we have to find effective approaches to mitigate potential
damages of service failures through fault tolerance mechanisms. The boundaries between automation and
control pervade our daily lives. Do we want decisions to be made and actions to be taken automatically without
our being aware of them, or do we want to have explicit knowledge and control over them? If it is the former,
we need to avoid the effect of being a big brother. How do we do that, while achieving commercial benefits?
If it is the latter, we have a "last foot" problem. How can we improve the human interface and our interactions
with the technology?

Based on market research data and ongoing research and development, this panel will provide various
viewpoints addressing major technical challenges in the area of mobile services that must be resolved in a user-
friendly and cost-effective manner.

About the Moderator:
Stephen S. Yau is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and the Director of the Information
Assurance Center at Arizona State University. He served as the chair of the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering at ASU and was previously on the faculties of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
and University of Florida. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana,
and the B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, all in electrical engineering. Yau served as the
president of the IEEE Computer Society and on the Boards of Directors of the IEEE and the Computing
Research Association. He also served as the editor-in-chief of IEEE Computer, and general chairs or co-chairs of a number
of major international conferences, including this IEEE World Congress on Services. He received the Tsutomu Kanai Award
and Richard E. Merwin Award of the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Centennial Award, and Third MillenniumMedal,
and the Outstanding Contributions Award of the Chinese Computer Federation. Yau is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and a
Fellow of the AAAS. His current research interests include cloud and service-based systems, cyber security, trustworthy
computing, software engineering, mobile ad-hoc networks and ubiquitous computing.

About the Panelists:
Rong N. Chang is a senior researcher at IBM Research leading a cross-organization team advancing the
technologies for IoT-enabled industry cloud services. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and
Engineering fromthe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering with
honors from the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Before joining IBM, he was with Bell
Communications Research. At IBM, his research encompasses the areas of cloud computing, IT
infrastructure, and business service and process management. Chang is the editor-in-chief of the
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

International J ournal of Cloud Computing and an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing and the
International J ournal of Services Computing. He holds more than 20 patents, and has published more than 40 refereed
technical papers. Chang is Administrator of the 2014 Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference. He is an
ACM Distinguished Member, an IEEE Senior Member.

Min Luo is currently the Head and Chief Architect of the Advanced Networking at Huaweis Shannon (IT)
Lab, leading the research and development in Software Defined Networking (SDN) and other future
networking initiatives. He served as Chief/Executive Architect for IBM SWGs Stretegy and Technology,
Global Business Solution Center, Industry Solutions, and Center of Excellence for Enterprise Architecture
and SOA for more than 11 years. He also worked as Senior Operations Research Analyst, Senior Manager
and Director of Transportation Network Planning and Technologies for Conrail and Norfolk Southern Corp.
for 7 Years. His expertise is in next generation SDN, enterprise architecture and information systems, whole life cycle
software application and product development, business intelligence, business process optimization, Model/business-driven
architecture and development (MDA-D), and component/object-oriented technologies. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992. He was awarded the Distinguished Lead/Chief Architect from
the Open Group in 2007.

Michael Melliar-Smith is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests span the fields of distributed systems and
applications, network architectures and protocols, and fault tolerance. He has authored or coauthored
more than 290 publications in computer science and engineering, and he holds 12 patents. At UC Santa
Barbara, he has served as PI for numerous funded research projects fromDARPA, AFOSR, NSF, UC
Micro and UC Discovery. Previously, he worked at SRI International in Menlo Park, and at the
University of Newcastle upon Tyne and GEC Computers in England. As Senior Computer Scientist and ProgramDirector at
SRI, he worked on the SIFT computer for aircraft flight control and the EHDM system for formal specification and
verification. At GEC Computers, he was the Principal Designer of the GEC 4080, which won the Queens Award for
Innovation. At the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, he invented the definitions of fault, error and failure, as well as the
recovery block method for fault tolerance. Professor Melliar-Smith has served as Technical Chair and General Chair of the
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services in 2013 and 2014, respectively. He received the Ph.D. in Computer
Science from the University of Cambridge, England.

Nimish Radia has more than 20 years of experience in the IT, mobile, telecom and finance industry with
a strong combination of technology expertise and business acumen. Dr. Radia has proven leadership in
transforming technology into multi-million dollar profitable vertical and horizontal solutions. Currently,
he is Director of Research and Innovation leading Ericsson's efforts in Silicon Valley for next generation
services and software in areas such as big data, social computing, and contextual user-centered solutions
for networked society challenges, such as healthcare, public safety, media, and smart energy. Before
joining Ericsson, he was Advanced Technology Executive at Sun for US Communications, Media, and Entertainment Sales.
In that role, he led a cross-company R&D teamthat was accountable for creating revenue-generating solutions. Prior to Sun,
he was a Senior Member of the IBM Research and Advanced Software Technology Group driving R&D projects with
customers globally. Dr. Radia holds 8 patents and more than 15 invention disclosures and industry publications.

Plenary Panel 5: Enablement for Cloud Computing (SERVICES2014-7011)
(07/01 Tuesday, 12:00-13:15; Alaska Ballroom)

Moderator: Lorraine Herger, IBM Research, USA
Wu Chou, Huawei Shannon IT Lab, USA
Carl Kesselman, University of Southern California, USA
Marco Netto, IBM Research, Brazil
Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA

Cloud computing is now more than an emerging platform but rather is a maturing platform for delivering IT
services and for hosting solutions. Enablement for cloud computing consists of many technologies of many
layers and many dimensions, including the development environment for born-in-cloud applications, migration
tools for existing applications, elastic provisioning of cloud services, funding and charge-back models, and
standardization efforts.

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

In this panel, the panelists will share their perspectives based on their varied experiences in academic, industry
and government organizations. The panelists will also assess prominent enablement technologies and trends,
and will identify future research and development directions for cloud computing.

About the Moderator:
Lorraine Herger is the Director of Integrated Solutions and CIO of IBM Research. In this role, Lorraine
is the service provider for the IBM Research Division. As Research CIO, Lorraine provides cloud
services to the research team as a worldwide distributed service. Over time, the move to cloud has
transformed the way in which IBM Research executes its computation, by moving to a consolidated
model which has proved to be effective and efficient. Lorraine holds a BSEE from the University of
Maryland, a BA from Columbia University and an MBA from the Stern School of Business, New York
University. Ms. Herger is currently the President of the SWE NY Professional Chapter, a senior member of the IEEE, and
the SWE ABET representative.

About the Panelists:
Wu Chou is a VP, Chief IT Scientist and Head of Huawei Shannon IT Lab. Dr. Chou is an IEEE Fellow
and an expert in the field of IT -- computing, networking, Internet/Web, communication, signal
processing, speech and natural language processing, unified communication, and IT software. He has
more than 20 years of professional experience in leading R&D organizations. He graduated from
Stanford University in 1990 with four advanced degrees in science and engineering. After obtaining his
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Stanford, he joined AT&T Bell Labs, and then continued his
professional career at Lucent Bell Labs and Avaya Labs, where he was Director of R&D, before joining
Huawei. At Huawei, he leads the global Huawei Shannon IT Lab in its research and innovation in the fast moving IT area.
He has extensive experience in creating cutting-edge technology and incubating ground-breaking products. He is noted for
his visionary technical leadership and agile execution of research and product development.

Carl Kesselman is Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Fellow in the Information
Sciences Institute in the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California. He is the
Co-Director of the Medical Information Systems Division at ISI and Co-Director of the Center for Health
Informatics. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles in
1991 and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Amsterdamin 2006. Professor Kesselmans
current research interests include health informatics as well as all aspects of grid computing, including
basic infrastructure, security, resource management, high-level services and grid applications. Together
with Dr. Ian Foster, he initiated the Globus Project, one of the leading grid research projects. Professor Kesselman has
received many awards, including the 1997 Global Information Infrastructure Next Generation Internet Award, the Federal
Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, the 2002 Ada Lovelace Medal from the British
Computing Society, and the 2007 Internet2 Idea Award.

Marco Netto has more than 14 years of experience on resource management for distributed systems. He
works mainly on Cloud Computing related topics. Currently, he is the Manager of the Industrial Cloud
Technologies Group at IBM Research Brazil. Dr. Netto has published more than 40 scientific
publications, including journals, conference papers, and book chapters, and has filed more than 30
patents. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2010,
and he obtained his M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees at PUCRS, Brazil, in 2004 and 2002, respectively.

Alan Sussman is a Professor in the Computer Science Department and the Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies at the University of Maryland. Working with students and other researchers at
Maryland and other institutions he has published more than 100 conference and journal papers in various
topics related to software tools for high performance parallel and distributed computing, and he has
contributed six book chapters. The software tools he has built have been widely distributed and used in
many computational science applications, in areas such as earth science, space science, and medical
informatics. Dr. Sussman received the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


I EEE 2014
I CWS/SCC/CLOUD/Bi gDat aCongr ess/MS/
SERVI CES Tut or i al s

Tutorial 1: Play with Streams: Real-time Data Processing Architecture (SERVICES2014-7013)
Tianjian Chen, Architecture R&D Team, Baidu inc., China
(06/27 Friday, 9:45-14:00; Aleutian)

Abstract: The stream processing architecture is a popular component of todays big data architecture. It can
sharply reduce the data process latency and enable many applications that depend on high capacity online or
near-line computation. in this tutorial, we present the methodology of how to design and implement a stream
processing system from scratch. The key design point of the stream processing architecture will be illustrated
based on the lessons that we learn from several real world projects during the past 3 years. The architecture
evolution of a massive stream computing platform will be a valuable reference to similar projects.

The reference design that we provided in this tutorial addresses issues of scalability, availability, manageability
and programmability on different layers. Its layered design enables the system developer to quickly modify any
layer according to the demand of applications and generate minimal side effects. in the case studies, we will
present some interesting applications of real-time stream processing, including a web crawler, an online
machine learning system and a hybrid application with Hadoop Map Reduce.

About the Speaker: Tianjian Chen is a senior architect in the basic technology department at Baidu
incorporation, a leading internet company in China. He is the chief architect of the Baidus recommender
engine, which serves half billion Chinese users. Tianjian and his R&D team focus on large scale data
infrastructures and have particular interest in the cost efficiency and the connectivity challenges of cloud
computing systems.

Tutorial 2: Countries and Cities through the Prism of Big Data of Digital Footprints
Created By Human Activity (SERVICES2014-7014)
Stanislav Sobolevsky, MIT, USA
(06/27 Friday, 9:45-14:00; Alaska)

Abstract: The past few decades saw a technological revolution that resulted in the broad penetration of digital
technologies in everyday life. More and more aspects of human activity now leave digital traces behind them,
thus increasing production of big data related to human mobility, interactions or other types of behavior such as
shopping. Various datasets from the last 5-7 years - landline and cell phone call records, public transportation
records, vehicle GPS traces, bank card transactions, digital social media (Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare) are
now available for research purposes, creating tremendous opportunities for new solutions to well-known
research and operational problems in different fields including human geography, urban planning, economics as
well as other areas of social science. To present days, those fields are largely relying on different sources of
census data and surveys. Considered as a whole, the above new big data sources and their application
techniques could be summarized as a novel concept of the digital census. Opposed to traditional survey-based
one, it possesses substantial potential advantages such as lower cost, instant availability, objectiveness and

In this tutorial, we present modern techniques for the application of said digital census. They allow a better
understanding of present countries and cities as well as the design of innovative concepts for the future ones.
We focus on important applications such as regional delineation, city definition, human country- and city-scale
mobility modeling, transportation optimization, and certain aspects of urban sustainability. Examples of data
visualization tools, as means to explore data potential, are also considered. Together with the advances, new
methodologies and further potential of the approach, we focus on the challenges, biases and limitations typically
introduced by big data of human activity, pointing out to ways of addressing them.
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


About the Speaker: Dr. Stanislav Sobolevsky leads the Network and Society area in the SENSEable City
Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 2012, working on studying laws and regularities of
human behavior in urban context through big data analysis. Holds Ph.D. (since 1999) and Doctor of Science
(habilitation in C.I.S. countries academy; since 2008) degrees in Mathematics. Previously Dr. Sobolevsky was a
Professor and Director of the Institute of Lifelong Education at Belarusian State University. He authored a monograph,
several textbooks and book chapters and over 50 peer-reviewed papers in pure and applied mathematics as well as big data
analysis. Dr. Sobolevskys current research interests cover network science, big data analysis, modeling of complex systems
as well as the theory of differential equations.

Tutorial 3: NoSQL Data Stores in Internet-scale Computing (SERVICES2014-7015)
Wei Tan, IBM T.J . Watson Research Center, USA
(06/27 Friday, 14:10-17:30; Aleutian)

Abstract: NoSQL (Not Only SQL) as a collective name of data stores that neither use relational model nor
expose SQL interfaces, emerges recently and gains much popularity in supporting Internet-scale applications.
These stores provide simple operations compared to those offered by relational databases, but prevail in flexible
schema, elasticity, and fine-grained control on consistency. Examples of NoSQL include Dynamo, BigTable,
Cassandra, HBase and MongoDB. This tutorial introduces NoSQL in a why-what-how approach. Why: we first
investigate the motivations of having NoSQL: flexible schema, scale-out capability on commodity hardware,
fine-grained control on consistency/availability, and exploration of new hardware. What: we then survey many
NoSQL stores including those developed by software companies and open-source offerings. How: afterward,
we make a deep dive into the key aspects enabling NoSQL stores to achieve their mission. These aspects
include data model (key/value, document, graph, tabular, etc), storage model (tree, sequence file, etc), data
partition (hash, range, hybrid, etc), consistency/availability, exploration of advanced hardware and workload
management. Especially, throughout the tutorial we will use existing NoSQL stores as examples to illustrate
how NoSQL technologies address the issues that are not solved by relational databases.

About the Speaker: Dr. Wei Tan is a research staff member in IBM T. J . Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY, USA. From 2008 to 2010 he was a researcher at Computation Institute, University of Chicago and
Argonne National Laboratory, USA. At that time he was the technical lead of the caBIG workflow system. His
research interests include NoSQL, big data, cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, business and
scientific workflows, and Petri nets. He has published over 50 journal and conference papers, and a monograph
Business and Scientific Workflows: A Web Service-Oriented Approach (272 pages, Wiley- IEEE Press). He is an
associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. He has served in program committee of
many conferences and co-chaired several workshops. He received the Best Paper Award from IEEE International
Conference on Services Computing (2011), Pacesetter Award from Argonne National Laboratory (2010), and caBIG
Teamwork Award from the National Institute of Health (2008). He is member of ACM and senior member of IEEE.

Tutorial 4: Big Data Science: Fundamental, Techniques, and Challenges (SERVICES2014-
Incheon Paik, Neil Y. Yen
University of Aizu, J apan
(06/27 Friday, 14:10-17:30; Alaska)

Abstract: Recently, there have been very large and complex data sets from nature, sensors, social networks,
enterprises increasingly based on high speed computers and networks together. Big data is the term for a
collection of the data sets that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or
traditional data processing applications. Data science is a novel term that is often used interchangeably with
competitive intelligence or business analytics, and it seeks to use all available and relevant data to effectively
tell a story that can be easily understood by non-practitioners. Data science based on the big data is expected to
provide very potent prediction and analysis for information and knowledge of various fields of researches and
businesses from the new data set. This tutorial is to give fundamental techniques for big data processing and
some view point to accomplish a business target. Business modeling and data science process on big data,
statistical analysis, emerging data mining techniques, and how to use the technologies to achieve the business
goal will be introduced by and large.

About the speakers: Dr. Incheon Paik received the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics Engineering fromKorea
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

University in 1987 and 1992, respectively. During 1993-2000, he worked as a senior associate professor in
Soonchunhyang University, Korea. From 1996 to 1998, he was a visiting researcher of State Key Laboratory,
Beihang University, Beijing, China. Also he leaded the Electronic Commerce S/W Research Center (now,
ITRC) funded by the Ministry of Information & Communication during 1999-2001. Now he is an associate
professor in the University of Aizu, J apan. Research interests include Semantic Web, Web Services and Their
Composition, Web Data Mining, Awareness Computing, Security for e-Business, Agents on Semantic Web,
and Big Data Science. He served several conferences as a program chair and program committee member for numerous
International conferences. He serves as an editor of journals of J IPS and IEICE. He is a member of IEEE, IEICE and IPSJ .

Dr. Neil Y. Yen is an Associate Professor at the University of Aizu, J apan. Dr. Yen received doctorates in Human Sciences
(major in Human Informatics) at Waseda University, J apan, and in Engineering (major in Computer Science) at Tamkang
University, Taiwan in March and J une 2012 respectively. His doctor degree at Waseda University was funded by the J SPS
(J apan Society for the Promotion of Science) under RONPAKU program. In academic research career, Dr. Yen has been
engaged in the interdisciplinary realms of research, and his research interests are now primarily in the scope of
big data science, computational intelligence, and human-centered computing. His recent publications can be
found on over 60 refereed journals/conferences/books, including 5 on ACM/IEEE Transactions and over 15
journals indexed by SCI/SCIE. Dr. Yen has actively involved himself in the International activities, including
editorial works in journals and books, society services in academic conferences sponsored by IEEE/ACM, etc.,
and devoted himself to discover advanced and interesting research directions. He is now a member of IEEE

Tutorial 5: Big Data Proficiency (SERVICES2014-7017)
Tony Shan, USA
(06/27 Friday, 9:45-14:00; Denali)

Abstract: According to McKinsey and Co., a shortage of 50-60% of qualified Big Data resources is predicted
for companies trying to locate the required expertise within the U.S. The resource deficit is certainly a big
problem hindering the Big Data adoption and advancement. But the bigger problem is what new skills are
needed, what difference exists, and how the gap can be quickly closed in the new era.

This tutorial presents the Big Data Proficiency, with a focus on the drivers, concept, values, means, buildout and
evolution of Big Data competency. We start with why the current state of the art and the imperatives for new
skillsets in the Big Data space. Then we define the concept of Big Data competency as the core abilities
required in the implementations of Big Data initiatives. Further, we specify various roles that have different
responsibilities in the Big Data project management. The desired skillsets are formulated for all these new and
expanded roles. Afterwards, we map the roles to the end-to-end Big Data lifecycle model to illustrate the key
tasks and deliverables they are accountable for. Subsequently, we prescribe a few patterns to hire, train, and
retool resources to build a solid Big Data CoE, followed by 4 organizational models for effective governance.
Moreover, we walk through a methodical framework for Big Data solutioning in a detailed step-by-step guide to
Big Data problemsolving, coupled with the core architecture aptitude. In addition, the growth ladders and
learning paths are discussed as well, along with the best practices and lessons learned from the real-world in Big
Data engagements.

About the Speaker: Tony Shan is a renowned thought leader and innovative visionary with decades of
field experience and guru-level expertise on cutting-edge enterprise computing technologies. He has directed
and advised the pragmatic lifecycle design of large-scale award-winning distributed systems on diverse
platforms in Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations like IBM, Apple, Cisco and Bank of
America. He is a regular speaker and organizer in preeminent conferences, a book author, an editor/editorial
advisory board member of IT research journals, and a founder of several user groups and forums.

Tutorial 6: Big Data Analytic Opportunities and Challenges (SERVICES2014-7018)
Anup Kumer, University of Louisville, USA
(07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-17:00; Katmai)

Abstract: In todays world data is generated by network sensors, Big Data is changing the way we store the
data, analyze the data and build knowledge from the analysis. The tutorial will include practical applications,
appropriate tools and technology to leverage Big Data Analytics. It will also discuss Hadoop landscape for Big
Data processing. Big Data application in healthcare systems both in terms of patient care and cost will be
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

addressed. A framework of how Big Data Analytics can armhealthcare players and providers with practical
knowledge to make better decisions will also be discussed.

High Level Tutorial Outline:

Introduction to Big Data and Big Data Analytics
Storage structures for Big data
Potential for Big data analytics
Hadoop spectrum and MapReduce framework
Tools for Big data analytics
Delivering Big data analytics benefits
Big data analytics for Healthcare
Challenges for Big Data Analytics
What to expect going forward

About the Speaker: Anup Kumar ( is currently a Professor of CECS Department at the
University of Louisville. He is also the Director of Mobile Information Network and Distributed Systems
(MINDS) Lab. He has given tutorials in the past at many IEEE International conferences and at SCC-
2005/2006. His research interests include web services, wireless networks, distributed system modelling, and
simulation. He has co-edited a book titled, Handbook of Mobile Systems: Applications and Services
published by CRC press in 2012. He is an Associate Editor of Internal J ournal of Web Services Research. He
was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing from 2008-2012. He was Associate Editor of
International Society of Computers and Their Application J ournal from 2004-2008 and of International J ournal of
Engineering Design and Automation from 1995-1998. He was a member of IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program (2006-
2008). He was the Chair of IEEE Computer Society Technical committee on Simulation (TCSIM) (2004-2007). He has
published and presented over 200 papers. He has served on many conference program and organizing committees such as
CyberC-2013-2009, IEEE ISCC 2007, IEEE ICSW-2006, IEEE MASS-2005, IEEE SCC-2005, IEEE ICWS-2005, CIT-
2005, IEEE MASCOTS, ADCOM 97 and 98. He has also edited special issues in IEEE Internet Magazine, and International
J ournal on Computers and Operations Research.
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

2014 IEEE Twenty First International
Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2014)

Resear ch Tr ack
Research Session 1 Service Selection (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Stephen Reiff-Marganiec, University of Leicester, UK
Partial Selection: An Efficient Approach for Qos-Aware Web Service Composition (ICWS2014-1001)
Ying Chen, Jiwei Huang, Chuang Lin (Tsinghua University, China)
Pruning Based Service Selection Approach under Qos and Temporal Constraints (ICWS2014-1002)
Ikbel Guidara, Nawal Guermouche, Tarak Chaari, Said Tazi, Mohamed Jmaiel (Univ de Toulouse, France; University
of Sfax, Tunisia)
Personalized Decision Making for Qos-Based Service Selection (ICWS2014-1003)
Muhammad Suleman Saleem, Chen Ding, Xumin Liu, Chi-Hung Chi (Ryerson University; Rochester institute of
Technology, USA)

Research Session 2 Service Recommendation (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Mohamed Quafafou, Domaine Universitaire de Saint-J rme, France
Time-Aware Service Recommendation for Mashup Creation in an Evolving Service Ecosystem (ICWS2014-1004)
Yang Zhong, Yushun Fan, Keman Huang, Wei Tan, Jia Zhang (Tsinghua University, China; IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA
A Time-Aware and Data Sparsity Tolerant Approach for Web Service Recommendation (ICWS2014-1005)
Yan Hu, Qimin Peng, Xiaohui Hu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
A Graph-Based Data Model for API Ecosysteminsights (ICWS2014-1006)
Erik Wittern, Jim Laredo, Maja Vukovic, Vinod Muthusamy, Aleksander Slominski (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,

Research Session 3 Service Quality Control (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Stephen Crago, University of Southern California, USA
Verifying Multiagent-Based Web Service Compositions Regulated By Commitment Protocols (ICWS2014-1007)
Warda El Kholy, Mohamed El Menshawy, Jamal Bentahar, Hongyang Qu, Rachida Dssouli (Concordia University,
Quality of Experience: What End-Users Say about Web Services? (ICWS2014-1008)
Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Joanna Ng (Queen's University, Canada)
Inferring Data Contract for Web-Based API (ICWS2014-1009)
Chushu Gao, Jun Wei, Hua Zhong, Tao Huang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Research Session 4 Context-Aware Service Selection (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Yushun Fan, Tsinghua University, China
Automatic Propagation of User Inputs in Service Composition for End-Users (ICWS2014-1010)
Shaohua Wang, Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Iman Keivanloo, Joanna Ng, Tinny Ng(Queen's Univerisity; IBM Canada
CAS Research, Canada)
Context-Aware Cloud Service Selection Based On Comparison and Aggregation of User Subjective Assessment
and Objective Performance Assessment (ICWS2014-1011)
Lie Qu, Yan Wang, Mehmet A. Orgun, Ling Liu, Athman Bouguettaya (Macquarie University, Australia; Georgia Tech;
RMIT University, USA)
Context Aware Filtering and Visualization of Web Service Clusters (ICWS2014-1012)
Banage Thenna Gedara Samantha Kumara, Incheon Paik, Hiroki Ohashi, Yuichi Yaguchi, Wuhui Chen (University of
Aizu, Japan)

Research Session 5 Novel Service Applications (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Brian Blake, University of Miami, USA
Landslide Detection Service Based on Composition of Physical and Social information Services (ICWS2014-
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Aibek Musaev, De Wang, Chien-An Cho, Calton Pu (Georgia institute of Technology, USA)
A Web Service for Scholarly Big Data information Extraction (ICWS2014-1014)
Kyle Williams, Lichi Li, Madian Khabsa, Jian Wu, Patrick C. Shih, C. Lee Giles(Penn State University, USA)
Virtual Location-Based Services: Merging the Physical and Virtual World (ICWS2014-1015)
Christian Von Der Weth, Vinod Hegde, Manfred Hauswirth (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Research Session 6 Service Trust (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA
An Efficient Multiple Trust Paths Finding Algorithm for Trustworthy Service Provider Selection in Real-Time
Online Social Network Environments (ICWS2014-1016)
Guanfeng Liu, An Liu, Yan Wang, Lei Li (Soochow University; Macquarie University, Australia; HeFei University of
Technology, China)
A Model-Driven Approach for REST Compliant Services (ICWS2014-1017)
Florian Haupt, Dimka Karastoyanova, Frank Leymann, Benjamin Schroth (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Secure Web Service Composition with Untrusted Broker (ICWS2014-1018)
Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, Ngoc Hong Tran (University of insubria at Como, Italy)

Research Session 7 Service Prediction (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Incorporating Invocation Time in Predicting Web Service QoS via Triadic Factorization (ICWS2014-1019)
Wancai Zhang, Hailong Sun, Xudong Liu, Xiaohui Guo (Beihang University, China)
Leveraging Formal Concept Analysis with Topic Correlation for Service Clustering and Discovery
Mustapha AZNAG, Mohamed QUAFAFOU, Zahi JARIR (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Modelling and Predicting the Data Availability in Decentralized Online Social Networks (ICWS2014-1021)
Songling Fu, Ligang He, Xiangke Liao, Chenlin Huang, Kenli Li, Cheng Chang, Bo Gao (University of Warwick, UK;
Hunan University, China)

Research Session 8 Service Provisioning (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: J ianwei Yin, Zhejiang University, China
Delay-Aware Cost Optimization for Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Hybrid Clouds (ICWS2014-1022)
Song Li, Yangfan Zhou, Lei Jiao, Xinya Yan, Xin Wang, Michael R. Lyu (Fudan University, China; The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, China; University of Gttingen, Germany)
Impacts of Pheromone Modification Strategies in Ant Colony for Data-intensive Service Provision
Lijuan Wang, Jun Shen, Junzhou Luo (University of Wollongong, Australia; Southeast University, China)
Learning Efficient Compositions for QoS-Aware Service Provisioning (ICWS2014-1024)
Ahmed Moustafa, Minjie Zhang (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Research Session 9 Workflows (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Dariusz Krl, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Unraveling and Learning Workflow Models From interleaved Event Logs (ICWS2014-1025)
Xumin Liu (Rochester institute of Technology, USA)
Service Evolution Patterns (ICWS2014-1026)
Shuying Wang, Wilson Akio Higashino, Michael Hayes, Miriam Akemi Manabe Capretz (Western University, USA)
SCKY: A Method for Reusing Service Process Fragments (ICWS2014-1027)
Rong Yang, Bing Li, Jian Wang, Lulu He, Xiaohui Cui (Wuhan University, China)

Research Session 10 Service Efficiency (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Abdelmounaam Rezgui, New Mexico Tech, USA
Wire-Speed Differential SOAP Encoding (ICWS2014-1028)
Kanak Agarwal (IBM, USA)
Web Service Orchestration Topic Mining (ICWS2014-1029)
Victor W. Chu, Raymond K. Wong, Chi-Hung Chi, Patrick C.K. Hung (University of New South Wales, Australia;
CSIRO, Australia; University of Ontario, Canada)
Is XML-Based Test Case Prioritization for Validating WS-BPEL Evolution Effective in Both Average and
Adverse Scenarios? (ICWS2014-1030)
Changjiang Jia, Lijun Mei, W.K. Chan, Y.T. Yu, T.H. Tse (City University of Hong Kong, China)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Appl i c at i ons & I ndust r y Tr ack
Applications & Industry Session 1 IoT Services (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Spatio-Temporal Composition of Sensor Cloud Services (ICWS2014-1031)
Azadeh Ghari Neiat, Athman Bouguettaya, Timos Sellis, Zhen Ye (RMIT University, USA)
TSaaaS: Time Series analytics as a service on IoT (ICWS2014-1032)
Xiaomin Xu, Sheng Huang, Yaoliang Chen, Kevin Browny, Inge Halilovicy, Wei Lu (IBM China Research Laboratory)
SDN Northbound REST API with Efficient Caches (ICWS2014-1033)
Wei Zhou, Li Li, Wu Chou (Huawei, China)

Applications & Industry Session 2 Time-Aware Services Recommendation (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-
14:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: Ruichong Zhang, Beihang University, China
Time-Aware Collaborative Filtering for QoS-Based Service Recommendation (ICWS2014-1034)
Chengyuan Yu, Huang LinpengShanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Time-aware Web Service Recommendations Using Implicit Feedback (ICWS2014-1035)
Gang Tian, Jian Wang, Keqing He, Patrick C.K. Hung, Chengai Sun (Wuhan University, China)
Web Service Recommendation Based on Watchlist via Temporal and Tag Preference Fusion (ICWS2014-1036)
Xiuwei Zhang, Keqing He, Jian Wang, Chong Wang, Gang Tian, Jianxiao Liu (Wuhan University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 3 Services Recommendation (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10; Katmai)
Session Chair: Hamid R. Motahari Nezhad, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
A Novel Approach for API Recommendation in Mashup Development (ICWS2014-1037)
Chune Li, Richong Zhang, Jinpeng Huai, Hailong Sun (Beihang University, China)
Location-based Hierarchical Matrix Factorization for Web Service Recommendation (ICWS2014-1038)
Pinjia He, Jieming Zhu, Zibin Zheng, Jianlong Xu, Michael R. Lyu (University of Hong Kong, China)
Combining Global and Local Trust for Service Recommendation (ICWS2014-1039)
Mingdong Tang, Yu Xu, Jianxun Liu, Zibin Zheng, Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu (Hunan University; University of Hong Kong,
China; Missouri University, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 4 Cloud-based Service Selection and Composition (06/28
Saturday, 15:30-16:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
A Hybrid Fuzzy Framework for Cloud Service Selection (ICWS2014-1040)
Le Sun, Hai Dong, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Omar Khadeer Hussain, Jiangang Ma, Yanchun Zhang (Victoria
University, Australia; RMIT University, Australia)
Service Composition Pattern Generation for Cloud Migration: a Graph Similarity Analysis Approach
Zhitao Wan, Fan Jing Meng, Jing Min Xu, Ping Wang (IBM Research; Peking University, China)
Exploring Cloud Service Brokering from an interface Perspective (ICWS2014-1042)
Yucong Duan, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Wencai Du, Yongzhi Wang, Nianjun Zhou(Florida international University,
USA; Hainan University, CHina; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 5 Cloud Service QoS (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Karen Lu, Gemalto, USA
Cutting Your Cloud Computing Cost for Deadline-Constrained Batch J obs (ICWS2014-1043)
Min Yao, Peng Zhang, Yin Li, Jie Hu, Chuang Lin, Xiang-Yang Li (Tsinghua university, China)
A Trust Evaluation Method for Cloud Service with Fluctuant QoS and Flexible SLA (ICWS2014-1044)
Lianyong Qi, Wanchun Dou, Jiancheng Ni, Xiaona Xia, Chunmei Ma, Jinfeng Liu (Nanjing University, China)
Modeling Accountable Cloud Services (ICWS2014-1045)
Jun Zou, Yan Wang, Mehmet A. Orgun (Macquarie University, Australia)

Applications & Industry Session 6 Services Optimization (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: Xuanzhe Liu, Peking University, China
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Towards Heuristic Optimization of Complex Service-based Workflows for Stochastic QoS Attributes
Dieter Schuller, Melanie Siebenhaar, Ronny Hans, Olga Wenge, Ralf Steinmetz, Stefan Schulte (Technische
Universitt Darmstadt; Vienna University of Technology)
Flexible Execution of Adaptable Composed Services (ICWS2014-1047)
Carlos Kamienski, Ernani Azevedo, Ramide Dantas, Djamel Sadok, Brje Ohlman (Federal University of ABC
(UFABC) Brazil)
Collaborative Web Service QoS Prediction on Unbalanced Data Distribution (ICWS2014-1048)
Wei Xiong, Bing Li, Lulu He, Mingming Chen, Jun Chen (Wuhan University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 7 Data-Oriented Services (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15; Katmai)
Session Chair: Varghese S. J acob, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Data Mining from NoSQL Document-Append Style Storages (ICWS2014-1049)
Richard K. Lomotey, Ralph Deters (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Effectiveness Assessment of Solid-State Drive used in Big Data Services (ICWS2014-1050)
Wei Tan, Liana Fong, Yanbin Liu (IBM Watson Research Center, USA)
Runtime Enforcement of Data-centric Properties for Concurrent Service-based Application (ICWS2014-1051)
Guoquan Wu, Jun Wei, Hua Zhong, Tao Huang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Applications & Industry Session 8 Service Verification (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Xumin Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
ITWS: An Extensible Tool for interoperability Testing of Web Services (ICWS2014-1052)
Ivano Alessandro Elia, Nuno Laranjeiro, Marco Vieira (University of Coimbra)
Web Services and Performance: for eBay ItemVisibility Framework (ICWS2014-1053)
James Shen (eBay inc., USA)
Measuring Credit of Web Service (ICWS2014-1054)
Bin Xu, Jiaxiang Ge, Tonglee Chung (Tsinghua University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 9 Services Composition 1(06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Frank Siqueira, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Categorial Link: REST Service Composition Based on Category Theory (ICWS2014-1055)
Li Li, Wu Chou (Huawei, China)
Domain-aware Service Recommendation for Service Composition (ICWS2014-1056)
Bofei Xia, Yushun Fan, Cheng Wu, Keman Huang, Wei Tan, Jia Zhang, Bing Bai (Tsinghua University)
Adaptive and Dynamic Service Composition via Multi-agent reinforcement learning (ICWS2014-1057)
Hongbing Wang, Qin Wu,Xin Chen,Qi Yu, Zibin Zheng, Athman Bouguettaya (The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
Rochester institute of Technology, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 10 Services Composition 2 (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45; Katmai)
Session Chair: Carlos Kamienski, Federal University of ABC, Brazil
MagEl: A Magneto-Electric Effect-inspired Approach for Web Service Composition (ICWS2014-1058)
Tanveer Ahmed, Michael Mrissa, Abhishek Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology Indore; Universite Lyon 1,
Improved Genetic Algorithm based Approach for QoS Aware Web Service Composition (ICWS2014-1059)
A. Erdinc Yilmaz, Pinar Karagoz (METU Computer Eng. Dept.; Middle East Technical Universityturkey)
Developing a Meta-Model to Support End-User Service Composition (ICWS2014-1060)
Feifei Hang, Liping Zhao (The University of Manchester)

Applications & Industry Session 11 Services Composition 3 (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30; Katmai)
Sessoin Chair: Nuno Laranjeiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Towards Flexibility in Transactional Service Compositions (ICWS2014-1061)
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Paul Grefen (University of ViennaAustria; Eindhoven University of Technology)
A Context-based Autonomous Construction Approach for Procedural Mashups (ICWS2014-1062)
Wei He, Qingzhong Li, Lizhen Cui, Ting Li (Shandong University, China)
Discovering Diversity Corrections for incompatible Web Services (ICWS2014-1063)
Shuai Gong, Jinhua Xiong, Zhiyong Liu, Manfred Wojciechowski (Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Applied
Sciences Dusseldorf)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Applications & Industry Session 12 Services Discovery (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10; Denali)
Session Chair: Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
S-ABC A Service-Oriented Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Global Optimal Services Selection in
Concurrent Requests Environment (ICWS2014-1064)
Zhizhong, liu Liu, Xiaofei XU (Harbin institute of Technology, China)
Correlation-Supported Composite Service Reselection (ICWS2014-1065)
Yuesong Zhang, Bin Zhang, Changsheng Zhang (Northeastern University, China)
Towards Effectively Identifying RESTful Web Services (ICWS2014-1066)
Yao Zhao, Li Dong, Rongheng Lin, Danfeng Yan, Jun Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecom, China)

Applications & Industry Session 13 Services Policy (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20; Denali)
Session Chair: Richong Zhang, Beihang University, China
Low-Latency Service Data Aggregation using Policy Obligations (ICWS2014-1067)
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Marcel Tilly, Helge Janicke (University of Leicester, England; EMIC Germany; De
Montfort University)
Policy Conflict Detection in Composite Web Services with RBAC (ICWS2014-1068)
Danfeng Yan, Junlin Huang, Yuan Tian, Yao Zhao, Fangchun Yang (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, China)
Rule-based web service validation (ICWS2014-1069)
Mikls Klmn (Univesity of Szeged)

Applications & Industry Session 14 QoS-aware Services Selection (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30; Denali)
Session Chair: Hailong, Sun, Beihang University, China
QoS Uncertainty Filtering for Fast and Reliable Web Service Selection (ICWS2014-1070)
Lei Sun, Shangguang Wang, Jinglin Li, Qibo Sun, Fangchun Yang (Beijing University of Posts and
Energy Efficient Dynamic Service Selection for Large-Scale Web Service Systems (ICWS2014-1071)
Ying Chen, Jiwei Huang, Xudong Xiang, Chuang Lin (Tsinghua University, China)
Quality Failure Prediction for the Self Healing of Service-oriented Systemof Systems (ICWS2014-1072)
Hongbing Wang, Cheng Wan (SouthEast University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 15 Services Prediction (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30; Katmai)
Session Chair: Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, J apan
Performance Functions for QoS Prediction in Web Service Composites (ICWS2014-1073)
Florian Volk, Johanna Sokoli, Max Mhlhuser (Technische Universitt Darmstadt/CASED)
A Novel Online Reliability Prediction Approach for Service-Oriented Systems (ICWS2014-1074)
Hongbing Wang, Lei Wang, Qi Yu, Zibin Zheng (Southeast University China; Rochester institute of Technology,
USA; The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Parameter Tuning for ABC-based Service Composition with End-to-End QoS Constraints (ICWS2014-1075)
Ruilin Liu, Zhongjie Wang, Xiaofei Xu (Harbin institute of Technology, China)

Applications & Industry Session 16 Services Tooling (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45; Katmai)
Session Chair: J ames Shen, eBay, USA
A Resource-Oriented Services Platform for Managing Software Supply Chains and its Experience
Mikio Aoyama, Kazuo Yabuta, Tsutomu Kamimura, Souichi inomata, Toshiya Chiba, Takashi Niwa, Koji Sakata
(Nanzan University, Japan)
PEESOS: A Web Tool for Planning and Execution of Experiments in Service Oriented Systems
Luiz Henrique Nunes, Luis Hideo Vasconcelos Nakamura, Bruno Tardiole Kuehne, Edvard Martins de Oliveira,
Rafael Mira de Oliveira Libardi, Lucas Junqueira Adami, Julio Cezar Estrella, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
A Novel Web Service Directory Framework for Mobile Environments (ICWS2014-1078)
Rohit Verma, Abhishek Srivastava (University of Leicester, UK)

Applications & Industry Session 17 Services Annotation (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: Nianjun Zhou (J oe), IBM T.J . Watson Research Center, USA
Annotating Web Service Sections with Combined Classification (ICWS2014-1079)
Georgia M. Kapitsaki (University of Cyprus)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

A Framework for Semantic Description of RESTful Web APIs (ICWS2014-1080)
Ivan Luiz Salvadori, Frank Siqueira (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Ranking Web Services with Limited and Noisy information (ICWS2014-1081)
Jiwei Huang, Ying Chen, Chuang Lin, Junliang Chen (Tsinghua University; Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, China)

Applications & Industry Session 18 Services Innovation (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus
Utilizing Web services Networks for Web service innovation (ICWS2014-1082)
Shahab Mokarizadeh, Peep Kungas, Mihhail Matskin (Royal institute of Technology (KTH); University of Tartu,
Estonia; KTH)
Hoop: Offloading HTTP(S) POSTs from User Devices onto Residential Gateways (ICWS2014-1083)
Kvin Huguenin, Erwan Le Merrer, Nicolas Le Scouarnec, Gilles Straub (EPFL, Switzerland; Technicolor, France)
A Context-Aware Intentional Service Prediction Mechanism in PIS (ICWS2014-1084)
Salma najar, Manuele Kirsch-pinheiro, Carine Souveyet (Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne)
Application Configuration Repository for Adaptive Service-based Systems: Overcoming Challenges in an
Evolutionary Online Advertising Environment (ICWS2014-1085)
Marcos E. B. Broinizi, Danilo Mutti, Joao Eduardo Ferreira (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Wor k -i n-Pr ogr ess Tr ac k
Work-in-Progress Session 1 Services Selection and Composition (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45; Katmai)
Session Chair: Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA
Dynamic Web Service Composition with QoS Clustering (ICWS2014-1086)
Ajaya Kumar Tripathy, Manas Ranjan Patra, Mohiuddin Ali Khan, Huda Fatima, Pravati Swain (Utkal University,
Fast Selection of Web Services with QoS using a Distributed Parallel Semantic Approach (ICWS2014-1087)
Luis H. V. Nakamura, Pedro F. do Prado, Rafael Mira de O. Libardi, Luiz H. Nunes, Julio C. Estrella, Regina H.
C. Santana, Marcos J. Santana, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of Sao Paulo; University of Leicester)
A Utility-Aware Runtime Conflict Resolver for Composite Web services (ICWS2014-1088)
Xiao Ning, Jiuyun Xu, Nan Xu, Di Li, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of Leicester, UK)
Trustworthy Service Composition in Service-oriented Mobile Social Networks (ICWS2014-1089)
Tao Zhang, Jianfeng Ma, Ning Xi, Ximeng Liu, Zhiquan Liu, Jinbo Xiong (Xidian University, China; Fujian Normal
University, China )
Automatic mining data-aware Web services properties (ICWS2014-1090)
Guoquan Wu, Jun Wei (Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Supporting End-User Service Composition with Automatically Generated Composite Service Descriptions
Feifei Hang, Liping Zhao (The University of Manchester, UK)

Work-in-Progress Session 2 Services Management (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: Yucong Duan, Hainan University, China
Component-based information service platform for heating industry (ICWS2014-1092)
Guangchang Hu, Budan Wu, Bo Cheng, Junliang Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
RESTful Web Service Mining: Simple Algorithm Supporting Resource-Oriented Systems (ICWS2014-1093)
Andrzej Stroinski, Dariusz Dwornikowski, Jerzy Brzezinski (Poznan University of Technology)
Revisiting the Evolution of Web Service Systems: The Amazon EC2 Case Study (ICWS2014-1094)
Marios Fokaefs (University of Alberta, Canada)
Services Adaptation Based on Domain Ontology and Feature Configuration: An Explorative Study
Lin Liu (Tsinghua University, China)
Constraints based Web Service Semantic Augmentation (ICWS2014-1096)
Xiaocao Hu, Zhiyong Feng, Shizhan Chen (Tianjin University, China)
Property-based Testing of J SON based web Services (ICWS2014-1097)
Lars-ke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, ngel Herranz, Julio Mario (Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain)
A Web Service Selection Framework based on User's Context and QoS (ICWS2014-1104)
Emna Khanfir, Chiraz El Hog, Raoudha Ben Djmeaa, Ikram Amous Ben Amor (Cit El Ons Route de Tunis, Tunisia)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Work-in-Progress Session 3 Service Oriented Architecture (06/27 Friday, 13:00-14:00; Katmai)
Session Chair: J iuyun Xu, China University of Petroleum
Change-centric Model for Web Service Evolution (ICWS2014-1098)
Wei Zuo, Aha Nabila Benharkat, Youssef Amghar (Universit de LyonFrance)
Service Reconfiguration Architecture Based on Probabilistic Modeling Checking (ICWS2014-1099)
Honghao Gao, Huaikou Miao, Hongwei Zeng (Shanghai University, China)
An Intelligent Admission Control Framework for Composite Services (ICWS2014-1100)
Zhizhong liu, Yan Hai (Henan Polytechnic University; North China University, China)
An Architecture for a Centralized Mediation in Dynamic Manufacturing Networks (ICWS2014-1101)
Malik Khalfallah, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Nicolas Figay, Parisa Ghodous (Airbus Group innovations; Lyon 1
University, France)
A Study Case of Restful Frameworks in Raspberry Pi: A Performance and Energy Overview (ICWS2014-1102)
Luiz Henrique Nunes, Luis Hideo Vasconcelos Nakamura, Heitor De Freitas Vieira, Rafael Mira De Oliveira
Libardi, Edvard Martins De Oliveira, Lucas Junqueira Adami, Julio Cezar Estrella, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of
So Paulo; University of Leicester, UK)
Frequent Pattern Mining using Semantic FP-Growth for Effective Web Service Ranking (ICWS2014-1103)
Omair Shafiq, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne (University of Calgary, Canada)
A Graph-based Approach to Assisting Creation of Mobile Web Applications (ICWS2014-1105)
Yun Ma, Xuan Lu, Yuchong Luo, Xuanzhe Liu (Peking University, China)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference
on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2014)

Resear ch Tr ack
Research Session 1 Cloud Enhancement (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Andrew J . Younge, Indiana University, USA
Cache Policies for Cloud-Based Systems: To Keep or Not To Keep (CLOUD2014-2001)
Nicolas Le Scouarnec, Christoph Neumann, Gilles Straub (Technicolor, France)
Processing of Mixed-Sensitivity Video Surveillance Streams on Hybrid Cloud (CLOUD2014-2002)
Chunwang Zhang, Ee-Chien Chang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Elastic Message Queues (CLOUD2014-2003)
Ahmed El Rheddane, Nol de Palma, Alain Tchana, Daniel Hagimont (LIG/UJF; IRIT/ENSEEIHT)

Research Session 2 IO and Storage Performance (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Sangeetha Seshadri, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
IO Performance Interference among Consolidated n-Tier Applications Sharing is Better than Isolation for Disks
Chien-An Lai, Qingyang Wang, Josh Kimball, Jack Li, Junhee Park, Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
PriDyn: Framework for Performance Specific QoS in Cloud Storage (CLOUD2014-2005)
Nitisha Jain, J. Lakshmi (SERC-Indian Institute of Science, India)
Fast Live Migration with Small IO Performance Penalty by Exploiting SAN in Parallel (CLOUD2014-2006)
Soramichi Akiyama, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Shinichi Honiden (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Research Session 3 IaaS (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Tolga Soyata, University of Rochester, USA
PowerCass: Energy Efficient, Consistent Hashing Based Storage For Micro Clouds Based Infrastructure
Frezewd Lemma Tena, Thomas Knauth, Christof Fetzer (TU Dresden, Germany)
Time-Constrained Live VM Migration in Share-Nothing IaaS-Clouds (CLOUD2014-2008)
Konstantinos Tsakalozos, Vasilis Verroios, Mema Roussopoulos, Alex Delis (University of Athens; Stanford University,
Improving Users' Isolation in IaaS: Virtual Machine Placement with Security Constraints (CLOUD2014-2009)
Eddy Caron, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas (ENS Lyon, France; CNRS, France)

Research Session 4 Cloud Precdiction (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Saman Aliari Zonouz, University of Miami, USA
A Predictive Method for Identifying Optimum Cloud Availability Zones (CLOUD2014-2010)
Merve Unuvar, Yurdaer Doganata, Malgorzata Steinder, Asser Tantawi, Stefania Tosi (IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA)
Replica Placement in Cloud through Simple Stochastic Model Predictive Control (CLOUD2014-2011)
Hamoun Ghanbari, Marin Litoiu, Przemyslaw Pawluk, Cornel Barna (York University, Canada)
Optimizing IaaS Reserved Contract Procurement using Load Prediction (CLOUD2014-2012)
Ruben Van den Bossche, Kurt Vanmechelen, Jan Broeckhove (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

Research Session 5 Energy Efficiency Management (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Emanuele Carlini, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Workload Shaping to Mitigate Variability in Renewable Power Use by Data Centers (CLOUD2014-2013)
Muhammad Abdullah Adnan, Rajesh K. Gupta (University of California, USA)
Energy-Aware Dynamic VM Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers Using Ant Colony System
Fahimeh Farahnakian, Adnan Ashraf, Pasi Liljeberg, Tapio Pahikkala, Juha Plosila, Ivan Porres, Hannu Tenhunen
(University of Turku, Finland;bo Akademi University, Finland)
Exact and Heuristic Graph-Coloring for Energy Efficient Advance Cloud Resource Reservation
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Chaima Ghribi, Djamal Zeghlache (Institut Mines-Tlcom, France; Tlcom SudParis, France)

Research Session 6 Cloud Infrastructure (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Bo Sheng, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
SCDA: SLA-aware Cloud Datacenter Architecture for Efficient Content Storage and Retrieval
Debessay Fesehaye Kassa, Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA)
On the Feasibility of Deploying Software Attestation in Cloud Environments (CLOUD2014-2017)
Abhrajit Ghosh, Angelo Sapello, Alex Poylisher, C.Jason Chiang, Ayumu Kubota, Takashi Matsunaka (Applied
Communication Sciences, USA;KDDI R&D Laboratories, Japan)
Data Centre Optimisation Enhanced by Software Defined Networking (CLOUD2014-2018)
Tommaso Cucinotta, Diego Lugones, Davide Cherubini, Eric Jul (Bell Laboratories, Ireland)

Research Session 7 Cloud Service Selection (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15; Aleutian)
Session Chair: J oon S. Park, Syracuse University, USA
Automated Selection and Configuration of Cloud Environments Using Software Product Lines Principles
Clment Quinton, Daniel Romero, Laurence Duchien (University Lille 1, France)
Core-Selecting Auctions for Dynamically Allocating Heterogenous VMs in Cloud Computing
Haoming Fu, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu, Xiaowen Chu (University of Calgary,Canada;University of Hong Kong,China;
Hong Kong Baptist University,China)
Lego4TOSCA: Composable Building Blocks for Cloud Applications (CLOUD2014-2021)
Florian Haupt, Frank Leymann, Alexander Nowak, Sebastian Wagner (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Research Session 8 Workflows in Cloud (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Brian Blake, University of Miami, USA
Data-driven Workflows in Multi-Cloud Marketplaces (CLOUD2014-2022)
Javier Diaz-Montes, Mengsong Zou , Rahul Singh , Shu Tao, Manish Parashar (Rutgers University, USA; IBM T.J.
Watson Research Center, USA)
Taming Computation Skews of Block-Oriented Iterative Scientific Applications in MapReduce Systems
Xin Yang, Min li, Ze Yu, Xiaolin Li (University of Florida, USA)
HaSTE: Hadoop YARN Scheduling Based on Task-Dependency and Resource-Demand (CLOUD2014-2024)
Yi Yao, Jiayin Wang, Bo Sheng, Jason Lin, Ningfang Mi (Northeastern University, USA; University of Massachusetts
Boston, USA)

Research Session 9 Cost and Performance (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Carlos Kamienski, Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Energy and Performance-Aware Task Scheduling in a Mobile Cloud Computing Environment (CLOUD2014-
Xue Lin, Yanzhi Wang, Qing Xie, Massoud Pedram (University of Southern California, USA)
CellCloud: A Novel Cost Effective Formation of Mobile Cloud Based on Bidding Incentives (CLOUD2014-2026)
Shahid Al Noor, Ragib Hasan, Md Munirul Haque (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Cost of Tape versus Disk for Archival Storage(CLOUD2014-2027)
Jeff Inman, Gary Grider, Hsing-Bung Chen (Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM)

Research Session 10 Data Storage and Sharing (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Md. Munirul Haque (Sunny), University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
UniCache: Hypervisor Managed Data Storage in RAM and Flash (CLOUD2014-2028)
Jinho Hwang, Wei Zhang, Ron C. Chiang, Timothy Wood, H. Howie Huang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA;
Beihang University, China; George Washington University, USA)
Secure Multiparty Data Sharing in the Cloud using Hardware-based TPM Devices (CLOUD2014-2029)
Danan Thilakanathan, Shiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Rafael A Calvo, Dongxi Liu, John Zic (The University of Sydney,
Australia;CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Enabling Non-repudiable Data Possession Verification in Cloud Storage Systems (CLOUD2014-2030)
Zhen Mo, Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, Chengzhong Xu (University of Florida, USA; Wayne State University, USA)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Research Session 11 Performance Modeling (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Hsiang-Huang, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Optimizing Power and Performance Trade-offs of MapReduce J ob Processing with Heterogeneous Multi-Core
Feng Yan, Ludmila Cherkasova, Zhuoyao Zhang, Evgenia Smirni (College of William and Mary, USA; HP Labs,USA;
University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Towards Dynamic Application Distribution Support for Performance Optimization in the Cloud
Santiago Gmez Sez, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Frank Leymann, Steve Strauch (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Performance Modeling to Divide Performance Interference of Virtualization and Virtual Machine Combination
Daichi Kimura, Eriko Numata, Masato Kawatsu (NEC Corporation, Japan)

Research Session 12 MapReduce (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Fan Zhang, MIT, USA
A More Efficient and Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the MapReduce Placement (CLOUD2014-2034)
Xiaoyong Xu, Maolin Tang (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Introducing SSDs to the Hadoop MapReduce Framework (CLOUD2014-2035)
Sangwhan Moon, Jaehwan Lee, Yang-Suk Kee (Texas A&M University, USA; Samsung Semiconductor Inc., USA)
PFC: Privacy Preserving FPGA Cloud - a Case Study of MapReduce (CLOUD2014-2036)
Lei Xu, Weidong Shi, Taeweon Suh (University of Houston, USA; Korea University, Korea)

Research Session 13 Cloud Broker (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45; Aleutian)
Session Chair: J aehwan Lee, Samsung, USA
A Capacity Allocation Approach for Volunteer Cloud Federations Using Poisson-Gamma Gibbs Sampling
Abdelmounaam Rezgui, Gary Quezada, M. Mustafa Rafique, Zaki Malik (New Mexico Tech, USA; IBM Research -
Exascale Systems, Ireland; Wayne State University, USA)
Federated Private Clouds via Broker's Marketplace: A Stackelberg-Game Perspective (CLOUD2014-2038)
Xuanjia Qiu, Chuan Wu, Hongxing Li, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau (University of Hong Kong,China;University of
California, USA;University of Calgary,Canada)
QBROKAGE: A Genetic Approach for QoS Cloud Brokering (CLOUD2014-2039)
Gaetano F. Anastasi, Emanuele Carlini, Massimo Coppola, Patrizio Dazzi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)

Research Session 14 Resource Allocation (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Marco A. S. Netto, IBM Research Brazil, USA
Incentive-Compatible Online Mechanisms for Resource Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds
Lena Mashayekhy, Mahyar Movahed Nejad, Daniel Grosu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos (Wayne State University, USA;
National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
The Impact of Software Resource Allocation on Consolidated n-Tier Applications (CLOUD2014-2041)
Jack Li, Qingyang Wang, Chien-An Lai, Junhee Park, Daisaku Yokoyama, Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology,
USA; University of Tokyo, Japan)
Evaluating dynamic resource allocation strategies in virtualized data centers (CLOUD2014-2042)
Andreas Wolke, Lukas Ziegler (TUM, Germany)

Research Session 15 Data Processing (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Byung Chul Tak, IBM T.J . Watson Research Center, USA
Encrypted Scalar Product Protocol for Outsourced Data Mining (CLOUD2014-2043)
Fang Liu, Wee Keong Ng, Wei Zhang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
On Deletion of Outsourced Data in Cloud Computing (CLOUD2014-2044)
Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen (University of Florida, USA)
Multiple Two-Phase Data Processing with MapReduce (CLOUD2014-2045)
Hsiang-Huang Wu, Tse-Chen Yeh, Chien-Min Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Research Session 16 VM Live Migration (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

RLC - A Reliable approach to Fast and Efficient Live Migration of Virtual Machines in the Clouds
Sanidhya Kashyap, Jaspal Singh Dhillon, Suresh Purini (IIIT Hyderabad, India)
Adaptive Live VM Migration over a WAN: Modeling and Implementation (CLOUD2014-2047)
Weida Zhang, King Tin Lam, Cho-Li Wang (The University of Hong Kong, China)
Fast Server Deprovisioning through Scatter-Gather Live Migration of Virtual Machines (CLOUD2014-2048)
Umesh Deshpande, Yang You, Danny Chan, Nilton Bila, Kartik Gopalan (Binghamton University, USA; IBM Research,

Research Session 17 Cloud Applications (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00; Aleutian)
Session Chair: King Tin Lam, University of Hongkong, China
Impact of Pacemaker failover configuration on mean time to recovery for small cloud clusters
Konstantin Benz, Thomas Michael Bohnert (Zrich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
On the Interplay between Network Traffic and Energy Consumption in Virtualized Environment: An Empirical
Study (CLOUD2014-2050)
Chi Xu, Ziyang Zhao, Haiyang Wang, Jiangchuan Liu (Simon Fraser University, Canada; University of Minnesota at
Duluth, USA)

Appl i c at i ons & I ndust r y Tr ack

Applications & Industry Session 1 MapReduce Enhancement (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Saman Aliari Zonouz, University of Miami, USA
Improving MapReduce Performance in a Heterogeneous Cloud: A Measurement Study (CLOUD2014-2051)
Xu Zhao, Ling Liu, Qi Zhang, Xiaoshe Dong (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Dependency-Aware Data Locality for MapReduce (CLOUD2014-2052)
Xiaoyi Fan, Xiaoqiang Ma, Jiangchuan Liu, Dan Li (Simon Fraser University, Canada; Tsinghua University, China)
Deadline-Constrained MapReduce Scheduling Based on Graph Modelling (CLOUD2014-2053)
Chien-Hung Chen, Jenn-Wei Lin, Sy-Yen Kuo (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan; National Taiwan University,

Applications & Industry Session 2 Large-Scale Cloud (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00; Alaska)
Session Chiar: Liana L. Fong, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Optimal Virtual Machine Placement in Large-Scale Cloud systems (CLOUD2014-2054)
Hana Teyeb, Ali Balma, Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane, Samir Tata (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia; Tlcom
SudParis, France)
Improving Hadoop Service Provisioning in A Geographically Distributed Cloud (CLOUD2014-2055)
Qi Zhang, Ling Liu, Kisung Lee, Yang Zhou, Aameek Singh, Nagapramod Mandagere, Sandeep Gopisetty, Gabriel
Alatorre (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; IBM Research Almaden,USA)
Palantir: Reseizing Network Proximity in Large-scale Distributed Computing Frameworks Using SDN
Ze Yu, Min Li, Xin Yang, Xiaolin Li (University of Florida, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 3 Resource Scaling (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10; Alaska)
Session Chair: Merve Unuvar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Exploiting User Patience for Scaling Resource Capacity in Cloud Services (CLOUD2014-2057)
Renato L. F. Cunha, Marcos D. Assuncao, Carlos Cardonha, Marco A. S. Netto (IBM Research, Brazil)
Performance Variations in Resource Scaling for MapReduce Applications on Private and Public Cloud
Fan Zhang, Majd Sakr (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Lightweight automatic resource scaling for multi-tier web applications (CLOUD2014-2059)
Lenar Yazdanov, Christof Fetzer (TU-Dresden, Germany)

Applications & Industry Session 4 Data Center Management (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: J avier Diaz-Montes, The State University of New J ersey, USA
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

A Virtual Machine Placement Algorithm for Balanced Resource Utilization in Cloud Data Centers
Nguyen Trung Hieu, Mario Di Francesco, Antti Yl-Jski (Aalto University, Finland)
Multicast Virtual Network Embedding in Cloud Data Centers with Delay Constraints (CLOUD2014-2061)
Sara Ayoubi, Khaled Shaban, Chadi Assi (Qatar University, Qatar; Concordia University, Canada)
Minimizing WAN Communications in Inter-Datacenter Key-Value Stores (CLOUD2014-2062)
Hikaru Horie, Masato Asahara, Hiroshi Yamada, Kenji Kono (Keio University, Japan; NEC Green Platform Research
Laboratories, Japan; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)

Applications & Industry Session 5 Security and Privacy (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Umesh Bellur, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
D-Mash: A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data-as-a-Service Mashups (CLOUD2014-2063)
Mahtab Arafati, Gaby G. Dagher, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Patrick C. K. Hung (CIISE, Concordia University, Canada;
SIS, McGill University, Canada; UOIT, Canada)
Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Access Control for Cloud Storage Systems (CLOUD2014-2064)
Jianwei Chen, Huadong Ma (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Game Theoretic Modeling of Security and Interdependency in a Public Cloud (CLOUD2014-2065)
Charles A. Kamhoua, Luke Kwiat, Kevin A. Kwiat, Joon S. Park, Ming Zhao, Manuel Rodriguez (Air Force Research
Lab,NY;University of Florida,USA;Syracuse University,USA;Florida International University,USA)

Applications & Industry Session 6 Resource Management (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00; Alaska)
Session Chair: Charles Kamhoua, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Workload Prediction of Virtual Machines for Harnessing Data Center Resources (CLOUD2014-2066)
Kashifuddin Qazi, Yang Li, Andrew Sohn (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Time' for Cloud? Design and Implementation of a Time-Based Cloud Resource Management System
Ryan K.L. Ko, Alan Y.S. Tan, Grace P.Y. Ng (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
IOverbook: Intelligent Resource-Overbooking to Support Soft Real-time Applications in the Cloud
Faruk Caglar, Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 7 Performance Modeling (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15; Alaska)
Session Chair: Abdelmounaam Rezgui, New Mexico Tech, USA
Performance and Cost Modeling Strategy for Cloud Infrastructure Planning (CLOUD2014-2069)
Erica Teixeira Gomes de Sousa, Fernando Antonio Aires Lins, Eduardo Antnio Guimares Tavares, Paulo Romero
Martins Maciel (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil; Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Enabling Performance as a Service for a Cloud Storage System(CLOUD2014-2070)
Yang Li, Li Guo, Akara Supratak, Yike Guo (United Kingdom, UK)
Simulating the Effects of Cloud-based Oversubscription on Datacenter Revenues and Performance in Single
and Multi-class Service Levels (CLOUD2014-2071)
Rachel Householder, Scott Arnold, Robert Green (Bowling Green State University, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 8 MapReduce Applications (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Thomas Goldschmidt, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Evolving Big Data Stream Classification with MapReduce (CLOUD2014-2072)
Ahsanul Haque, Brandon Parker, Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
MapReduce Algorithms for Processing Universal Quantifier Queries (CLOUD2014-2073)
Wafaa M. A. Habib, Hoda M. O. Mokhtar, Mohamed E. EL-Sharkawi (Cairo University, Egypt)
Speculative Execution for a Single J ob in a MapReduce-like System(CLOUD2014-2074)
Huanle Xu, Wing Cheong Lau (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

Applications & Industry Session 9 Scalability (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Latifur Khan, University of Texas - Dallas, USA
Scalability Analysis and Improvement of Hadoop Virtual Cluster with Cost Consideration (CLOUD2014-2075)
Yanzhang He, Xiaohong Jiang, Zhaohui Wu, Kejiang Ye, Zhongzhong Chen (Zhejiang University, China)
Scalability and Robustness of Time-Series Databases for Cloud-Native Monitoring of Industrial Processes
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Thomas Goldschmidt, Anton Jansen, Heiko Koziolek, Jens Doppelhamer, Hongyu Pei Breivold (ABB Corporate
Research, Germany and Sweden)
A Competitive Scalability Approach for Cloud Architectures (CLOUD2014-2077)
Claudio A. Ardagna, Ernesto Damiani, Fulvio Frati, Guido Montalbano, Davide Rebeccani, Marco Ughetti
(Universit degli Studi di Milano, Italy; Telecom Italia TILab, Italy)

Applications & Industry Session 10 High Performance (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45; Alaska)
Session Chair: Claudio A. Ardagna, Universit degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Ensuring High-performance of Mission-critical J ava Applications in Multi-tenant Cloud Platforms
Zhenyun Zhuang, Cuong Tran, Haricharan Ramachandra, Badri Sridharan (LinkedIn Corporation, United States)
Bridging the Virtualization Performance Gap for HPC Using SR-IOV for InfiniBand (CLOUD2014-2079)
Malek Musleh, Vijay Pai, John Paul Walters, Andrew Younge, Stephen P. Crago (Purdue University West Lafayette,
USA; University of Southern California,USA; Indiana University, USA)
GPU Passthrough Performance: A Comparison of KVM, Xen, VMWare ESXi, and LXC for CUDA and
OpenCL Applications (CLOUD2014-2080)
John Paul Walters, Andrew J. Younge, Dong-In Kang, Ke-Thia Yao, Mikyung Kang, Stephen P. Crago, Geoffrey C.
Fox (University of Southern California, USA; Indiana University, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 11 Cloud Security (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Weidong Shi, University of Houston, USA
User-Controlled Identity Provisioning for Secure Account Sharing (CLOUD2014-2081)
Dongxi Liu, John Zic (CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Trusting the Cloud: a PROV +RBAC Approach (CLOUD2014-2082)
Julien Lacroix, Omar Boucelma (Aix-Marseille University, France)
WinWizard: Expanding Xen with a LibVMI Intrusion Detection Tool (CLOUD2014-2083)
Jereme Lamps, Imani Palmer, Read Sprabery (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 12 Data Query (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Zhenyun Zhuang, LinkedIn Corp., USA
Model of an Encrypted Cloud Relational Database Supporting Complex Predicates in WHERE Clause
Vasily Sidorov, Wee Keong Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
RESeED: Regular Expression Search over Encrypted Data in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2085)
Mohsen Amini Salehi, Thomas Caldwell, Alejandro Fernandez, Emmanuel Mickiewicz, Eric W. D. Rozier, Saman
Zonouz, David Redberg (University of Miami, USA; Fortinet Inc., USA)
GISQF: An Efficient Spatial Query Processing System (CLOUD2014-2086)
Khaled Mohammed Al-Naami, Sadi Seker, Latifur Khan (University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Istanbul Medeniyet
University, Turkey)

Applications & Industry Session 13 Cost Optimization (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45; Alaska)
Session Chair: Incheon Paik, University of Aizu, J apan
Cost Optimization in Multi-site Multi-cloud Environments with Multiple Pricing Schemes (CLOUD2014-2087)
Umesh Bellur, Arpit Malani, Nanjangud C.Narendra (IIT Bombay,India; Indian Institute of Technology, India; IBM
India Software Lab, India)
Design Support for Cost-efficient Application Distribution in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2088)
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Anja Reuter, Mingzhu Xiu, Frank Leymann (IAAS at University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Adaptive Market Mechanism for Efficient Cloud Services Trading (CLOUD2014-2089)
Sergei Chichin, Quoc Bao Vo, Ryszard Kowalczyk (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

Applications & Industry Session 14 Cloud Applications (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00; Alaska)
Session Chair: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA
MediaPaaS: a Cloud-based Media Processing Platform for Elastic Live Broadcasting (CLOUD2014-2090)
Bin Cheng (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany)
The Use of Distributed Processing and Cloud Computing in Agricultural Decision-Making Support Systems
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Walter Akio Goya, Marcelo Risse de Andrade, Artur Carvalho Zucchi, Nelson Mimura Gonzalez, Rosangela de Ftima
Pereira, Karen Langona, Tereza Cristina Melo de Brito Carvalho, Jan-Erik Mngs, Azimeh Sefidcon (University of Sao
Paulo, Brazil; Ericsson Research, Sweden)
CURLA: Cloud-Based Spam URL Analyzer for Very Large Datasets (CLOUD2014-2092)
Shams Zawoad, Ragib Hasan, Md Munirul Haque, Gary Warner (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 15 Cloud Broker (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30; Alaska)
Session Chair: Louise Moser, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Image Transfer and Storage Cost Aware Brokering Strategies for Multiple Clouds (CLOUD2014-2093)
Jose Luis Lucas-Simarro, Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano, Frdric Desprez, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; INRIA / CNRS, France)
A Software Product Line Approach for Configuring Cloud Robotics Applications (CLOUD2014-2094)
Luca Gherardi, Dominique Hunziker, Gajamohan Mohanarajah (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ),
Industry Cloud - Effective adoption of Cloud Computing for industry solutions (CLOUD2014-2095)
Takayuki Kushida, Gopal S. Pingali (IBM Global Technology Services, India)

Applications & Industry Session 16 Performance and Scheduling (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45; Alaska)
Session Chair: Raymond Wong, University of New South Wales, Australia
FRESH: Fair and Efficient Slot Configuration and Scheduling for Hadoop Clusters (CLOUD2014-2096)
Jiayin Wang, Yi Yao, Ying Mao, Bo Sheng, Ningfang Mi (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA; Northeastern
University, USA)
PAD: Performance Anomaly Detection in Multi-Server Distributed Systems (CLOUD2014-2097)
Manjula Peiris, James H.Hill, Jorgen Thelin, Sergey Bykov, Gabriel Kliot, Christian Konig (Indiana University-
Purdue University Indianapolis,USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Smart CloudMonitor - Providing Visibility into Performance of Black-Box Clouds (CLOUD2014-2098)
Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Sergei Chichin, Quoc Bao Vo, Ryszard Kowalczyk (Swinburne University of Technology,

Applications & Industry Session 17 Elasticity (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00; Alaska)
Session Chair: Takayuki Kushida, IBM Global Technology Services, India
Using Elasticity to Improve Inline Data Deduplication Storage Systems (CLOUD2014-2099)
Yufeng Wang, Chiu C Tan, Ningfang Mi (Temple University, USA; Nartheastern University, USA)
Elasticity Management in Private and Hybrid Clouds (CLOUD2014-2100)
Rhodney Arthur Menna Barreto Konig Simes, Carlos Alberto Kamienski (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil;
Federal University of ABC, Brazil)
Crowdsourced Resource-Sizing of Virtual Appliances (CLOUD2014-2101)
Pinar Yanardag Delul, Rean Griffith, Anne Holler, K. Shankari, Xiaoyun Zhu, Ravi Soundararajan, Adarsh
Jagadeeshwaran, Pradeep Padala (Purdue University,USA; VMware Inc.,USA; U.C. Berkeley,USA)

Applications & Industry Session 18 Cloud Engineering (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00; Alaska)
Session Chair: Min Luo, Huawei, USA
AppCloak: Rapid Migration of Legacy Applications into Cloud (CLOUD2014-2102)
Byung Chul Tak, Chunqiang Tang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA; Facebook Inc., USA)
Migrating Agile Development into the Cloud Computing Environment (CLOUD2014-2103)
Gardner Mwansa, Ernest Mnkandla (University of South Africa, South Africa)
Use of Network Latency Profiling and Redundancy for Cloud Server Selection (CLOUD2014-2104)
Minseok Kwon, Zuochao Dou, Wendi Heinzelman, Tolga Soyata, He Ba, Jiye Shi (Rochester Institute of Technology,
USA;University of Rochester, USA;UCB Pharma, UK)

Applications & Industry Session 19 IaaS (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00; Aleutian)
Session Chair: Chiu Chiang Tan, Temple University, USA
What can OpenStack adopt from a Ganeti-based open-source IaaS? (CLOUD2014-2105)
Elton Qevani, Marianthi Panagopoulou, Christoforos Stampoltas, Athanasios Tsitsipas, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Marinos
Themistocleous (University of Piraeus, Greece; CISUC,Portugal)
Cloudburst - simulating workload for IaaS clouds (CLOUD2014-2106)
Johannes Kro, Andreas Wolke (Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany)
Non-Intrusive Critical System Event Recognition and Prediction in Cloud (CLOUD2014-2107)
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Yuanyao Liu, Zhengping Wu (University of Bridgeport, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 20 Multi-tenancy (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30; Lupine)
Session Chair: Nianjun Zhou (J oe), BM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
An Aspect-Oriented Approach to SLA-Driven Monitoring Multi-Tenant Cloud Application (CLOUD2014-2108)
Huihong He, Zhiyi Ma, Hongjie Chen, Chih-Yi Yeh, Weizhong Shao (Peking University, China)
Mixed-Tenancy in the Wild - Applicability of Mixed-Tenancy for Real-World Enterprise SaaS-Applications
Stefan T. Ruehl, Malte Rupprecht, Bjrn Morr, Matthias Reinhardt, Stephan A. W. Verclas
(Clausthal University of Technology, Germany; University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany; T-Systems
International GmbH, Germany)

Applications & Industry Session 21 Data Management (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45; Lupine)
Session Chair: Hemant J ain, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Data Farming on Heterogeneous Clouds (CLOUD2014-2110)
Dariusz Krl, Renata Sota, Jakub Liput, ukasz Dutka, Jacek Kitowski (AGH University of Science and Technology,
Progger: An Efficient, Tamper-Evident Kernel-Space Logger for Cloud Data Provenance Tracking
Ryan K. L. Ko, Mark A. Will (The University of Waikato, New Zealand)
User-Friendly Visualization of Cloud Quality (CLOUD2014-2112)
Yvonne Thoss, Christoph Pohl, Madlain Hoffmann, Josef Spillner, Alexander Schill (Technische Universitt Dresden,

Applications & Industry Session 22 Application Deployment (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00; Lupine)
Session Chair: Wei Tan, IBM T.J . Watson Research Center, USA
Deploying Medical Sensor Networks in the Cloud Accountability Obligations from a European Perspective
Karin Bernsmed, W. Kuan Hon, Christopher Millard (Queen Mary University of London, UK; SINTEF ICT, Norway)
Emulation-as-a-Service The Past in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2114)
Thomas Liebetraut, Klaus Rechert, Isgandar Valizada, Konrad Meier, Dirk von Suchodoletz (University of Freiburg,
Platform-as-a-Service Architecture for Performance Isolated Multi-Tenant Applications (CLOUD2014-2115)
Rouven Krebs, Manuel Loesch, Samuel Kounev (SAP AG, Germany; FZI Research Center for Information Technology,
Germany; University Wuerzburg, Germany)

Wor k -i n-Pr ogr ess Tr ac k

Work-in-Progress Session 1 Cloud Data Center (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Neil Y. Yen, University of Aizu, J apan
Towards an Open Data Set for Trace-Oriented Monitoring (CLOUD2014-2116)
Jingwen Zhou, Zhenbang Chen, Ji Wang, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu (National University of Defense Technology,
China; The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
On-demand Data Integration on the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2117)
Samer Abdul Ghafour, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Parisa Ghodous (Lyon 1 University, France)
Hierarchical Agent-Based Architecture for Resource Management in Cloud Data Center (CLOUD2014-2118)
Fahimeh Farahnakian, Tapio Pahikkala, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila (University of Turku, Finland)
Diagnosing Cloud Performance Anomalies using Large Time Series Dataset Analysis (CLOUD2014-2119)
Ali Imran Jehangiri, Ramin Yahyapour, Philipp Wieder, Edwin Yaqub, Kuan Lu (GWDG, Germany)
SLA-Guided Data Integration on Cloud Environments (CLOUD2014-2120)
Nadia Bennani, Chirine Ghedira-Guegan, Martin A. Musicante, Genoveva Vargas-Solar (CNRS INSA-Lyon, France;
Lyon 3 University, France; DIMAp, Brazil; CNRS, France)
C-Cloud: A Cost-Efficient Reliable Cloud of Surplus Computing Resources (CLOUD2014-2121)
Partha Dutta, Tridib Mukherjee, Vinay Gangadhar Hegde, Sujit Gujar (Xerox Research Center India
(XRCI), India; International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), India; EPFL, Switzerland)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Work-in-Progress Session 2 Cloud System Management (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Zibin Zheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Reliability and Utilization Evaluation of a Cloud Computing SystemAllowing Partial Failures (CLOUD2014-
Congyingzi Zhang, Robert Green, Mansoor Alam (Bowling Green State University, USA; University of Toledo, USA)
A Cost-Effective and Reliable Cloud Storage (CLOUD2014-2123)
Yongmei WEI, Yong Wee Foo (Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore)
Evaluation of Highly Reliable Cloud Computing Systems using Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation
Brett Snyder, Robert Green, Vijay Devabhaktuni, Mansoor Alam (University of Toledo, USA; Bowling Green State
University, USA)
A Note on Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Tries (CLOUD2014-2125)
Zachary A.Kissel, Jie Wang (Merrimack College, USA; University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA)
A Privacy Maturity Model for Cloud Storage Services (CLOUD2014-2126)
Carlo Marcelo Revoredo da Silva, Jose Lutiano Costa da Silva, Ricardo Marinho Melo, Ricardo Batista Rodrigues,
Lucien Rocha Lucien, Sandro Pereira de Melo, Adolfo Colares,Vinicius Cardoso Garcia (Federal University of
Pernambuco(UFPE),Brazil; Estcio Seama College, Brazil; Bandtec College, Brazil; Federal University of Amap,Brazil)

Work-in-Progress Session 3 Cloud Applications (06/27 Friday, 13:00-14:00; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Cesar Gonzales, USA
A Context Based Scheduling Approach for Adaptive Business Process in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2127)
Molka Rekik, Khouloud Boukadi, Hanene Ben-Abdallah (Sfax University, Tunisia; King Abdulaziz University, KSA)
MSSF: A Step towards User-Friendly Multi-Cloud Data Dispersal (CLOUD2014-2128)
Rafael Mira De Oliveira Libardi, Marcos Vinicius Naves Bedo, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Julio Cezar Estrella
(University of So Paulo, Brazil; University of Leicester, UK)
Methodology for Semi Automatic Development of Cloud-Based Business Applications (CLOUD2014-2129)
Hind Benfenatki, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Acha-Nabila Benharkat, Parisa Ghodous, Frdrique Biennier
(University of Lyon 1, France)
Enhanced Backfill Computing (CLOUD2014-2130)
Dunren Che, Jason Fairfield, Parisa Ghodous, Jean Patrick Gelas (Southern Illinois University, USA; Universit de
Lyon 1, France)
Cloud Media Storage and Media Cloud Architecture for Inter-Cloud Communication (CLOUD2014-2131)
Mohammad Aazam, Eui-Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)

Work-in-Progress Session 4 Cloud Security and Privacy (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Cesar Gonzales, USA
Traceability for Adaptive Information Security in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2132)
Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Thein Tun, Niamul Khan, Yijun Yu, Arosha Bandara, Khaled Khan, Bashar Nuseibeh (The Open
University,UK; Qatar University,Qatar)
A Security PaaS Container with a Customized J VM (CLOUD2014-2133)
Rongheng Lin, Budan Wu, Sen Su, Peng Xu, ShaSha Yang,Yao Zhao (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, China)
Keeping Your API Keys in a Safe (CLOUD2014-2134)
Hongqian Karen Lu (Gemalto, Inc., USA)
Towards a Flexible Fine-Grained Access Control System for Modern Cloud Applications (CLOUD2014-2135)
Reza Shiftehfar, Kirill Mechitov, Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
A Model Driven Framework for Secure Outsourcing of Computations to the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2136)
Mohamed Nassar, Abdelkarim Erradi, Farida Sabry, Qutaibah M.Malluhi (Qatar University, Qatar)

Work-in-Progress Session 5 Cloud Management (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Cesar Gonzales, USA
A Comparative Study on I/O Performance between Compute and Storage Optimized Instances of Amazon EC2
Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Ragib Hasan, Md. Haque, Meng Hu (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Virtual Numbers for Virtual Machines? (CLOUD2014-2138)
Alan Y. S. Tan, Ryan K. L. Ko, Veena Mendiratta (University of Waikato, New Zealand; Bell Labs, USA)
Virtual Machine Placement in Predictable Computing Clouds (CLOUD2014-2139)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Richard Rauscher, Raj Acharya (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
CryptVMI: Encrypted Virtual Machine Introspection in the Cloud (CLOUD2014-2140)
Fangzhou Yao, Roy H.Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Provisioning Security and Performance Optimization for Dynamic Cloud Environments (CLOUD2014-2141)
Viswanath Nandina, Jose Marcio Luna, Christopher C. Lamb, Gregory L. Heileman, Chaouki T. Abdallah (University
of New Mexico, USA)
Federating Web-Based Applications on a Hierarchical Cloud (CLOUD2014-2142)
Dan Han, Eleni Stroulia (University of Alberta, Canada)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

2014 IEEE Second International Conference on
Mobile Services (MS 2014)

Resear c h Tr ac k
Research Session 1 Mobile Data Stream Processing (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30; Lupine)
Session Chair: Michael Melliar-Smith, University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Unicast Bandwidth Efficiency Rounting Algorithm for Mobile Devices (MS2014-3001)
Babangida Albaba Abubakar, Miltos Petridis, Deshinder Singh Gill, Saeed Malekshahi Gheytassi (University of
Brighton United Kingdom, UK)
Scalable Mobile Data Streaming with Trajectory Preserving Partitioning (MS2014-3002)
Xin Zhang,Guoqiang Hu , Ning Duan,Peng Gao,Weishan Dong, Jun Zhu (IBM China Research Lab,China; Tsinghua
A System for Near Real-time 3D Reconstruction from Multi-View Using 4G Enabled Mobile (MS2014-3003)
Arindam Saha, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Aniruddha Sinha (Tata Consultancy Services, India)

Research Session 2 Localization and Caching for Mobile Devices (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00; Lupine)
Session Chair: Nimish Radia, Ericsson, USA
A Bayesian Compressed Sensing Approach to Robust Object Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Dongli Wang, Yan Zhou, Yanhua Wei (Xiangtan University, China)
An Interest-Aware Caching Scheme for Mobile Devices (MS2014-3005)
Badari N. Thyamagondlu, Raymond K. Wong, Vidyalakshmi B. S., Chi-Hung Chi (University of New South Wales,
Australia; CSIRO, Australia)
Increasing the Efficiency and Responsiveness of Mobile Applications with Preemptable Code Offloading
Florian Berg, Frank Duerr, Kurt Rothermel (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Research Session 3 Mobile Services Design and Implementation (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10; Lupine)
Session Chair: Rong Chang, IBM T.J . Watson Research Center, USA
Towards Enhancing the Security of OAuth Implementations in Smart Phones (MS2014-3007)
Mohamed Shehab, Fadi Mohsen (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)
Hosting and Discovery of Distributed Mobile Services in an XMPP Cloud (MS2014-3008)
Philipp Grubitzsch, Daniel Schuster (Technische Universitt Dresden, Germany)
Intelligent Planning for Developing Mobile IoT Applications Using Cloud Systems (MS2014-3009)
Stephen S. Yau, Arun Balaji Buduru (Arizona State University, USA)

Research Session 4 Application-Level Energy Management for Mobile Devices (06/28 Saturday,
15:30-16:30; Lupine)
Session Chair: Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
Where Did My Battery Go? Quantifying the Energy Consumption of Cloud Gaming (MS2014-3010)
Ronny Hans, Ulrich Lampe, Daniel Burgstahler, Martin Hellwig, Ralf Steinmetz (Technische Universitt Darmstadt,
Switching Push and Pull: An Energy Efficient Notification Approach (MS2014-3011)
Daniel Burgstahler, Nils Richerzhagen, Frank Englert, Ronny Hans, Ralf Steinmetz (Technische Universitt Darmstadt,

Appl i c at i ons & I ndust r y Tr ack

Applications & Industry Session 1 Mobile Service Management (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30; Lupine)
Session Chair: Louise Moser, University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
PatBugs: A Pattern-Based Bug Detector for Cross-Platform Mobile Applications (MS2014-3012)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Guangtai Liang, Jian Wang, Shaochun Li, Rong Chang (IBM Research China; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
Coordinating Crowd-Sourced Services (MS2014-3013)
Ahmed Abdel Moamen, Nadeem Jamali (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Management of Mobile Data in a Crop Field (MS2014-3014)
Richard K. Lomotey, Ralph Deters (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Applications & Industry Session 2 Security and Privacy (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00; Lupine)
Session Chair: Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
A Reference Software Architecture for Improving Security and Privacy in Cloud-Enabled IoT Applications
Ivor Addo, Sheikh Ahamed, Stephen Yau, Arun Balaji Buduru (Marquette University, USA; Arizona State University,
Intrusion Prevention in Asterisk-based Telephony System(MS2014-3016)
Richard K. Lomotey, Ralph Deters (University of Saskatchewan, USA)
Mobile Services for Enhancing Human Crowdsourcing with Computing Elements (MS2014-3017)
Julian Jarrett, Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake, Sean Thorpe, Tyrone Grandison, Rohan Malcolm (University of Miami,
USA; University of Technology, Jamaica; Proficiency Labs, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 3 Mobile Service Discovery (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15; Lupine)
Session Chair: Khaled M. Khan, Qatar University
A Proximity-Based Framework for Mobile Services (MS2014-3018)
Justin Lewis Salmon, Rong Yang (University of the West of England, UK)
Context-aware Generic Service Discovery and Service Composition (MS2014-3019)
Yifei Zhang, Jianing Wang, Yuhong Yan (Concordia University, CA)
Mirroring Mobile Phone in the Clouds (MS2014-3020)
Bin Ye, Frank Wang, Ling Li, Na Helian, Theo Dimitrakos (University of Kent, UK; University of Hertfordshire, UK;
British Telecommunication, UK)

Wor k -i n-Pr ogr ess Tr ac k

Work-in-Progress Session Mobile Service Management (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30; Dillingham)
Session Chair: Cesar Gonzales, USA
Service Selection for Mobile Service Orchestration (MS2014-3021)
Longtao Huang, Shuiguang Deng (Zhejiang University, China)
Time-of-Flight Distance Measurements using Smart Phones (MS2014-3022)
Jacob Philips, Rob Green, Mansoor Alam (University of Toledo, USA; Bowling Green State University, USA)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

2014 IEEE Eleven International Conference on
Services Computing (SCC2014)

Resear ch Tr ack
Research Session 1 Service Optimization (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Claudio A. Ardagna, University of Milan, Italy
Prioritizing and Scheduling Service Requests under Time Constraints (SCC2014-4001)
Farnaz Dargahi, Mohammad Fozlul Haque Bhuiyan, Chun Wang, Chen Ding (Concordia University, Canada;
Ryerson University, Canada)
Patterns for Monitoring Parallel Processes (SCC2014-4002)
Malik Khalfallah, Nicolas Figay, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Parisa Ghodous (Airbus Group Innovations, France; Lyon 1
University, France)
Consensus-Based Service Selection Using Crowdsourcing Under Fuzzy Preferences of Users (SCC2014-4003)
Mahdi Sharifi, Azizah Abdul Manaf, Ali Memariani, Homa Movahednejad, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi (Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Malaysia; University of Houston, USA; The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Research Session 2 Cloud Service (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Hamid r Motahari nezhad, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Truthful Market-based Trading of Cloud Services with Reservation Price (SCC2014-4004)
Sergei Chichin, Quoc Bao Vo, Ryszard Kowalczyk (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
E-Auctions for Multi-Cloud Service Provisioning (SCC2014-4005)
Marco Anisetti, Claudio A. Ardagna, Ernesto Damiani, Piero A. Bonatti, Marco Faella, Clemente Galdi, Luigi
Sauro(Universit degli Studi di Milano, Italy; Universit di Napoli "Federico II", Italy)
Cadros: the Cloud-Assisted Data Replication in Distributed Online Social Networks (SCC2014-4006)
Michael Fu, Ligang He, Xiangke Liao, Chenlin Huang, Kenli Li, Cheng Chang, Bo Gao (University of Warwick
Coventry, UK; Hunan University, China)

Research Session 3 Service Workflow (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Nuno Laranjeiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
A System Architecture for Running Big Data Workflows in the Cloud (SCC2014-4007)
Andrey Kashlev, Shiyong Lu (Wayne State University, USA)
Optimal Negotiation of Service Level Agreements for Cloud-based Services through Autonomous Agents
Edwin Yaqub, Ramin Yahyapour, Philipp Wieder, Constantinos Kotsokalis, Kuan Lu, Ali Imran Jehangiri (GWDG,
QoS-Aware Service Composition for Converged Network--Cloud Service Provisioning (SCC2014-4009)
Huang Jun, Guoquan Liu, Duan Qiang, Yuhong Yan (Chongqing Univ. of Posts and Telecom., China; The
Pennsylvania State University, USA; Concordia University, Canada)

Research Session 4 Web Service (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Chun Wang, Concordia University, Canada
A Field Perspective on the Interoperability of Web Services (SCC2014-4010)
Ivano Alessandro Elia, Nuno Laranjeiro, Marco Vieira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Systematizing the Service-oriented Requirements Engineering Through i* Framework and Web Services
Keith Seixas de Souza, Marcelo Fantinato, Marcelo Medeiros Eler (University of So Paulo USP, Brazil)
Geospatial Web Service Sub-Chain Ranking and Recommendation (SCC2014-4012)
Xiaolei Wang, Zehui Cheng, Zhou Zhangbing, Ke Ning, Liangjie Zhang (China University of Geosciences, China;
Software Engineering Research Center, China; TELECOM SudParis, France)
Overlapping Community Extraction: A Link Hypergraph Partitioning based Method (SCC2014-4016)
Haicheng Tao, Zhiang Wu, Jin Shi, Jie Cao, Xiaofeng Yu (Nanjing University, China)

Research Session 5 Quality of Service (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Full Solution Indexing Using Database for QoS-aware Web Service Composition (SCC2014-4013)
Jing Li, Yuhong Yan, Daniel Lemire (Concordia University, Canada; Universit du Qubec, Canada)
Personalized QoS Prediction for Web Services using Latent Factor Models (SCC2014-4014)
Dongjin Yu, Yu Liu, Yueshen Xu, YuYu Yin (Hangzhou Dianzi University, China; Zhejiang University, China)
Ranking Strategies for Quality-Aware Service Selection (SCC2014-4015)
Fbio N. Souza, David J.M. Cavalcanti, Tarcisio C. Silva, Nelson S. Rosa (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)

Research Session 6 Ontology (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
A Density-based Space Filling Curve for Location Privacy-preserving (SCC2014-4017)
Feng Tian, Xiaolin Gui, Jian An, Pan Yang, Xuejun Zhang (Xian Jiaotong University, China)
Lilliput: Ontology-Based Platform for IoT Social Networks (SCC2014-4018)
Jaewook Byun, Seong Hoon Kim, Daeyoung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)

Research Session 7 Quality of Service (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15, Iliamna)
Session Chair: J ingwei Huang, University of Illinois, USA
Deja Vu: Assessing Similarity between Service Contracts for Risk Prediction (SCC2014-4019)
Zhongmou Li, Shu Tao, Hui Xiong (Rutgers University, USA; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Health Identification and Outcome Prediction for Outsourcing Services Based on Textual Comments
Hamid Reza Motahari Nezhad, Daniel B Greenia, Taiga Nakamura, Rama Akkiraju (IBM Almaden Research Center,
Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Services with Commutative Operations (SCC2014-4021)
Hua Chai, Wenbing Zhao (Cleveland State University, USA)

Research Session 8 Data Service Generation (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Michael Goul, Arizona State University, USA
A Dataflow-Pattern-Based Recommendation Approach for Data Service Mashups (SCC2014-4022)
Guiling Wang, Sai Zhang, Chen Liu, Yanbo Han (North China University of Technology, China)
Towards pattern-based generation of services to support Business Process execution (SCC2014-4023)
Andrea Delgado (University of the Republica, Uruguay)
Granger Causality-aware Prediction and Diagnosis of Software Degradation (SCC2014-4024)
Zheng Pengfei, Yangfan Zhou, Michael R. Lyu, Yong Qi (Xian Jiaotong University, China; The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, China)

Research Session 9 Service Composition (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Qiang Duan, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
A Strategy-Proof, Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Service Composition (SCC2014-4025)
Ying Li, Yichong Yu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
A Survey of Formalization Approaches to Service Composition (SCC2014-4026)
Glaucia Melissa Medeiros Campos, Nelson Souto Rosa, Lus Ferreira Pires (Federal University of Pernambuco,
Brazil; University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Combining Von Neumann Neighborhood Topology with Approximate-Mapping Local Search for ABC-based
Service Composition (SCC2014-4027)
Xunyou Min, Xiaofei Xu, Zhongjie Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

Research Session 10 Service Modelling (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Srividya Bansal, Arizona State University, USA
Traffic Analysis as a Service via a Unified Model (SCC2014-4028)
Victor W. Chu, Raymond K. Wong, Wei Liu, Fang Chen, Charles Perng (University of New South Wales, Australia;
National ICT Australia, Australia; IBM Research, USA)
Provider Competition in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (SCC2014-4029)
Jrn Knsemller, Sonja Brangewitz, Holger Karl, Claus-Jochen Haake (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Bliss: Specifying Declarative Service Protocols (SCC2014-4031)
Munindar P. Singh (North Carolina State University, USA)

Research Session 11 Service Protocol (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, Lupine)
Session Chair: J orge Bernardino, ISEC, Portugal
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Diversifying Top-k Service Retrieval (SCC2014-4032)
Chaofeng Sha, Keqiang Wang, Kai Zhang, Xiaoling Wang, Aoying Zhou (Fudan University, China; East China Normal
University, China)
Ant-Inspired Multi-Phase and Multi-Party Negotiations in the Data-Intensive Service Provision (SCC2014-4030)
Lijuan Wang, Jun Shen, Qingguo Zhou, Ghassan Beydoun (University of Wollongong, Australia; Lanzhou University,

Appl i c at i ons & I ndust r y Tr ack

Applications & Industry Session 1 Service Oriented Architecture (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30, King
Session Chair: Gideon Mbiydzenyuy, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Executable Modeling Approach to Service Oriented Architecture Using SoaML in Conjunction with Extended
DEVSML (SCC2014-4033)
Jianpeng Hu, Linpeng Huang, Bei Cao, Xuling Chang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Shanghai University of
Engineering Science, China)
Multimodal interactions in dynamic, Service-Oriented Pervasive Environments
Philippe Lalanda, Laurence Nigay, Morgan Martinet (Joseph Fourier University, France)
Customization of Service-oriented Domain Models using SWRL (SCC2014-4035)
Xiuhong Chen, Panpan Gao, Jian Wang, Keqing He (Wuhan University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 2 Service Interaction (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Alexander Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, The Netherlands
Rain4Service: An approach towards decentralized web service composition (SCC2014-4036)
Tanveer Ahmed, Abhinav Tripathi, Abhishek Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India)
A Framework for Environmental Monitoring with Arduino-based Sensors using Restful Web Service (SCC2014-
Sungchul Lee, Juyeon Jo, Yoohwan Kim, Haroon Stephen (University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States)
CLAMS: Cross-Layer Multi-Cloud Application Monitoring as a Service Framework (SCC2014-4038)
Khalid Alhamazani, Ranjan Rajiv, Karan Mitra, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Zhiqiang (George) Huang, Lizhe Wang,
Fethi Rabhi (University of New South Wales, Australia; CSIRO Computational Informatics; Lule University of Technology,
Sweden; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Applications & Industry Session 3 Quality of Service (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
Providing Quality of Service on Services Selection using Anycast Techniques (SCC2014-4039)
Lucas Junqueira Adami, Julio Cezar Estrella, Edvard Martins de Oliveira, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of So
Paulo (USP), Brazil; University of Leicester, UK)
QoS-Aware Service Composition for Converged Network-Cloud Service Provisioning (SCC2014-4040)
Jun Huang, Guoquan Liu, Qiang Duan, Yuhong Yan (Chongqing Univ. of Posts and Telecom., China; The
Pennsylvania State University, USA; Concordia University, Canada)
Integrating Trust with Qualitative and Quantitative Preference for Service Selection (SCC2014-4041)
Hongbing Wang, Lei Wang, Chao Yu (Southeast University, China)

Applications & Industry Session 4 Risk Analysis (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, University of Vermont, USA
A Security Risk Assessment Model for Business Process Deployment in the Cloud (SCC2014-4042)
Elio Goettelmann, Karim Dahman, Benjamin Gateau, Eric Dubois, Claude Godart (Universit de Lorraine, France)
Mining for Gold: How to Predict Service Contract Performance with Optimal Accuracy based on Ordinal Risk
Assessment Data (SCC2014-4043)
Sinem Guven, Mathias Steiner, Ide Tsuyoshi, Amit Paradkar, Sergey Makogon, Alejandro Venegas (IBM T. J. Watson
Research Center, USA; IBM Global Technology Services, USAIBM Global Technology Services, CHILE)

Applications & Industry Session 5 Service Operation (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Hamid r Motahari nezhad, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Checkpoints for service level operations (SCC2014-4044)
Katerina Stamou, Verena Kantere, Jean-Henry Morin, Antonella Longo, Mario Bochicchio (University of Geneva,
Switzerland; University of Salento, Italy )
Aggregating Ranked Services for Selection (SCC2014-4045)
Kenneth K. Fletcher, Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu, Maggie X. Cheng (Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA)
A strategy to optimize resource allocation in auction-based cloud markets (SCC2014-4046)
Paolo Bonacquisto, Giuseppe Di Modica, Giuseppe Petralia, Orazio Tomarchio (University of Catania, Italy)

Applications & Industry Session 6 Workflow (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Liwei Liu, Manchester University, UK
Addressing the Shimming Problem for Big Data Scientific Workflows (SCC2014-4047)
Aravind Mohan, Shiyong Lu, Alexander Kotov (Wayne State University, USA)
Forecasting workloads in multi-step, multi-route business processes (SCC2014-4048)
Sechan Oh, Ray Strong, Chandra Anca, Jeanette Blomberg (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
Benchmarking Accounts in Application Management Service (AMS) (SCC2014-4049)
Ying Li (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 7 Service Performance Indicator (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15, King
Session Chair: Apostolos Papageorgiou, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
Forecasting Service Profitability (SCC2014-4050)
Jeanette Blomberg, Neil Boyette, Chandra Anca, Sechan Oh, Ruoyi Zhou, Ray Strong, Wayne Jones, Oliver Gehb,
Alexander Vogt, Gerhardt Satzger (IBM Research, CA; IBM Business Performance Services, Germany)
On the Quantification of Global Team Performance and Profitability (SCC2014-4051)
Nianjun Zhou, Wesley M. Gifford, Krishna Ratakonda, Gregory Westerwick, Carl Engel (IBM T. J. Watson Research
Center, USA; IBM Global Business Services, USA)
API Terms and Conditions as a Service (SCC2014-4052)
Maja Vukovic, Jim Laredo, Sriram Rajagopal (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA; IBM India, India)

Applications & Industry Session 8 IT Service (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Hyejung Moon, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Korea
Towards Hybrid Cloud Service Certification Models (SCC2014-4053)
Spyros Katopodis, George Spanoudakis, Khaled Mahbub (City University London, United Kingdom)
Model Driven Conformance Testing for Standardized Services (SCC2014-4054)
Malik Khalfallah, Nicolas Figay, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Parisa Ghodous (Airbus Group Innovations, France; Lyon 1
University, France)
Enterprise Architecture Content Model Applied to Complexity Management while Delivering IT Services
Heesung Lee, Jay Ramanathan, Benjamin Wierwille, Rajiv Ramnath, Zahid Hossain, Praveen Kumar (The Ohio State
University, USA; Nationwide Inc., USA)

Applications & Industry Session 9 - Service Selection (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Marcelo Fantinato, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
A multithreaded resolution of the service selection problem based on domain decomposition and work stealing
Yanik Ngoko, Christophe Crin, Alfredo Goldman (Universite de Paris 13, France; DCC - IME - USP, Brazil)
Rating Credibility of Sources for Profiling Risk and Business Context of Service Requests (SCC2014-4057)
Rebecca Copeland, Noel Crespi (Institute Mines-Telecom, France)
Classifying and Aggregating Context Attributes for Business Service Requests - No One-Size-Fits-All
Rebecca Copeland, Noel Crespi (United Kingdom; Institute Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France)

Applications & Industry Session 10 Service Matchmaking (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Marcelo Fantinato, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Quality of Web Service Prediction by Collective Matrix Factorization (SCC2014-4059)
Richong Zhang, Chune Li, Hailong Sun, Yanghao Wang, Jinpeng Huai (Beihang University,China)
Context Aware Post-Filtering for Web Service Clustering (SCC2014-4060)
Banage Thenna Gedara Samantha Kumara, Incheon Paik, Hiroki Ohashi, Wuhui Chen, Koswatte Ralalage,
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Chathurika Koswatte (University of Aizu, Japan)
A neural network based schema matching method for web service matching (SCC2014-4061)
Zhang Junming, Jinglin Li, Shangguang Wang, Jiali Bian (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)

Applications & Industry Session 11 Service Security and Privacy (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, King
Session Chair: Hailong Sun, Beihang University, China
Privacy as a service in social network communications (SCC2014-4062)
Vidyalakshmi B.S., Raymond K. Wong, Mojgan Ghanavati, Chi-Hung Chi (University of New South Wales, Australia;
CSIRO, Australia)
Service Security Revisited (SCC2014-4063)
Peter Leo Gorski, Luigi Lo Iacono, Hoai Viet Nguyen, Daniel Behnam Torkian (Cologne University of Applied
Sciences, Germany)
Social Engineering in Social Networking Sites: The Art of Impersonation (SCC2014-4064)
Abdullah Algarni, Yue Xu, Taizan Chan (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Applications & Industry Session 12 Service Level Agreement (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Liping Zhao, The University of Manchester, UK
Adaptive AutoSLAM - Policy-based Orchestration of SLA Establishment (SCC2014-4065)
Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Quoc Bao Vo, Ryszard Kowalczyk (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
An Approach for Value as a Service Discovery on Scientific Papers Big Data (SCC2014-4066)
Jingliang Chen, Keqing He, Yutao Ma, Neng Zhang (Wuhan University, China; Hubei University of Technology, China)
Cilia: An autonomic service bus for pervasive environments (SCC2014-4067)
Philippe Lalanda, Catherine Hamon, Clement Escoffier (Grenoble University, France; Orange Labs, France)

Applications & Industry Session 13 Service Level Agreement (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Sanat Bista, CSIRO, Australia
The Talking Cloud: A Cloud Platform for Enabling Communication Mashups (SCC2014-4068)
Palanivel Kodeswaran, Arup Acharya, Prasenjit Dey, Shachi Sharma, Sheetal Agrawal (IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA; IBM India Research Lab, India)
Optimization of Load Adaptive Distributed Stream Processing Services (SCC2014-4069)
Xing Wu, Yan Liu (Concordia University, Canada)
Resource State Monitoring of Service Transactions in Cloud Systems (SCC2014-4070)
Lei Xu, Li Zhang, Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew, Claus Pahl (Dublin City University, Ireland; Northeastern University, China;
Ume University, Sweden)

Applications & Industry Session 14 Service Negotiation (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Liping Zhao, The University of Manchester, UK
Strategic Service Selection Problem for Transport Telematic Services - An Optimization Approach (SCC2014-
Gideon Mbiydzenyuy (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Automated Negotiation Using Semantic Rules (SCC2014-4072)
Khayyam Hashmi, Erfan Najmi, Zaki Malik, Amal Alhosban, Brahim Medjahed, Abdelmounaam Rezgui (Wayne State
University, USA; New Mexico Highlands University, New Mexico; University of Michigan-Dearbor, USA; New Mexico
Tech,USA )
QoS-aware Service Composition over Graphplan through Graph Reachability (SCC2014-4073)
Min Chen, Yuhong Yan (Concordia University, Canada)

Applications & Industry Session 15 Context Awareness (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Michael Goul, Arizona State University, USA
Efficient Dynamic Methods for Predictive Action Strategy Optimization for Risk Driven Multi-channel
Communication (SCC2014-4074)
Arvind Agarwal, Nathan Gnanasambandam (Xerox Research Center, United States)
A Compliance Aware Software Defined Infrastructure (SCC2014-4075)
Matthew A. McCarthy, Lorraine M. Herger, Shakil M. Khan (IBM Research, USA)
Incident Ticket Analytics for IT Application Management Services (SCC2014-4076)
Ta-Hsin Li, Rong Liu, Noi Sukavirya, Ying Li, Jeaha Yang, Michael Sandin, Juhnyoung Lee (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center, USA)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Applications & Industry Session 16 Clouds (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Hailong Sun, Beihang University, China
WarMops: A Workload-aware Resource Management Optimization Strategy For IaaS Private Clouds (SCC2014-
Jun Zhang, Jing Wang, Jie Wu, Zhihui Lu, Shiyong Zhang, Yiping Zhong (Fudan University, China; Ministry of
Education, China)
Design and Performance Evaluation of Cloud-Based XML Publish/Subscribe Services (SCC2014-4078)
Chung-Horng Lung, Mohammed Sanaullah, Yang Cao, Shikharesh Majumdar (Carleton University, Canada)
Dynamic Virtual Resource Management in Clouds Coping with Traffic Burst (SCC2014-4079)
Heng Lu, Haopeng Chen, Sixiang Ma, Wenyun Dai, Pu Xing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; State Radio
Monitoring Center, China)

Applications & Industry Session 17 Service Personalization (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Hasan J amil, University of Idaho, USA
SaaS architecture and pricing models (SCC2014-4080)
Gabriella Laatikainen, Arto Ojala (University of Jyvskyl, Finland)
CDCAS: A Novel Cloud Data Center Security Auditing System (SCC2014-4081)
Xueying Wang, Jun Zhang, Mingbo Wang, Lijun Zu, Zhihui Lu, Jie Wu (Fudan University, China; Ministry of
Education, China)
Leverage Personal Cloud Storage Services to Provide Shared Storage for Team Collaboration (SCC2014-4082)
Ke Ning, Zhangbing Zhou, Liang-Jie Zhang (Enterprise key Laboratory of application software, China; China
University of Geosciences, China; National Enterprise Internet Services Supporting Software Engineering Research Center,

Applications & Industry Session 18 Service Behavior (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, The University of Leicester, UK
AOLOA: A Composable Framework for Third-Party Applications for smart home gateways (SCC2014-4083)
Eric Simon, Albert Royo Manjn, Sbastien Jean Univ. (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
Event-driven SOA for IoT Services (SCC2014-4084)
Yang Zhang, Li Duan, Jun-Liang Chen (Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China)
A Formal Approach for Enforcing Transactional Requirements in Web Service Compositions (SCC2014-4085)
Imed Abbassi, Mohamed Graiet, Walid Gaaloul, Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia;
Monastir University, Tunisia; TELECOM SudParis, France )

Applications & Industry Session 19 Web Service Composition (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Yuhong Yan, Concordia University, Canada
Measuring Expected Integration Effort in Service Composition (SCC2014-4086)
Tomer Sagi, Avigdor Gal, Matthias Weidlich (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Handling Uncertainty in Data Services Composition (SCC2014-4087)
Soumaya Amdouni, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Djamal Benslimane, Rim Faiz (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France;
IHEC Carthage Tunisie, Tunisia)
Using Recommender Systems to Assist in Intelligent Service Composition (SCC2014-4088)
Liwei Liu, Csar A. Marn, Nikolay Mehandjiev (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

Applications & Industry Session 20 Service Collaboration (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Miguel Vargas Martin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Multi-Tenant Service Composition Based on Granularity Computing (SCC2014-4089)
Huihui Cai, Lizhen Cui, Yuliang Shi, Lanju Kong, Zhongmin Yan (Shandong University, China)
A PaaS to support collaborations through service composition (SCC2014-4090)
Aurlie Montarnal, Anne-Marie Barthe-Delano, Frdrick Bnaben, Matthieu Lauras, Jacques Lamothe (University
of Toulouse, France)
A Multidimensional Reputation Network for Service Composition in the Internet of Things (SCC2014-4091)
Lorenzo Bossi, Stefano Braghin, Alberto Trombetta (University of Insubria, Italy; IBM Research, Ireland)

Applications & Industry Session 21 Business Process (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Ray Strong, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
A Data-Centric Approach to Optimize Time in Workflow-Based Business Process (SCC2014-4092)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Yuqun Zhang, Dewayne Perry (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
EPClets - A Lightweight and Flexible Textual Language to Augment EPC Process Modelling (SCC2014-4093)
Malinda Kapuruge, Jun Han, Alan Colman, Ulf Regg (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Christian-
Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel, Germany)
Enhancing Formal Specification and Verification of Temporal Constraints in Business Processes (SCC2014-4094)
Saoussen Cheikhrouhou, Slim Kallel, Nawal Guermouche, Mohamed Jmaiel (University of Sfax, Tunisia; LAAS-CNRS,
INSA of Toulouse, France)

Applications & Industry Session 22 Composite Service Execution (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00,
Session Chair: Avigdor Gal, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Increasing Availability of Workflows Executing in a Pervasive Environment (SCC2014-4095)
David Richard Schfer, Thomas Bach, Muhammad Adnan Tariq, Kurt Rothermel (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
An Approach for Modeling and Analyzing Mobile Push Notification Services (SCC2014-4096)
Junhua Ding, Wei Song, Dongmei Zhang (East Carolina University, United States; Nanjing University of Science and
Technology, China; China University of Geosciences, China)
A Forecasting and Decision Model for Successful Service Negotiation (SCC2014-4097)
Werner Mach, Benedikt Pittl, Erich Schikuta (University of Vienna, Germany)

Applications & Industry Session 23 Service Events (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Mahyar Movahednejad, Wayne State University, USA
Causality Analysis of IT Capabilities to Achieve Maximum Business Outcomes (SCC2014-4098)
Nianjun Zhou, Satya Nitta, Ajay Mohindra (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, United States)
Clustering IT Events around Common Root Causes (SCC2014-4099)
Iulia Gabriela Carjeu, Thomas Shorrock, Matthias Seeger (Credit Suisse, Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Lausanne, Switzerland)
Performance Antipatterns: Detection and Evaluation of their Effects in the Cloud (SCC2014-4100)
Vibhu Saujanya Sharma, Samit Anwer (Accenture Technology Labs, India; Indraprastha Institute of Information
Technology, India)

Applications & Industry Session 24 Service Manipulation (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45, Dillingham)
Session Chair: P. Michael Melliar-Smith, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Data Visualization of Web Service with Parallel Coordinates and NodeTrix (SCC2014-4101)
Jiawei Lu, Yuanming Zhang, Jun Xu, Gang Xiao, Qianhui Liang (Zhejiang University of Technology, China; HP Labs,
Towards Automatically Estimating Porting Effort Between Web Service APIs (SCC2014-4102)
Hiranya Jayathilaka, Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski (University of California, United States)
Automatic Hotlink Insertion in Live Production Websites (SCC2014-4103)
Miguel Vargas Martin (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada)

Applications & Industry Session 25 Social Networking Service (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00,
Session Chair: P. Michael Melliar-Smith, UC Santa Barbara, USA
A System of Systems Service Design for Social Media Analytics (SCC2014-4104)
Raymond K.Wong, Chi-Hung Chi, Zhiwei Yu, Yunwei Zhao (University of New South Wales, Australia; CSIRO,
CAPPA: Context Aware Privacy Protecting Advertising - An Extension to CLOPRO Framework (SCC2014-
Anala Pandit, Phani Polina, Anup Kumar, Bin Xie (University of Louisville, United States; InfoBeyond Technologies
LLC, United States)

Applications & Industry Session 26 Service Collaboration (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Wuhui Chen, University of Aizu, J apan
Modelling Sound Conflict Management for Virtual-Enterprise Collaboration (SCC2014-4106)
Nanjangud C. Narendra, Alexander Norta, Msury Mahunnah, Fabrizio Maggi (IBM, India; Tallinn University of
Technology, Estonia; University of Tartu, Estonia)
Towards a Plug-and-Play B2B Marketing Tool Based on Time-Sensitive Information Extraction (SCC2014-4107)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Matt Callery, Fenno (Terry) Heath_III, Richard Hull, Mark Linehan, Piwadee (Noi) Sukaviriya, Roman Vaculin,
Daniel Oppenheim (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, United States)
VLAB-C: A Cloud Service Platform for Collaborative Virtual Laboratory (SCC2014-4108)
Jianjun Yu, Kejun Dong (Computer Network Information Center, China)

Wor k -i n-Pr ogr ess Tr ac k
Work-In-Progress Session 1 Network Service (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10, Katmai)
Session Chair: Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Implementation of Cloud Manufacturing Platform for Enterprise Services Network (SCC2014-4109)
Lu Lu, Rong Wang, Ping Xu, Wei Yi, Xiaodong Li, Aidan Li (Tsinghua University,China; Kingdee International
Software Group Co.,China; Beijing Institute of Technology,China)
EKMPC: Enhanced KMP Allocationfor Virtual Network Service Provision in Cloud (SCC2014-4110)
Rongheng Lin, Budan Wu, Yao Zhao, Hua Zou (State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, China)
Data Fusion as an Enterprise Service (SCC2014-4111)
Patrick M. Widener (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Use-case Centric Dashboard for Cloud solutions (SCC2014-4112)
Pralhad Deshpande, Shachi Sharma, Arup Acharya, Kirk A. Beaty, Ashish Kundu (IBM Research Bangalore, India;
IBM Research Laboratory, India; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, United States)
Space Profile-based Reverse Geocoding Service using Cloud Platform (SCC2014-4113)
Teerayut Horanont, Jiranuwat Prapakornpilai, Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Apichon Witayangkurn, Ryosuke Shibasaki
(The University of Tokyo, Japan; Maejo University, Thailand; The Open University, United Kingdom)
Business transformation based on cloud services (SCC2014-4114)
Alexander Gromoff, Nikolay Kazantsev, Leonid Shumsky, Nikita Konovalov (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute,

Work-In-Progress Session 2 Business Process Service (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20, Katmai)
Session Chair: Alexander Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, The Netherlands
Automatic Code Generation for Business Process Systembased on Artifact (SCC2014-4115)
Budan Wu, Rongheng Lin, Bao Wang, Junliang Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China;
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, China )
Extending an Instant Messaging System with Data Services and Mashups thereof (SCC2014-4116)
Boyang Han, Xinyang Liu, Jing Wang, Chen Liu, Roland-M. Wagner (Shandong University, China; North China
University of Technology, China; Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin)
Design of Palatable Credit Scorecards as a Highly Automated Analytic Service (SCC2014-4117)
Gerald Fahner (FICO, United States)
Dynamic integration mechanism of business process for Internet of Things (SCC2014-4118)
Guangchang Hu, Budan Wu, Hua Zou, Junliang Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)

Work-In-Progress Session 3 Business Application (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30, Katmai)
Session Chair: Soumaya Amdouni, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France
An Architectural Evaluation for Scientific Workflow Service Deplyment in a Virtual Laboratory (SCC2014-4119)
Shiping Chen, John Zic, Lingbo Jiang, Nerolie Oakes (CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Reasoning about Security Policies of Services Using Answer Set Programming (SCC2014-4120)
Vernon Asuncion, Khaled M. Khan, Abdelkarim Erradi, Saleh Alhazbi (Qatar University, Qatar)
A service migration mechanism for web service discovery (SCC2014-4121)
Guangchang Hu, Budan Wu, Bo Cheng, Junliang Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Logistics Service Map - Work-in-Progress (SCC2014-4122)
Michael Glckner, Andr Ludwig (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Service Choreography: Present and Future (SCC2014-4123)
Tanveer Ahmed, Abhishek Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


2014 IEEE Second International Congress on
Big Data (BigData Congress 2014)
Research Track
Research Session 1 BigData Analytics Techniques (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30, Denali)
Session Chair: Latifur Khan, UT Dallas, USA
GraphLens: Mining Enterprise Storage Workloads Using Graph Analytics (BigData2014-5001)
Yang Zhou, Sangeetha Seshadri, Lawrence Chiu, Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology; IBM Almaden Research
FSM-H: Frequent Subgraph Mining Algorithm in Hadoop (BigData2014-5002)
Mansurul A. Bhuiyan, Mohammad Al Hasan (Indiana UniversityPurdue University, Indianapolis)
Rectangle Counting in Large Bipartite Graphs (BigData2014-5003)
Jia Wang, James Cheng, Ada Wai-Chee Fu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

Research Session 2 MapReduce Model (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30, Denali)
Session Chair: J in Soung Yoo, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
A Parallel Spatial Co-location Mining Algorithm Based on MapReduce (BigData2014-5004)
Jin Soung Yoo, Douglas Boulware, and David Kimmey (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, United
Energy-aware Scheduling of MapReduce J obs (BigData2014-5005)
Lena Mashayekhy, Mahyar Movahed Nejad, Daniel Grosu, Dajun Lu, Weisong Shi (Wayne State University, USA)
Vigiles: Fine-grained Access Control for MapReduce (BigData2014-5006)
Huseyin Ulusoy, Murat Kantarcioglu, Erman Pattuk, Kevin Hamlen (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)

Research Session 3 BigData Security (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45, Denali)
Session Chair: J ay Ramanathan, The Ohio State University, USA
Denial-of-Service Threat to Hadoop/YARN Clusters with Multi-Tenancy (BigData2014-5007)
Jingwei Huang, David M. Nicol, Roy H. Campbell (University of Illinois, Illinois)
A Big Data Architecture for Large Scale Security Monitoring (BigData2014-5008)
Samuel Marchal, Xiuyan Jiang, Radu State, Thomas Engel (University of Lorraine, France; University of
Contextual Anomaly Detection in Big Sensor Data (BigData2014-5009)
Michael A. Hayes, Miriam A.M. Capretz (Western University London, Canada)

Research Session 4 BigData Performance Issues (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, Denali)
Session Chair: Carsten Binnig, DHBW Mannheim, Germany
Storing a collection of differentially compressed files Recursively (BigData2014-5011)
Angelos Molfetas, Anthony Wirth, Justin Zobel (The University of Melbourne)
XDB - A novel Database Architecture for Data Analytics as a Service (BigData2014-5012)
Carsten Binnig, Abdallah Salama, Erfan Zamanian, Harald Kornmayer, Sven Listing, Alexander C. Mueller
(Cooperative State University, Germany)
Using inter-file similarity to improve intra-file compression (BigData2014-5023)
Angelos Molfetas, Anthony Wirth, Justin Zobel (The University of MelbourneAustralia)

Research Session 5 BigData Analytics (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30, Denali)
Session Chair: J oe Zhou, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Practising Scalable Graph Similarity J oins in MapReduce (BigData2014-5013)
Yifan Chen, Xiang Zhao, Bin Ge, Chuan Xiao, Chi-Hung Chi (National University; Nagoya University,China; CSIRO,
Configuring A MapReduce Framework for Performance-Heterogeneous Clusters (BigData2014-5014)
Jessica Hartog, Renan DelValle, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Michael Lewis (State University of New York, USA)
Marimba: A Framework for Making MapReduce J obs Incremental (BigData2014-5015)
Johannes Schildgen, Thomas Jrg, Manuel Hoffmann, Stefan Deoch (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)

Research Session 6 MapReduce Framework (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, Denali)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Session Chair: Dirk Werth, Deutschen Forschungszentrum fr Knstliche Intelligenz, Germany
Money on the Move: Big Data of Bank Card Transactions as the New Proxy for Human Mobility Patterns and
Regional Delineation. The Case of Residents and Foreign Visitors in Spain (BigData2014-5016)
Sobolevsky Stanislav, Izabela Sitko, Remi Tachet des Combes, Bartosz Hawelka, Juan Murillo Arias, Carlo Ratti(MIT
SENSEable City Lab, USA; University of Salzburg, Austria; BBVA New Technologies, Spain)
Characterizing and Modeling Package Dynamics in Express Shipping Service Network (BigData2014-5017)
Xu Tan, Yuanchao Shu, Xie Lu, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen (Zhejiang University, China; University of California, USA)
Dmodel: Online Taxicab Demand Model from Big Sensor Data in a Roving Sensor Network (BigData2014-5018)
Desheng Zhang, Tian He, Shan Lin, Sirajum Munir, John Stankovic (University of Minnesota; Temple University;
University of Virginia, USA)

Research Session 7 BigData Services (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, Denali)
Session Chair: Louise Moser, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Distributed Maximal Clique Computation (BigData2014-5019)
Yanyan Xu, James Cheng, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Yingyi Bu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong,China; University of
California, United States)
A Processing Pipeline for Cassandra Datasets Based on Hadoop Streaming (BigData2014-5020)
Elif Dede, Bedri Sendir, Pinar Kuzlu, John Weachock, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Lavanya (SUNY Binghamton;
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA)
AuDy: Automatic Dynamic Least-Weight Balancing for Stream Workloads Scalability
Pedro Martins, Maryam Abbasi, Pedro Furtado (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Towards Big Data Bayesian Network Learning - An Ensemble Learning Based Approach
Yan Tang, Yu Wang, Kendra M.L. Cooper, and Ling Li

Research Session 8 Distributed BigData Services (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Miguel Vargas Martin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
SiLK: A Tool Suite for Unsampled Network Flow Analysis at Scale (BigData2014-5022)
Mark Thomas, Leigh Metcalf, Jonathan Spring, Paul Krystosek, Katherine Prevost (Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA)
DeltaDB: A Scalable Database Design for Time-Varying Schema-Free Data (BigData2014-5024)
Peter Ivie, Douglas Thain (University of Notre Dame)
A Compatible LZMA ORC-based Optimization for High Performance Big Data Load (BigData2014-5010)
Liping Zhang, Qi Chen, Kai Miao (Intel Corporation, China)

Research Session 9 BigData Analytics Network (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Louise Moser, UC Santa Barbara, USA
A Cloud-Computing Local Histogram Construction Algorithm for Big Image Data (BigData2014-5025)
Chung-Chih Cheng, Wei-Lun Cheng, Sheng-Wei Cheng Cheng, Shih-Chia Huang (National Taipei University of
Technology, Taiwan)
T-PICE: Twitter Personality based Influential Communities Extraction System(BigData2014-5026)
Eleanna Kafeza, Andreas Kanavos, Christos Makris, Pantelis Vikatos (Athens University of Economics,
A Holistic Framework for Big Scientific Data Management (BigData2014-5027)
Verena Kantere (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Research Session 10 BigData Management Model (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Yuhong Yan, Concordia University, Canada
Reducing the Search Space for Big Data Mining for Interesting Patterns from Uncertain Data (BigData2014-
Carson Leung, Richard Kyle MacKinnon, Fan Jiang (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada)
Lethe: Cluster-based Indexing for Secure Multi-User Search (BigData2014-5029)
Eirini C. Micheli, Giorgos Margaritis, Stergios V. Anastasiadis (University of Ioannina, Greece)
Adaptive Indexing for Distributed Array Processing (BigData2014-5030)
Yifeng Geng, Xiaomeng Huang, Guangwen Yang (Tsinghua University, China)
Scalable State Management for Scientific Applications in the Cloud (BigData2014-5031)
Tonglin Li, Ioan Raicu, Lavanya Ramakrishnan (Illinois Institute of Technology, Argonne National Laboratory,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Research Session 11 Data Storage (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, Dillingham)
Session Chair: Vibhu Sharma, Accenture, USA
Data Base Analysis using a Compact Data Set (BigData2014-5032)
Angel Ferrnando Kuri-Morales (Autnomo de Mxico Mexico)
The Babel File System (BigData2014-5033)
Moises Quezada Naquid, Ricardo Marceln Jimnez, and Jos Luis Gonzlez Compen (UAM-Iztapalapa Mxico D.F.,
San Luis Potos, MEXICO)
Using Multimedia Ontologies for Automatic Image Annotation and Classification (BigData2014-5034)
Antonio M. Rinaldi (Universita di Napoli Federico II)
Federated MapReduce to Transparently Run Applications on Multicluster Environment (BigData2014-5035)
Chun-Yu Wang, Tzu-Li Tai , Shu Jui-Shing, Chang Jyh-Biau , Shieh Ce-Kuen( National Cheng Kung University,
University of Kang Ning, Taiwan (R.O.C.))

Research Session 12 Data Analysis (07/02 Wednesday, 8:30-9:30, Denali)
Session Chair: Claudio A. Ardagna, University of Milan, Italy
Real-Time Integration of Building Energy Data (BigData2014-5036)
Diogo Anjos, Paulo Carreir, Alexandre Francisco (Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)
Lisboa, Portugal)
Hydrological Time Series Anomaly Mining Based on Symbolization and Distance Measure (BigData2014-5037)
Dingsheng Wan, Yan Xiao, Pengcheng Zhang, Jun Feng, Yuelong Zhu, Qian Liu (Hohai University, China)
Enterprise Relationship Network: Build Foundation for Social Business (BigData2014-5038)
Liqiang Wang, Shijun Liu, Li Pan, Lei Wu, Xiangxu Meng (Shandong University, China)
Big Data Collection Gateway for Vision-based Smart Meter Reading Network (BigData2014-5039)
Ching-Han Chen, Ching-Yi Che, Hsia Chih-Hsien, Guan-Xin Wu (National Central University Taoyuan, ROC)

Research Session 13 Data Analysis (07/02 Wednesday, 9:45-10:45, Denali)
Session Chair: Louise Moser, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Triangulation-based Singer Identification for Duet Music Data Indexing (BigData2014-5040)
Wei-Ho Tsai, Cin-Hao Ma
Speech and Singing Discrimination for Audio Data Indexing (BigData2014-5041)
Wei-Ho Tsai, Cin-Hao Ma
Temporal Event Tracing on Big Healthcare Data Analytics (BigData2014-5042)
Chin-Ho Lin, I-Jen Chia, Han-Fang Zheng, Seng-Cho T. Chou (National Taiwan University, R.O.C)
The Application of Cartesian-join of Bloom Filters to Supporting Membership Query of Multidimensional Data
Zhu Wang, Tie-jian Luo, Guandong Xu, Xiang Wang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University
of Technology Sydney, Australia)

Research Session 14 Data Processing (07/02 Wednesday, 11:00-12:00, Denali)
Session Chair: Wuhui Chen, University of Aizu, J apan
MapCheckReduce: An Improved MapReduce Computing Model for Imprecise Applications (BigData2014-5044)
Wang Changjian , Yuxing Peng , Mingxing Tang , Dongsheng Li , Shanshan Li , Pengfei You (National University of
Defense Technology,China)
Predicting Wikipedia Editors Editing Interest Based on Factor Graph Model (BigData2014-5045)
Haisu Zhang , Sheng Zhang , Zhaolin Wu , Liwei Huang ,Yutao Ma (Wuhan University; PLA University of Science
and Technology,China)
On Retrieving Moving Object Gathering Pattern from Trajectory Data via Spatio-Temporal Graph
Junming Zhang, Jinglin Li, Shangguang Wang, Zhihan Liu, Quan Yuan, Fangchun Yang (Beijing University, China)
Association Rule Mining of Personal Hobbies in Social Networks (BigData2014-5047)
Xiaoqing Y, Huanhuan Liu, Jianhua Shi, Jenq-Neng Hwang , Wanggen Wan , Jing Lu (Shanghai University, China;
University of Washington , USA)

Research Session 15 Data Mining (07/02 Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, Denali)
Session Chair: P. Michael Melliar-Smith, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Hydrological Time Series Anomaly Mining based on Symbolization and Distance Measure (BigData2014-5048)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Dingsheng Wan, Yan Xiao, Pengcheng Zhang, Jun Feng, Yuelong Zhu, Qian Liu (Hohai University, Nanjing,
A Study on Sentiment Computing and Classification of Sina Weibo with Word2vec (BigData2014-5049)
Xue Bai, Fu Chen, Shaobin Zhan (Beijing Foreign Studies University, China)
Three-Level Views of the Web Service Network: An Empirical Study Based on ProgrammableWeb
Saixia Ly, LIU Jian-xun, Mingdong Tan, Guosheng Kang, Buqing Cao, Yucong Duan (
Fundan University; Hainan University)
How to send a Self-destructing Email: a method of self-destructing email system (BigData2014-5051)
Fu Xia, Wang Zhijian, Wu Ha, Yang Jiaqi, Wang Zizhao (Hohai University, China)

Appl i c at i ons & I ndust r y Tr ack

Applications & Industry Session 1 Distributed Data Model (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30, Denali)
Session Chair: ingwei Huang, University of Illinois, USA
Bigdata oriented Open Scalable Relational Data Model (BigData2014-5052)
Zhiyun Zheng, Zhimeng Du, Lun Li, Yike Guo (Zhengzhou University, China; Imperial College London (ICL), UK)
ADAM - A Database and Information Retrieval System for Big Multimedia Collections (BigData2014-5053)
Ivan Giangreco, Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Building a Massive Stream Computing Platform for Flexible Applications (BigData2014-5054)
Tianjian Chen, Zhengrui Man, Hao Liu, Sun Xin, Raymond Wong, Zhiwei Yu (University of New South Wales,
Australia; Department of Business Product., China)

Applications & Industry Session 2 Cloud-based BigData Management (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00,
Session Chair: Hemant J ain, University of WisconsinMilwaukee, USA
OpenStack Caf: A Novel Time-based User-centric Resource Management in the Cloud (BigData2014-5055)
Alan Y. S. Tan, Ryan K. L. Ko, Grace P. Y. Ng (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
Trend Analysis of Time Series Data using Data mining Techniques (BigData2014-5056)
Arpit Baheti, Durga Toshniwal (Indian Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand)
Parallel POD Compression of Time-Varying Big Datasets Using m-Swap on the K Computer (BigData2014-5057)
Chongke Bi, Kenji Ono, Lu Yang (RIKEN; Kyoto University, Japan)

Applications & Industry Session 3 BigData Management System (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10, Denali)
Session Chair: Stanislav Sobolevsky, MIT, USA
A Key-Value based Application Platform for Enterprise Big Data (BigData2014-5058)
Bo Hu, Yutao Ma, Liang-Jie Zhang, Jiake Shi, Jiayan Zhong (Wuhan University; Kingdee Research, China)
Does Social Media BigData Make the World Smaller? An Exploratory Analysis of Keyword-Hashtag Networks
Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Xindong Wu (University of Vermont, USA)
Data Visualization in Educational Datasets using a Rule-Based Inference System(BigData2014-5060)
Aniruddha Desai, Muaz Mian, David Hazel, Ankur Teredesai, Gregory Benner (University of Washington Tacoma, WA)

Applications & Industry Session 4 BigData Analytics Method (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30, Denali)
Session Chair: J in Soung Yoo, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
A Rule-Based Temporal Analysis Method for Online Health Analytics and its Application for Real-Time
Detection of Neonatal Spells (BigData2014-5061)
Anirudh Thommandram, Mikael Eklund, Carolyn McGregor, James Pugh, Andrew James (University of Ontario,
Canada; University of Toronto, Canada)
A Discriminant Framework for Detecting Similar Scientific Research Projects Based on Big Data Mining
Shanqing Li, Lirong Song, Hui Zhao (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, China)

Applications & Industry Session 5 BigData Analytics Algorithm (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30, Denali)
Session Chair: J oe Zhou, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Distributed Implementation of Latent Rating Pattern Sharing Based Cross-domain Recommender System
Approach (BigData2014-5063)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Anil Kumar, Vikas Kapur, Apangshu Saha, Rajeev Kumar Gupta, Arun Singh, Santanu Chaudhury,Sumeet Agarwal
(Samsung Research and Development Institute Delhi; Indian Institute of Technology,India)
Auto-configuration System and Algorithms for Big Data-enabled Internet-of-Things Platforms
Apostolos Papageorgiou, Manuel Zahn, Ernoe Kovacs (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany)
DualIso: An Algorithm for Subgraph Pattern Matching on Very Large Labeled Graphs (BigData2014-5065)
Matthew Saltz, Ayushi Jain, Arash Fard, Abhishek Kothari, John Miller, Lakshmish Ramaswamy(University of Gorgia,
United States)

Applications & Industry Session 6 BigData Mining (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00, Denali)
Session Chair: Dirk Werth, Deutschen Forschungszentrum fr Knstliche Intelligenz, Germany
An autonomic mediation framework for complex physical environments (BigData2014-5066)
Philippe Lalanda, Catherine Hamon (Orange Labs, France)
Towards a Semantic Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Framework for Big Data Integration (BigData2014-5067)
Srividya K. Bansal (Arizona State University, United States)

Applications & Industry Session 7 NoSQL (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15, Denali)
Session Chair: Lakshmish Ramaswamy, The University of Georgia, USA
Big Data Analytics for Predictive Manufacturing Control A Case Study from Process Industry (BigData2014-
Julian Krumeich, Sven Jacobi, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos (DFKISaarstahl AG, Germany)
BigObject Store: In-Place Computing for Interactive Analytics (BigData2014-5069)
Yi-Cheng Huang, Wenwey Hseush, Yu-Chun Lai, Michael Fong (MarcoData Inc., USA)
Scalable XPath Evaluation On Large-Scale Continuously Evolving XML Repositories (BigData2014-5070)
Phani Rohit Mullangi, Gowtham Penematsa, Lakshmish Ramaswamy (University of Georgia, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 8 Big Spatial Data (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30, Lupine)
Session Chair: J ia Zhang, Carnegie Mellon Unviersity Silicon Valley, USA
Bridging the Gap between Spatial Data Sources and Mashup Applications (BigData2014-5071)
Wei Zhou, Chi-Hung Chi, Can Wang, Raymond Wong, Chen Ding
High-Performance Spatial Query Processing on Big Taxi Trip Data using GPGPUs (BigData2014-5072)
Jianting Zhang, Simin You, Le Gruenwald (The City College of New York; CUNY Graduate Center; University of
Oklahoma, USA)
A Combinatorial Approach to Multidimensional Scaling (BigData2014-5073)
Jorge Alencar, Carlile Lavor, Tibrius Bonates (Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Federal University of Cear,

Applications & Industry Session 9 Hadoop (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30, Lupine)
Session Chair: Miguel Vargas Martin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Big R: Large-scale Analytics on Hadoop using R (BigData2014-5074)
Oscar Lara, Weiqiang Zhuang, Adarsh Pannu
Diagnosing Virtualized Hadoop Performance from Benchmark Results: An Exploratory Study (BigData2014-
Jun Fan, Li Xinhui, Harold Liu, Jeffrey Buell, Gavin Lu, Luke Lu(eijing Institute of Technology, China; VMware R&D)
Performance Implications of SSDs in Virtualized Hadoop Clusters (BigData2014-5076)
Sungyong Ahn, Sangkyu Park, Jae-Ki Hong, Wooseok Chang (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea)

Applications & Industry Session 10 BigData Privacy (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45, Lupine)
Session Chair: Lena Mashayekhy, Wayne State University, USA
We Know Where You Are Tweeting from: Assigning a Type of Place to Tweets using Natural Language
Processing and Random Forests (BigData2014-5077)
Abdulkareem Alsudais, Gondy Leroy, Anthony Corso (Claremont Graduate University; The University of Arizona;
California Baptist University, USA)
Making Big Data, Privacy, and Anonymization work together in the Enterprise: Experiences and Issues
Nakul Gorade, Rahul Bhardwaj, Jeff Sedayao (Intel Corporation; The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)

Applications & Industry Session 11 Cloud-based BigData Storage (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, Iliamna)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Session Chair: Avigdor Gal, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
CloudJ et4BigData: Streamlining Big Data via an accelerated socket interface(BigData2014-5079)
Frank Zhigang Wang, Theo Dimitrakos, Na Helian, Sining Wu, Ling Li, Rodric Yates (Unversity of Kent, United
Resource Provisioning with QoS in Cloud Storage (BigData2014-5080)
Wei-Chih Huang, Chuan-Ming Liu, Chuan-Chi Lai (National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan)
Data Sharing for Cloud Computing Platforms (BigData2014-5081)
Marwan Sabbouh, Kenneth Mccracken, Geoff Cooney (United States)

Applications & Industry Session 12 BigData Analytics Archiecture (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30,
Session Chair: Hasan J amil, University of Idaho, USA
Towards a Set Theoretical Approach to Big Data Analytics (BigData2014-5082
Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Abid Hussain, Ravi Vatrapu (IT University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Business School,
Efficient String Sorting on Multi- and Many-Core Architectures (BigData2014-5083)
Aleksandr Drozd, Miquel Pericas, Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
A Tale of Two Data-Intensive Paradigms: Applications, Abstractions, and Architectures (BigData2014-5084)
Shantenu Jha, Judy Qiu, Andre Luckow, Pradeep Mantha, Geoffrey Fox

Applications & Industry Session 13 NoSQL (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Ray Strong, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
ODBAPI: a unified REST API for relational and NoSQL data stores (BigData2014-5085)
Rami Sellami, Bhiri Sami, Defude Bruno (Institut Mines-Telecom, France)
Terms Mining in Document-Based NoSQL: Response to Unstructured Data (BigData2014-5086)
Richard Lomotey, Ralph Deters (University of Saskatchewan, Canada; United States)
Spacio-Temporal Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Large-Scale and Heterogeneous Scientific Repositories
Takeuchi Shinichi, Yuhei Akahoshi, Ong Bun Theang, Komei Sugiura, Koji Zettsu((National Institute of Information
and Communications Technology, Japan)

Applications & Industry Session 14 Data Mining (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Incheon Paik, University of Aizu, J apan
Tactical Clinical Text Mining for Improved Patient Characterization (BigData2014-5088)
Heather Champion, Nick Pizzi, Raja Krishnamoorthy (IMT, Canada)
An Effective Integrated Method for Learning Big Imbalanced Data (BigData2014-5089)
Mojgan Ghanavati, Raymond Wong, Fang Chen, Yang Wang, Charles Perng (University of New South Wales &
NICTA, Australia; NICTA)
Automated Trading with Machine Learning on Big Data (BigData2014-5120)
Dymitr Ruta

Applications & Industry Session 15 Big Social Data (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, Lupine)
Session Chair: Raghava Rao Mukkamala, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Multifaceted Visualisation of Annotated Social Media Data (BigData2014-5090)
Sanat Bista, Surya Nepal, Cecile Paris(CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia)
Enumerating Maximal Bicliques from a Large Graph using MapReduce (BigData2014-5091)
Arko Mukherjee, Srikanta Tirthapura (Iowa State University, United States)
FSBD: A Framework for Scheduling of Big Data Mining in Cloud Computing Environment (BigData2014-5092)
Leila Ismail, Mohammed Masud, Latifur Khan (United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates; University of
Texas at Dallas, United States)

Applications & Industry Session 16 Graph Analytics (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30, Lupine)
Session Chair: Miyuru Dayarathna, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
LightGraph: Lighten Communication in Distributed Graph-Parallel Processing (BigData2014-5093)
Yue Zhao, Kenji Yoshigoe, Mengjun Xie, Suijian Zhou, Remzi Seker,Jiang Bian
RABID: A Distributed Parallel R for Large Datasets (BigData2014-5094)
Hao Lin, Shuo Yang, and Samuel Midkiff (Huawei Technologies, Canada; Purdue University, United States)
An Intelligent System for Forecasting the Trend of Consumed Electricity (BigData2014-5121)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Hang Yang, Huajun Chen, Cai Yuan, and Fang Lianhang

Applications & Industry Session 17 Cloud-based BigData Service (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, Lupine)
Session Chair: Alexander Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, The Netherlands
Trace-Based Analysis and Prediction of Cloud Computing User Behavior Using the Fractal Modeling
Technique (BigData2014-5095)
Shuang Chen, Mahboobeh Ghorbani, Yanzhi Wang, Paul Bogdan, Massoud Pedram (University of Southern
California, United States)
Inherent Replica Inconsistency in Cassandra (BigData2014-5096)
Xiangdong Huang, Jianmin Wang, Jian Bai, Guiguang Ding, Mingsheng Long (Tsinghua University, China)
Towards Emulation of Large Scale Complex Network Workloads on Graph Databases with XGDBench
Xiangdong Huang, Jianmin Wang, Jian Bai, Guiguang Ding, Mingsheng Lon (Tsinghua University, China)

Wor k -i n-Pr ogr ess Tr ac k
Work-In-Progress Session 1 BigData Processing (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Policy Design based on Risk at Big Data Era: Case Study of Privacy Invasion in South Korea (BigData2014-
Hyejung Moon, Hyun Suk Cho, Seo Hwa Jeong (Seoul National University of Science & Technology, South Korea;
Institute of Lottery and Policy)
Knowledge Discovery from Big Data for Intrusion Detection Using LDA (BigData2014-5099)
Jingwei Huang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, David Nicol (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
Big data security and privacy issues in healthcare (BigData2014-5100)
Harsh Kupwade Patil, Ravi Seshadri (Nanthealth, United States)
GrandLand Traffic Data Processing Platform(BigData2014-5101)
Cui Xingcan, Zhen Dong, Liwei Lin, Renyong Song, Xiaohui Yu (Shandong Universit, China; York University)
A Memory-based Continuous Query Index for Stream Processing (BigData2014-5102)
Cuiwen Xiong, Peng Zhang, Yan Li, Shipeng Zhang, Qingyun Liu, Jianlong Tan

Work-In-Progress Session 2 BigData Analytics (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Katherine G. Herbert, Montclair State University, USA
Ranking Keyword Search Results with Query Logs (BigData2014-5103)
Jing Zhou, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu, Ziqiang Yu (Shandong Universit, China; York University)
Constructing an Issue Network from the Perspective of Common R&D Keywords (BigData2014-5104)
Namgyu Kim, William Wong Xiu Shun, Jieun Kim, Kee-Young Kwahk, Seungryul Jeong, Hyunchul Ahn (Business IT
Kookmin University, Korea)
Agriculture Data for All - Integrated Tools for Agriculture Data Integration, Analytics, and Sharing
Jarek Nabrzyski, Cheng Liu, Charles Vardeman, Sandra Gesing, Milan Budhatoki (University of Notre Dame, United
Asynchronous Service Analysis of Cloud DVR DataCenter (BigData2014-5106)
Zhao Zhen (Comcast-NBC Universal, United States)
Work in Progress - In-Memory Analysis for Healthcare Big Data (BigData2014-5107)
Muaz Mian, Ankur Teredesai, David Hazel, Sreenivasulu Pokuri, Krishna Uppala (University of Washington, Tacoma,
United States)
Large-scale Heterogeneous Program Retrieval through Frequent Pattern Discovery and Feature Correlation
Analysis (BigData2014-5108)
Bo Liu, Liang Wu, Qiuxiang Dong, Yuanchun Zhou (United States, China)

Work-In-Progress Session 3 BigData Management Framework (06/27 Friday, 13:00-14:00, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Towards Efficient KNN J oins on Data Streams (BigData2014-5109)
Chong Yang, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu (Shandong Universit, China; York University)
CouchFS: A High-Performance File System for Large Data Sets (BigData2014-5110)
Fangzhou Yao, Roy Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

A computational framework for integrating and retrieving biodiversity data on a large scale(BigData2014-5111)
Daniel Silva, Andreiwid Correa, Silvio L. Stanzani, Paulo Andr Filipak, Pedro Correa(University of So Paulo,
Versioning Complex Data (BigData2014-5112)
Macduff Matt, Sherman Beus, Benno Lee (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
United States)
On the Way to Big Data Applications in Industrial Computed Tomography (BigData2014-5113)
Alexander Ditter, DE) Dietmar Fey, Tobias Schn, Steven Oeckl (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Fraunhofer
Development Center X-ray Technology, Germany)

Work-In-Progress Session 4 BigData Decision Support System (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Zibin Zheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Towards a Novel Model for Distributed Big Data Service Composition using Functional Graph Matching
Carlos R. Rivero, Hasan M. Jamil
Enrichment Patterns for Big Data (BigData2014-5115)
Sivakumar Gandhi, Kerrie Holley, Kalapriya Kannan
YCSB and TPC-H: Big Data and Decision Support Benchmarks (BigData2014-5116)
Melyssa Barata, Jorge Bernardino, Pedro Furtado
Understanding Student Behaviors in Online Classroom: Data Scientific Approach (BigData2014-5117)
Jongbok Byun, Diane Pennington, Srabasti Dutta, Jorge Cardenas, Jeral Kirwan (Ashford University, United States)
Scientific Data Infrastructure for Sustainability Science Mobile Applications (BigData2014-5118)
Katherine Herbert, Emily Hill, Jerry Alan Fails, Joseph Ajala, Richard Boniface, Paul Cushman (Montclair State
University, United States)
Really Opened Government Data: A Collaborative Transparency at Sight (BigData2014-5119)
Andreiwid Correa, Pedro Correa, Daniel Silva, Flavio Silva (University of So Paulo; Instituto de Matemtica e
Estatstica - USP, Brazil)
Provenance as a Service: A Data-Centric Approach for Real-Time Monitoring
Rafat Hammad and Ching-Seh Wu
A Study on Trend Prediction in Sina Weibo Community
Chen Fu, Zhan Shaobin, and Shi Guangjun

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


2014 IEEE Tenth World Congress on Services

SERVICES Application and Industry Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Yuhong Yan, Concordia University, Canada
Service discovery using a semantic algorithm in a SOA modernization process from legacy web applications
Encarna Sosa,Pedro J. Clemente Martn,Miguel A. Snchez Cabrera,Jos M. Conejero Manzano,Roberto Rodrguez
Echeverra, and Fernando Snchez Figueroa
Detecting Semantic Matching In Service Oriented System Integration (SERVICES-6002)
Dario Saveliovsky, Zhou Jiayao, Yuhong Yan
A Genetic Algorithm to Find the Adequate Granularity for Service Interfaces (SERVICES-6003)
Daniele Romano, Martin Pinzger

SERVICES Application and Industry Session 2 (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30, King Salmon)
Session Chair: Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Predicting Student Blood Pressure by Support Vector Machine Using Facebook (SERVICES-6004)
Shazada Muhammad Umair Khan, Javeria Shaikh manzoor, Scott UK Jin Lee
Exploiting Hadoop Topology in Virtualized Environments (SERVICES-6005)
Rosangela de Fatima Pereira , Walter Akio Goya, Karen Langona, Nelson Mimura Gonzalez, Tereza Cristina Melo de
Brito Carvalho, Jan-Erik Mangs, Azimeh Sefidcon (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Ericsson Research, Sweden)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Per sonal i zed Web
Task i ng (PWT 2014)

PWT Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta, Canada
Personalized Search: An Interactive and Iterative Approach (SERVICES-6006)
Haiming Wang, Kenny Wong (University of Alberta)
Resource Description for End-User Driven Service Compositions (SERVICES-6007)
Otto Hylli, Samuel Lahtinen, Kari Syst, Anna Ruokonen (Tampere University of TechnologyCity University of
Hong Kong)

PWT Session 2 (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Mike Smit, Dalhousie University, Canada
Towards Quality of Experience driven Service Composition (SERVICES-6008)
Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou, Joanna Ng, Tinny Ng, Diana Lau (IBM Canada CAS Research, Canada)
Context-based Face Recognition for Smart Web Tasking Applications (SERVICES-6009)
Nina Taherimakhsousi, Hausi Muller (University of Victoria, Canada)
Personalized Web-Tasking Applications: An Online Grocery Shopping Prototype (SERVICES-6010)
Lorena Castaeda, Villegas Norha, Hausi A. Mller (University of Victoria, Canada; Icesi University, Colombia)

Workshop Session 3 (06/27 Friday, 13:00-14:00, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta, Canada
MapReduce-based Distributed K-shell Decomposition for Online Social Networks (SERVICES-6011)
Katerina Pechlivanidou, Dimitrios Katsaros, Leandros Tassiulas (University of Thessaly, Greece)
Adapting REST to REAST, Building Smarter Interactions for Personal Web Tasking (SERVICES-6012)
Joanna Ng (IBM Canada CAS Research, Canada)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Cl oud Sec ur i t y
Audi t i ng (CSA 2014)
CSA Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Rose Gamble, University of Tulsa
Using Memory Map Timings to Discover Information Leakage to a Live VM from the Hypervisor (SERVICES-
Marken Brandon, Brian Hay (University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States)
Audit Log Management in MongoDB (SERVICES-6014)
Prabhakaran Murugesan, Indrakshi Ray (Colorado State University;University of Tulsa,United States)
Off-line Risk Assessment of Cloud Service Provider (SERVICES-6015)
Amartya Sen, sanjay madria (Missouri S&T, United States)

CSA Session 2 (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Sanjay Madria, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Preventing the Mistraining of Anomaly-Based IDSs through Ensemble Systems (SERVICES-6016)
Conor Fellin, Michael Haney (University of Tulsa, United States)
Embedding a Distributed Auditing Mechanism in the Service Cloud (SERVICES-6017)
Sarra Alqahtani, R Gamble (University of Tulsa, United States)
A Survey of Cost Accounting in Service-Oriented Computing (SERVICES-6018)
Robson Wagner Albuquerque de Medeiros, Nelson Souto Rosa, Glaucia Melissa Medeiros Campos, Luis Ferreira
Pires (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, University of Twente, Netherlands)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on For mal Met hods
i n Ser vi c es and Cl oud Comput i ng (FM-S& C 2014)
FM-S&C Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30, Iliamna)
Session Chair: Guoray Cai, Penn State University, USA
Powerful Equivalence Checking in the Bank Supply Process (SERVICES-6019)
Giuseppe De Ruvo, Santone Antonella, Domenico Raucci (University of Sannio, Italy)
Towards a Service Pattern Model Supporting Quantitative Economic Analysis (SERVICES-6020)
Jianwei Yin, Zhiling Luo, Ying Li, Binbin Fan, Weiwei Liu, Zhaihui Wu (Zhejiang University, China)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Sec ur i t y and Pr i vac y
Engi neer i ng (SPE 2014)
SPE Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45, Lupine)
Session Chair: Meiko Jensen, Southern Denmark University, Denmark
Accountability, Risk, and Trust in Cloud Services: Towards an Accountability-Based Approach to Risk and
Trust Governance (SERVICES-6021)
Felici Massimo, Siani Pearson (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, United States)
Toward Increasing Awareness of Suspicious Content through Game Play (SERVICES-6022)
Matthew L. Hale, Rose F. Gamble (University of Tulsa, United States)

SPE Session 2 (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00, Lupine)
Session Chair: Ernesto Damiani, Universit degli Studi di Milano Italy
Expressing Security Requirements: Usability of Taxonomy-based Requirement Identification Scheme
Takeshi Takahashi, Joona Kannisto, Jarmo Harju, Akira Kanaoka, Yuuki Takano, Shin'ichiro Matsuo
InShopnito: An Advanced yet Privacy-Friendly Mobile Shopping Application (SERVICES-6024)
Andreas Put, Italo Dacosta, Milica Milutinovic, Bart De Decker, Stefaan Seys, Faysal Boukayoua, Kris Vanhecke,
Luc Martens (University of Leuven;Ghent University Belgium)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

SPE Session 3 (06/27 Friday, 13:00-14:00, Lupine)
Session Chair: Zhixiong Chen, Mercy College, USA
Implementing Quantity Based Aggregation Control for Cadastral Databases (SERVICES-6025)
Firas AL Khalil, Alban Gabillon, Patrick Capolsini (University of French Polynesia)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Ser vi c e
and Cl oud Based Dat a I nt egr at i on (SCDI 2014):
SCDI Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 14:10-15:10, Lupine)
Session Chair: Chen Liu
Discovery and Reuse of Service Hyperlinks for Efficient Data Mashup (SERVICES-6026)
Meiling Zhu, Chen Liu (Tianjin University; North China University of Technology, China)
VCSS: An Integration Framework for Open Cloud Storage Services (SERVICES-6027)
Dongju Yang, Chuan Ren (North China University of Technology, China)

SCDI Session 2 (06/27 Friday, 15:20-16:20, Lupine)
Session Chair: Jianwu Wang, University of California, San Diego
An Integrated Processing Platform for Traffic Sensor Data and Its Applications in Intelligent Transportation
Systems (SERVICES-6028)
Zhuofeng Zhao, Jianwu Wang, Jun Fang, Weiling Ding (North China University of Technology, China; University of
California, San Diego, United States)
Modeling and discovering data services over SPARQL services (SERVICES-6029)
Shuxia Liu, Feng Zhang, Zhengli Zhai (Shandong University of Science and Technology; Qingdao Technological
University, China)

SCDI Session 3 (06/27 Friday, 16:30-17:30, Lupine)
Session Chair: Jianwu WANG, University of California, San Diego
A Platform for Analysing Stream and Historic Data with Efficient and Scalable Design Patterns (SERVICES-
Rebecca Simmonds, Paul Watson, Jonathan Halliday, Paolo Missier (Newcastle University, Australia; University of
Newcastle, United Kingdom)

I EEE 2014 SERVI CES Wor k shop on
Fut ur e Ser vi c es (FS 2014)
FS Session 1 (06/27 Friday, 9:45-10:45, Chart)
Session Chair: Rami Bahsoon, The University of Birmingham, UK

Challenges for MapReduce in Big Data (SERVICES-6031)
Katarina Grolinger, Michael Hayes, Wilson A. Higashino, Alexandra L'Heureux, David S. Allison, Miriam A.M.
Capretz (Western University, Canada)
NoSQL Systems for Big Data Management (SERVICES-6032)
Venkat Gudivada, Dhana Rao, Vijay Raghavan (Marshall University, United States)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Dependabl e
and Sec ur e Ser vi c es (DSS 2014)
DSS Session 1 (06/28 Saturday, 8:30-9:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Nuno Laranjeiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Self-Stabilizing Virtual Machine Hypervisor Architecture for Resilient Cloud (SERVICES-6033)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Alexander Binun, Mark Mark, Shlomi Dolev, Martin Ramzi Kahil, Boaz Menuhin, Reuven Yagel, Thierry Coupaye,
Marc Lacoste, Aurlien Wailly (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel;Orange Labs)
Toward a Big Data Healthcare Analytics System: a Mathematical Modeling Perspective (SERVICES-6034)
Hamzeh Khazaei, Carolyn McGregor, Mikael Eklund, Khalil El-Khatib, Anirudh Thommandram (IBM; University of
Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada)

DSS Session 2 (06/29 Sunday, 13:15-14:15, Chart)
Session Chair: Nuno Laranjeiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Context-Aware Duplicate Detection in Semi-structured Data Streams (SERVICES-6035)
Parijat Shukla, Arun K. Somani (Iowa State University, United States)
A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Security Investment for Service Computing Applications (SERVICES-6036)
Xinfeng Ye (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on t he Fut ur e of
Sof t w ar e Engi neer i ng f or /i n t he Cl oud (FoSEC 2014)
FoSEC Session 1 (06/28 Saturday, 13:00-14:00, Chart)
Session Chair: Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
Quest for Requirements: Scrutinizing Advanced Search Queries for Cloud Services with Fuzzy Galois Lattices
Irina Todoran, Martin Glinz (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
An Agent-Oriented Method for Designing Large Socio-Technical Service-Ecosystems (SERVICES-6038)
Alexander Norta, Msury Mahunnah, Tanel Tenso, Nanjangud Narendra (Tallinn Universty of Technology, Estonia;
IBM, India)
Holistic and Change-centric Model for Web Service Evolution (SERVICES-6039)
Wei ZUO, Acha-Nabila BENHARKAT, Youssef AMGHAR (Universit de Lyon, France)

FoSEC Session 2 (06/28 Saturday, 14:10-15:10, Chart)
Session Chair: Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
Expressing Security Requirements: Usability of Taxonomy-based Requirement Identification Scheme
Takeshi Takahashi, Joona Kannisto, Jarmo Harju, Akira Kanaoka, Yuuki Takano, Shin'ichiro Matsuo (Tampere
University of Technology, Finland; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
Servitization Strategies and Product-Service-Systems (SERVICES-6041)
Natalia Kryvinska, Sebastian Kaczor, Christine Strauss, Michal Gregu (University of Vienna, Austria; Comenius
University in Bratislava, Slovakia)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on
Mobi l e Ser vi c es (EMSOS 2014)
EMSOS Session 1 (06/28 Saturday, 15:30-16:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Nour Ali, University of Brighton, UK or Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
User-driven Economic Data Analysis Framework (SERVICES-6042)
Heo Joon, Kwon Okyu (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Korea)
Mining Service Tags with Enriched Information from the Internet (SERVICES-5043)
Yao Zhao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecom, China)
Model of Location-Sharing-Based Services with Privacy Guarantee (SERVICES-6044)
Tiago Antonio Rosa, Sergio Donizetti Zorzo (Federal University of So Carlos, Brazil)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Per f or manc e
Aspec t s of Cl oud and Ser vi c e Vi r t ual i zat i on (Cl oudPer f
CloudPerf Session 1 (06/29 Sunday, 8:30-9:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Christophe Cerin, University of Paris XIII, France
A Tree-based Protocol for Enforcing Quotas in Clouds (SERVICES-6045)
Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew, Lei Xu, Francisco Hernandez-Rodriguez, Erik Elmroth, Claus Pahl (Ume University, Sweden;
Dublin City University, Ireland)
On Valid and Optimal Deployments for Mixed-Tenancy Problems in SaaS-Applications (SERVICES-6046)
Steffen Lange, Marian Margraf, Stefan T. Ruehl, Stephan A. W. Verclas (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
, Germany; Clausthal University of Technology; T-Systems International GmbH)

CloudPerf Session 2 (06/29 Sunday, 12:00-13:00, Chart)
Session Chair: Congfeng Jiang, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China
Auto-configurable, Reliable and Fault-tolerant Cloud Storage with Dynamic Parameterization (SERVICES-6047)
Yongmei Wei (Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore)
Performance Evaluation in a Cloud with the Provisioning of Different Resources Configurations
Bruno G. Batista, Julio C. Estrella, Marcos J. Santana, Regina H. C. Santana, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University
of Sao Paulo , Brazil; University of Leicester,United Kingdom)
Critical Nodes Detecting in Virtual Networking Environment (SERVICES-6049)
Rongheng Lin, Budan Wu, Yao Zhao, Hua Zou, Li Liu (State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching
Technology, China)

I EEE 2014 Fi r st I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Ser vi c e
Or c hest r at i on and Chor eogr aphy f or t he Fut ur e
I nt er net (Or Chor 2014)
OrChor Session 1 (06/30 Monday, 8:30-9:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Marco Autili University of LAquila, Italy
Towards an Enactment Engine for Dynamically Reconfigurable and Scalable Choreographies (SERVICES-6050)
Thiago Furtado, Emilio Francesquini, Nelson Lago, Fabio Kon (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Towards Adaptable and Evolving Service Choreography in the Future Internet (SERVICES-6051)
Amleto Di Salle, Paola Inverardi, Alexander Perucci (University of LAquila ITALY)
Designing a Contractual Choreography Language for Automating Cross-Organizational Business Collaboration
Alexander Norta, Lixin Ma, Yucong Duan (Hainan University; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,

OrChor Session 2 (06/30 Monday, 13:30-14:30, Chart)
Session Chair:Alfredo Goldman University of So Paulo, Brazil
Combining Automatic Service Composition with Adaptive Service Recommendation for Dynamic Markets of
Services (SERVICES-6053)
Alexander Jungmann, Felix Mohr, Bernd Kleinjohann (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Reliability of SOA systems using SPN and GA (SERVICES-6054)
Xu Jiajun, Shuzhen Yao (Beihang University, China)

OrChor Session 3 (06/30 Monday, 14:45-15:45, Chart)
Session Chair:Massimo Tivoli University of LAquila, Italy
Business Process Consolidation Based on E-RPSTs (SERVICES-6055)
Ying Huang, Keqing He, Zaiwen Feng, Yiwang Huang (Wuhan University, China)
Aggregate QoS Estimation of Service Compositions An Analysis of Pattern-oriented Approaches
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Perla Velasco-Elizondo, David Barredo-Hernandez, Hugo Hugo A. Mitre (University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas;
Mathematical Research, Mexico)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Sc i ent i f i c Wor k f l ow s
(SWF 2014)
SWF Session 1 (07/01 Tuesday, 8:30-9:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Rami Bahsoon, The University of Birmingham, UK

Enhancing Smart Re-run of Kepler Scientific Workflows based on Near Optimum Provenance Caching in
Cloud (SERVICES-6057)
Wanghu Chen, Ilkay Altintas, Jianwu Wang, Jing Li(University of California, San Diego, United States)
Adapting Medical Image Processing Tasks to a Scalable Scientific Workflow System (SERVICES-6058)
Hajar Hamidian, Shiyong Lu, Satyendra Rana, Farshad Fotouhi, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh (Wayne State University,
United States; Henry Ford Hospital, United States)

SWF Session 2 (07/01 Tuesday, 13:30-14:30, Chart)
Session Chair: Rami Bahsoon, The University of Birmingham, UK
Devising a Cloud Scientific Workflow Platform for Big Data (SERVICES-6059)
Yong Zhao, Youfu Li, Shiyong Lu, Ioan Raicu, Cui Lin (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
China; Wayne State Universit; Illinois Institute of Technology, United States)
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Scientific Workflows in Clouds (SERVICES-6060)
Fei Cao, Michelle M. Zhu, Chase Q. Wu Southern Illinois University; University of Memphis, United States)

I EEE 2014 I nt er nat i onal Wor k shop on Ubi qui t ous
Mobi l e Cl oud (UMC 2014)
UMC Session 1 (07/01 Tuesday, 14:45-15:45, Chart)
Session Chair: Khalid Elgazzar, Queens University Canada
How Local Hotel Brands Compete with International Hotel Chains? (SERVICES-6061)
Niran Chawla (Assumption University, Canada)
Architectural Designs from Mobile Cloud Computing to Ubiquitous Cloud Computing Survey
Richard K. Lomotey, Ralph Deters (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Blinked Data: Concepts, Characteristics, and Challenges (SERVICES-6063)
Rafiqul Haque, Mohand-Said Hacid (Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)

UMC Session 2 (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, Chart)
Session Chair: Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario Canada
Testing Cloud Benchmark Scalability with Cassandra (SERVICES-6064)
Veronika Abramova, Jorge Bernardino, Pedro Furtado (University of Coimbra; Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra,
Portugal Portugal)
An Architecture to Support the Collection of Big Data in the Internet of Things (SERVICES-6065)
Cyril Cecchinel, Matthieu Jimenez, Sbastien Mosser, Michel Riveill

Industry Summit (07/01 Tuesday, 16:00-17:00, Lupine)
Session Chair: Raymond Wong, University of New South Wales, Australia
Cloud Computing for Big Data Entrepreneurship in the Supply Chain: Using SAP HANA for Pharmaceutical
Track-and-Trace Analytics (SERVICES-6066)
Alina M. Chircu, Eldar Sultanow, Ren Peinl, Flavius Chircu (Bentley University, USA; XQS Service GmbH,
A Practical Task Offloading Decision Engine for Mobile Devices to Use Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS)
IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA

Majid Altamimi, Kshirasagar Naik (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Innovating with Cloud Computing: Insights from Two Entrepreneurship Models (SERVICES-6069)
Flavius Chircu, Alina Chircu (Bentley University, United States)

Plenary Poster (06/27 Friday, 11:00-12:00, Chart)
Session Chair: Raymond Wong, University of New South Wales, Australia
Rapid Cloud Data Processing with Healthcare Information Protection (SERVICES-6068)
Al Amin Hossain, Sharif Mohammad Shahnewaz Ferdous, Samiul Islam, Nicole Maalouf
Optimal Control of Applications for Hybrid Cloud Services (SERVICES-6070)
Evgeniy Pluzhnik, Evgeniy Nikulchev, Simon Payain (paid) (Moscow Techlogical Inctitute, Russia)
Computational Complexity Analysis of the Graph Extraction Algorithm for 3D Segmentation (SERVICES-6071)
Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Liana Stanescu, Marius Brezovan, cosmin Stoica Spahiu

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Services Computing Journals

The first four international journals only consider papers of extended versions from reputable conferences.

International Journal of Services Computing (IJSC, ISSN 2330-4472)
The International J ournal of Services Computing (IJ SC) covers state-of-the-art technologies
and best practices of Services Computing, as well as emerging standards and research topics
which would define the future of Services Computing.

International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC, ISSN 2326-7550)
The International J ournal of Cloud Computing (IJ CC) is a refereed, international publication featuring the latest
research findings and industry solutions involving all aspects of cloud computing. IJ CC's major topics include
but not limited to architecture, modeling, development, deployment, analytics, optimization, outsourcing,
delivery model, consulting, and solutions of Cloud Computing.

International Journal of Big Data (IJBD, ISSN 2326-442X)
The International J ournal of Big Data (IJ BD) aims to provide the first Open Access publication channel for all
authors working in the field of all aspects of Big Data. IJ BD's major topics include but not limited to
architecture, modeling, development, deployment, analytics, optimization, outsourcing, delivery model,
consulting, and solutions of big data.

International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR)

IEEE International Journal on Services Computing (TSC)

International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM)

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


Exit the airport heading East. Exit Minnesota Boulevard North. Take Minnesota Boulevard North into downtown.
Turn right on Third Avenue. The hotel front door is at the corner of Third Avenue and ''E'' Street. Total travel time,
approx. 10 minutes.

IEEE 2014 SERVICES/CLOUD/ICWS/SCC/BigData Congress/MS Anchorage, AK, USA


BigData 2015

J une 27, 2015 (Saturday) - J uly 2, 2015 (Thursday)
Services Society

The Services Society (SS) is a non-profit professional organization that has been created to
promote worldwide research and technical collaboration on Services Computing (SC) among
academia and industrial professionals. Its members are volunteers from industry and
academia with common interests. SS is registered in the USA as a "501(c) organization",
which means that it is an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization."

The SS collaborates with other professional organizations such as the IEEE to sponsor
conferences and to promote an effective services curriculum in colleges and universities. The
SS initiates and promotes a "Services University" program worldwide to bridge the gap
between industrial needs and university instruction. The Services Society offers services
computing based educational training and certificates. The Services University (SU) program
was launched at the 2007 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007) in Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA. The SU program comprises three major activities: Services Computing Schools,
certificate development, and education methodology summit. In 2008, we organized the
Summer School on Services Computing in J uly in Hawaii and the Fall School on Services
Computing in September in Beijing. In J uly 2009, we organized the Summer School on
Services Computing in Los Angeles, USA. In Sept. 2009, the Fall School on Cloud
Computing was conducted in Bangalore, India.

The Services Society has been sponsoring various international conferences such as the
International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), International Conference on Services
Computing (SCC), World Congress on Services (SERVICES), International Conference on
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), International Conference on Mobile Services (MS), and
International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress) as well as international journals such
as International J ournal of Big Data (IJBD,, International
J ournal of Cloud Computing (IJ CC,, and International J ournal
of Services Computing (IJ SC, It also offers volunteer services
to support conferences and builds professional communities like special interest groups, local
chapters, Young Scientist Forum (YSF). The YSFs have been proactive in helping organizing
satellite sessions for BigData Congress and other professional activities.

In 2013, the YouthLancer Foundation was founded to proof read papers for professors or
researchers whose native language is not
English. As an organization composed
entirely of volunteers, there is no charge
for correcting papers.

The Services Society opens to everyone,

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